Have You Ever Caught Your Spouse Cheating? (r/AskReddit)

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what is your accidentally caught your spouse cheating horror story not me but a medical resident who I met on rotation recently one of the nicest guy I ever met super intelligent and hardworking and training to be a trauma surgeon by humble as they come he had been married for two years to his wife one night he gets off a 30-hour call early and heads home to surprise his wife with some flowers and her favorite dessert it was the anniversary of the day they first met only to find her in bed with a random dude he was so exhausted and confused he didn't know what to do and just left and went back to the hospital I saw him at 5:00 a.m. sitting in the parking lot hunched over crying he didn't even have his phone with him he was just sitting there man nothing breaks your heart more than seeing a grown man cry it's not something you see off him we called his dad up and he came and picked him up the guy ended up taking a leave from his residency turns out it wasn't the wife's first time sleeping around hope he gets back on his feet he will make an amazing physician on family vacation I picked up his phone because I was bored and the kids were playing on mine but saw the message to some girl describing the freaking session he and I had the night before spent the rest of the vacation fighting via text while trying and failing to act normal friend of mine was hanging out with some guys at a bar and went home to chill with em he asked how they knew my girlfriend at the time realized she was a mutual friend at the bar guy said she was frick buddies with his friend my friend was confused and mentioned she was the girlfriend of a friend of his me to which his response was oh I hope you're not good enough for friends to have to tell him had a really close group of friends who would always prank each other one of my mates found out the Facebook password of another so while on skype for the whole call included myself logged into his Facebook account being seven people to make a stupid status at the same time my partner of five years was messaging him on Facebook about how good frickin was last night and about meeting up again college girlfriend and we lived together for a year after I realized she would always have her phone on silent or just plainly ignore calls from Jennifer one day I write down the number and call it a week later it ends up being her other boyfriend who she had never broken up with before she came to college neither of us knew about each other and she had been visiting and when she went home to see her parents on some weekends and breaks broke up soon after and her mom said that sometimes you just have to accept things and how I owed her an apology for breaking up with her it gets worse but that was the gist walked in on my girlfriend while she was freaking another guy what are you doing here she says you gave me a key remember I ended up not working today and wanted to surprise you 15 years later she reaches out leaves me a message that she'd like to talk I figure she's doing some 12-step thing or something and wants to make amends nope she wanted to try and sell me on Amway she wanted to try and sell me on an way that's worse than getting cheated on Mt st. Augustine erupted in Alaska in 1986 they had to evacuate all planes out of Elmendorf AFB due to ash in the air this sent my unit home from Korea three days early I got home at 2:00 a.m. and there was the guy sleeping next to my wife in our bed empty st. Augustine coming in clutch I just got off work after working the graveyard shift I walk into my apartment with my fiancee riding some guy she met at a party on my futon which they broke I walked out with so much rage and broken feelings I went to my car and cried the broken futon makes this so much worse found my wife's notebook written on the first page was a ten step plan detailing how she was going to leave me for another guy I turned it into one step turned it into one step sick lying though also this is now my top comment by a country mile her phone went off and she asked me what it said I looked at it and it said I want to bend you over and spank you just another text from your father weird you still call him daddy woke up to her on her phone with heart scrolling and facebook Messenger we married seven years at that point two kids it was my birthday I won't faint total innocence marriage is hard I was working and in school full-time so she could be a stay-at-home mum which was our goal she realized she wanted something else and moved on crap happens roll with the punches I won't faint total innocence you being busy and allowing her to stay home with your child isn't anything you should be blaming yourself for it sounds like you were working hard for your family if she was unhappy she should have said something please don't blame yourself for that came home early they were fast enough to get rest but not in a natural state of being if that makes sense it was obvious something was just going down very cliched got walked in on and tried to play a cool like you see in TV I asked him to leave and he did we argued she tried to lie but soon confessed it wasn't the first time she cheated but it was the first time that I caught her in the act everything in the past was just texts and stuff she said that she never slept with the other people and it was just pics and flirting in retrospect that may not be BS we divorced both remarried not friends by any stretch but civil emotional cheating in this day and age is the same went to log into email and has suggested one that I didn't recognize popped up I answered all his security questions and reset his password to find emails between him and the neighbor we were in therapy to recover from him cheating with her and there they were waxing poetic about their love and when I'd be out of the house so they could be together the actual horror story is that our seven-year-old daughter is the one who accidentally caught them originally by walking into our bedroom while I was at work oh my god that's terrible poor kid and poor you what a jackass I was at Disney with our kids day two of a 7-day family trip her father had been by that point talking up for about seven years he until her mother told us when the kids were born they were going to take us over to Disney when they turned seven and seven years later it finally happened at that point we'd been together for over a decade had a great job a bunch of kids and the full-on 100% honest-to-goodness American Dream life was grand until I picked up a phone to set an alarm on night two of our family vacation of a lifetime there were so many texts so many I remember actually wanting to hurt her and having to leave the room I immediately called the number and heard some freaking strange dude answer with a sleepy hello darling I'm glad to hear from you I wanted to die the sense of unreality that I experienced it was immediately numbing like I just switched to the dark timeline all I could think was from this point on everything that I have known about my left is going to change my ex left me at Disney with our two kids and her grandchild to rush home to be with her side dong I know your pain my friend girlfriend ran over her phone by accident and destroyed the scream asked me to back up all her stuff and transfer it to her new pixel use backup tool that captures all sorts of dirty messages and moods with another guy either she's stupid or she wanted to get caught obligatory not me but a friend and I've posted this story twice before early 2000s my friend's husband was deployed to Iraq together they had a ten-year-old son and a happy marriage one day while he was deployed I am at home when another one of our friends calls and screams holy crap turn on the news right now I turn it on to watch a human-interest story about a fundraiser at a high school 30 miles away they're doing Relay for Life or something and there's a surprise to one of the participants they had her husband and father of her two great school children do a video call from the rock and displayed it on the football Jumbotron there on our local news is my friend's husband telling another woman and two kids how he loves them and can't wait to get back home to them the news eats it up about what a great guy nears that night our group of friends convened and decided how we would tell her I was nominated so the next day I had to sit her down and tell her what we saw she called the news station and they were happy to let her come in and watch the story they were also incredibly apologetic story has a somewhat crappy ending I'm afraid she called him out on his BS they started divorce proceedings and he went on to legally marry the mother of his other kids and mostly ignored his son from the first marriage row that's a movie level flicked up I returned from work on Christmas Eve we had tickets to a festival which started the day before night and I couldn't find the tickets anywhere after seeing them the month before I decided to double-check the trash before we put it out for collection I found a used condom we lived on our own dating this girl a few years back and I became really good friends with her brother just because he appreciated my help during a difficult time for their family their father had abruptly passed away two years into the relationship the brother contacts me and asks to meet up for coffee and a serious conversation apparently he caught his own sister with another guy mutual friend of ours and this crap had been going on for like a year as soon as he found out I was told broke up with her still friends with her brother go figure if I was gay I'd date him everyone happy haha caught my now ex-husband something was way off I was six months pregnant with our second child and my best friend at the time was also off picked up his phone at 2:00 a.m. when it went off and found a secret password locked messenger go messenger password was his birthday real winner I found over 7k messages along with photos some insinuating I was present with either one of them while they were messaging I was upset and woke him up he locked himself in the bathroom and called the attempted suicide card there's another year of trying to work it out shenanigans after this incident but I'm so glad that chapter in my life it over came back from a trip four hours early wife was supposed to be at work still opened the front door to see her sitting topless on the couch making out with a co-worker he ran out the door she ran into a bathroom and locked the door sat on that couch for about an hour because I couldn't think what else to do finally just up and left so she could come out of the bathroom and put a shirt on he ran out the door chivalrous to the and no less we had a linked Apple account we both had the Find My iPhone app figured out what all the late nights at work really were I work for a major cell phone carrier and the amount of times people come in asking to get their Apple ID on link because they saw something they didn't want to see from a sibling or kid usually is honestly hilarious me and my girlfriend were long-distance and she had a habit of going quiet sometimes she'd been texting me for the last few weeks but had made excuses not to come visit I went to a party that my friend had organized I met a friend of his who told me he had a new girlfriend I was surprised he hadn't mentioned her so I asked who she was this lady introduced me to my girlfriend she told everyone that we broke up and had been dating my friend for about a month she didn't bother to tell me long story short I suspected something for a few months like an idiot I opened her phone while she was asleep and found exactly what I was looking for like you always do when searching through someone else's phone even with all of the texts right there to see she still lied about it multiple times she eventually admitted to it but downplayed it heavily she told me about two nights ago that he asked her out on a date and she said I had to say no and was visibly sad about it in the process of getting a divorce now hurts like heck one of my former co-workers loaded in the rest D card with a scanned project file on it he put it into the conference room PC we were treated to make it picks off his wife frickin another guy we were just stunned this was in a senior budgetary meeting with the outside accountants and auditors and he was sitting right there and we were looking at his wife and another guy going at it I reached over and shut the projector off nobody said anything he got up and walked out and drove off in his car left his phone and laptop sitting on the table he wound up driving to his parents house three states away he was gone for a week dropped her off at home went inside to use bathroom found condom in the trash we hadn't been using condoms for a bit that one hurt for some time she claimed it's not used lolwut bad as I wanted to make a scene and call her everything possible I just proceeded to leave the place and never look back condom had fluids inside of it unless it was a limited edition corn cob that also spits out juice it was clearly not used on a radar toy Lal dude I found out the same way : had my suspicions for a couple months but no evidence or anything my ex lived about 40 miles from me and we were 18 dated and went to high school together for three years she would come down into the city on weekends to spend time with me I knew she had another group of friends in her town and a few were guys which didn't bother me but I woke up in the middle of the night and messaged her on Facebook only to notice she had been tagged in a photo with one her friends he was holding her up and kissing her it was his new profile picture I messaged the guy and calmly asked what was going on he immediately responded and was confused we decided to meet up for coffee the next morning that my ex was over and the look on her face was priceless when she saw him walk in and sit beside me she begged for our forgiveness and claimed she loved us both turned out it had been going on for seven months and that every time she left my place during the weekend she was returning home to him for the week me and the other guy are now best friends and share a house with my fancy and his girlfriend Frick you Taylor I second this Frick you Taylor I found out my ex-boyfriend dated from 15-18 had been cheating on me when upon walking into the apartment he shared with his mother and two elementary age sisters the youngest sister asked me when did you leave I asked her when was I here she responded you were here all night I could hear you talking to ex's name I had not been there for two days at that point I asked him what she was talking about and he blew bubbles for a few minutes before confessing good riddance not sure if everyone knows blue bubbles means having nothing to say yes still talking it may be local slang yes though I do think the joke is funny at least bubbles had a good time I guess her phone got a text from her friend who was in the kitchen with her so I assumed one of them scented to me opened her phone to see a dong her friend doesn't have a dong now I'm divorced and don't trust texts from friends a wild dong has appeared my cousin was visiting us for a long weekend she and I were super close like sisters I went upstairs to put the baby to bed came back down to them going at it on the couch so that was fun I know it can sometimes take a while to put a baby down but for who the frick thinks they can bust and get dressed and remove the smell of frickin from the air while their wife is upstairs crap one day my husband was getting ready for work and I saw him packing his GoPro case so he could take it to work I thought hum that's weird why would he be taking it to work so when he jumped into the shower I replaced his GoPro with mine and thought I'd look through the files when he leaves for work my suspicions were on alert because he had just taken a trip to the PI with some friends a guy's only weekend kind of thing fire up the camera and found three videos lo and behold there he is in all his glory by booking a Filipino prostitute looking and posing for the camera like he's some freaking P star I was enraged but also looking at his full acting like he's a freakin adult film star was hilarious the craziest part of this story for me is that you own two GoPros he gave my number to his side-chick in case of emergency and she accidentally called me instead of him we were engaged and he had a drinking problem he was blacked out drunk accidentally butt-dialed me and i listened to the whole thing only to find out after that it was with a prostitute that's awful but sounds like you really dodged a bullet I met this girl who was working the late shift at a drugstore we flirted a few times eventually exchanged numbers and started sleeping together after a few weeks she invited me to go drinking at this crappy little bar she liked in the north side of the city so we spend the night dancing together drinking and talking to people she knows eventually a guy comes up to me saying great to meet you finally congratulations on the engagement what are you talking about I replied laughing as I choked on my drink a bit guy gives me a quizzical look and says you're here with Corey it's Paul right I raised an eyebrow and pointed a thumb to my chest stating nah man names Kyle we stared at each other watching each other realize what was playing out on this faithful night Corey was engaged to a guy named Paul I was the other guy Paul worked out of town for weeks at a time it was actually interesting how you literally could see the word travel around the small bar drastically changing the vibe in the room we left shortly after she brought me the guy she was cheating on her fiance with to her favorite bar she brought me to her place full of friends that at least knew her well enough to know she was engaged to a guy named Paul not Kyle messed up stuff didn't see her again after that according to Facebook Paul and Corey are currently married boyfriend finally convinces me to have a threesome after months of begging I finally agree and our mutual friend comes over things get hot and heavy and when he starts freaking her he moans Dan you feel even better than usual everyone freezes he tries to tell me that he was thinking about my pee while freaking her and that it just felt differently but she felt so guilty that she confessed on the spot and begged me to forgive her we don't really talk anymore but last I heard she had been dating my ex for over a year what a fool you are not my relationship but my boyfriend's mom took me out to lunch to get to know me better we really kicked it off and had a great lunch she had to run home because she forgot to grab a gift for a shower we had to attend after and we found her husband ducking the neighbor on the couch she was mortified and never the same around me again her son and I split because of that he didn't think his dad was wrong because his mom gained weight as in she was now 145 feet six inches and not 120 so I never found out what happened went home and my husband wasn't home which was weird for him at 8 p.m. when an hour earlier he had told me he was going home I had a gut feeling went to one of our female friends who he claimed was like a sister a heartland his truck is there I knock no answer try the door it's unlocked walk into the living room nobody there hear noises in the bedroom walk in and lo and behold there they are tried to make it work over the next couple of months but I can't get past it didn't even want him to touch me divorced four years ago our female friend this was a mutual friend who we had both known for years went to a chess with etc things had been a little shaky as I was working a lot and felt sapped when she wanted to go be social with friends so I often stayed home I wanted to do something nice for her for Valentine's Day so I sent her friend a text asking if there was something that she may have mentioned she would like to do as I was waiting on that text I was in another room I saw her phone buzz with her friend's name the number was below the name and since I had just sent her a text I knew they didn't match there are very few times my blood has been that cold and feelings of dread I called the number with my phone and it rang and rang before going to voicemail needless to say it was the other guy I confronted her about it and she said she was waiting to leave and had a bag packed in case I found out she had no intentions of trying to work things out so a month later she had moved out I made a decision then that I could be broken up and miserable that I could choose to be happy and be open to a relationship if it was available I've since remarried and have two beautiful boys with my amazing wife regardless of the shittiness and horror in these stories there is always the opportunity to be happy if you're reading this thread because it happened to you adjust from morbid curiosity choose to be happy be the person that you can be proud of and move on to better things I like your advice I hope those that need to see it will a friend of mine literally walked in on his wife and another guy doing it on their sofa I guess he just yelled what the frickin ran out Facebook was a real [ __ ] shell for a few days and she even had the goal to blame him back vo it's your fault I cheated luckily there were no children in that marriage and not much money to fight over my ex-wife was an alcoholic like bad alcoholic one time I get home from my night shift a little early and you guessed it she was drunk well I was frisky and she's usually drunk when we frick anyway so what the heck I came on to her so we are freaking and it's dark and she says you need to hurry up so I asked but why he's going to be home soon of who my husband you fricking idiot yep so I pull out and hop out of the bed and flip on the light and this B looks absolutely baffled she's crap faced drunk and totally dumbfounded I asked her who did you think was freaking you what who did you think was freaking you what are you talking about nevermind I'll talk to you about it in the morning I'm not drunk yet she didn't even know what the Frick I was all about so I go to bed on the couch and I'm sitting there going over crap in my head and I hear her come down the stairs she goes into the kitchen and I hear a drawer shut a few seconds later she's standing over me with a freaking knife I promptly take the knife from her tell her to go to bed which she obliges without saying a single word I grab the kids and put them in the car and drive to my mom's house where we spend the night and she starts blowing up my phone at 10 a.m. frantic that she doesn't know where the kids are we have a mini intervention she promises to go to AAA I attempt to erase the entire night from my memory which didn't work obviously dot about a month late if she hasn't held up to her AAA agreement and has pretty much gone back to her old ways I come home from work and I see a freaking LA Dodgers hat on my couch who was over I asked nobody are you sure yep don't frickin Bulls me who was over here are you calling me a frickin liar yes I am because someone left their frickin hat on my frickin couch at this point she concocts some stupid story about a neighbor coming to borrow something I knew she was lying at this point I had pretty much given up on the marriage but didn't know what to do I was afraid that if I divorced her she'd somehow get the kids dirt a lot more freaked crap happens over the next month or so including her making up a story about Mexicans jumping her my neighbor calling CPS me catching her actually kiss a guy two potheads admitting to having a threesome with her the dirt then one day in July of 2008 I asked her to have a seat I told her that I was filing for divorce she put up a fight but I won full custody of my kids I started dating again and have been with my new wife for nine years now the end please note that she did recognize me and was receptive when we started drunk fricking was the norm for her I wasn't being a creep JFC this is the craziest one yet glad things worked out for you though had been on the road for work was supposed to be ten days got to go home a day early had a friend pick me up at the airport to surprise my wife and two children two years and eight months walked into my ex and her coffee friend snuggling on the couch with my kids in the same room I was livid of course she denied everything we split up weeks later seized em together and still denies it really glad this comment alone is why I have all of my karma I got a new job with a cell phone company free phone for me 15 a month for her first bill comes in with cool detail she was on the phone an hour a day with this number while supposedly at work I call dude answers I hang up I asked her she lies and said it was a gal pal of hers I told her I know she is lying and call it again dude answers freaky Brooke freaking Brooke after a night of trying to keep up with my ex and her co-workers drinking I call it a night but they stopped talking a few minutes later and the dog scratched at the door I let the dog in and saw them making out on the couch I watched for 10 minutes before they noticed me they were taking their clothes off by then and he was touching her favorite spots like he knew them well no denying it by then I am glad I knew a tense conversation followed with the two of them he left very drunk on a very cold night she got a ride to her aunt's place and begged me to go look for him in the cold dog is the hero of this story this just happened two days ago I was in Florida on vacation with my girlfriend of six years our four year old son and her family and a few of her friends she had been taking pictures down at the beach all afternoon on her phone we got back to the house we were staying at and everyone was in the kitchen making dinner I picked up a phone and open it up to text my family the pictures she had taken as I'm scrolling for the thread I see her ex-boyfriends name open up the messages and first thing there are videos of them masturbating they had sent to each other I yelled what the Frick is this am on turn toward me and asked what was wrong and I loudly proclaimed what I'd seen she said that she had gone out with some friends gotten drunk invited him out for a drink and ended up glowing coal night then said she got blackout drunk the next night and sent the videos claim that was the only time she'd seen him yet so when she fell asleep of course I went through her phone again she'd seen him multiple times throughout the previous two months and I found pictures of them together posing like a cutesy couple on their dates her brother and dad were P I got the freak out of there the next morning ruined the vacation for pretty much everyone and totally wrecked our family one night she told me not to come over because she wasn't feeling well but then my sister wanted this hoodie back that she'd borrowed so I thought I'd stop over with chocolate and a Slurpee I knocked on her door she came to the upstairs window with only a blanket wrapped around her I thought I told you not to come over my sister needs her hoodie who's that says some male voice from her bedroom ah I see how it is I'll talk to you tomorrow she says probably not have a good one not me my dad : he told me the story a few years back so some of my mom's family were visiting from out of town and they had planned a night at the bingo which my dad couldn't attend because he was working 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. he finished work early and on his way home saw my babysitter on the street you are not with you bossman 1976 no your wife called me at around 8 p.m. saying she wasn't feeling well and that she would stay home my dad drove home tried the front door locks no lights he entered the house by the basement door went up the stairs heard him a few feet away my mom and her cousin two years later he almost left her with me in tow but stayed so I could have a normal life most of the time I wish he left because he wouldn't have worked 90 - 100 a week to avoid being home and could have been happier for those who are wondering my mum had a longtime affair with her cousin starting before she met my dad she wasn't happy either I think but my dad was a good catch yes I'm sure he is my dad we look so much the same yes they are still together and after a year of being angry I decided to let go because their relationship has nothing to do with me just sad for both of them my neighbor is deployed and his wife is getting flicked by two dudes at the same time not always sometimes it's just dick 1 but sometimes he brings his homeboy to care to over to get in on the extramarital affair I wish I knew the guy that being cheated on but I was deployed when he moved in I came home then he left a week later then [ __ ] starting coming around SNH people s MH if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 79,139
Rating: 4.9122701 out of 5
Keywords: chloe tingheating, cheating stories, cheating horror story, spouse cheating horror story, our horror cheating stories, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: Y120Nj8wk64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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