What Does Your SO Do To Let You Know They Love You? (r/AskReddit)

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couples over debt what is the one thing your partner does regularly that makes you realize they're still in love with you my girlfriend tries to stay awake until I come home I tend to work a lot of late nights but she's more of an early to bed early to rise kinda girl so she always tries to stay awake so she can at least say good night and she's studying abroad right now and she still tries to stay awake until I come home from work so we can Skype goodnight when we're both cranky for silly or small reasons but we're cranky together not at each other it reminds me we're always partners never adversaries Frick I just realized I'm in love the other day I was having a really bad day just sad and upset and generally horrible so we're laying in bed watching TV and during her break he goes to the kitchen for whatever reason when he gets back he hands me a burnt marshmallow on a stick because he knows how much I love burnt marshmallows and that it would make me happy needless to say my day was instantly better and I loved that guy a lot my wife loves pickles they are her favorite food in the world when she buys pickles she buys two jars so that there is never the possibility of running out if we run out of pickles it is a BFD when we first started dating back before I learned about her pickle obsession I stole the last slice of pickle from her plate I pulled the hey what's that over there in pointed wildly yoi NK pickle gone she was livid absolutely furious that I had eaten the last pickle in the house for weeks every day she mentioned the pickle years past and she'd still make comments along the lines of well at least who didn't eat the last pickle oh wait etc it's been nine years since the pickle debacle my wife being nine months pregnant has been having insane pickle cravings yesterday she gave me the last slice of pickle in the house and said I love you this much a TL DR my wife loves me enough to give me the last pickle that is beyond adorable holding hands doesn't matter if it's at home or when we're walking around it's a constant reminder my grandparents were married for 62 years and they would sit in their respective chairs watching TV and be holding hands across the gap between them it was the most loving thing I ever saw and so subtle I seriously injured my back recently and he helps me do absolutely everything and expects nothing back when I start to feel bad for needing him so much he reassures me that he's my husband and he loves helping me for better or for worse it means a lot that's really sweet I hope you get better soon whenever I do something goofy she makes this one face way her dimples sort of scrunch up and her eyes light up she knows I like to drink coffee out of dark mugs so she always tries to give me those ones she'll randomly hug me from behind she plays with my hair when I'm tired she'll put her hair up because she knows I think her ears are adorable I was completely fine through this entire thread until your comment about the ears sigh I miss her I have been dating her for three years and honestly no matter how bad I am at her when she calls me Jamie giraffe there's no way I can be mad it's such a simple thing to be called a special nickname but it's so special I need a hug the way he still looks at me when I get out of the shower and there's lunch waiting for me how some nights he wakes up in the middle of the night and pulls me closer to him because I've moved too far away or even when he pulls me closer in all situations how he lays in bed with me every morning even though he'd rather go sit on the couch and wake up the sacrifices he makes from me every day that he tries his best to make sure I am smiling he's always there when I need him no matter the time or place there are so many things that he does every day to let me know he loves me ah he is just a perfect match for me we have our rough times and we get frustrated with each other but he always treats me with kindness respect and love no matter what mood he is in we always make sure to communicate our problems and at the end of most days we go to bed with a smile on our faces Oh God I want to know how it feels firemen I Thailand my bf usually goes to bed before me but no matter how asleep he is even if he was just snoring a second ago no matter how quietly I say I love you he always says I love you too the way he rushes home from work that he never leaves the house without giving me a kiss that he tells people how even after five years three of which we didn't work and lived in the middle of nowhere to write books and saw each other and no one else sometimes for a week or more that I'm still the most interesting person he has ever known whenever I smile and she says there's that smile that I love so much after I've been upset even when her day has been terrible she goes out of her way to make mine even better to balance it out when she takes pictures of me making funny faces when she thinks I'm not paying attention when she looks into my eyes and tells me she loves me before we go to bed and I can hear it in her voice I could never shower this woman with enough love and affection to show her how much I appreciate the little things she does for me but that doesn't stop me from trying when he warms the sheets in the dryer and tucks me in when I've had an awful day when I'm in the tub and he just sits on the floor and hangs out with me because he wants to talk when I wake up and he's already looking at me and smiling when he traces the freckles on my shoulders with his fingertips when I'm anxious when he brings me a glass of water every night before bed when he cleans a growth gunk that gets stuck in the kitchen sink because it legitimately frightens me whenever I know he loves me I am very lucky I absolutely love this especially the one about being in the tub he sounds great not that I need to tell you that obviously the way she smiles after I kiss her it's always the little things every morning my wife of 18 years gets up before me and makes coffee she doesn't drink coffee this is my favorite one the way she let's me be little spoon I work 14 hours on Saturday and Sunday I hate the work that it pays all of our bills and there's no way I'll be able to find another job that pays me two hundred and fifty dollars for two days of work I tend to complain about it to my husband at length and he sympathizes but I forget sometimes that it sucks for him too he's basically a single man for two days every week I leave before he wakes up and come home when he's going to bed on the days when he's missed me a lot I'll get home we'll have dinner and watch TV and go to bed like it's a normal night but as soon as we get in bed it all sort of comes out he'll curl up around me in bed like a little kid and hold on so tight I almost can't breath he'll stay there for 20 minutes sometimes his head nestled into me just holding on like I am the best thing to ever wander into that apartment he never skimps on the quality of his hugs knowing he wants to make sure I get a great hug every time makes me feel safe and right at home to show him a little love earlier I took a break from my research paper to bring him a beer in the garden and he gave me a smile and that I seriously fricking love you look it makes my day to see him doing the things he loves and I never get tired of seeing the pride in his eyes when he's working hard but as I was typing the see scream through the window and scared this crap out of me he always tries to give me the last bite of whatever we're sharing even if it's insanely delicious we also have tickle fights I usually lose and when I'm finally done giggling he looks at me with this adoring face that makes me feel so loved the last bite that his true love I am so late to this thread but I don't even care I actually had a moment today that made me realize that my husband loves me so much I have decided to get into shape and asked him to exercise with me today we did a lot of walking jogging and steps today I am horribly out of shape and got tired so quickly and wanted to stop but really wanted to keep going he started to pretend to be a zombie after me I know it sounds stupid but he made it fun and made me want to keep going instead of just giving up and going home he took the time to chase after me and make zombie noises so I found out two things one my husband loves me and two I would not survive in a zombie apocalypse he's the sort that would sleep all day if you let him and I'm the type that gets out of bed and likes to get moving so I usually shower get ready for the day while I let him sleep the look on his face when I wake him up every morning just the pure unadulterated love gets me every time he's also a bit of a crazy driver but if we ever have to make a hard stop he immediately throws out his arm to keep me in my seat I'm a fairly small person and he's a fairly tall one and as a result he's very protective of me in little and big ways seeing that and seeing him worrying about my safety makes me feel more loved than anything else in the world the fact that he throws his arm out to protect you made me smile that is the sweetest when we are walking around the city together he sometimes pulls me in close and kisses me on the forehead or brushes the hair away from my face he is forever trying to take worse and worse pictures of me while I'm eating when I've just woken up if I'm sick if I've done something really stupid the worse I look the more pictures he takes then he uses these and only these pictures as his backgrounds on everything a computer phone iPod whatever it is ungodly annoying bit I love that that's how he likes to be reminded of me how I actually am and not at my best my dad hates posing for pictures as he thinks he always looks drunk he doesn't drink alcohol at all which is the weird part anyway my mom used to jump out from around corners to snap his picture once he saw it coming and spun her around just as she jumped out we now have a candid photo of the bureau somewhere before we were married while riding in the car my husband had this epiphany moment where he turned to me and said I freaking love you with such conviction that I cracked up it's now become a thing with us similar situation here before we had said the I love yous there was so much tension to say it you know you can just feel it coming so eventually we were in bed one night and he said Frick I T I love you like poetry when I'm stressed out and miserable because of my job he always said just quit we'll be okay when he knows full well that we need the money my job brings him he'd rather have to save and scratch to pay the bills than see me unhappy and because I love him I keep working he puts my umbrella in my purse every morning when it's going to rain it's not much but it always makes me go a little soft every time I see it my husband and I are on the brink of divorce one of the main reasons for this is that I'll from don't feel loved though he insists he loves me daily I have read the majority of this thread and I have to say that what I've gained from it may have changed my thinking a lot of what he does to show his love for me which is similar to a lot of things mentioned in this thread goes unnoticed because I didn't see it that way but for this I am sorry reading this has helped me reframe a lot of what goes through my head thank you read it my girlfriend of three years complains whenever I rub my eyes she tells me it's going to make my eyelids really wrinkly when I'm older and she won't like that it sounds silly but hearing her speak about us that far ahead makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside even if she is complaining about something as silly as me rubbing my eyes well Frick I'm going to have wrinkly eyelids sometime in the future well I have PTSD and an 80% disabled walk with a cane and also have hearing aids now I never used to be like this but after two deployments this is my body she still takes care of me tells me she loves me prepares my medicines cooks my meals and takes me to all of my appointments even though I'm not the exact same man she married she is still here and it's all these small things that amaze me every day we can just sit around all day doing completely nothing but be entirely stupid and silly and talk about absolutely anything whilst still having so much fun and laughing our heads off it's the fact that I know he loves doing that with me more than anything also the way he looks at me tells me how cute I am tells me he can't wait to see me and does everything I love yet I know he hates without moaning but four years together and hopefully many more he looks at me with googly eyes and says your soap retinal eye multiple times a day we've been together for nine years total married for two also the way we argue he's so considerate and thoughtful with his words even when I know he's incredibly frustrated that speaks volumes about the way he respects me and loves me even when he's angry with me I've learned to argue in the same way but I'm less awesome at it veneers he makes me a better person , also the way we argue he's so considerate and thoughtful with his words even when I know he's incredibly frustrated that speaks volumes about the way he respects me and loves me even when he's angry with me best answer the fact that I can be 100% myself around him and the fact that he can be 100% himself around me we do silly little things together all the time and he's seen me go absolutely mental but he still wants to be with me the way he kisses my head when I fall asleep on the couch and he helps me to bed this is sweetest if I'm sick I guess this is a bit more planned maybe but my husband suddenly passed away two months ago we had been together for seven years married for almost three and right after we got married I left to live in another state while I was in graduate school we would see each other relatively frequently it was obviously very hard on both of us to be apart but we knew it would be temporary right before he died he was on a work trip across the country and arrange his flight with his company so that he could stop and visit me over the weekend before he returned to work I had no idea he was coming he conspired with one of my good friends who went through a whole lot of trouble to get me to go out with her when rarely I was going to go see him when I saw him at the bar I was totally speechless and so happy to see him I had been going through a rough period and he always took care of me and helped me deal with all of the stupidity that graduate school brings unfortunately the next day he got really sick which led to a hospital stay for him and two days later he died of an unrelated issue it's a giant mess right now and I miss him like crazy but the silver lining to all of this was that he was with me when he died ETA I just want to say thank you all so much for your messages of support I really appreciate them how she doesn't mind spending every moment of her time with me we're inseparable also the way she never holds a grudge against me once a fight is over it's over he tells me every day all the time for no reason at all my family could barely tell me once a month but not him comma he has trouble communicating about almost everything for varying reasons but this is something he can say when he immediately thinks it he doesn't have trouble forming the words no lag time between thought and speech he doesn't worry about sentence structure and when he writes it the dyslexia doesn't kick in before him it's the most natural and comfortable thing he can say to me I had a breast reduction last summer after about five years of contemplating we were engaged and he kept ensuring that I would still be perfect after the surgery I had some very bad infections and some horrible scarring almost daily he traces the scars and tells me how goddamn perfect he thinks every bit of news sometimes when I'm not spending the night with her and she wakes up in the middle of the night for her nightly bathroom break 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. she will send me a text saying that she loves and misses me and wishes I was there she knows my text messages never wake me up so she always writes it in a manner that it is meant to be read in the morning waking up to a message from my so is one of the best feelings ever puts me in the best mood she's extremely ticklish and giggles when I kiss her neck but she never backs away when he stirs in the night he always pulls me and close and says I love you so much he is barely awake but uses all of his conscious energy to let me know that he cares he's amazing I'm so incredibly blessed to have him when she leaves cute random notes for me to find my wife upvotes my posts she's usually the only one who dance and it makes me happy every time when the water in the espresso machine gets magically filled sometimes my so we'll just stop whatever he's doing pull me towards him hold our forits together look at me with wide eyes and say I love you that sounds freakin scary twelve years of marriage she kisses my face to wake me up she still wakes me up when she has a bad dream she always speaks well of me not only to my face good to others and to our children that makes me feel totally respected every man needs to feel respected when I call her she always answers with a steamie there's my man makes me feel like a freakin million dollars she's crazy supportive I can't take on the world with my lady holding my hand - listens to me complain about my work even though I know it stresses him out to hear me talk about my problems without offering any solutions I'm just ranting because it makes me feel better to get it off my chest tells me how pretty I am kisses me first thing when he gets home doesn't get mad or frustrated when I'm being a cranky B lets me hog 70% of the bed when he squeezes my butt every opportunity he gets it's a pretty long list we've been together for five years living together for two still just as good as when we started this mouse is looking for friends in the comments comment mouseboy to befriend him if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit love stories, reddit couples stories, reddit couple goals, reddit couples edition, reddit married couples
Id: hYo5YXar0ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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