Babysitters Share Dark Secrets They Found Out About Parents

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babysitters have read it what seemingly normal parents had dark secrets my daddy hits my mommy sometimes for that one i was still in high school i told my mom what she said and my mom went to the police station to report it i like it when you're here not the other lady she's mean and she makes me sit in the closet this little girl was referring to her dad's girlfriend i told the dad about it and never saw the girlfriend around again and for some comic relief my older brother and i play swords in the bathroom daddy taught us how asked him to show me with his action figures what he meant expecting the worst and he says look and goes in his dad's closet and pulls out these giant foam swords you thankfully not all in the same house i was babysitting for a local family who owned car dealerships i answered the phone hello as wonders and it was the father who didn't know his wife had hired a babysitter so she could go to an appointment he started in with the stupidest ssi voice until he realized it wasn't wife he hung up later he was caught cheating i never really babysat for anyone besides family but i did dog sit for a woman and her husband for a while she gave me a tour of the house the first time i went over there and there was a room in the back of the house that was filled with dildos and other sx toys he sold them as a side hustle and wanted me to know they were there in case i was uncomfortable they paid me well and left a great review on the site i was using named for this very rich family with three kids from the west coast who would come to south florida for summer vacation every year the mother was in her thirties clearly had her kids when she was young and was very stereotypically hot so blonde thin big boobs perfect teeth her husband was a little older salt and pepper two whooper handsome very george clooney-esque their kids were all blonde haired blue-eyed cute as fck they absolutely adored their parents dad would help the kids and mom settle in at the house and then fly back to cali for work i babysat 3-5 times a week 6. 30 p.m 2 a.m mom would get all dolled up leave her wedding ring on the kitchen counter and come home very late clearly drunk and sometimes brought men home with her that she introduced as her friends she would often overpay me which i never complained about but i worried for the kids i babysat a lot when i was 13-15 at the time i lived in a small town i was a very popular babysitter as i also worked at the daycare center often i would have kids from two or three different families at once i didn't care i got triple the pay for having three different groups of kids i was recently told why i always had groups of kids like that turns out the small town had a swingers club and i was the go to babysitter for their different groups one family i still don't know what was up with them it's like they were squatting in a model home or something it was a fully furnished house that looked to be straight out of better homes and gardens magazine but there was nothing in the drawers fridge or cabinets no toiletries in the bathroom except for toilet paper no food or silverware in the kitchen no clothes in the closets or in the kids drawers and no toys a lady just told me to order food for the kids and they watched tv it was weird i was babysitting once and the kids were wrestling in the living room all of a sudden the smell of dank filled the room i hear the kids stop and say what is that full stop one of them had knocked over a big tin can on a shelf and the parents weed stash spilled everywhere i sent the kids away and cleaned it all up for them and put it back i babysat for the local policeman when i was teenager he always came home very drunk and in a weird mood and one time brought out a homemade ouija board and persuaded me to take part with his buddies always paid me really well a family member of mine was a babysitter in the 70s a couple who lived nearby asked her to babysit their baby a few times i didn't get the sense that she knew them well every time she'd go they said the baby was sleeping and not to disturb the baby by checking on it the baby never cried the parents would come home and relieve her she never saw or heard a baby at the time i don't think my family member thought much of it but has told me this story several times because it keeps nagging at her how could a baby be asleep for the entire time she was there every time no noises nothing today she thinks there must not have been a baby but has no idea why they'd hire her i babysit 3-5 times a week you'd be surprised at how many sx toys i see a lot of them are just out in the open like they forgot to hide them i overnighted once and the guest bed had bonded straps parents totally forgot about that that's not too surprising but some of their kinks are probably the darkest was this five-year-old girl i babysit she was the victim of essel assault for a couple years by an aunt and uncle no charges pressed or anything mum and dad just cut all contact with that side of the family i live in a small town so i see the aunt pretty often it's sickening they understandably have a ton of cameras set up in their house now and aren't gone for more than a couple hours the child has a very weird bedtime routine which is how i found out not so much as dark but really sad i babysat for a typical upper middle class family dad worked mom was stay at home the mother was always a little overprotective like checking on their daughter the second they got home but i didn't think much of it one night they came home and we talked a little she mentioned how much she loved children and her daughter so i asked her if they ever thought about having another she completely broke down and explained that she had multiple miscarriages before and after her daughter so they stopped trying i felt really awful and really sad because it seems like she wanted another baby i used a nanny for a family at the interview they seemed totally normal even the first day wasn't too terrible i quickly realized that both parents were abusive mum had severe anger issues and was medicated for some condition related to it dad was a borderline essel predator who constantly talked about how gross looking his wife was and how if she didn't stop being a [ __ ] he'd divorce her their kids were just as bad one of them was also medicated for behavioral issues i found out later that the reason they were hiring a nanny a posted daycare was because their kids had been kicked out of the daycares in the area nope the fck out of that situation within a few months when i was 13-14-ish i used to babysit two kids while their parents went to amway functions one night for whatever reason i looked behind the couch and saw a bunch of magazines i collected them thinking they'd been dropped behind there by accident by the kids i babysat it was a huge stash of penthouse and playboy magazines and i had to quickly ray hide them before the kids saw them i was curious naturally but i told the mom when she drove me home i don't recall if she said anything or not but i stopped babysitting her kids shortly after that because i moved away seemingly a happy family but the child had a lot of odd behaviors the most obvious one was she cry if you laughed in front of her her mom told me the four-year-old child would assume you were laughing at her one time my group baby sat at a neighbor's house with this child and when the father came to pick the child up the neighbor's dog went ballistic and tried to bite him shortly after it came out that the dad was abusing the daughter always trust the dog i nanned it for a wealthy couple she was a surgeon he was an architect and the husband had a study in the house that the wife joked about never being allowed in now i'm a nosey efka and i was curious about why you wouldn't let someone in a study esp since it looked like a fairly normal room big desk walls covered in bookshelves books of architecture everywhere so one day i just roamed around in there i didn't really find anything and i was kinda disappointed but then i grabbed a book off one of the shelves the thing had money pressed between its pages about five hundred dollars if i had to guess picked up another book found the same thing i think i checked like 10 different books and every single one had money hidden in it still not sure if the dude was just paranoid about banks or if he was intentionally hiding money from his wife edit hey buzzfeed fcku i worked full time for a family with 11 and 8 yo girls mom played everything off like they were all happy and perfect they treated the 11 yo like a queen and constantly cut the atu down dad was sleeping in another room and clearly couldn't stand the mom she's played off like he was just grumpy in the mornings i never understood why people think the nanny won't know we know everything i wasn't a babysitter person but my childhood best friend had a very odd family they would all get naked and hang out around the house which was adorned with fetishes and carved statues from aruba in jamaica did they wanna take yatta bermuda or bahama work in an elementary school lot of horrifying unexpected stuff tends to come up i handle any behavioral calls so tend to have a lot of contact with kids who are having trouble self-regulating in school sometimes these kids genuinely have a hard time but often they can't regulate because they're in hyperdrive with what's going on at home close bracket i had a mom tell me in detail the sx life between her and her ex another parent was arrested for drug trafficking and went to jail for three years a week after he'd attended parent teacher conferences another parent got into a fight and the lobby and 911 had to be called i babysat for this one family only a couple of times when i was 16 but on the first night they just casually talked about how i needed to call the police if the kids bio dad turned up at the house i was then told i would need to barricade us all in their master bathroom and i should call them and their lawyer custody battles suck i was a nanny for a young boy with additional needs let's call the parents john and lisa john worked for lisa's parents as they owned a painting company this company had a family surname as its name one day i noticed jon was home from work early in the painting van but who had his surname as the company name on the van not lisa's parent surname i thought it was a funny coincidence that he and lisa had the same surname and so i pointed this out he froze up and looked a little awkward and said oh that's because lisa and i are first cousins they shared the same paternal grandparent and therefore the same surname they had been together since they were young teenagers i'm not actually sure if this is legal or not but it's certainly frowned up here not a deep dark secret but as someone with 15 plus year in child care it's pretty common for a lot of wealthy parents to prioritize their jobs in themselves over their kids kids can sense this and usually develop some sort of unhealthy way to get more attention the response is usually to throw money at the problem instead of genuinely getting the kid help or re-examining their family structure it's always so deeply sad to me a few families i have worked for i genuinely wondered why they had kids i understand parents need a break and people have to work but man it was so sad i was giving the four-year-old a bath and he asked me why don't you touch me like dad buzz that was my first red flag eventually the dad would show up at home unannounced to just hang out with me when the kids were napping i was 18. one day he got a vasectomy and told me if i wanted he could send a couple blank shots at me a few days later he full on assaulted me i locked myself in the bedroom and called his wife she wouldn't believe me i called my brother and he rushed over with a baseball bat one family i babysat for was super big in the art world super successful had multiple homes mansions fancy cars but the kids were weird specifically the older girl who was about eight showed me a jar of baby mice that she had cut out of a pregnant mouse's stomach suspended in formaldehyde sitting on the window sill in the kitchen something about that just did not sit right i used to babysit occasionally for some neighbors who had a legit sx dungeon in their basement babysat for the best kids best temperament and had great manners both three and five their mom is kind and i have no qualms with her but i decided to snoop cause i was 15 and bored i found her bathroom covered in weed and weed products as well as a giant vibrator in her drawer no judging from me i was just insanely surprised lol she had the two biggest bongs i've ever seen never personally babysat but i was watching a video on the internet and the seemingly normal parents came home and had sex with a babysitter i was not a babysitter but i worked at a kid's place for a really long time we had birthday parties where other parents could just drop off their children leaving the only adults usually being birthday kids parents i was hosting a party for about 15 children all around the age 7-9 they were sitting at multiple tables doing crafts when i overheard something a little boy said well i saw my daddy bend my mommy over and spank her with a belt that will teach her to bounce a check again i saw the parents come pick up their kid later and they seemed like such cliche white picket fence adults i still don't know if the man was genuinely abusive or if they were in a bdsm relationship the kid found her mom's vibrator and put it in her mouth this isn't really dark but kinda weird and hilarious okay so i was babysitting this one kid she was three years old at their house we were just watching tv and suddenly noticed that it was time to fix her some supper while i was trying to look for some food to feed her the kid suddenly went out of her parents bedroom laughing so i was like what's so funny and turned around to look at her when i turned around i saw her playing with a pink vibrator before i could take it away from her she put it in her mouth i suddenly grabbed it from her and just laughed out loud she laughed too i never told the parents but they probably found out because i didn't put it where the kid found it i should have kept a closer eye on her i babysat once for one of the moms from our daycare he had a six-year-old daughter and a 14 meter oh the six years bio dad wasn't allowed to come to the daycare because of child assault and death or predatory charges but this was from five years ago so he was out and newly acquainted into the community i watched them 7 to 10 p.m one night and mom texted me she wouldn't be home till later but her new boyfriend would pay me when he got home at 1030 or so turns out new boyfriend was actually just the dad who had the charges on his name he offered me a beer i declined i used to manny for this lady who was recently divorced and had one nine years old son she shared custody with the father and all was good except things didn't work out but i'd meet the kid after school and help him do his hw his mom was a big lawyer in ny and was very successful i always wondered why the parents got divorced bc she was a type a dominant personality and he was mute subtle then one day she asked me to look for something which was under some bed and in the process i found her toy stash she was also dating a neighbor at the time seems she liked to be a dominatrix one day i was bringing her mail in and there was a flyer for some swinger party club guess she frequented often then she left her pc on an email with her friend talking about she found a new person with good weed you never know who does what she was a lovely lady who you'd never suspect and she was in a highly successful position i never did anything about it or told anyone before now when i was 17-18 i used to babysit for a couple in their early 30s at one point they asked if i was interested in a threesome which i politely declined also realized eventually that they had me babysit sometimes so they could do meth they told me so after offering me some which i also politely refused i guess they were being responsible i was babysitting at 2yo and a 5yo both male the kids were fine but the parents acted suspicious whenever i entered their room i understand this a while back there was a situation where the parents who mostly travel for work would come back and find random small bruises on their baby but the babysitter would always say oh you know how kids like to play she just fell bumped into a wall etc until the mom got cameras installed and the nanny had actually been beating the child severely i nanite for a long time for a single mom of two kids she never really spoke about why she was single but i later found out through her kids that their dad had been cheating on their mom for a long time while they were still married explained a lot because the kids had some issues that you could see right off the bat felt sorry for the mom because she was a bit crazy not really super dark but still sad semicolon i also regularly babysat for a family in my neighborhood who were mormons on the surface they seemed like a super by the book typical nuclear family very religious and soft-spoken one day while nannying i was upstairs helping the youngest pick up his toys and notice a random variety of books on the shelf i looked through some of the titles and among them were things like overcoming perimography addiction and a plethora of drug addiction self-help books i have no idea which one of the parents they belong to maybe both comma but i just found it really strange you never actually know anyone you
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Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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