What Is Your Strangest "Glitch In The Matrix" Story? (r/AskReddit)

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what's your glitch in the matrix story I have a fairly unique face big chin that's kind off crooked and sleepy eyes think Mike from Breaking Bad eyes I also have blond hair with streaks of white in it in the 90s I grew it long so fairly unusual look all around particularly since the area I lived in was majority black I was waiting to cross the street and across the street there was this guy that looked a lot like me down to what I was wearing we're just kind of staring at each other as we cross we both slow down and actually come to a full stop to just stare at each other we didn't just look a lot alike we were freaking identical I may have imagined it but I think he even had the same scar on his eyebrow the lights changed cars honk and we both scurried across in opposite directions we both looked back and then kept going still kind of freaks me out I dropped to stand the other day I watched it as it fell to the floor I did not take my eyes off it at all I didn't blink or look away just before it touched the ground it completely vanished I checked under the desk I checked under the chair I moved the desk for a more thorough check I flipped the chair over to examine the bottom I checked inside both my shoes I checked inside my socks I took the drawers out of the desk and searched them it had fallen so straight and so gradually that there ought to have been no way to miss it the void claimed a stamp I was walking down a semi crowded sidewalk a good amount of people but not too many you know anyways point is this women in front of me tripped and stumbled a bit sending her phone into the air and onto the ground I saw and heard this phone hit the ground soit's shatter and then I blinked and it was back in her hand perfectly fine she was walking like nothing happened I was 15 at the time had a dream where I went to this arcade I'd normally frequently go I was with my buddy and before walking outside to wait for our ride we both buy sodas to go we are squatting outside on the curb holding our drinks looking into the parking lot I finish my drink and for no reason I start putting my hand in my soda Cup and continually throw ice out the cap on to the ground I pause for a second and say softly to myself huh did you viewers even in my dream I was thinking I'd seen this somewhere before I then lift my head up look left and see two kids with skateboards riding and then I wake up about ten days later I'm at the arcade again with my same buddy before walking out to wait for our ride we both buy sodas we go outside and sit on the curb in the same spot in my dream I finished mine and again I start repeatedly throwing ice out of the cup I pause and say softly to myself huh deja vu I freeze in pure terror realizing I was repeating the same actions in my dream and recognizing that the deja vu I had in my dream with only deja vu because it's now happening ten days later I slowly crank my head to the left because I heard some noise and to my further shock I see two kids walking towards me with skateboards in their hands I sprung to my feet and started flipping out with my buddy still sitting confused and asking me what was wrong for what it's worth purchasing a soda while leaving and throwing ice out of my cup are normal rituals in fact it was the first time I could remember doing either of those two things when I was in the university I rented a larger apartment with three friends one night I saw this super vivid dream which I remembered after waking up completely and in high detail it was about our friends who had married recently and were on a honeymoon at that time I explained the dream including all the small details to my roommate the dream was an exchange in our living room where the newlywed wife of my friend was reading today's newspaper while we guys five of us discussed other stuff she suddenly raised her head from the paper and asked if we had today's paper I responded by laughing and asking if she was having so much fun at her honeymoon NAT she lost the track of time two weeks later the couple had returned and were visiting us at some point of the evening we sat down to the sofa group exactly to the same seats where I saw us in the dream I didn't remember my dream at that moment a few minutes later she started reading the paper while we talked then the situation started to escalate the memory came back big-time she raised her head from the paper asking for today's paper and I lost control of my own actions in complete shock I realized I could not do anything else than laugh and say those exact words my dream had me saying at this point my friend who I explained the dream to earlier had gone completely white on his face I was sweating and gasping air after exiting the robots mode and everyone around the table was looking at us the rest of the night we discussed if time is a Romo bull dimension after all and if there are wormholes through the multiverse two other points of time that was my glitch in the matrix once upon a time I worked at a pizza shop and had to wash dishes at the end of the day I was in the back sweeping the floor while a force had poured water into a big commercial three-hole sink this force it was SuperDuper loud someone came back to talk to me and I couldn't hear then over the roaring faucet without thinking about it consciously from way across the room I extended my hand and kind of made a squeezing motion and a freaking force it turned off the guy trying to talk to me went pale and left the room and it was never spoken of again I still don't know what he wanted and I've never been able to reproduce this moment of telekinesis or whatever it was I have this very distinct and vivid memory of my childhood when I was four I climbed the fridge to get to the top because that's where the candy was hidden when I got to the top I reached up with one hand to grab the candy box but couldn't hold on with the other and fell hitting the back of my head I had to get stitches and there is still a bald spot from the impact the problem is this story never happened the real story of the scar is that I was walking down the stairs slipped and hit the back of my head that way from the age of four until 26 I never mentioned it or ever talked about it with my family but then one day the conversation came up randomly and I got to tell the story of the fridge climbed to my parents they said that never happened and the real story was the stair fall I have zero recollection of the stair fall and I can still visualize the fridge climb I gave up after a while of trying to convince my parents of my version because they said they literally saw the stair fall and subsequent visit to hospital et Cie and I didn't want to sound crazy to this day I don't know how the Frick this is possible either something from that full loosened something inside my mind and implanted a new story or there was an actual glitch in the matrix and I lived parallel universes at the same time in that one moment both options seemed likely to me I remember the crash my dad was t-boned in his green Nissan which wrote off the car I remember telling the police all about it at the scene I remember my parents telling me to tell the doctors that my neck and chest hurt even though they didn't but I remember having a week off of school which was fun I remember my dad berating the insurance company over the phone so a few years ago when my dad bragged about how he had never been in an accident I took the smug pleasure of correcting him and telling reminding everyone about the accident only everybody looked at me like I was going crazy according to everybody in my family my dad has never had a misson and that he would never have a drive a green colored car because he thinks they are in lucky I've pushed it insisted it told my family everything I remember and they all say exactly the same thing as above that has got to be a past life memory getting money out of an ATM put my card in entered my PIN and that shows the amount of money I wanted I was waiting about five minutes for my card and money to come out when nothing did starting freaking out trying to cool the bank when I looked in my wallet my card exactly where it was before I took it out but with no money in my wallet weirdest experience ever girlfriend was there too and also saw me put my card in the machine and enter my pin etc this happened about a month ago I took a bowl of leftover pasta out of the refrigerator and set it on the counter I turned to get some bread and when I turned back it was not there I am 100% sure that I had the bowl in my hands at one point I looked for at least 15 minutes for it all over the house I remember looking for it in the sink I thought I was losing it I called my wife and left several messages when she got home from class I told her about and she said that she had it for lunch and there the bill was in the sink it still bothers me to think about it an older woman at a grocery store left the lights on her car and the battery died I saw her trying to get it started I went over and asked her if she needed help she said she wasn't sure what was wrong I looked and said the battery was dead but I have cables and can help her I gave the car a jump and she was good to go she thanked me and left I went into the store and came back out and there was another older woman in the same make model and color of her car parked a row over with a car that wouldn't start I was sure he was her and walked over and asked what happened now the woman looks at me confused and said we've never met before it was a different woman I thought I was going insane her issue was with a starter rocked the car a bit in this started I was waiting for my son's football match to stop so I went to get a coffee there was two people serving one was a lady who was bending down sorting our stuff under the counter and a bloke standing up he looks at me and asks what you having mate I replied black coffee please no problem he says sugar to please mate I say the lady stands up and nods at me as if to say hello I nod back and turned around to see if my lads game has started when I turn my attention back to the coffee stand they are back in the same position what you having made he says again a black coffee I say no problem sugar a to the lady straightens and nods at me it was so weird that I felt off for the rest of the day I regret not saying didn't we just do this but for whatever reason I just wandered off when I m was 8 and my sister was 12 my parents got us both parakeets for Christmas terrible loudest gifts what were they thinking I had a yellow one I named sunny and my sister had a blue one named Scylla they were the first pets we had that were exclusively ours and we played with them every day for about three months we taught them a couple tricks like to fly and perch on our fingers and follow our other finger around side to side made them look like they were dancing I think anyway my verb sunny was in a freak accident and eventually died of his injuries I was heartbroken a few months later my dad's job gets transferred to a city three hours away my sister was told she needed to release Scylla to the wild aka suburbs cause she wasn't going to move with the family so in a tiful ceremony we opened Skylar's cage and That Bird belted out of there flew over the neighbor's house to be gone forever so we thought flash-forward almost five years later living in a new city having completely forgotten about the birds my family goes camping to a state park just outside of town for a week during our little family trip to this beautiful corner of Texas me and my sister decide to go play on the jungle gym and while we are sitting on the top a light-blue parakeet identical to Skylar comes flying down and land right next to the Samba jungle gym letting out a friendly chirp me and my sister both froze and looked at each other and back at the bird and slowly say Scylla the bird lets out another friendly chirp and I decide that this is definitely Scylla I stick out my finger next to her and she jumps on my finger just like we had taught her almost five one stroke two years before and I start to move my finger on my other hand side to side and she starts swaying just like we taught her me and my sister lose our crap our long-lost bird had found us we say we have to take her back home and the bird lets out another little chirp and flies away we couldn't shut up about it for weeks after about two years ago I was driving up a short hill in the overtaking Lane I was attempting to overtake a particularly slow car I was going far too fast I absolutely knew this but was somehow fine with it then I had a burst of adrenaline and decided to accelerate even harder to overtake the car before the overtaking Lane merged back into one lane sometimes I don't think I was successful I think after I crested the hill I was two abreast in the now single lane a truck was in the opposite lane starting to come up to the hill and I think I hit it at the right hand side the truck drivers left side straight on at considerable speed I remember looking at the truck and thinking I'm going to hit it but feeling that that's okay everything is going to be fine I think I saw the front of the truck hit and crumpled side of my car soit come right up to my face then for a second nothing but black a moment later I was parked by a small factory type building about half a mile down the road I remember my skin feeling prickly and tingly and I felt the adrenaline rush out of my body I cut my journey short and just went home now on occasion things just feel left-of-centre the world just feels a little more gray and cold and I mean that literally and figuratively my family and friends seem absolutely the same and I'm very happy in my life but some things in the world just seemed off this seems absolutely ridiculous to say but sometimes I'll be in a place and I'll get an odd uncomfortable feeling and then the place seems to flash to warmth and sunlight and happiness it then goes back to this slightly off gray place I see the same physical place but for a while it seems much more beautiful I'll read an article or listen to the radio and I'll think that that's not how it's supposed to be so I'll google it and sure enough I was wrong it's not all the time and it doesn't worry me as I said my personal life is the same and I'm happy it's the outside world that sometimes feels so often so wrong things appear I'll pass an area 1000 times and then one day there's something that's always been there I don't believe I was wrapping Christmas presents at our dining room table I used scissors to cut the wrapping paper I set the scissors down on the table finished some final taping on the present then carried the present over to the tree when I returned to the table 30 seconds later the scissors were gone I'm known for losing things right in front of my face so I called my wife into the room to help me look I assumed she would find them in a few seconds and laugh at me but not this time we looked everywhere including emptying the trash can just in case I accidentally threw them away while tossing away scraps of wrapping paper after quite a bit of a searching we both gave up and said well they'll turn up eventually we witness the presents being opened a few weeks later and the scissors didn't wind up wrapped along with a present so we ruled that out we moved four years later in those dang scissors never turned up my fiance's fish jumped out of its tank never seen again not even the corpse they don't have any other animal and the floor was clear my grandmother said to me one day did you see that thing on the news about that man being murdered in a sleepy town when nothing happened near our home I hadn't so I asked her more questions and she told me he was in his 70s and he was found with head injuries and a man in his 20s had been arrested I checked the news later that day and didn't see anything about it then a week later it happened not long after she told me about a cruise ship sinking a week later Costa Concordia she tells me things and TV shows before they're on and talks about plane crashes and earthquakes and stuff before they happen - the recurring theme is that they're all things she says she's seen on TV there's been times where it looks like the lights flicker for a split second but I'm outside during daytime I watched the Avengers a few years before it was released specifically the 1998 movie with Sean Connery not the Marvel one I still remember my surprise when seeing this movie on the new release shelf at the rental place in the grocery store I knew I had watched it a while ago so I figure they were just misplaced until I checked the date on the back of the case and saw it was for the current year I had my mom check it out as I just had to know I wasn't sure it was the same movie until I saw people in colored bear suits at a conference table I have no idea how this happened but my younger brother also remembered watching it to me and my parents were looking for the car in a shopping mall parking lot we just left the late-night movie session so it's quite empty because the mall is closed we left the car in the sixth floor so we go to the elevator and press six - the doors open and we're on the fifth floor we walk back inside and press six again doors open and we're on the seventh ok there's probably some issue of the elevator we look for another one same thing happens we try another one and there's no number six okay let's take the stairs there's no door for the sixth floor so after about 40 minutes wandering around thinking we entered a wormhole and our stuck in a freaking parking lot we suddenly end up on the sixth floor and find the car I was at a Cub Scout day camp where we did fun activities a pide go home to sleep and then repeat for several days I don't remember how long one of these activities was archery now if you've ever been in an archery range you know that you need to follow the range master's commands or else you'd be kicked out of a range now as a fidgety ten-year-old I got bored and started to screw with what I could we were at the point where we could hold our bows but not grab an arrow so I decide to mime shooting an arrow I neither had an arrow nor even pulled back the strong of the bow but when I let go of the string a balloon pinned to my archery target popped I panicked because the pop made a huge sound in the 60-something range Master walked over to me and asked if I fired an arrow which I didn't still have no idea how that balloon popped in perfect timing to my mind shot I threw a rock at a window and it smashed but then a few minutes later the window wasn't smashed I was in the office during my lunch break at my old job and was busy on the computer doing a task that was taking up most of my attention my colleague and eyes cubicles were in a corner directly opposite our manager's office and we were the only ones in the office finishing up this task while everyone was out to lunch we both distinctly remember our manager walking out of his office and going past us to leave for lunch we are concentrating on what we are doing so we barely look up but say goodbye when he goes by maybe 10 minutes later our manager walks out of his office again to leave for lunch we were stunned there were no other entries into his office and there was no way he could have gone back into his office without walking by our cubicles and us seeing him when I was younger I was at my neighbor's house playing on the Wii they had just gotten for Christmas and we were recording our experience for some reason we were in their bedroom and on the wall right off the TV is a closet with a sliding door well at one point in the video moved to the closet for a second or two probably when my neighbor was paying more attention to the TV then to recording for a very brief second and magazine pops out of the closets and then shoots back in we didn't realize this happened until we were watched the video a little while later and we all thought this was strange so we taught the closet to park looking for anything that could have been even mistaken foreign magazine and found nothing mind you no one had gone in or out of the room or closet a few days later we were looking for the video to show our parents because they didn't believe us and it had been deleted off of the phone or iPod or whatever we were using all the other videos were there but that specific one was deleted it was freaky well a girl in my high school class that sits next to me suddenly changed skin color one day black to brown and I was like Oh HH guess she moved then everyone is calling her the same name and I am like wow what a coincidence but she also has the same last name Sulu she wasn't fully rendered the picture of my granddad blinked an eye to me I know it is impossible but who did it your wizard Cloney one day back when I was in third grade I took a break from my usual lunchtime activities which mainly included either digging in the sand or getting up to an advisable mischief to watch a few of my friends attempt to play basketball the sport didn't really interest me but I'd had the idea that I could hang out on the sidelines and provide amusing commentary to the other people who were eating their lunch there so I sat down at where I thought the best vantage point would be and just started running my mouth off but for the first several minutes everything progressed about as one would expect my friends managed to score a few points I prompted a few laughs and a few shouts off shut up and the game continued with as much action and further as a group of eight-year-olds could manage then as one of the kids lobbed a shot toward the basket something very strange happened but the ball art through the air hit against the rim and froze not only that but everything froze each of the students every piece of windburn trash and even every sound just stopped it was like being inside an eerily accurate gallery of statues a second or two past before I realize that I was rambling as a completely stationary world and as soon as I did the passage of time righted itself the world resumed from precisely the same second when it had frozen with everything and everyone continuing as though nothing had happened now the logical conclusion is that I had a mild seizure or something and that my brain just filled in gaps after I recovered other thing is though I can remember talking during the moment of stillness slowly realizing that something was wrong then feeling my heart pound with the beginnings of panic I wasn't trapped in that motionless world for very long I'll grant you and there's probably a perfectly reasonable explanation but even so part of me still feels like I experienced a glitch in reality apparently the planet needs more RAM every time I'm walking in the park I walk behind my tall friends with that being said I sometimes run through spider webs that were supposed to be broken by the people in front of me I hate spiders and a spider web in the mouth is such a horrible feeling went with two friends to a condo they used only on the weekends myself and one of my friends were wearing sunglasses and took them off when we entered the condo because it was not a primary residence furnishing the sparse couch coffee table dining table a loft bedroom with a bed dresser nightstands and that was pretty much it we put our weekend bags away and then got ready to leave for lunch but my friend and I could not for the life fathers find our sunglasses the condo was tiny with only a handful of places to put something yet both pairs were missing we gave up and went out to lunch when we returned everyone took a nap I woke up with a start and found my sunglasses resting on my chest this was in the loft bedroom which was not anywhere near where I would have placed my sunglasses upon entering the condo and my friends were both completely conked out and snoring away can't explain it my other friend never did find her sunglasses back in 2004 i pre-ordered Dhoom 3 which came with a Peter figurine of the Man cubis it was sitting on my desk one day when I reached out to grab something else and accidentally knocked the figurine off I never heard it hit the ground and I never saw it again was on a train listening to music when I looked at what time it was after listening to a 3-4 minute long song I look at the time again and it's 10 minutes later to this day I still can't explain it and swear that I only listened to one song not multiple I was around 8 years old I was going out to my yard and someone had left the lights on there was a sort of wall in my yard where you could hide and behind it there was something we use to store water to wash the dishes and clothes so that object was about 2 featuring tall and I used to put my hands on the edge and balance myself that night that I was going out I saw a girl balancing there just like I used to do I looked closely and that girl was me she was not wearing the same clothes I was wearing that day but something that I used to wear usually she stared at me for what I felt was an eternity then hid behind the wall to never come out again I told my dad about that and we could never find an explanation to what happened I was like 10 of some sports camp thing and the game was the coach guy hits a tennis ball way on the air and we had to catch it I am NOT athletic like that the Sun w.a a bright and frankly didn't want to be there it was boring but he hit the ball towards me but I didn't look up because Frick's son I did the ridiculous cartoon run in circles thing you see in baseball episodes then hold my glove out still not looking up ball landed in my glove I only knew the vague direction it was a one-in-a-million catch and all for that I got to not play the game until the next round just was once you catch one you get to sit down on the bench until next round or whatever one day I'm hanging out with my brother and his wife as we are chatting we mention gauntlet legends and wife says what's that both my brother and I respond the exact same sentence with perfectly matched intonation and voice tone we said oh it's a we glanced at each other and then say Gollum we collectively crap a brick at how we even matched the drawn-out wail saying game even the glance was like we had rehearsed it we can chalk it up brothers spending lots of time together I was at a sleepover with a couple of my best girlfriends a couple years ago it was about 1:00 a.m. and we were making brownies all the sudden I felt like I had just said goodbye to someone like someone had just been picked up by their mom late at night because they for some reason couldn't stay I felt this intensely enough that I felt like I almost remembered what this person looked like did someone just leave I feel like someone was just here but they left but I can't imagine who it could have been literally everyone had just felt the same exact way at the same exact time not one person said they didn't know what I was talking about we were not a group that shared creepy stories we didn't watch scary movies together no one they would have made it up or even thought of making it up sometimes I think of other times I hung out with that group and I feel like someone is missing even then it sort of makes me want to cry you have been visited by the sniper kit a good aim and also accuracy will come your way if you comment snipe well kit er thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 183,452
Rating: 4.9118204 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix, glitchmscary stories, scarey, reddit glitch in the matrix, horror stories, scary, scariest, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: Qb-S6fyoZys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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