What’s The Juiciest Rumor In Your High School That Ended Up True?

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what's the juiciest rumor at your school that turned out to be 100 true resource officer was a child molester and then murdered his wife after he was fired he fled and they still haven't found him over 10 years later he's on marshall's top 15 most wanted list his name was dan his and his mother thinks he's dead the computer tech teacher got caught having sx with a student he was put on suspension while the investigation was conducted he killed himself by running his car into a tree the science teacher was a pedophile some kid found viogra in his desk and he was put in admin leave when they found a used condom in his trash after the search then kids came forward was not pretty two teachers that were married to each other were sleeping with students the husband was the first to do it and the wife found out and slept with some of her students as revenge also the resource officer was sleeping with some of the 18 year old seniors all got confirmed when they were fired for it well the teachers got fired the officer got moved to bicycle patrol com coma the officer got moved to bicycle patrol i think he's written enough this one girl would make those colorful friendship bracelets made out of needlepoint floss for every guy she gave a bj to there were lots of bracelets edit i sure f king hope emily doesn't have reddit edit too just because emily gave mad bjs doesn't mean i will the art teacher was sleeping with both the history teacher and re-teacher she was married to the chemistry teacher who she previously had an affair with while married to the woodwork teacher i believe she married the reteacher sometime after i left school edit a few people have asked what reas religious education which state schools in the uk used to have to teach taught by an atheist which was refreshing this is better than a mexican soap opera rumor had it that a teacher was having sex with some of his students that's wanted higher grades no one believed it to be true because he was married and just had his third baby 100 true and all the students who are proud of it he's still in jail five years later an abortion using a coat hanger where a student bled to death it happened years before i attended the school and was the basis of the ghost sightings near the bathroom man this is disturbing as hell that there is an underground bunker from the cold war era below the school not only is it there but it turns out you can access it from the pay changing room through a secret trap door did it it's in crack poland because so many of you are curious and it looks like there's actually lots of schools that have won edit too also it is confirmed to be a bunker but it was built before the school existed and was most likely emptied by previous owners of the building some kid in my year grade found nude pictures of his art teacher female on a school camera when he went to take pictures of his painting didn't have a clue what to do about it so just started telling people and no one believed him couple days later he's pulled out of class and had to see the school headmaster about it they found the camera and the photos and somehow the teacher was unaware whatsoever thing is the teacher didn't get any reprimands but the kid got excluded a couple of days for spreading true rumors about the teacher in middle school a rumor floated around pretty much most of the school that the principal had a consistent record of vessel assault and why did rf king know he got arrested for [ __ ] assault when i was a freshman in high school it was all over the news and everything a younger male teacher upper twenties newlywed was having sex in his classroom during lunch with an older female teacher married in her mid-forties a student caught them and filmed them pretty much blackmailed them into turning themselves in well that's a twist i could get behind a student used blackmail to get the offenders to do the right thing for once we had a spanish teacher who would keep giving random financial business advice during classes one day he tabbed over to his stock trading home page and accidentally revealed that he was a millionaire rumors about his past started circulating around graduation some students found old newspaper articles confirming that he was a former meth dealer who had spent time in jail was a seriously cool guy actually two sports teachers were having an affair with each other even though one of their spouses was also a sports teacher in the same school using the same dinky office i feel like every pay teacher i ever had was plowing another member of staff edit i should mention i was homeschooled that the school district security guard would let you get away with anything if you gave him some coke he later got caught and fired for it if anyone else went there it was at desert view hs in tucson edit i was talking about kayaking not the soda for those who didn't realize that and on a serious note it's all about the dr he and fck the rest was pepsi okay spanish teacher was a former male prn star la pewter sdn la bibliotica the wood tech teacher was married to the french teacher they had a child the p e teacher f k the french teacher the wood tech teacher went into the p e department and threatened to beat the sht out of the p e teacher with a cricket bat i believe this was during a normal school day but it was before my year started there a second p e teacher got involved and stopped it so everyone kept their jobs later on the wood tech teacher married the geography teacher and they had two kids whilst a third p e teacher cheated on her husband with the second p e teacher and every wednesday an hour before lunch i would cp he teaches two and three through the window of my science classroom they would get in a car and leave together sometimes i would see them come back and sometimes i wouldn't i jokingly pointed it out to people before anyone else caught on and later they became a couple that was known to students tl dr six teachers three pregnancies two affairs and a partridge in a pear tree teacher from my high school girls were creeped out by him and constantly reported him for making them uncomfortable he was quite obese barely hung to knees so the school and other students wrongly assumed these girls were being rude six years later he's in prison after being caught with child prn on his computer alongside upskirt photos of girls from my school that there was a girl in the boys bathroom giving bj's for ten dollars there really wasn't she got expelled strange women lying in restrooms distributing blow jobs is no basis of a government a girl blew the whole basketball team after a game donna the exact details i just know the girl left and three kids got expelled edit i'm not naming the high school for privacy reasons the reason they got expelled was because it was a catholic school and they did it in the locker room the rumor was that a boy's gym teacher and a senior girl in my class were involved they got married when we graduated he was at least 10 years older than she was my sixth grade math teacher was super creepy he would assign seats randomly but always place the girls in the front of the classroom did the whole lingering stair thing and was always trying to get people to hang out with him during lunch i never did but he was married and has a baby so no one really suspected him of anything other than being creepy fast forward about seven years the teacher ended up being a sex offender he had an ongoing relationship with a girl that began when she was 13. based on what i could see from the various news articles she was either in my year or the year before me the police came to arrest him in the middle of his class cuffed him in front of his students and then had him walk throughout campus in cuffs to get to their car i don't feel bad for him at all but i can't imagine how his wife and son must feel edit for everyone asking this was in the bay area probably not the juiciest thing but the one i remember because of how i found out a few of our high school libraries walls were weird sort of a lowercase b shape so there was this empty space behind the bookshelves up against the walls tunnels basically word was students were f king in there i worked in the library had to move the shelves cleaned the tunnels found used condoms it was an all-boys school at the time if that matters mind the condoms weren't the worst thing really the leftover food debris in there was worse stuff like chicken bones edit couple years later i was talking with an ex-schoolmate another guy from our graduating class comes in i hate that guy my friend says he's f king gay dude you're gay there's gay and there's so f king gayle the gay people think you're too f king gay turns out that gent had been one of the entrepreneurial fellows selling services for a few dollars ago i wasn't shocked since i already had some idea but i was surprised that the going rate had been so cheap also some kid said he was going to kill himself a bunch of times over getting worse grades than his little brother and finally one day he jumped in front of a train on the tracks right behind the school i heard some details of what kids saw and it was about as horrifying as you'd think the cheerleading team was doing coke off the toilet seats edit for everyone saying the tank would be better maybe my high school was unusual but we had the same high power flush toilets like other public bathrooms they had no tanks just the base of the toilet in the seat our bathrooms had no doors to the entrance probably as a deterrent to this behavior so the counters were a no-go the toilet paper dispensers were those large circular ones believe me i agree with those of you saying it's gross and idiotic but there weren't that many alternatives in the bathroom we weren't allowed to have bags or backpacks with us so no one carried a purse and they did it in the middle of class so bringing a textbook would be suspect also the main offenders were too young to drive so they didn't have keys necessarily and this was pre-smartphone and before the average high school student even had a cell phone edit too real glad the cheerleaders collective idiocy lead to my highest rated comment there was a rumor that our female english teacher was sleeping with the starting qb and that her youngest child was not her husband's but the cubies she was caught sleeping with a different one of her students years later and it is now known she has slept with a number of former students including the qb now people really think her youngest kid isn't her husband's edit qb equals quarterback sorry to my non-americans on the thread this is by far the most attention that a post of mine has received and i love that it turned into a blue mountain state thread go goats when i was in middle school the big joke rumor was that two teachers were banging years later everyone finds out that not only were they having an affair outside of their respective marriages but that the male teacher was cheating on both women with a man the female teacher moved away and ended her own life the entire situation was unbelievably messy the male principal got caught f king the male history teacher in his office both were married edit principle sorry their husbands must have been furious some kids made semen frosted brownies and gave them to another kid and he ate them there was a girl who wanted to lose her virginity so she offered a guy a phone top up to take her vaginity and he did it damn where's this kind of girl when i was in school the physics teacher was testing and sleeping with one of his students not sure if she was 18 or not at the time although honestly no one was surprised he was a little too friendly toward the girls and changed his pants in the back of the classroom once he ended up leaving for personal reasons over thanksgiving break but of course it got out sadly his wife was in her third trimester that within the first two weeks of the school starting and everyone meeting each other so she convinced them to make love not war we had a study hall teacher who was a huge hardest with a handlebar mustache who was retired navy turned out he was a hardcore gay bds mprn star in the early 2000s he got fired even though it was long before his time teaching i ended up writing a letter to the administration county and their attorneys but he stayed fired i guess it would be hard to command respect from students when googling his prn name immediately brought up a pic of his balls bound in leather our math teacher in high school had a student teacher she was helping train to take over for her when she went on maternity leave the student teacher was maybe 20-21 the fairly attractive young woman so naturally all the guys in the class had a crush on her one guy in particular was a super senior and 18-19 he flirted with her non-stop and she would act super embarrassed and blush and in a non-committal way tell him to knock it off i'm sure you see where this is going well towards the end of the semester he was bragging about going on a date with her and how they went to the movies then he went back to her place and they had sex we all thought he was full of shti but the rumor got around the school and of course the teachers and faculty found out then one day she is just gone and we had substitute teachers for the rest of the semester we all knew what happened looking back it's kind of a shame that she probably wrecked her future teaching career of him a girl got caught giving her boyfriend a [ __ ] in one of the stairwells of my high school the government teacher one of the most ultra-religious and pure-hearted individuals on earth was the one who caught them ended up in a science class with a girl she gave no fcks that she got caught and took her legend status like a champ still makes me laugh over a decade later very attractive married with kids pay teacher was f king very attractive married with kid english teacher we all thought they were just very flirty people but lol nope full-on affair going on we had a running joke around my school for years if someone asked could you insert question here most people would reply i'll do it for a bag of doritos this was a school-wide inside joke because a girl was caught sucking this guy's dick in the bathroom some authority figure had the bright idea of asking why the horny teen would allow this he said she said she would do it for three dollars and a bag of doritos no one ever saw the girl again but the guy became a legend that there was a video of a girl in my year fingering herself for a pack of cigarettes the rumor went around for about a week before everyone in my year had it on their phone i want to say this was 9-10 years ago the school ended up having assemblies about it and said that if anyone was caught with it on their phones they'd press charges for child p rhinography we were 14 stroke 15 at the time i think a couple of kids actually did get charged for it though i think it got sealed once they turned 18. the poor girl in the video ended up changing schools more than once because the kids at the first school she changed too ended up getting hold of the video and it went round that school too a secretary walking in on the [ __ ] old assistant principal ms super giving head to the other assistant principal in his office it was within a few days that the guy hurriedly resigned so must have been some truth there she was still there though but i couldn't look at her straight after that it neither did the administrators apparently that the female religion teacher had been sleeping with boys in grade 10 for upwards of 15 years teacher had a mail order bride the priest of the church that ran my catholic elementary school got caught selling drugs in the park my parents quickly decided public school was suddenly a good idea then in high school the senior directing our school play got caught f king one of the freshmen actresses in dracula's coffin in the theater loft everyone thought the cheer coach was pregnant she left soon and denied it idk how long later it comes to light she was but it gets weird this is her story she didn't know she was pregnant had a stillborn baby in her house this caused her to have a mental breakdown she tore arms and legs off the baby then put the body in a tire in her yard and burned it cops and firemen get called for a fire in town due to how badly the body was burned they were unable to prove if the baby had taken any breaths or if it was born dead as she claimed everyone thought she was pregnant but sadly we were all right i think social services took her kids she had kids before this one and she moved out of town edit that our priest was a weirdo child molester people who didn't know him thought he was a little strange in that he would run through town in pink speedos peters and speedos the married teacher and married principal got caught f king in a park the elementary school teacher was really a pedophile and another teacher in the middle school fck this is a ref head up town not a rumor in the traditional sense but we had a remar and mrs smith and a miss smith since the name was common mr and mrs could have not been married to each other we were all confused by it and joked mr smith probably got confused and sometimes slept with miss smith emma and mrs were married emma was also sleeping with miss mrs died eventually and mr married miss the vice principal at my high school was addicted to crack turned out to be true and he retired early now i'm aware that this has the making of a hilarious story but it's not he was the first man in his family to go to college black men in 1970s texas didn't have many options outside of the army he distinguished himself as an educator and he helped a lot of underprivileged students get accepted into colleges all around the country sadly his entire family was killed by a drunk driver like many people facing a horrible and tragic dilemma he turned to drugs fast forward to 1999 and there's a major drug bust in my town the dude that was running the dope house ratted on the vp and several other high-placed individuals that ran my town i'll let you guys form your opinions on the man but i will say this he never mistreated a single student in his 25 years as a teacher and now lives his life in solitary disgrace you
Channel: Mindflix
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts
Id: OL-xbHDuMtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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