How Have You Made A Rude Persons Day Worse?

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how have you made a rude persons day worse I was working as a manager in a big nightclub about a year ago I don't wear a uniform but have a radio and run the security team the venue has a great smoking section that looks out onto the street one night the venue was packed so I did my usual row making sure that there were no problems however it was the 2-pack to walk through the smoking section so I walk down the street instead but could still very easily see into the smoking section one guy stares me down then calls me over and starts swearing at me for no reason and telling me that pieces of crap like you could never even get into a venue like this he obviously had no idea I was the manager however I didn't want to have security get into a fight inside with him the guy kept telling me he would punch me out etc and was clearly trying to look macho to impress someone so I agreed and told him to come and meet me outside and he could even have a free swing he puts his drink down takes off his jacket and storms outside once he walked outside I walked back inside and told security not to let him back in the look on his face when he realized I ran the place was priceless and then the realization that he couldn't get back into the club was amazing it was the easiest and most fun removal I have ever done Russell Crowe is such a weird guy I'm a manager at a grocery store so I get to awesomely rude customers on a daily every Wednesday is senior discount day you have to be 55 - 60 to qualify for the discount needless to say Wednesday's are tense lots of seniors and lots of other people who don't want to deal with the seniors I don't generally mind the old folks most of them are pretty cool and have some interesting stories and cute jokes this Wednesday there was one particular customer who was being a huge pain in the butt from the moment she walked in she was tall blond high heels very made up and dressed to the nines she was probably late 30s to early 40s she came storming up to customer service there are no parking spots this is ridiculous I'm going to request a corporate that you expand your parking lot since you don't seem to have the initiative to request by yourself off to a great start lady she comes storming back up about 45 minutes later I am in a huge hurry and every line has someone in it I need to check out here we had three lines open and each one had one single customer one I say no problem but I'll get you as a checkout you have too many items to get here she has a huge hissy fit I don't have time for this let's go as I'm checking her out it is constant bitching you only have one brand of makeup that is ridiculous I only wear Mac if I was going to settle for Revlon but you don't even have that now I have to make a whole separate trip please don't put my bread on top off my eggs the eggs could roll over and crush the bread please bag my avocados separately I need to use those for a face mask tonight they need to be perfect I have a photo session for work tomorrow I'm in a magazine she was unbelievable finally at the end I had enough as she's about to pay I say don't forget today a senior discount day you get 5% off she just stared at me what I smiled broadly every Wednesday senior citizens get 5% off their bill I'll go ahead and take it off you are 55 - 60 right she is staring at me debit card in hand cheeks getting red I lose my smile slowly and say oh you don't qualify sorry about that maybe next year thanks for your honesty I haven't seen her in the store since I used to work for the Department of Motor Vehicles in the one hour work that had pretty limited parking surprise I had left for lunch came back and was having a hard time finding a place to park I finally found a spot so I drove up to it and put my signal on showing that I was waiting for it people in my experience usually respect this and continue on not this time just as the car was backing out after I had waited a few minutes a car came from the opposite side of the lot made eye contact with me and then shot right into the parking space I was so mad because now I would be late after looking for a new spot as I drove past the woman that taken the spot I just shook my head and she responded by shrugging her shoulders smiling mouthing the words oh well to me and then ran her finger from her eye down her cheek as if to mock me crying about it I continued into work got in trouble for being late we had actually forgotten about the incident until who's number gets caught to my station but miss spot stealer herself the look on her face was priceless keep in mind that I'm not your average the MV worker I understand that stuff happens and waive penalties all the time and treat my customers with respect because I believe that what goes around comes around and I know how crappy it is to wait at the DMV all day I'm usually so nice about getting penalties taken off off people's accounts that I get in trouble for it at times but so I greet spot stealer as nice as I would anyone else in fact it may have been nicer than I normally would be she may have thought I didn't recognize her her registration is far past jus with hundreds do in penalties I let her tell me her whole sob story then finally tell her that she owes in full because she was aware of her due date if he argues it a little until out of sight from my manager i mouthed the words oh well and dragged my finger from my eye to my cheek mocking her tears at that point she puts her head down and proceeds to take out her card and pay the full amount because yes we do take debit cards what goes around comes around when I was working a crappy job in my younger days a customer was upset that he had to wait and line like everyone else before being able to make his purchase he actually said Do You Know Who I am I own hotels to which I replied well sir I'm sorry if this isn't monopoly this is Krispy Kreme he was not pleased I was sitting in my car making some photos with my new smartphone while using different settings but then there was this woman who just stoped it in one-way street with only one lane so she stands there for like 10 seconds doing nothing and I thought this is very unusual so I started to make a video another driver comes and honks Shen then proceeds to Reavers and hit the car of the other guy with her big BMW four guys jumped out of the BMW and start yelling at the guy you have to know in Germany always the one who hits another car from behind will be blamed if he can prove that it wasn't his fault so we have a classic insurance fraud the poor guy at the back was really worried cause he knew he couldn't prove it I just sit there in my car and waited for the police then I go outside and the police started to get the stories of course there were four against one guys I just stood there and listened the woman complaining about who this idiot hits her from behind and her brand-new car is now damaged after the police took the statement from both sides and even take my statement they said there is no chance that two versus four could proof that he didn't do it two of the guys that the BMW said they didn't know the girl and were pedestrians who saw it that would increase the credibility so they made all false statements to the police and exactly that's the thing I wanted to happen I then told the police oh wait there is just one thing like Columbo style and said that I got a video of what happened I showed them to the police and the women and the drivers just stand there with mouth open you could not only see how she hits his car but also that the pedestrians well with the women in the car the guy that hugs me and we became good friends turns out he lives near me and we spent the evening drinking and gaming sry for bad english I am German beautiful are justice upon would love this story I'm in a massive line at a store I'm next in line but the person in front of me has a shitload of staff a helpful Clark sees the mess and opens another aisle saying I can help the next customer well that's me however the checkout counter has two sides a right and a left it is set up for people to come to the right side but the left can be used as well as I am stepping over to her counter this buttholes from the very end of my line is sprinting to her counter pushing people with his partner in tow he arrives right before me they have a mountain of items in their cart which he starts throwing on the checkout counter I am standing there on the other side with my one item burning with rage checkout girl waits until he stacks all of his crack on the counter looks at me looks at him and says to him sorry sir you're on the wrong side you'll have to go to the end of the line which is now massive I put on my biggest grin made eye contact with him as long as possible and loudly told the Clark how awesome she was just the other day I was at a Chinese buffet and the three people in the booth next to me were questioning the waitress she appeared to be Asian Hispanic about voting for the president and who she planned to vote for she had trouble understanding them and communicating that she could not vote they immediately began taunting her that she shouldn't be here if she couldn't vote that she didn't even know who the president of the United States is and then took a picture and said they would post it on Facebook I later found out the waitress was on a school visa and couldn't vote but was unable to convey that to them after the waitress walked off one of the girls at the table the one who took the pic looked up and asked me where I worked because I looked familiar but when I replied the local university in the Social Work Department she commented that she had recently been in my office to apply to our program to which I replied yes I remember you and I'm also on the admissions committee followed with a wink the color drained from her face and she knew she was screwed Karma's a B TL DR I provided unsolicited marriage counseling services to her declared I worked at a hotel several years ago and had to deal with insufferable pricks about a dozen times a day hotel stories about Billy Mays watching granny pee a person that threw hot coffee in my face a person that spit on me and a crazy lady that slapped me are in my comment history the best most evil revenge I ever got was on a guy that stayed with us four days a week for the entire five years I worked at the hotel the big utility company in our area was having financial issues and he was the leader of the auditing team that was sent in to straighten it out any way I would interact with the guy at least a few times every day I works and he was always very rude and condescending as an example one of his co-workers would ask me for a local restaurant recommendation and he would chime in with you because minimum wage workers are known for their taste in fine dining if someone asked me something personal he would say something like Kim what life choices he made to be here plunging toilets and writing down my preferred wake-up call time maybe he can share his wisdom sir we all avoid his fate stuff like that he was just a jackass to everyone on the hotel staff and was always very demanding since I saw him every day I noticed that he had developed a relationship with one of the younger women on his auditing team I saw their romance blossom from flirting to full-on groping and grinding in the hotel lobby one day he had just finished delivering one of his delightfully crappy bon mots to me and I was fuming then he screamed at one of my co-workers because she had a Filipino accent and he said he only wanted his room cleaned by white Americans I vowed revenge his wife called in to speak to him later that night like she usually did and I said oh I think he's sleeping in his best room tonight one moment please and then I connected his wife to her room his wife must not have told him what I had said because he didn't try to get me fired they got a divorce they didn't have kids but according to another guile the auditing team his wife got the house and custody of their dog he stopped staying with us shortly after the phone call I was riding my bike to work one day and when crossing a street in the legal zone with a walk sign a woman ran me over which she drove through the crosswalk looking to turn right and ran right into me she stopped after I got bumped hard enough by her fender to take a spill and have some bruising all down my side she gave me an exasperated my bad wave and continued to talk on her cell phone ignoring me as I picked myself and my bike up I walked right up to her open window grabbed her cellphone from her ear and chucked it into a nearby parking lot as hard as I could I swear that was the farthest I have thrown anything in my life she gaped at me in shock as I struggled back onto my bike and slowly rode off fuming yet victorious then a half-mile farther on my trek I got attacked by a goose not my best day TL DR woman hit me with her car got revenge got attacked by goose those who feel that riding a bike in a crosswalk is not legal or correct in this particular instance it not a sidewalk but a designated bike path they had a normal walk signal at an intersection but I believe it was still acceptable to ride across as it was a bike specific path I could be wrong though twist she was talking to the goose went to go get my exhaust fixed no big deal Pavel poked a hole in it when I went to go pick up the car a couple hours later I am treated to a woman screaming at the guy behind the counter she's positively foaming because she has been waiting nearly thirty minutes for her car to be fixed she even goes so far as to call a guy an insignificant lazy immigrant guy looks at her looks at me throws me my keys here you go your magnums ready no charge look so directly in the eyes looks like it's going to be more expensive than we originally thought would you like us to call you a cab I returned shortly afterwards with pizza for the shop TLDR Frick B get pizza he's a hero you'll hero fantastic I watched a lazy shopper park their grocery cart right behind another person's car instead of putting it in the cart returned I got out of my car ran up and move the cart and put it behind her car I then ran off and watched her have to get back out of her car since she couldn't back out and then finally proceeded to put up her cart the right way I felt like a champion of the people I was at a Walmart and a lady got in her car rolled down her window and started throwing papers out I walked up to her car and picked up the paper and put it under her windshield wiper and walked away as I was riddled with curses when people are rude to me at the drive-thru I bend their straw so it gets a crack in it so later on about halfway through their drink their straw stops working H a guy got out of his car to express some road rage to me I just got out of my truck walked past him pushed the lock button on his door closed it walked past him again his mouth hanging open this time got back in my truck and drove off he seemed to be frozen with confusion nice to the point and total but whole thing to do plus one for you d I volunteer at my university safe walks and all that jazz we are required to report suspicious and illegal activity witnessed a woman driving a Mercedes Benz across a lawn to bypass the parking gate tearing up this gorgeous lawn being an ex landscaper and mad at some rich B being too cheap for parking I am not amused so we reported it to the parking authority they show up while the chick is still getting crap out of her trunk books heron and start writing a ticket he ended up driving away over a curb peeling her bumper off in the process made me kinda happy inside at the end of a long commute home after a hard week I went to her Miller's cookies store just before closing time as I walked up to the counter not five feet from it some guy ran from behind me and tried to cut in front of me the girl working there insisted I was first thank you outraged that what that guy tried to do and noticing there was not much cookies left I said hi I'll take absolutely everything you have cost me close to $60 but it was so worth it I work in customer service and have no shortage of butthole customers I often find that a nice big smile and to have a nice day at the end of an insulting customer's rant makes them angrier than any insult I could have thrown back at them I work in local theatre and we have a lot of rude or full women who are part of local ballet schools come through our venue who are the mothers of the dancers once this woman rang up wanting seats to an almost sold out ballet performance that had been on sale for four months the day before the show and did nothing but abuse me for five minutes because she left buying them too late whined about how she shouldn't have to pay two for her kids whined that we should get a bigger venue it seats just under 500 then put me on hold while she rang three of her relatives to see if they wanted seats to she was positively awful the seats I was about to sell her were the only ones in the theater left and they were good seats while I'm on hold a grand wild one of the ballerinas comes to the desk and asks if we have any seats left as she'd been in hospital and couldn't buy them earlier but said she'd understand we were booked out I put the phone with the on hold music down and sold this old lady the last seats for the show and gave her an invite in our next year's dance season for her granddaughter and herself so she'd know exactly when all the important dates were coming she thanked me over and over and she's now one of our regulars and brings her grandkids to our shows two minutes after the old lady leaves the be on the other end finally takes me off hold and says she wants the remaining seats that we have left I tell her sorry we've just sold out while you had me on hold I'm afraid better luck next next year anything else I can help you with she was choking with rage on the other end of the phone it was fantastic I really like this one you're not actually doing anything mean was in fear - quite a few years back some action flick I think jean-claude van damme II and there were two sixteen year old or so kids in front of me who were in turn behind a group of smaller kids say twelve or so I was alone the wife hates action movies I quickly noticed that the two older kids were freaking with the younger ones kicking their seatbacks throwing popcorn at them flicking spit at them the works the theater was crowded so the little guys couldn't move finally one of the doubts or teens leans forward and I think flicked one kids ear when the little kid turned around to glare flicking doubt Satine says you got a problem with that [ __ ] his friend guffaws when the flick Meister sits back i haul off and give him a decent slap upside the head knocking his noggin into his friends they both turn and half jump out on their seats and then pause when they see me I am 6-2 225 pounds I stood up and said you got a problem with that [ __ ] they looked at each other and then turned to sit back down about I said you sit there and I'm gonna make you as miserable as you've been making those guys in front of you they shuffled on out of the theater the younger kids all turned and said thank you sir TL DR [ __ ] slaps some teen bullies became action hero when people are rude to me at my fast-food job I practically overflow their cup with ice I'm a little passive-aggressive abstract woman and daughter taking crap behind my back in another language that I happen to speak I used to work for a major bank and while doing my stint there I came across a ton of butt holes I was taking a deposit for a lady and her daughter and I heard them speaking a Middle Eastern language at first I wasn't paying attention but when I realized they were speaking Farsi I was always reason I speak Farsi they were talking about how much of a loser I was how this job as a teller was the only thing I had in my life that I probably didn't have a girlfriend and didn't attend school throughout this conversation I spoke only English to her and every time she responded to my requests she would smile and then say something nasty about me in Farsi at the end of the conversation I switched up the language and said just because I work at a bank doesn't give you the right to say things about me behind my back I'm in grad school to become a psychotherapist in this job is for spending money this isn't how Persian people behave and you should be ashamed is there anything else I can help you with a daughter snap left the building and her mother was beat red embarrassed apologized profusely and left I never saw either of them again and here I thought they were going to take a crap somewhere trashy Jerry's spring a guest looking young lady at Toys R Us on Black Friday tried to cut in the massive 90-minute line and threw a fit when she was told to go to the end of the line she yelled at the employees and threw her products into the face of the security guards as she was told to leave I started a slow clap to which she replied shrieking Frick y'all I love that the slow clap was all you had to do in this situation to make her day worse brilliant I was working as a shift leader in a Dunkin Donuts spent two years in that hellhole and dealt with my fair share of rude buttholes one particularly memorable day a group of ladies came in during our busiest hour just past noon the line was almost out the door and we were short-staffed so it was pretty hectic while they were ordering one of them asked for a job application and started filling it out on the counter she handed it back before they were done ordering and I stashed it on a shelf under the register and started making their food they had a huge order and we did our best to get it out quickly but it was obvious from the looks on their faces that we just weren't quick enough for their liking they sat down to eat their food and the girl who just turned in her application got back in line I spotted here right away she was standing with a glaring face crossing her arms and tapping her foot trying her best to look obviously almost cartoonishly POF so I motioned for her to come up to the counter since I knew she had a complaint and I wanted to get it fixed right away I assumed that in the shuffle we had messed up a sandwich or something like that anyone who's worked in fast-food knows that these things happen when it's chaotic I asked her what was wrong and she pointed to her bottled Mountain View and barked definitely not an indoor voice this is flat it was a bit accusing as though it were my fault that the bottle of soda she just opened was flat so I took it and told her to get another one out of the cooler then check it to make sure it was good after all that she asked for a refund I said as politely as I could mom I replaced your soda sorry if there was an inconvenience but I don't think her fun should be necessary something like that I didn't remember my exact words so she stormed POF back to her table and started complaining loudly to her group about not getting a refund so since I was having an awful day anyway and really could not see Abby like this ever working for us I grabbed her application from the register warped it over to the lobby trashcan nearest to her table crumpled it up and threw it away as she watched the look on her face was frickin priceless TL DR lady comes in to order food and fill out a job application is a total B I throw the application in the trash while she watches my wife and I were on the receiving end of someone's justice we'd gone out to a local sports bar restaurant for dinner on a Saturday night unfortunately the local football team had just started playing and the place was packed while we were waiting in line we heard the conversation between the folks in front of us with the hostess comma hostess how many comma guests eight comma hostess all right we have you down we're not quoting wait times right now as the game has just started and we have no idea how long many of the diners will be staying calm a guest so you're telling me you won't seat us it went back and forth for a few minutes with the guests getting more and more indignant and the hostess trying to explain that they'd seats them as soon as possible they just didn't know when that would be and with a large party the limited number of Big Top tables would make it worse and the group was unwilling to split up into two groups the guests finally moves and it's our turn we say there's just the two of us and the hostess starts in on the we can't quote times my wife say don't worry we heard what you said to the last person we're not in any hurry and we know how busy you are right now we get our blinky alert box and find a spot to wait we're expecting a solid 45 minutes literally two minutes later our box starts buzzing we'd been bumped to the front and were being seated the best part is that when we got to our table there was another empty table right next to it the two tables could have sat the group of eight but the hostess and waitresses made sure to not seat them toe and the wings were delicious the wings were delicious because there were seasoned with sweet sweet vengeance some douchebag in a Humvee decided to park at a handicapped spot at a Kroger I was young at the time and out riding with my dad a repo man in a repo truck he towed the Humvee to a parking spot on the opposite side of the parking lot we waited till the owner came out and looked around in disbelief she thought someone stole her car my dad drove up to her rolled down the window and said are you okay this woman said my car was stolen my dad replied well maybe you shouldn't have parked it in a handicapped spot and drove off I am a caretaker for someone in a wheelchair as someone who really needs those spaces I really appreciate it when people realize how a t-shirt is for healthy people to take them sue thank you I work in a university computer lab in all of the lab rooms we have it clearly posted no food no drinks I've repeatedly told a particular group that is in the journalism program to at least clean up their mess in the lab room designated for their class only they never do and I end up cleaning the mess the other night I go to lock up that particular lab room and they have left a mess and foxnews running on the TV in there just went ahead and put a channel lock with passcode on it the night before election day being a cop in a small town I would get a few large parties 150 plus kids with a lot of kids coming from outlying areas I am generally pretty nice to the young adults who live in the area I police and am generally well-liked but to the kids who come from different towns to party well they obviously don't know like me anyhow this one party I pull up and start walking around turning a little bit of a blind eye to the underage drinking I talked to the homeowners son parents away and just asked him to try and get rid of some people and move the party indoors and close the windows as there have been too many neighbor complaints he says he'll do what he can do all nice and cordial anyhow this one Punk's standing there with a lucky beer in his hand starts mouthing me off and bragging to his buddies just average crap like hey Pig eat any dough not see it and just generally swearing and saying how I can't do crap about what he's saying and that I can't arrest him for de pez he's on private property dippy calls drunk in public place I don't give him any satisfaction of acknowledgement I have a thick skin else I wouldn't be a cop but I had other calls to attend to so left no further complaints from the party as the homeowner asked many people to leave a few hours later I'm driving back to the office donut free and pull over a car for doing 15 km/h are over the limit on the highway usually I give cars at least 20 km/hr on the highway before pulling them over as well that's what I normally do on the highway wouldn't be right to give people tickets for something I do all the time it's the [ __ ] driving who'd been mouthing me off amazing how nice he was to me at this point in time complete attitude change I didn't let him know that I remembered him from the party and I now had his name and vehicle plate so I could always look out for him in the future long story short he got tickets for speeding only having one active headlight failure to display an ensign new driver law here and on rear off vehicle let's other drivers know this person just got his license having more than one gone family member passenger another new driver law and not wearing a seat belt as I remembered him drinking I also demanded a roadside breathalyzer test he wasn't drunk that had some alcohol in his system so I also give him a 24-hour roadside prohibition from driving and told his vehicle I slept well at night also three months later after running his license on our system the insurance company had prohibited him from driving for three months a few years back after having gone shopping I was cued in traffic waiting to get out of the car park a few cars ahead of us there was this crappy old bomb of a car with four teenagers in it fairly doubt she looking dudes shirts off board shorts and sunglasses on we were nowhere near a beach anyway these four teenagers had a megaphone with them in their car and thought that it would be hilarious to shout out profanities at other cars and people in the car park area while we all waited to leave this Center employee drives by and one of those tractors with a trailer attached for transporting shopping carts and the guys and the car starts shouting crap at him through the megaphone why don't you get a real job you [ __ ] loser and so forth the employee just put his head down as he drove by with that okay expression on his face next the for teenagers decided would be funny to start shouting profanities at some guy in a massive a froude 4x4 with a bull bar on the front bad move I can't remember what they said but the 4x4 guy wasn't having any of it he calmly drove his car out of the queue and got about 25 meters distance perpendicular to the teenagers crappy car then he hit the gas and t-bones their crappy car into the wall he then calmly backs up Alice and then takes his turn to exit the carpark and goes on his merry way the employee transporting the shopping carts nearly fell off his tractor with laughter his laughter was in latigo territory me and my friends were in line at a coffee place on a boardwalk after a day's surfing when the woman in front of me when freaking crazy and started screaming at the girl making the drinks something along the lines of you freaking ingrate I'm deathly allergic to milk you goddamn prick I want to speak to your freaking manager before I rip you freaking head off I specifically asked for soy milk how could I be any more blunt about Si why you could have freaking killed me she was told to stop swearing or they would call the police and she denied her bad language and also stuck to her guns about demanding soy milk I then stepped in and pointed out the fact she didn't ask for soy and I could prove it she then proceeded to call me a big man with a small brain and asked me to prove it I then pointed to my buddy's GoPro I still had mounted on me after messing around on the boardwalk I had the backpack screen so I could show them exactly what she said lo and behold she was proven so very very wrong and hastily steamed away the girl thanked me and her manager gave us free coffee by watching their face after telling them may the rest of the day be as pleasant as you are to manager he told me to have a day as pleasant as I am I want him fired manager he was being polite customer no he wasn't I'm in butthole reported a hit and run today that's pretty rude and I'm sure they won't enjoy the calls from the police I used to work a gift shop right in front of a parallel parking only Street so many people hitting the cars around them all the time almost all the time they pretended it didn't happen so I would wait go outside write all the info down and what happened and leave it under their wiper blades so they would know exactly what happened if there was even a tiny dent I work at a bar and for the past several weeks I've been dealing with a regular guy who just hits on me all the time in the most sleaziest way possible trying to look down my shirt touching the small of my back he even called me his girlfriend to a co-worker I've told him countless times that I'm not interested in that I actually found his advances inappropriate and incredibly rude of course this doesn't stop him advance to today I had the day off and decided that it would be fun to visit work and have a few free drinks while watching the election progress so I brought my boyfriend to the bar and sit down on a stool and low and behold this guy comes up he ignores my boyfriend and puts his hands on the small of my back again and says hey you I have a booth if you want to put your hands to work he looks at me and grins a sleazy smile oh yeah I knew you wanted it all along you got nice hands baby I had no idea what he was talking about since I wasn't holding his hand he then looks at his hands at my lower back and his face goes pale he isn't holding my hands but my boyfriend's who snuck his hand to hold isn't made this jerk think that I was holding his my boyfriend then looks at the guy and starts talking in the most feminine voice you know it baby now where's this booth he then kissed the guy's hand the guy's face priceless he let go with my boyfriend's hand and ran out of the bar my coworker was standing there looking at everything and started cracking up it was the best I like your boyfriend style sooo gooood hold his hand for me not me but when I was working at a car dealership we had a bunch of cars get their wheels stolen one night a police officer was in writing a report and a lady came in screaming that the cop was blocking her from getting to the service drive-through she was screaming at the top of her lungs creating a huge scene the cop calmly walks out and moves his car comes back in and finishes his report then he walks back out and drives his car to the end of the street in parks the lady comes out and gets in her car and leaves he pulls our over for having her wipers on without her headlights on Farwell this sounds kind of terrible now that I think about it but I don't think anybody's going to see this anyway so I might as well a few months ago I had driven to my parents house pretty late in the day after leaving I'd noticed a dog had been hit and was lying in the middle of the road so I parked my car and put on the emergency lights my headlights clearly illuminating the dog I put on a pair of gloves I'm an EMT I always have a box of gloves in my car not only because it's always a good idea to have a pair just in case but because I'll from do this with animals that have been hit out of respect so I could move it to the side of the road where it wouldn't be hit anymore when I finally made it up to the dog it had lifted its head and was breathing normally turns out the car had only hit and broken the dog's back legs the dog was fully responsive and didn't seem to have lost a lot of blood thinking this meant that the dog had a chance of living I went to spread out a couple plastic bags in the backseat of my car as I was doing this I noticed a car speeding down the road I had rushed to the side of the road directing the car to move to the opposite side to avoid hitting the obviously visible dog lying in the road instead though the driver ran right over the dog right in front of me now as an EMT I have seen some pretty intense things but I'm always just there for the aftermath I was pretty freaked out to have watched this dog be brutally run over by speeding car I just stood there motionless staring at the dog's remains however I noticed that the car pulled into a house only a couple houses down from my parents being blinded by a mixture of rage shock and disgust I decided this dog needed a proper burial it was about 1:00 in the morning by this point so I went into my parents backyard and grabbed a shovel and a wheelbarrow I lifted the dog's body it was still intact the car was moving so fast it basically just squeezed out its insides into the wheelbarrow and wheeled to the drivers house where I started to dig a three-foot deep hole and lowered the dog's body inside and proceeded to bury it I placed a large stone on top of the hole and left a note on the driver's door the note said hey I'm sure you feel pretty bad about killing that dog last night so I'm sure you won't mind that I buried it in your front yard it's what she would have wanted it was about 3:00 in the morning when I finally finished everything and I left home feeling nothing but defeat afterward TL DR some guy killed a dog that I was trying to save so I buried it in his front yard by work for parking services at a decent sized University I don't write tickets I just man the front desk answer questions and enter permits and changes into our database we get yelled cussed at allit so it's nothing new but this becomes in raising heck over some tickets she rightfully got she was being so ignorant and rude about the whole situation but I politely look up her account to see if I can find any errors or anything that might hurt her she is constantly abusing me the whole time I'm trying to see what I can do for her well look here these $100 of tickets you're complaining about are being linked to your account for some reason but I don't tell her this but I do ask to see her last ticket so I can check if everything is right little does she know with the info I got from the ticket I transferred all of those tickets she got on to her account if she would have been nice about the whole thing she would have probably gotten away without ever having to pay those now she has a few hundred bucks worth of tickets you have been visited by the romantic girl comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone like and subscribe you magnificent person
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Views: 47,261
Rating: 4.8584666 out of 5
Keywords: rude boy, rude buster, rude customers, rude people getting owned, rude people, rude people karma, rude person owned, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: uIUQb0i3HZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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