What's Up Doc? (2 Hour Reddit Compilation of Medical Stories)

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doctors over at it what is your worst case of i googled my symptoms i had a grade school kid tell me he had a brain tumor turns out he put a dried bean in his ear and forgot about it this is the best thing i've read on this thread so far not a doctor but i had a co-worker come into the office with this one he was having nausea fatigue frequent urination and decided to web md that crap we're chatting in the office one day and he says something like yeah i've been feeling like crap lately and it sounds like gestational diabetes but i can't find any cases of men getting it i just slowly lowered my head into my hand and asked him do you even know what gestational means he did not paramedic student here last week we had a call for an imminent delivery pt started having abdominal pain that would last a little bit and stop and about two three minutes later would start again she googled her symptoms and everything she found was saying she was in labor she called her husband and he told her to call nine one one we walked in as the baby was crowning she had no idea she was pregnant not a doctor but when my fiance said he was having chest pains and when he breathed it crackled i googled and all of the symptoms led to serious illnesses such a collapsed lung thought nothing of it diagnosed it ourselves as an allergy and didn't go to a doctor till later in the day it was in fact a fully deflated collapsed lung not a doctor but worked at a hospital for a while one of our doctors came back to the nurse's station laughing because someone was fully convinced they were diabetic because they were craving water and webb said that makes them diabetic but turns out they are just human and required to live people are funny just last week a lady came in with shoulder pain after examining her and comforting her she told me that she was afraid it was cancer since she had been googling shoulder pain man wtf google actually i'm a doctor but this story is from medical school i had a patient who correctly diagnosed herself with mastitis although she was very worried that she had inflammatory carcinoma of the breasts to be fair they can look similar another time i had a patient correctly diagnose a lump in her breast as a fibroadenoma i was very impressed if you are a breast surgeon with that username my day is made i'm not a doctor but i'm a medical assistant and i room patience for the doctor this is in the occupational health field and we had a young gentleman come in who was pretty sure he had a groin hernia according to his google search he said he'd been lifting produce crates and experienced sharp overwhelming pain in his groin the doctor came back out after seeing him and was clearly fighting laughter by the time he got to the desk turns out the kid had chlamydia which had caused things to become swollen and just happened to get symptomatic while he was at work poor guy had a patient come in and tell us she is having vision issues that are new okay let's have a look oh looks like you placed a contact over a contact 27 times not a doctor but in 2013 i was feeling awful shaking puking dry heaving shaking excruciating and debilitating pain went to the air had blood work done that i never knew what it said and the doctor told me it was a gallbladder attack gave me pain meds and sent me home three days later i was even worse couldn't eat couldn't sleep the only relief i felt was when i was in scalding hot bath i finally went back to the ear and they did more blood work and told me my gallbladder was septic and my pancreatic enzymes were 6500 and rising they should have only been 100 150 and i was dying i was admitted and when they did my gallbladder removal my gallbladder was solid black and had 80 stones and a tool-like substance from sepsis come to find out the first time i went to the my enzymes were 2 000 i should never have been allowed to leave the hospital my brother is both the doctor and the patient in my story around two months ago he had started to feel really tired and ill like really ill he had said to his partner that he felt like he had leukemia which was of course just kind of shrugged off because why how would he have leukemia he had been suffering with a throat infection for a few weeks and was given antibiotics by a gp of his practice after a week or so it hadn't helped and he was tired and slightly breathless whilst walking the dog one sunday afternoon the next morning he registered himself as a patient and took his own bloods after being prompted by his receptionist parents doctor friend and sent them for testing unfortunately he had been completely correct and when his results returned he saw that he did have leukemia acute myeloid leukemia to be precise he saw the results and knew immediately as he went to confirm them with the gp next door the specialist hospital had already called and asked for the patient to be brought into hospital immediately unfortunately his hemoglobin levels and general cell count were so low and he was in a really bad way many transfusions and one round of chemotherapy down and he is determined to beat this horrible disease there's a long long way to go but he won't give up and neither will we i love that guy so much and wish i could trade places with him there's potential that i may be used as his bone marrow donor i hope i can be because anything i can do to help i want to do it's not too likely to be me but i feel so helpless right now so it would be good to help i guess anyways no google but turns out these doctor guys are pretty damn good at their jobs even when it's certainly not their specialism i so so hope he makes it also hope you can be the donor not a doctor but i deal with migraines i would not be surprised if someone experienced a bigrain for the first time google their symptoms while they still had the clarity to do so and went to the air thinking they are having a stroke i had a stroke and thought it was a migraine so this problem totally goes both ways i had a ut because i had the symptoms and googled it day of doctor appointment it was just a regular checkup but i asked for a ut test since i explained how i was feeling convo went like this could it be possible to request a ut testing i've been feeling the symptoms of burning when i pee and some discomfort how do you feel now any pain well no not at the well if you did have a ut the symptoms wouldn't go away you are fine two or so days later i get a full blown kidney infection from a who would have guessed a ut sent out a complaint frick that be doctor i always ask for a test if i am suspicious of anything and i have them documented if they say no from now on that was a horrible experience edit i am so sorry so many of you experienced similar stuff but hey glad we made it thanks for the upvotes i went to a walk-in two weeks ago cause i couldn't get an appointment with my doctor i said i have a ut they said okay pee in this cup yup you have a ut take this pill for five days and you should be good i didn't need to plead my case this confuses the frick out of me when i go to a doctor they specifically ask if i've done research about whatever like they expected awkward position cause if i have researched i feel like an idiot using dr google and having medical student syndrome if i haven't researched i get the distinct impression nice disappointed the doc ever since we studied multiple sclerosis in euro i'm convinced i have it despite my only symptom being perestis funny feels in my legs at night if your legs just feel weird word at night and you have literally no other symptom it's more unlikely just restless leg syndrome it can feel like an ache or pins and needles and makes you feel like you need to move but moving doesn't actually help usually happens at night or early in the morning it's pretty common not a doctor but my friend once said a guy came with a backache and wanted to get operated cause he thought he had kidney failure i can't decide if i actually want to know how he got from point a to point b edit i accidentally read headache and now feel like an idiot i've nexte not a doctor but throughout my childhood and teen years i had these weird episodes where i would suddenly have really bad deja vu and get very nauseous for the next few hours afterward i would feel like i was in a fog and my memory would be crap eventually i googled my symptoms and learned they might be minor epileptic seizures i went to a doctor and he laughed it off and told me it was probably just having panic attacks related to the normal emotions of being a teenager i was so sure he was wrong that i opted to go get an egg turns out i have a mild form of epilepsy and google was totally right sounds like you were returning to last check points to me not a doctor but the brother of the patient and worst being on the money my older sister diagnosed herself as having symptoms of systematic heart failure her new primary doctor agreed and gave her some basic guidelines of what to do and had her visit her cardiologist the cardiologist pooh-poohed her saying there was probably nothing to worry about and scheduled a test in a few days just to be on the safe side one of the things her primary had her looking out for was sudden weight gain and when she woke up two days later suddenly six pounds heavier we went straight to the emergency room who ran tests including an echocardiogram her injection fraction was 12 and they immediately sent her to the biggest hospital in the area where they ended up saving her life from congestive heart failure she had had at least two silent heart attacks due to the amount of damage they found tldr i still have my sister because she's self-diagnosed correctly ejection fraction rather than injection as in how much of the blood is pumped out from a cardiac chamber atrium or ventricle but typically ventricle with each beat measured in percentage 12 is bad i hope your sister's condition is well managed and good on her for her catch not a doctor but i was having horrible debilitating headaches for a while googled my symptoms and they ranged from stress to brain cancer ended up being sinusitis i had that i got horrible headaches and toothaches i thought something was in my head like a cancer that was pushing on my brain and teeth turns out i had stress and vitamin d deficiency not a doctor i had an insect bite basically next to my nipple it was itching like crazy and my usual bite cream said not to be used on nipples so i decided to google what else i could do to relieve it found out that apparently no one else has ever had an insect bite on their nipple but that what looks like an insect bite on all right next to your nipple is almost certainly inflammatory breast cancer phoned up my gp we used to be neighbors so i kind of knew him and was in a right state because i thought i had this incredibly aggressive form of breast cancer he listened to me for a minute asked a couple of questions and then said it's an insect bite come back to me if it's still there in three weeks oh and tried deodorant on it the deodorant calmed it right down and it had gone by about five days afterwards daughter said she was worried about her medicine because she read on the bottle it causes down syndrome i told her you must have misread and she cut me off because she was sure of it get home and read the bottle may cause drowsiness not really related to this topic but i am a medical student and recently got star in my eye sty is usually self-diagnosable but i called up my cousin who is a doctor just to confirm anyways when i was telling this incident to one of my friends he started scolding me saying as a medical professional i should set the example of going to the doctor and getting proper medicines and treatment and all i could say was dude i'm becoming a doc i know how doctors are doctors especially when they know your medical student tend to over diagnose or pretend as if we have medical student syndrome but anyways got the meds and my eyes healing not a doctor when i talk to doctors i say google told me blah blah blah is that accurate usually helps establish that i've tried to do research but trust them more than google i had two separate doctors tell me that i was having panic attacks when in fact i was having simple partial seizures caused by a line-sized cancerous tumor in my brain i got so much xanax though i got so much xanax yo you have 239 new messages waiting not a doctor nor was my brother despite him thinking his google foo is a degree but a couple years ago my brother decided that since i had been laid off and needed to borrow some money from him to tide me over that it meant that i was utterly depressed and suicidal thus he deduced that i needed to be institutionalized and took me to a doctor he lied and said he wanted me to just get a normal checkup since i hadn't had one in a while i was i believe rightly p off and embarrassed but since i needed the money i went along with it so he decides to just come into the psychiatrist's office with me while she is trying to ask me some questions and see how i am he starts throwing out terms like maladaptive coping and how i am suicidal and needed treatment if she finally tells him to leave and i speak with her for a bit now i was a bit morose because i had lost my job and was embarrassed about asking for help but i wasn't suicidal and the psychiatrist agreed stating that i just needed support and not google for quackery i hadn't turned to drugs stealing or any other illegal destruction activities to deal with my depression just that i was a bit withdrawn and down because of my recent low tldr laid off needed some financial help brother googled big sounding words and tried to act like a doctor to an actual doctor no longer interact with that clown and my mental health is quite improved because of it how is your relationship now the health care system where i live is broken someone i know didn't have a doctor had been looking for one for seven years and started having worrisome symptoms the erin clinics wouldn't order tests because follow-up appointments would be needed and they didn't do that she finally went to her and stood her ground saying she wasn't leaving until they did tests google suggested she had a brain tumor or a hyperactive thyroid they reluctantly did the tests and she had to fight for the follow-up turns out it was a thyroid disorder for which she was in bad need of treatment without google she didn't have much ammunition for the fight i'm not a doctor but i went to a doctor because i was certain i had delayed sleep phase disorder he told me i couldn't have a sleeping disorder without being depressed and made me take a depression test it said i wasn't depressed so he said obviously i don't have a sleeping disorder i went to a sleep specialist a few months later and they diagnosed me with delayed sleep phase disorder and helped me get it under control i'm way too late to the game but mine is funny not a dock but was in a car accident a few years back and while chatting with a paramedic still in my rolled over car i told her that i had sharp pain in my right thigh and couldn't move my right arm or right leg assumed i had broken my femur and dislocated my right shoulder she agreed wasn't until they got me into a ct scan that they realized eyeglass had taken a chunk of my right leg out and i had broken my neck in two places and i really had damaged the nerves on the right side of my body oops at the hospital in my town there was a kid who came in saying he had knee pains the doctor said it was from playing basketball and five months later at a different hospital they found that he had knee cancer and it was too late to treat him he died a few weeks later really sad story i had a friend whose 11 year old kid presented with similar pains in her knees and thighs the doctor told my friend she was probably over exerting herself at basketball it was rhabdomyosarcoma she died a year later edited to correct the spelling obligatory not a doctor but the patient went to the doc several times as a teen complaining of being extremely lethargic i slept like 13 hours a day extremely pale cold all the dang time etc all classic signs of anemia from what i had looked up but the doctor said i was overreacting and just being a teenager and refuse to even check well guess who ends up back at the doctors like a year later after an emergency blood test showed my hemoglobin was at like 6.2 just being a teenager my butt not a doctor but once back in fourth grade during winter break i had some sort of illness that made me throw up sleepy all the time and a few other symptoms i can't remember so i was at my mom's computer and i decided to google my symptoms since my mom wasn't there turns out i had mono or also referred to as the kissing disease so after that i was crying to my mom hacking my guts out while my mom tried to calm me down and to this day legend has it i still don't know what i had and i have never had it again obligatory not a doctor i was the patient i googled my symptoms of hearing loss tinnitus vertigo eye focus issues and headaches i was fairly convinced i had an acoustic neuroma a rare benign but if not treated potentially life-threatening tumor on the eighth cranial nerve the end was convinced it was sinus related but sent me for an mri on the very slight chance there was something else going on at this point i mentioned that i had read about the aforementioned tumor and she looked to be stifling in i roll it's always a brain tumor when we google our symptoms right the morning after my mri i received a call from the end and she sounded shook not only did i have the tumor it was as big as a golf ball and pushing against my brain stem i'd say about three stroke four times a year i get a new young male that has googled their symptoms and determined they need a smear test yes you read that right a few men look for advice for their symptoms online and will end up on mumsnet or the like and see women saying get a smear test without them actually knowing what it is i always have to leave the room to excuse myself whilst i have a laugh a friend of mine when i was younger had been having chronic migraines the doctors brushed it off telling her to take some pain meds and you'll be fine keep in mind she was only in middle school in the middle of class one day she collapsed aneurysm ambulance rushed her to the hospital turns out she had a brain tumor the size of a peach had chemo radiation the works finally able to have it removed so they cut a large part of her skull out to remove the tumor and had to wear a cast helmet for months six years later she's fine now took my 92-year-old grandma to her because it was saturday told them i suspected ut doc didn't listen finally she had to go potty and they brought her potty chair in after she was through the nurse when to empty it she took one look at how her urine looked and went out and almost made the doc right order for test of course it came back as ut it can be difficult to diagnose a dementia patient because they lose ability to tell doc what's going on they also become afraid of doctors because they think they will put them in a nursing home or such a ut can actually exacerbate symptoms of dementia too edit thought it best to add the source i'm a clinical support worker and a part of my job involves dipping patients urine samples for evidence of a ut i learned the dementia bit from one of our review team paramedic here and the worst instance i can think of was a young fit woman who decided she was having a stroke after and openly admitting she had googling headache i correctly diagnosed myself with dyshydrotic eczema the pictures i saw matched the issue i had then i read that there are often chemical triggers then i thought about all of the stuff i had done recently then i remembered the lake in my backyard is full of chemical fertilizer runoff from the surrounding golf course and i was in it about a week prior then i did it again because i'm stupid then i got a really bad case of the eczema then i never touched the lake again the end my stepfather was working in the garden one day and came inside complaining of feeling hot tired nauseous and his legs hurt we didn't google his symptoms but assumed he'd had too much sun he went to bed and woke up several times and his symptoms were no better my mum called an ambulance when he woke up at 1am vomiting uncontrollably he was dead less than five hours later from septicemia i think my doctor thinks i'm a bit of a drama queen for googling symptoms and coming in to get stuff checked now but i'd rather er on the side of caution not a doctor but my girlfriend was feeling a strong sharp pain around her stomach in the middle of the night i googled it and in my opinion it was a kidney stone or maybe something gynecological related i wasn't sure of anything but i had acquired enough knowledge to know that it might be bad and we had to do something so we go to the hospital we wait hours and hours until we saw a doctor and she asked her can you rate your pain in a scale from one to ten she responded seven and then she looked at her for a second and said while laughing a bit well no your face doesn't look like a seven and she left another doctor concluded was just a gastroenteritis and give her some paracetamol after we had waited a full night at the hospital and then we left but she was still in a lot of pain maybe more at this moment i gave up in my opinion a gastroenteritis shouldn't cause that much pain but i trusted the doctor diagnosis because he is a doctor and he had years of study and practice behind him unlike us but two days later she pee a huge kidney stone from her urethra while screaming at the top of her lungs she had never felt so much pain in her all life some say it's more painful than giving birth we saw a lot of different doctors during the whole night and no one had listened to my suggestions so yeah i get it there's some annoying patients who wrongly self-diagnose themselves and felt more educated than the doctor they are facing but on the other side they also are some crappy doctors who don't listen to their patients when they should so i can understand that some people prefer to do their own research and doesn't fully trust their doctor not a doctor but i am currently in med school when i was about 12 years old i felt a painless lump inside my nipple i thought this was something of low importance so i continued to live my life a few days later when i was in the shower i felt another painless lump inside my other nipple i thought this was weird so i decided to google my symptoms i thought about male breast cancer and i knew it was a low chance of me having it but i decided to look up some signs of the cancer and there it was in my exact words symptoms of breast cancer include a painless lump in the breast i was terrified i informed my parents and i was in tears i didn't know what my future would look like and this thought shook me even more would i ever become a doctor i then searched for treatment of breast cancer on google and it said the only treatment was to amputate the breast i was even more torn the next day my mom showed me an article about my breast cancer and it turns out that i was just going through puberty and this was completely normal to this day my family and i still laugh about the incident if you know how to do a proper search on the internet and discern balls from truth you can actually get pretty far i helped my doctor diagnose my issues by providing him the information i'd found from people similarly experiencing my condition without my searching the doctor would have just sent me home with antibiotics again not a doctor but work as a health advisor for nhs 111 and a teenager once phoned probably like 13 stroke 14 because he had a bruise under his fingernail he'd google it and thinks it could be cancer turns out he knocked it a few hours earlier but had just completely forgotten not a doctor but my family aziz were traveling in india my sister 13 started experiencing stomach pains of course we assumed it was delhi belly three days later she still can't keep down food and is pretty much bed bound mum starts to get worried and hits up the old goggle symptoms line up with appendicitis and there's a touch of panic we called the doctor and he sent us to the hospital saying worst case scenario is appendicitis my sister gets out of bed to go to hospital and she instantly turns white breaks out in a sweat and becomes unresponsive once she comes right we head to hospital and they originally says she's just getting her period nope takes them a few hours but she has a ruptured appendix we spend mum's birthday in dodgy hospital in india whilst my sister is in surgery she's all good now nsw mog workers pathologists medical examiners etc what is the weirdest cause of death you have been able to diagnose how did you diagnose it worked at a funeral home for a few years first ever house call i took was to pick up a guy who died at home heard from his son that he hadn't been to the doctors in 20 years we take him to the medical examiner and discover he had a hernia on his scrotum causing it to be the size of a football not sure how he lived with that thing but he was wearing jeans and a jock strap to keep that thing in his toenails looked like dragon toenails as he obviously couldn't bend over to clip them you know it's fricked up when the medical examiner calls another medical examiner on duty to say hey dude come check this out the short of it man died from endometrial cancer man had a transplant prior woman who gave transplant had metastatic cancer that had spread to said organ unknowingly man survived transplant but cancer cells from the transplanted organ populated and he ending up dying from her cancer that is incredibly crappy luck my dad told us that they once had a guy bleeding out on the table from a stab wound they stopped the bleeding but his vitals were still taking a dive someone points out there's too much blood they turned him it's coming out of his butt someone had stuck a light bulb up this guy's butt broken it and stabbed him when he tried to escape and he still escaped they stabilized him but he died of septic shock this was told to us over dinner mind you i'm an apprentice funeral director but we had an autopsy tech coming to my school once to do an autopsy demonstration he was asked this very question and this was his answer male mid 50s presented with jaundice and other signs of alcoholism but supposedly no history of drinking during preliminary observation texts noted a red liquid coming from the anal area assuming blood it was tested came back as red wine and blood turns out the deceased was a closet alcoholic who would give himself animals with whatever alcohol he had in this case red wine the doctors concluded he pierced part of his colon rectum with whatever he enamored himself with and led to a bleed assuming blood it was tested came back as red wine and blood hum yes an oaky start with hints of plum and lower intestine complex hemoglobin finish that lingers on the palate edit thank you for the gold i will spend it on fava beans working the ambulance for a barricaded mail after an hour of standby trying not to fall asleep a cop bangs on our window frantically to call us into the house guy put a shotgun in his mouth but must have flinched last minute and blew his face off he was left with just a scream hole that was fluttering flaps of torn flesh not unlike a predator mouth for a face only time i ever saw a nurse shriek at the sight of it well scream hole is the most terrifying phrase i've read all month i'm a nurse and this 80 year old man had anal fissures and was admitted to the aiku because he shoved an entire frozen d cell sized mag light up his butt and perforated his bowel he went to surgery to have it removed and later died from septic shock the maglite however survived those maglites are awesome edit not for anal usage mind you but their durability did an internship at the office of the chief medical examiner guy committed suicide in a river by wearing a backpack of rocks was found soon and didn't have much bloating etc due to the submersion upon examination he had a lung infection where his right lung had disintegrated into green liquid we removed 1.5 liters of green fluid from his chest cavity his left lung was fine it was determined after looking at his medical records that he had been to the doctor's office five times before he committed suicide and that this infection had been going on for almost a year until it got this bad numerous doctors had overlooked it accounts from those who knew him suspected that he killed himself to stop the pain i'm a nurse and i spent the first portion of my career working in an inpatient psychiatric facility one of my first patients was a woman diagnosed with pica and who also engaged in auto cannibalism to an extreme that none of the professionals at the facility had ever seen before when i met her she had already eaten four of her fingers off and three toes she had also bitten off and eaten most of her tongue and the outer part of her lips she needed to be almost constantly restrained due to having such a high risk of self-harm anyway one day a family member came and said they wanted to take her home after visiting while she was out of restraints yet being highly monitored against all medical advice the patient was taken out of the facility and home with her family she died due to blood loss a few weeks later after spending her weeks out of the facility picking a massive hole in her leg another is a story a colleague told me a man came into the air with a huge eggplant inserted and stuck in his rectum funny part was that he said his friend surprised him and shoved it in there as a prank he ended up needing major surgery and received a colostomy died of infection a few weeks later quite a few awful stories relating to things being shoved up where they shouldn't actually don't stick huge things up your butt people there is no way an eggplant up the butt feels better than eggplant palm tastes seriously man just make eggplant palm then have some sex later best of both worlds with no awkward trip to the air worked in the county coroner's office for a while we got a call and i got to tag along the call was for a body in a barn face down in a 55-gallon drum when we got to the scene we pulled him out and he was bloated and covered in crap and smelled worse than any other corpse eye the veteran coroner had ever smelled this was the middle of august so decomp had moved along pretty quickly the cops had found a camcorder on a tripod nearby and thought this may be some kind of gang killing we watched the tape and it turns out the victim had a scat fetish and had been crapping and pee in the drum for quite some time he would open the lid lean over the edge and jack off cause of death was heart attack drowning was jerking it went into cardiac arrest fell into the drum and drowned in a vat of liquor [ __ ] former biological anthropologist as an undergrad i worked for a forensic anthropologist this is the weirdest case she had that i got to see for myself it was from the 1920s my boss had inherited a coroner's collection of odd interesting bones he collected during his tenure in a major city back then coroners could just take whatever they wanted from bodies without telling the families if the individual was poor indigent and immigrant the minority they really helped themselves sometimes taking the whole body this coroner took a lot of stuff even re-articulating some of the pieces reconstructing how they looked when they were attached to the rest of the person so anyway she has this collection she inherited and several of the pieces are designated what she calls death by testosterone poisoning they did not literally die of testosterone poisoning but they all died because of risky stupid ridiculous actions think jackass only with no monetary payout the weirdest one was from early last century a white man in his 40s who died from sepsis from multiple arm fractures that he got in an arm wrestling contest why multiple fractures because even after cracking his humorous upper arm bone a bit he couldn't bear losing so he just wrapped it up with some kind of splint had some guy hold the fracture just a crack at that point and went for best two out of three whereupon he snapped the humerus all the way through and broke his radius and ulna when he slammed his arm down on the edge of the table in anger the preserved bones came with the whole story recounted in the coroner's notes one of the lower arm bones radius or ulna i can't remember which protruded through the skin and being too cheap too stupid to see a doctor the wound became gangrenous and the infection entered his bloodstream he died of septicemia a few weeks later looking at the bone i could see all of the fractures as well as where the infection had her attack the periosteum and the bone itself with no sign of healing tl dr stupid pointless arm wrestling contest results in multiple arm fractures gangrene and death from septicemia labeled jokingly as death by testosterone poisoning by the owner of the anatomical collection the bones are a part of slightly off-topic but related story someone i know had their arm broken while arm wrestling a couple of weeks later having had it put in a cast she broke her other arm arm wrestling the same guy she's still alive and amazingly still wants to marry the guy man fell into a septic tank and died because of suffocation rather than drowning found after three days that was one autopsy my staff let me skip as i started to wretch the moment i opened the door to the autopsy suite despite wearing an airtight mask septic tanks and ships holds are incredibly dangerous places you get a lack of oxygen or a buildup of toxic asphyxiating gases which can render you unconscious in seconds then your work buddy who's watching climbs into help and passes out as well a ship with a hold full of steel scrap can be lethal because the slowly rusting steel pulls all the oxygen out of the air was a police officer and helped with a case where there was a guy in his 50s who died laying on his couch he had told friends he wasn't feeling well for a couple days and figured it was some cardiac related event nope ready for an irrational fear guy had undiagnosed hemochromatosis high iron that destroyed his liver his ongoing cirrhosis and the liver's inability to process blood as fast as it was being pumped caused varicose veins in the lining of his esophagus this was a decades-long process one day one or more of the esophageal viruses ruptures and the guy slowly bleeds to death through his digestive system while thinking he had a stomach bug or something only to die taking a nap get regular physicals folks i'm a criminal defense attorney had a client charged with murder for essentially getting into a shoving match with a guy no external bruising or scratching no evidence of trauma anywhere they opened his head and found a subarachnoid himalayage turned out he had a ton of booze and blow in the tox report the coke had constricted the blood vessels and driven the blood pressure up and the boos had thinned the blood out when he bumped his head slumping back that was all it took and he blew out and was dead in less than a minute really sad case i'm a criminal defense attorney username public pretender ha nice well not a dead body but i was a security guard at a hospital in alaska one of my duties was to bring deceased folk to the morgue so i had a key to it get the radio call that some patience wife wants her husband's wedding ring back i assumed it would be on a deceased person i go to the morgue to look for it i look all over no gold ring i even open the coolers no bodies i then look in the fridge body parts and a little cooler i look inside that it looks like very old banana peels i glove up and pull some out turns out this guy had gotten his hand shredded in machinery i had to get the mangled ring off his mangled hand and clean it off and go give it to him that's above and beyond the call of duty as a security guard my dad used to be a cop and had a few horror stories from weird deaths he had to attend one that i remember clearly was a suicide the guy had been fighting with his girlfriend and they had broken up but three days later she had calmed down and went to his place to try and work things out she found him dead in his car in the garage where he had gassed himself by this time he had been in the car for three days in the heat of summer and the body had bloated to the point that it basically filled the driver's seat of the car the other side of the car was hard up against the wall so to get the car out of the garage and give them room to work one of the other police officers had to force his arm and upper body past the body to release the handbrake after they rolled the car out underneath where the car had been was a huge puddle of bodily fluids that had seeped out over the three days apparently all the officers had to burn those uniforms afterwards friend is an autopsy tech apparently it's not uncommon for cats or small dogs to eat the hands and face off a dead or incapacitated owner his worst was an elderly woman who was paralyzed but not killed by a stroke and her little dog ate all her exposed skin before she was found he did her autopsy after she died several hours after being admitted to the hospital he did her autopsy after she died well that's good i guess went to her hanging in some woods young guy who was having family troubles he'd jumped from a fairly high tree with a rope around his neck i'm guessing he did this to try and break his neck to make it quicker unfortunately he failed this aspect because as he jumped he scraped down a torn tree branch which had gone up his nostril and had come back out through his left eye socket poor guy hung there suffocating with the noose with the pain of a tree branch penetrating his face and eyeball as he did so still makes me cringe i've seen quite a bit working at the he has been a summer job that morphed into a side job while i'm in school the top three most unusual calls i've been on one a man went to hang himself and when he jumped off of his apartment balcony he left so much slack that it took his head off his head was on one lady's balcony and his body was on the ground when we were there we couldn't find the head so we had to knock on a couple doors where the rope was hanging too in order to find it two a man died of a heart attack while masturbating the responding officers left the p playing on the television just to make it awkward when i arrived it was a cassette three a man was sitting on the railroad tracks at a railroad crossing to commit suicide by train where is very messy and annoying to have to pick up mind you but a drunk driver was trying to catch air over the tracks and killed the guy but threw his body off of the tracks before the train came a couple of minutes later a bonus and my inbox blew up man shot himself in the head with a shotgun in his bedroom and left the ceiling fan you know the saying crap hit the fan imagine his brain mata hitting his fan he basically repainted his walls with an interesting splatter pattern of brain matter and blood and pieces of his face i tried to clean up as much as i could for the wife although i'm not required to do any cleaning of the scene i'm actually asked not to sometimes i just feel bad for people anyways don't shoot yourself in the head until you turn off your fan please i'm on mobile so if there's a spelling mistake i apologize i'm a zilch i'm not either but i was talking recently with a friend who was an undertaker at a funeral home for about a decade sometime in the late 70s early 80s this was when they were in charge of collecting bodies directly from the scene someone driving on a country road in oklahoma noticed a car out in the field and a young girl 16 stroke 17 crying and screaming hysterically anyways the car was a t-top fire bad or something similar there was a headless body in the driver's seat a head in the back seat along with another boy who had been split in half at the abdomen this girl was hysterical so they couldn't figure out what the heck had taken place here it turns out the driver had been sticking his head up out the top of the car while driving and the other boy almost sitting up out of the open t-top they lost control and went off the road through a barbed wire fence one or two of the wires went up over the top of the car and cleanly severed the driver's head and the boy passenger in half he said it took them the better part of an hour to determine what had happened then he collected up the pieces and went on with his day jeez i feel sorry for that poor girl i don't think i would ever get over witnessing something like that work in a nursing home rehab guy essentially died from pooping he pushed too hard blood pressure dropped and that was it for him new irrational fare back in med school during internship at the coroner's i saw a case when a man in his late 50s was found dead at home although under quite peculiar circumstances his body was found standing yes standing in the bedroom with one leg raised and resting on the bed basically as if he wanted to climb on the bed but suddenly died further examination led to a severe heart attack as the most likely cause of death however no evidence of someone moving the body post-mortem could be found the conclusion was that either someone would have to have found him quite early and basically hold the corpse for hours until it became stiff enough to stand on its own all that his death was so sudden that it happened just in the right moment so that his body would be perfectly balanced and not fall over my friend is a cop he was asked to do a wellness check on a middle-aged man the man was seriously obese and had a history of diabetes my friend knocks on the front door nobody he enters the home and the dude was on the floor seemingly dead apparently when you lay near dead for three days blood pools in the lower extremities and they turn dark blue it's even worse than diabetics he saw the dude's legs because the dude was butt naked covered in his own crap there was a trail of crap to the bathroom my friend said the smell made him almost walk out of the house then he was on the job for about two months at this time and then he realized oh crap this is my life now he called paramedics but the guy died at the hospital they determined that the guy had a stroke on the toilet and tried to get to the front door to alert somebody he was in trouble and collapsed on the way there leaving a trail of crap across the house that sat there for three days until he was found when i was in high school i worked part-time at a funeral home the county this was in didn't have a morgue yet so the funeral home is rotating monthly to handle the deaths that would normally go to a morgue we called it county month the weirdest thing i saw was somebody who had committed suicide by drinking some kind of poison that turned their entire body a bright blue looked like the forelore of the blue man group albeit less lively i worked briefly as a morgue assistant a few years back the job mainly consisted of moving corpses and holding organs while the pathologist did his thing by far the most wtf worthy death i saw was a guy who had been working in a factory getting himself off by rubbing his dong on the underside of the high-speed conveyor belt he was meant to be operating he got caught and it tore off most of his crotch ruled as death by misadventure he had bled out torn femoral artery before the paramedics even made it to the scene comma death by misadventure makes him sound like a pirate or something a welder dropped dead working on a ship it was determined that working down in the p-filled bilge the metal he was welding onto the ship made molten droplets that fell into the liquid around his feet caused a high enough ammonia concentration to kill him this was determined by a lab partner of mine who collected her urine for samples several days running and dropped an inch of red hot bunsen burner heated rebar into those urine samples in erlenmeyer flasks measuring nh3 via ph meter in the atmosphere above the p the welder died from urine when they work in places like that they are supposed to wear respirators my mom was a remy for years and she has a handful of interesting stories as a kid i grew up on pictures of dead people and she sometimes would ask me to go over her reports to verify that her point was getting across because if a 14 year old can understand it so can a 40 year old right anyway i remember two specific instances that brought horror to my young brain and sheer joy to hers a dude committed suicide via suffocating choking himself on his wife's panties a motorcyclist accidentally ramped himself into some woods his head was twisted around all demon like what my mom was so excited to show me was his legs because it was a one in a million case the dude had gone spread eagle and perfectly struck two trees on each side of him basically snapping off his legs my mom was so excited isn't that cool she exclaimed i remember vividly i want to date your mother her interests align with mine i'm not a medical professional or a mortician but i think this story is relevant to the question so i'll share it anyway a few weeks ago i was driving a guy to a hospital three hours away he was a truly amazing man and regaled me with a myriad of fascinating tales of his youth and previous jobs he got onto explaining his family and how he had two nephews but now only had one i asked him what happened apparently his eldest nephew around 28 was riding his motorbike on a weekend out in the countryside here in the uk they found him later that day dead on the side of the road on a corner motorbike next to him with no obvious signs of impact or anything that could possibly have led to his death it took a long time for them to work out what had happened eventually they found a small bruise about half an inch in width on his temple after some investigation they discovered that the corner of road had just been resurfaced and had some loose stones on top they concluded that as he rounded the corner about at about 30 miles per hour the bike had slid from underneath him as he rolled to the side of the road the foot rest of the bike had entered the corner of the helmet through the hole where the visor was open and hit him in the temple killing him instantly nothing reckless no one else involved just bad luck sometimes that's all you need and this is one of the reasons why surface dressing is a terrible method of resurfacing roads a cheap fix that will need to be resurfaced again the following spring when it is full of holes again the technician here where i worked we got a lot of bad cases because we worked with the sheriffs and counties so we got all hoarders neglect etc we had a chicken with maggots crawling all over its back and literally it was just constant movement to be euthanized while someone was holding her on the treatment table waiting for a doctor to become available for euthanasia her entire back end exploded clear fluid and maggots about eight feet sprayed out her bladder and a giant cyst sac fell out of her and she passed i never thought i would see the day where i was able to say i had a chicken explode on me today at work a doctors and nurses have any of your patients surprised you with their amount or lack of pain tolerance i had a patient with an open tib fib fracture the bones and the lower leg sticking out and below that it looks like jelly trying to walk away apparently unaware of how bad his leg was of course he was incredibly drunk at the time well it's a good thing you aren't a terrible medic wait working in a hospital has taught me the downside of abusing painkillers drugs patients constantly come in here with long-term substance abuse issues and now that they are actually hurt mvc broke bones etc you can give them enough drugs to put down a horse and they still feel everything i was a tech india when the emts brought in an elderly woman with what they said was a sprained ankle she had slipped while mopping a floor at work and her co-worker had called it in turned out she had broken both of the bones and the lower part of her leg but was sweetly chatting with us i was impressed as soon as i saw this raise emts had no idea and had splintered her ankle over where her bones were broken typically broken bones in the legs unless there's a huge amount of angulation displacement do not cause a ton of pain unless moved we see that often in the old people with hip fractures as well they're usually sitting there still and having no pain but the second you try to move it they are in excruciating pain same goes with trying to bear weight a doc 50 year old guy with a massive heart attack just lying there chillin ask him his pain level deadpan just a little five-year-old boy with both forearm bones fractured and dislocated playing on ipad with other arm 60 year old lady slips falls destroys pelvic bone just wants one tylenol and scooches out of bed wanting to walk home after much convincing she begrudgingly accepted that might not be a great idea there are some bad butt people out there fire medic here farmers seem to be tough one time a guy pulled into the front ramp got out of his truck and walked up holding his severed forearm in his other arm get him in the truck take off along the way he states he lived down the road and wanted to get to us quickly when asked why he didn't call nine one one he replied i just cut my arm i ain't dying also had a battle of the bulge vet tell me he didn't need a blanket it was -7 with winchell not a but actually a cashier at a fast food place a woman ordered two meals and since she was a little older really old actually i offered to bring her food to the table so she wouldn't have to wait i get there and her husband had wads of paper towels stuck all over his arms with electrical tape and his right hand and part of his face were a mix of blood and second-degree burns turned out he was working on his lawnmower and the engine blew up on him they stopped for lunch on the way to the hospital for burns and the metal they couldn't get out he was acting like it was nothing working as an emt i got called to a 64 year old female slipped in her house possible sprained ankle when we got there the woman is sitting in a chair with her leg stretched out in front of her but she had long pants and slippers on that covered the entire ankle so i couldn't really see it when we walked in she was talking and didn't really seem to be in any pain at all so i figured this was going to be an easy trip i kneel down in front of her to take a closer look and wasn't i surprised to find that it wasn't just broken it was fricked right up i mean the foot was at a 90 degree angle to the outside and it was also leaned down so what should have been the side of her foot was facing straight down and the bone that should have been holding the ankle in place was pushing against the skin on the inside of her ankle so hard that it was about to rip through i was bewildered at the fact that at that moment she said it doesn't hurt so i hope it isn't broken but she hardly made a peep on the ride to the hospital 35 miles very bumpy come to find out she had multiple sclerosis and that makes people feel pain differently i was chatting with my physiotherapist one day about pain tolerance and she said that she once had her ex maybe see addict as a patient whose tolerance was absolute zero she couldn't even touch him without him perceiving it as painful let alone stretch or manipulate his body she said he was a very challenging case radiographer here as a student i met a patient who was a typical little old lady she came in with far too many shopping bags and walked extremely slowly she'd been sent by her gp because she'd fallen getting out of the bath a few weeks previous so we brought her in and took the first image ap pelvis if you were wondering and her pelvis was absolutely ruined turns out she had slipped and fallen with one leg in and one leg out of the bath and taken the whole fall on her vagina not wanting to cause a fuss this woman had ignored the pain and carried on her life as normal for weeks long enough for the fractures to be fairly healed albeit in a strange way not really resembling a pelvis much anymore when i was studying nursing i saw a man who had broken his knee in a motorcycle accident three days before the knee was at least three times its normal size the doctor asked him about the pain and he told him it wasn't that bad he was mostly annoyed at his family who had taken him to the emergency room i'm an oncology nurse my patients have some of the highest pain tolerances i have ever seen they literally have tumors taking over entire cavities in their bodies huge masses pressing on places that aren't supposed to be pressed on and literally eroding through their skin and they will ask me for pain meds when i have a second it amazes me not a doctor but my god daughter was born very prematurely requiring a major open heart surgery at two weeks old but we were told by her docs that since she'd gone through so much surgical trauma the first few weeks of her life as a neonate her pain receptors nerve endings would not develop normally they gave us the example that if she put her hand on a hot stove as a kid she would have sustained a severe burn before feeling any pain whatsoever she never cried as a kid when she got shots fell down banged into things even when it was enough to draw blood i suspect her medical history was the cause i'm a nurse who used to work in orthopedics the amount of people who would guzzle oral morphine was unbelievable older adults s little old ladies would just take two paracetamol and would be totally fine my dad has an unusually high pain tolerance he was cleaning a fishing pole in our backyard once when he didn't notice that the pole had splintered and pulled his hand down on it the force caused the pole to snap in half and drive itself all the way through his hand he stood up walked in the kitchen with pole hanging out of his hand and calmly asked my mom if he should just pull it out or go to the air since it was a fiberglass one he opted for the er just in case something was broken off inside his hand the list goes on and on and gets worse the other was when he fell off a ladder and shattered his leg the bone came through the skin and he was [ __ ] about going to the air a doctor here i can't count on two hands the number of patients i have seen that are covered in tattoos and are scared of needles ivs i mean complete phobia it makes absolutely no sense if anyone can enlighten me as to how this phenomenon can exist i'd appreciate it to quote a friend of a friend when asked by an adopt who queried why he was freaking out over getting a tetanus shot after having a cut sewn up without an aesthetic that's why it's called an irrational fear of needles a doctor here my intern year in residency i saw a 17 year old kid who when while playing hockey tried to stop a puck with a gloved hand it struck his fingertip injuring the base of his nail causing a significant deformity his nail bed needed repair which requires first removing the nail that is done by bluntly dissecting read separating the nail from the tissue below it if your stomach didn't turn reading that and imagining it congratulations you have no soul typically we use a numbing agent to eliminate sensation to the entire finger using something called a digital block i put it in after 10 minutes he still felt me touching his fingertip i tried putting some around the nail he still felt everything his mother said his father actually had a similar thing lidocaine didn't work on him i offered him a different numbing medicine we can inject benadryl in that case or even knocking him out he looked at me in the eyes and said doc just take it off without anything yeah it's fine they fix our cuts without numbing medicine but it's gonna hurt a lot i have to scrape i know so i went at it he grabbed a towel with his other hand and i went to work 45 minutes later the nail was off he was repaired and i replaced the nail in its rightful place the kid didn't even make a noise tl dr hockey players are freaking bad but holy frick i'm ready to puke just reading that oh my god a doc here 54 year old guy comes in with a heart attack keeps telling us he's fine he looked sick when we begin switching out the emts monitors for our own on his chest he says don't worry about that it is my elbow that is the problem not two seconds after he finished that sentence he was dead luckily we were able to revive him i kept track of his case while he was upstairs and he left the hospital alive and without any neurological deficits feels good nurse here while in school i had a seven-year-old girl who had broke her hip by getting bounced off a trampoline they lived a few hours out of town and when it happened they knew she was hurt but not how bad so her parents put her in the back of the truck and hauled her for 45 plus minutes to their local hospital she got there they did x-rays and found it was worried too bad for them to treat and that she needed to come to us they rushed the family out without anything for pain for this little one for another hour plus ride tomorrow this girl didn't shed a tear she was hands down the toughest patient i've ever had had a 19 year old do the same while skateboarding and i had to pull him out of the car while another nurse held his leg in place some people will amaze you with their strength and braveness not in a nurse but a medical technician at a couple of large events in my country working at a racing track i had both of these people come in on the same day male 54 years swedish small cut on hand his reaction to me pouring water saline in his wound o w o w o w o w o w it hurts when you put disinfectant in there be careful male 32 yours finish deep cut in right forearm his humeral bone was visible no it doesn't hurt now just tape it the freak up so i can get back on my bike as a swedish person i tell you this do not flick with the finnish people patience in a sickle cell crisis i've pushed up to 14 milligrams of dilorded one two milligrams at a time into these patients without a resulting change in vital signs or mentation however i've also seen young men competing in rodeos who have been stomped by a bull a few times coming with broken ribs and a pneumothorax saying it's just a scratch and declining pain medications emt here i once took a kid about 18 to the air screaming all the way for sunburn sunburn i mean yeah sunburn isn't fun but this kid was claiming 9 stroke 10 pain and whimpering i was a standard charge nurse and i giggled about it for weeks a friend told me an old boy came in with a large laceration on his arm suturing it up took over an hour but can be quite fun as you can chat to the patients my friend was engrossed talking to him about his experience he is in the second world war and really enjoyed treating him the old chap was in good spirits throughout and told him lots of interesting stories about his time behind enemy lines or in trenches in flanders after he put the last stitch in my friend started clearing up and found the local anaesthetic bottle and opened he realized he not put any local in at all and yet the guy didn't want flinch leave a side complain when asked why he didn't say anything he just said oh i thought that's how it's supposed to feel i didn't mind lovely chatting to you then walked out don't make game how they used to you gotta watch those old guys anybody of the generation that fought in korea or world war ii will get up and walk on two broken ankles for a chest x-ray tough guys i've had a few patients in trich swear that their pain was 10 stroke 10 while eating drinking laughing playing on cell phone i'll charge whatever number that they said and then put in the notes patient laughing insert verb or emotion i had one nurse that when a patient would say a certain number she'd hand them a card that would say at a pain level of seven you would be sweating vital signs would be elevated you would be nauseated and probably vomiting then she'd ask you sure your seven nine stroke ten will change their answers med seekers and junkies coming down have the same level of pain tolerance barely touch the junkies and they flip out due to pain whereas the med seekers attempt that crap and overact i saw the guy try to fake a seizure and it was the funniest crap ever he was curling his hands up like he had cp and leaning his head back to gather spit so he could foam at the mouth med seekers will always be allergic to morphine and need dilorded and native i don't think i have met anyone with a high pain tolerance some chick came in with cysts on her ovaries and decline meds because she was in recovery so that is actually pretty bad but not in a doctor but i went to the air with my younger brother after a ski accident my brother fell on his back off quite a big drop causing his sternum split open a few runs later he said he was sure something was wrong with his chest so we eventually got to the air the doctor was shocked that he was able to continue skiing after it and that he wasn't thriving in pain when it was touched my brother's explanation was yeah it hurts but i can't do anything about it my friend's dog piled on my chest when i turned 16 and we heard the loud pop it was my sternum my chest hurt but i never went to the doctor to this day if i stretch my arms out and take a deep breath i can pop my sternum like people pop their knuckles my grandmother wouldn't take pain medicine not sure why but even getting dental work done she didn't want numbing agents the only time i know that she took pain meds was some aspirin after getting t-boned while driving and hurting her shoulder she passed away last year from als a few weeks before her 80th birthday she was the most independent person i've ever known and even having to rely on her kids for help she didn't complain the aspirin was probably given to her to reduce the risk of a blood clot dvt older people risk having a strong after impact injuries not a doctor but had a good one from my pcp he had an older marine that came in reason being stiff neck and nausea does his normal work up rules out c-spine injury decides to test for meningitis tells the guy to touch his chin to his chest turn left turn right look up nothing tells the guy to stand on his toes and drop onto his heels and the guy nearly collapses and then vomits on the floor doc asks didn't it hurt when you touched your chin to your chest marine replies yes it freaking hurt but what does that have to do with it i'm your doctor you're supposed to tell me when something is wrong the marine just looked at him with a slightly blank look on his face and said oh sorry doc won't happen again when my daughter was five she severed her ring finger in a door i was making lunch for a picnic when she realized her teddy bear was in her room and you can't have a picnic without a teddy bear she went upstairs to grab it when i heard a slam and one single blood cuddling scream then silence i ran to see what was the matter and my little daughter was sitting on the floor in front of her door covered in blood and staring at something she looked at me and said my finger is off mama i wrapped her hand in a towel picked up her finger and called 9-1-1 in the ambulance the paramedic was asking her questions about how much pain she was in and she told him that it's the most hurty thing ever but she was more sad that she ruined teddy with her blood they ended up being able to reattach the finger but her teddy was ruined i tried to wash him but he didn't came clean the whole upstairs looked like a murder scene i even washed blood off the ceiling a few days later the paramedic knocked at the door with the biggest teddy bear i ever saw he gave it to my daughter and told her that she was the bravest little girl in the world it was really sweet i had a patient 60 something male who had three of his fingers mostly amputated by a snowblower at about the level of the second knuckle he came in with his fingers hanging from skin flaps and was totally stoic not only was he a 0 out of 10 for pain his vitals were rock steady no alteration in heart rate or blood pressure he kept joking around about it i'll just cut him off they'll grow back this guy remained a 0 out of 10 for the entire time even when they just cut him off his biggest concern was getting out of the air in time to watch a football game oh badass mother stark contrast are the patients i get to scream bloody murder and cry when the blood pressure cuff is pumped up on their arm grown adults are you kidding me also screaming and crying is only going to make your bp go up causing that cuff to squeeze tighter and tighter a nurse here there are of course exceptions to the rule but generally i see elderly with a much higher tolerance to pain than younger patients an 87 year old lady can have a fall break her hip and be resting comfortably barely complaining of pain but a man in his 20s can come in with the same type of fall and barely be bruised and be writhing off of the bed of course it can pain med-seeking behavior cultural differences in age or just the the people in general but this seems to be what i see on on a daily basis i broke my wrist when i was 12 after a bad bite crash i flipped the handle bars and landed on my neck and slid a couple dozen feet the impact shattered my helmet anyway in the air nurses are setting up an iv in the arm that wasn't injured when i explained i landed on my neck and it was hurting they asked where so i instinctively used my broken wristed hand to point every single person in the room go zoo and just kind stops and looked at me and i guess i was in shock because i kinda just looked around like wtf happened eastern european guy had a circular saw accident that cut his leg down through the muscle the wound was about eight inches long was covering trauma surg that night and got called down to sew it up there had drugged him up and i brought a med student with me and i walked him through aggressively irrigating the wound reapproximating the muscle and doing a loose suture approximation of the skin the student took some time and we redid several sutures in the skin and muscle layers because they were too loose tight etc after about 45 minutes we were done i asked the year attending how much morphine he gave him so i could rados he replied that he didn't order anything yet and was waiting for me the patient's last dose was in the ambulance hours ago i immediately asked the guy how he was feeling while injecting the crap out of him with local he said i feel fine the guy didn't even flinch the entire time we were working he was connected to a monitor and his heart rate didn't even budge tldr never get into a fight with a lithuanian man or circular saw when i was about 12 i fell on black ice and hurt my ankle i knew it was bad so i asked someone to call me an ambulance i wasn't crying or anything when they put me in the ambulance paramedics told me it's probably just a sprain i get my x-rays and bam ankle broken in three places and foot dislocated i saw the paramedic as i was leaving the hospital and he told me he thought it was nothing because i didn't make a peep i didn't shed a tear about a week late because my leg was hurting i get to the hospital and the doc says we'll cut your cast off but i don't think we're gonna find anything he leaves the nurses take the cast off and my entire leg is green black purple blue and i am pretty sure some new colors that no one has ever seen before also had a bunch of pressure blisters so the dock walks and looks like he's in shock when he sees my leg and then leaves without saying a word then a new dog comes in and gave me a cool cast that i could take off to air out and look at my leg my pain tolerance tends to freak me over also frick that doctor i am a radiographer and a nur we frequently have to move patients with broken bones to get our pictures the elderly have a surprisingly high pain tolerance i've seen elderly patients move limbs with obvious breaks to accommodate our needs without a peep a people with the least pain tolerance seem to be the younger crowd ranging from 15 30 they whine and whale from the slightest touch and more often than not the ones with no breaks whine and scream the most i've sprained and broken a few limbs in my lifetime to be fair the sprains far in the way hurt worse than the brakes like spraining my ankle hurt a heck of a lot worse than when i fractured three ribs and a wrist all at once not a doctor but i recently broke my femur when it happened the first 30 seconds was the most intense pain after that i was calm not in much pain and joking and such the only nothings that hurt that could get really any reaction was moving me from stretcher to bed then x-ray table and then the worst but relieving pain they put a boot made out of soft stuff on my leg and then they pulled my bones were overlapped by three inches in fill the bones were a little more lined up then they put a weight on the end but during that time the nurse lady saw my face in a grunting face i guess and she said you can cry and scream if you want i just shook my head my mom recently had a heart attack so i didn't want to scare her that's actually really sweet not a doctor or nurse but this happened to me i completely shattered my knee and part of my leg after i was running and slipped on some ice into a stone wall i was with a group of friends and all this all was me slide and hit the wall they came over and asked if i was okay in a normal voice i said i couldn't move my leg no chairs screaming or anything no one believed me but after a minute or two i convinced them to call nine one one the whole time i was waiting for ambulance about 30 minutes i was talking to them normally and no one believed i was actually hurt until i started going in and out of consciousness right as the paramedics got there i started to wake up they got out and they didn't think anything was wrong until they cut my pants off and saw my femur was almost protruding out of my leg i had no kneecap and tops of the tibia and fibia were protruding out they took me to hospital no drugs in the ambulance as i was joking around with them that is asking if i'm allergic to anything i told the apparently stone walls they got me to hospital and rushed me into it the doctors came over and were shocked i wasn't screaming or crying then about an hour after the initial injury the pain finally started in once they started moving the leg about three doses of morphine because one wasn't enough and one of demerol i don't remember the next couple days besides bits and pieces but all the nurses and doctors told me i had one of the highest pain tolerances they have seen although i imagine it wasn't really my choice mostly the brain just shutting it down because i was in so much shock and had so much trauma you're really lucky that an artery wasn't severed medical professionals have read it what mistake have you made in your medical career that because of the outcome you've never forgotten serious not a misrake i made but one i'll never forget nonetheless arrived to work at 2 300 hours one sunday evening the attending was just discharging a middle-aged woman complaining of shoulder pain she had been in the air for 10 hours has raised off her shoulder ribs chest and neck had a ct scan to our pulmonary embolism her diagnosis on discharge was costochondritis 90 minutes later an ambulance calls in on the med phone with a patient in full arrest it was this woman 10 hours in the year with unexplained shoulder pain and nobody ran a 12 lead ekg or cardiac enzymes lesson of the day all chest pain is cardiac until proven it isn't in women all unusual pain above the waist is cardiac until it isn't i worked in pathology for several years as a hysteretic once i had two breast biopsies for two different patients waiting to find out if they had breast cancer the pathologist ordered additional testing in which i had to cut additional sections of the bar see to stain for specific qualities in the tissue immunohistochemistry turns out i mixed up the two biopsies because the two patients had the same first name i put tissue sections from one patient onto a slide labeled for the other patient the other history touches mistered when they double checked my work even the pathologist missed it when he diagnosed the patient amazingly luckily these two patients ended up having the same type of cancer and the mistake wasn't even caught until a week later i've never felt so sick to my stomach if these two patients didn't have the same type of cancer they would have received the wrong treatment maybe even told they had cancer when they actually didn't and vice versa all because i didn't pay close enough attention i will never forget that moment as long as i live i was working as an intern in a nur or that's what it would be called in anglo-saxon countries i guess i was the doctor in charge of the smaller where we did stitches and treated smaller injuries you should know our small rural hospital had only a few cubicles that were only closed off by a curtain so you could hear pretty much everything that was going on it was a busy night and behind one of those curtains my colleague just had examined an embarrassed patient with a bleeding on his dong because his frenulum had ruptured yes this can happen this was something i would be treating him the smaller later so my colleague told him that he would have to wait a short time until it was his turn meanwhile i did not yet know that i would stitch up a guy's dong later the nurse had just told me that next up there was a three-year-old kid with a small head wound waiting so i got into my doctor kid-friendly mood and stepped out of the ore and called out okay let's bring in the little fellow but from behind the curtain came the angry voice of a man hey man he's not that little i was of course puzzled but my colleague and the nurses rolled with laughter i tried to explain to him what had happened but i think he rather believed that we had played a joke on him and was quite grumpy or maybe that was because his penis was bleeding dunno i was a medic in israel and most of the time i was on a special ambulance for extreme emergencies or dangerous runs after an overnight shift with that one i overheard that one of the morning shift medics didn't show up for a regular ambulance so i offered to take his spot well i didn't realize at that moment that the driver and other medic were both very orthodox religious but when i did i said whatever and went with them on the ambulance there's a hierarchy and in this one i was on the bottom rung mostly because i was only 18. we get a call for an unconscious woman at a bus stop we get there and it's a visibly homeless woman who's not breathing has a very weak pulse and a locked jaw in this case you're supposed to break the jaw to open the airway but the other two refused to because they were men and she a woman and they physically stopped me from intervening beyond trying to tilt her head back we watched her die and called the coroner and took off immediately after they arrived i stopped working with them immediately after and went home the next day i filled a complaint but it wasn't taken seriously other than i wasn't allowed to be on their ambulance again i'll never forget that call a doc here not my mistake but one made by a colleague who handed over a patient to me when doctors do eventually get to go home we usually hand over patient care to a colleague handed over information is often reliable from reliable colleagues i was handed over a 50 year old man who had been picked up off the street at 8 p.m after he'd been out drinking heavily all day he was accompanied by his friend who said that he had in fact been drinking heavily for several hours he had further said that they had been staggering home when the patient had staggered off sideways and ended up in a bush my colleague had seen and examined this patient and handed over to me that he was heavily intoxicated and that he had asked security to come and assist him to the front door in an hour or so it was all sorted he said nothing to worry about he said i was busy and resist with two patients trying to die on me so i figure what the heck if it's all sorted that's fine by me this sort of thing is common especially in the middle of a saturday night couple of hours later i am sat writing up my notes when i see the same patient wheeled back in by security doc this guy isn't right what do you mean well we took him out front and stood him up and he just keeled over and hit the deck this guy can't walk never mind go home safely fair enough bring him back in and i'll see him again so they put this guy in the room he came out of and i wander over to take a look the booze is coming out of his bones eye eye-watering stuff i say hello and give him a shake he opens his eyes nuts but says nothing after a few seconds examining him i realize that he's not moving his right arm then i notice that actually he's not moving his right leg either nor is he answering any of my questions i do a full neuro exam this guy's having a stroke ct and blood panel later and he's being taken to the stroke unit i learned two things from this patient one never trust information that is handed over to you no matter how skilled your colleague two never ever assume anything yes he was hammered but he was also having a stroke and the clinician who saw him first let the alcohol literally cloud his judgment wish those lessons were taught more around the world here in denmark a homeless guy died on the street with several people trying to get 112 the 911 dispatcher believed the guy was just a drunk not a medical professional but a patient who was almost victim to a simple yet potentially fatal mistake i have cardiac catheterizations and biopsies every year transplant recipient and up until a year or two ago was hospitalized the night before the procedure to receive iv fluids during a catheterization they insert a catheter into my femoral artery and inject dye to look at my coronary arteries and bar see a small piece of my heart so the night before my cath a few years back my nurse came in and started hanging up a bag f what i figured was basic fluids but upon closer look was heparin a blood thinner the day before i was going to have my artery opened i could have bled out luckily my mom noticed questioned the nurse who then talked to the physician the physician ran in apologizing profusely and said she had been up for more than 24 hours and wrote herself up for the error crazy to think about how easy it is to make such a big mistake and how overworked physicians are sent two inmates to the wrong places on the same day my own personal black monday one was for an urgent consultation to cause the dude broke his hand fighting or punching a wall or something i'll never forget talking to custody and explaining to them that i gave them the wrong address i was a third year medical student on my surgery rotation at cook county hospital back in the mid 1990s when it was still in the old building it was a chaotic mess i was post call and in clinic and saw a patient who had some type of intra-abdominal procedure and was in for follow-up he lived in a trailer park on the far south side of the city was poor as dirt and clearly wasn't thriving post-op he was dehydrated and we were concerned that he had an alias bowels weren't moving i was told to admit him i told the transporter to take him over to the surgical ward but somehow forgot to write admission orders so he went over with no paperwork he ended up getting put in a bed and stayed there for three days with no paperwork he got iv fluids and bed rest for three days but because no admission orders went over he never got entered into the computer system he never showed up on our list of patients the nurses just kept changing his iv fluids he had no vitals no nothing well three days later we were on rounds and walked past his cube it was an open wall with cubicles at the time and my senior resident stopped and said who the heck is this guy the patient poked his head out pointed at me and said hi doc when can i go home i feel great he was completely better probably because we did nothing to him my junior resident whispered to me that i should just quickly and quietly write up admitting orders and discharge orders two lessons one always do your paperwork orders right away two sometimes the less we do to for patients the better in end of life care symptoms matter not the numbers 21 year old developmentally delayed kid dying of sarcoma he never understood death and hated pain his parents only wanted him pain-free night shift i had poured my heart into his care since diagnosis he was in pain he was in patient hospice due to need a continuous fentanyl pain pump it was at 500 micrograms an hour which is like 50 milligrams of morphine an hour i went through the process of calling the hospice rn then had to talk to the pharmacist who refused to up the rate i was a right i asked her to come to the bedside and assess his pain herself i remember the parent looking at me in shock when i told them i didn't get the order i could not see him in pain i upped the pain pump without an order i went up the chain of command to cover my butt but there were six hours where i was making the clinical decisions myself without any orders a major frick you to that pharmacist for worrying about the dose and not the symptom seriously thank you other side of the coin here not the doc but the patient five years ago as a 45 year old female i stopped being able to have a bowel movement i have always been regular i mean set your watch to it kind of regular after the first week i go to my doc who of course tells me to take stool softeners etc and sends me home next week comes and i'm back in with payne and he gives me the same answer but adds in an enema no help and what's really bothering me is that the enema comes out a clean as it went in over a period of a month i see the doctor five times the last time he orders her x-ray sees nothing and sends me home i haven't eaten more than a few rare bites of foods for days losing weight my husband is now freaking out and demands a ct scan the doctor complies and i go in the tech does the scan and after pulls my husband aside he tells him he can't diagnose me he's not supposed to say anything but he tells him to take me around the corner to the air and refuse to leave by this time i can't walk i'm in too much pain and i'm too weak my savior of a hubby grabs a gurney and takes me over to the air a nurse tries to tell him he can't have a gurney and he tells her what's going on within minutes it was like i was the only patient in the air those people were incredible they doted on me and i always had someone by my side within hours i was having emergency surgery for stage four colon cancer apparently my doctor checked and once while i was in the hospital i was pretty drugged up and don't remember next time i see him it's two years later i've been through chemo had my bowls reattached and i'm seeing him because during my second stay in the hospital i contracted ringworm on my back he asks what all my scars are from are you freaking kidding me you completely dismiss my symptoms i lost 20 pounds in a month down to 102 lbs in pain and had not taken a crap in weeks and you can't remember you freaked up i don't expect you to remember me by looking at me but you have a freaking chart in front of you that was my last time seeing him you would think a lapsing care like that would have given him a wake-up call guess not i had just started working as a nurse's aide in an emergency room i hadn't been on the job for more than two or three weeks the greeter had called back and asked for help getting someone out of a car so they could be taken into the hospital to be signed in i go out there with a guy who was training me their skin was ashen and there was cold to the touch i was shocked but didn't say anything because my co-worker was extremely nonchalant about it as we picked them up and put them in a wheelchair he calmly wheeled them up to the greater desk and walked away i remember turning back to ask if we should tell the charge nurse but i didn't say anything because i didn't want to sound naive maybe he noticed something i didn't which is why he wasn't worried or maybe i misinterpreted their well-being i certainly hadn't been trained to assess anyone that's a nurse's job i was just a tech we returned back to work and about 20 minutes later the trigger nurse is sprinting while pushing the aforementioned patient into a room and shouting i need a doctor over here they looked worse a lot worse than they had when we got them out of the car a ct revealed that they had a brain bleed i don't know what happened after that because my shift was over and i went home but after that i've never had any reservations about voicing my concerns about anyone's well-being observing and reporting was certainly within my scope of practice when i was a cna i failed that day i'm a pharmacist when i was training for my intern position at a hospital i accidentally dispensed the wrong type of insulin the pharmacist i was working with didn't catch it and the nurse didn't scan it so it was administered to the patient who thankfully was fine it really hit me hard though because of how careless the mistake was and how much harm it could have caused under different circumstances on top of that the patient was a 20 year old guy and at the time so was i so it was an especially personal lesson for me i'm much more careful because of that mistake i'll add one as a vet i've killed a patient before accidentally she was an evil cat one of those cats you couldn't touch without getting mold she apparently was like this at home as well but still a beloved pet unfortunately she had cancer and the owners wanted to treat her with chemotherapy this involved very heavy sedation or even a general anaesthetic every week it became routine for her to come in and go straight to anesthesia the quicker she started the quicker she was home and out of the practice i gave her the usual sedation she had been given before and didn't think anything of it whilst i checked the rest of the equipment ready for the ga she remained in her carry cage because he couldn't get her out after about five minutes i checked on the patient and found her sedated in the corner of her cage very sedated and not breathing everything went into full emergency mode intubation cpr drugs the works and none of it worked she died the hypothesis is that she was sitting with her head in the corner of the cage and as the sedation took effect her airway closed i always check on patients more frequently now and move them if necessary not my fck up but one that ended up leading to a good end we sent a patient to hospice center and the patient made a full miraculous recovery she had esophageal cancer late stage that went into full remission i was there when the doctor told her that she no longer fit the hospice criteria she was actually kind of b because she had sold her home and split up her estate believing that she was going to die she ended up staying with her son whose grandchildren always came and visited her i remember her asking the doctor so when am i going to die and he just looked at her and said for all i know you may just be immortal nothing life-altering for a patient but when i worked ob i had co-worker give birth who was expecting a girl it turned out to be a boy with downs and a cleft palate i was only aware of the gender not the other issues first words out of my mouth when i came on shift congratulations i bet that was a big surprise i'm a fairly blunt butthole most of the time jaws dropped pre-computer charting we used pink charts for baby girls and blue charts for baby boys i knew they were expecting a girl and i glanced at the rack when i saw her coming down the hall a young boy probably six came in with a gunshot to the head wasn't too bad for what the mechanism was but i made the executive choice to try and treat the head first which alone isn't wrong turns out he also had femoral bleeding that was hidden a little died a few minutes into treatment worked as a nurse for 10 years my biggest regret is not standing up for a patient who had a rare condition similar to one i have a connective tissue disorder the doctors eventually label the mom as drug seeking and sends them to psych pt and even notified cps all of which was eventually resolved in the mom had the geneticist send packets for the doctors to read up on they even had a harsh letter explaining how they should pay the mom's bills and apologize what always stuck out for me was to not assume the worst just because they came across a little crazed they might be going crazy from people and doctors not believing them i worked for a horrible doctor he was a psychiatrist and probably the meanest person i've ever met he yelled at his employees all day for anything if a patient walked in for their appointment and he didn't like them he would yell at us for 20 minutes about it before finally treating them well my job was more administrative than anything else and i don't have much medical experience but one of my jobs was to print off any lab work patients had done before they came into their appointment and to have dr butthole sign off on it one day i printed the labs like normal but he was in an especially bad mood so instead of having him sign off on the lab work i just keep stalling just to avoid speaking to him turns out the patient had some dangerous readings in his lab work and it needed to be read quickly so he could be treated i had worked there for a solid year and that was the first time anyone's blood work was actually significant nothing bad happened because of it except an extra half hour of being screamed at but i regretted letting intimidation from my boss stop me from doing my job when it could seriously affect another person working in firebase tems we get called to a home for an unresponsive 18 20 year old we arrive and the patient is on the couch with snoring respirations the patient's father had located his phone via gps after not hearing from him for an extended amount of time the patient is a known drug user and had been shooting up all night so here's where the mistake came we load the patient up while begging him to improve his o2 sats my partner starts an iv in the left ac and another partner begins drawing up the rsi medications first automated sucks an ulcer line the rsi meds are pushed and it appears that the patient is now paralyzed which is what we want we begin intubation and place the laryngoscope blade into the patient's throat and my partner asks for cricoid pressure i apply pressure and almost immediately the patient opens his eyes and screams stopped choking emmy prick the patient then begins to fight us but isn't in any condition to put up any sort of fight but we all stopped and looked at each other with a puzzled look since the drugs we just pushed should have rendered him unconscious and paralyzed we immediately establish another iv and repeat rsi since we can't leave him with an unsecured airway after pushing those drugs after that's done we check the original iv and find that it infiltrated and we actually pushed all of the drugs into the patient's bicep lesson learned double double check your ivs biggest mistake i made was forget to remove anticoagulation medication before a surgery and the surgery was delayed the second one is when a patient was being treated for acute coronary syndrome and i didn't check the type of anti coagulation my in turn ordered and it ended up being working too well since it couldn't be excreted through the kidney because the patient was in renal failure the patient ended up bleeding from all the iv sites and the throat of the bladder but ended up living and doing just fine after dialysis serious doctors of reddit who were your dumbest patients i am in a doc i once had a 20 year old and his girlfriend come in at 2am freaking out baku or something had tore his throat open he seemed fine no blood breathing fine i had him open his mouth saw nothing so didn't want him to lose confidence in me clearly something had happened so i'm looking and looking there is nothing wrong with this kid's throat finally i say look it seems okay what do you feel or see i don't feel it but look it's right there where looking looking it was his uvula somehow this kid had gotten to the age of 20 without ever noticing his uvula girlfriend was also horrified i told them it was normal did not believe me so i told them i was about to blow their minds and showed him his girlfriend's uvula minds blown another life saved in the air i want you to know i laughed hardest of this one had an old coot best possible description of the man who was sweet but had clearly spent his adult years drinking away whatever brain cells he started with he presented with a chief complaint of i can't drink beer anymore every time i drink one i just throw it back up a few minutes later well turns out cooter hadn't been able to eat actual food in months was subsisting on pretty much just beer and hadn't crap in over two weeks but that didn't bother him a bit until he couldn't have the beer then it was an emergency he had a big old tumor blocking the distal part of his left colon so near the end of the road intestinally speaking and everything gradually got backed up all the way to his stomach that's why he couldn't keep a beard down there was just no more room at the end i fixed him with a colostomy and he got better and left he refused chemo and i figured he'd just go home and die of cancer but then almost exactly one year later he came back to me with just about the same complaint obstructed to the point of not being able to drink beer except this time it was that his ostomy had essentially retracted into his abdomen and the skin had nearly grown shut over it he was crapping out of a teeny tiny hole in his skin wtf even my oldest partners had never seen anything like it but once again cooter wasn't remotely phased he just wanted us to fix it so he could go home and keep drinking i did haven't seen kuta since i kind of hope he's still out there treating his cancer with but visor and just blissfully ignoring the grim reaper had a marine ones who came to me complaining of a rash to his right forearm see two weeks this was his first visit for the issue and hadn't had anything like this before and was worried since he reported worsening symptoms since initial onset when asking about prior skin issues he told me he had ring one just prior to this rash look at his arm it looked like a mild second degree chemical burn in a rather circular shape with blisters on the edges what got me was the exact definition and the burn edge asking the young lcpl how he got that he replied well that's the burn i got from the bleach i poured on my arm when i asking him why he poured bleach on his arm well how else was i going to kill the ringworm i uh i did that once junior high wrestling thought it would clear up overnight obviously was not cleared to wrestle learned my lesson i did dilute the bleach though even at 12 years old i wasn't stupid enough to pour undiluted bleach on my chest i was an intern in the air i have seen a lot of stupid people it was a small town and all the worst i think was when i walked in and the floor smelled like i don't even know it was by far the worst thing i had ever smelled i asked a passing nurse what the smell was and he just shrugged his shoulders and told me someone probably crap everywhere well the doctor is preparing to go into this room but i did not expect what would happen next he opened the door and i almost barfed it was extremely hard to keep my professional composure the guy had his leg wrapped up the doctor asked him to unwrap it and it was gangrene from his foot up to the middle of his thigh the smell i had been smelling was rotting flesh the cause the four-wheeler i was riding caught fire six months ago we had a patient once on a pca a kind of pain medicine pump with a button that the patient pushes to dispense more medicine she thought she had to physically lick the button in order to get the medicine it was weird someone confused click and lick i think i had a patient in her 30s complain of monthly rectal bleeding that would last for six days and stop on its own it started when she was 11. she just thought she should get checked out it did stop for a while when she was pregnant there was one who was very upset to find out that she was pregnant again because she'd used her diaphragm exactly as she'd been told she carefully inspected it for holes applied the spermicide placed it wore it at night then took it out cleaned it and put it away each morning and then her husband arrived home from his night shift there are several close calls the patient who fixed an appointment for a pedicure the day after open heart surgery he said that he'd just sneak out of the aiku and that nobody would notice the patient who had an amputation of half of his foot and decided that it would be a good idea to walk to the toilet after returning to his room covering the floor in bloody footsteps because the suture ripped open again the patient who said that he didn't have any previous operations but was basically covered in scars when asked about each of them he suddenly remembered having about 15 surgeries for various accidents the patient who forgot that he had his kidney spleen and part of the colon removed because of the tumor the patient who decided that he'd never take more than three pills a day because obviously taking more than three pills a day is going to kill you he was on four or five different meds at that time and basically just shows at random which meds he was going to take which day good thing i don't take pills for my condition i do however randomly choose how many units of insulin to take gp here the most outrageous thing i've heard was from a boy who was something like 20 22 years old a very poor illiterate family the boy had a bad case of tonsillitis and refused to take any meds because all he needed to do was bite the sun basically at noon he had to look up to the sun open his mouth as wide as possible and bite the sun several times so it would burn his tonsils and cure him over the course of a couple weeks when that wouldn't work plan b was to do the same at night but only under a full moon tl dr bite the sun and cure you tonsillitis i worked at the ear during my internship and met a girl who had increasingly painful and red dyes since a couple of days back the last 24 h had been horrible i asked about all the normal stuff and she claimed to have no idea why she had this eye problem she had never had anything wrong with her eyes i proceeded to drop some dye in her eyes to check them in a microscope and when i do i realize she's wearing contacts she didn't like her natural eye color so she had bought a set of blue colored lenses eight months earlier never removed them not even during night time didn't even think to mention this to me claimed to have no foreign materials in her eyes needless to say i gave her quite the harsh lecture and a referral to an ophthalmologist we had a patient come in for theater when asked if she'd followed the fasting instructions she said yes but luckily the nurse didn't believe her with some prodding the patient eventually confessed to having six chocolate bars and an orange juice for breakfast obviously the surgery was delayed girl came to the air for nausea vomiting tried to give her some zofran no thanks i'm not really a medicine type person my body rejects chemicals had a patient who was convinced that drinking grape juice with baking soda was helping him fight prostate cancer but your cancer is actually getting worse him i'm gonna stick with my plan i really feel like it's helping yes it is kind of like steve jobs you can all stop replying that now because we all get it they put a dong ring on for a week solid turned up with a dong like a aubergine color and swelling no way it could be salvaged given a full panic to me as bad as it sounds now has a hole between his legs at least that's the one that sticks in my mind this is how they castrate sheep and such a band around the base of the scrotum they just fall off surgical resident here one that comes to mind while i was on the cardiothoracic service was a gentleman that came in through the trauma bay with a stab wound to the chest he reported after we fixed the rather large hole in his right ventricle that he was just visiting a friend and while on the stoop of the building a random stanger stabbed him with a sword from a first floor window he proceeds to laugh get back in his car with his buddies and drive home despite the rather profuse bleeding from his chest he drives home for some period of time and then eventually decides he should go to the hospital drives by himself to the hospital last thing he remembers was being on the way to the hospital lucky bastard was found in the parking lot had passed out in his car eventually made it to the euro and walked away just fine tldr jackass gets stabbed in the heart decides to go home and hang out for a while eventually somehow drives himself to hospital before dying and without killing someone else on the road i'm guessing he panics and thought there is no way that just happened well okay but it's not that bad nope it can't be not a stab wound from a sword that's a death for past people when i was doing rounds in the ear for my medic i encountered this woman she was in her early 40s and was apparently a frequent flyer for pain meds since she had become known in the community this was a small city in west michigan she was no longer able to trick doctors into giving her meds so what does she do she pulls out her own teeth she had tried to do a couple but they wouldn't come all the way out she did eventually get one out bit this was after a few attempts this isn't the stupid part however she felt that this may not do the trick so she waited for a few days knowing she would get an infection and we would have no choice but to give her what she wanted well it didn't work they gave her nsaids and antibiotics it's sad that somebody can get that hooked on pain pills there was the guy whose elderly mother suffered a massive brain hema hij and i had to tell him there was nothing surgically we could do for her he tearfully told me that he would do anything for his mama and she could have his brain to save her life dude wanted us to do a brain transplant i had to tell him that no unfortunately that would not be possible that's terrifyingly stupid but also touching and sweet in a forest gump kind of way i have the grandma the mum and the teen in the room the teen is pregnant but this apparently is a good thing there are no fathers grandfather's boyfriend's jobs in the picture but everyone decided it was about time a new generation was added to the family lineage apparently the teen did not appreciate the fatigue full bladder back pain etc that go along with being pregnant and is also experiencing some cramping pains she demands that we do a c-section because she's tired of being pregnant even though she's still not far enough along because then we can just hook up the preemie in an incubator to finish growing and the government can just pay for the incredibly expensive iq stay my jaw just dropped then there was the lady wearing short shorts and no underwear who raised her leg and showed me the puss-filled wound on her labia while in the middle of the waiting room i don't miss rural ob gyn experiences the number of women who think that preemies are just smaller cuter term infants is just depressing but lots and lots of women out there wanting to induce labor at 35 or 36 weeks dentist here i had a patient a few years ago who could not understand how she had gum disease on her upper teeth she though gravity would pull all the bacteria down on her lower teeth leaving her top teeth pluck free turns out using cement as a diy cast for your broken did not reset leg is a bad idea turns out the chemicals in the cement irritate and dissolve your skin he became septic and almost died by the time he presented for medical care emergency medicine preventing natural selection one stupid person at a time when i was a teenager i for some reason thought it would be a good idea to mix up a small amount of concrete in a bucket with my hand because you know finding a stick or something is so hard it turns out that gravel is abrasive and cement is very caustic this is not something i did the second time i had a patient who came to the emergency department vomiting so much i had to admit him for intravenous fluids i took the usual history including what he'd eaten recently nothing out of the ordinary a few hours later he calls me over doctor i did eat some chicken and rice earlier my girlfriend made it yesterday and we left it in the pan on top of the stove overnight and i ate it this afternoon this was in a july heat wave do you think that could have been it yes yes i do sighs we had a little talk about food hygiene had to comment here my husband doesn't get why i don't eat food from his grandparents they keep food cold by sticking it in the back room leaves bags open chicken soup and other foods are left out all day night to be eaten by whoever i've seen chicken out for two days in the summer nope nope nope during a fellowship in oncology i had a nurse call me downstairs to discuss a patient he was on a phase one clinical trial and we needed to check trough values to see what his dose limit would be we started out at 10 milligrams in the form of 2.5 milligrams x4 tablets so his dose could be modified without redispensing well he could not comprehend the amount of pills he needed to take just did not understand that he needed to take only four every day and he had a month supply we had to physically withhold his medication and have him come to the infusion center every day to take his medication because he would have otherwise overdosed and died how hard is it to understand you take four tablets a day patient in a delirious state attempted to pull his foley catheter the kinds that swell up at the end to stay inside the body out of his body forcefully needless to say he was pee blood for a while from all the damage to his internals forgot to point out he was in a delirious state from not taking his blood sugar medication that's what makes it dumb i went into a room once just to talk about diet and i had a guy who was losing his crap yanking yelling he is going to pull his fully out i've never booked it to a nurse faster we had a woman that went through three hospitalizations for diabetic ketoacidosis in six weeks her glucose was up to 1100 her explanation is that she didn't like her endocrinologist so she refused to go back optometrist here had a guy coming for a glasses exam for the first time in 10 years and i discovered he had full-blown glaucoma going on and i asked him if i could run a test to help confirm he got super angry with me and demanded his prescription i said i'll give that to you but i need to prescribe you medicine to help save your sight his response was well if the good lord wants me to lose my sight then who am i to stop him i made him sign a waiver and he left i've never been so frustrated at a patient i hope he doesn't kill someone on the road one day i work as a scribe in the air and we had a guy come in asking to be tested because he may have an std so we start asking him if he has had fricked unprotected and multiple partners to which he answers yes next we ask if he has any itching rash discharge etc to which he answers no well this guy thought he caught asthma from freaking with some chick who had it asthma he thought it was an std i had a girl come to the air for ladybit spotting and abdominal cramping she had just started her first physical relationship and had taken plan b every day for five days because she was worried about getting pregnant they used condoms and she was already on the birth control had a 70 year old female coming with a broken rib and clavicle after falling tells me her only medications are insulin and tums while taking her history she seems off she's acting confused her voice is deep her face is swollen and she's had been having balance problems textbook hypothyroidism turns out she had her thyroid removed a year ago when i asked her if she was taking any medications for that she tells me yes the tums i need the calcium for my thyroid where she came up with the idea that tumps were a great substitute for your thyroid i will never know needless to say she left with a new synthroid rx she probably confused thyroid with parathyroid as a med student myself and another student took a history from a guy who drank several ten plus cups of tea a day with six sugars in each one for my first and had six meals a day of four bacon sandwiches with butter for the energy that's all he had every day that's it he couldn't understand why his heart disease wasn't getting better why he'd put on weight why he was now showing high blood sugar and was borderline diabetic seriously guys anyone saying but bacon isn't bad food or whatever i never said it was read what i posted especially the bit where i said that's all he had every day that's it because if you can't process that with the rest of what i've said i think you're in danger of becoming a patient mentioned in threads like this i too cannot understand why he is borderline diabetic our leg necrotic with maggots has been this way for 30 days wrapped t-shirts around the leg and when the outer layer was soaked with pus they threw another one on top he finally called 9-1-1 for shortness of breath he died from septic shock my breath smells like treachominus pt gets told she required urgent surgery after a shorty home birth give her instructions including nothing to eat walk in to bring her to the orangey scarfing down burger king tries to hide it after she sees me pt is informed to begin taking eliquis immediately anticoagulant they just got a cardiac stent placed and told the risks of delaying taking that medication the pharmacy was out of it for the weekend she comes in three days later with the same chest pain as before i thought you fix me is my doctor stupid am i had a girl in the ear who got beer poured over her while at a party she went to the bathroom to clean herself but didn't find anything to wash herself with like a sponge or something so she used the next best thing she found and meticulously scrubbed her boobs with steel wool comma steel wool and our skin care addiction gets worried about facial scrubs anesthesia here self-inflicted gun shot to head brain dead organ procurement candidate family insist on giving him a brain transplant they didn't comprehend that they could donate his organ they truly thought that we could give him a new brain with science and crap while in nursing school i had a patient who had wounds on his leg and refused wound care because hospitals are clean and you can't get an infection in a hospital he refused even after having me and then my instructor explained to him about hospital acquired infections and the need for wound care not a doctor but as an army medic i have had some dumb patients one of the first guys i treated got really bad road rash from a motorcycle crash and decided to treat it himself by pouring whiskey on it by the time he came to the medics it was pretty bad and i had to do debritement with a scrub brush basically scrubbing the bad parts off with plastic bristles he was in a lot of pain and i was trying not to laugh at him a lot of people don't respect medics at all even when we are very good at our jobs one guy came in with fluid filled bumps on a red base around his mouth textbook herbs i asked him if it was his first herpes outbreak and he started yelling at me for saying he had herpes he refused to listen to anything else i said and asked for the pa who took one look at him and asked if it was his first herpes outbreak we once had a guy who had the tip of his finger amputated his first question was will this grow back one guy had a sore back and while i was doing the physical exam he said doc my spine is curved it wasn't that's why my nose is crooked medics all have lots of fun stories took care of a patient who we i diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma this sweet woman was in her late twenties for those that don't know nhl responds pretty well to chemo her father-in-law had a business selling camel's milk she opted for a camel's milk treatment plan over chemotherapy she was convinced that camel's milk can't treat anything she said she came to the hospital just to find out what it was that she was going to treat with the camel's milk smh she had a two and a four year old fortunately i could convince her to only try camel's milk for a finite amount of time and then follow up with our oncologist to see if camel's milk did the trick one more i'm telling on behalf of a colleague who doesn't read it in the wee hours of the morning he got called to see a trauma consult it was a guy who reportedly wandered into the ear stating he'd just come from a bus stop across the street from the hospital he had just woken up there and realized that he was missing his wallet as well as all of his clothing from the waist down what you ask would prompt an indecently clothed man to march barefoot across a busy downtown road in a big city by the dawn's early light to seek assistance in the air shane be damned his butthole really really hurt my friend didn't appropriate work up and discovered a large chunk of broken off concrete lodge in this gentleman's rectum it required an operation to retrieve it however before they whisked him off to the ore the patient confessed the rest of the story he'd hooked up with two strange men off of craigslist and they'd gone out in one guy's awesome sports car used copious amounts of illicits and ito and done well at that point he wasn't too sure just what they'd done all he remembered was waking up at the bus station with no pants and a rock up his butt and then while my friend was still in the air with the guy getting consent for the operation the patient's very worried wife walked in for anyone else who wasn't familiar ito equals the medical term for ethyl alcohol drinking alcohol maybe not the dumbest patient i've ever treated but certainly a memorable one while working a night shift in the ed i grabbed a chart for a pnb our shorthand for pregnant and bleeding i walked into the room and came across a young woman who was laying on the stretcher with her legs open in a pool of blood and tissue she was about 20 weeks pregnant and had been bleeding for almost three days before she decided that it was time to go to the hospital when i asked why she didn't come in sooner she replied that she thought it was just her period since she had heard that you can still be pregnant even if you get your period for medical clarity yes having a menstrual cycle shortly after unprotected freaking does not mean you are in the clear and definitely not pregnant horizontal ellipses once you have a confirmed bun in the oven it don't work that way after having to explain to the poor darf girl that she was indeed pregnant i then had to spend the next 10 minutes pulling from her t canal the remaining products of conception from her miscarriage if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: doctors, doctor, medical stories, doctor stories, nurses, hospital, emergency, patient, treatment, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 4_ZwWgt9f-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 29sec (7229 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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