What's The Greatest Loophole You've Ever Found? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the best loophole you ever found I coach a high school team we recently bought airfare with Spirit Airlines to take nine students to a competition two of the students cancelled about a month out from the trip and we had to replace them with two different students at Spirit Airlines policy no name changes can't even pay a fee to change the name the tickets are basically lost I have to buy new tickets spirits customer services overseas and they plainly don't care at all about customer service because they don't actually work for spirit e.t.c e.t.c except that Spirit Airlines does allow passengers to correct misspellings and these folks don't really recognize nonsense names so over four calls I change the names of the canceled students to the names of the new students two letters at a time no one at spirit customer service made a note because who would care and no one ever notices that the correct names during the intermediate steps were nonsense also frick spirit some new magazine was asking college students to send our subscription forms by email to all their friends for each 25 emails you sent you will get a $10 Amazon gift card turns out they didn't need to be real emails I made about $100 before they told me to stop in first grade our school had catch a kid cards every time you did something good you'd get one whoever had the most at the end of the year won a prize my teacher to promote animal awareness or sim crap gave us one card for each newspaper story we brought in that had something to do with animals so instead of being a good kid doing good deeds I just combed through the newspaper each day and hoarded cards through animal stories eventually she was like a rightful frisch's sake you're only getting half father card for each story and I was like mice fives I do not give a Frick and continued bringing in the stories I destroyed all the competition and won the grand prize of a $50 Toys R Us gift card which when converted from six-year-old dollars into US dollars is about twenty four thousand five hundred dollars that conversion sounds about right Best Buy had double trade-in value on games several times Craigslist people want cash instead of store credit but used games for $20 get $25 in trade in which doubled to $50 store credit I ended up with about $1,200 in store credit which cost me maybe $400 my old bank used to give me $2 reimbursement any time I used another bank's ATM to cover the fee there was a local bank ATM that charged a one dollar and fifty cents fee so I would make $0.50 three times a month years ago signed up for the Columbia house DVD of the month when I was 16 most of you probably don't know about this bit it was a deal where you got a dozen DVDs for free and then had to buy one a month for $15 if you didn't order a movie that month they would send you one that was their selection of the month anyway when I got all the free movies I wrote them a letter stating I wasn't 18 and they cancelled my subscription and led me keep the movies for free also back then you could just sign up with a fake name it was a simpler time back when I was much younger maybe around 8 - 9 my stepfather notorious spicy food connoisseur dared me to eat a chili pepper after I refused he told me that if I could eat the whole thing he would buy me an xbox he hadn't said anything about chewing so I cut the pepper into three and swallowed them whole with some milk always to keep his word he bought me an Xbox the following day I think he was probably going to buy the Xbox for you either way and just wanted to see if you do it I work at McDonald's the first thing that comes to mind is one time when a guy ordered a $0.50 cone in a cap and Oreo crumbs on the side he mixed it together right there at the counter and made a cheap version of a McFlurry which is two dollars and fifty cents I'll throw in another story for good measure I lately wanted a McChicken meal McChicken sandwich medium fries medium drink that wanted all the contents ordered separately on the screen there's a meal button that groups everything together ordering everything separately made it like a dollar cheaper this isn't a cheap it's not on the menu but I highly recommend ordering a vanilla shake with an espresso on the side mix those together for a heavenly reward if you do your own brake job you can buy brakes from autozone that include a warranty this warranty just so happens to cover normal wear and tear every time you need new brakes bring in the worn out ones and you get a new set for free seriously amazing when there isn't changed their unlimited plan we got to keep house due to being grandfathered in basically as long as we kept our phones we kept the plan but once we upgraded we would have to switch plans my family has four phones three smart phones and my little brothers dump phone with no data when we went to upgrade we asked the Vera's and rep if there was any way we could keep unlimited after some experimenting with the system she found a way she moved my data package to my brother's phone since he didn't have any data upgraded my phone then moved the data package back same for my parents phones so we got to keep the unlimited and still got our upgrade screw-you Vera's own but major props to your employees I also have visas however I think they block this loophole however you can get new old phones or used ones and swap out the SIM card I've done this twice those self-serve yogurt places have been popping up all over my area for the last 2-3 years one open up shop in a crappy strip mall that's a pain to get in and out of to get people in they put stacks of coupons out in offices near them for a free small yogurt they neglected to put an expiration date on any of them I gathered all of them that were as my office and even found some in a handful of places near the yogurt place I've been eating free yogurts for the last 20 months I learned double points on my credit card through gas and grocery purchases so when I plan to buy something say a nose or go out to eat I go to the grocery store and buy a gift card double points for the gift card and at least double fuel points through the grocery store rewards programs have caught on to this scam and exclude anon merchandise purchases like gift cards there was a McDonald's near my college and in it was an ATM if you use the ATM and got a receipt it would come with a coupon for a buy one get one free large sandwich I'd swipe my card hit cancel and a receipt would print out showing the cancellation I would then find someone in line buying a large sandwich and hand it over to them free sandwiches for about 8 months until it finally went away I don't eat McDonald's anymore this is the most college student loophole in the thread watched a guy do this over the course of about 1.5 years when I worked for a credit card company the guy was getting a divorce but wanted to hide some money from his soon-to-be ex-wife so he overpaid his credit card account by eighteen thousand dollars he then called us to issue a check for the money so on his statements it would reflect a zero balance but he would never cash four check so it would come back on our books every six months the balance would return and he would call to have a new check issued so it looked like an accounting error from what I understood the lawyer only reviewed a couple of months worth of credit card statements and he timed the issuance of a check just right so no one was the wiser he called and spoke to a guy on my team and told him the whole story and then we issued the check for the last time and never heard from him again I used to work as a teller for a credit union guy would do the same thing we would cuss cashier checks out of a neutral account so he just took all guys money as cashier checks payable to himself came in on the six-month mark to recut the checks had so much money from his wife when I first got an iPhone I bought an insurance package that I thought covered just about anything after about a month of having my new iPhone I got a really bad scratch on the screen the scratch haunted me and I would constantly imagine a nice fresh screen again so I went to the insurance company and asked them to replace it the insurance rep told me my coverage is limited to more severe damage like cracks and water damage not scratches so naturally I went out into the parking lot and tanked my phone against the pavement completely obliterating the screen I walked back into the same insurance rep acting like I wasn't just there five minutes ago and explained that my phone was severely damaged and I wanted a replacement in four days I had a nice smooth iphone free of charge this time with a screen protector not my find but my mother's back in the day when a woman needed her husband's permission to get a loan or sign up for a credit card my mother used to take advantage of the sign up for our store credit card today and get X xxx free she would fill out the form completely good since my father refused to sign the permission section because he thought it was stupid that she would need permission in the first place the credit card company would throw out her application so she would get the free gift either way she must have done this a dozen or more times not my loophole but whatever the American government wanted and still wants people to use one dollar coins instead of notes so they start selling one dollar coins for one dollar people used their credit cards to buy $100,000 dollars worth of coins and then immediately deposited them all into their bank taking them out of circulation again to pay off their credit card and then reap the rewards from the credit card usage usually in the realms of frequent flier miles people were accumulating millions of miles worth of airline travel for free you are forgetting an important part of the loophole free shipping in order to encourage wider distribution of the coins the US Mint offered free shipping on orders coins so basically order coins from the US Mint with a rewards credit card have then shipped for free to you and then take them to the bank immediately upon receiving them and no cost to you and you rack up the points do I have a good one I had saved up a crapload of coins and needed to get them counted I went to a bank that I knew had a coin counter mine didn't and asked the staff if I could use it if I belong to another Bank she said sure and so I did it was about $800 plus one all counted I took my slip to the counter and she asked if I had an account them I explained I didn't but the lady at the front said I could use it she comes over B and says she didn't realize I didn't have an account here WTF and I would need to pay 20% of my coins total I was fuming for about five seconds then I turned to the teller and said I'd like to open an account please she was peed but sent me to the other section to open an account I deposited the money into my account waited until I got my card withdrew it and went in and closed the account it was a lengthy workaround but it worked always wanted to tell people about this all right into nintendo power and never had a chance this goes back to the days of the Gameboy I learned one day while playing final fantasy adventure that you could max out your levels through a simple trick at one when one of your characters would gain a new level do not move from your existing position and immediately save the game - then press B a start select which would cause the Gameboy to reset three load up the game from where you saved and you will immediately get attacked by the same monster that you leveled up from last time upon killing him the same character who got leveled up previously will level up again rinse repeat it's old and no one cares but I feel like I finally got to spread the word on this one I can die happy winn-dixie had skittles buy-one-get-one-free at the register when you scanned the pack of sour skittles a manufacturer's coupon for a free bag of regular skittles came out of the register so as long as they were separate transactions you could use the COO from the previous transaction on the current one so on and so forth I bought a whole case of both paying point one to fill tax for each transaction most hotels will charge you if you cancel the booking within 48 hours of your scheduled stay you can reschedule your booking for free though and move it outside of the 48-hour block and then cancel for free this year I have casually found a vending machine near my house that has a little bug if I insert my money and I repetitively press the button for a santur the Machine gives me two font or instead of one now I always go to that vending machine my high school advanced algebra teacher had a system way you could retake an exam if you failed part of this was if you were to tutor someone who failed and then subsequently passed the cause of your help you get one stroke two of their improvement added to your score so the smartest girl in the class and I took turns getting zeroes on exams and then tutoring each other when I was in elementary school I took part in a paper airplane contests in which whoever's paper airplane flew the farthest one we had unlimited pieces of paper at our disposal and about 10 minutes to craft our planes I noticed some other kids had airplane that flew quite a bit farther than mine but still not very far so basically I crunched all my failed claims in two attempts paper ball and just chucked it it went almost four times as far as my nearest competitor when our whole algebra 2 class figured out how grading on a curve works and statistically used it to our advantage average grade on our finals was a 52% so the whole class passed without really even trying on it went to wall not to buy a shotgun which required proof of residency and my driver's license had a p.o box so they wouldn't accept it I asked what documents could be used as proof of residency turns out a fishing license counts does Walmart sell fishing licenses at the same sporting goods desk yes they do document needed to get a fishing license a driver's license a walnut Sporting Goods associate filled out the paperwork for my fishing license for which I provided my physical address and then handed it over to me I handed it back and said now I'd like to purchase that shotgun the look on their face was priceless but a few minutes later I walked out with it back in middle school and high school I was busted at home for looking at pee my parents had the MSN browser and Internet service at the time their response was to ground me and change the password to get on the msn account this is during the years of dial-up I discovered that I could type in any random digits into the password space allowing their scent to start the dial-up process and then minimize the window but the computer would connect to the internet but not the MSN account would then open internet explorer and browse to my heart and hands content arrays the the internet history and they were none the wiser when RadioShack had opened locations nearby I'd buy cheap a $1 10 air birds later a cheapy $10 20 pair of over ear headphones and get a warranty on them whether it was the quality of the stuff or me being an idiot these would never last me more than a month or two so I'd go back by the same hair for a huge discount thanks to the warranty and put a new warranty on those repeat get to $3.00 sets of earbuds headphones forever or at least until the RadioShack's nearly closed down they closed down for a reason you are that reason I guess this is kind of a loophole one of my proudest moments nonetheless in the final semester of my senior year in high school I decided to take a class called physics III I like the first physics class I took I thought that this would be a fun class to go out on wrong it was basically AP Physics I was in way over my head it's not that I wasn't trying it's that physics just wasn't a subject I could easily understand I failed a lot of tests at the end of the semester I had addy going into the final I'm freaking out at this point thinking that my college acceptance is going to be pulled our final project is about buoyancy the task is to build a boat that could support you and your partner out of nothing but cardboard glue and 20 feet of duct tape if you could paddle to the end of a pool and back with you and your partner in the boat you get an a on that aspect of the project great then my teacher made the mistake of offering an extra incentive for every length of the pool you could go beyond that without sinking you'll get 40 extra credit points extra credit was my only hope we went out and found the sturdiest cardboard we could find we carefully folded dude and cut the cardboard into a canoe type of boat it looked great the day finally came the entire class brought their boats out and we started most people made it to the end of the pool before their boat started to disintegrate one group made it back and forth 13 times before they sank we were the very last team we'd go in and start paddling we make it to the end and paddle back then out and back again and again and again we cross the pool 60 times before our teacher made us stop we did not sink we both earn 2,400 extra credit points I went from a D to an A on the very last final I ever had in high school true story and one of my greatest days I would have made the cardboard a couple inches shorter than the length of the pool and just shuffled it back and forth a couple times for all the bonus points this is girl Pepe she only appears once in every 50,000 memes like in three seconds for good luck if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 752,796
Rating: 4.9112968 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, loophole, reddit loopholes, loopholes reddit, loopholes again, Greatest Loophole, top post
Id: P_LReCr3qR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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