What's The Most Disturbing Thing To Happen In Your House?

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what's the scariest creepiest or most disturbing thing that's ever happened in your house I was 14 and my family had just moved to a big and kinda rundown farmhouse that was kinda creepy but cheap to rent the closest neighbors were pretty far away in the cornfields surrounded most of our property one night around 2:00 a.m. I woke up to the light and the hallway going on I'm a really light sleeper a few minutes later my dog starts whining outside my door and scratching to be let in I get up and let him in and he crawls under my bed to sleep he does this sometimes but had never woken me up to be let in before I was a little weirded out but also pretty tired so fell back asleep without much thought I wake up again a little while later to my bedroom door creaking I see fingers wrapped around the side of the door as it is being slowly pushed open in a half-asleep kind of stupor I asked who it isn't a man clearly trying to imitate a woman assures me that he is my mother just checking on me I keep saying no no you're not you don't sound like my mother and he keep assuring me that ears I obviously am not fully awake yet or I would have noticed how creepy and weird this exchange was suddenly the door starts being pushed even further open and the hand pushes through the door followed by an arm and I realized the person is coming into my bedroom I start freaking out and screaming when I realize what is happening my dog jumps out from under my bed and lunges at the door causing the person to shut it quickly and not allowing me to see his face or anything at all by this time my mom has woken up from my screaming and starts yelling to me asking if I am okay she comes down the hall to my room and says that she saw a big figure with stockings on his head standing outside my door my mom started screaming then - and the person ran down the back staircase of our house which had a door and simply looked like a closet so they had prime knowledge of its existence apparently or they wanted to hide in a closet and then ran out the back door into the cornfield nothing in my house was stolen and there was no evidence that the person that had broken in wanted anything other than to come into my room I don't think I've been the same since this happened and I still feel incredibly anxious even thinking about it during a pretty powerful ice storm in 1995 our power went out the house alarm was on a backup generator and around midnight it went off as soon as it did we started hearing loud banging coming from somewhere inside the house after a few moments of understandable cowering we grabbed aluminum baseball bats and started to patrol the house there was no one downstairs there was no one upstairs we we said the alarm and went back to sleep not 15 minutes later the alarm goes off a second time followed by another bang bang bang from inside the house now we're calling the cops locking bedroom doors at the time we had rabbits and we had to bring them inside in order to protect them from the storm they were hanging out with food bowls in a shower on the other side of the house so checking in on them was a bit like walking through a graveyard blindfolded the alarm goes off three times in all each time followed by the banging it takes the cops an hour and a half to show up we live between two counties and it seems like there's always a fight over who has to deal with our problems the cops searched through the house with their superior flashlights and hip holstered courage when the alarm goes off for a fourth time one of the cops comes back to us confused and terrified asking what the heck those giant things are in our shower people always expect rabbits to be smaller than they really are as it turned out an electrical short was causing the alarm to go off periodically and whenever it went off the rabbits with their sensitive hearing would kick their food bowls against the walls of the acoustically resonant shower and protest taking a pee in the basement bathroom that is never used when the biggest millipede I've ever seen come slithering out of the shower drain many years ago my mom came downstairs early in the morning walked into the kitchen and then ran back upstairs shrieking that the drawl as were moving in and out all by themselves my dad ever the practical man went downstairs observed said drawers opening and closing then calmly walked into the kitchen and opened the very small cabinet beneath were phantom drawers he discovered my very tiny five-year-old brother in there moving the drawer above him in and out grinning like the lovechild off Julia Roberts and Anne Hathaway my mom still hasn't lived that one down TL DR little brother trolled my mom by hiding in a tiny cabinet my mom came moving in and out very tiny five-year-old brother crammed in there in and out grimming I used to live in a basement level apartment one night about 1:00 a.m. I'm doing my business on the toilet I got kind of caught up in the book I was reading and ended up sitting there for half an hour by chance I looked up and at the window which was about head height was a middle-aged man lying prone looking right at me we made eye contact and he didn't move just contorted his face into a toothy rictus I ran the Frick out of there my first thought was oh god my second thought was I wonder if he wiped first creepiest was probably termites they sit in your walls for weeks you begin seeing individual ones randomly around your house then one day they swarm I distinctly remember having the odd impression that the carpet was moving and then realizing that there were thousands of termites crawling all over the place then the Battle of vacuum versus termites began at my childhood home it used to be apartments and some random lady jumped off the roof survived hobbled upstairs and jumped again she made sure she landed on the spikes of the picket fence the second time around a kid did this during lunch break in high school jumped from the third floor and survived so he went back up and jumped again he survived and security grabbed him and he was never seen again one summer while growing up we noticed we were getting more wasps in the house than usual a week or so later we noticed a small hole in the dining-room wall where they seemed to be coming in we called an exterminator and he discovered that there was a massive hive built into our wall and they had only just dug out the hole into the dining room apparently in preparation for a full-scale invasion as a boy who was convinced that he was going to die by killer bees before he ever reached high school this scared the ever-loving crap out of me better to find out during the day at least as opposed to getting surprised stung by hundreds of wasps in the middle of the night when you blindly stumble into the kitchen for a glass of water I live alone renting the first floor of an old house my entrance and bathroom are additions one morning in the dead of the Canadian winter I was taking a shower and I heard the bathroom door unlatch and creak open not unusual it's an old house and a creaky addition happens once in a while so I'm standing in the shower weighing my options on the one hand I could ignore it but if I do it's going to get cold in the bathroom quick on the other hand I could reach out suffer the indignity of a really cold um temporarily and close it I should mention at this point that I have a fantastically strong glasses prescription I decide to stick my head out of the shower to reconnoiter the situation and discover filling most of the rest of the bathroom a fuzzy Hospital green blob shouting incomprehensible at me I'm proud to say at this point I emitted a reasonably manly low-pitched ha1 instead of a high-pitched squeal the blob keeps shouting at me and I keep saying yes what hello what why what I eventually understand through a thick Caribbean accent that the blob is a housekeeper who did not read the landlord's instructions to only go to the second and third floor and rather than knocking and shouting and making the typical I'm hear noises decided to stalk silently to the bathroom where someone was obviously taking a shower going wait for someone to stick their head out and start shouting at them get out of here you nosey little pervert or I'm gonna slap you silly my doorbell rang in the middle of the night about four years ago I went and looked out the window we lived on the second floor of a duplex but the front entrance was at ground level and led to a private stairwell and there was the guy just standing on the porch I watched him for a minute he went next door then to the next house then started walking back toward my place during all this my wife had called 9-1-1 to report this suspicious person as he reached my front sidewalk again the police arrived and got out of the had him placed his hands on the hood of the car and emptied his pockets the contents of which included a gun I could see clearly from my living room window they bagged up his belongings cuffed him and placed him in the back seat of the police cruiser I never heard a thing again and needless to say I didn't sleep that night I cannot help but feel like this should be an SNL skit about a black guy's car breaking down in a white neighborhood when I was much younger my sister 9/10 got locked out of the house late at night and pretty much nobody knows how she's the quiet type and wears hearing aids that were removed at night the details are a bit hazy but it was really freaking out anyway eventually she starts knocking and my mom lets her in around 11:00 p.m. which was almost three hours after our normal bedtime at that age she just goes upstairs like nothing happened even though she was locked out of the house at night in the cold for presumably more than three hours something like this demands explanation but there just was none the next morning we asked him she just said oh it's okay I was sleeping outside what oh I was just sleeping outside okay she just walked downstairs and slept outside completely 100% out of character later that day we get back from school and walk past the bathroom window on the side of the house there are barefoot feet marks and finger claw marks under the window like vicious rough finger marks and multiple dirty foot marks on the wall hey was that you sis nor are you sure you didn't do it yep yep that's about it I didn't question much after that and it never happened again just too young to think anything of it or to question more I was pretty young naive and didn't make a connection to anything more thinking back WTF TL DR sister randomly sleeps outside wake up with no explanation and claw marks on the side of the house sleepwalking and your sister is part Wolverine I was having an intense lucid nightmare in which I became convinced that my parents were in danger and I had to contact them aware that I was dreaming I was desperately trying to find a way to wake up or contact them from within my dream I was completely distraught convinced that they would die when some sort of spirit guided me to this ridiculous machine through which I could call the waking world it was a mess of levers dials buttons and switches and I had to wind it up to get it to start working I frantically pressed wound and jabbed did the thing until suddenly had sparked into life and I could hear a crackled faint ringtone suddenly it went through and I heard my mother say hello before I abruptly woke up I was lying in bed for just a few minutes calming down from the intensity of the dream before my mum called me she asked why I had called her from the house phone and hung up just moments before the only house phone is three floors away from mine I have never sleep walked in my life and I woke up in bed just after she received the call having a party with a bunch of mates two of them went to crash out in my room apparently a disagreement on who was sleeping on the bed versus the floor broke out and quickly escalated into a fight lo and behold one of them just happened to be carrying that night he pulls the gun out he says it was to put it out of the way so as to not shoot someone and the other friend sees the gun tries to wrestle it away and they end up discharging the gun in my room into the floor mind you the floor right above where the rest of us are still drinking in the kitchen never found a bullet I can only imagine that it must have hit a beam in the ceiling floor that was a bit frightening one particular week when I was 16 my parents were out of town for two weeks this meant that I had the whole house to myself and no neighbors for about half a mile I made some mac and cheese put some of it in a bowl went to the bathroom and when I got back the macaroni was gone I must have pee my way into the twilight zone or something I once made two sandwiches for myself and when I took them to the living room to eat them I noticed I only used three slices of bread the sandwiches were stacked on my plate so I just figured I was being [ __ ] when I made them I went back to the kitchen and got a fourth slice that when I came back my sandwiches had the four original slices again it was like some David Blaine crap I'll try and keep this short when I was 10 years old my parents bought a condemned house to be renovated by us this would be a year-long process when it came time to sign papers for the house the former owner nun nonchalantly mentioned that her brother that has been in prison for 10 years is about to get out of prison his name is Jimmy she said he had somewhat of a split personality one moment he was an angel the next he had a shotgun pointed at your face we didn't know what to expect and as a little boy I was a little nervous about it and we will knocked in the contract as we had already signed the papers months had gone by and we had been working on the house then all of a sudden one day we find that the driveway was barricaded and someone had crap on the front porch it was Jimmy he had put all of our construction equipment in the driveway to block us and then pinched a loaf on our porch we called the cops had a restraining order put on him and didn't really see him for a while now why was he in prison he and a friend of his got drunk one night his friend stated that he wanted to kill himself and then Jimmy said that he would just do it for him so Jimmy found a stick and stabbed his friend and killed him but it didn't end there then Jimmy poured wax over his friends eyes cut him into several pieces and spread the body parts all over the town we lived in he also killed someone out of self-defense in prison we had finished renovating our house and were all moved in Jimmy had not shown up for a while which is what creeped me out I shared a room with my brothers this room was near the front porch my mind played with me for a solid year I barely slept because I thought Jimmy was outside my window just waiting to pour wax over my eyes a couple more months go by and Jimmy shows up one day he wanted to come in and apologize to us for what he did to the house my siblings and I are Stan the door watching my dad outside talking to him my dad said no of course and told him to leave that was the last time we saw Jimmy he never really did anything to hurt us but just the thought scared me for a long time but didn't alert one of my goals in life is to make a western film I want to use Jimmy as inspiration for the story a character in the movie I found a dead rat after smelling at for a week I picked it up with a gloved hand and it exploded with maggots coming out of every orifice your username makes the story all the more hilarious I moved into a house built in 1890 and I have been doing a lot of rehabbing I cut a hole in the kitchen ceiling to run event the ceiling was full of leaves newspapers bits in German and other rubbish after the first few handfuls I pulled out a long 24 section of a woman's red hair I've heard that they used to insulate houses with hair so I wasn't completely freaked out then I see a really old baby shoe sticking out of the debris keep in mind I can't see in the hole as it is above my ladder I'm thinking they had better not be a frickin leg bone sticking out of this shoe luckily there wasn't but I did find three shoes baby toddler adult woman and a lot more newspaper and a couple of baskets the shoes are from the early 20th century I think my guess is that the attic opened into the walls and a bunch of random crap fell through the walls and into the kitchen ceiling that baby shushu creeped me out though one of the more disgusting things I can think of is my gf and I had just got a puppy he was being crate trained at night so when we went to bed we would place him in his crate padded right by our bedside so that he could see we were right there everything is fine except one night he had diarrhea all over his bed crate I hear it happening and as I'm walking over and turning the light on I see that he is lapping it up for feed I yell no and just as I'm running over to get him out of the crate he starts vomiting said diarrhea vomit all over himself and me it was a pretty crappy night funny side note the next morning I take him outside to the front yard so that he can do his thing now mind you he'd just been ingesting poop and pooping out of both ends just house earlier so things were still moving around inside of you will anyways so I'm standing on the front lawn next to him waiting for him to pee in this couple are walking by and they see him and say to me or what a cute puppy and then as if on command our puppy lets out this loud belch and lifts his little tail and farts a big wet one the looks on their faces priceless ah the classic poo barf for when dogs want to take it up a notch my apartment building screams the building has three apartments in it so there aren't many people around here when you leave my apartment there's a little stairwell hallway sort of room that just goes outside to the front of the building my boyfriend and two friends of mine were standing in that hallway and they all heard a scream and it wasn't coming from any sort of apartment but my friend says it sounded like it was right behind him in the hallway with him but the second time I was in my room and I had some headphones on while I was doing some homework I thought I heard a scream downstairs but since I had music playing I figured I was hearing things five minutes later my roommate comes into my room asking if I heard it she had been standing in the kitchen when she heard it outside in the hallway and she said it was so loud and quick that it sounded like a female then the other night my boyfriend and I were leaving to go out to eat and we're walking down the stairwell and halfway out at the front door when we here in right behind us as if it was on the stairwell at first when I heard the other two stories I figured it was a girl in second apartment since one apartment is full of all boys and the other has two girls but it wasn't a scream from an apartment because the sound would be sort of muffled because of the thick walls between the apartments this scream was definitely in the stairwell with us none of us have any explanation for it we've walked around the stairwell trying to recreate the sound if it was creaking floorboards or a squeaky door but nothing the girl they have under the stairs screams whenever someone walks on her done when I was 10 years old my room was right next to her chimney that wasn't used anymore after coming back from a vacation I was glad to be able to sleep in my bed at about 10:00 at night right when I was in a deep sleep the sound of screeching and scratching fills every inch of my room in a cacophony of terror turns out bats had moved in when we were away but at the time I honestly thought I was going to be eaten in my old house a man had died in our living room with natural causes the weird part is that when my mom found out she didn't tell anyone but the next day my sister's boyfriend came over and started recalling a dream he had that he was in our house and everything was different and that there was a man dying in a hospital bed in the corner of the living room your friend was sleeping with your mum obviously last summer we were painting my room a new color after a good decade of the same old one after a couple of coats we left it to dry when we came back a few hours later the paint was perfectly dry except for one thick streak against one wall that was melting the old paint color was coming back through as the new color dripped down inexplicably we started joking about a ghost but it did freak me out not long after my sister and I were hanging out in the kitchen getting things to drink she set a glass down for a moment and out of nowhere it exploded It was as if someone shot the glass shards flew all over the kitchen we were stunned I knew a change in temperature could crack glass but she had poured room temperature liquid into it it had no previous cracks and if freaking exploded it didn't just crack in the end they were both explainable apparently glass can sometimes explode like that without any impact thanks to nickel sulfide in the glass that reacts very slowly or something and the strip of dripping paint it was a part of the wall where the air-conditioning ran and during this stupidly hot day of summer we had the AC blasting so no poltergeist but at the time these two incidents freaked me out if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 41,197
Rating: 4.8963962 out of 5
Keywords: scary, scariest, scary stories, scariest things caught on camera, scariest things, scariest thing in the world, scariest thing ever, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, stories, reddit on tap
Id: PySPag77pGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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