Insurance Claim Adjusters, What's The Craziest Thing You've Seen? (r/AskReddit)

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insurance people over debt what is the most outrageous claim that you have ever come across I started off in claims for a major home insurance brand in NZ client calls in and says our bed broke without a proximate cause I can't logic layman Tibbets wear-and-tear there is no claim since that isn't covered conversation goes around in circles for a while longer and eventually they asked to go to a supervisor fortunately the sup is my friend sitting behind me so I get to hear his end of call they will have in group sex on the bed five people a sixth person decided to join the festivities and that is when the bed broke acceptable and paid claim that sounds like extreme wear and tear I used to work for a fire water damage restoration company we show up to a water damage job turns out this guy is trying to turn his one-story house into a two-story house and has hired some Amish guys to do the job at this point pretty much the entire house is ruthless as in you look up anywhere from inside the house and see sky when the Amish dudes finished working the day before they didn't cover up the house it rained that night soak the entire inside of the house insurance covered it so we spend the day cutting and pulling out soaking wet carpet while the Amish continued working above icrap you not they don't cover the house again and it's rains again insurance covered that too we talked to the adjuster and she just had this defeated look on her face the claim was in the $100,000 s and she said these people were basically getting a new house you haven't seen that much stupidity rewarded that well in a long time the upside though after the second night they started covering up the house sonofabitch my water heater leaked and ruined half my house in January and the insurance barely paid to replace the floors they wrote up everything that needed replacing drywall lights floors ceilings but the check was not enough to cover all that had a claims Assessor telling me about the time someone claimed a car ran into their garden wall and knocked it down apparently as he showed up to confirm the damage the guy was just starting to knock the wall down with a sledgehammer Wow and I thought I was bad at procrastination former auto claims adjuster here had a guy get into a head-on collision with a semi-truck because it veered into his Lane walks away from the crash without injury tells me on the phone that he is so lucky to be alive and has a guardian angel watching over him get another claim a week later where another semi-truck veers into his Lane and kills him final destination crap I had a guy once who would submit a claim every few months because he kept crashing his Corvette at 2:00 a.m. never any cops called but I'm 100% sure it's due to drinking after the fifth time I stopped hearing from him turns out his roommate beat him to death with a hammer I've spotted shady body shops rated for fraud in the past who have told me they are going to sue me for defamation after I've asked the customer to move shops kid once called in a claim lying about what happened and who was driving his car we caught him because he made a Facebook post on that day saying what actually happened ended up denying the claim because the actual driver had a suspended license kids keep your crap private because everyone is watching one time actually informed an insurer that his car had been in an accident he didn't know because his mechanic took a ride out in the insured's nice car without the owner's permission had a guy at a construction site back a bobcat into his own personal car technically insurance follows the owner not the driver so really the owner of the company's insurance is liable the owner was P that his insurance has to pay the worker even though the worker backed into his own car and that would be an easy way to get insurance money rules are rules though I handle public liability claims for various agencies and large corporate firms had a couple who tried to claim from the park management agency for pain and suffering from mosquito bites they were having a picnic in the park this is in Asia by the way where mosquitoes are a daily occurrence also had someone try to claim for injuries sustained from tripping over an uneven tile outside of a shopping mall CCTV footage from our client them all revealed he had clearly noticed the tile looked around to see if anyone was watching then threw himself on the ground this makes me so mad a few years ago I slipped in a grocery store because there was yogurt on the ground really hurt my hip and is still screwed to this day I was so embarrassed that I had yogurt all over me quickly paid for my groceries and walked out biggest regret of my life I worked for workman's compensation insurance a few claims stand out my favorite one was the guy who thought he was being followed by the FBI he wasn't and Scylla when he turned left in the car behind him also turned left he without hesitation jumped into the passenger seat then jumped out of the passenger seats door and rolled into a ravine while the truck his work truck smashed into two other cars parked at a gas station the person behind him was just like what the actual freak just happened I could not stop laughing while getting his account of what happened imagine watching the driver in front of you turn around see you look terrified then next thing you know they have jumped out of the vehicle vulnerable mentioned was the campground that had a huge plastic hollow dinosaur statue the owner had hired a guide to repair paint the dinosaur and while he was halfway in the mouth he lost his balance and felon breaking his leg injury wise it was minor but the lady who owned the campground just made the claim unforgettable she for no reason at all I got the info I needed in the first call and required no other contact with her insisted on emailing me this funny little letters about the incident an example of an email good afternoon SIM 12345 just thought you'd like to know Doug the dinosaur is doing great he is doing much with his diet has only gobbled up three more people since we last talked we believe in time we may be able to rid him of his addiction to human flesh and truly domesticate him as part of the family Cheers so yeah that was weird Dino lady is awesome a lady made a claim that stated a group of men dressed in all black who moved like ghosts snuck under her house and stole her copper pipes and expertly installed PVC to replace it that one was reason 8000 542 why I got out of that business I work in the stolen vehicle department at my company long story short our policyholder has a caddy and parked it while working on a storefront he noticed someone stealing his vehicle so as the thief is taking off he jumps on the running boards of his vehicle since he was working in construction he pulled out a Phillips head from his back pocket and proceeded to stab the thief in the face multiple times the thief crashed and the man beat the everliving crap out of him cops didn't do anything till our policyholder though which surprised me sounds completely fair I work at a call center that contracts roadside assistance for most major insurance companies any adjuster or CA agent would know who we are but we seem to act as a switchboard for some of the insanely stupid some games I'm locked inside my car physical locks not electronic can you dispatch someone to put the stickers on my license plate I don't understand why I have to file a claim I only flipped my car eight times hit two people four deer and a large tree why can't I just be towed the car is fine tell me now damn it my car is flooding most of these stories are word-of-mouth from colleagues this one happened to me last week when Texas was an underwater level and my all-time favorite what do you mean I'm not covered I pay large number a month for my insurance just tow me damn it that's nice but most of our contracts charge like less than $5 a month per car for roadside assistance I handled basically all the heavy-duty rollover claims anything from box trucks to 18 wheelers and bigger if it rolled over it got put on my lap I have two claims that stick in my mind one sticks because of what the guy told me went through his mind the other cause it's action flick awesomeness one 18-wheeler driving down the highway at approximately 65 miles per hour the highway opens to two lanes to go right three stay straight our 18-wheeler is traveling in the third lane to go straight a vehicle in front a tiny and ancient Ford Taurus comes to a dead stop in front of the 18-wheeler apparently he missed his turn and decided to stop reverse and go right well the 18-wheeler had about five seconds and he said to me I can't be responsible for killing someone I know he did something stupid but I would have killed him if I hit him it was him or me and I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do what I did he was able to pump the brakes push off from the Taurus to the left went down a thirty featuring embankment off the highway truck caught on fire but he survived the Taurus didn't stop didn't realize he almost died and almost killed someone else and was never to be heard from again to this one short tractor-trailer loses brakes going down a steep road that levels every 50 yards there is a tractor trailer going the opposite way the one without brakes starts going airborne every time it hits a more level surface before a steeper grade going 60 - 70 mph plus on a side road tractor trailer without brakes it's the other tractor trailer about six feet in the air broke a retaining wall tore a utility pole took out someone's front steps spilled cooking oil all into a reservoir and you could not tell the tractor from the trailer I'm not kidding best non movie action I've ever seen oh my gosh my time to shine I once had a claim where our insureds were attacked by their neighbor's cow the neighbor actually moved quite a while ago but forgot one of the cows now when a cow is starving dehydrated I guess they go crazy insane which is what happened to this one our insured was standing outside getting his mail when the cow began charging at him he ran to his door but the cow beat him to it and ran inside with our insured are insured wife then attempted to help get the cow away and was apparently injured in the process Cal caused damages to the home and injuries lesson is don't forget your cows when you move an acquaintance is an adjuster in marine insurance he gets a claim for a total loss on a 1.9 million dollar yacht apparently the boat was too deep to try and salvage he thought it was odd that only the owner was on board when it sunk and was rescued by CG so he contracts a company who has a rough sub to dive down and check the wreck well as it turns out the boat was completely stripped even stuff that couldn't have floated away like TVs and appliances presented the owner with video evidence and rejected the claim TLDR if you're going to scuttle your own boat do it over the Mariana Trench stock analysts here covered insurance stocks for many years I would always ask the CEOs what was their most flicked up claim the one that sticks out in my mind was a building defect claim new home built shower was supposed to have a fan installed but wasn't put in instead it had live wires hanging out husband and wife are having sexy shower time she goes down on him and he reaches up to the ceiling he touches wires and dies of heart attack she gets major burns in her mouth the other one involves a pet sitter playing fetch with dogs at a park with bluffs overlooking Beach Ocean pet sitter tosses ball all the dogs chase it one dog gets the ball and looks over the cliff edge dog opens mouth and drops the ball over the cliff one dog jumps after it I can imagine his last words oh god I'm coming I'm new to the game but this one sticks out got a claim for a building fire total loss looking at about a million dollars for a smallish company those claims are a big deal but they happen it's why we have reinsurance law have the adjuster look at it and get a fire expert in track effort because the cause was a broiler if it's the manufacturer there may be potential subrogation we get the money back by going after whoever was at fault turns out this thing was Jerry wrigglers Frick to stay on after the safety shutoff and who did the jerry-rigging the son of the insured who happened to be a plumber so now if they follow through on the claim she'll get paid they will go after her son for Sabra and his planner insurance likely won't cover it they cover negligence if this was done purposefully even if there wasn't malicious intent fun stuff so if you often the UK you have probably heard of the crash which happened at a pub in Glasgow a couple of years back if not it was called the clover have a look into it it was pretty horrific quick run down a police helicopters engine failed and crashed into a very busy pub horrible accident lots dead lots injured anyway fast forward a few months after all the legitimate claimants were well in motion and being dealt with the law firm I was working in like the time got a what I would call a chancer through claiming for psychological damages which is all good and well if you were in the vicinity or lost a loved one however this chap was across an entire river from where you can barely see the pub and just saw the explosion too far to probably even hear any screams after a lot of conversation about it one of the senior partners of the firm took the case without giving any names personal info et Cie that particular client got a recent payout of somewhere in the region of fifteen thousand pounds that guys is why your insurance premiums are so high absolute waste off spaced chance in his arm has walked away with a year's wage for some people for absolutely free call I work in auto insurance in our town collision with wildlife is fairly common and the deductible on your insurance is waived as long as the estimator can confirm that wildlife was the cause this is usually done by just advising the claiming not to wash the vehicle prior to attending their appointment so that the estimator can view the point of impact for proof hair blood et Cie well one gentleman called in and had already washed his car when he was advised that if we can't confirm wildlife is the cause he may have to pay his deductible to have his repairs done he was having none of it so he showed up to his estimate with the freakin dead deer in his trunk I wish I was making this up some of my employees hit a deer on the way back from a job site they just popped it in the trunk so the driver could clean it and split the meat amongst everyone in the car that day okay so I worked in clean intake for among other things travel insurance my favorite stories mother calls on behalf on her son says he flew upstate to visit his father father and son with hunting bagged a big one and son missed his flight back home to help butcher it mother wants to know if this is covered and will reimburse her son's ticket not even a little bit covered grandfather and family will be missing a cruise because grandson is having emergency brain surgery ashore family not to worry everything will be covered all we need is some documentation from the hospital grandfather completely refuses to obtain documentation because the doctors won't want to do that attempt to reassure grandfather that doctors are very used to dealing with insurance companies grandfather continues to refuse no idea if he did eventually provide documentation but I hope he did because his case is the very definition of what our insurance is there for and I'd like to think we were able to pay him father calls on behalf of his daughter another hospitalization case pretty standard almost guaranteed shall get her money back father insists he is a mayor of this town and knows how to push these things along so the claim should be processed over the next few days instead of the three-week estimate I'd given him tempted to explain to father that harrassing an insurance company is generally a bad idea father is not having any of it he's too important demands to speak directly to the claims examiner I shrug and transfer him get to hear him being shouted at before I disconnect woman calls because while traveling with her double-amputee son she was told that they'd better run to catch their flight woman and son did in fact catch their flight so I explained that this is not an insurance matter no money was lost and that she should contact the airline to file a complaint woman begins to shout at me first asserting that I personally must hate children then that I probably don't and can't have any children and finishes by stating that I'm such a cold person I must be medically barren but somewhat shocked I break professionalism and tell the woman well I'm only age apparently sharing my viewpoint that I'm a little young to be trying for kids she is suddenly pleasant and agreeable and asks for the airline's complaint number whoo-hoo my time to shine throw away for obvious reasons I used to work for a large commercial insurance company that ensures a lot of emergency service organizations think companies with vehicles that have whirly lights on em the most redonk claim I ever saw there was for a teeny tiny fire departments that bought a brand-new engine for seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars these guys run maybe 150 calls a year but they were in tight with the town fathers and shook a lot of hands to get grants and donations to purchase this fancy-pants truck it was so big that it wouldn't fit in their truck bays so they built a pole barn to house it after the pole barn was built someone realized that they'd built it without a heating system it's important that fire engines and left in the cold when not running for obvious reasons instead of spending the money to install a heating system someone took a portable kerosene heater cut a shelf into the wall of the pole barn and stuck the heater on said shelf the resultant fire reduced their shiny new engine to a charred shell in terms of smaller claims we get clusters of cell phone claims one guy at a station will accidentally drop his cellphone while on an emergency call and since he's on duty when it happens we cover the cost of replacing the phone within days of him receiving his new phone half the department will accidentally run over their mobiles while backing up the aerial oddly enough the latest model mobiles seem to be immune to damage we know exactly what's going on it's without video evidence of some yokel deliberately damaging his phone we have no choice but to pay the claims we can usually stop the wave by having their agent call and remind them that claims will jack up their premium it's sadly most of our claims aren't ridiculously funny they're just straight-up tragic like the paramedic who fell asleep at the wheel because he was working his second 18-hour shift in two days and court 90 minutes of sleep in the previous 24 hours and wound up killing his partner watching the tape of that absolutely sucked coma watching the tape of that absolutely sucked sometimes I forget that the insurance people have to review all the footage of incidents like that I think that would really get to me sooner or later insurance broker here Employment Practices Liability claim came in a few years ago for a small law firm the Maine lawyer had three female assistants that he would regularly get them to dress up in his wife's clothes and make them compete in weird contests example he would tie them to a chair and whoever got out would get a $100 gift card to Starbucks or wherever nothing was reported for two years since I figure the assistants didn't mind it too much until the wife found out who actually worked at a law firm as well then all three filed harassment claims I just couldn't believe how long it took the wife to figure it out life insurance agent here last year a client called us that her husband has gotten into an accident during work and has lost his thumb he had a death and dismemberment policy with us and his wife wanted to know if there's any way to claim it so for dismemberment it's 100% payout for loss of two or more important limbs legs arms and or eyes 60% for one of major limbs and 25% for loss of thumb and pointer finger he had only lost his thumb you can see the problem with this claim already but what the heck let's have the company auditors have a look anyways turns out the hospital concluded the wound was too clean to be an industrial accident checked with the husband's employer and can confirm no one witness the accident they pressed and pressed him until he confessed that he actually cut his own thumb off with a knife hoping for a payout so at the end of it all he's some listened without insurance and has to cover the full cost of stitching his thumb back on can't get a policy anywhere else without extensive background check and medical exam because hey we actually have a database last time I met his wife she was considering divorce TL DR insurance fraud is never worth it PS also the company won't cover pre-existing conditions and suicide people always forget that even though we have made it extensively clear five billion dollars yes that's the right number of zeros lawsuit filed by a safety Fagor against the general contractor that employed his company because the executive supervisor for the GC basically the guy in charge of the jobsite told him to shut up and do his job after he complained about a couple of knuckleheads riding around in the bucket of an excavator but if you mean outrageous in terms of events that actually happened that resulted in a loss that's a different answer you can ask for anything you want in a complaint doesn't mean you are going to get it I work in a car insurance call center and some of the complaints and issues we have are absolutely hilarious so just to give some background we have an excess you pay before we will deal with a claim which is broken down to a windscreen excess usually about sixty five pounds and a damaged excess let's say 150 hair so guy calls up and this is a genuine call guy comes through felling and blinding saying we messed his policy up and made his price increase when he only claimed on his windscreen and thinks we have completely messed everything up anyway upon checking the claim it turns out this guy was under the influence whilst driving decided to do some crazy GTA crap and drove on the pavement hit someone and they flew through his wind screen and landed on the passenger seat he wanted to know why we put it as a claim and not a windscreen incident as and I quote I only claimed on my windscreen neglecting the complete lack of regard to other people and his mental GT a moment what a douche face I need to try that in GTA not necessarily claims but still insurance related I work in commercial insurance workers comp general liability a little background to understand the story is that each business is assigned class codes and each class code carries a different rate per $100 of payroll for workers comp so an office only employee might be 20 cents per $100 of payroll while a long-distance truck driver might be $20 per $100 of payroll anyways I was asking this person what these employees to him they claimed that all they did was clean up job sites lower rate and did not perform any sort of carpentry work i right so the following conversation to place me why are you paying these union employees one hundreds of thousands of dollars when cleanup only happens after the jobsite cheap but well they are always on the job site and they clean up when the subcontractors are finished me clean up only takes place after the work has been completed though what are they doing in the meantime cheap but they are on coffee break me okay last year according to the owner of the business they all performed carpentry work cheap but the owner was confused he didn't know what you meant when you asked him me can I speak with him and ask him again cheap but no another one which I luckily haven't had to deal with the repercussions of yet is a machinery dealer typically machinery dealers have people who perform outside sales who go to customers to sell products roughly 75 cents per $100 however if these sales employees do any demonstrations they are to fall under the machinery dealer class code roughly six dollars per 100 four years these employees were considered outside sales me do your outside sales employees perform demonstrations sunt of a sad person well yeah two million dollars of payroll for outside sales just got switched to machinery dealer or roughly 120 K an additional premium I am NOT looking forward to when they get the bill I do claim follow-up for an oncology practice and the way insurance companies deny claims is infuriating for example one patient had multiple claims denied for a CSF colony-stimulating factor which basically kick-starts the body's natural blood cell production to counteract the more C to toxic chemo treatments it is always given about two days after treatment as this is about when cell counts bottomed out one shot cost about five K and the insurance denied saying this drug can't be given within 12 days of chemo it's so blatantly incompetent that to me it has to be a delay tactic they target high dollar claims and deny for an absolutely absurd reason because they know not everyone will dispute it of course they say it's an error in the system or processing but the frequency it occurs on expensive therapy I can't help but believe someone along the chain does it intentionally during Hurricane sandy many people purposely parked their vehicles where they knew obvious water damage would warrant a claim one guy decided to hop on the train but was extremely nervous about the outcome he apparently thought dumping cans of sardines in the car would give it the appearance that saltwater washed through out the car nope I used to process claims for the BP oil spill in the Gulf I got to claim for repairs on a woman's car in Atlanta GA needless to say that claim was denied obligatory not an insurance person but friendly the family was heard this story some 20 years ago so might also be a foot told to kids guy had his car and short for all kinds of things and there was a pretty intense hailstorm a few years ago his car was in the garage but since he was quite old he thought he could cash in by hammering his car with a rubber hammer did so all over but was too lazy to climb on top to hammer and dent on his car roof so then he had the brilliant idea to just hammer the roof from the inside it might be a surprise but he didn't get any money this happened in Australia a while back after a hailstorm insurance companies found out and wouldn't cover the damage not outrageous in the claim but funny way of getting caught an agency I worked at had a workman's comp claim where a woman claimed to have back neck problems from a fall and unable to move and adjust a cold hair into the office and asked if she wanted to recant her story she was outraged that he would question her honesty he then showed her the front page of her small-town newspaper where she was on the cover dancing at a local festival insurance broker here I used to handle bankers blanket bond claims and cash in transit claims coming out of Latin America and southern Europe by far the dodgiest lot were the Italians we would get at least 30 claims a year for cash going missing whilst in transit between the bank and the depository or visa versa the guards would count the cash on at the origin and off again at the destination it was a common occurrence for a couple of million lira to have disappeared enroute nobody seemed to be fazed by this oddly little investigation and the claims were always paid another coming from Italy was a bank manager who bad been caught teaming and lighting this is far from unusual it's in this instance on the day she was due to attend an investigatory interview she walked into her bank and asked the guard off she could check his gun he passed it to her and she promptly shot herself in the head and yet another from Italy very much like the recent Hatton Garden robbery in the UK the thieves tunneled from an empty building two doors down from the bank and spent a weekend in the safety deposit room prying open the boxes I can't remember the final settlement of the loss but I do remember the appointed loss adjusters struggling to quantify the losses as most people don't tell their bank what's in the box and could therefore say and contained whatever they felt like I'm sure more than a few people profited from that one but finally another cash in transit from Bolivia again not unusual but this time the van was chased by men on motorbikes brandishing RPGs the driver was shot and killed the guard was also shot but survived I work in reinsurance now it's far less interesting friends story but anyway received a claim for robbery and had to go and do the assessment basically considerable loss et Cie etc however the claimant had a terrorist property with a pool above the height of the house they found that the pool was empty with all the possessions packed neatly in the pool lesson at least remove the goods from the property before claiming underwriter here received a general liability submission for a nursing home that operated as an adult day care facility their loss runs indicated a multi-million dollar claim settlement from the incumbent carrier upon inquiring on said loss we came to find out that a patient at this facility went missing for close to five hours no one had bothered to look for this person and he was only found after a nurse heard moaning from one of the kitchen pantry closets the patient apparently was suffering from some kind of episode and locked himself in and had nearly consumed an entire two pounds bag of porcini mushrooms causing intestinal blockage and requiring a trip to the emergency room needless to say we declined on that submission I spent a few years dealing with life insurance and annuities the best one I personally saw was a guy filed a life insurance claim for his wife she was killed in a boating accident reading through the paperwork and police report he was driving and accidentally hit her with the boat and a prop cut her up pretty bad I passed it on to the correct area and move on with my day maybe five months later I get a claim paperwork for the lady again but this time it's filed by her sister as the contingent beneficiary looking through that paperwork the husband was found to have murdered her with the boat for the insurance money to run off with some 19 year old girl he'd been banging he was found guilty and put a life insurance contract if you are found to have murdered the insured you don't get the money I spent a brief period as a Claims Manager for an auto insurance company this guy was driving down a residential street 25 miles per hour limit and lost control he jumped the curb took out a few shrubs went through a wood fence hit one house and ended up crashed into a he filed the claim stating something along the lines of I was carefully driving aprox 20 miles per hour when another car veered at me and I had to swerve to not get hit naturally we pulled the police report to get the details from that his quote of the cop that arrived on scene I was rushing home because I forgot to shut my garage door and didn't want anyone stealing from me I just lost control when we went back to the guy and asked him to confirm his version of the story he stuck to what he told us we told him about the police report obviously the cops are lying we paid the claim but didn't renew his policy he ended up suing the company for canceling his policy I left before it made it anywhere but I'm comfortable assuming he lost I had a lady light her house on fire and then walk up the street to go get pizza her neighbor called it in but the house was eighteen hundred's and burned to a total loss the lady started acting really crazy in our office she flashed a handgun a few times and said she was afraid for her life because her family was all connected to the family the adjusters came out and there was a bunch of evidence showing the fire was arson the lady eventually confessed but then fled down to Florida and last I knew was on the run from the cops and insurance company the craziest part about the whole thing corporate was worried after she disappeared and so they hired a private security guard company for our small office for ten days this guy who looked like the old guy from the Pixar movie happened with a gun like Dirty Harry's came and sat in our waiting room for two weeks I think he was asleep more than awake he drooled a couple times on his shirt we felt very secure the lady never showed up this guy tried to tell me that the engine on his 15 year old car teased because he got rear-ended look at photos tailgate has a scratch no other visible damage he's getting paid at least $15 K for pain and suffering I hope he falls off a freaking cliff I denied the engine with great pleasure my mom works in insurance she said that she had a man come in one day to buy our two-week permit for his car he said and my mom confirmed this when she looked up his account that he has been in so many accidents and racked up so many points on his record that his insurance costs about $40 a year so it's cheaper for him to insure his car two weeks at a time I wonder how this guy still has a driver's license somebody really should take it away although he would probably be one of those people that just drove without a license anyway I'm an insurance agent in a smaller community and we insure many rural homes a few years ago a guy came in and said he was attacked by his neighbor's dog rooster and that we insure the neighbor and he wanted to file a claim against him so we call our insured and he says that he's seen the rooster in his past sure bird hits well then he doesn't own it he's also seen it on the neighbor's land just as much as his own we tell the guy that soon he goes irate he's screaming his dong attacked me ed lives on his land so it's is he goes on like this for 20 minutes and probably says dong 50 times it was really hard to not bust out laughing obviously our insurer doesn't want to file a claim and the guy says he's going to sue him I guess his lawyer talked some sense into him because nothing else happened oMG yes finally my profession is relevant to read it for those of you Bioware there is a very specific kind of insurance called special risk which we sometimes call kidnapping random basically it covers ransoms as well as costs of responding to kidnapping etc typically the insurance company partners with a security firm to provide a response these are the type of guys you really want to know will respond typically the policies are pretty loose in their application to because it's it the policyholder company to decide if they want the response for example and the kidnapping of an employee's child can be covered these types of claims tend to be quite interesting at least to me so this guy named Joe was on vacation in Mexico and had a couple too many stumble down a street that you probably don't want to walk down let alone stumble groups of guys grab him and throw him in a van once he is comprehensible they ask him what's his name where's he from etc turns out our Mexican friends are part of a cartel and they want to ransom this guy off they put in a call into his family they of course are freaking the Frick out and have no idea what to do fortunately for Joe someone from work ears and word got the risk management guys turns out the cartel is known for doing this security firm actually predicts the amount they want how they want the money etc now up to this point pretty standard stuff the part where it gets interesting is that they were keeping Joe up in some mountain village in Mexico first dilemma is that they have to actually amass that amount of cash in Mexico that was proving difficult so they were going to bring it across the border now taking the sums we are talking about into Mexico would also be a bit challenging they don't really want to tell the Mexican government to avoid all sorts of issues that could cause so they fill the tires with money this car is a bumpiest thing you have ever ridden in every pebble you feel 14 would have it that it works now the cartel and firm agreed that a local priest would be the middleman and deliver the cash problem is that the donkey they needed to use to take the cash up to the village couldn't carry at all so they were going to have to do it in two parts so the priest takes it up to the village and cartel is like where the Frick is the rest and getting very upset very quickly Joe is about the loose and fingers fortunately the priest is able to calm them down enough and get the second half Joe gets out safely and gets to see his family true story hope you liked it I worked in accident reporting and emergency roadside service for a fleet leasing company that owned the company cast for pretty much every major corporation in America not necessarily outrageous but they are stories guy who lived on a horse farm had a group of horses Lick Road sold off of his car which dulled the paint and huge sections of the fenders hood doors etc guy parked his company car at a hospital a mental patient escaped to the roof and did a swan dive onto the car he was looking at the body when he was making the report guy who worked for an auto manufacturer was driving drunk he went into oncoming traffic and hit a semi head-on he hid it in such a way that the driver's side of the car was sheared completely off the accident photos looked like someone peeled the car opened from front to back he somehow jumped into the passenger's seat before impact and ran from the scene he made it home and pretended that someone stole his car they couldn't get him on a DUI because he could have drank after the fact but they did get him on leaving the scene of an accident employee at the same auto manufacturer was a big engineer from Japan he was parking on an incline in San Francisco but didn't put the car in park as he got out of the car it started rolling he jumped out of the car and watched it sail down the street before slamming into a tree in someone's yard the owner of a beer company his last name is on the bottle backed out off his tree-lined Wisconsin driveway with the driver's side door open he hit a tree with the door and hyper-extended it a parts driver for an auto parts company had an attendance issue and was on a final warning she was sick it went to work after taking nyquil instead of dayquil so she wouldn't get fired she fell asleep behind the wheel blew a red light and t-boned a car which killed a small child in the passenger seat of the car I have a million stories we also took After Hours insurance claims for some of the big insurance companies lots of parents finding their kids after suicides sad stuff edit fleeting to Fleet I work at a car home insurance company once lodged a claim for a guy driving a coupe a through the country who came across a few horses one decided to leap over his car one of its legs broke clean off and landed on the passenger's seat there was blood absolutely everywhere I have plenty more stories Hannah some much more gruesome please share my father-in-law has worked in insurance for years he tells two good ones in particular one a drunk went out one night then proceeded to scale a fence into a closed and locked water park he fell face-first over the top of the fence about ten feet under the pavement killing him his family sued the water park for wrongful death and the insurance company had to pay about a million like to a babysitter took a little girl to an amusement park while on a roller coaster she unbuckled the seed bolts stood up and was decapitated the Babis it has sued the amusement park for the trauma of the experience the insurance company had to pay again about a million hike the first one is Bulls can't see how that's the parks sewer the second one though is totally on them from not designing their ride properly so that passengers are secure at all times not an insurance but a friend of my wife's was in a car crash and by mistake emailed the list of items apparently damaged in the car crash to my wife instead of the insurance company I printed the list out and it was nearly 2 pages long it had things like Katie widescreen TV aircon units custom marquee trainers huh how do they get damaged the list would have filled a small truck she claims she was moving house which is why it was all in her car two things though somehow all this was destroyed but the car wasn't a write-off it was just a fender bender she drives am i oughtta they paid out not insurance but a warranty claim I had someone claimed their DVD disc drive was faulty they didn't hit the eject button properly of course they had tried to pry it open with a knife when they failed they tried to Lube it up with butter from the kitchen then they tried to claim the physical damage to the outside of the drive under warranty when I declined them they pulled back and tried to claim the agent told them to do it and lucky for them they got me twice as a call center rep those repeat calls are the best actually sir you just spoke to me and I told you no such thing is one of my favorites things to say medical malpractice here some dentists detached someone's retina while doing a routine teeth cleaning no idea how it happened as we don't get to see all of the details unless we work in claims legal we paid some money on that one had a claim where a guy was claiming injury saying he was a passenger in a car which my insured backed into at a stoplight leaving aside the obvious question who backs up at a stoplight his case wasn't helped by the fact that both my insured and the person whose car the injured party claims he was in both deny this accident ever occurred lesson learned if you're going to attempt insurance fraud make sure at least one of the other involved people has your back I actually had that happen at a red light chick in front of me realized she needed to be in the turning lane and tried to back up former claims call center worker here had a shop call us up one day because they were working on a claimants car a policyholder rear-ended them the guy dropped off the car for repairs and apparently it smelled just god-awful so they opened up the trunk and sure enough human dead body wrapped in blankets but dude had a dead body in his car and took it in for repairs worst part was we still had to pay to fix the car that was a fun one conversation to have with our adjuster handling the claim because even our internal calls were recorded for legal reasons so we had to be careful with what we said to each other I had a lady who called to file a claim for her $8,000 fur coat she lost when I asked for details she said she accidentally donated it to Goodwill talk about a KO mook if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 139,114
Rating: 4.8228087 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, insurance claims, insurance, claims, absurd, outrageous claim, outrageous
Id: Vce8DOvCIqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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