When Did You Get Away With Trolling Law Enforcement? (r/AskReddit)

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trolling law-enforcement what's your story college town huge party excise cops are in town busting parties left and right house gets busted they proceed handing out tickets to underage drinkers one kid gets a scrap piece of paper and folds it into the shape of the tickets the cops are handing out and sits on the front steps with his head in hands repeating my parents are gonna freaking kill me cops just pass him right by this kid will go far when I was a senior in high school we got a new vice-principal from some inner-city school who thought he was a real hard case he would actually go around smelling kids fingers for the scent of weed my buddy and I came back from lunch one day both Stone sober and heard mr. hardcase I forget his real name was coming out to the parking lot to check fingers my friend looked at me then wedged his right hand down the back off his pants into his butt crack he left it there until we saw the VP coming our way then pulled it out nonchalantly and we waited sure enough the VP walked up and in his usual threatening manner told us to hold out our hands I did he smelled my fingers then moved on to my friend I could barely keep from losing it as he took a big sniff and then literally jumped backwards yelling something about my friend needing to wash his dang hands needless to say this ended the finger smelling technique at my high school I knew where this story was going after the second sentence I was speeding once and I mean seriously speeding I saw the lights come up behind me and freaked I pulled over and noticed I had a bottle of water next to me took it and poured it all over my lap and put on the most embarrassed look I could he asked if he knew why he pulled me and I responded I'm sorry officer I really had to pee and was trying to get to the nearest restroom but innocent eyes I peed myself something in me knew that this cop did not want me to touch his pen his paper didn't want to touch my license nothing as far as he was concerned I was just disgusting he said well next time use the bathroom before you leave and slow it down and let me go around 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday night I was pulled over for suspicion of DWI I hadn't had a drop they asked me to step out of the car and gave me a sobriety test I passed with flying colors they asked me if they could search the vehicle I told them they could search the vehicle with the sole exception of the center console they would need a warrant for that after several hours sitting roadside they finally produced a warrant from a judge the center console was empty row wonder how they pulled off that warrant refusal of a search is not grounds for a search this was about ten years ago my mother had a large plant in a plastic pot that died I took the pot full of dirt and put it in the trunk of my car to replace something at my house I forgot about it for a few weeks I got pulled over for something the cop asked do you know why I pulled you over and I said was it speeding or was it because of the pot in my trunk he got me out of the car and had me put my palms on the hood while I was searched he opened the trunk and was not happy I got chewed out for wasting his time and such and such I noticed that not one single car passed so it wasn't wasting too much of his time I wouldn't be able to do that with a straight face ha I've never actually done this but always wanted to get five total friends together all wearing costumes dress up as a biker construction worker Indian cowboy and a GI then go to a public place where the police walk around and just follow the cop around please do this soon I refuted a police noise complaint with a decibel meter and a print out of the the Boston Municipal Code on noise ordinance the best kind of right is technically right in my case the cops trolled us huge house party once a year thing around Christmas the famous pirate party lady wenches and naked dudes with eye patches everywhere drunk and freshmen as far as the eye can see the cops are called which we anticipated they show up and it's two guys in their 30s one is just tired and love a long day and didn't really want to be dealing with the shitao the other was kind of amused by all the nautical debauchery when two of the housemates both over 21 go out to talk to the cops the more serious cop just says look just get some of these people out of here we don't want to see so tell them all we won't arrest anyone the other cop chimes in with his very best pirate voice unless that's thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus thus everyone cracks the Frick up and clears out in a good mood taking most of the drunken eighteen year olds elsewhere it was a few days before New Year's in the Bay Area's Chinatown I was about 14 men and me and my group of friends would always walk from school to my house just to hang out and play video games there were about six of us walking up this really steep hill to where I lived when you have lived in the same area for over ten years you notice things that are unusual out of place and just doesn't seem right the strange thing I noticed was a guy late 30s with sunglasses on and a hat sitting in a white pickup truck reading a magazine we were inside my apartment for about thirty minutes before we decided to go get some food I saw the truck on the other corner when the guy spots us he rolls down his window and yells do you guys have any fireworks for sale I told him I couldn't hear him but I clearly heard him he asked again I said do you guys have any fireworks for sale I told him again that I couldn't hit him all of a sudden he makes a turn goes down the hill and pulls right up to us do you guys have any fireworks for sale I said nope and he goes I know you guys do I'm not a cop so it's cool I told him that it doesn't matter if he's a cop or not we don't sell fireworks because it's illegal he starts to get eerie it it and starts yelling at us at this point come on guys stop being wasas I just want to buy some fireworks for my kids we are actually walking down the street with him slowly driving next to this asking I told him one last time I know you're cop and you're just doing your job but honestly we do not sell firework and by the way a cable car is coming he goes so what I told him because you're going down a narrow one-way street with the cable car coming up the hill towards you he literally shat his pants as he sees the cable turned the corner in full speed he reverses as fast as he could clipping a few cars on his way up the hill a cop on top of the hill sees this and pulls the guy over the dude gets out of his truck and pulls out his badge to show the other cop that he was undercover my friend's story he was smoking weed in high school with his best friend both dudes they had to sneak away from their parents so they smoked in one of their cars at a scenic outlook near Roanoke Va sure enough officers found them in the car but luckily they had already finished and put the weed away when the officer asked my friend what he was doing up there the officer suspected weed my friend said that he was in love with the other guy and they were about to make out dang southern cop didn't know what hit him so he just walked away I'm surprised a cop didn't hit him not really trolling law enforcement but here's the closest thing I have a in high school maybe fifteen years old my friends and I are cutting through a church parking lot because there is a trail through the woods on the other side leading from one friend's house to the others we all noticed the smell of burning weed while the near this church so we're looking around trying to figure out who is smoking my friend sees someone move inside the church it's like 1:00 a.m. at this point pretty weird and goes over to check it out soon enough there's eight cop cars in the parking lot as it turns out someone had tried to break into this church the night before and the pastor and his entire family were sleeping inside in case they came back they thought that was us the cops just absolutely would not believe that we were just passing through and smelled the same thing they surely did and were just checking out the situation they detained us for 60 90 minutes looking around the surrounding forest street for our bongs one of the cops was going around to each entrance to the church to check for signs of attempted entry at the back door he found a roach from a joint on a Ledge right inside the church apparently it was the pastor's daughter who had been lighting up right out back and quickly put out the joint and left it where when she heard her dad yell because he saw us from the front they wound up letting her off with a warning and gave me and my three friends a ride for the one mile to where we were going with their flashing lights on which was pretty freakin cool when we were 15 I grew up in a small town really small the only way to have any form of entertainment was to drive 30 minutes to the next city to go to the movies bowling etc it just so happens that on the highway halfway between the two cities there was a small town known for being a speed trap the highway was out of the jurisdiction of the local police so what the marshal would do is hide him between over pluses to catch speeders force them to pull over onto the frontage road which was in his jurisdiction then he would claim an exaggerated speed when people asked to see his radar which is perfectly legal he claimed that he didn't have to because it was illegal any claims reported to his superiors seemed to go ignored until he ran into me over time my friends and I had timed his patrols and realized that he patrolled towards the end of the month one night he had stopped a friend for excessive speeding the officer claimed 92 in a 60 zone which was BS and then we knew something had to be done the officer had taken his plate number and claimed to have seen at speeding many different times and we knew he would look out for it so I decided to take my phone and rig it up to record the speedometer and get pulled over by the officer it took a few tries but I managed to get pulled over by the same officer for doing 70 and 60 that being a first-time offense after giving him my license he went on to claim that I was doing at least 85 and giving me the whole bit about how he cannot show me the radar as well as giving me a ticket claiming it was a repeat offense and how I should be put into jail all this being caught on my phone without him noticing so a few days later I show up to the courthouse to pay the ticket and I managed to talk to the mayor of the town and showed him the video of all this but thanks to me the officer got fired and I didn't have to pay a $400 ticket from a douchebag that's not trolling that's performing a public service down voted for off-topic just kidding good on you I work as a paramedic and often the cops call us out to take someone that's drunk to the hospital this is really stupid because it just clogs up the years and costs all kinds of people unnecessary money not to mention the fact that they only call us because they don't want the paperwork of taking someone to jail for such a stupid thing so we get called out one night around midnight to some guy who had puked in the parking lot and was wobbly on his feet he was pretty dang drunk nothing a good night's sleep wouldn't cure though when we pulled up who was there but the butthole cop who wrote me a ticket the week before I told my partner who this was and he took the lead the cop didn't recognize me the cop gave us a quick rundown we checked the guy out and then this happened partner so what do you want me to do with him cop take him to the hospital partner why there's no medical problem cop we are concerned about alcohol poisoning partner well I'm not and I have more training than you cop irritated look just take him partner now we don't really operate like that cop angrily well he needs to go sober up partner to patients do you want to go to the hospital guys says no see I can't force him cop yelling well he can't stay here in the parking lot partner pause oh I see the problem now cop his face lightens up yah partner yah he's your problem we don't take drunks just for being drunk cop looks stunned then turns to me hoping for a different answer still doesn't recognize me me maybe you could just give him a ticket then the fire captain got in the cops face and threatened to get his supervisors out of the scene to adjust the officers attitude saying things like you don't talk to my medics like that the fire department has that kind of clout out here we left and I giggled for days afterward everybody loves a fire department this really isn't trolling more of a local police officer getting owned but I am sure it would fit in here I live right outside my city's limits which means I am right outside of the local police department's jurisdiction in high school my friends and I would always hang out at my house so one night we all decided to go to the local McDonald's to raid the dollar menu we're riding through town not causing too much trouble we get our feast and are heading back to my house when we realize there's a police officer following us now we were playing music loud enough for it to be heard but still quiet enough not to be noise pollution we were also going a few miles over the speed limit like most people did I guess the officer realized we were leaving the city limit and wanted to catch us before we got away we were literally 100 feet away from the city limit sign and 400 feet from my driveway when he put on the sirens instead of pulling off fog the road right there in traffic I just drive onto my driveway and the office pulls in right behind me my friends and I get out of the car and the officer pulls his weapon and tells us to get on the ground my mom and stepdad come running out of the house to straighten the officer out chaos ensues and the officer fires a warning shot this scared the neighbors and they called the sheriff's office and asked for a units to come now it turns out that the local Police Department and the Sheriff's Department really don't like each other a sheriff soon shows up to respond to the neighbors call and ends up ticketing the police officer for trespassing and disturbing the peace my mother drives a jeep which the top is often off off we pulled up in the fire lane out front of a bank because my mother is kind of an idiot and she ran inside to use the ATM I was 15 at the time and while she's inside a police officer walks up to the Jeep sticks his head in the driver's side window and says is this your vehicle son to which I replied yes I sometimes like to park in illegal places and sit in my own passenger seat he didn't say a word stood back crossed his arms and just glared at me my mom came out about 10 seconds later he took a look at her and said have a nice day mom and walked away he probably felt like your mom having to put up with your smart butt all the time was punishment enough junior year of college all of my roommates and I were 21 years of age I was the only one with a car so I was the one who always had to go on beer runs you can say I look a bit underage for my age and I drove a sporty a car so within the first month of buying alcohol from this one place I got pulled over four times not kidding after leaving the liquor store I noticed they had no reason to pull me over except the fact that I looked under 21 the cops did play legally I guess by following me until I did something stupid or noticed something wrong with my car license plate light out took a right turn into the second Lane sideview mirror was broken rolling stop right turn on a red light but they made me do a sobriety test once on our busy College Street I got a lot of honks well after completely inspecting my car I went out again to purchase alcohol no surprise I was being followed by cops when I left I knew that if I drove perfectly they could not pull me over I drove around the block for about 15 minutes and I was shocked they were still following me I eventually hoped onto the highway got off and then back on after about 40 minutes off Gerrard's I was getting thirsty and missing the program so I pulled into my driveway the cops followed me waited till I opened my trunk and ran in and asked to see my it for the liquor I pulled it out with a big grin and they got in their cars and left I never got pulled over again maybe because they finally realized hey this dumb boss is 21 the police always doing important things to protect America in the city I live in you need to purchase a license to work in public spaces the street a few weeks ago I was walking through a pedestrian zone where a man was playing the violin and I stopped by to listen sure enough within a minute two policemen showed up and asked him for his license of course he didn't have one so the started taking his information to give him a fine that's when an old lady started talking to me really loudly about how that's a shame and I answered something along the line of they arrived to stop him what would become of the world if everybody just started to play music on the street people I'd start dancing this goes on for about five minutes the lady and me standing about three feet from the police and maybe 20 people stopped and were watching everyone else walking by a smirking it was a good feeling when I heard you know what we're gonna let you go this time make sure to buy our license so it's the first of August in Switzerland same as fourth of July in the US a few years ago my friends and I we drink and watch the fireworks and then drink some more at some point there's three of us left we mount our bicycles and drive down the hill back into town completely wasted without light singing so a cop car flashes the blue lights when we approach really fast friends number one drives into the bushes on the right side of the street and hides they're completely mad my friend and I we don't react and come to a standstill in front of the police vehicle two cops get out I will never forget what follows the litany by the cops dark no light driving in the middle of the road endangering ourselves and other people was to be expected my friend nods nuts says yeah yeah and then one officer asks him why he doesn't have a bicycle Bell mandatory in Switzerland at that point I am doing the math in my head no light wrong direction no Bell the alcohol we are looking at several hundred dollar sign if we're not lucky my friend gets angry and points at a rubber giraffe on his handlebar officer I do have a bicycle Bell squeezes the thing and it makes this ridiculous squeaky noise the cop gets angry and says sir this is no Bell don't be silly my friend gets more agitated says it's even louder than a standard Bell and works just fine squeezing squeezing squeezing the thing to prove his point at this point I completely lose it I cannot help myself I am dying from laughing and I can't stop even though the cop gets angrier by the second and my friend continues to squeeze the stupid rubber giraffe repeating this is even better than a Bell sir then he starts laughing uncontrollably at this moment my other friend why he doesn't know himself decides to leave his hiding place just 15 meters across the road he shoots out of the bushes pedaling madly downhill and falls on his butt the bike flying away he does this sort of somersault rolls downhill fast get to his feet and runs like heck the cops watch this spectacle incredulously we continue laughing tears flowing down our cheeks no way to stop who is that the cops ask now not sure if they should follow my other friend or keep on with the two of us and the only answer they get more laughter at which point and by now we are totally sure that this is going to be the most expensive night ever their radio goes off some car accident the look at us at each other helplessly get in the car and drive away we laughing and singing and squeaking the stupid giraffe drive on no ticket no nothing I am an attorney and a client was complaining about being followed by the cops every time he was in town I met him at his house and I drove his car one Saturday night sure enough about five minutes later a local cop started following me I made 20 plus turns all legal and the cop followed me in every turn he quit following me when I pulled into my office parking lot but I waved as he drove by I told the client to Jerr a different car and his problems stopped with Bulls traffic stops I told the district attorney what I did and I got better plea offers for cases where cops were being dongs relevant username keep it up for all of us a story my troll dude likes to tell us from when he was in dental school at USC in the 70s the street right next to the building with the dental labs is a really long block so a lot of people just cross in the middle of the street instead of going to a street light there used to be a cop who would write a lot of jaywalking tickets to people who would do that my dad and his friends would make giant water balloon launchers using surgical tubing and would launch water balloons they made from dental gloves at the Cork he saw where they were launching from but he couldn't get into the building because he didn't have the proper security codes dental hygiene is a topic yet untapped I frequently take photos in public not really a troll but still awesome when I was in college I would take an empty soda can and cut the top and bottom off and put a slip down the side and slip in a B a can this worked so well that my friends and I could openly drink outside on the quad and Safety had no idea I was shocked it worked so well one of the safety officers actually warned me that drinking too much Mountain Dew was bad for you I thanked him for the advice trying to contain laughter I wasn't sure if they knew or not at this point but I found out for sure when my buddy was busted going to a party he had six beers in his backpack but one was in a sleeve he was in trouble for five of them but when they returned the packet had the soda in there it was pretty gratifying to have them give back a full beer I read this twice trying to figure out how the be a bottle would be fully covered before realizing that be a comes in cans I am [ __ ] there's a bike path where I live that has a posted 15 miles per hour speed limit for cyclists one time a slightly overweight policeman actually sat on the trail with a radar gun and caught me going well over the limit I managed to maneuver past him on the trail and he immediately mounted his mountain bike and began chasing me because I was riding a road bike and was in much better shape than him there was no chance of him catching me I actually toyed with him a little letting him catch up a little every now and then I like to look at cops in their cars and then run off at full speed for no apparent reason in New York City at least that would have no chance of an amusing outcome unless you are white did you keep the change no she took the $11 back as soon as we walked outside surprised they didn't come and arrest you guys for obstruction or whatever excuse they'd use for shouting out warnings I was home from University on a break a few years ago my room was mostly as it was sometimes it was used as a guest bed it had a lock and deadbolt on it my brother has shady friends I guess one of these shady friends was on parole and he was staying with us for a day or two if the probation officer I don't quite know his title he wasn't a real cop busts into my house as I'm getting ready for work one morning and starts moving around without saying anything I am freaked out because there is obviously an aggressive presence in my house there's a knock on my door and I hear this guy ordering me to come out slowly with my hands up I remember slowly unlocking and opening the door and blocking it with my foot I told him he couldn't come in without a warrant the dude he was looking for was not living here etc he demands to search my room I tell him to go freak himself he didn't have a firearm or a badge just a laminate or anything he notices the massive hoard of booze in my room and starts demanding to know if it's mine how old I am once my driver's license etc at this point I am massively P I slammed the door in his face we lock it get dressed I then step out preventing him from getting past me into my room and claim that all the liquor in the house is mine some of it was definitely my underage brothers friends I have no idea what I was thinking but I told him if he wanted proof of my age in my own frickin house he could show explain to me his PC or show me a warrant or maybe just get the freak out I go to call my grandmother and he tells me I can't I don't remember what I said but I definitely called he booked it before she showed up with real police TL DR I ruined some but whole probation officers bust because he basically broke into my frickin house in retrospect very nearly could have been charged with a lot of crap for being a dong maybe I shouldn't have done that but I felt so violated that I lost most of my sense I walked over to a police van drunk knocked on their window and once they opened it I with a very serious and informative look said excuse me sir your window is open then I walked back to my friends the police came after me and took me to the police station but let's not get into that got arrested after walking out of a bar when I was 18 with a six-pack cops said the only way I wouldn't be charged was if I would walk back in the bar in a couple weeks with a recording device and buy another six-pack probably putting the bar out of business I agreed walked into the bar asked for a six-pack and when the bartender looked me in the eyes I just shook my head at him and mouthed n-o-o-o-o he ID'd me told me to get the freak out the cops get nothing I didn't get charged I got pulled over for writing with no helmet by bicycle cops one guy one lady a few years back I knew all the bylaws regarding this quite well for my city if your religion would prevent you from wearing a helmet you don't have to Sikhs and such a male cop do you know why I stopped you me you think I'm cute and want to ask me out female cop satirist laughter MC instantly in my face demanding it in that I dismounted sir since I don't need a license to operate this vehicle I left my wallet at home today clearly a wallet-sized bulge in my pocket MC well I need your name dub and address you're being ticketed for bicycling without a helmet me actually I can't wear a helmet as it violates my religion as per bylaw blabla that means there is no ticket able offense here FC getting P at me being a troll oh yeah what is your religion me you have no right to know that and are violating my civil rights by even asking a back and forth ensued I gave them my name and address they grilled me about my bike to prove I hadn't stolen it I referred them to the station which had a case file for my bike with name and serial number as it had been stolen previously they still wrote out the ticket I asked what the court room and station hours were to I got their names and reported them for the violation pled not guilty fought the ticket had to move up a court level since I was making a charter defense got cleared on my birthday seven months later my FB religion has been anti helmet Aryan ever since the only reason I had a problem with the helmet by law is that it was not being applied equally to everyone so I never wore my helmet when I lived there nicely done i hanged the fickle laws as they relate to religion I'm wearing my sweet but Fedora in my California driver's license photo I was told at the Oakland DMV to take the hat off for the photo but I simply stated that I wear my hat for religious reasons oh that's cool bro was the response and my photo was taken years ago 1990 to 1991 everyone used to hang out in the high school parking lot in the small town I lived in we would sneak beer and smoke weed occasionally just being teenagers the police would come through once in a while with a German Shepherd trained to sniff out weed I always carried tennis balls in my truck and would pull one of them out and start bouncing it to distract the dog one my friends who had weed on them would wander off the lot eventually it got to the point where the dog would come straight to me to have me throw the tennis ball and I would engage in small talk with the officer again while people I knew with weed wandered off I miss the small towns back in the day where police didn't think everyone was a terrorist and a drug dealer from the start and you could actually have a conversation with them without getting tasered haha even police dogs are still dogs being blackened upholding the law they never expected on 4-stroke 20 this year the cops were out all over campus I was going to a friend's house to get royally freaked up and two cops pulled out in front of me causing me to almost hit them they proceeded to race each other down the road for a while they both go to get into a turning lane at the same time and one cop hits the other they stopped after putting on their lights and got out to check the damage I pulled up next to them roll down my window and asked are you guys okay after they said that they were fine I put on my best troll face and continued do you need me to call the cops and sped off as the light turned green they just glared at me until I was out of there view you should have reported the accident to the police seriously I live in Daytona Beach during spring break and other busy times of beach going my friends and I would idle down the beach in my Jeep with no doors or anything open along with the windshield down while smoking tobacco out of bongs and bowls and joints each one of the four of us would have some sort of apparatus in our hand while we look Beach Patrol dead in the eye while driving by we would get pulled over every freaking time then we would get our asses chewed out for distracting them from public safety a Capri on hot butt 18 19 year old chicks for underage drinking row the only four human beings in the universe who actually smoked tobacco out of water tobacco pipes racing to get my girlfriend at the time home before curfew I am hauling butt down this windy Mountain Road make a turn see a cop in a turnout said well crap and floored it I know it will take him a few turns to catch me so about one stroke four mile up the road I pulled down a little-known side street in the middle of a curve kill the engine and the lights and pray about five seconds later here comes the cop lights and sirens blaring and thankfully he shoots right past the road I was on I found another route to get the girlfriend home just some good ol boys never meanin no harm urban legend a guy is driving a Toyota or mr2 and flies past an idling cop in his neighborhood cop gives chase guy makes a turn onto a small street pulls up to a house and tells the people in the driveway to just say he was there the whole time cop comes around the corner and catches up with him cop says don't move or you're resisting arrest guy says it wasn't me it was somebody else that just flew by cop calls BS guy tells cop it wasn't me my car is off the engine isn't even warm cop puts hand on hood and sure enough it's cold Confused cop mutters some stuff and drives off the engine of the toyota mr2 in the back of the car not my story but of friends he was walking a crossed campus with his backpack to a study group and a cop or campus security stopped him and started asking him all these questions about where he was going and what was in the bag etc he decided to not let a cop see inside his bag and not tell him the cop threatened him saying he was going to get a warrant and finally he did after about an hour of waiting the cop gets his warrant and looks inside the bag just books it was 1972 my buddy at high school had a pound off pot in a backpack kids rarely had backpacks in 1972 so the vice-principal also a cop asked him what was in the backpack the VP's name I kid you not was Harry Bush a pound of marijuana mr. Bush get out of here was all he said to my pal good thing too that pound cost 160 dollars when I was about 17 a squirrel had torn a hole in the side of my parents house and was living in the Attic one day I saw the squirrel come out of the attic and go onto the roof of the house I quickly grabbed my tippmann 98 paintball gun loaded up the hopper and chased after him the squirrel went from the roof to a nearby tree branch and I began shooting at him he managed to dodge every single paintball while my trees slowly changed color till a bright blue over the 10-minute chase I eventually ran out of ammo and resigned myself to defeat vowing revenge as I went back inside I went back to my room and assembled my paintball gun back into its pieces after about 15 more minutes of plotting my next move I hear a very loud knock on the door knock knock knock knock police open up I think to myself what the f are the police doing here as I go downstairs to open the door as I open the door I see five policemen standing on my porch dressed in full SWAT gear located in very strategic positions their guns are drawn in hand and most of them are backed up against the wall of the porch I turn and see one more policeman walking toward my back here the number of policemen was very strange because there were no police cars in sight it was like they dropped out of the sky while I'm standing there in shock the closest policeman with his gun drawn and glancing down my hallway asks me is there anyone else in the house my dad did he's asleep he works third shift I answered he then says we got reports of someone shooting a rifle with a large scope at that point I was afraid to laugh so I just simply said that was me but it was a paintball gun the look on the officers faces when they heard this was priceless he made me go and get the paintball gun to show him and I explained the situation with the squirrel at this point my dad is still asleep so I'm keeping the police outside I looked down the road and see that they parked about a block away also three more officers came out of my backyard for grand total of eight officers one of the men asked if I could put the gun together so he could shoot his buddy with it he was pretty disappointed when I told him I was out of ammo and the best part is my dad still doesn't know the SWAT team was at his house almost similar to your story when I was underaged the only thing to do around my town was go downtown with friends and drink root beers or Italian ices from the coffee house one summer night my friends and I get a couple IBC bottles and walk back to our cars halfway there an unmarked jumps onto the sidewalk and a couple undercover cops get out they are about to write citations for underaged and open container when we inform them were drinking root beer they sheepishly stalk away and we asked repeatedly really there isn't more pressing criminal matters at hand tonight small-town America where cops look for trouble and fabricate some if none can be found my friend's family got ticketed twice for leaving their garage door open they live in a nice neighborhood too when I was 16 or 17 I would mow lawns for extra cash in the summer one day I was driving back from mowing a smaller lawn I had carried the push mower there in the trunk of my cupboard had left it there because I was mining their neighbor's yard the neck day on my way home I got pulled over by a sheriff for going a little too fast and he asked me if I had anything in the car he needed to know about I told him with a smile that I had some grass in the trunk he pulled me out of my car slap cuffs on me and opened the trunk to see some dried grass clippings from the mower he was rather irritated that is so freakin awesome you sir are a troll dad among troll babies at my university all to our parking areas are monitored by meter maids who draw yellow chalk line on your tires every hour so a third mark equals a marking ticket because of a lack of parking we have to park in these areas and just move our car several times a day naturally we have started carrying around damp rags at first only wiping off the tires of our cars and those of our friends but now we just wipe off every mark we see it feels good man my parents were intoxicated when I was conceived they are both cops mission accomplished born a troll when I was about seven me and my neighbor used to put a lemonade stand up in front of my house and make some quick cash there was a side street just down the road which was a good spot for cops to hide and shoot their radar guns at the passing cars so on the front of our little operation we wrote on a large yen poster slow down there is a cop down the street also buy a lemonade 25 see the needless to say most of the drivers appreciated this and would buy our lemonade usually at to three dollars a pop we pulled in some nice cash and I would be able to purchase an exorbitant amount of n64 games friend of mine at a different high school found out that there was to be a drug dog sniffing lockers at his school so him and a bunch of his friends all left bacon sandwiches in their lockers on the day it was coming so my friend's brother got pulled over and as the cop was about to let them go the cop said something like anything else I should know about now he was driving and old but car and it had a glovebox he could never get open so his response to the cop was whatever you do don't look in the glove compartment needless to say he was pulled out of the car and the cop tried to get into glovebox he couldn't get into though so they had to call a locksmith now later the locksmith finally gets the glovebox open the cop was thoroughly P when he found nothing in the glovebox and started yelling at my friend's brother his response to the cops I told you not to look in there sorry for grammar I'm typing on my phone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 14,916
Rating: 4.6979165 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, trolls, trolling, law enforcement, police, cops, police stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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