Identical Twins, What Awkward Moments Did You Go Through Because You Were Mistaken for Your Sibling?

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identical twins of reddit what's the most awkward thing that has happened to you because someone thought you were your sibling not so much awkward for me but for the poor girl working drive through i own fast food restaurants and one day my brother who is not in the business decided to come visit a few stores with me once we arrived i had the bright idea of going inside and having my brother go through the drive-through the girl at the window immediately gets surprised when he pulls up and she turned really fast and looked at me then him she was literally stuck in her mind frozen with this weird look on her face for a few seconds she then turns to him and tries to mumble a sentence and then turns to me trying to say he looks like me but it's coming out all wrong because her mind was too boggled i guess i immediately told her it was my twin brother because i thought she was having a stroke she took a deep breath and then started laughing i don't think i'll ever do that again fantastic don't stop doing that i had my boss get mad at me one time because i called out of my shift one night when i was really sick he left work before the dinner rush and got some food at a different restaurant that my twin brother works at my brother told me that my boss went up to him and said something along the lines of why did you feel the need to make up you were sick just to go work out a second job i'm not sure if i want someone who will lie to me to work for me needless to say he didn't believe my brother when he tried explaining that he is my twin most of my other co-workers have met my brother and backed me up when my boss was talking about it the next day this whole thread almost makes me think it should be a law for twins to have a sticker on that says i have an identical sibling stop getting mad at me for it it would be pink no reason i just like pink my parents have a friend who is an identical twin several years ago he and his wife were in the process of adopting two children through a private agency things were going well and the adoption date was set but about two weeks before it was supposed to be finalized the couple got a phone call from the agency stating there was a problem one of the people working on their case claimed they had seen the husband out with another woman and the agency would not adopt the kids into an unstable home turns out the husband's twin and sister-in-law had been in town visiting and happened to go shopping and being seen kissing his wife the agency knew the guy had a brother but not that he was a twin he and his wife had to go into the agency with my parents friends to prove they weren't lying i can't blame them but that irritates me for some reason brother and i worked together for about four years in retail we would often get scheduled wrong and got so many you are in two places at once comments most awkward thing i can recall that happened was i got yelled at by a customer i ran register and he ran the floor for something my brother did the customer laid into me and i watched my brother appear from around a corner and he came by and asked the customer to lay off me and he'd help her the customer profusely apologized before following him all in all working with my twin was a lot of fun you should have told customers no worries just go to aisle five and i'll be with you in a minute but your twin is already waiting there for them in high school one of my twin brothers teacher said hello to me and tried to grab my arm to speak to me about something probably class related i didn't know who it was as i had never taken her class and walked off quickly and kind of weirded out later she berated my brother in class in front of everyone for being so rude to her he told her it was probably his twin brother and she didn't believe him everyone else in the class told her that he did have a twin brother to corroborate his claim but she refused to believe any of them i was in a few classes with a kid who was sometimes really nice and sometimes standoffish we were kind of friends except when we weren't it was very strange then one day i saw him walk in the room as he was sitting next to me turns out i was only friends with one twin i have one with a twist me and brother are two years apart and resemble each other vaguely we move towns and after a few years i was visiting my old town went to a store and the owner greeted me with some slangs that should be used only with friends i was shocked and he realized his mistake apologized profusely and told me how he was a close buddy of my bro after a year or so i saw him at a railway station jokingly i shouted the same slangs to greet him a wtf was written all over his face i thought he forgot about our exchange and tried to remind him he refused to know my brother i apologized and moved on some time later i mentioned this my brother who said he has an identical twin omg that's amazing most of the people i knew in high school would eventually figure us out seeing as most of us had known each other since elementary school now that i'm in college i have random people walk up to me to talk about the next homework assignment essay just any class that my twin is taking to me not realizing that we're two different people it's amazing to see the differing reactions of people once i break the news to them it's always either visibly confused laughter and then maybe although frick you followed by even more laughter once they realize they've been talking to the wrong person the whole time visited my twin at another college was sleeping at his place when some random girl crawled into bed with me she did not believe me when i insisted that i wasn't him so we stayed until he got home from the bar i'll never forget watching the sinking realization in her face my dad is an identical twin both have a wife and two kids they both frequent a restaurant with the family every time we go to that restaurant the staff point and whisper dad tells us it's because they think he and his twin are the same guy with two families who don't know about each other and bring both of his families to the same place i was walking to my car one day after classes when i was in college when this girl comes marching up to me angry as all heck and asks why i didn't call her back after our wonderful night together turns out her and my twin had a one night stand and he ghosted her afterwards listen it wasn't me it was my identical twin who ghosted you no really while i was washing the dishes my brother's wife came up behind me and grabbed my crotch and whispered harry up and come f me to which i replied not sure x would like that to be honest definitely seen this porno finally i have something my identical twin gets five matches a day on tinder i've been on it for one year and i have a grand total of zero matches we have the same face god dammit it's your bio i dated a girl with a twin sister only way to tell them apart my gf had a freckle under her right eye and her sister had one under the left i came home from work one morning gf was doing the dishes so i slid up behind her and started kissing her neck she turned to look at me and won't you believe it the freckle was on the wrong side gf's sister had come to visit and nobody bothered to tell me after the initial shock wore off i started apologizing they found it extremely funny it wasn't the first time and i am sure after things ended between us it happened to someone else lol i am still friends with both and they bring it up every time we get a chance to meet up mirror twins me and my twin being young and dumb decided to switch classes at school one day we were in year two about 15 minutes into class we both realized that since this wasn't our class we could act up a bit because the other would be punished not us which resulted in us both getting lunchtime detention and the awkward conversation with our teachers about why we were acting up my dad is an identical twin when i was 17 my older brother died during the wake people kept walking up to my uncle and talking to him thinking that he was my dad that was awkward it was also awkward when i was little and would get them mixed up my siblings cousins and i called them uncle dad when the families were all together up until my dad got really sick it was really hard to tell them apart unless they were speaking thank god for regional accents my dad and his brother aren't even twins but they both have a big beard and similar build and we rarely see him when i was little like three or four we went and visited him at grandma's house i climbed up onto his lap to play i had been playing with him a few minutes when i noticed my dad across the room i looked at my uncle and started crying because he wasn't my dad it was a scary moment oh i actually have one for once i'm an identical twin this is a case of someone assuming my twin was me though for some background i used to work at a place with an extremely tight-knit friendly work culture it was not unusual to have folks go out for drinks after work and have 20 or 30 people show up anyway one day one of my co-workers pulled me aside and asked hey i just wanted to check but is everything okay with you and carrie carey is the woman i had just gotten married to at the time and i'm still happily married to now i answered yeah as far as i know what are you talking about the answer don't bulls me a bunch of us saw you last night i replied what on earth are you talking about all we did last night is stay in and drink beer and watch netflix we saw you with your arm around that blonde lady at the fox and hound last night if you're going to cheat why on earth would you do it there after a little bit of back and forth it became clear that a large contingent of my co-workers had seen my identical twin mckinnon with some woman at the bar that was our most common hangout i had to get my brother out with all of them once just to convince them that i actually had a twin from then on i made an effort to mention that i had a twin around new co-workers just so that at the very least they wouldn't just assume i was in butthole if i didn't acknowledge them when out on the town so what i'm getting out of this is that i should tell all my co-workers i have a twin and then if they ever see me doing something scandalous or unprofessional they'll think it's my twin also as a bonus i can pretend i don't know them if they approach me and tell them to go frick themselves and just apologize for my misfits twin next time i see them in the office i'm not but my brothers are identical twins my brother and i both had kinda crappy weeks a few months ago so we decided to go out for dinner got there and the waitress kept giving me just the dirtiest of looks finally she looks at my brother and says something along the lines of wow i can't believe you are seeing other women while your girlfriend is on a mission trip turns out the waitress was friends with our other brother's girlfriend the waitress got really embarrassed when my brother introduced us as the twin and the sister even if it was the right twin she still would have been jumping to conclusions when he's really just out with his sister people are so dumb lol i had a steady boyfriend for years and he would often get messages from people sometimes pictures or videos about my sister making out with someone else or holding hands with someone else and they thought it was me shook tf out of him at first but we laughed about it eventually that's gotta suck for your sister though people taking pictures and judging her all the time thinking she's doing something wrong my parents were at a dinner party in about 2000 and it came up in conversation that my dad has a twin one of the couples at the dinner party looked at each other in absolute shock and the husband asked was it possible that your twin was at expo 86 turns out this couple thought they had seen my dad cheating on my mom at expo 86 and actually it was my uncle they're canoodling with my aunt but they debated whether to mention it to my mom for over a decade my dad always says he was wondering when that couple were always a bit standoffish with him my parents have been married for almost 40 years we still laugh about it this is the best one can't believe their relief after a decade of should we shouldn't we oh and another one though it's not really awkward per se one day i went into a starbucks the barista smiles at me and says oh didn't i see you on the trail the other day you had the cutest dog i don't have a dog but my twin brother does so even though i'm quite happily married i flirted with her for a few minutes and just gave her my brother's number real mvp over here i have an identical twin brother i am straight and dating a girl while he's gay and dating a guy one day my brother and i decided to wear the same outfit for laughs before class i was facing my locker and my twin brother's boyfriend came up from behind and gave me a big bey hug i was creeped out and turned around only to see that it was him it's still pretty funny to this day i've seen this porno i got an acceptance letter for a college i never repeat to my high school sent the college my transcript instead of my brother's so i got a letter with my name and his choice of major it's funny now at the time it was a huge pain in the butt to get unfucked getting fricked in the bus is huge pain don't wanna know how unfucked would feel like not me but my lifelong family friends are identical twins everyone is constantly confused to who's who one time one of them asked me out and i obviously said yes but the awkward thing is i was talking to the other twin about dates dinners and all that it didn't take long for me to realize i was talking to the wrong girl due to the confusion written all over her face in university i dated a set of identical twins non-consecutively not concurrently i amicably split with the first girl because she went to latvia for a field study early enough in the relationship that we didn't feel like keeping it going a few semesters later i had a class with her twin who i hadn't met before and after some initial confusion we hit it off and dated for a few months i am an identical twin and one time i slept over at her house and there was only one bed so her husband let me sleep in the bed with my twin and he took the couch the next morning he heard the shower go on and thought i had gone in there it was my twin then he climbed in bed behind me and put his arm around my waist he softly said hey in my ear and i turned to look at him and said hey baby looking for a little variety as a joke he leapt out of bed and said if i were looking for variety do you think i would choose you it was awesome your brother-in-law has a great sense of humor i can see why she'd pick him my dad is a twin and he always tells a story of when he was in school and he shared a class with his brother the teacher he had for the shared physics class his twin had four irish class as well earlier in the day the twin had gotten in trouble in irish for talking they enter into physics and my dad gets pulled out of class for a talking to by the teacher when my dad finally understood what was happening after like five minutes of shouting he laughed and told the teacher he got the wrong kid he went back into the class and the twin was sitting there laughing his butt off so my twin and i went to separate schools in seventh grade midway through the year i transferred over to my twin school the day before i started my twin fell down in science class and hit their head and ended up going home i start school the next day same science teacher i go to the front of the class cause i am new and i introduce myself the teacher's eyes got really wide he starts freaking out and telling me that i'm ash my twins name moral of the story my twin told no one at their school that they had an identical the teacher thought i was ash with a head injury edit wow didn't think this would get so much attention so comments i've seen asked few times and replied to them but thought i would add it up here we went to separate schools because i got into a private school that led people in by lottery and my twin did not i didn't introduce myself to the class i went up to just the teacher it was a lab day and i had no idea where to sit also it's been pointed out that isn't a moral of the story moment noted and thank you i have an identical twin too and almost no one knows since it's impossible to casually mention because it just never comes up it's not like whenever you introduce yourself you say hi i'm x and i have an identical twin i was in a play in college and my brother was supportive enough to come to one of the performances with some other family members the stage manager saw him and came up to say the ginger national what are you doing in the lobby you're supposed to be in the green room to which he responded oh my god i forgot all my lines she then remembered that i have an identical twin this is my favorite one so far identical twin here i work in a shopping center that my twin had previously worked at people constantly walk up to me and jump straight into conversation they sometimes talk for ages before i get to cut in most of the time i end up just pointing to my name tag that stops them pretty quick as they accurately walk away in silence and confusion my twin and i think it is fun not to tell co-workers or new friends that we have a twin makes for a good first introduction to the other brother username checks out when we were kids my twin brother and i were in separate classes for almost everything having been unjustly split up since primary school one year in secondary school we had a schedule that meant one day a week we the same teacher for science but him in a morning class and me in an afternoon class one particular day this teacher was off for some reason and a substitute teacher was filling in i walk into my afternoon class sit down with my friends and get my crap out onto my desk about five minutes into the lesson with this substitute teacher he squares up on me and says loudly in front of the class why are you here you were in my morning class everyone stops and looks at me no i wasn't yes you were i then realized what was going on oh you're probably thinking of my brother i have an identical twin and he has signs in the morning he pauses slightly i've been a teacher for over 30 years do you think i've never heard someone tell me that they have an identical twin the whole class is now watching to see how this turns out i swear to you sir i have an identical twin my friends while laughing try to back me up eventually i had to go to the school office with him to confirm that i do indeed have a twin brother because logically what you'd want to exploit as a twin is going to science twice in a day one time we were discussing random people who we shared birthdays with and one of my friends told everyone i don't share a birthday with anyone we had to remind her she was a twin they think as one he has one identical twin here my brother and i hung out at an internet cafe quite a bit when we were in hs one day a friend within our circle asked to speak to me on the phone because she thought i was cute and wanted to get to know me more of course i had always thought better of myself than i actually was so i naturally accepted this opportunity however the conversation got more weird and awkward as we both could not relate to what each other was saying or describing then she asked me wait were you the one wearing black to which i responded you hhh no that'd be my brother and she quickly closed our conversation by saying oh i'm sorry i thought your brother was the cute one can you hand the phone to him please i was both slightly insulted for not being cute and messed with dang you're an identical twin and still not the cute one that's gotta hurt they were surprised i was alive since my brother killed himself apparently he was my brother's work friend and didn't know he was a twin i'm sorry for your loss how has nobody mentioned that x years later family still call you the wrong name come on i love you but with 37 you've had time to figure this out my stepdad's family has known us about 30 years too my identical twin is clean shaven and has average length hair for a dude i've had a very short haircut and a beard for 80 years i still get called his name seriously there's half an inch of hair covering the lower half of my face we don't look alike anymore how are you all still getting this wrong in defense of parents who do this my sons look nothing alike they are four years apart and i'm always calling them the wrong name i then correct myself by saying i mean the other one it's a pretty common thing so after a while you kind of just accept the confusion there have been many instances where one of my brother's friends that i had never met came up to me and starting talking to me like we were good buddies it has happened so many times that i have just gotten used to pretending to be my brother to save some of the awkwardness that being said one time my brother twin obviously was visiting from out of town he was outside trying to figure out why his car was making a weird noise whilst i was inside watching his baby about five minutes later my neighbor comes bursting through the door yelling at my brother wondering why my brother was pretending to not know who he was i love seeing the dumbfounded expression on his face when he saw me inside and it dawned on him that he was yelling at my twin not so awkward for me but certainly for my neighbor and my twin there are so many instances of mistaken identity though you kind of just become jaded to most people's reactions to the extent that it doesn't really feel as awkward for you as it probably does for them when they realize their mistake the better question would be friends of identical twins and it what's the most awkward thing that has happened because you couldn't tell them apart not an identical twin but i have a friend that we look literally identical we have separate moms and dads and if you don't believe me his mom and my mom have confused us for each other anyway his girlfriend came up to bring him food once and like straddled me in the chair not to do anything sexual just wanted to be sweet with him i guess except it was me she didn't notice and after about 20 seconds of her sitting there he on the other side of the table said babe i'm over here she hit the freaking ceiling dang his girlfriend must be very tall if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 15,913
Rating: 4.9467683 out of 5
Keywords: identical twins, identical twins switch places, identical twins prank, twins mistaken, twins mistaken identity, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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