What is a surprisingly not known survival fact everyone should know?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit people have read it what is a surprisingly unknown survival fact that everyone should know if you get stuck in your car in the snow stay with your vehicle hypothermia makes you delirious and you can wander the wrong direction and freeze to death your vehicle is also a lot easier to locate than you are when I was younger and traveled a lot a friend from Minnesota told me to keep an an opened bottle of water a blanket matches candle and a rope in the car during the winter months a wax candle will provide enough heat to keep the car warm enough to survive with the blanket around you tie the rope to the car if you get out to relieve yourself that way you can find your way back by following the rope if snowing water well that is obvious Canadian here I do the same I also my sleeping bag lives in my trunk during winter also super convenient if you need to crash on a couch after a party the other thing is to make sure the car exhaust is clear if you keep the car running you may very well kill yourself by carbon monoxide otherwise also if there is an empty bottle you can pee in it and use it for warmth for a while during the winter it is way better to be slightly cold than it is to sweat if you start to sweat you can go hypothermic way faster reminds me of a quote from Bear Grylls I need to work quickly before hypothermia sets in but not too quickly because then I'll start to sweat the sweat will freeze and then hypothermia sets in while he's technically on the right path he also a total hack and spews a bunch of awful awful advice edit well this comment blew up let me briefly explain why I think he is a hack I come from her extensive background of technical rock limping and albinism and every bit of media he has put out on my sport is pure and utter nonsense such as this video the way he is at the sing on a beginner rated route at 5.5 climbing very very poorly pretending as if it's something rad eggs are generating the remoteness of where he is actually five miles down the road from Vegas in the Calico base another popular climbing's but for beginners wearing ridiculous gear and making an obscene amounts of mistakes many of which would get him hurt or killed if he fell there are many more like this one yes he climbed Everest by the mountaineering route hiked up but so could any fit person who was taken on by a guiding service and can slide a jumar up a rope his Everest ascent is presented as climbing expertise yet anybody who is well acquainted with the sport knows he hasn't even scratched the surface of Anthon ISM climbing and is combined with his climbing content makes it clear that he has no substantive knowledge of the activity he comes across as somebody that chasis jackals but turns very little actual expertise is not at all an expert on what he presents he is a good showman and military man but that is about it when it comes to adventure if you somehow are in a situation where you feel like you could drown and have no energy to go on turn on your back and do the backstroke saved my life while at the beach last week after getting sucked out by rip current float for your life I used to teach swimming and for people who aren't comfortable floating focus on keeping your belly up like a balloon full of air if you spread out your arms it might make things easier if you can't fully backstroke because maybe you can't stay on top of the water well enough or you can't extend your arms like that swim like a frog by lifting your arms above your head and then pushing them back towards your body think jumping jacks if you are drinking plenty of water but still showing signs of dehydration headache fatigue muscle aches blurred vision stumbling around you may be low on electrolytes salty foods can really help with this but our hydration salts such as Pedialyte work even better and should probably be in more people's backpacks disclaimer those symptoms aren't limited to dehydration and can also occur due to heat exhaustion hypothermia or altitude sickness you just solved a big problem for me holy Shi eat I forgot about my selves drip drop it's like Pedialyte balanced for I drink it in the backcountry after long runs or when I make poor decisions regarding whisky it helps so much exposure and dehydration will lock you up much faster than hunger bring spare socks your feet will rot if you don't rule othrys three minutes without air you're dead three hours exposed to extreme weather you're dead three days without water you're dead three weeks without food you're dead edit damn this blew up lot of people splitting hairs the idea is it's easy to remember and it keeps your priorities in order yes um people can live longer than three days without water or three minutes without air but you're not really thriving and your average person may not make it it's a memory device thanks for the awards top comment ever thanks Sparky barrel cactus in the Sonoran Desert are not full of water as is commonly portrayed instead they are full of acidic solutions that induce vomiting and diarrhea if consumed these can easily be fatal for a dehydrated person in the desert the barrel cactus fruit by contrast is one of the most agreeable edibles in the cactus world they are easy to pick thornless and tasty if you drink it you'll see a friendly giant mushroom mushy giant friend we're walking in circles I've seen that same spirit mushroom five times when defending yourself there is no need to fight fair I tell my son for tea this obviously you do not get violent until someone else does but if someone has the intent of hurting you it is fair game to punch them in the balls or worse if by worse you mean castrating them with your bare hands then yes you can squeeze relatively safe water out of moss obviously you should still boil it and it's going to have some dirt but it way better than drinking out of a steam or puddle the amount of research I've done on moss for my thesis approves that this is indeed a safe method you seem like you have an interesting doctorate what was the subject of your thesis if you accidentally disturb a beehive or wasp nest and are being swarmed do not run for water it seems intuitive that jumping in water will keep the bees off view but actually they will wait for you to resurface and resume stinging you instead run as fast and as far away as you can bees wasps are territorial and will not easily leave their home range so once you leave their comfort zone you're pretty much safe or set yourself on fire taps for it use a cotton ball soaked in Vaseline or a tampon a mirror is the best way to signal for help you can use the reflection of the Sun directed at a boat or plane like you sibling were to annoy you the proper way to use a mirror to signal for help is to hold up one hand with a peace sign and position it so that whatever you are trying to signal can be seen between your fingers then shine the light from the mirror on your fingers this guarantees that whatever you are signaling can see the light I need a random sketch guy to appear just because you're drinking water doesn't mean you're safe you need to take in salt as well I've seen this kick pip s for hims big time they drink and drink and drink water but still though they need to throw up pass out because they didn't take in any salt or electrolytes I didn't learn until I started taking holidays to hotter places than normal that I can be quite sensitive to the heat I thought I was doing a good job looking after myself and drinking plenty of water but two holidays in a row I ended up throwing up from the heat and honestly feeling pretty shitty after the second time I did a bit of research how to better look after myself again I was drinking plenty of water so I wasn't dehydrated and found out that throwing up from the heat can be a symptom of drinking too much water without replenishing the source started making sure to drink things like Gatorade and adding little sport salts replenishment to my water and haven't had a problem since if you are lost in the wilderness if you have shelter and a source of water and if you have reason to believe people will be looking for you you are usually better to stay put than to try to find your way out wandering around lost you expend a lot of energy you could easily get into a far worse situation and anyone looking for you will likely start at your last known or expected location which if you are lost you might be wondering farther from this is not always the case it depends on if you are injured or not and the nature of the injuries on your relative safety where you are at how far you are relative to your expected or last known location how visible you are in a number of other situational factors it is often worth a low risk climb to a better vantage point if possible people have died a few hundred meters from a road which could have led them to safety I've participated in a number of lost personnel searches this is very good advice if they know what area you were in they'll simply grid it off and start doing line searches if you stay stationary they will find you if you move around you could move out of the search area or into an area they've already searched stay you're behind in one spot if you want to live the ability to we've looked at is more of a craft than a survival skill but my grandma taught me that if you can wave you can make clothing shoes traps shelter etc with nothing more than the vegetation on hand this was hammered home later when watching that show with naked survival people the guy Harris the girl because she spent most of the first two days weaving that in the end he had to be taken out because he was sickly at there she was having crab for dinner naked and afraid my son and I love that show you can really tell who isn't isn't prepared for it my favorite episode was a fat guy whose whole strategy was to sit around living off his fat reserves while the other people actually tried to hunt he'd build etc join our community discord link in description very rarely are people mentally prepared to fight a naked man my buddies fight strategy is to take off his shirt in a fight if the other guy still wants to fight he takes down his pants I've rarely seen it go past there is his name Randy dry and limited super effective for starting fires also why you should clean the arcing lint trap hosted this on reddit before posting it again BC it's important contrary to popular belief if an alligator is chasing you you should not run in zig zag do one zig and then run straight the alligator is not going to try to follow the zig zag it will just run for you straight and you'll be slower do one thing so that the alligator will have to do one zig if it wants to get you and then just run in a straight line like you're behind is on fire edit do not provoke an alligator or crocodile this is meant for people that somehow accidentally provoke them I am NOT an expert I was told this by oh guy that works with handling alligators if you leave an alligator alone they will leave you alone was told that Crocs were more aggressive just stay the yuck away from both types of animals thanks for the award see it's my first one imagine you damn you look from the alligators prava phew zig zag alligators probably all like yep this is natural selection at its finest the majority of animals are scared of explosive noises so the bank snapped I can save your life edit well guys thanks for my most upvoted comment yet edit - first - war - thanks if chased by a bear do the bend and snap got it not if you're surrounded by the police if you're trapped in an extremely cold environment a rudimentary igloo will keep you relatively warm if you're smart about it they keep heat in fairly well however always be shorter marked where you are with something that won't get covered in snow so if rescue comes they don't miss you in the snow you don't need to actually build an igloo that's a lot of work in Norway we learn that if you get caught out in a blizzard dig a cave in the snow and seal it with a few blocks of snow as best you can many have pointed out that you need to keep a couple of holes open for air the easiest way to do it is leaving your ski poles sticking through the wall and jiggle them a little now in there that only works with soft snow right if you are stabbed with something of that object is still stuck in you don't tucking politey out an EMT trainee here in a different program now due to covered 19 circumstances but in my old program one of the instructors told us over he mt who had just started and was being observed by a paramedic on a stabbing call the patient had been stabbed in the chest with the knife still there and the first thing the trainee did was pull the damn thing out paramedic yells at him and then he sticks the knife back in patient ends up dying and the EMT got charged with manslaughter edit this really was a story I was told by a previous m's instructor but if others have heard him it could be a scared-straight sort of urban legend and holy I've never had this big gun inbox or upvotes he put it back in holy if you don't know for sure what you're eating most animals are safe to eat most plants will make you sick clearly hundreds of exceptions but if you know nothing steer toward killing Bambi before eating leaves also a diet of solely rabbit will make you stupid and dead something apparently seriously lacking an thr nutrition provided I saw an account of an experienced wilderness guy who could catch loads of rabbit and nothing much else and kept a diary coherency of the writing deteriorated then stopped edit I tried to find the document I saw it in but can't from memory it was a somewhat old 1940s or 1960s survival manual that someone had scanned it didn't have a copy of the diary referred to but it felt like the author had known the particular person he was talking about I found a reference to into the wild which sounds similar but I don't think that's it it must have been ten years ago that I read it so take the detail with a grain of salt rabbits are too lean they have no fat and if you eat only rabbit you will get diarrhea within a week and keep getting sicker after that also known as protein poisoning you know why they are called Jackrabbits because they are rocking revved you'll die from eating pure muscle don't uh quit garage door springs holy hell's this my boss D clubbed his left hand trying to remove another garage door spring not at all pretty guys don't Google deadly trust me when I say he probably wasn't wearing gloves to begin with I used to be in military cadets when I was a teenager the most important thing I've been taught to take care of is my feet he mentioned how if you're going to wash one thing that it should be your feet as you take them for granted think of how difficult it is to get out of a survival situation where you have trench foot even if you're in a spot where you can't wash your feet just take your boots shoes and socks off and let then air out and drop also if it's extremely cold weather put your boots inside your sleeping bag at the bottom when you sleep your body heat will keep them from freezing and you won't have to spend hours wearing ice-cold boots I've got to if you are ever caught in a rip current swim perpendicular to it if you swim into it you will die if you let it carry you out to sea and aren't a strong swimmer you'll die if anyone ever is trying to get you to a second location via abduction fight like hell and make a massive scene even if you are killed on the spot that's better than whatever they've got in store for you if anyone ever is trying to get you to a second location via abduction fight like hell and make a massive sea even if you are killed on the spot that's better than whatever they've got in store for you na na NASA star you're not getting me to no secondary location I'm 35 years old and I am still terrified of secondary locations a towel is the most useful thing to have you can dry yourself if you are wet but it is also a blanket if you are cold come give shade if it is warm or you can use it to wipe your sweat it's a hat a cushion a bag wrap it round your heads to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the ravenous bugblatter beast of trowel more importantly a tower has immense psychological value for some reason if ass drag discovers that a hitchhiker has his tower with him he will automatically bet him that he is also in possession of a toothbrush washcloth so tin of biscuits flask compass map ball of string gnat spray wet weather gear spacesuit etc etc furthermore the straggle then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have lost what a straggle think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy ruff it slimey's struggle against terrible odds win through and still knows wait his tireless is clearly a man to be reckoned with you can remove the top most cars seats to break the windows of your car in case you can't open the doors specially useful if you drive into a lake or something like that edit not all cars can get us done not all are removable or sturdy enough for this but it's an option of last resort just get a window hammer they're dirt cheap and often come as part of a tool you wanted anyways in my case it's also a seat belt cutter pocket knife and magnesium strip edit to those asking magnesium strips our firestarters strike them with steel to get sparks love the visual where you were absolutely nailing being the hero of the hour before your trusty baton didn't read the script and failed seriously though good on you for everything you did in that situation you definitely helped someone having a terrible day water filters are really easy to make one layer of gravel and a layer of sand sweat half and half on your container will pull most stuff out just boil the water before drinking glasses lenses can be used to start a fire think magnifying glass much easier than the two sticks method it's better to run a little colder when outside in winter then to sweat if you sweat and you have no shelter you die being colder just burns more calories to a degree applies at any temperature below +10 see generally irrigation canals and culverts make mediocre shelter tornadoes but better than nothing lay flat and point your feet in the direction of the wind if in an open ditch same advice applies for explosions lightning will strike the same place twice coyotes are not friendly nor wily if lost in the wilderness order of survival is shelter fire water security food half of surviving is staying positive landlines will work if the power is out the glasses trick only works with certain prescriptions but I have also been told by an Internet stranger or a drop of water on the lenses will make it work if you are nearsighted never tried this myself or those so take it with a grain of salt a lot of land lines are now void internet firms these are power dependent I didn't realize this as I live in a province the physical size of Texas size of France for our European friends with only a little over a million people in it we're a little slow on the upgrade outside of major sensors edit to water filter details you'll need a waterproof container poke holes in the bottom and fill one stroke three to one spoke two ways with gravel fill the rest with the finest sand you can find this will pull things like large sticks some parasites and mud out of the water you might have to run it through a couple of times if your container is smaller like a water bottle it isn't guaranteed to remove bacteria smaller parasites and viruses out those so boil thoroughly before drinking still most chemicals like pesticides will make it through as well so try to avoid water sources downstream of agricultural areas bonus points if you add a layer of crushed char : it will help filter out some of the smaller stuff and absorb some of the pollution in a water supply as well charcoal layer should go between the sand and the gravel then simply flow water through it the idea that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice has never made sense to me if that were true why were buildings have lightning rods on them it's not just wrong it's an extremely dangerous misconception for people caught in exposed areas in thunderstorms lighting prefers striking the same area multiple times that's why it struck there in the FIR place the path of least resistance made that area a good target so it likely will continue being a good target thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 262,847
Rating: 4.9351354 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, funny reddit, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit and chill, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit reading, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question, planet reddit, survival fact, survival fact people should know, survival, life hack, life tip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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