What's The Most Juicy Gossip You've Recently Discovered? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what some juicy gossip you just found out in your personal lives my uncle told my parents that he needed money because he borrowed from the Chinese mafia and they were threatening to kill him and his family or something my parents sent him some money and then two weeks later he posted a pic with a new car Edit my uncle said the money he borrowed was to pay off his house edit - he did not actually borrow from the Chinese mafia he didn't even get a new house more clarification we are Chinese Malaysian astute our family lives in Malaysia while we live in the u.s. people you su asked us for money BC my parents started a good business here my Baba got two different girls pregnant neither of whom are his girlfriend prices have went up a little bit but the phone calls I over here are worth at loll at it while thanks for the gold and silver kind strangers I feel like I've finally made it in life now some girl in our year at school posted on Facebook the other day how her boyfriend had supposedly cheated on her they had a full-blown argument in the comments just on Facebook for everyone to see yesterday she posted a picture of some keys tagging her boyfriend in it saying just bought our first house together we got a new boss like a year ago at work and we've been hating it people are getting written up for petty sh t and suspended and losing their bonuses I'm a good employee but this stuff finally caught up to me too and I got written up for getting injured at work long story I don't play so where it said employee comments on the write up I said C attached and typed out a three-page defense talking about how I thought it was unfair and how I thought people had been getting treated unfairly for a year now the next day I got called into a meeting by my boss and his boss and his boss and now ref so they could grill me about it by the end of a meeting we had all figured out that it was actually the HR rep who had been screwing with people for a year now and the anger shifted completely away from me and onto her I went around and told everybody about it we're going to make this b tch pay I just found out that one of my work colleagues who just returned from an two-week expensive holiday with his wife in Iceland has just found out his wife has run up about you a huge 50000 debt of numerous credit cards poof that's a large amount what did she spend it on for a start she paid for her son's from a previous marriage University fees without telling him I'll never get this mentality like I'm going to spend an obscene amount of money and pray my spouse doesn't notice that would probably be divorced time for me no joke dragging a spouse into huge amounts of debt without their knowledge or consent how can you ever trust someone after that one of the girls in our group of friends has never really gotten over her ex that left her three years ago she will often bring him up when drunk and it has really hampered her dating life he lives thousands of miles away and today he posted a picture of him sitting with an attractive dude getting coffee they are holding hands and their legs are touching we were all sitting around the TV hanging out when she saw the picture shell-shocked is the best description for her face I was told that my great-grandfather kept the family farm in business by blatant and repeated acts of insurance fraud Hugh I thought you were going to find a hidden slave Shack at first I know a guy who got his friend to marry him so he can get a green card except his friend was already in a relationship not only did my friend get married he also inherited a boyfriend in law now the three of them live in the same house are you sure this isn't just a sitcom you watched my soon-to-be ex-wife and I separated in August 2018 she decided to end the marriage because she concluded that I would never trust her after she had an affair for more than half of our 15-year marriage we tried to reconcile for two years during which time she repeatedly told me that she had changed in that she's never lied to me again but I kept catching her in lie after lie now she is seriously dating a guy since at least December and she's cheating on him with another guy remember folks she has changed my cousin has been together with his wife for 14 years and has had a girlfriend for just as long neither of them knew about the other he got caught because of an image on Facebook his wife's sister posted a family picture which my cousin was on and got recognized by his girlfriend's sister's acquaintances he got away with that for 14 years my neighbor's cousin broke into her house and stole 37 guns also I learned my neighbor owned at least 37 guns my wife's gay brother is having an affair with his husband's half-sister the friend that told me also says the half-sister is desperate to get pregnant this could get interesting did it I'll cover off a few of the more common questions one no my wife doesn't know yet I will tell her soon she's been insanely stressed at work finishing a project I didn't want to burden her additionally - yes sounds like he is B rather than gay three should have said in the original post he has no idea that she is trying to get pregnant I had to read this real slow my coworker makes $10 an hour works part-time and pays for her living still married boyfriend's rent and child support cuz he's broke she just found his bank receipt showing $17 K in his checking account was this at least 2 wake-up call for her No an ex friend of mine from high school is now in the middle of the second divorce apparently it's because she cheated on her second husband with her now current boyfriend this is the second time she's cheated on her husband and I'm curious if she'll marry the current boyfriend and then cheat on him I hope she cheats on him with her first husband and then marries him again and then cheats on him with number two and then her and all the guys realized that the four of them belong together commenting from my other account a couple that we have been friends with for a few years now both very normal people with vanilla jobs took a trip overseas that was supposed to last a week not unusual for any of our group of friends no one had heard from them for close to a month until we found out they've been arrested on the other side of the ducting earth trying to smuggle out close to one ducting million dollars for an international DRG cartel out of the country they we're visiting when we heard the news we we're just sitting there quietly in disbelief for about five minutes duck what's going to happen to them trial for the woman is on the sixth don't know if the guys he'll be tried on the same day they're looking at 1-3 years in prison as far as we know this woman I know is dating a very shady guy she's nearly 40 and desperate so she overlooks a lot of the red flags all her friends think he's an ash layer he claims he disappears every now and then because get this he works for WikiLeaks he is married to someone he claims that they got married only for visa purposes and they only duck like a few times he has citizenship now but they aren't divorced because of some paperwork stuff involving you guessed it WikiLeaks he vacillates between having her attend his family events in declaring that he doesn't believe in marriage and kids though of course he's married already he recently suggested they be in an open relationship she has always wanted marriage and kids so it surprised me she got on board this relatively easily I suspect it's because she wants to hold on to him one of my sisters friends from her sorority had a mental breakdown on her two roommates of all the crazy sh t I overheard the best part was when she got in her car and proceeded to ram into the back of one of the other friend's car over and over for almost two hours like the gasa curity camera footage of her ramming the car backing up and doing it again for two whole dark on hours amazing friend is getting married next weekend they've been together a few years and have a two-year-old son at his bachelor party we were all poking fun at him on whether or not he was ready should faced or sober he is 100% committed to them another friend of mine is close friends with the bride who is apparently questioning everything about their relationship and has repeatedly stated that he's not the type of guy she ever imagined seen herself with this is going to end well just found out that my brother who divorced his ex-wife a year ago got married to a new woman in secret I mean secret as in that he hasn't told his own kids about it ten and twelve years old he hasn't told us either rest of the family my mother just accidentally said it to all of us so now we know better to pretend we don't know none of us have met his new wife at we don't know as his wife but still know as his wife and x200 be my two friends just found out they have the same sugar daddy they had both been under the impression that they were exclusive with him man to be rich enough to sugar daddy for two girls at once truly the American dream I have a co-worker all and called yes who always talks about her kids in detail and asks for favors because of her kids ie picking up shifts asking for rides etc one of our other co-workers son goes to the same bar I said girl she doesn't know who he is and one night was spilling her guts about how she always takes advantage of her co-workers and that she doesn't even have kids she doesn't know that we know edit thank you so much for all the comments golden suggestions I will definitely update everyone if anything interesting develops apparently for years my parents have told my teachers I have a learning disability I didn't know I had learning disability I don't think I have a learning disability I asked them why and they said it takes about $1,500 off the cost of my university tuition from some government grant so I guess I have a learning disability update I asked my parents more questions about this and I apparently got tested when I was young and have a legitimate learning disability diagnosis my parents aren committing fraud they knew all along that I was diagnosed and I just recently found out about it manager is having threesomes with two servers recently got my ancestry DNA results back and found out I have a half-sister of a different ethnicity as a product of my father's cheating ways a friend found a photo of my younger brother and fetlife sucking a D CK so that's a thing haven't told anyone but here one edit changed it to younger so people stop thinking he's underaged also he posted the photo himself he knows it's on there our pastor was having an affair with his cousin's wife one day while giving a sermon the cows and storms into church tackles the pastor and starts to throw haymakers at him the cousin's wife is trying to pull her husband off the pastor the pastor's wife quickly figured out what was happening ran up and clocked the wife from behind knocking her out people are trying to separate everyone total chaos my SIL is pregnant again by the same gun she's been in our two-way abusive relationship with for the past six years despite constantly moving in and out of his house filing restraining orders against each other and accusing each other of cheating everyday they planned this one edit SIL is my husband's sister sorry for the confusion also CPS has been to their house my mill takes the baby off and so she isn't in the house ro that poor child some time ago some girl jokingly says she wants her BF to get her pregnant or else he will leave her guess who's unexpectedly pregnant best advice for these girls SX won't make him yours and a baby won't make him stay don't forget if your life is a train wreck a baby you won't fulfill you we just found out a 16 year old intern at my work is dealing drugs including heroin well my dog acts like she doesn't like our new cat but I caught them playing last night and as soon as she noticed me she runs over to me pretending she wasn't playing scandal I have no life this was the peak of my weekend edit thanks for the silver my first silver whoo this weekend has now hit a new peak dot oh my goodness and my first gold thanks everyone this is too much excitement I think I need a nap my ex-wife and I finalized our divorce last June she's giving birth in a few weeks with a guy she was cheating on me with if it was anyone else I wouldn't care as much but since it's this guy it hurts oh and she email invited me to buy them gifts off of their baby registry so I'm trying to think of the most petty item I could get though I know I shouldn't show I give a sh t buy them a paternity test it will get in new guy's head one of my female friends who looks like a slightly classier version of Courtney Stanton confessed to me that she enjoys the thought of two hot shirtless men fighting over her he said she is considering goading her boyfriend into fighting some random dude who keeps slipping into her DMS just tell her to watch MMA with the sound off oh she loves MMA one November day my mom took my sister and I put so we could help her pick out gifts for our kids I asked why a cousin of ours who adore children never had any of her own this led my mom into a deep trail of juicy family stories the most unexpected was about my grandma apparently a married man had pursued her and they started a short affair that left her pregnant she was the teenage daughter of devout Catholic immigrant parents and they essentially hid her in the basement the entire nine months and forced her to give away the baby they also threatened the dad with the mob to get him to stay quiet and pay for medical care my grandma lived most of her life depressed over what came of their child my mom took an ancestry DNA test about a year ago and found the woman she had been adopted by loving parents who have since died she started coming to our family events and my grandparents are more than pleased to have her in their lives my grandpa has called her his daughter on multiple occasions also both of my sisters have cheated on their husbands with guys they met at the gym my husband is only very stressful as trend editing to that don't worry your I run for exercise and I mainly use it for alone time and to eat more pizza my mom who worked 30 plus years in IT after getting laid off from her last job decided she was done and retired well last week she got a job at a clothing company as a cashier getting a lot less money than she did a nightie this really isn't juicy gossip law except that friends and family have been calling me and fishing for details as to why she is Rea entering workforce most seem to think she's in some sort of dire financial straits and I can only imagine that shatter they have among themselves regarding it while gossipy friends and family no need to worry my mother is in a great financial situation she's just gotten gored during her retirement and once a part-time job to keep her occupied get her out of the house and provide for some interaction with other people my grandmother told me a couple months ago that around the time of her divorce from my biological grandfather another lady in their small town had a baby when grandma finally saw the baby after friends suspiciously tried to keep her from seeing it it looked exactly like her soon-to-be ex-husband it was the first person to be told about this my mom now knows but my aunts and uncles have no idea they have another half-sister running around somewhere edit my heist upvoted comment is now about my cheating biological grandfather cool for those that have suggested trying to find her my brother took a DNA ancestry test last year I'll ask him about the family tree part and what he found regarding telling the other family members it's certainly not my place the problem is that biological grandpa who will be BG from now on was a piece of sh t he was abusive drank himself to death and abandoned my mom the other relatives want to just move on he isn't talked about anymore grandma is trying to respect that especially my uncle who didn't speak to her for a long while because he felt like she was just trying to turn the family against BG if they accidentally find out through a DNA test truthfully would probably be less drama that way last note the reason baby was easily identifiable aside from suspicious behavior was largely due to BG being a redhead there weren't too many in town apparently I just found out that the guy who has surly assaulted me ten years ago in college had the crap beat out of him by some of my male friends a few days after they never said anything to anyone at the time because they could be expelled for it edit for those wondering there were multiple witnesses to the act I like your friends my work requires everyone in our group have security clearance it's boring work and the most basic of clearances wednesdaya co-workers desk was completely cleaned out we were told she lost her clearance and was fired weird her BFF spilled the beans later turns out Sharon had met a man online and they were madly in love and she cashed out her 401 K her life savings and a second mortgage to Center him she's 67 to no one's surprise he is not a real person and it was all a scam he claimed he was royalty from Nigeria work found out when she started borrowing money from co-workers and it made its way to our boss it's very sad but still WTF she was around when the whole Nigerian email scam was around she should have known better eat ur grammar my ex after one week of being single started dating this SoundCloud rapper now she's pregnant with twins we're still in our teens do his song slap though he is the dollar version of lil pump from his music style to even the dreads I just found out my neighbor has been having an affair with another one of my neighbors and the kids figured it out I used to see them go jogging sometimes that my brother asked my mom for a $1,000 for rent she gave him $1,400 so he could also pay back alone then he turned around and also asked my dad for $1,000 for rent which he also gave him he then turned around and used the money to buy tickets to Burning Man my parents not going to lend out any more money without talking to each other first a co-worker of mine is marrying a girl he met in Europe six months ago so she can get a green card he wrote a character reference letter for himself as my boss for my boss to sign this dude doesn't have a fixed address he just wanders all over the place until he needs money it actually sounds like a fun existence if it wasn't so intensely privileged and on the home front my boyfriend keeps getting messaged by straight guys from his old fraternity who seemed to want to try gay stuff with him I'm guessing my boyfriend is the only openly gay guy they know so they try to use him as some sort of on-ramp to gay stuff last night this guy messages him and it quickly went from hey bro long time no see - I want to worship your black [ __ ] in just a few beads some of these dudes have wives and children just found out the other week through the grapevine that two of my exes are now together my friends were coming to me like hey didn't you used to date both of them how did that happen one of them is very mild-mannered and relaxed and we ended it amicably because we were getting bored the other one is hot-headed impulsive and motivated that one ended because we both had trouble communicating our grievances in a healthy manner given my experience with both of them I have no idea how they're gonna make it work but I wish them both lark
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 91,510
Rating: 4.8997493 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, tz reddit, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, juicy gossip, rumours, school, college, high school, gossip
Id: FlA-5Fz0xEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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