What Revenge Of Yours Hit The Victim Way Worse Than Expected?

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serious what revenge of yours hit the victim way worse than you thought it would to the point you said maybe i shouldn't have done that i was dating this girl and my friend saw her around town a few times and humiliated her in an effort to embarrass me i told him to stop bothering her but he did it again that night i convinced him to try getting back together with his wildly insane and manipulative ex that he hadn't spoken to in years thinking that he would just humiliate himself by trying well they banged and got back together for a while and had a baby now they are terrible single parents my friends and i used to pull a lot of pranks on each other growing up and about 10 years ago i was helping my buddy set up a new business he was ordering business cards and the company he was going through was offering i think 500 or so free with a large order so we decided to prank our other friend we made business cards with his name phone number home address and had his job title as professional creep with the slogan if i'm creeping you ain't sleeping we passed these cards out all over town he was getting really harassing phone calls for a while and couldn't figure out why after about two years he found one of the cards on a random fridge at a party and put two and two together he was pissed and is still getting random calls 10 years later i feel really bad about that one my bother and cousins were walking home from school well my brother and i were walking and my cousins were on bikes they kept circling us and making fun of us because we didn't have bikes one of my cousins then spits on me out of reflex i blasted her with my trumpet case and she went flying landed on the concrete and broke her arm i felt awful it was the first and last time i ever hit a girl my family believed every word of the story knew this cousin was always a total [ __ ] to me and largely believed she had it coming i still felt awful though when i was in fifth grade my teacher gave out a shitty ton of homework one day so i got the whole class to help me write a letter to the principal she found out and cried and sht i felt really horrible because she was just trying to get us ready for a test coming up oh i have one for this my grandpa was a bit old school and gave me prison yard advice for my first week of school he said if anyone picks on you just deal with them right then don't take it first week of kindergarten a great one kid was pushing me around not letting me go back to class i pushed him down against a fence and kicked him in the face three or four times splitting his nose almost got kicked out of school until they found out my grandpa had told me to do it thing is no one mess with me after and that guy was nice to me all the way through to graduation so grandpa gave you good advice huh a kid on my track team would always come by and take a drink of whatever i had with me i was sick of it and brought a root beer with me which had been spiked with 3x the recommended dose of root beer flavored dick slacks sure enough he came by and i said you know what tony why don't you just take the whole thing well we were having a home meet that day and he was our best pole vaulter and part of the relay team i thought maybe he'd feel a little off and under preform in the midst of our warm-ups he went missing and was absent the entire meet removed think i have told this before but i think i was 15 and was in class and sat next to a friend of mine p for no reason began to say haha your bald father which i followed up with haha your bold mother he started crying and ran to the teacher i honestly forgot his mom had cancer and was getting chemo had a roommate who basically let his new gf move into our house in college she helped herself to everything in the house but never contributed finally she parked in my parking spot and that was my breaking point i let all the air out of all of her tires thinking she'd just tear them back up and it would be an inconvenience instead she ended up buying all new tires whoops never came clean about it she's an idiot back in middle school a friend of mine threw a small wadded piece of paper at me i retaliated by throwing the only thing i could find which was mud close to my shoes smacked him right in the face with it worst part is it turned out to be dogsht that was at the bottom of my shoe i still vividly remember his angry wtf man i throw paper at you and you throw dogsht when i was a kid i was at a local river a great swimming spot lots of people came to my friend pushes me in the river and naturally i came up spluttering and a little red in the face but it was all in good fun for the rest of the day i plan to get her back waiting for my opportunity to push her in until she was at the edge of the river drying off i pushed her but her flailing and the slippery nature of the rocks she was on made her slip on the spot and instead of just splashing into the water she landed on her back hitting the rocks hard and then fell into the water she was winded but thankfully otherwise unharmed our parents were furious at me and i just spent the few seconds it took to get her out felt like a lot longer to me just hoping i hadn't broken her back or something 2 stroked in revenge would not do again edit how this really blew up i hope we have all learned not to push people into pools and other bodies of water when i was bullied by some local kids i filled the petrol tank of their family car with grass dirt sticks and stones bottle caps pretty much anything i could jam into the petrol tank i felt sorry for that poor car my older brother was always quite horrible to me as a child and my parents never really did much about it he was also much bigger than me so i couldn't retaliate in a physical way cause i would be swiftly [ __ ] cross-faced walls of jerichod one day i had just had enough my revenge he had been playing rome total war for a good six hours a day for about three weeks i started a new game and overrode his save file never seen fury like it i regretted it at the time cause cause he was so angry it scared me and it made him dislike me even more but now i praise my 13 year old self for hitting him where it clearly hurt most edit some of you are asking how our relationship is now it's okay i moved away as soon as i hit 18 so i didn't see much of the family for some years idk what it was but a lot of the boys in my sixth grade class thought it was hilarious to try and trip people they'd get your ass no matter how careful you were well i was pretty good at avoiding it but when i was in gym class this kid named joey got my ass hard i was dribbling down court and he nailed me i face planted hard so i thought about how to get him and i got him at lunch he was holding a lunch tray so his hands weren't as useful he nailed a table and lost a tooth i got suspended for 10 days and a strict no-tripping policy got implemented immediate suspensions if caught sht sucked my dad beat my ass roar sorry joey this one is not as serious or entertaining as most of the answers you'll find here but when we were kids my sister threw water at me and ran away so i picked up my glass of water and ran after her i threw the water from the glass at her once i had her cornered unfortunately the glass had slipped out of my hand and it hit her right across her face she got bruised and cut pretty bad a roommate poured water on me while i was asleep so i filled all his shoes in the pockets of all his trousers with chili powder i didn't realize the powder had iron and it stained everything red including any shirts he had tucked into work trousers and a lot of items he washed with them i'm guessing he didn't pour water on you again a neighbor lady was mean to me so i went into the laundry room after her inch tea on her clothes in the washer i was five i'll let you off because you were five but you should have waited and chat on her clothes in the dryer when i was in nursery preschool a kid used to constantly bully me take toys off of me etc one day outside in the garden he stole a toy tractor i was riding on he stood up on the seat and stuck his tongue out at me age for me had finally been broken i ran and kicked the tractor which jolted it forward he subsequently fell off and rolled down a hill into some stingy nettles and got some pretty bad cuts and bruises i remember thinking right then and there wow i really didn't need to do that but that little part of me felt great i was 11. my older brother was 16. we would fight and argue but one time i was running up the stairs away from him and he whipped the back of my legs with a long rubber chew toy it left a pretty big figure eight shaped welt on my legs i knew he was faster and stronger than me and i knew if i tried to attack him he'd stop me so i grabbed a flathead screwdriver and held it over the stove until it was red hot i ran up to him and very openly went to stab him knowing he'd stop me he grabbed my wrist to stop my thrust as anticipated and i pushed the red hot head of it into his forearm as hard as i could man i was a crazy [ __ ] as a kid sorry mike edit whoa didn't expect this much response to my weird childhood story yes he had a scar for years i will never forget the sound of his scream i felt terrible good news we are now super close i was the best man at his wedding and am godfather to one of his kids everything's great between us now the husband of a friend of mine was teasing me incessantly at a game night i had finally had enough and snapped at him you must not have had a very good mother turns out he was adopted drunk guy came at me on my porch i was in college it was welcome week kid was all kinds of f head up tried to get him to leave and finally he came up on my my porch and swung i ducked him and shoved him away he was too drunk couldn't keep his balance and bounce his face off the curb blood teeth it was brutal i was afraid he was really hurt but he came to pretty quickly he ended up getting arrested before it was all said and done he definitely did that to himself my dad left a passive aggressive note i drew a dick on the note he hasn't spoken to me for two weeks used to feel bad but i'm over it when i was little my friends kept pointing at the little girl on the box of the board game operation and saying it looks like me okay so i got a prank call dude abusing me and constantly ringing me so i set up a fake account on a dating website with pics of a cute girl and put his number in the profile description two days ago actually in my soccer football i know i know com again this one clumsy defender kept catching my ankles seconds after i would pass the ball away so one play he was clearing the ball and i just wanted to lay the kid out as he was on his plant foot swinging i hit him with my shoulder hard and as he was falling he grabbed me and took me down with him i landed on his arm and it snapped like a twig between the wrists and the elbow i feel awful my parents built my brother and i an outdoor clubhouse when we were little he got the top of the clubhouse and i got the bottom the bottom was just a square pit of river rock and spider webs the access to the ropes and ladders were at the top of clubhouse and he had a table and some other tea up there we were eating lunch outside one day and i wanted to come up and eat with him he said no like he usually did so i climbed up the ladder and threw my spoon at him it hit him in the head and actually cut him head open i feel slightly bad about it now since we get along but he was such a dick so were my parents when i was a kid w when i was in middle school a kid was talking sht to me during recess i play punched him but i over corrected and for some strange reason my thumb hit his throat got him right in the windpipe he struggled to breathe for what seemed like minutes but was probably only a few seconds and was afraid of me the rest of the year i honestly wasn't trying to be violent and felt super bad in middle school my good friend's mom died we lived in a very religious town but her family was not particularly religious a few weeks after the funeral my friend started acting strange towards me she would call me a [ __ ] while when she walked past me in the hallway at school she'd give me the finger and she started turning everyone against me i had no clue why i still have no clue so one day my bestie and i are walking home after school and this friend almost hits me with her bike starts calling me names and swearing at me before i could even think i blurted out why don't you go join your mom in hell as soon as i said it i regretted it i got beat up at school the next day years later in high school i had the opportunity to apologize to her and she accepted i really shouldn't have said that i still feel bad more than 20 years later that [ __ ] deserved what you said you didn't even ask her why she was being a cnt did she apologize there was this kid at school who i think bullied me or at least called me names i hated i can't really recall what he did he didn't physically hurt me as far as i remember either way i knew his mother had cancer and one day i snapped and just well just pointed it out he actually cried i felt a bit guilty too now i feel really bad every time i think about it i never could apologize sincerely but i wish i did i had a roommate that stole food so my two other roommates and i made brownies with chocolate ex-slacks i very clearly told her not to eat them they were for something at school do not eat them four of them disappeared the night she and our other roommate had a midterm according to the other roommate she was white as a sheet barely made it through the exam and didn't come back for the second half of class i might have picked another knight had i known and maybe not used the whole box of x-lacs i removed the batteries from a friend's air conditioner controller as a joke once and forgot about it i then got a phone call from my friend a few days later asking me if i did it i finally fessed up and it turned out her mum had called the air con company demanding they come out and fix the air conditioner since it wasn't turning on until they asked her to check the batteries which weren't there i heard a rumor in fourth grade that the evil vikram was going to try to pants me at recess the following day i took the proper precautions by wearing a bathing suit as underwear with the string tied around my waist to the point it was impossible to go past my hips sure enough when he went to pants me my jeans hit the floor but my swim shorts worked like a charm the part i didn't plan was the weird donkey kick to his chest knocking him onto his back and the farts in his face that followed it just happened okay he got pinky and that's how i learned the whole poop particle pinky thing edit after remembering this event they take it back on high school i had this shrew of a biology teacher she exploded in anger for no apparent reason gave detention like it was nothing we hated her part of biology was sx ed and she explained it using the flowers and bees method suddenly she went on sick leave for a couple of weeks but eventually came back after some time we learned that she had a miscarriage we immediately knew this was our way of prepubescent payback every biology class the whole class and i somewhat up front asked if she could explain the flowers and the bees again after a couple of times she snapped started crying stormed out of the classroom never to be seen again immediately we realized as we went way too far i eventually heard you quit teaching all together and even was institutionalized for some time even 25 years later it makes me feel bad my neighbors were always letting their cat roam free and the cat came in our yard daily to poop in my flower beds once kitty came when i was painting the house and assuming that they would think the cat got into something she shouldn't i went to dab a little bit of paint on her back she loved it and decided to run her entire back on the underside of the paint roller i knew that i wouldn't get away with it so i had to take her inside to give her a warm bath while my greyhound who was highly aggressive towards cats was outside the bathroom acting like the velociraptors in the kitchen scene in jurassic park next wrapped kitty in a warm towel then used the hair dryer she absolutely adored the experience and revealed in it as if it were a spa day for her so my revenge on the neighbors netted them a free grooming session for their cat i'm glad it turned out that way though because i realized immediately that it was not okay in any way to seek revenge on an innocent animal for what its owners were doing in high school i watched a bully bull slap a 9th grader because he could the day after p e i stood up for that little kid and gave the bully a taste of his own medicine he immediately hunches over and hits the floor ended up in the hospital pissing blood also i was i told bully's mom believed my side of the story just as much as his and refused to press charges good thing too i had just turned 18 a month prior you
Channel: Mindflix
Views: 93,604
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts
Id: ZmI9b5JSYes
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Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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