If you could talk to your 15 year-old self for one minute, what would you say?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit if you could talk to your 15 year old self for one minute what would you say I don't want to talk to that guy he's insufferable I second this communicating with my 15 year old self and trying teach him a life lesson or something would prove to be impossibly frustrating and ineffective because that dumb little [ __ ] doesn't yet have the capacity to learn what I'm trying to tell him but I'd tell him that yes he really would get this fat then prove my identity by telling him something only he knows I'd likely be flustered but pay attention the rest would be easy starting at 15 I always carried around a small notebook pen $19.99 giver quest notes and plans I'd tell him to buy that $100 of Bitcoin when it was less than $1 per coin that his dad convinced him not to which would cover about 20 seconds the rest would be lottery numbers for a few of the bigger ones which I'd make him write down and a few long-term stocks to invest in I'd also tell him to fund plague prevention measures around the world especially a few key locations in 2019 at this point I'd have an old fixed up US surplus bunker with a few million USD of supplies and survival stuff I wouldn't have to tell him to do that I've wanted that sort of thing since I was eight this I like this have an upvote you beach invest in a company named Amazon I was 15 in 1988 imagine what I could do with Microsoft then Apple then Amazon and Google but you know my sisters and parents all are alive and well today and I have a niece and three nephews I change everyone's lives and certainly if nothing else my sisters would have conceived at a slightly different times or married someone else from the country club or whatever what if my dad drives a Ferrari off a cliff in 1999 and I have to live 21 years knowing that for sure my parents would have been grandparents it's alive and happy with money all the money be worth that time travel sucks just invest secretly and once everyone is born again give them all the money but what if you accidentally throw something off just slightly and one kid is just a little off of what you know could have been and you're stuck with almost Ricci hey give me your pocket money hey give me your hair line hey give me your waist line probably not something you want to say to a fifteen year old you are going to marry that hottie sitting next to you in geometry class make your past self so over confident that they are cup their future plot twist the icig married to that hot girl because he didn't have any confidence now he will bootstrap paradox intensifies that expensive college you're thinking about will relegate you to near poverty for decades you dumb little lark alternatively if you just stuck with your physical therapist track you would have had the world at your fingertips but now you are just a rally sharp rat have tell that to my wife who paid almost 180 thousand dollars for a PT degree that pays sixty thousand dollars a year cheap college plus profitable major anthill golden 9k a year tuition prob 20k all-in cost per year make 120 K per year just turned 20 for college absolutely worth it stop obsessing over that boy he doesn't matter and never will work her behind off in school don't be the person who depends on another person I find it really remarkable how so often in these kind of threads women will tell their younger selves a cough boys or a cough insert specific boy and guys will tell the opposite like treat her better or don't be scared to ask her out cause apps what redditors upvote nothing more not les Goodell confirmation bias while I'm 14 so I'd probably ask how high school is going while I'm 14 so I'd probably ask how high school lockdown is going I'm 15 so I guess I just talked to myself and man that would be horrible lol me too I would probably tell to keep his D at his parents are you a dad no buddies are walking as TD o H age fair enough Dead is going to die next year talk to him more about his family history I'm sorry for your loss thank you for the condolences it was a long time ago it will be the 40th anniversary of his death later this year died from stomach cancer within four months of finding out he had it if you smoked try your best to quit for the love of God realize how attractive you are it won't last forever as a 15 year old this makes me way too worried oh you misunderstood Opie was attractive back then yeah I understood what he meant but thanks for the clarification anyways I was just worried over the fact that this is it my body won't get better than it already is and the only change would be a decline in attractiveness I guess awful things to waste energy worrying about attractiveness shouldn't be it as I can not change it and can only change my attitude towards it still trying my best and staying hopeful though get out of your friendships those people are toxic and you don't know then anything talk about your traumas now demand you get help from your parents now not later and also I love you dude it's gonna work out nice buckle up baron clone did ship get real after 15 for you just got depressed for a little nothing too serious just thought telling that to my 15 year old self would be pretty funny I laughed when I read your OC it's completely okay but you are really gay it's going to suck really bad but you are bipolar ask your parents about going to therapy don't go to college your brother is worse off than you think and he's going to cause immense harm trust your instincts you're powerless and powerful and it will never make sense don't drink alcohol on these specific dates sorry to hear sounds like you had some rough times as a youngin I hope you are doing better now we except for the gay part and bipolars PTSD and BPD for me but everything else is the same thing I would say I'd say to me that girl over there it's sucking pretty enjoy all the kisses she will give you cause she'll break your heart sorry to hear that bro thanks bro you know that's life I have to listen to Sinatra now thanks I don't think there's anything I can say for only a minute to my 15 year old so that would change anything now I can imagine listen to any I am you from the future buy Bitcoin for the love of my Bitcoin as much as you can also don't try to woo Tatiana go for her friend she's more fun don't buy Bitcoin mine it for free on your mom's laptop or something the difficulty of mining bits going back then was so damn easy that a Core 2 Duo running while you're a school and moms at work could net dozens or maybe a hundred coins and that's just eight hours on almost no power repeat for a year and you'd be up at 25,000 coins which you could get approximately eighteen thousand five hundred dollars for if you adjust for volume congratulations you now have nearly five hundred million dollars have fun at tax time yep she would not have listened to me please don't go on that diet it will become an eating disorder that will destroy the next five years of your life I'm on the brink of an EP any advice please edit Thanks to everyone who answered three you guys are amazing oh man seek out a therapist or any online resources you can I'm 20 my IDI has only ended up ruining my metabolism and my fertility and bones my hair fell out for yours I've missed out on relationships and got abused by my parents over it and has inevitably made me a higher weight than if I never restricted at all oh and people died from their AIDS don't think it won't happen to you I would kill just to be able to eat normally it's not worth it I don't know how far in you are but talk to people about it get help I know it's cliche but just eat a needy will not make you happier and there are better ways to cope my IDI is the reason I still live at home have a few friends and no relationship and a healthy weight but still barely eat and have wasted so much money on the therapy I didn't get soon enough thanks for the advice don't worry I'm not far in but I constantly think about not eating for an entire day then binge at the end and feel miserable I'll seek help before it gets too bad the next 10 years are going to be the toughest of your life you're going to move overseas despite your pleas to your parents you are going to live in a small town until you make enough money to leave it on your own you are going to get fired from three fast-food jobs while working your behind off to make minimum wage and put yourself through higher education you're going to take 5 years to complete a three year degree because you're overworked in your part-time job you're going to have to temporarily move back in with your parents when you run out of money you're going to move overseas again with your fiancee of five years who will then dump you six months later and then return home to your parents a second time all your life savings wasted you will finally come out to your parents as an atheist and leave the cult you were raised bit they will no longer speak to you even during a global pandemic you will find love again you will pick yourself up grow you will do a cross-country road trip start your own thriving business after three years of just breaking even you will adopt a puppy and he will be the start of your family good luck kiddo you're gonna need it ro you're tougher Zack for keeping your chin up through all of this man glad to hear you're doing well after so many [ __ ] being thrown at you plus happy cake day don't start smoking cigarettes and don't try LSD ever what happened asking as someone who also did LSD at 15 lol I actually didn't try it until my mid-twenties but due to an unhealthy oppressive Christian upbringing and some questionable music choices my bad trip manifested as my best friend being revealed as Satan and acid as the catalyst to my realization of my own death and entering hell ruined pot for me later ended up with an anxiety disorder and form of PTSD H PPD that I still struggle with to this day damn man hope you get better I'd tell him to rearrange his room so that his desk is facing the wall away from the door thus spying him an extra two seconds before his parents concede his computer screen stop hurting yourself physically and emotionally you're doing your best and that's all that anyone can ask also stop acting like you're not gay I needed to hear this when I was 15 and it's nice to hear it now be more brave with women it will help you later on trust your gut intuition it's smarter than your brain is when a girl rejects you or is a flake just find a new girl stop peeking around waiting for women who don't give a sh t and will never give a sh t about you I feel attacked in a good way you're not slip your parents know what you're doing in the bathroom for 30 minutes 30 minutes definitely rookie numbers I hope you got them down you have dissociative identity disorder talk to the others in your head as equals and things will get happier try cross-dressing trust me you'll be a lot happier therapy get some finally in six ish years you will meet the love of your life in sync with just everything about you he is wonderful may I ask how many identities or whatever you like to call them you have up there the usual terms altars as far as we're aware there's seven of us awake and an eighth currently dormant recovering from recent events with a temporary lack of consciousness I see you are not alone in your head either fix your procrastination problem I will just not right now can you help me fix mine too he's a procrastinator not a liar invest every penny you have in Bitcoin I graduated in 2006 I had read various things about it not necessarily Bitcoin but the space in general I was truly intrigued and understood the implications but the lack of tangibility scared the crap out of me I came into some money in 2010 5k and it was all I could do not to invest it my gut kept telling me yes but my brain kept telling me no no of the story go with your gut kid finally had to scroll down way too much for this be stop worrying about boys period and barking do your best in school get a trade job and kick behind I didn't even know boys had periods it's 20 20 even boys can have period don't bury the bodies in the field it gets turned into a development a year later and you have to return and dig them up and bury them somewhere else relatable are / hollow down again spend more time with your mom breast cancer is a B CH I tell myself it'll get better nothing lasts forever not the bad not the good but eventually the good parts last longer than the bad parts and you will have some amazing people to help you through the bad parts and to celebrate the good parts 2020 is going to suck because there is going to be pandemic by Bitcoin in 2013 don't try to go to college stay the yuck away from anyone named Kristen occu Kristen carry a jar of peanut butter for the next two years just do it this needs further explanation wait why I'm really curious now you can eat peanut butter to curve cravings it's what bodybuilders do so hey don't eat aureus and other junk food late night stop jacking off a and D D get a job a job at fifteen living life on hardmode IC join our community discord link in description tbh I'd give myself a list of medications not to try and a quick pep talk and tell myself to get contact lenses sooner lol a girlfriend isn't going to solve all your problems it can really help with the self esteem self-loathing one though I'd play you child for myself wash your face before going to bed especially when you're wearing makeup keep your head down and work hard don't get distracted by all the nonsense friends or lack thereof also ask Brianna doubt hey buddy you know that girl you like she doesn't like you back and the idea of her dating you will just make her gag get over it dog but time will pass by you'll hit the gym get your [ __ ] together and be way better at life and nine years from now she will send you a message out of the blue asking to catch up because she thinks you are very funny and also kinda cute comedian and while that situation won't work out it will teach you the lesson that good things that can happen in life if you just ucking apply yourself you are trans you Dumber they really are your enemy they're never going to treat you like you matter you are just a prop or accessory to their life don't project anything else onto them or you will only create false expectations you're on your own and you can find other allies and sources of love don't seek shelter or rest in known traps drugs etc be true be loved get into BJJ and dodge that elbow or you'll get a nasty concussion [ __ ] fasting 100 percent keep it up buddy you're doing great I didn't tuck anything up too bad at that time that didn't have a whole lot of encouragement so ya know maybe that would have been nice to hear leave town and go away to college dump this over-aged man I can in 13 days for the love of God get your [ __ ] together and get good grades learn about healthy dieting and get in shape start caring when your best friend tells you he's gay tell him that's okay and not weird go to college don't worry about dating get counseling there's so much I would say that would make the me I am today have a much more stable life don't put your duck and crazy edit D go to doctor now otherwise you're going to waste two years with DRS and don't understand what they are looking at and ignore the exciting hot girls and get to know the ones who actually care about something interesting what is it like in 2021 I remember me you're 12 years old cringe self and yes I'm 12 cringe is just gross [Music] you're only cringing because you've learned to be better and do better I would tell my 15 year old self to be more social in high school and maybe join a club and also there are a few people I'd probably tell my younger self to not become friends with the weights you hang from your air while resulting in a massive squad will lead to long lasting medical problems however it'll be worth it because you'll one day meet a girl with a pair of broad net honkers to match your absolute meat WTF did I just read dude I won't lie it's gonna suck and change you in ways you have no idea how not much will be good but you will overcome it and be stronger because of it plan a solid career path for your future now stop the stress eating and know that things will be fine you got this kid you can go to a UC sex is ok ask k out right now check on Lauren she needs a friend tell the theatre people to suck it when they suggest it go to the alternative high school go to college early and get out of town you will one day be known as fierce how different life might be if I just did those things I'm happy here too it just took a while love yourself be more comfortable with you who are if you keep rejecting yourself you'll only make yourself more miserable embrace who you are know who you are and wear it like armor once you figure it out you'll find peace don't end it it gets better sometimes it gets worse you have things to work on but it will all make sense in time do not end IT I love you and I never knew I could do not end it we begin to heal soften your heart stop with the self-pity you're okay you just want attention I'm sorry I couldn't always protect you it took me a while but I'm much stronger now so I won't let anything happen to you again stop wasting so much time trying to get West to be nicer to you you idiot just join the Dungeons & Dragons Club ffs is it boring hell yeah but there's some awesome people you'd meet there also don't don't date any of the guys you're going to date especially that one guy you know which one sorry if that doesn't make sense I had an edible stay away from your dodgy uncle Alabama put money into Starbucks Google Amazon Apple and bet heavily on the Giants in Super Bowl 42 study Japanese and study XD put every dollar you earn into Bitcoin and sell when it hits $19,000 stop doing so many drugs and stay in school stop trying to be cool and emo relax around people and stop being so weird think before you speak or do anything drop the video games and clean up your own that workout routine you ended a year ago get back on that also focus on English otherwise you won't make it to the advanced classes thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 59,472
Rating: 4.9361024 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit and chill, reddit watchers, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit reading, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question, planet reddit, time travel, the past, your past self, if you could talk to your past self, what would you say?, advice
Id: gniVLK11WnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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