What's The Dumbest Rule You Ever Had Follow? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the most idiotic rule you've ever been expected to abide by in fifth grade my friend and I were walking through the mostly empty school to get to our bus at the end of the day a teacher was walking in the opposite direction towards us and he yelled at us to walk in a line so we made a line just the two of us and walked like that to our bus but a line can be drawn from any two points you had already formed a line I went to a semi boarding high school about ten percent of students boarded and new dorms were constructed while I was there we had a big meeting and the principal said no students of the opposite gender in your dorm room we don't want anyone freaking a bit paraphrased one of the students stood up and said what about the gay kids they get to frake so for about a month the rule was no students of the opposite or same gender in your dorm room with the exception of your roommate Eminem's helicopter pilot ëifí with night-vision goggles problem the FAA rules for using NV G's state that the aircraft must also be equipped with a working radar altimeter so if I am flying over the Sierra Nevada mountains on a pitch-black night and the radar altimeters I have to take the night-vision goggles off fixed-wing pilot here your first job is ensuring the safe arrival of your aircraft screw the rules if you have to just land safely one time as my high school some kid got busted dealing pot from a bathroom near the auditorium as a result students were barred from using that bathroom for the rest of the semester I'm sure that completely solved the problem my high school closed a bathroom because someone got caught freaking in it it lasted about two weeks before there too many lates caused by kids having to sprint across campus just to pee Elementary School in Canada we were not allowed to form circles during recess and such as you get older you kind of get into that hole oh look at me I am getting older and cooler and I just stand around and talk with people instead of freaking around in the snow type of thing and apparently as forming circles are a safety hazard because supervising teachers couldn't see anything going on in the the circle I mean god forbid what if we were making a circle inside of that circle you guys should have made a square - Frick with them I once took a part-time job from a temp agency at a Toys R Us distribution warehouse where my job was to cut open boxes place it on all on a pallet and put the pallet in the bottom of the stacks large shelves we were all just extra people they needed for the extra Christmas workload met all kinds of interesting people including an elderly husband and wife who were farmers trying to make ends meet well anyway the one person in charge of this was an absolute C she was a permanent Toys R Us employee we were treated like crap oftentimes we didn't have any boxes to cut open and were made to stand still at our tables large but low metal tables with four people to stand around and do nothing if we moved around or heaven forbid we sat down on the table we were screamed at I guess they thought if we were going to be paid for doing nothing that we should suffer for it standing in one spot for up to four hours straight would absolutely kill my back I have run into a lot of jobs where the rules seem to be just made to punish employees oftentimes because of what some bad employee did in the past and now all future employees have to pay for it I worked at a Toys R Us store for Christmases extra help stacking the empty shelves overnight but we had a rule that if there was nothing to do you'd go to the warehouse in the back and drive around like a maniac and those little electric toy cars I don't think this was official policy though at a previous job I was instructed not to keep any document or email for longer than six months and that my computer would be audited to ensure compliance this included program source code I was a programmer on the plus side not a lot of legacy code to worry about giving up my nail clippers at airport security ëifí the planes clearly you're trying to take contr weight would file a system admin for a company that had a proposal to do some work for a large bank they told us we needed to comply with their security procedures for data storage and mentioned the name of the document in an email when we asked for a copy of the document so we could make sure we were compliant we were told that we couldn't see it as it was an internal bank document and not allowed to be transmitted outside their Network TL DR was told to comply with a security document we weren't allowed to see that's also how US law works now I worked at Pizza Hut for a while we got an order for five pepperoni pizzas so I laid out five discs of dough stretched them all then source them all you know the most efficient way to do it the manager came over and said I was doing it wrong that I had to make each pizza start to finish place it in the oven then make the next one I told him he was an idiot and kept doing it the efficient way GM came in later and totally had my back Christ that's a pathetic victory I worked in daycare we had classroom ratios say one teacher must be in the room for every five children there my new boss wanted us to call her when we needed to go to the bathroom and wait for her to come and cover us for the time it took us to go pee okay so this doesn't sound so bad except we'd call her and she'd tell us to hold it or she'd say that she was busy with something and would be there in a second and then a half an hour later when we're slinking down the hall to the bathroom she'd yell at us for being in the hall she also wrote me up for being too loud in a daycare I was singing songs to infants during circle time and they were all sitting quietly and clapping if she was crazy didn't happen to me personally but my sister is severely mentally and physically handicapped wheelchair-bound and frequently has health issues or doctor's appointments which inevitably led to many missed classes despite this we've gotten countless phone calls and messages on the machine informing us that my sister has earned an in-school suspension for her missed classes dang that's a good way to get your school sued Justin for your information I'm not saying you should I'm just stating fact this sort of thing is inevitably going to elicit a knee-jerk reaction from an upset parent I wasn't allowed to watch pg-13 or higher movies or the book comic game act equivalent until I moved out of my parents house 19 additionally I was not allowed to have my computer in my room not entirely unreasonable the weird thing about that is it kept being true after I got married and was just visiting see in that case what you say is okay we're going to stay at a hotel then not me but I went to high school with a guy who had very overprotective stereotypical Asian parents he then went to college a five hour drive away from his folks and lived at college so when he was away for all his parents knew he could have been doing coke and going to strip clubs five nights a week but when he came home for holidays he had to be in before it got dark out even when he was over 21 when Batman Begins came out his parents only let him go see it with me and some friends because we lied to him for his own good and said my mom was driving us to the theater we were old 21 plus TL DR friend's parents made him be home before it got dark out every night and only let him go see a movie when he was 21 because they thought my mom was going with us in schools if someone tries to fight you and you don't want to you can't even defend yourself the rule is if you throw a punch or preform any other violent acts you've consented to the fight are you a 140 pound freshman about to get killed by a senior did you hit them once in self-defense it got sent to the hospital well guess what kiddo you've got five days out of school suspension we actually have an hour rule book the penalties for setting off a bomb is that necessary it was even worse at my high school your belt was suspended even if you sat there and did nothing I worked at a zoo and we weren't allowed to use a word evolution in high school I left campus after class and got some ice cream I came back 20 minutes later to meet with my teacher for help on calculus when I walked into campus I was stopped by one of the ladies on yard duty who informed me that I'm not allowed to come back on campus after leaving I explained to her that I was coming back for tutoring but she didn't care long story short she took me to the admin office and turned me in and they gave her weird looks and told her what I was doing was completely fine had to wear an aerial harness to climb a six-foot ladder mmmmmm OSHA regulations when I was in primary school about seven or so I remember that we were not permitted to eat mother nature lunch bars because they promoted paganism I ate them every day sticking it to the man back in high school our then Dean of Students a woman who literally carried around a ruler to see if girl skirts were too short tried to bring about a rule where girls had to have sleeve dresses at school dances but that rule didn't last long as in before the next school dance one of the female teachers 35 told her that after spending the weekend going to different stores there was not a single sleeve dress that either she or a 16 year old would want to buy half the school would have been in detention if they hadn't taken out that role as a guy I would have deeply considered purchasing and wearing a sleeveless dress to the dance before chickening out and not going at all the company I used to work at told us that our emails didn't work externally and that we could only email each other it was total rubbish and everyone knew it we could email our friends and families any time but we had to pretend like nobody actually knew that's 200 people in the office hiding a secret because the IT guys weren't actually IT guys and had no idea how to set up an internal messaging system the IT guys knew they also thought it was a dumb rule and just let email through rather than block it and have to listen to users be at a private school I went to it was mandatory for all boys to wear ties on Wednesdays if you didn't wear one you were sent to home to get one well one day I forgot luckily I was blessed with the ingenuity of MacGyver that day and made a tie out of a long piece of paper towel it worked for a couple hours until some butt holes in my class pointed it out a apparently paper is not an acceptable material for ties I was sent home once worked at a Chinese restaurant where if you forgot to put the rice on the tables order white or brown rice which were free the owner expected you to buy the entire tables meal out of your paycheck it happened to me once in the six months I was there and they told me to pay the $50 tab for the table I told them if they enforce that rule I'd walk out in the middle of service they didn't enforce the rule in my elementary school a few times a week they would take the brightest students and put them in a class one or two grade levels higher to help teach maturity but I was finished my work grade for I was put into a grade 6 class and didn't have anything to do so I started doing the other class work after I finished I went to the teacher and asked if I had done it correctly and proceeded to be chastised for the next 30 minutes apparently there's some taboo on challenging yourself when I was in high school there was a rule that students were not allowed to grow facial hair in any form but if a student tried to grow facial hair or just plain didn't have the time to shave before getting to class which started at 7 a.m. he was sent to the Disciplinary office scolded by the vice-principal and forced to shave with a single bladed disposable razor and no shaving cream multiple of my friends face this punishment I asked several teachers why this rule was in effect and most of them simply stated that they didn't know I got one answer out of the dozen teachers I asked and that was it so that the students don't look like they're older and get mistaken as faculty this would allow them to roam the halls and not get sent back to class to which I could only respond why don't you just learn what your co-workers look like the football coach was not happy with me after that my high school did this as well for the same faculty mix-up reason though we could get a medical waiver to grow facial hair I found that to be totally freaking mind-blowing to make a rule enforce it and then give a goddamned loophole I was home-schooled through high school and when I was applying to schools I had this conversation with the local colleges admissions folks admissions okay and we'll need a copy of your high school transcript me oh I don't have one I was home-schooled admissions okay we'll still need a transcript me right but I don't actually have one admissions well we need a transcript to let you in so you will have to send us one at me you realize that no such thing actually exists so I'm going to have to make something up admissions that's fine so I did and was promptly accepted this will be a metaphor for life take note not mine but at my friend's work not allowed to download Firefox because it's not secure main browser was ie6 to show school support when the school song was played students would link arms and sway side to side we got a new principal who immediately banned swaying due to its suggestive nature any student caught swaying will be suspended and we were this was 1972 he was fired in 1973 in 2002 my eldest child had this weird substitute teacher in one of her high school classes she commented about strange rules and his bad attitude when she said his name all I could do was laugh it was my old principal no holding hands or hugging rule in high school in junior high during our school dances whenever two people danced their naughty parts had to be a basketball apart made for some real awkward looking slow dancing we weren't allowed to talk at lunch in the cafeteria grade six eight yes seven eleven and the Academy I go to belong in year twelve now so don't have to wear a uniform have to wear thick black Blazers year-round and you're not allowed take them off for any reason except science experiments and art you know nine there was a mini heatwave and we still weren't allowed to take off our Blazers many detentions were given over that week for taking off the Blazers so we wouldn't get hot no Linux in high school because it was classified as a hacking tool my high school's cafeteria was too small to legally hold all of the students fire code reasons for this reason I would eat lunch in the band room my senior year they cracked down on this the principal called and assembly and announced that all students would be required to spend the lunch period in the cafeteria at this point I stood up and said do you realize that that would require exceeding the legal capacity of the cafeteria breaking the law and putting students safety at risk the principal responded with well sometimes you have to make do with what you have I don't think far marshals play that game I got sent down to the office to get an out of uniform slip on and out of uniform day at my elementary school we had a very strict no snowball policy this doesn't mean no throwing snowballs at people this means picking up snow and forming a bull is not allowed so anyway in grade six me and my friends were throwing snowballs at a tree for fun one day we got caught and had to write a letter apologizing and explaining wise was wrong and whose feelings we hurt I wrote the tree if you wrote it on paper I'm not too sure you learned your lesson fine stool people's computers and remove old ones because it's a union building I can't carry a flat panel monitor ten pounds 90 feet down the hallway we had the same sort issues when I worked at Kennedy Space Center couldn't move desks computers or any type of equipment I was on vacation with my girlfriend at the time and her dad had a no peeing standing up rule literally I was not allowed to pee standing up in his house he said this to me at the beginning of the vacation and I thought he meant to make sure the toilet seat was down after I used it since he only had daughters and wanted to protect them or something so one time when I was peeing standing up as any man would my girlfriend's mom says from outside the door that she can hear someone peeing while standing up still taking this as a joke I admitted that it was me I then got a 30-minute lecture on how I should obey his rules and not pee standing up still one of my biggest WTF moments in a relationship one I was 21 that the time this happened to I was never given the true reason for this rule he said something about protecting his daughters maybe not wanting to hear a man peeing or something I wasn't really paying attention during his lecture so most of it went over my head 3 I listened to him lecture me because he was a military man my gfs parents already hated everything I did and I didn't want to cause any more problems in our student handbook as my high school I found this gem any step measuring longer than 2 feet is to be considered running indoors and punished appropriately as a 6 foot tall person with knee problems basically every step I take is more like 3 feet I was given in-school suspension for two days logically I then organized a long step protest and got about 70 people to take large exaggerated steps down the main hallway comma to show how stupid he felt he called another emergency assembly to apologize to which he wore a purple and gold clown suit and a dunce cap that's probably the best way he could have handled that I'm surprised nobody told him during those two months I went to a Catholic school from first to eighth grade so you can imagine just how many absolutely ridiculous rules we had to follow but I think the worst was when we got a male principal and he made a rule that we were no longer allowed to wear shorts under our skirts at the time I was only upset about it because it made no sense to me since no one could even see the shorts but once I got older I realized just how sick it was you know I think I would have told my kids to wear the shorts and to call me and tell me every time someone reported one of them for wearing the shorts let's see I worked a crap ton of overtime because I was the last person on my team who hadn't quit because my manager was such an embassy Alby so I was stuck doing the work of an entire team working late into the night often past midnight and over many weekends then she decides that I don't get any not even 15 minutes off flexed so if I have to miss 15 minutes of work I have to report it and get docked then she decides that if I'm five minutes late to work I have to report it and it will show negatively on my performance review so yeah I don't work at McDonald's I work as a software analyst for a major university I've never been treated so poorly in my life I quit and move to a different department where we can pretty much come and go as we please so long as the work gets done still put in loads of overtime but I'm more than happy to TLDR incompetent hyper controlling freak shot herself in the foot while working at a store I was not allowed to flatten boxes outside of the box flattening area I was in Katimavik which is the Canadian program that is basically a government sanctioned cult were youth 1722 get to travel to three places in Canada doing volunteer work they cover your transportation housing and activities and you get an allowance of three dollars a day it sounds great if you wanted travel and have no savings except they have some busy rules which make it sort of like a hippie ish commune where everyone is supposed to love everyone else equally you are not allowed to have close friends or physical relations at all so here we were a bunch of 17 22 year-olds stuck and rural Manitoba in minus 45 degree winter no TV or recreation at the house except lots of snow and cows what do you think happened out of 11 people eight of them hooked up we had to meet each other and secret because we would get disciplined if it was found out on our weekend off a bunch others decided to get hotel rooms and gasp couples shared rooms together our group leader disciplined us and gave us strikes I already had two strikes for insignificant things so I was told to leave the programme I was also disciplined because I spent too much time hanging out with a female friend instead of like six people at once singing in a circle like they wanted us to do it was a pretty bizarre social experiment kind of like Big Brother except nobody wins at my high school when someone was late they would just have the teacher mark tardy on their computer most students were never more than a minute late they just couldn't get to class fast enough and would walk in 30 seconds late or so and our principal had the brilliant idea of instead having a tardy table the way across the school where students would go line up and register as being tardy if you were late to class the teacher would send you to the tardy table instead of just marking you late themselves instead of having a teacher mark the one or two people who showed up tardy to their class you had late students from all classes lining up to register as tardy with only one person to process them at the tardy table the result was students ending up 1530 minutes late to class because they were waiting in line to register as tardy the parents were not pleased but the principal insisted that it would reduce the number of students who were late overall I'm not sure if they kept it or not the tardy table was started just a few months before I quit school public schools always have the dumbest rules though make a gun with your index finger and thumb and it's zero tolerance bully the gay kid and man whatever in grade six the principal of our elementary school got annoyed by everyone hugging to say hello and goodbye sir he banned it no students were allowed to hug each other on school property in all fairness I'm sure many an embarrassing preteen bono was saved at my former company much of my work depended on being able to send and receive email yet no one except management-level was allowed to have their own email address or even access the outside Internet through the company LAN I was inside an office and had to surreptitiously steal a phone line and get on my own personal dial-up account to do my job protests to management of course proved fruitless it was all in the name of security I'm in high school and they give all teachers emails to communicate with each other and with the students so we email each other questions and homework etc but email sites are blocked unless your faculty member if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 76,284
Rating: 4.9228816 out of 5
Keywords: stupid rules, stupid rules in sports, stupid rules in schools, stupid rules in states, idiotic, stupid, idiotic rules, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 5uDOJCZpFpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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