What Is Something You Have Seen A Parent Do That Them Totally Bada$$? (r/AskReddit)

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my dad single-handedly broke up a fight where five people we're smashing another guy's face in what is something you have seen a parent do that made you think they were totally badass my family was on vacation when I was about 12 and we went to the beach the water was pretty rough that day and there was one area full of all these jagged rocks while my dad was teaching me how to surf that day and he'd already warned me not to go near the rocks because a rip was forming over there so there we are out in the middle of the ocean amidst all the other tourists when my dad goes stay on the board and stay here and swims away I hadn't been paying attention but apparently my dad had noticed these teenagers swimming near the rocks and one of them got caught in the rip he had managed to grab onto a rock so he wasn't being pulled any deeper but the waves were crashing over him and it was clear he wasn't going to be able to hold on much longer as I watched my dad swam over and managed to pull the kid to safety avoiding the rocks and waves and fighting back against the RIP he then proceeded to lecture the kid about ocean safety because you know he's a dad dad pulled two unconscious women off the bottom of a hotel pool alternated CPR on both and revived them if saving lives is not enough watched him punch a shark while scuba diving to drive it away from the dive party you know that game at the fairway you try and run against the bungee cord for a prize when I was a kid we went to a fair and a big firefighter tried that game and didn't win it then a Marine home on leave tried it and didn't get it then my 42 year old dad gave it a go and won the carnies were super confused because they only had the one prize and they didn't have a backup in case someone won but they had to give it to us it was awesome also he burst all the blood vessels in his face and looked like a monster for a week but still awesome this was in Sweden during the 90s my mom was waiting in line at the bus stop when she noticed a couple of skinheads hair racing a couple of immigrant kids so she screams at them you [ __ ] kuck given are supposed to love everything Swedish a real sweet waits in line and shuts the Frick up which they did immediately the European queue Olympics must be a very tight race my dad was fetching my sister at her primary school when some thieves on mentor bike snatched a lady's purse off he dropped my sister down asked her to wait chased after the thieves on his motorbike kicked the thieves down and then proceeded to beat the crap out of both of them and handed them to the police some days later the police called him up to the station to get some kind of awards but he refused because he didn't want any publications in his words I didn't want the thieves to remember my face it might endanger your sister since the thievery occurred near her school the fact that he refused any recognition for that makes this so much cooler my dad went from aging alcoholic after my brother died too sober overnight going from 36 cans of beer a day to nothing the next morning is still one of the strongest things I've ever seen from someone whose family is full of raging alcoholics and me being one of them at a point in my life respect liquor is much easier to get than drugs you don't drive by your local aid shop every day you don't sit around with friends and family while you all do age you don't go out to dinner and everyone else is ordering a side of age I'm glad he's sober now it seems like a small thing overall in light of these stories but it still seems badass to me my 70 year old grandfather World War two veteran while dying of lung cancer and on a non successful round of chemotherapy rebuilt an external staircase on the side of his house everything was level straight and perfect when we cleaned up their house five years later I had to take a rail off that stair to get something out by I I mean it took three of us my dad has always been a big physically impressive guy six feet three inches about 220 pounds getting poor clear in his old age bill used to be pretty fit too so he's always been a towering figure to me seemingly physically unstoppable but what really set him apart for me was his charisma so he took me my brother and our two best friends to Cedar Point for those unfamiliar Cedar Point is probably one of America's most famous amusement parks known for being home to a number of record-setting roller coasters for a weekend trip when we arrived it turns out that the hotel the breakers had erroneously overbooked we were told that our rooms had been given to other guests and after a lengthy discussion with management that with apologies were basically Sol now my mom has always been a very uptight by-the-book what you see is what you get kind of person and I kinda took after her in that regard I was ready to admit defeat my dad however told us kids to wait in a nearby and he'd fix this I idolized him but I wasn't sure how he planned to get us into a full hotel he popped into a nearby gift shop walked up to reception with a flower in hand and after a wave of smiles and giggling on the part of the clerk up front 20 minutes later we were escorted to the hotel's premium Suites for free no less we were given vouchers for another stay and then were allowed to pay the rate for the Suites for which we'd originally booked and my jaw drops now that I'm an adult I've had more experience in the idea of abscess being kind and talking to someone rarely if ever hurts your chances so I can understand better that it wasn't magic just being nice but to ten-year-old me it was like wizardry it was just so effortless everyone liked my dad he could talk his way out of anything to a kid that still stammered nervously when forced to order his own food in public because I was so afraid of strangers it really made him larger than life sounds like my dad my dad got involved in a strange love triangle when I was about 12 elated this girl for a while but she was crazy broke up got nasty and she eventually told her new boyfriend a few weeks later that my dad had been trying to come over to lay the smackdown on her well the guy didn't like that so much so he knocked on my father's door for an hour or so my dad didn't want to talk to him my dad walked outside and the guy pulled a gun on him it was absolutely horrifying to see my father about to be shot by some nutcase I was looking on through the window I was so scared and only 12 I ran to call the police halfway through the police phone call I hear my dad yell that's right beep own a gun on a mother like Amy again apparently my dad had disarmed him and pistol-whipped his skull so hard the guy couldn't stand I should also mention my dad served three years in prison before I was born for a felony on another note he is the most wonderful father a person could ever ask for this week on when keeping it real goes wrong a jealous lover should have realized his skanky girlfriend was leading him into trouble when she told him another man was trying to lay the pipe on her while she was home alone he should have let it slide but he chose to keep it real sleeping at my cabin once with my family immediate family and G parents wake up to my grandma screaming at my grandpa in the middle of the night look out the window and see my grandpa butBut maked holding a nine-millimeter staring down a black bear apparently he got up to go to the bathroom and saw a black bear trying to climb in his bedroom window still not sure how he got a gun out so fast G parents for some reason I imagined two middle-aged parents and gangster clothing and talking like geez my uncle was a cameraman for Fox during the Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl riots in 93 he noticed a group of men beating the heck out somebody across the street nobody was doing anything about it so he decided to take matters into his own hands he was wielding one of those giant news cameras since he was supposed to be filming the parade he ran across the street and started swinging the behemoth of a camera at the group of people they all scrambled out of the way but didn't leave my uncle stood over the beating man was swinging his camera at anyone that came near the police showed up and took over from there there is a video of this somewhere they interviewed my uncle and showed some clips of him standing over the I wish I could find it I'm surprised it's not on YouTube I would really like to see this video I hope you find it I'm at work or I'd help in the search myself when I was a kid I watched my dad lasso a rattlesnake with a shoestring he was a park ranger and he's always been very into wildlife he was getting ready for a yearly presentation that his organization would take around to the area elementary schools about local wildlife and ecology so of course he needed a rattlesnake we went out driving one afternoon and happened to see one across the road so he stopped to catch it he had a glass box for it in the back of his truck who doesn't drive around with a snake box but he didn't have the stick he'd usually used to capture it so he pulls off his sneaker and takes the shoelace out and after a couple of tries proceeds to lassu the freaking thing put it in the box and take it home my dad is freaking awesome I read this as when I was a kid I watched my dad make a lasso with a rattlesnake and a shoestring I need to get more sleep and I should probably be paying attention in class right now but we did basically I didn't know my dad was a jiu-jitsu blackbelt one day my dad his friend from University and I went somewhere I'm not sure where anymore I was dozing in the back of a car because it was quite late when all of a sudden my dad stops the car puts it in Reverse drives backwards for 15 meters or so and say let's go Raj Raj unlike my dad was a very tall and buff Indian that could not be brought down easily my dad on the other hand is about 1.83 meters tall which is quite average anyway they take off their seatbelts and get out walking down an alley I get out and see that there is a commotion at the end of the alley I hear my dad say something and repeating the same thing over and over after about one minute he stops talking and Raj and him disappear into the kerfuffle 30 seconds later everyone is on the floor except for my dad and Raj and three women they walk back to the car and my dad said get in the Buitoni on bag we have some ladies that we need to escort to their homes TL DR black belt dad and angry Indian save they day and returned with three women Opie turns into animal to be sat in the boot of car I thought it was awesome that your dad called you and gone bag until I realized it's your username my dad fought off a bunch of guys have jumped him in the middle of the street by blocking off his car they wanted to steal the car he threw the keys onto the sidewalk and proceeded to kicking their asses they had some sort of makeshift weapons don't remember now but it was sticks or battles and they flicked his back up with em pretty bad basically they were a bunch of [ __ ] who were used to scaring people into submission and they ran the Frick away as soon as he put up a fight and knocked some teeth out he came back home a bit bruised up but nowhere near as bad as you'd imagine except for his knuckles goddammit his knuckles were freakin raw I did think he was freakin badass after that but mostly I was really P off about what happened and that I wasn't there similarly my dad and I were riding bikes when a guy threw a moldy peach at my dad without any hesitation Pop's ripped off his bike pump and threw it through their side window they screeched to a stop my dad rode up to the car and reached in to get his pump they did nothing my dad ended the Cold War he was studying over in Russia during the late eighties right around the end of the war one day him and some of his friends from the states went on a huge party boat with some Russians a local news crew was there and they interviewed him Russian women and either arm of course he said something along the lines of this Americans don't want to keep this feud going we love the Russians we want to be allies and partners apparently Gorbachev was watching this live feed and later wrote in him memoirs I saw American and Russian students getting along having a good time and being friends I then decided to call Reagan and begin talks of peace so now my dad likes to tell people he ended the Cold War I like to be about my dad because let's be honest he's kind of a dong but he does have his awesome moments when I was Margaret ten we had an old bull named Bruce we used for breeding he kinda reminds me of the guys on Jersey Shore all pumped up on testosterone completely [ __ ] and wanting to beat everything the Frick up one day I'm minding my own business dealing my farm chores when I hear a loud bang turn around there's a crumpled-up gate and Bruce is out of his pen staring me down he's moving his head back and forth sizing me up deciding whether or not I'm a threat there's a soft clinking noise as the chain attached to his nose ring drags across the concrete then he stops lifts his head stairs behind me and my father driving the skid loader charges him from seemingly nowhere placing himself between me and the bull I flee to the safety of the barn as I turn around to shut the door I see my father ran the skid loader into Bruce shouting his redneck war cry he grabbing our Bruce startled jumps back into his pen dad parks the skid loader and the gap climbs out and walks away like a boss my grandma also raises cattle he is a tough son of a B I have seen him Corner Bulls and run them around one time his breeder boar cornered him behind a tree his warriors yo yo yo bull you was he is running around this tree eventually the bull got tired off the game and walked away funny as crap and it's no an affectionate way for our family to yell at each other yo yo my grandpa came upon a waking black bear and punched him in the nose so the black bear ran away imagined your grandpa punching Winnie the Pooh in the face for some reason while on a humanitarian trip to Africa with my mother and a few others a few guys started yelling at us at around 6:00 in the morning while we waited for our barsen started getting closer and closer she basically led off a pterodactyl scream and told them to freak off they did indeed freak off I was very proud I am not familiar with this tactic I'm 25 and my dad is 45 I was playing around with my 3-year brother on the trampoline this summer my dad walked up to us and asked if I still knew how to do a backflip sure I said and proceeded to do a shabby backflip barely landing on my feet the old man laughed mockingly adding that was the worst backflip I've ever seen he then stepped onto the trampoline and proceeded to perform a perfect double backflip then walked back to the house and pop to be here I did flips a lot in high school sometimes on trampolines but mostly on the ground or off of something I graduated about six years ago and about one year so five years after not having done that sort of thing I attempted a backflip and nearly broke my neck couldn't imagine surviving one in another 20 years my dad's a Vietnam vet when my sister and I were little he took us into Chicago on Chinese New Year to watch the parade in Chinatown the day was wonderful everything was magical so on and so forth and while we were walking to the nearest subway station some homeless guy who was obviously tweaking out on something got in my dad's face he started screaming that my dad was a liar and a fraud he'd never been a soldier he'd never seen war e.t.c my father always used to wear his army jacket and my dad just ignored him and moved us to his side away from the crazy dude the hobo didn't approve and got in my older sister's face she was eight or nine I think and started to scream at her your dad is a fraud in that sort of thing really scary and threatening we both started to cry and my dad just kind of shoved us back and then roundhouse kicked that mother right in the face he went down like a sack of potatoes and my dad picked me up grabbed my sister's hand and we pretty much ran down the street I remember watching the hobo over my dad's shoulder just laying on the ground holding his head and wailing at the top of his lungs I had no idea that my dad knew any sort of martial arts I was in little kid karate so I kinda had an understanding on what he did even though I wouldn't know the name for it until I was a lot and I've never to this day seen him do anything remotely close to that I'm from Chicago up votes for helping us contain the aggressive hobo population with awesome roundhouse kicks my father works on offshore oil rigs and was stationed off the coast of Nigeria he was in an airport waiting for his next flight out when the flight was suddenly canceled the country they were going to fly over had just started a civil war I'm not sure but I believe he was in Togo with no way of getting in touch with the office and little money on him he bribed his way off the airport and tried to make his way to the embassy he never made it a few hours before he was supposed to arrive to the site the office received a call asking for a ransom for my father my father is insured for this through my company it happens more times than you would think so they brought in someone to handle the issue they spoke with with the kidnapper and they came to an agreement the kidnapper said he would call the next day to say when and where to perform the trade the next day the kidnapper never called he never called the next day either the man got in contact with the proper authorities to file a report and see what needed to be done early in the morning of the fourth day since the kidnapping a beat-up jeep with my father at the wheel showed up they said he was covered in blood and dirt and sunburned all to heck he was escorted by guards into the embassy where he told them who he was they were briefed on what happened but no one had completed any kind of transfer so they asked what happened he said I killed them it then became apparent the blood on him wasn't his the embassy called the company the company called me and I flipped my crap but my father went to the hospital to get checked and then headed home immediately he went to the office and told his boss he's never going there again he said okay his boss is now scared of him when my dad came home I asked him if he was all right he said yeah I'm fine I really want to get a Jeep though they handle real well this is my now deceased uncle he was going to see his girlfriend in a real rough part of Philly back in the 70s I guess it was these three guys come up to him in his car when he has stopped at a light and try to carjack him they pull him out of the car and after he managed to get to his feet he tears into these guys with pure violence the three guys get pretty banged up and the cops arrive and take everyone in a few weeks later there is a trial the three men not wanting to go to jail for carjacking say that my uncle started it all and they were the victims so in this courtroom my uncle and his two brothers one of which being my dad all over six foot all big and broad shoulders were watching this trial unfold when my uncle gets called to the stand and this is what the carjackers lawyer says now mister how tall are you 6 feet - and how much do you weigh about 210 pounds and you mean to tell me that my clients not 1 over 5 feet 8 and barely 180 pounds would try to attack you - which my uncle replies well I look a lot smaller when I am sitting in my car courtroom erupts in laughter as the this ridiculous attempt at a defense falls apart as a shorter guy this is true when sitting down torso length is pretty similar the height comes from the legs I saw my 40 year old mother flaw - twenty-something men trying to steal her friend's car more details please on my mom's side there was some pretty hideous generational dysfunction that nobody seemed to be able to beat like 3 plus generations running of alcoholism father figure issues etc mom helped stop a ton of that crap from ever getting passed down to my brother and I dad's family grew up extremely poor lower-class Mexican in South Texas he resolved to never be poor so he took out loans and worked his butt off to become a petroleum engineer and now he's rich I consider them to be equally badass this is my favorite one not some superhuman feat but just doing what was best for their kids and coming from nothing and making a name for himself tell your parents I said they are awesome a pickup small Toyota pickup fell on his friend while said friend was working underneath it on the transmission my dad picked up the back end of the truck pivoted it around in a circle until it was off him and set it back down the front tires never left the ground but still a pretty impressive featuring if the front tires left the ground as well we finally found Superman my mom was the assistant manager at a small record store concert venue restaurant years and years ago she's five feet three inches moderately thin and covered in tattoos and piercings on multiple occasions I had seen her break up fights and throw big guys out of the place on her own your mum was as a frickin milf at a local green space some kids were doing jumps with their BMX bikes biking up little Hills to get air or whatever you call it my parents and I were out walking our dog when we heard screaming start ran over and this boy had come down in such a way that the handlebar of his bike was in his thigh my mom was so calm she told my stepdad to take the dog and go get a truck this is pre cell phone and started tending to the kid's leg using an extra shirt to stop the bleeding she talked to the kid to keep him calm and never batted an eyelash definitely thought she was a badass i-19 back then and I'm a girl was on a holiday with my parents and sister when it was getting dark on the streets of Jerusalem as we were wandering about I walked next to my dad when a guide tried to pass me an A as I thought clumsy way which made him walk up against my side his hand landed on my upper leg I looked back at him passing only to see my mother a calm friendly intellectual woman slapped the guy in the face hard it must have been my imagination that made her grow bigger in the poor guy smaller she stood close as she pointed her finger at his face and calmly but very loudly said don't touch my daughter by that time she was about two five meters tall and the guy almost disappeared in the ground the guy mumbled no no no one ran off apparently he tried to grab me thanks mom one grabber down mom's like that of the best I wasn't there and we had to drag the story out of him but my father was held up by two unarmed guys after he went to an ATM his response was to punch one of the guys so hard in the face that he got knocked out and the other guy ran Africa way I was sitting in the passenger seat when I was like 12 years old when my dad got pulled over by a cop after the cop asked do you know why I pulled you over he responded with do you I let out allow to damnn and my father proceeded to get a large fine sorry if I had anything to do with that dad go to your room was traveling with my dad when I was a kid about 100 miles from our hometown we all call it depth or stopped at a grocery store for something in this kinda sketchy dude in the parking loss topsis of the way out of the store and starts telling some story about how he is from dirtville and needs money to get home to his baby or something my dad keeps walking back to the truck and gets in little kid me says why didn't you want to help that guy dad says because he's lying how do you know because I can tell and his story is balls you don't know that and he is from depth or we could at least give him a ride he's not from depth or he just looked at our plates when we got here and he dosent want a ride he just wants money probably for drugs that's not fair you don't even know that for sure you say to always help people when you can dad looks at me and says okay lesson time come on he gets out of the truck takes a pistol out from under the seat and tucks it into the front of his waistband my dad never did crap like this ever I didn't even know he had a gun so I was just staring wide-eyed a stay behind me and don't say anything he walks up to the guy and says so why do you need money again guy says man my baby she at home with my little girl and I need to get home to depth or she ain't got no formula she hungry but dad says okay I can give you a lift back to depth or guy says normal man and I gotta wait on my girlfriend but we still needs money by formula my check ain't come this week yet from work dad says where do you work guy says euhh the Red Lobster and dirtville dad asks guy his name then pulls our cell and calls Red Lobster in depth or they never heard of the guy guy gets pissy pushes my dad and starts cursing at him dead lifts up shirt to reveal that he's strapped guy's eyes get big and he runs away thought my dad was like Steven Seagal then later that day I had to go wake him up after he fell asleep on the toilet TL DR corrected poser not from Depp ville dad scares him off falls asleep on toilet on a sailing trip last week my dad popped his shoulder out of its socket during a storm he took two seconds had me tie rope around his wrist stepped on the rope and popped it back in like it was no big deal the fact that he's got a PhD in physics somehow makes it that much cooler once a burglar rented our hallway without us knowing it obviously I was getting ready for school my dad was going to ride the bike with me like usual yada yada so I opened the door to the hallway and there's this guy holding up my bike I'm just looking at him looking at me with a Oh sh t this wasn't supposed to happen face dad comes in yells manly yells at her for mentioned burglar and kicks him out of the hallway and proceeds to cycle to school with me I've never felt threatened in my home I must have been about nine also once a rat crawled up his pant leg in the middle of the street in Paris during Russia he just took he pants oven stood there shaking a rat out of his pants in the middle of the street in his underpants my dad's pretty normal my dad was the type that hated doctors and dentists he grew up poor so his family never could afford to visit them before the days of Medicaid at one time while securing a load on his trailer he was a truck driver he had the come-along breakin the chain snapped back and hit him in the face causing a big gash in his forehead he came into the house and washed it off then grabbed some needle and thread and rambo-style sewed up his cut he also pulled his own tooth once with a pair of needlenose plier next story being a truck driver during the big Teamsters strike back in the 70s he was often shot at and had attempted hijackings during one of the attempted hijackings he had two guys jump on his truck he grabbed a tire iron and smashed the hands of the guy on the driver's side and then drove close to the edge of the road to try and knock the guy on the passenger side off against a street sign my mum stopped a car from rolling down the hill after an old guy forgot to put his hand brake on it was the weirdest thing in the world to see my mum just holding onto this car whilst waiting for the guide to come out of the shop this happened to me once on a really busy street I felt like freaking Superman stopping a car from rolling my feet were gradually being pushed down the hill but then I managed to bring it to a complete stop and began pushing it back up the hill people were stunned until some random guys helped me and still my glory both my dad and my uncle were in the military for a long time my uncle was for sure a commando and my dad did some crazy crap too they won't really talk about it and they're both older now and aren't very active so you can't really tell that they had this history or any type of physical abilities a few years back we were at a cabin in the mountains with my whole family it's nighttime and the whole cabin is lit up while it's pitch dark outside some family member made the mistake of opening the door briefly as I'm sure you can imagine a bunch of bugs came in one of these bugs was unfortunately a Hornet the size of a grown man's fist this was like a 50s horror movie Hornet this thing flies up all the weight of the corner of the ceiling on the second floor which was a lofty high ceiling situation we're all terrified my dad in a moment of badassery takes the Hornet spraycan and stands up on the pool table underneath the ceiling where the bug was he's gingerly approaching the bug with the can when all of a sudden the Hornet realizes what's going on and bum rushes my dad my dad in a truly neo inspired moment side flips off the pool table while simultaneously wrecking this hornet's crack with the spray he is dead on accurate while flying through the air and lands on his feet and tucks into a roll the Hornet not knowing how his day could be ruined so Ellie and awesome Leigh flies into a few walls and collapses to his death the family is literally cheering after finally managing to pick our chins up off the ground but he never did anything like that before or since but to this day I will never forget him and his matrix II night my dad got pulled over for running a stop sign when I was eight cop walked up and said did you see that stop sign back there my dad said yet but I didn't see you he laughed his butt off and let us off with a warning I'm guessing you aren't black I saw the dad wave his hand at an automatic door and then turned to his son and say one day you'll learn young paddle I do this whenever I notice a little kid by nearby and give them a look like yup that just happened I just walk as fast as I can normally and see if I can't hit the door hasn't worked yet one time my dad was parallel parking at night in a city near ass on a one-way street he did so politely slowed down use his blinker etc this piece of crap racer was coming up behind us blaring subs and honking at us with the driver yelling and cursing at us get the Frick out of the way my father calmly honked back a couple times until the guy fueled up clothes had got out of his car and ran up to ours my dad looked at me and said in a calm firm voice stay in the car my father proceeded to get out of the car cracked his knuckles and yelled I've had about enough of you freakin punks my dad is a big guy about six feet two and built like a truck yet he is a very calm professional nice guy when the driver of the ricer saw my dad jumped back in his car threw it in reverse and back down the entire street my dad got back in the car completely straight-faced and finished his parking job like nothing even happened I was so proud and legitimately thought I was about to see my father destroy some little punk man I can't wait for dad's strength it's going to be glorious I was attacked by a Rottweiler when I was seven and my dad broke the jaw of the dogs from opening his mouth while having dinner with my family a few years ago my dad goes in his room and brings out a lockbox he proceeds to pull out all of these patents from various countries for various adhesives and plastics he invented I always thought my dad was super smart but now I just think he's an international badass we were going crabbing and there was an alligator that had gotten itself wrapped up in hooks my dad calmly pulls the sucker out of the water by its legs and carefully and as all of the hooks and lets him go that alligator needs to get his crap together my dad survived quadruple bypass open heart surgery in 1986 then brain surgery three months later it's not once did I ever hear him complain your dad is badass my mom's facing terminal esophagus cancer she's now doing three weeks on one week off in chemo so she can be eligible for a trial drug she says she's not doing it for her but to help the research thus hopefully helping others in her situation when I was about 14 I was jumped by about five guys and along with beating me up they destroyed my bike my father picked me up from a friend's house and saw my bike and asked what happened my friend told my dad and we drove over to the house of the kid where all of these kids hung out there was a large group there sitting on the yard from about age 17 and up my dad hangs out the door off his van and asks who broke my kids bike they all get up and start walking towards the van and he got back in spraying them all with rocks we drove home and they followed shortly after in a pickup with about ten guys they pull into our driveway and my dad knowing it would be ten on one pulls out a large bumper Jack bar that was about five feet long and made of steel he just simply said alright let's go and all of them jumped back in the truck and took off up the road and turned around as they were driving back towards our house my dad stood at the edge of the driveway and they swerved in at him and he swung the jack bar and took out the passenger side of the windshield and mirror about 20 minutes later the police showed up with thr driver and passenger cuffed in the back asked for what happened and arrested both of them for trespassing I was about 12 and we had a bee infestation in the front yard of my parents house my dad is very allergic to bees but wanted to get rid of them for the sake of me and my younger brother so were two cans of bee color and an epinephrine shot between his teeth he went to battle from the safety of the inside my brother and I watched as my dad sprayed the bee hive every couple of minutes he would back away pump a stage of the shot into his arm and head back in he came back inside after a bit grabbed himself a beer and sat down to read the paper badass I can't be the only person who thought of left 4 dead 2 while reading this if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 20,178
Rating: 4.8783269 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parenting, parents stories, parenting tips, parenting styles, parenting classes, parenting 101, parenting is hard, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 0xkQAs2rVI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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