What’s Your “I Told You so” Moment?

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what's your i told you so moment since i was 14 my throat got itchy when i ate apples i told my mom but she thought i just didn't want to eat apples and forced me to eat them i went to the doctor's office and got a test for allergies turns out i'm allergic to apples peaches and many other fruits my newborn baby was projectile vomiting after every feeding i took her to the doctor several times always ended up being sent away with suggestions to try a different formula i tried like four different ones no change the fourth or fifth visit they sent me away again with the same recommendation even though i pleaded with them to figure out what was wrong with my baby i left the office and drove to the ear instead she ended up having emergency surgery that day the surgeon said she would have starved to death or maybe dehydrated had she gone much longer without the surgery i gave the doctors in that office a piece of my mind my sister and i were out sledding when we were kids at this place with a really steep hill i had unknowingly gone down a sled path that had a jump in it and when i landed it really hurt my back so when i got back up to the top of the hill i told my sister don't go that way the jump really hurts she called me a baby and didn't believe me that it really hurt so she decided she would go down that path on her sled well she hit the jump and didn't get back up turns out she fell so hard she had broken her leg when we finally got her back up the hill into the car i got to tell her i told you so she went down the path of pain lawyer here fired a partner who i found some real irregularities in their spending habits versus what they were making after he couldn't provide a good answer to where it came from other partner left and started a new firm with them because they disagreed with my decision and refused to look at the evidence turns out he stole 500k of her client's money got disbarred and is now facing prison time i told her to look at the evidence and she didn't listen um a lawyer that wouldn't look at the evidence not sure i'd want to hire that one i work at a u.s navy shipyard my worst i told you so moment was when a submarine had multiple issues with sanitation collection tanks and the piping that led from the showers and toilets to the sanitation collection tanks documented and pointed out the same problems over a 12-week period supervisors and the tank area manager didn't give a dang and pointedly ignored my reports undocking day was approaching and the captain of the sub wanted the boat out on time so they moved up the tank closure schedule so tank closing protocol requires several signals one from a qualified civilian inspector one from a qualified navy hull technician sailor and one from a qualified navy engineering officer but that tank in question failed all three concurrent inspections undocking got pushed back by 30 days until all problems found were corrected daily operations estimated costs were north of 10 000 day factor in the mandatory overtime and rework required and we were looking at maybe triple the daily cost this is just people's pay i didn't get to see the material cost overrun but i know for a fact that a lot of the materials got shipped in or fabricated in house overnight needless to say a lot of people on general schedule pay got chewed out by the then shipyard ceo in private any time i'm asked to give an expected time to deliver on a project give an honest assessment and then told that estimate seems too large and the bosses give a much shorter time frame my original estimation is nearly always the more accurate are the two why ask questions you don't want to know the answer to anyway so they can blame you when things go wrong even though it's their fault their egos can't handle the fact that they don't know what they are talking about so instead of learning from their mistakes it's much easier to label you a troublemaker uncooperative or not a team player was picking beans with my sister and mom to this day i still don't know why the fence was electric but it was i touched it and i got zapped it wasn't too bad but it hurt i jumped away and my sister saw me i said that it was an electric fence of course she just thought i was pranking her i was trying to tell her the whole time we picked beans but she didn't believe me right at the end she touched the fence and she didn't see it coming at all her face was just like oh she loved the car ride home i told you idiot it's so the beans don't run off my best friend started dating my ex-wife 10 years after the divorce and he checked if he'd take issue even though he didn't need to anyway when we divorced it was because she was cheating on me while i was in afghanistan he goes out of state for work and told me she started acting off not answering calls quick to hang up starting fights when he's home or going to parties rather than spend time with him i pointed out this is what she did to me almost exactly and stated that if he confronts her on her crap she will probably without provocation accuse him of cheating and more to the point most likely because she is actively cheating q30 minute monologue of how she's grown up and she's not that person now she's just used to not having to answer to others or having a real relationship in year three hour later he calls because he went to pick up some weed and there she is blowing the cellar had a weirdly dark freckle the color of chocolate i showed spouse and he called me a hypochondriac and if i go to a doctor i'd be wasting their time i went to the dermatologist it was melanoma i have a dark weird one too that i've been wanting to get checked out for years i wish i had medical insurance in high school i was at a party where everyone was getting drunk i had come with two friends and near the end of the night as one guy that was losing everyone into his van to get late night food he swore he was not drunk and there were so many people in his car including the two people i came with it was not a battle i was going to win but it seemed like an obviously dumb situation bunch of underage kids packed into a van driving around in the suburbs at one o'clock in the morning i told my friends that this wasn't a good idea and they need to get out of the van and come back gone with me my house was within walking distance they acted like i was a party pooper for a sec but then they got out next day i find out the guy driving ram a red light and got t-boned by a truck the one kid in the back almost died and everyone got banged up the friends i pulled out of the van were in the backseat along with him not saying i saved their lives but i really may have saved their lives good on you it's tough to stand up to a drunk crowd like that my partner and i were broken struggling to make ends meet but we always kept money in the budget for fun or takeout nights one night we decided to get fish and chips my partner had never ordered from that particular place before but it was my favorite so he knew it would be good that we don't have a lot of money to spare so i know we had to order smart we'll only order what we need we start driving and i'm about to call and my partner tells me he wants to order 10 worth of chips for those of you who don't know how much that is a scoop of chips is usually about two dollars to three dollars i tried to tell him that it was a ridiculous order and that this particular fish and chip shop was very generous with their portions which is why it was one of my favorites he was adamant about ten dollars chips and that he was so hungry that it's not like any would be wasted we had a mini argument in the car and i finally gave up and said fine order your chips but you had better eat them all we get to the fish and chip shop and we go to the counter to pay and the old fellow who runs the shop comes over to serve us we tell him what order we're here to collect that order is yours he goes i start to shake my head and smile yes my partner replies and it's just for you too the old man asks looking concerned ah yes at this point i start laughing i tried to tell him we both laugh and my partner realizes this mistake when the old guy pulls out two huge parcels of chips one of those alone would have fed a full family we all laughed our little hearts out thanked the man and went home to eat our fish and chips and no he didn't eat them all we didn't even get through the first parcel now whenever we need the other person to trust our judgment on something we say 10 chips and the other person will always relent it still cracks me up every time i think about his face when the old man gave us our order i once owned a dog who was very stubborn and independent she lived a feral life in the mountains as a young pup and i feel like that played a role she felt more like a roommate than a pet she was having hard trouble when she got older so she had to get a chest scan of the vet these two men came out to get her so i gave them a heads up that she would absolutely dislike being flipped on her back and held there for the scan flipping a dog on its back is putting it in a pretty submissive position one of the guys interrupted me and basically said they were professionals and i had to just let them work they snapped a muzzle on her and took her to the back a few seconds pass then i hear a crash and a few yells one of the guys who took her comes out and sheepishly asks for my help it turns out as soon as they flipped her on her back she kicked out of their arms unclipped to her muzzle removed it with her front paws then made a mad dash for freedom i caught her roaming around the back of the vet's office and she was perfectly well behaved while i held her for the scan i felt bad for two guys she escaped from but i had tried to warn them someone started talking about a bottle of newman's own salad dressing while at dinner with my family and i said something like i'm pretty sure that was started by the actor race car driver paul newman to which one of my siblings replied no it was someone else i grabbed the bottle and turned it around and started reading the label out loud the first sentence was paul newman's career was acting but his passion was auto racing i stopped reading after that lol his face is on the bottle this dumb butthole woman wouldn't leave the llamas at our petting zoo alone even after i warned her eventually they had enough and spit all over her green goopy spit from head to torso she threw up a bunch and i laughed until i smelled it and then i was wretching too the image of your laugh wretching got me good i've talked about this cheating scandal at my high school before something i never mentioned was my friend was about to ask for the answers to a test that he really needed told him not to do it wasn't worth and all thankfully he didn't do it when the whole scandal came out three kids got expelled eight suspended i know a dozen more were caught but i don't know what happened to them my friend's teacher ended up giving him and a few other kids an a just for being honest apparently he was one of the few kids in that class that didn't cheat this is moreover i told myself so but anyway when i applied to medical school one of the application essays had a prompt that asked us what we would do if we did not get into medical school i thought i would take a risk since it was a reach school and i wanted to stand out i kept thinking it wasn't worth it and that i should just write a normal essay but for some reason just went with the riskier option i wrote that i would go to law school and become a lawyer specializing in prosecuting medical malpractice i ended up getting an interview and had a good laugh about it with one of the interviewers did not get into that medical school i was a fresh-faced sis admin why if you will who had just been handed my first big project i took it over after it was already in progress due to the lead admin having a medical emergency it was a critical environment and the key component was a two node database cluster i was in way over my head but i had support from a few project members and so i was making my way through it at one point i was reviewing the connectivity to the servers the idea for a critical piece of infrastructure is to reduce single points of failure spot as i was going through the documentation i noticed both database servers had all of their network connections run to the same switch so i brought it up to the network guy on the team a senior engineer he said not to worry about it and brushed me off so i brought it up on the next project call i said if we're trying to keep this thing up and running according to the slaw we really need to eliminate this issue and put half the connections for both systems to another switch senior network guy said i was wrong switches are very reliable and rarely fail like i said this was my first project so i relented the systems went live into production use the next week literally within five days of the systems being live and customer facing the frickin switch dies both nodes of the cluster go offline the database is down the app is down huge cost to the business unit customer the outage review call was pretty fun as the admin i was asked why the systems were connected to the same switch i said i had called that out as a risk and the network guy said it was no problem and i was overruled it was awesome when the call leader asked the network guy if he still felt that way d i was waiting for the tech guys to show up in this thread hahahaha helping her former friend do some renovations in a house he had just purchased i had better than half a clue what i was doing and my other friend who was with us definitely knew what she was doing but the guy who owned the house hardly knew which end of the hammer to grip we get down to the foundation walls and there is an almost brand new 4x4 post running from floor to ceiling that he thought was ugly i tried to explain to him that it was clearly load-bearing and my friend chimed in that he was obviously there for a reason but his reply was something to the effect of girls being hysterical and mocking us for thinking the ceiling was going to fall down i literally backed away from the situation and when he took them all to the beam and knocked it loose i watched the ceiling drop he still thought i was overreacting until we got upstairs and saw the three inches gap between the floor and baseboards along the front wall of the house d my aunt fell for an mlm after i told her that the company was bogus and that their papers were so full of grammatical and spelling errors you'd be a [ __ ] to fall for it she insisted it was legit and that i was jealous of her finally getting that sweet american dream fortune it took her losing 15k dollars to realize that it was indeed a scam and that she won't get to have her sweet american dream mansion and poodles every time she acts like she's a wizard anything and tries to lord over people i always bring up her sweet american dream 15k dollars loss bed frame wasn't properly lashed down while moving partner insisted the weight of the frame would keep it in place flew into the middle of a major intersection on a left turn we dodged four lanes of oncoming traffic to collect the pieces i fixed my partner with a look that could peel paint and he said i know i know you told me so and you're right i'm sorry i still give him crap for it every time we move something it's funny now but god dang was ip at the time i spent months telling my mother to get a dash camera i even sent her a link to a cheap one on amazon so she would at bare minimum have something some time later she got a new car and in less than a week she got into an accident she was fine but because she couldn't prove that the other driver was at fault their insurance company would only pay for some of the damage carr was totaled but the worst part is that she still hasn't gotten a dang camera well at least you know what to get her for christmas or her birthday wish my family was that easy to shop for i told my mom who is a nurse that i am sick and she said i was lying after two months and a lot of blood coughed up she took me to the doctor i had pneumonia and a double ear infection i also had a bunch of other issues that i can't really remember i had to take seven medications and have to use a nebulizer daily that was the biggest i told you so moment i ever had went to the doctor on and off for breathing problems to no avail a lot of rub some dirt on it mentality wound up in the air as a result of an asthma attack kept the bracelet on and everything when i went back the next week to see him not as satisfying as i would have hoped you should probably find a new doctor some doctors are just bad my dad had a bad habit of driving down the middle lane for a whole mile while he commuted back from his weekly shopping trip i always warned him that he can't be in that lane for that long but he always wrote it off saying it's fine but finally after doing this for two years he was pulled over by the police and ticketed he was upset that day but all i could say is i told you so i was very confused until i realize that you were not talking about the middle lane of a highway but the center turning lane on a city street my brother had a really bad habit of putting his wallet in the back pocket off his pants and going to work and busy places all around the city you could practically see it sticking out of the pocket i warned him many times over the years that he's inviting himself to be robbed that a skilled thief is gonna swipe it off easy without him having any clue he ignored me saying he was too mindful to let that happen one day he came home looking ghastly as heck turns out he indeed got robbed lost all his debit cards government issued cards and a ton of other important stuff besides money i literally said i told you so just left a job where i handled their order fulfillment and customer support due to lack of sales i was pushed to part-time working from home and focusing on customer support my position was handed off to a salary employee who had no clue how to operate shipping and wouldn't dare to ask me how to utilize our discounted shipping instead he shipped at regular pricing costing the already broke company nearly ten thousand dollars over a span of six weeks i warned them a few days in about the issue but they wouldn't believe me and allowed them to continue going down that road my ex-wife decided to get five cats for some reason well first she got three that were part of a family then she got another larger one then another one about the same size as the fourth one i told her the cats would not get along she said they'd be fine guess what the cats don't get along the family of three hides all day in a bedroom while the other two cats have the run of the house mother driving with electric weight loss thing that can shock her if turned up too high told her to take it off because if it shocks her she will swerve mother doesn't take it off moments later she gets shocked and swerves she didn't drive with that thing on again so i was throwing knives at a tree and my father told me to be careful cause the knife could bounce off of the tree i didn't see that to actually happen so i continued throwing knives at the tree and then it happened a knife bounced off of the tree and hit me in the foot when he went to go examine how bad the wound was he asked me how it happened i told him the knife bounced off and hit me in the foot and then he said i told you so and then he walked away towards horizon like a true hero church i went to as a teenager and along with my friends telling the leaders there that something wasn't right about the youth pastor and his behavior was off nothing was done we eventually all left two years later he punched a kid on a retreat while it turns out he was freaking the pastor's wife the whole time freaking told you at work we keep buckets of pizza sauce with lids and then prepped and ready to go for well making pizzas we usually keep them under the maca line table so they're easily accessible when you need to switch them out between the empty ones and the full ones one day i watched as my co-worker grabs a bucket of sauce with one hand and lifts it up to the counter and sets it down i told him you got lucky this time but never use one hand to lift the bucket up always use two hands those lids aren't always on tightly does he listen to me narrator no he does not not even a week later he does the same thing again only for an entire bucket of sauce to spill all over the floor and counter top as he looks at it with a legit surprise pikachu face i just looked at it and told him to get a mop not to mention one hand lifting a bucket of liquid i'm picturing a standard five gallons bucket can really flick with your back if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 20,367
Rating: 4.9581466 out of 5
Keywords: i told you so, i told you so moments, epic moments, never learn, why you don't listen, told you so, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: k1XSngCtPMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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