Bosses, When Did You Have To Fire Your Best Employee? (Work Stories r/AskReddit)

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employers and managers who had to fire their best employee what happened we hire a lot of people in recovery who are a part of the drug court program under the condition that they will be terminated if they go back to jail for drug alcohol charges this co worker was our hardest worker and always picked up shifts and got tons of compliments so it really sucked when she relapsed and failed her pee test with drug court she got sent to jail for a week and we had to fire her I still kept in touch with her and when I found out she was pregnant I convinced my boss to hire her back one last chance I'm so happy I wasn't wrong because she's about to celebrate a fourth year of sobriety and she's now management that is awesome had a great waiter Robert sucker could run circles around the entire staff he knew the kitchen as well could jump in at prep and assist if we got backed up and still tend to his tables dumb boss put a $3 bottle of white zinfandel in his backpack right in front of a security camera and while the owner was sitting at the bar eating he was a student and working part-time he had to be bringing in $300 500 in cash a week worked in a restaurant at hotel chain management regularly found meaningless reasons to suspend various employees or cut hours this one guy had been there almost 13 years clients loved him staff appreciated his presence and he often came to the rescue of anyone requiring help everyone could depend on him and he supported everyone he had liked everyone in a restaurant bumped heads with management now and again like everyone on one particular season they decided they were going to groom him in the eventualities to take on more responsibilities his position would eliminate his right to tips but it came with insurance a retirement plan and steady pay he had kids was in his mid 40s it all made sense why someone would take that job he would however no longer be in the Union fast forward to the day after his training is complete the guy comes in with his management uniform and all some waiter calls in sick and instead of him calling in another employee he decides he was going to handle a few tables and the management responsibilities at the end of the shift hotel manager summons the guy into his office like the boss off his boss they fired him straight away he was escorted out of the building and our boss said there was strict rules and management working tables harmed the hotel's image it was complete BS he had maybe taken two tables and split the rest amongst the rest of the staff everyone basically agreed they promoted him just to get him out of the Union to be able to fire him a number of employees left shortly after four other various reasons it was a sort of shaking up the COO and anyone who wouldn't fall in line would be shown the door today that restaurant no longer exists they closed down maybe two years later rebranded the restaurant from American steakhouse to Italian French dining two new cooks new waiters new management it was just sort of the catalyst or the first domino and thats how liv garden was born had a guy who would work his butt off daily inputting data into spreadsheets would come in put in solid hours of actual work not goofing off he would literally get four times as much stuff done a week as anyone else in the office after three weeks straight of this other people start to take notice and occasionally ask him to help them out when they are behind and he obliges this gets worse and worse and eventually people are basically just walking all over him while they spend all day facebooking and whatnot because he won't say no if they ask him to help with their work the dude just keeps trucking through though about four months into working there it's gotten to the point where you can hear the extra kunti girls talking about leaving early and not getting in trouble because he will just do all the work for us if we ask anyway well the guy goes into the boss's office and I work right next to it so I can hear more or less the entire conversation I am paraphrasing but it went something like this I would like a raise I am doing way too much work for how much I am getting paid everyone else who works here is so dang lazy I even have people making jokes about how I will do their work for them and they will get paid for it well name I can sympathize with you but you have to understand I can't just give you a raise if I give you a raise I would have to explain to everyone why you got a raise and they didn't you could tell them it's because I am doing half of their work for them while they look at stupid memes I'm sorry name it just wouldn't work out well well then is there any positions available above mine that I could apply for a promotion - I don't think we can really look into a promotion this early and to be working here we would need time to properly evaluate your work ethic seriously you seriously just said that to me I'm not going to break my back doing an entire offices work for a company that doesn't give two shoots about me you and this entire office can go freak themselves he walks out of the office fuming mad and yells hey everyone boss just denied my raise so no more leaving work early for any of you lazy freak heads cause I frickin quit it was like a scene from office space only in real life he was one of my best weekend workers dependable always on time really good at his job I got a call from my management honor the fourth of July saying we are going to need to find a replacements for name I say why did he find a better job my management no he was arrested for murder last night so let's just say I didn't have the chance to fire him I was dumbfounded when I got that call my dad had a guy working for him who was great could work long hours not complaining about being on call etc well he got caught freaking a nurse in his office he got divorced and had a nervous breakdown and started threatening to kill everyone so they had to fire him and have him banned from the premises oh and after that we caught him hiding in the woods behind our house crazy guy oh and he sued us for wrongful termination really dedicated guy top manager for retail job I worked at lost her keys to the store that also had the keys to all the registers on the keyring the registers started going short all would be empty aside from the change in dollar bills in the drawer this went on for months corporate found out after installing a new set of security cameras overnight without her knowledge she enlisted a group of sales associates to do most of the dirty work but they found out she was the ringleader when they found out all the sales associates would bring her the stolen money and she would dole it out after taking her cut we had a field tech that was awesome probably the best I've ever seen or heard of he was knowledgeable skilled and personable he was always early worked great under stress when things went south and often finished jobs early if we had off our issues he was always available and it seemed like he was in his truck and ready to get going right away well it turns out that he was always in his truck and ready to go he had been living in his company truck for some time and just pulled off the side of the road each night at a utility pole climbed up still some cable TV and set up shop for the night we found that out and had to let him go also the coke and the M sounds like the ultimate field tech 24 hours availability no problem thanks to the air and he probably creates more cools if there aren't any by stealing copper wiring obligatory not me but co-worker I had joined the company a few months prior was still getting to know the various details of my job and this guy was the star of the company I spent as much time working with him as I could honestly I mean he was the frickin star he was a solid programmer great project manager or some account and customer management skills and he had a knack for thinking outside the box on creative solutions he loved working there had rejected offers from Google Facebook and Pinterest that I know of and then he freaked the directors sixteen-year-old daughter age of consent is 16 here he was 31 well that would not tend to win you any friends in the management not me with a story from when I worked at Disneyland a long time ago in attractions rides the arian manager loved this one particular cast member employee like this was the son he never had this CM was promoted to let on one of the roller coasters fairly quickly in his regime one night he was the lead on the closing crew and the crew decided to ride after hours idiots that they are they went without the lap bars and on one turned the ride is visible from the walkway even though the park was closed to guests security was still in the park and a security guard saw the train go by with the CM standing up through the turn security gets a hold of theme park one the manager in charge of the park for the night who calls attractions one to find out what's going on not surprisingly every cm who was on the closing crew that night was fired unfortunately so was the predict some because he was the one who dispatched the train without the lap bars down I didn't have to do the firing but for whatever reason my colleague had it in for this mid-level supervisor she was a great trainer did everything she was asked took initiative and then some she was always worth well more than what she learned and had an absolute passion for the work we worked with kids with autism after a few months of having some vendetta against her my colleague wrote her up literally for being away from her desk too often her uncle had recently been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and she was the only relative in town who could care for him so that time she was away from her desk she was stepping out to cry when she felt overwhelmed and didn't want people to see her cry I found out after she was let go for this and she had informed the supervisors of this when her uncle was diagnosed and that she was feeling very emotional about it and may need to take days off take more frequent breaks to gather herself again and remain productive instead of showing compassion my colleague used this as an opportunity to terminate her despite having no other red flags feedback or performance issues there was simply a personality difference and she didn't gossip with the other supervisors and this was all done with our other colleagues and supervisors blessings I don't work for this company after I found out about this obligatory happened to a co-worker working at a bank my branch had the biggest superstar in the state always crushing sales numbers he generated more revenue than the rest of the branch combined he set up a really big business account presentation but his mother died literally on the day he was supposed to give the talk branch manager stepped in held the presentation the guy had built everything up it was essentially a done deal branch manager just had to get a signature on the paperwork obviously feeling bad for him thinking he deserved the credit they booked the deal under his name the next day technically to get credit for a deal you have to be there at signing both were fired within a week for sales manipulation or full use of the rolls I wasn't the manager did we had a supervisor who was a rising star in the company turned a struggling operation into one that was running well under budget and was generally easy to work with we also had a mechanic who was a lazy sack of crap and nobody could every find him so one day the operations manager was looking at the security footage trying to figure out what the mechanic was doing so dayand caught him selling pills out of his truck in the parking lot so he called the police when the police showed up the mechanic was in his truck in the middle of selling drugs to the supervisor but they were both fired the operation went from under budget to being $50,000 $100,000 over for the next few months corporate set a trap and baited him into stealing he was a great guy fun and interesting easy to get along with he would volunteer to take the early shifts and open the store he'd receive the new entry and stock the shelves himself his cash was always correct and he never did anything wrong until he did one morning he opened the new stock shipment and loaded the shelves there was an extra item in the box that wasn't listed on the manifest the correct procedure was to added to inventory and put it on the shelf he instead opted to claim it wasn't there and took it home the perfect crime right I had to fire him the next day and it sucked to be fair integrity is what you do when no one is looking part of my job is to process expense reports from the sales department I noticed one month that the top salesman had claimed a plane ticket expense twice once when he booked it and then again when he took the flight months later I reviewed his past expenses and noticed he was doing this regularly when he booked the flight originally he would claim the full amount of the ticket then when he used the flight he would claim each leg of the as a separate daily expense so that the receipt amounts wouldn't match so as to avoid detection this is how I figured out he was doing it intentionally I showed the evidence to the CFO and he was gone the next week I only went back three years but he's still about ten thousand dollars over those three years you'll think people who made a certain amount of money wouldn't risk it by stealing but then you'd be wrong not me but I was working in retail and one of the customer service guys was being groomed for management he'd been there for a while was trusted to count money and with the safe combination open if managers couldn't act he was a cool black guy his race is important to the story but a bit cocky and arrogant my cousin also worked there who was also cocky and arrogant anyway my cousin put in his two weeks but wasn't being a bad employee my cousin didn't like the soon-to-be manager because they were pretty similar in a lot ways and they clashed because of it on my cousin's last week unprovoked he approaches the guy and says you look like a big black dong the guy walks up to my cousin puts his finger to his head and says do you have a problem with me it ended there with my cousin walking away then reporting he was threatened because a finger made contact the guy was fired my cousin was a dong and didn't regret it and laughed about it with my other friends who were also dongs best buy manager had a guy in Geek Squad who was a great salesperson probably top ten in the district he had an incident during a data transfer where he accidentally transferred another clients information to the external drive the customer flipped out and unfortunately due to company policy we had to let him go fortunately he knew it was going to happen but it was just a matter of time I work at a store where we have to ask for donations for the charity we support at every transaction we're in competition with the other stores in the chain and whichever store is the highest percentage of donations after three months get a bonus every employee cashier or not gets $100 well one of my assistant managers was awesome always had the highest percent of donations patron actions and highest dollar amount she always did a great job in all other aspects of the job as well well it turns out she was offering every customer her employee discount if they donated so if someone spent they'll assign 500 and she gave them 30 percent off they wouldn't had all mine donating $10 to $20 per transaction well it came back from corporate what she was doing and we had to let her go we had a new girl get one hundred percent for two weeks in a row on her charity donations turns out she'd been charging everyone for at least a one dollar donation regardless of whether or not they'd approved we had to actually refund donations to those angry customers that really didn't wanted an eight I used to work for Dell back in 1998 to 2000 in their sales department but this is Julie what who was striked before people ordered online so it was still a call center to make a really long story short I was one of their best sales reps top three every month I was making about $5,000 a week as a 23 year old they decided to replace me and most of my team with temps making $11 an hour and no commissions only I didn't know this I was given a great opportunity to train a new class of incoming salespeople little did I know I was training our replacements once they hit the floor and were running they fired me and about 200 other salespeople frick Dell oh then a few years later even the temps got fired so they could move all those jobs to a call center in India Frick Dell he was our fastest forklift operator guy could get a truck loaded in seven 15 minutes but he started developing a crappy attitude and we just couldn't work with him the new operators we have take 30 45 minutes to get a truck loaded and they're legitimately a little dumb and have a hard time reading I don't know if it was worth it probably developed an attitude because he was tired of getting paid the same as those who take twice as long as him I managed a coffee shop bakery my best employee was this kid named Alexis he was sharp and was quick to pick up on all the skills required to work in our fast-paced environment bill he was also someone who would stay out really late at night partying and it would affect his attendance one night in particular he calls me up and tells me he's stuck in Baltimore we live in DC and won't be able to make it in for his shift the following morning he called me at 7:00 p.m. the last mark commuter train leaves at 9:30 or so and there's a free circulator that runs throughout the city I used to visit Baltimore pretty regularly at the time because there was the girl I was seeing from up there anyways I only had one day off a week and was working 14 hours days it was the last straw in a series of no call no show situations where he had left me hanging for our busiest days I called his phone that same night and told him that if he didn't show up for his shift on time the following morning he was fired he didn't show up and I never saw him again this was a few years ago but I sometimes wonder what happened to him he was a really sharp kid but he did way too many drugs and wasn't as clever as he thought he was so would often get into trouble with police you've been visited by the good sleep oinker you will be blessed with cozy restful sleeps but only a few comments sleep tight poker if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 78,173
Rating: 4.8988094 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, top posts of all time, work stories, reddit work stories, reddit job stories, reddit jobs, you're fired
Id: ren0ONXlTP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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