What gender double-standard makes you angry? - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what gender-based double standard infuriates you the most I went to a Catholic High School girls who got pregnant we asked to leave because it was against all Catholic belief to have sex before marriage but the fathers of the children were not asked to leave women can't be logical men can't be emotional this has pretty much sums up sexism for the past few millennia I'm a female doctor and I frequently fly with a few items of medical equipment stethoscope otoscope et Cie I put it in its own separate bag bin because they always search it the saw agent while searching the bag will ask everyone else in line sir are you a doctor before finally turning to me and asking this are you a nurse my mom's a doctor and my dad was a househusband one time I got sick in elementary school so I went to the nurse who was going to call my parents to come get me the nurse asked me where I could call my mom and I said she was probably busy at work and she should call my dad the nurse ignored that and asked where my mom worked the intensive care nursery at bla bla Medical Center okay who should I ask for doctor Zephyr no you mean mrs. app' she's a doctor no you mean a nurse no she's a doctor so she looks up the number in the phone book and calls the ICN the receptionist answered and thanks to the giant 1990s corded telephone I could hear both ends of the conversation may I speak to one of your nurses mrs. zapper when my mom got on the phone and the school nurse explained the situation my mom was like okay well I'm doing rounds right now why don't you call his father too long didn't read my mom's a doctor but the school nurse couldn't believe that was possible and that's why she's a nurse at a school I think that there is a little bit of a stigma surrounding stay-at-home father's which is not a huge deal but is a little frustrating I'd take the stigma I'm a dad and given the choice between working outside of the house and being a stay-at-home dad I'd absolutely choose the latter unfortunately that's not financially realistic for my family at this point in time but if it was I'd do it in an instant I'm not suggesting I think being a stay-at-home parent is easier than working an outside job I just prefer to spend as much time and dad mode as I can I like that you said that it's not easier and I think it's something that people don't consider if someone chooses to be a stay-at-home parent they are given the oh lucky you don't have to work kind of look while it's generally more acceptable for a woman to do it there's still a weird stigma surrounding the whole concept of actually wanting to be around to raise your children when was the last time you saw a man in a yogurt commercial I like yogurt too damn it I believe that Burn Notice is actually just a long-running well-written yogurt commercial Michael Westen does love his yogurt I'm getting married in 22 days every no exceptions professional involved with putting on our wedding has emailed my fiancee but not me she's had to forcibly insert into the conversations even when I am the one who sent the initial email the wedding coordinator actually ignored her adding me to the email conversation the first time she had to add me a second time when we talk in person they attempt to pull her off to the side and discuss the events away from me since it'll all be up to her even some of our friends have found themselves referring to it as her big day before being glared at and minded that it's both of us people I am half of the marriage my opinions about this wedding matter even if every bridal show magazine whatever ever makes it out at the bride Lamont solitary control my fiancee who has an anxiety disorder and gets extremely upset when she has to deal with too many open-ended questions does not appreciate you taking me out of the conversation and neither do I edit clarity I'm a divorced dad I have my kids more than half the time I do most other communications with school I register them every year and I put both email addresses down I'm in the school about every other day emails from the school very often still go to their mom and not me I always copy my ex-wife on every email but sometimes the responses go only to her luckily we get along and she forwards to me but seriously WTF I'm a lady and I've always found it incredibly stupid that woman are supposed to plan have their choice for every aspect of a wedding this is no longer the days where that one special day is all we get before we are thrust into a life at home making so both people should have input on the wedding I'm in several bands I play saxophone mostly as you might assume from my name as a woman I get taken way less seriously people assume that I'm with the band not in it the guys get to asked what do you play I hardly ever get asked that if I tell people I'm an ax verb and they almost always ask so using and frequently I get so you sick not even a question nothing against singing indeed I do enjoy singing also but the assumptions are annoying since I do see how gender base they are just one example from last night so we get into the venue and a guy asks if I need help with my stuff I know a sincere would you like some help from a guy acting like he can't believe a woman is carrying something heavy and is being patronizing about it it was the latter I say no thanks I got it and smiled politely the guy then asks which one of them is your boyfriend none of them then the bartender yells at the guy and stop hitting on the band he replies I'm not hitting on the band I'm hitting on the blonde thanks dude I try to maintain some sense of just being flattered by the staff yelled my way by guys who want to get in my pants that's how I deal with it and sometimes even enjoy it despite knowing that the guys in my band don't have to think about being on as a sex object when performing they don't have as much pressure to smile back and be friendly and not a beach to the audience they don't have to worry about not looking sexy enough to be a valued performer they don't have to worry about looking middle-age or not showing enough skin while worrying about their dress coming up too far during the show basically interacting with kids you don't know or he'll even kids you do know if a woman does it she's being cute and stuff when a guy does it people expect him to be a creep like when you see a kid that has lost his/her parents in a store when a female takes that kid by the hand to search for his parents it's a nice gesture to comfort the kid when a guy does it he's a potential rapist this for reverence I'm a 23 year old guy back in August I went to a water park with some friends at the water park they had one of those playground things with a giant bucket that dumps 1,000 gallons of water on the people below every 90 seconds or so to my friends and I are having a glass just running around shooting each other with a water guns and getting dumped on by the bucket some little kids see as playing and want to join in so naturally I start playing with em to shooting them with water running around like an idiot guess who gets chastised by his friends for being a creeper me so [ __ ] just because I'm good with kids doesn't mean I'm a pedophile this [ __ ] gets me more angry than just about everything for reference I'm a 20 year old guy almost all of my younger cousins are female as is my duty as an older cousin I'm often asked to Babis it I'm fine with this as my little cousins are also one day at the park with my four-year-old cousin watching her play in a sandbox with other kids when it begins to rain so knowing that she can't run fast I simply pick her up and begin to walk to the car she starts to cry because apparently she has never had as much fun in her life as she did when she was in that sandbox some lady sees me carrying off a crying child and decides that I am obviously trying to kidnap her so she runs over and starts yelling at me by this time the rain is really starting to come down so I ignore her and continue walking this apparently threw the woman for a loop of she got in front of me and tried to take my little cousin from me being a rational person I shoved the duck out of her and put my little cousin into the car and drive off over the next hour I had to tell the entire story no less than four times the entire time the woman is standing in the background yelling profanities at me so I ended up calling my cousin's mother to come over and set everything straight too long didn't we'd apparently male babysitter's don't exist right now in the next room a family member is trying to convince someone it doesn't make him less of a man to report physical abuse at the hands of his Duntov a wife go help him trust me I would be there in a second if I could but he's a few states away and the [ __ ] happened like a week ago he's fine right now she's out of the country it's not the first time it's happened though and it came up on the phone earlier apparently he dropped the divorce bomb tonight so that's good those commercials where men cannot use paper towels only their wives no only women can unlock the power of wiping liquids off surfaces it's all benevolent sexism where advertisers pitch to the sex of the person they think will buy the product based on an idea that people buy into an amplified version of what their gender is supposed to be good at we all can white liquids off surfaces men aren't too dumb to do it and women aren't particularly skilled in the field if I'm gone for a week hardly anybody bat an eye but while my wife was away for a week the help came from every direction why the scare quotes because the help actually consisted of every female family member and friend of my wife treating me like a ducking child cooking cleaning laundry childcare you name it they assumed I couldn't handle it and then the looks of condescension when I said I could manage just fine thank how very much their mouths said well call if you need anything but their eyes said Oh his poor children I appreciate offers of help but not when they are founded on pity and where's the help for my wife when I'm not around join our community discord link in description that is a woman I want to hold every drooly poopy baby that passes me by thanks I've had people literally try to hand me their babies and I've turned them down do you want to hold her um not really also the times I have held babies I feel no connection or sense of or that I guess every other female feels only awkwardness also my friends mock me for the way I hold them I'm a 22 year old female and I have never held a baby in my life many have offered but I politely refuse to be quite honest I can't stand them male elementary school teachers are always viewed as potential kiddy Fiddler's that's funny I've always liked male teachers more than female teachers they just seem way more laid-back than female teachers most of them anyway one of my best friends was a teacher for two years was what he went to college for one of the reasons he quit was the fact that anytime a female student needed help after school or during his planning period he had to call another teacher into the room to just sorta hang out you to the risk he could be accused of something forty people died in an attack including 20 women and children I guess the rest were just men oh well this comes from the days when every adult male was in the military women and children used to Maine civilians that doesn't make it any less stupid today though when a girl is being nice at a bar she wants to have sex when a guy is being nice at a bar he is creepy neither of these are correct why isn't it socially acceptable to be kind to one another in a social setting also for both genders if you are nice to the opposite gender you are flirting with them damn it maybe I just want to make friends this will get buried but this has been something that was on my mind a lot when I was 15 I was on my local soccer team and all-girls team we had a very religious girl on our team but man could she play she led out here both in spirit and in score and we were just lost without her she was tiny but she was fast and strong every Sunday game we had though she couldn't attend she had to go to church her brother though could play his games right next to us on the same field we asked her why and she say his game was more important than mine they needed him more we'd always shrug it off and interpreted it to mean that since the boys were having a tournament his parents would let him play in Miss Church but come the final year end game it was a Sunday this was a make-it-or-break-it game difference between first and second place this was the most important game of the year for both the boys and the girls teams we had been working up to this tournament all summer and we were getting ready to wrap it up the finals fell on a Sunday morning she couldn't play she had to go to church her brother attended it may not be the double standard that affects me the most but knowing how well that girl played she could have gone pro easily if not in soccer then in track and field those parents may have ruined one of Canada's future greatest athletes by showing her that in their rise our accomplishments as an athlete weren't to be proud of any more than a kid being good at board games if that's pretty ducking infuriating edit well it looks like this wasn't buried don't I have a gone my face short-girl adorable short guy lame or creepy it makes me sad as a guy who is 5 foot I sadly approved this message edit Wow guys thank you so much for the kind comments I really was not expecting it out of this thread I would say my confidence has been raised by a significant amount thank you my reddit brethren sister I tend to be very attracted to men that are around my height about 5 feet 4 I have no problem with dating a guy shorter than me there are girls out there like me as a guy I can sum up all my anger and rage in one sentence men are not allowed to be vulnerable sure you can just not with shitty people I'm a big Harry dirt and I've been completely open vulnerable with close friends when really needed just like they have with me if a friend thinks less of you because you have basic human emotions needs and concerns then they are not that place of a friend that's fine not all friends are like that or share that connection but men absolutely can be vulnerable however if your issue is with that men can't be vulnerable all the time then that's a bit different imagining a 25 year old male virgin and a 25 year old female virgin conjures up two different images I'm a male babysitter two times I've had people who upon meeting me in person apparently assumed I was a female just had this look of sheer horror in their eyes seemingly feeling that they need to grab their kid and run for it lest the clean-shaved nicely dressed good smelling smiling 20 year old snatched their child and started but raping it in the middle of their home as apparently any male who is not from their family would do chuck the thing that frustrates me the most is how open they are about it well you have this perfect resume and references but we think we'd go with a female at least have the decency to make up some [ __ ] excuse what's the difference between us and well your nice guy and all but I don't want you dating my daughter because you're black Hispanic whatever what's so frustrating what infuriates me about double standards is that most people use it as a way to bash the offending gender instead of looking for ways to fix if the problem all people will come on and say as a man woman I don't do this sorry about my gender buck don't apologize for your gender your gender did nothing wrong society as a whole did something wrong good news is these double standards can be fixed it will take time but it can be done a common one I see is why do I have to pay for everything Huck it's not even as common today as people make it seem don't want to pay for everything don't date a person that expects you to if they expect you to despite the fact that you don't wish to do so then you should dump them not to grudgingly do something you don't want it this can be said for most double standards you don't have to conform to them just because you think everyone else's part of how you break double standards is by not conforming to them consider how you still a dad being a stay-at-home parent was considered bad nowadays it's definitively not as bad as it used to be and it continues to get better every year that goes by all double standards make me sad however they can be changed it's a slow process bashing the offending gender won't change it if we had enough money I would absolutely love to be a stay-at-home dad and be able to dedicate that much time to my children I work a lot of hours pains me I can't see my children as much as I'd like in a recent large survey thousands of people on their deathbeds were asked for their biggest regret if I recall correctly the number one answer was I wish I hadn't worked so hard I didn't get to see enough for my loved ones I hope you can get creative and find a way edit damn I just realized that was a big downer instead of motivation : men being expected to ask girls out I'd love to be asked out I'm so done with emotions I can't tell if someone isn't to me oh man I don't know why but I had to log in and tell this story I am sure you and everyone here won't care but done it I want to tell it my ex broke my heart about three months ago and I just finally got around to going back out on the social scene and attempt to socialize with people I decided to visit a bar I am considered a regular at and sat and chatted up with the bartender's while waiting for a friend to meet me eventually this lovely woman stands right next to me and looks at the menu I asked if she had ever been here before or ate here and she says no so I inquire as to what she is in the mood for and offer suggestions long story short conversation flows with her and she goes back to her group of friends my buddy eventually shows up so we talk in the night goes on eventually she comes back to order a drink and we strike up conversation again and she informs me she is about to leave we oddly as you'd think I would have asked earlier exchanged names and she says to me it was great to meet you name I really hope to see you here again then she pauses for a long time I look her dead in the eye and say yet was fun have a good night the minute she walks away I look at my buddy and it instantly dawned on me that I should have asked for her number felt like such a clueless idiot alas I have not seen her since thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 723,711
Rating: 4.9245396 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, best of reddit, what makes you angry, reddit, askreddit funny, ask reddit, memes, reddit stories, makes you angry, gender double standards askreddit, funny reddit stories, funny reddit, subreddit, reddit cringe, gender double standards, best of r/askreddit, top posts, reddit top posts, biggest gender double standards, what valentine day disasters have you witnessed? (r/askreddit), best reddit posts, double standards, planet reddit
Id: NVcDsQNi3s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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