What's The Weirdest Thing You Saw At Someones House That They Thought Was Normal?

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what's the weirdest thing that you've seen at someone's house that they thought was completely normal their mother cooked five different dinners from scratch every day they each decided what they wanted and she just cooked it for them all three children husband and herself when I went round the first time she seemed insulted that I didn't want anything special and just had what my friend was having it must have taken her hours as they all chose to eat at different times as well not the weirdest but I always ate one meal with my whole family 12-year old me was out of his comfort zone I would totally do this if I had the money and more people to feed I loved making dinners rather than a garbage can my friends family had a room to throw away their garbage a room that served no other purpose than a garbage can I asked him what they were going to do when it was full and he just said it wasn't their problem because they were moving in a few months even if you're moving wouldn't you rather not have rotting piles of garbage in your house what a bunch of dongs I went to someone's house where no joke they wouldn't flush the toilets until they were at full capacity the entire top floor just reaped of crap it was disgusting one time I saw the scooping crap and soggy TP into a bucket and throwing it in the backyard I wish I was joking this is what I wanted was playing on a console in the lounge when there was a scream and his little brother ran past 12-ish followed by his naked little sister 14 ish screaming at him apparently he keeps creeping into the bathroom to watch her shower my friend and his parents thought it was hilarious none of them seemed to find it weird and no there was no lock on the bathroom door not sure why sometimes families are weird they can't wrap their heads around other family members being a certain way so something that's obvious to anybody else is just not possible to them you see a pervy kid that needs to have boundaries explained to him and you're probably right but the family can't even wrap their heads around the possibility of their son actually creeping on their daughter everything lit up the picture of his grandparents light up his clock lights up his speaker's light up freaking everything light up sounds like an average tech nerds house computer lights up Mouse lights up keyboard lights up server lights up server racks light up RAM cards light you I mean up I had a best friend all through elementary and middle school I was over his house practically every day one day his mom gave him a meal of cooked spaghetti noodles in a bowl of milk and gave me one as well it was the strangest meal I've ever seen he loved it I did not hung out many times after that and never once saw him eat a bowl of milk spaghetti pricked up it makes a great side dish Phil milk steak and jelly beans served raw of course my childhood friend invited me over after not hanging out for a few years we were both teenagers we got on the subject of frickin and she pulled out a little shoebox from under her bed she had saved every cm filled condom from her and her bf tied in a knot and in a pile of about 50 I didn't know what else to say so I was like cool went home shortly thereafter and didn't speak to her again maybe I was too harsh maybe not a treasure chest filled with a wide variety of corn cobs leather masks and whips just chillin in the upstairs hallway from the flip side of things invited a Chinese girl over to our house during Christmas because the campus gets pretty deserted I figured Christmas was going to seem strange to her and we were all prepared to answer questions but it wasn't Christmas that really surprised her she's sitting on the couch and the cat jumps up next to her and she just freezes what's wrong I asked what is that she asks completely seriously what do you think it is my wife asked it looks like a small one my wife laughed and said she was close tailed it was called a cat and it lived in the house the Chinese woman asked what the cat wanted so my wife showed her how to pet the cat the Chinese woman was delighted about how soft the cat was spent the rest of the evening petting the cat never thought that I'd ever run to an adult who'd never seen or interacted with a cat I can only imagine how it looked from her point of view or what story she told the folks back home a friend of mine has owned a couple of goats and a few years ago he decided to buy a goat statue to put by his front door it's not a goat it's a statue of Satan he decided he likes the Satan statue so it's still by his front door he's all like well the statue is nice might as well worship the Prince of Darkness now and forever if I stay at my best friend's house a lot because she still lives with her family and it's kind of nice being around them one time her dad left the door open while he was taking a crap and as I walked past he just nodded hello at me and continued reading his newspaper when I told her about it and she just shrugged and was like so I am a dude so maybe he was just showing me who's boss my dad did this once while he had horrible diarrhea I was like six or seven I just saw it out of the corner of my eye while walking past heard some blasts kept walking when I was 12 I had a friend whose elder sister had Down's syndrome she was a few years older and about twice the size they regularly beat the crap out of each other she would go into these fits of anger and pummel my friend in his face and sometimes even bodyslam him which usually ended with her sitting on top of him this was a normal occurrence and I never got used to it I don't care if she has Down syndrome the parents should have done something my dog died a few years ago he was a beloved member of the family and we were all pretty torn up about it my mom and dad decided to have him cremated a few weeks later I came home from college and saw the urn right in the middle of the coffee table I said mom is that the dog and she said yes dear and then my dad shouted angrily he liked to watch TV not to be insensitive about your dog passing but for some reason I picture your dad as Jerry Stiller on an episode of Seinfeld yelling he liked to watch TV the cats walked all over the table during dinner one started eating off my plate and when I gently nudged it away I got yelled for interfering with the free choice of another living being 12-year old me was pretty freaked out I do happen to be very fond of cats myself mine are not allowed on the counters or table which means they don't do it when we are looking so I always clean those surfaces right before I cook just in case living with animals of any kind is always interesting bugs I was at this girl's house once for a sleepover party when I was a teenager and there were bugs and she thought it was totally normal it started off with ants in the living room everyone was grossed out then when we were all going to go to bed one of the girls found her tick on her pillow and the girl whose house it was said oh yeah they come off my dog all the time last time I went over to her house row I don't know about American ticks but those in Germany can easily transfer very dangerous diseases their parents were in the same room saying nice things to each other and not yelling at their kids I've heard there's some families that don't even hit their kids my friend has a six-foot Indian statue in her alway which wears a beanie hat with a marijuana leaf on the front of it and is holding a huge spliff turns out her dad staggered home drunk with it one night and now it's almost part of their family always strikes me as odd when someone has cat crap all over the floor in a room rooms and thinks nothing of it I know a couple that lets their dog crap in their house instead of taking it outside just lets it fester ruin two nice apartments so far a bowl of Olives on top of the toilet I knew a family that microwaved cutlery all the time spoons still in a coffee cup for example I asked if the sparks tips them off that they shouldn't do it but they said that it didn't bother them my ex spot dealer lived in a storage unit with his family he had no problem inviting people over the house was mine and I thought this was completely normal until later on in life a little backstory my family went to catholic church every sunday other than just going to our family wasn't really that religious every Friday evening we would go grocery shopping the whole family one Friday night we were in traffic and a motorcycle flies by unclips the side of a vehicle the girl flies off the back and the guy's leg ends up being caught in something and twists like eight times I was eight years old when this happened and remember it like it was yesterday well my mom runs into a nearby business to call 9-1-1 this was way before cellphones and they cleared the accident on our way home my dad says that we are going to say the rosary if you're Catholic or religious at all you know about the rosary it's prayers that you repeat over and over and over et Cie if thinking that would be the only night that happened my dad decides to say the Rosary every night at 6:00 p.m. we had to be in the living room on our knees and it lasted for an hour then we'd eat supper and get ready for bed this went on for a long time I had a friend over one night we were playing video games in my room well my dad came to get me for Rosary I told my friend to continue playing games until I come back nope my dad said he had to participate my mom told my dad in private that he couldn't make someone else's child participate in the rosary my dad was dead set on my friend doing the Rosary with us my mom ended up bringing my friend home and no one from my school wanted to come to my house after that older men sometimes do weird things when confronted by mortality we usually call it a midlife crisis Asian here living in an Asian country whenever we step into a home we always take off our shoes either before we enter the home or at the door visited a friend in the u.s. he walked into his house with his shoes on walked up the stairs with his shoes on walked into his room with his shoes on slumped onto his bed with his shoes on as an Asian I was very unaccustomed to that I took off my shoes at his door and he thought I was weird my mum does this she lives in her shoes and has the dirtiest carpet ever before I came to career and lived with her I didn't think much of it but after spending seven years in Asia now think she is the weirdest person ever of shoes a now a feather door every time no door for the bathroom only at curtain the stuff of nightmares my neighbours had a miniature horse for a few years doesn't sound too crazy until you know that this was in the suburbs they would walk it like a dog and it was pretty neat fun facts the Manges manual or whatever it is for the Cinemark movie theaters states that the only animals allowed in the theatre are service dogs and in rare cases service mini horses it's something about my own house or rather my parents house s you know how parents will have a shrine of their children's pictures over fireplaces bookcases on the refrigerator usually showcasing their beautiful children throughout various stages of development school pictures prom pictures etc my parents had a few of those scattered throughout the house there's five of us kids but only four kids are showcased I'm completely absent I didn't notice this till my late teens girlfriends would ask these baby pictures are adorable which one is you none of em are when questioned my parents stated we just don't have any pictures of you fast far too current times I'm in my mid-20s live on my own and my parents are divorced each living in their own respective homes one shrine is now divided into two shrines into house still only featuring photographic evidence of four stroke five children again I am left out again when questioned I just don't have any pictures of you both parents retort I'm not adopted I'm the middle child I'm the intelligent clear-headed one my role in the family was the mediator the communicator the problem-solver the teacher I'm also the only child that did not rebel against his parents Authority I'm not going to say my parents don't love me but I can say that they didn't bother keeping any picture of me just my opinion your parents are dysfunctional and they raised four dysfunctional kids they accidentally raised an intelligent caring level-headed individual like yourself and they just couldn't relate to all of that sanity they don't have pictures of you because you're better than them it's the only rational explanation I can think of honestly had an overbearing friend who constantly needed attention finally go to her house for the first time and find out she lets her ferrets run around their single-wide and crap everywhere there were also dirty clothes piled in every room oh the ferrets like to hide in it I like animals and I hadn't ever really petted a ferret so I reached down and the thing is crawling with fleas literally there was almost no patch of fur that didn't look like it was moving from all the fleas she noticed me cringe and said oh don't worry I think he thinks they are snacks he is always trying to get them with his mouth and oh be your ferret is probably getting bitten left and right and itching like crazy now that is just downright sad my friend's family had a no-shoe rule and a no sock rule we live in New England it's freaking cold in the winter no socks was cruel and unusual he had slippers but I'm not bringing slippers to go over and play Commodore 64 so I just dealt with it stupid rules I once watched one of my school acquaintances hold his mother at knifepoint because she wouldn't let him make popcorn i frickin cried trying to talk him down because I thought I was about to watch someone die he was very adamant on stabbing her through the neck find the weird one here when I was little my grandmother bought one of those plastic sand boxes this was in the 80s but here is the kicker she hated cleaning up the sand so instead she filled it full of peas dried peas little green ones yes like the ones you eat so fast forward to being a parent and I see one of those when my eldest is a tiny tot I turned to my wife and say we can buy him that and get a 50-pound bag of dried peas the look on her face told me I'd freaked up and she doesn't let me live it down I'm the pea kid sand gets everywhere and it's a betta clean I think dried peas is pretty smart and the off-chance a kid decides to eat it at least it's better the mouthful of sand still dirty but still better than sand I was about nine and my family went on a trip with one of my then friends from school and his family they're nice enough people but had weird mannerisms and was strangely formal anyway the one weird thing I noticed was that every now and then they'd each go out of them room for a moment and come back in thought nothing of it after a while and kind of forgot about it one night the kids are just chilling in the bedroom while the adults were in the lounge few beers were had and they got a little Mary and allegedly by mistake my dad let rips a huge fart the scream that came from my friend's mum was blood-curdling and everyone kind of rushes and to see what had happened she got really embarrassed and explained that they never farted in front of each other it was a little awkward after that but pretty funny staying at a family friend's house while on holiday in Paris I got scolded for flushing the toilet apparently that was only necessary after an especially bad smelling movement flushing down anything else on its own would be a waste of water but they would just let must shoots too until the bowl was full I guess everyone has their own priorities but him Oh hygiene has to come before penny-pinching kind of the same when I stayed at a guest family in London they didn't refill the bathtub after someone was in they only emptied it after the whole family used the same water for bathing five people water was black after that spent mortar round in the bathroom never got a serious answer why it was in there not a mortar round it was an anti-aircraft casing they never put anything in it either it just lived in the bathroom empty and perplexing my mom has a spent artillery shell that she uses as avars she picked it up on a visit at her uncle's grave in France killed by a sniper in World War one a local farmer said she could have it as a souvenir they are still ploughing those things up decades later my grandma's neighbors had a daughter who was my best friend for a few years growing up they had a nice house with nice bedrooms cleaned always made bed because they all slept downstairs in the living room the dad on the couch mom on the loveseat and the kids on the floor all we did was play in her room that if I spent the night on the floor I went I remember at a time my friend's parents had a random adult toy room that they let their kids play around him both parents were openly be and never hid anything about frickin from their kids my friend's dad was a little too happy about having too many kids six total five girls and one boy we later find out later he'd roofie his wife and molest the girls when she was passed out so happy we never had sleepovers there now thank god he's now in prison bastard holy Frick that's dark at first I was like eh that's kind of cool at they're trying to distinct is being bacteria was having an active private life but holy Frick suckers like that ruin everything my friend's dad using his phone to video orbs which were just bits of dust being picked up on the camera because of the light I tried explaining and he was insulted I don't think he likes me now a series of stuffed squirrels in various action poses I went on a date with a really handsome nice guy he was a kindergarten teacher went out to dinner very romantic then a walk around his neighborhood things were going well so when he invited me into his house I said sure walked in everything normal then went into his bedroom he had a huge poster off pat tillman in the corner of the company enshrined beneath a confederate flag covering the ceiling swastikas Nazi stuff et Cie etc but needless to say I fled slept over at a friend's house in high school they would have a radio and or TV on in every room at all times throughout the house nuclear family of four even when sleeping and it seemed completely normal to them went to a friend of a friend's apartment yes should have been a warning cause that never ends up good anyways we get there and he's cooking spaghetti and invites us for a bowl sweet I asked to use the washroom he goes sorry I can't leave at the moment as he was draining the pasta I look over my shoulder and there's the toilet in the corner of the kitchen like 10 featuring away from the stove beside the fridge it really soured my appetite I've never seen anything like this ever that's illegal in a lot of places some illegally converted buildings do that to save on the costs off sending plumbing to another room and because of space constraints I went stayed for dinner at a friend's house during high school one night getting ready to eat were friends dad friends mom friends elder brother friend me count him five people friends mom walks out with dinner it's like a big bowl of steamed veggies which looked fine and a plate with a piece of steak and like two pieces of grilled chicken to plate hit the table and everyone but me lunged for the meat it was freaking survival of the fastest it was like when a pack of dogs get two deer five of us at the table three pieces of meat at my house mom served dinner all portion up in portions proportional to how much each of us eat that which I guess might seem weird to how they ate but it was the weirdest thing I ever saw at someone's house that they thought was completely normal opposite viewpoint we had a bday in my house and I didn't think much of it friends wanted to take pictures and talk about forever I put urinal in my bathroom my male friends loved it women are 50 stroked 50 love it or hate it all women that have lived with me wind up loving it a friend of mine had a framed contract with Jesus that their whole family had signed and put on display on a little easel nobody found it funny when I remarked that Jesus had neglected to sign it I was always shocked at how loud people were even now I'm in dorms people are so loud they just glare music out of their rooms and yell in the hallways that crap wouldn't fly at my house this was the one thing I hated about dorm life people were so loud even at night during the supposed quiet hours their arse were useless and never did the thing about its despite all the complaints from everyone my house never had any family photos on the wall or anywhere in the house so one day I went to my friend's house they have some family photos hanging on the wall every time I come to her place I feel like I am entering an art gallery I view all the photos and give myself a deep thought about the photos like why are they posing like that why choosing that outfit with that color etc my best friend in grade school was Mormon and came from a big family three sisters and five brothers whenever I spent the night I was forced to share with the boys I guess they showered in groups of three the sisters all liked to shower together so I guess I was left to shower with the boys I expressed my reluctance to be naked with boys but was forced to undress and join them where they were giggle and poke and prod me until I was crying I was seven and the boys ranged from 4 to 18 what the actual that's awful few have been visited by the comfortable garlic bread of good back support subscribed it up dude rend it in three weeks or Never sit comfortably again you have a lot of time for this one I understand if you're busy no rush like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: weird house, weirdest house, weirdest, weird, weird things, weird houses, weird houses around the world, weird house designs, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, sub
Id: CImUxlesuRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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