People Share The Most Messed Up Thing Their Ex Has Done (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what was the most f ked up thing your ex did after you broke up i was in the process of a divorce not yet finalized i was divorcing because of x's cheating there is this somewhat vague unclear rule that if i were to have sex with her during this time it could constitute as a reconciliation in any case x is still living in the apartment with me i get home from work and she starts to seduce me to me this seems pretty weird as she hasn't wanted to do anything essel with me for months i know i shouldn't do this but she stripped down to nothing and gets really physical basically she strips down and starts trying to push me into the bedroom and pull my clothes off i think for a minute contemplating what i should do fortunately i decide to walk out of the apartment when i opened the door one of her friends was standing right there with a camera the plan was to get me in the bedroom and then have this friend film us without my knowledge so that she could say we reconciled using video evidence and could possibly then be entitled to alimony that friend is such a ref king scumbag i had a buddy whose ex upon breaking up raced him back to his own house got there first and then proceeded to lock herself in his room for several days i don't even think she talked much while there she would just sneak out at night time to use a bathroom buddy's kind-hearted christian parents fed her by sliding flat foods like bologna and pancakes under the door this story is the funniest tea with the bologna and pancakes my ex when i was 20 went to my parents and told them everything we did in bed my dad later pointed out we have some of the same tastes when it comes to sx then it just got awkward i'm glad i have a chill family though i once broke up with a girl over the phone at that time she was in mexico city working and me in michigan she was living in cali originally she immediately caught the very next flight to my and said you're not breaking up with me at one point she hit me with a stick we only had a few dates 10 stroke 10 4 being hit with a stick my ex reopened several credit cards that we had jointly but had paid off and closed before divorce somehow she opened them back in my name and charged them to the max then moved out of state and stopped paying her car payment all of these things ended up getting reported to my credit years later and pretty much ruined any chance i have a decent credit for the next 7-10 years in the u.s i've been divorced and lived outside the u.s for eight years now and only recently found out about all these charges i know all this can be corrected eventually but the hassle of explaining things to several credit companies and collection agencies is a major pitter this is fraud you can have her prosecuted it'll take some time investment to prove it but if you want it cleared up without paying the debts it is possible not exactly an x because we only went on three dates after the third date i left to go back to london as an au pair the guy had his sister sent me a traditional african wedding dress to my host family and a letter stating that she was so happy for us and hoped i would visit her in mali i know pfck out he then had his friends and brother call me and berate me for breaking up with him had them say i could not possibly do that because his parents had already bought the plane tickets to come see me before the wedding and then tried to stick me with the costs for said tickets i changed my cell phone number and had the host family say that i had gone back home and they had no forwarding address nothing absolutely nothing and that was the most f ked up thing nine years together two married one day she tells me she doesn't love me anymore a week later i find out she's seeing another guy couple of weeks later it had all fallen apart and she moved out to go from a position when a part of everything you do is for them for the both of you to have the best life together you can sharing everything with each other to absolute silence didn't want to talk to me see me or have me contact any of her family it was like she died there and then i later found out she had got pregnant with someone else in less than a year after walking out sorry it's not a very exciting story but to me it was more f ked up being able to do that to someone than any revenge story edit wow gold thanks i guess it was worth it after all i found it more hilarious than f head up but mine sent me a happy mother's day card because she said i was the biggest in the world went to all our mutual friends and told them that i cheated on him and he dumped me for it tried to tell my best friend the same thing pretty much tried his hardest to turn everyone against me all i did was show them the screenshots of his text messages with another girl which were filled with dick pics and plans on meeting up it holy crap this blew up my inbox is going crazy ex-wife moved out while i was at basic took all the spoons in the kitchen serving spoons teaspoons soup spoons even measuring spoons left all knives and forks honestly who does that comma who does that drug addicts coma it's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife she reverse alanis morissette do ironic really my so's x for your information she threw herself down a flight of stairs and called the cops to say he beat her up she would hit herself and call the cops almost weekly so miso installed a gps tracker on his car to try and prove his whereabouts during the times she was accusing him of the abuse the absolute worst though was probably when she told him he could come over christmas morning to see their then two-year-old daughter open her gifts only to call the police and have him arrested in front of their daughter eventually she was recorded admitting she was making it all up and the charges were dropped it's over five years later and she did everyone a favor and took off abandoning her children who are definitely better off without that kind of crazy as a mother we agreed that she'd collect her stuff from our place when we broke without me being there i arrived later that evening to find two gas valves opened so i guess i'm lucky i didn't light a cigarette edit no i did not call the cops how would i prove it anyway at that point i was just glad she was out of there and out of my life and still am so i decided to ignore it and not sound like a lunatic wailing at a police officer about a murderous girlfriend believe me at this point we've been through enough think i saw her once at a glance at mcdonald's alas not fat holy sh t that's some straight up attempted murder stuff right there called the police on my friend who had arrived to collect my belongings from the house we shared she had been calling me for a week to come collect my gear and i wasn't in town so asked my friend to do it the friend in question was the guy who introduced us f kid one of my friends then married my cousin i think you have the makings of a country music hit on your hands my friend told an army recruiter that i wanted to join and got him to come to my house to meet me ended up joining best six years of my life thanks stole my laptop and started putting pictures of herself naked as a young girl like 13 or so and called the cops i had already reported it stolen though and it's a pretty trivial process to show when a picture is added to a computer that and the fact that she admitted that she took it from my home got me off the hook she had naked pics of her younger self stored away for just the right moment that's just straight up evil first he checked himself into the hospital because he was suicidal then he had his mother call me and leave me voicemails trying to get me to take him back he went on all my social media accounts and liked all my pictures and posts from the past year so i blocked him on everything i ended up having to change my phone number because he constantly calls and texts me begging to take him back then when i don't reply he insults me and threatens me he sent me a box with 400 worth of gifts for my birthday yesterday he created a fake account on pinterest and messaged me 25 times he's insane called me at 3m so i could hear his three-year-old crying for me this is the worst one that's heart-wrenchingly awful stole my puppy stole my car left her cat headed clearly my best comments are the short ones well there's this she told me of her new boyfriend on the very night my father died does that count 20 years together 15 married gone in a flash edit thanks to everyone who replied this is the first time i've ever received any significant feedback on reddit either through a throwaway or my real account colon years ago late 90s found out my girlfriend that i was living with for a year was sleeping with her boss it was the week of our super bowl party we both had plenty of guests coming been planning it for over a month i bought every bit of alcohol that we thought anyone would want we were young upcoming professionals she was just under 21. not able to buy booze she pulled me aside and broke up with me on the friday before that weekend sora coming she left to the beach with boss and told me to move on super bowl weekend so called my people moved the party took all of my furniture everything but one tv bed one wine glass and one chair nosh tea that was it no dishes nothing place was bare took me many hockey bags to move the booze but we drank four weeks on it i heard she had a party with everyone showing up to one bottle of wine one glass one chair and nothing else to a big symbol of my name on his stomach in order to try and win me back it didn't work i was 15 at the time oh invited herself to my house when my dog was getting put down on the same day when she could she attempted to have sex with me i was obviously unhappy and turned her down i came to school after the weekend my dog was put down on saturday and she had told everyone that i had forced myself on her and uphead her later on a month or so later she called me and told me to get back with her or else i told her i can't get back with her so she said she'd kill herself if i didn't i didn't say anything and she down 70 something pills of potassium had a friend called the ambulance she survived but wasn't too healthy for a little while oh yeah i was 16-17 when all of this happened 3 stroke 10 would not do again ah this one still sends a bit of pain to my heart i dated this girl right before high school who was having a rough time for about a year or so she cut herself drank hydrogen peroxide in attempt to kill herself and nearly jumped off her roof at one point her parents were mentally and physically abusive to her such as dragged her by her hair and locking her in a closet for half a day i was so worried i called child services they came she confessed that she was lying it took me a while to realize that she actually was lying about a week after i stopped talking to her from pure hatred towards her in disgust she messaged me on facebook if you can't put this behind you it's all your fault the lied about her entire life to me and then said it was my fault this is what led to a breakup not the result of one when i was 15 this girl tell me i got her pregnant i go over to her house to talk and she's just tried to kill her nine years old brother with a chef's knife i pulled up to the house on my bike and see her being taken out of the house in handcuffs by two cops she looks at me and says was just kidding about the baby i guess we never officially broke up but i figured that whole situation was as good as official sent me an album of her with the guy she dumped me for in all the places i took her edit r.i.p my inbox this morning my top comment is about me getting emotionally wrecked kyna thanks for golding me with your gold this is gold right not mold i feel sorry for the guy all of his dates with her are simply focused on her ex sounds like she has issues why would she expend that kind of energy worrying about you maybe she's the one who isn't over it yet my ex tried to gain sympathy from me by cutting her foreign open with a pair of nail scissors after a night out and claiming she was attacked on her way home i know because she left a pair of bloodied scissors on the bedside table like a complete f king welly head she created a profile for me on some gay dating site saying something like hi i'm 22 and looking for my first time with a man i'm one to try everything full stop it had pictures of me and everything i got a lot of emails but it still took a while to figure out where they were coming from worst thing is that i couldn't get it taken down i had to abandon that email address hey man i tried to email you that thing why didn't you write me back sorry you must have my gay email let me get you my new one got in shape time for you to get more shaper i quit relationships after reading this i love my computer my friend's ex-girlfriend broke up with him then logged onto his yooka's account and declined all five of his university offers so he had to wait another year to attend university and do it all again that seems like something that can be uh and i'm given some phone calls and be something that can be sued over first off this guy broke up with me because he wanted to be straight two days later i had to drive his ass to a con in oklahoma from nebraska prior arrangement thought we were friends still the first day we are there he says he's dating a girl he just met this girl too three days later he asked her to marry him can you guess what she said yes the girl said yes talk about turbozole comma turbozole this word i'm taking it thank you we were living together at the time i received a great job offer on the west coast we were on the east coast at the time called her to talk about it she changed the locks sold my stuff wrote a nasty letter to my mother and contacted the company to tell them why they shouldn't hire me i took the job and moved anyway she kept contacting the hr department she moved to the same area about three months later every once in a while i would see her car in the office parking lot it finally stopped when i sued her she got pregnant by a guy with a daughter that is older than her then the old man moved into her parents house with her funny thing is part of the reason we broke up was she needed someone who could take care of her i was in college at the time as well as working and his 40-something years of life didn't leave him with enough money to rent an apartment i'm buying a house in a few months wrong horse sugar did it i see she wanted a guy with a five-year plan he believed he was a vampire i began seeing him as having a not terribly strong grip on reality when we split he told our mutual friends i was some sort of pedophile but no one actually bothered to tell me what he was claiming i was for some months later until the damage was done it's a strange pain to be demonized by people who won't tell you what their problem is spread rumors that i had stds except she was the first person i'd ever had sx with which wasn't exactly a secret therefore she was also admitting to having stds she wasn't the brightest spark he made about a hundred or so little flyers and put them around town saying something to the extant of you're a piece of shitty got a problem with that call froggyjoy87 at my home phone number or go to my home address my family had to put up with angry idiots calling and showing up to our house for weeks he tried to bribe older guys to get me pregnant yeah this was a nice neighborhood so i didn't get raped coma he also would phony call the cops about suicide threats noise complaints underage drinking etc to my house note this was an eighth f king grade we dated for like two months when i was in an angsty phase we thank god never even got past second base guy was and probably still is f king nuts edit okay guys i know it's spelled angsty thank you for the concern moved away with my sons and refuses to tell me where get cops involved i was the ex i pooped on her car dart did you use wiper married someone else wanted to be friends with me after getting with one of my best friends i hate both their guts now she knew i liked to go hiking at night she must have waited in the middle of this trail every night for a couple of weeks hoping i would show up finally the night came when i finally decided to take my hike i'm casually walking down my trail and she yells my name from about 20 feet away mind you it's dark and i still couldn't see who it was i seriously thought i was going to be murdered by some crazy person when i realized it was her i still had the thought that this was the place she wanted to kill me turns out she thought it would be a romantic way to rekindle our relationship turns out she was wrong that's not f ked up to be fair it's a little desperate but it's not f ked up she removed my ability to ever listen to prince again because she cheated on me by going to a prince concert with some cokehead i can't listen to prince now prince mother efkas prince killed herself mailed poop to me every day for three weeks [Music] [Music] you
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Views: 75,610
Rating: 4.9020233 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, messed up, ex, relationship, boyfriend, girlfriend, date, dating, kiss
Id: RkS5p-oc-HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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