How Did You Catch Your Catfish Red Handed? (r/AskReddit)

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people who have been catfished how did you catch on that you were being lied to in my sophomore year of college my friend Carrie Mayo 19 met a girl named Kelly in a chatroom they talked a lot and got close one day Kelly revealed that her boyfriend beat her up and broke her jaw Carrie drove to a city a few hours away to rescue her and learned that Kelly was really Kenny Kenny tortured Carrie into giving up all his passwords and then murdered him and left his corpse in a field then Kenny impersonated Carrie online for several days in an attempt to cover his tracks he did a bad job and got caught and killed himself in jail before trial I realize how this sounds with all the names being Kawai but it's a true story you can google it it really messed me up for a while Frick I was hoping this was fake my ex-girlfriend tried catfishing me to test me it took me about 30 seconds of looking through the profile before I realized that the name was her name backwards the craziest thing is that she really thought it would work that girl was bonkers I realized that the name was her name backwards master criminal about six years ago I found out my brother was a catfish he had been catfishing this young man in the UK was being in America he had fake pictures a fake name but his real phone number the guy being catfished we all call him Lenny would repeatedly call my brother and leave messages on our house phone my brother and Lenny often sent each other packages of sweets Lenny made the decision to come to America to visit since he's never been my brother agreed on the day Lenny arrived in Texas my brother told him the truth but never actually met up with Lenny Lenny tried all week trying to convince my brother to meet him telling him he just wanted to know who he really was my brother never showed Lenny called religiously every day for about a month trying to get my brother back I think he really loved him after that I never heard from him again so when I was a freshman in high school I was big into Neopets and had a clique I ran with on the boards and we chatted off-site as well two of those people were Shelby an atom same age as myself more or less and dating Adam had a sister Kelsey I think who was also in the clique well it came to pass as internet relationships do that shall be and Adam broke up and Adam and I started talking dating it Shelby gave us a blessing we shared pics he was typical emo looking kid which fourteen-year-old me loved we talked on the phone only once or twice I was very shy about it so didn't mind the lack of voice communication at one point he sent me a YouTube video of him and his friends there wasn't much talking and it was all pretty muffled and it sounded like they were all speaking German Adam and I broke up and it was after that the big reveal came there was no Adam Kelsey had made him up and been posing as him all along I asked Shelby about it and apparently she had found out when they had broken up too but Kelsey had made her promise not to tell gee thanks TL DR Neopets is for good clean fun not dating I was talking to a girl I met on tinder and while I have on my profile that I'm not interested in being anyone's third she kept talking about the guy she was currently seeing and how hot he was and didn't I want to freak him with her I eventually found her Facebook in his in his was a real Facebook while hers consisted of two really fake looking photos and no actual information so it became apparent at that point it was the guy just trying to get B girls to send obscene text to him that's actually really freaking clever trick I used to be on omegle a chat site a few times when I was 17 or so everyone our stage and gender male female and most of them were disconnect when you said you were a male so at one moment I told people I was female just to be able to talk to people anyway I connected to a girl and we had a great time together we chatted for two hours or so I believe before we gave each other our Skype address I had to create mine in a quick hurry because I didn't have a fake girly Skype address that matched my fake name we went on to chat almost every day just for fun and even though I knew I was lying to her by being a girl I still had some fun but I really felt guilty for lying to her and I knew we couldn't meet in real life even though we lived close to each other one day she confessed that she was lying to me about something that thing turned out to be that she was a guy as well we kept contacts and we had a great time together still and we actually met each other once he died two years later though but still good times about 10 years ago I started chatting with a guy in one of the yahoo chat rooms we had only been chatting for a few weeks when suddenly he disappeared to flying for about two weeks I was so worried but then his sister contacted me and told me he'd been in a terrible motorcycle accident he was an AI COO but she kept in touch with me to let me know how he was after about a month he got back online and we talked every day we traded pics and eventually I got on webcam to say hi he couldn't do the same because of some issues with his computer we talked like this for nearly 3 years it was around this time that I realized his sister was actually him it didn't matter though I was besotted with him and I mean totally head over heels then one day he just disappeared his profile was deleted all his accounts were gone and I have not heard a single word from him since I still have absolutely no idea who she really was and it messed up for a long time I still think about at times I would do anything to know the truth his wife found out it was when I was a teenager not too long after the birth of ICQ I had met this one person in a chatroom and things started to get more and more personal but not too long later they eventually broke down and admitted that they had been lying and that they weren't a young hot girl but instead a man the guy seemed really remorseful and I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I actually wasn't a young hot lesbian either I don't think anybody was ever what they said they were in those old school chat rooms I actually unintentionally catfished someone I was playing league of legends and this guy added me after we played a game his English was broken but I didn't think much of it we started to duo together we did really well but strangely he kept referring to me as a she again didn't think twice about it and I just kept playing with him but eventually he started to get real creepy and told me all these things about him we found out that there was a significant time difference between us but he would log on at the most ridiculous times for him to play with him and started to become a white knight when for anyone would trash taught me pretty normal he would vehemently defend me and start fights with other team members opposing players and whatever shortly after that he would start saying goodnight BB which I thought was bye-bye so I would say haha good night BB back to him then he'd sent me heart like three and I thought we were guys being guys so I would jokingly message that heart back to him eventually he started calling me his GF when he was defending me and I realized he full-on thought I was a female the entire time I messaged him after that game and was like dude I'm a guy and he went on a rampage he started cussing me out and by the end of it the reason why he thought I was a female was because of my username and because I used proper grammar and spelling just because I didn't use proper grammar here does not mean I suck at it , he'd sent me hearts like three and I thought we were guys being guys so I would jokingly message that heart back to him this is my favorite part he claimed to be a u.s. Marine yet at an extravagant amount of free time to play MMORPGs someone here on reddit offered to run his name through the USMC database and he didn't exist well someone by his name did that they had been discharged in 1958 or something whereas this guy claimed to be 21 good old stolen Veiler similar thing happened in a guild I was in the leader was supposedly a Canadian soldier with UN forces fighting warlords in Africa it went so far that he got chemical burns in his lungs and sounded like heck on voice-chat turns out it was all bullcrap he had used a voice changer to sound raspy it was weird and the guild disbanded over it I was probably 19 very bad with women very interrelated things called users think a roleplay centric all text hmmm Oh met a girl on one of the muses she was a senior in high school I had just graduated and we started hanging out online which went to let's call and talk about the plots we're running in which became I'll love you in a couple of weeks there was a lot of fun I scanned my junk she scanned hers we sent it to each other we sit on the phone and laugh about stuff until like 3:00 a.m. or whenever her dad would come in and tell her to hang up she's the first girl I ever had phone freaked I still get a weird tingle when I see girls in videos using the bathtub to masturbate this is all before camera phones so all I had to go on was my imagination well calls start slowing down then the letters stopped getting responded to eventually she just stopped talking to me altogether about then I started putting the pieces together how her pictures were always like some girl in a crowd or some girls school photos or how all my mail came back return to sender until she gave me a new completely different address the signs were all there I was just willfully ignoring them I think there probably was some feelings on her end my theory is that she was a lot younger than she was claiming and I was talking a lot of nonsense about her moving to my state so we could be together I think she got scared or her parents found out she was talking to an older man and she cut contact the romance seemed to directional I liked making her laugh and making silly plans with her she seemed to genuinely enjoy my humor and company but again she was telling me she was 17 and how hard is it to not laugh for 17 sometimes so if your name is rash knee or if you pretended to be a girl named Rashmi in like 2000 no hard feelings thanks for laying the groundwork and making my current relationship which has a temporary long-distance aspect a lot easier and whenever I think about our imaginary son spaghetti bucket I smile and wish you well no that isn't rash me may have been contacted by rash knee not the poster who provided a link to the logs and awaiting confirmation hello it's me o rational go bowling I had a friend back in high school who was tailed us this story a week after it happened at a graduation party so he had been chatting with this girl from Florida for three years decides to finally go and visit her for a week after our high school graduation so he takes a plane down and she was going to pick him up at the airport he arrives and instead is greeted by her mother who says her daughter is waiting for him back at the house so he gets his bags and heads for the car with her notices a guy sitting of the back seats around his age funny he didn't remember anything about her having a brother he starts getting a little weirded out at this point they finally arrive at the house no girl in sight he gets angry and has the mother spill the beans turns out this lady was using her nieces pictures to talk with him how he didn't realize sooner I don't know maybe they never talked on the phone or maybe her voice sounded young anyways he immediately left this lady and her son and spent the night at a hotel and had his parents pay for a plane ticket back home the next day started talking to a girl from ridet great sob story about parents abusing her as a child about how her dad is still living with her despite court cases if only she had something to take her mind off for it she starts sending obscene messages some red flags but people on the Internet are freaking weird at the best of times so I'm down with that given she's 19 or says she is but hey I'm paranoid and check that these people are who and what they say they are as far as possible ask for a verification picture person disappears person starts posting on a new account on reddit I notice and pull a suspicious face similar looking photos similar user names for chat programs decide that I best verify manually by digging around Google tells me that the girl exists Google also tells me girl lives with her grandparents 300 miles from where she said she did a few databases of diddlers and lawsuits eventually turns up her dad who is registered as a dinner where the girl said she was living he got out of jail six months ago every social media account the girl has was created 3-6 months ago all of them use the same set of photos that I eventually find eggs if data for saying they're from a few years ago and more amusingly yet the social media account is sockpuppet in on a few websites google gives me email address a local police station I talked to this guy Sean for months probably close to a year then poof gone it sucked but oh well six months later start talking to another guy with the same unusual middle name he turns out to be Sean's ex-boyfriend and about 80% of the stuff I knew about Sean was actually about him he broke up with Sean six months before and took his phone back and that's why he disappeared TL DR met the real-life inspiration for the persona I was catfished with well I catfished a girl once does that count it was probably the most evil thing I've ever done I was young at the time and extremely lonely and a broke college student she was sweet and loving and made me feel like my life was worth living we met in a Napster chat room yeah you read that right we just started chatting and immediately hit it off at the time I'd never even used AI AM or ICQ or any IM program i made an account just so I could keep chatting with her she filled a massive hole in my life and made me feel that at least somebody cared but to keep her interest I had to invent this wealthy interesting persona who lived in Manhattan New York City over time the lies just kept getting ever more elaborate and absurd this went on for months I still feel a huge amount of remorse about the whole episode to this day eventually I felt compelled to tell her the truth by that point she had already figured it out on her own and was just waiting for me to fess up except at the time I didn't know it we used to chat in the mornings before either of us had to go oft in our respective days one morning in I want to say November December 2001 I finally told her the truth about me in complete detail I even got a cab so she could see me and hear me talk I roll so she'd be able to see and hear and verify everything and know that I didn't want to lie to her anymore about thing I think she realized how sorry I was and that I never meant to hurt her she forgave me almost immediately although I know I still hurt her we became even closer friends after I told her the truth and stayed that way for years we started regularly chatting on cam I even visited her in Dec 2002 eventually we lost contact years later we reconnected on Facebook and then lost contact again when I finally ditched Facebook wherever you are CSS I hope you're happy and well okay so I actually had this happen to be recently I was using a dating up and started talking to this girl she had five photos on there two of her in three group photos nothing surprising for a girl on a dating site we agreed to grab coffee and I arrived early and sat outside and this girl walks up to me and says hello introduced herself as the girl I was meeting but did not look anything like her something was familiar about her but I couldn't go and take out my phone to check so I went ahead we ordered coffee and I thought about making a break for it right there when she went and put sugar in it but decided to stay start talking and we pick up on the conversations we were having online but after about half a cup I had enough and it wasn't going anywhere so I made up some BS excuse and left back in my car I open up my phone to look at her profile again and figure out why she looked familiar she was in the photos she was one of the girls in the group but she was using her friend as the main photo very weird sad part was is that she wasn't terrible looking boring though but not as good-looking as her friend the girl was probably all kinds of crazy or something my best friend's father found out when my friend told him he was in love but her photos were too perfect so my friend got some proof together and broke the news to him he took it well I was catfished on a dating site she was way too hot to be talking to me and sure enough she was a model in a relationship bummer I officiated the in-game wedding on a ver quest of a good friend virtual I had played with him since beta and we were quite close on a I am this is like over 1997 to 2002 or so we were pretty much the most decked out monks on our server and our split pulling was unveiled we were able to clear the best dungeons easier and faster than other guilds raid groups because we were so in sync so over like two years he's really involved with this one cleric Sheikh a high elf they exchanged photos had phone calls etc around year three we had this big roleplay event the GM's even sent me a couple of items to dress in and read wedding vows we were pretty well known on the server having won best of the best tournaments and such over 200 people crammed into West Commons to attend the wedding a few weeks later it turns out she he was arrested for child pornography he was a 400 plus lbs basement dweller in Georgia the FBI got in touch with my buddy after finding correspondence in the guys home it wasn't me but my best friend who was being catfished we were hanging out and he told me about this guy he had been talking to for awhile and was now dating he told me this long ridiculously convoluted story about his boyfriend's life and then he told me that he had never listened to his voice that gave me a pretty bad feeling after some google image searching we discovered at my buddy's boyfriend was fake and so were about half a dozen of other people that were somehow related to him it was pretty crazy the amount of detail that whoever was catfishing my friend put into the fast was astounding good thing is that I got my friend out of there in time back in the myspace days I ended up getting close with a beautiful girl that I thought was known by mutual friends we talked every day all day and then she told me she had feelings I would have dropped everything to be with this girl then I get a message from a girl who was the actual girl whose pictures had been stolen holding proof that the person I'd been talking to was lying the actual girl was sweet and sympathetic but obviously wasn't entrusted it was tough at first because I felt a bond with her that didn't actually exist confronted the catfisher and she eventually owned up scent real pictures and said that everything else was real the feelings and whatnot but she wasn't unattractive either so if she'd have just been honest who nose but I couldn't get past it and cut contact a few years later it wasn't anything serious just this girl sending me pictures when I was 12 - 13 and I sent some back I logged into my old email when I was around 16 and I looked up the email she used and found out it was this elder man who posted up his email asking for girls he sent me another girls pictures piece-of-crap always makes me wonder about the types of people who do this : at what age did they decide to be an absolute creep when she showed up and had a dong 8 stroke 10 would try again doesn't matter had freaked he sent me pictures of the same girl I was pretending to be we both had a good laugh about it on plentyoffish women frequently post dishonest photos ones that hide hide their fat or are a couple of years out of date sure you meet the real girl on the other side but I felt catfished a few times second worst time the girl had a very misshapen gut from the shoulders up she looked normal but she must have been at least 350 pounds when I showed up she cried I vow her a nice dinner then politely made my way home worst time I did not recognize the girl her photos were pre an addiction she had dyed her hair she had gained significant weight once we sat down at the restaurant she told me that this was the first date that she'd had since treatment for a communicable skin disease that she'd gotten frickin a random dude right after we ordered she said we should bounce to her place to get high and hook up I said I was hungry we ate our meal she got a little drunk I turned down her offer to get high and frake she made a scene in the middle of a shopping mall and I walked away I really like turkey liver and the next thing I know someone's yanking me out of the water I'm gonna fry you up with some okra and hushpuppies saw the guy redfish with a cute profile picture on Grindr messaged him on the app never expected a response he replied really quickly and was really eager to chat he sent two pictures of his body but I noticed that his were a lot bigger in one I ignored it because my dong was sinking bill then a random stranger catfish messaged me on Grindr claiming to be red fish's friend how they were really close and go to the same College I responded politely just making conversation red fish then messaged me later that night asking how I found catfish I said he was alright but I already knew the deal so I just played along I just wanted to see how long he could keep this up I took a screenshot of the profile picture from red fish's account and Google Image Search tit and it was on a ton of tumblers after a few days of talking to the both of them and redfish basically talking about catfish the whole time red fish's account blocked me so I messaged catfish to say hey what's up with red fish why did he block me catfish says he knows nothing about that and says he'll ask then comes back and says red fish won't tell him why right then I just reply one fish two fish red fish catfish lame I know but I really like dr. Swiss catfish then types one mother of a story of how he's shocked that I would even think he would do that to someone and that he would never because he has been a victim of catfishing before to the extent of someone stalking him and having to take out a restraining order I don't believe that for a second because catfish is fat and not very aerial yoga pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa then told him how I googled the profile picture and he confessed to all of it he kept making some excuse about how he was tired of being on the sidelines and he just wanted to not be ignored the whole time he just kept making excuses for his behavior not once feeling like he had done something wrong the irony there is that by making up a fake persona his real persona is on the sidelines he should spend less time making up fake crap and just start being the things he feels more ballsy showing off dated this woman for a few months who claimed she was a doctor I thought cool and just went with it I caught on by her continually talking about how she was going to buy a car she had claimed she sold her car before moving claiming she was going to buy me random things claiming she was going to take me to Vegas TC and never delivering on anything I had suspicions for a while but what finally provided evidence was looking her up in medical registries she wasn't listed anywhere I confronted her and she kept trying to make lame excuses for anything I asked about haven't talked to her since failed to send a proof photo or video there should be no excuse in this day and age my husband was catfished before he and I started dating he had met a girl on MySpace who was very hot and he agreed to meet up with her at the mall one day I guess he described his car or something because she met him out in the parking lot and hopped into the truck and introduced herself and he thought it was a joke she either used very flattering angles or else the pictures that she'd posted weren't even her it's important to understand that my husband doesn't expect women to be solid ten swimsuit models I mean if you're clean and mostly fit he'll probably consider you to be moderately attractive but for this girl he couldn't find one redeeming quality physically she was grotesque and apparently really weird and quite stupid as well still my husband being who Nia's he didn't want to hurt her feelings he walked around the mall with her for about 30 minutes before he texted a friend to call him and then made up some frantic story about his friends car being stolen and needing to go pick him up he apologized profusely but had blocked her myspace the second he got home and never tried to date anyone online again I teased him for a while we were friends back then and told him she might end up being really nice if he gave her a chance but he wasn't entrusted he still feels bad for being shallow buddy I snagged him awhile later so I'm not too worried about it it was back in the days of rune escape I seriously doubt there was a preteen in existence who had a rune escape account and hadn't been catfished or at least experienced an attempt I caught then because it was obvious asking for free crap being overly girly etc and because I have been usually unintentionally catfishing people since games with online capabilities give you the ability to choose a female avatar law my cousin did that although she was a girl she'd pretend to be people's GF for free stuff in the end she had like five different BFS or something when I was f ive diamond young and with no self-esteem I took to devoting all of my time to playing Wow I met this cool guy on there and my young brain convinced me I was in love with him the catch of all catches he was 21 with two sons and still living with his ex and yet I ignored all of that and Skyped with him constantly as he boosted my self-esteem and told me I was beautiful even though I knew I wasn't then one day he doesn't sign on to the game or Skype days pass weeks pass and I'm getting desperate I couldn't even vent to anyone I had to keep it a secret then one day he signed back on and completely changed he told my he got into a car accident and couldn't remember anything not even me I stuck with him trying to resolve is memory in the end his ex was trying to rekindle the relationship and she decides she wants to watch him play a while so he can't talk to me when she's watching after a few weeks of that he blocked me on everything and I became a manic mess to this day I can't figure out what changed but it messed me up for a long time I think 21-year old me still doesn't want to believe that it was all a lie and he'll unfortunately always be my first love when I drove to Chicago to meet her and she wouldn't show up I met this Welsh girl on 4chan that was into a lot of the same bands as I was like the same comedians as I did and shared a lot of my political views she was freaking awesome and we stayed up all night talking about anything and everything we went on to spend a good 6-8 hours almost every single day talking pretty much constantly for the next three months she was amazing funny as Frick had really interesting opinions on a lot of things introduced me to a ton of new music and films and was just generally a really lovely person I was incredibly depressed at a time and had just dropped out of college the year prior due to ever increasing anxiety and an inability to function in public she was the only person I had ever felt genuinely comfortable talking to and I was completely fascinated by her I looked forward to waking up every day just because I enjoyed her company we stay up all like talking and watching TV shows and I had genuinely started to fall for her then one night she says good night and we'll talk tomorrow like normal and I headed off to bed the next day she didn't come online a few days went by and I hadn't heard from her at all and I started to get really worried I started checking the news and obituaries in her town but found nothing I went a little bit mental at this point and couldn't eat or sleep properly for weeks on end I had no idea what the frick was going on I genuinely thought I might have completely made the whole thing up and that I was seriously mentally unwell I thought of her and what could have possibly happened every single day the anxiety and stress this caused me actually made me physically and mentally oh this went on for months and I got worse and worse eventually leading to a full-blown nervous breakdown not going to go into details on that but eventually I became functional again and a few months down the line I decided to look into her a little further to see if I could figure out what had happened and get some closure I came across a girl on a social media site whose pictures she had stolen and from there I began to unravel everything I am actually doing fairly well now and I feel a lot healthier than I have in a long long time it's weird but I still think of her from time to time and despite knowing full well it was either a guy or someone entirely different to the pictures I still get quite sad knowing I'll never get to talk to them again and despite it really freaking me up for a long time I'm better for it I just hope they are doing ok too on 4chan well there's your problem tough luck though I unintentionally catfished a guild I played as a female avatar pre voice chat and I was very very chatty in the various text chat channels well years later and I realized that everyone assumed I was a female even other females in the guild and I had thought I was just popular but there was this weird gravitation towards me because of it when I corrected someone and finally literally said that I wasn't a female the distance between everyone else in me was palpable like I was pulling some grand hoax shrug not me but a former guild maid with my mothers from world of warcraft he started dating a fellow guild mate a 20-year old college student self from Albuquerque who not only was a ladder remodelled but her parents we're super devout Christians and wouldn't let her talk on the phone video chat visit give out her address she sent him photos that looked like a blown-out prostitute from back bench not a 20 year old college student lounge remodel this kept up for over a year he would farm her crap in game give her gold items eventually moving up to him sending her real money items to a p.o box the entire guild knew this was going on and nobody wanted to break it to the poor guy that he was being duped except my mom week's go by off my mom trying to talk to this poor guy about how SIL might be misrepresenting herself etc nothing gets through he just thinks that everyone is against them he comes to America he's from British Columbia to attend Blizzcon with a group of us we took a train from Chicago to LA the train stopped in Albuquerque this man wanted to get off the train and not even go to Blizzcon he had no real address no phone number nothing his plan was to go around to every University in Albuquerque until he found her we eventually convinced him that was insane and he should instead message her and get her a train ticket to visit him in LA if she ever responded she never responded to his request to me but instead sent a list of all the crap she wanted from Blizzcon XXXL men's shirts to sleep in and other assorted crap he bought all this crap and then wanted to continue his original plan of going university to university we eventually sort of talked him out of that then left him in leway he continued to try to get her to meet up he flew back to BC a few weeks later still not having met her last I heard they were still together and still hadn't met after like 5-6 years TL DR former guild mate has been getting catfished for years by a fat man from New Mexico who is pretending to be a college student lazar remodel devout Christian she opened the door and it looked like she ate the girl in the picture I was desperate I'm sure that's how a lot of these stories go suddenly a hot blonde is messaging me on OKC and I have no power to say no the brain in my pants was in charge so we exchanged emails to swap nudes she goes first in Halima the Roth good she's hot I have a co-worker watch my counter so I can step away and get things plump and she wants a me no way I'm wanting to see the lower half at this point but she says she needs another one of me no problem what of my my butthole what that's a little off yeah no thanks something else nope that's all she wants of course she makes sure to let me know I shouldn't be embarrassed if it's hairy that's when it hit me I'm sure there are girls that have a fascination with men's Brown stars I mean it's the focus of most modern P but I cannot fathom anybody that is okay with a mangy bottom mane so I go back and look at the nudes she sent to Rea verify that it matches the profile pictures while they are a good match the faces are just ever so slightly different TL DR don't trust about stuff I had a friend who had been stringing along some girl for months and months until one day he told me about it we were drunk and I thought it was funny that was it we had a laugh and I quickly forgot about it a few weeks later I'm at his place and he brings it up again I wasn't drunk this time and he started telling how deep this girl was she said she was in love with him wanted to move from wherever she lived to live with him etc I tried to convince him it wasn't cool but he thought it was the funniest thing I saw him about a week later and when I brought up the subject and he told me he took my advice and stopped talking to her cold turkey just stopped logging into whatever they chatted on I told him that if she was so in love with him like it seemed then that wasn't the best way to deal with it and he agreed few more days person T tells me he logged back in as his sister and told the girl that he got into a car accident and died the guy turned out to be quite a piece of crap for many more reasons and I don't talk to him anymore I joined an online pregnancy support forum for women who were all due to give birth in the same month we got catfished more than once women would steal ultrasound pictures and pass them off as their own and then eventually they would suffer Lawson revel in all the sympathy they received it was not just done with pregnancy but also with some of the groups related to post pregnancy early childhood forums it got to the point where anyone who lost a child during pregnancy or afterwards was suspected of faking it until a thorough search made it seem likely that pictures were not stolen from someone else twice and I didn't find out until I met them the most recent was from OKC it was the first person I responded back to after signing up and he seemed really entrusting decent pictures great job sense of humor and we connected pretty well we planned a date to get sushi because I had recently discovered my love for it but joked about how awful I am at using chopsticks he had spent time abroad in Japan and offered to swoop in and teach me all the skills I had also been talking about how excited I was that a Pinkberry opened a block from where I lived and how it was probably my second favorite thing in the world so I told him I'd take him there too since he'd never had it before when we met he was easily like 10 years older than his pictures and probably 100 pounds heavier I was pretty confused at first and I wondered if this was even the right person will he quickly gave me a present these training chopsticks that are connected at a top so I knew it was him as dinner I guess I didn't need the chopsticks anyway because he ate all the rolls and misery with his hands and said it was the authentic way of doing it why never brought up the disparity between his pictures because I didn't want to be rude about it but we didn't have a second date and he sent me a nasty Graham a few days later for rejecting him and never taking him to Pinkberry the other time was someone I met in Wow we had been playing together and the same guild for about a year and I definitely had a crush on him for most of that time the guild all exchanged aural pics on our forum so we all knew what everyone looked like and I was definitely attracted to him he would always talk about how he wished we could meet and I was like well why the Frick don't we then he was an Ohio State at the time and I went to RIT in upstate NY but I didn't have any problem with road trips so I went for it when we met it was ugh it was pretty obvious he used fake pictures he's well terrible and his apartment was disgusting too it was like 1:00 a.m. at this point and I was super tired from the drive and all I wanted to do was sleep and then go home he claimed that I couldn't sleep on the couch because his roommates friend slept there trying to get me to share his tiny bed instead I declined and slept on the floor but he wound up down there with me at one point and kept inching closer I eventually just slept under his bed because he couldn't fit under there with me and then drove home the next day raiding was pretty Orkut the guild broke up shortly after that about 10 years ago on the twerp last will for him there was a huge catfish it was as a poker forum but has a very active and close-knit community it eventually came out that poker Joe the very attractive and flirty girl on the forums who everyone knew was a guy when players were meeting in real life he would make a lot of personal inside jokes in the threads everyone believed that the Cujo had met most of the other people on the forum in real life turns out he was just a nice guy looking to get some poker advice when people thought he was the guy his poker post would get ignored like most of the unknowns when he started posting as a flirty poker Joe all of the pros and high-stakes players were lining up to coach him everyone was cool about it and he continued to post his poker Joe her face looked like the foot of who I thought I was meeting my roommate told me a girl was calling for me well my stupid story I met this girl on World of Warcraft back in vanilla days we repaired together quested what not well she gave her number her name was Alex so often Don we talked then we kinda just stopped but last year we started talking again while I was interested of course so after a year of this kinda dating she was sending pics of who I thought was her boy was I wrong so me being a dude I asked for nudes she sends me pics of some random girl online go figure I was like okay she is nervous well then I was scrolling on Instagram and saw a picture that sent me it's some Instagram famous girl I felt freakin stupid I called her out she fought it I fought harder she finally gave up her name wasn't even Alex looked like a troll - I was planning on paying for her to see me a few weeks from then so yet Jordan if you read this Frick you comma Jordan if you read this Frick you I don't care if you dye your hair you'll always be a little redhead B I met a guy on a dating website we texted back and forth for three weeks he seemed to be the perfect guy he was dating a lot and kept telling me how most of the women he met were much older and heavier than the pictures they posted online he complained that a lot of people misrepresented themselves online I was shocked as I was new to online dating and didn't understand why someone would do that finally we set up a time to meet he didn't look anything like his photos he was about 30 years old around 50 pounds heavier it was very surprising and disappointing to say the least I still don't understand why people misrepresent themselves it is just a waste of time for both people awh man my story is just so freaked up I'm still trying to wrap it around my head I was 19 fell head-over-heels in love with this guy 4,000 miles away mutual feelings randomly stopped liking me stopped talking three years later did research to try and find him to see how's he doing because I still care for him found out the guy I was talking to at a time was actually a girl who now is a transgender guy bright side I found the real guy the photos were off and he's just so much charming them the person that catfished me if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 234,139
Rating: 4.8606915 out of 5
Keywords: catfished, catfishes that were real, catfished my kid, catfished my sister, catfished my boyfriend, catfishers caught, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: LYeQQ24vF6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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