Doctors, When Did a Patient Correctly Self-Diagnose? | Professionals' Stories #45

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doctors over at it what's your weirdest case of a patient accurately self-diagnosing i had a patient who predicted her own death she was a relatively healthy 90 year old with hypertension and diabetes she woke up that morning told her daughter that she was going to die she made her daughter go to her lawyer's office and sign a living will confirming the nrdni that evening she had a massive heart attack and was rushed to the air we tried medical management but for her wishes but he living will that she signed like six hours earlier she did not want any invasive measures taken she died about an hour after she came in remember that dude who peed on a pregnancy test kit as a joke and got a positive and ridic told him it might have been testicular cancer and how he visited a doctor and it turned out to be testicular cancer that's nuts my dad who is a great person but also occasionally and but whole took my three-year-old sister to the ear with the flu thing is there was a meningitis outbreak in the area and the ear was packed dad being in butt tells the nurse he is suspecting meningitis to bump us to the top of the list the doctor is pee because she has no meningitis symptoms no stiff neck no fever but they get into an argument he orders a spinal tap since dad is concerned dad will not back down at this point and it comes back positive for meningitis when i was in second grade i wanted to get out of class so i complained about feeling sick even though i felt fine they sent me to the health room checked my temperature next thing i know i'm in the air had a temp of 103 103.9 and walking pneumonia had a patient who yelled code blue really loud from his room as we all rushed into his room his heart stopped he didn't die that day fortunately not about a doctor but an emt when my friend was in college his appendix burst he was in extreme pain couldn't really move and was acting delirious his girlfriend called 9-1-1 and said she thinks his appendix burst ambulance shows up emts think he's just drunk and refused to take him seriously if they take their time give lots of attitude lecture them about drinking underage all while she is panicking telling them that he doesn't drink and needs to be at the hospital now she was right and the emts almost killed him when i had a stroke in college the a doctor gave me a super condescending speech about underage drinking and discharged me that was after the blood tests came back clean i ended up having another stroke in the five weeks it took anyone to take me seriously during my second lung collapse the doctor was adamant that it was just a panic attack since it felt exactly like my first lung collapse i kept insisting he take an x-ray after the x-ray results he said against all probable odds you were right and i had a tube in my chest within the hour a response like that would pee me off it wasn't against probable odds you had experienced it before and knew what it felt like what a jerk not a doctor but the texas shooter diagnosed himself with a brain tumor and no one believed him despite him going to multiple doctors and begging to be checked he literally killed a bunch of people to prove to the doctors there was something wrong with him and gosh darn it if the autopsy didn't find a giant tumor in his brain pressing on the aggression center went to the same emergency room twice explaining that something was fricked up in my head they diagnosed me with anxiety attacks both times had stroke two days later so some backstory not a doctor but really who is in this thread in sixth grade my best friend had his appendix burst in the middle of the night after hearing about it i was utterly terrified of it happening to me my parents and doctors all told me it is relatively rare and if it did happen there isn't really anything to worry about i asked what it felt like if it did happen and they said oh you'll know yay thanks really helpful but my appendix bursting became somewhat of a phobia of mine for over a decade every time i felt abdominal pain or severe gas i always jump to the conclusion of appendicitis so about 10 years later i am hanging out with my friends when i start to feel some bad gas pressure coming on nothing too bad but nothing would really make it go away after i got home it was still rather bad but i figured i'd just sleep it off woke up at about 5am curled into a ball throwing up on my pillow at this point i was still living at home with my parents so i hobbled my way to their room and woke them telling them i think my appendix was going they told me it's probably gas and are you really sure we should take you to there i told them i was sure it was my appendix and they sort of told me to wait it out until seven when they could phone the family doctor so i curled into a ball in the bathroom and threw up for a few hours at seven on the nose they called the doctor and i described my symptoms and the doc told my parents to take me to the air now so we get to the hospital and i am walking so hunched over my face is almost at my knees bring me into the air and they order a ct scan think it was a ct was kinda out of it and put me on some killer anti-nausea pain meds the endoscopic surgeon comes in with my ct scan and tells me verbatim this is the most clear-cut case of appendicitis i have ever seen and asks me to sign a release because he was going to film the operation endoscopic bits at least for training materials so long story short i had appendicitis i knew it and it was so clearly appendicitis that the doctor wanted to film it to teach other surgeons so for any aspiring endoscopic surgeons in the thread maybe you get to see inside me not a doctor but a chronic patient i have a rare neurological disease that causes tumors to grow on the nervous systems and on any other type of body tissue but the nervous system tumors are most common i was diagnosed at age four i've been treated by the same clinic for over 25 years having seen the same specialist for 20 of those years the hospital where i'm treated is more than three hours away but my local hospital is affiliated with them i woke one morning with severe hip pain swelling in my thigh and a terrible limp i went to my small town where i was told i had a skin infection doctor just visually examined me ran no tests and told me it was razor burn from shaving my bikini area was giving an antibiotic my disease is in my medical records which the hospital had access to since it's the same medical facility just different locations two days later the entire inside of my thigh had turned purple and blue i couldn't walk without excruciating pain i went to an express care like a step down from the air they immediately sent me to there for symptoms of a blood clot the on-call doctor notified that i was coming demanding an ultrasound i arrived back at the air where the air doctor basically told me she wasn't ordering an ultrasound because it wouldn't find anything was told the bruising was self-induced to get pain pills and that i was being discharged and blacklisted my husband flipped crap and demanded an ultrasound threatening legal action if not dumb doctor gave me attitude but eventually ordered the scan the ultrasound tech turned white as a ghost quickly turned off the monitor and rushed to get the doctor it turns out i had a tumor the size of a 12 ounce soda can growing off a major nerve and migraine i somehow strained the muscles around it damaging my nerve and muscle never got an apology or admission of being wrong from the doctor my specialist later told me she had a lot of fun talking with the a doctor with heavy sarcasm it's sad that your husband needs to threaten legal action for you to be taken seriously dang not a doctor but a patient i woke up one morning with a severe pain in my side and i instantly knew i had a kidney stone i'd passed one before i'm a female btw couldn't get into my regular doctor so i made an appointment with the first guy who was available to hopefully get pain meds to make passing it's a little more bearable i go in to see him and he is hands down the most arrogant and condescending doctor i've ever seen when i try to explain to him that i know it's a stone he tells me that since i was able to walk into the office i don't have a stone if you had a kidney stone you wouldn't be able to move past the stone two days later without medication what and butthole not a doctor i self-diagnosed rhabdomyolysis had the whole coca-cola colored pee thing and went in and explained to him that i thought i had it couldn't pronounce it wrote it down and showed him doc kinda laughed a little said man this internet thing is not doing anyone any favors this was in 2005. he says pee in this cup so i can prove to you that you don't have it i pee and said cup he takes a look says wow i don't even need to check this under a scope i need you to go there right now don't go home someone can bring you stuff later go there right now i am calling them they will admit you as soon as you show up sure enough spend three four days in the hospital with constant full open iv drip having to measure all my output until some level creatinine got back into normal levels apparently mine was like 1000 x higher than it should be how did i get this horrible thing you may ask i went to a gym told the guy i have never really worked out before that i am getting older and need to get in shape turns out when you are a younger athlete and stop working out you might still be able to go at it harder than your body can handle and you break down way too much muscle fiber and end up clogging your kidneys yay i love this one mayan nothing wrong with no weight you're very close to death might be sorry i'm not a doctor but last year when my daughter was three months old she stopped eating and pooping then she started getting weak and limp and it got to a point where she couldn't even open and close her mouth and eyes a doc said she was dehydrated and put her on an iv overnight the next morning she was worse how are you worse but not dead yet idk anyway i read a knit article that was meant to be a riddle for medical professionals and the riddle described my baby to a t most of the commenters guessed infant botulism so i suggested it to the pediatrician that came in the next day he said no she's probably still dehydrated that immediately made no sense and she'll be fine we can go home mind you we live in nj and this was in nc we were on the way back home from a road trip to fl i wasn't having it we asked to transfer to a children's hospital the docks there did every test they could think of and nothing was coming up i begged them to test for ib and gave them full permission to laugh at my lack of medical expertise and since they already tried everything else they obliged it was ib the first case that hospital had seen in 20 years i think the residents on her case wrote a paper about her had a patty entered the iq on a ventilator because of rapid lung fibrosis usually it's triggered by medication or an outside trigger pets fesses of pet ctc we stopped one of his cardiac medications which is known for being able to cause this kind of syndrome and the progression of his disease stopped we told his wife and she said yeah i knew and i knew it was this particular drug the dog told me we were shocked and asked her to explain she told she had been feeding the different drugs of her husband to the dog over a period of two weeks every day a different drug and he had started barking when she fed him this particular drug she had been feeding the different drugs of her husband to the dog oh i hope people don't actually do this for 16 years i complained about severe pain loss of blood listlessness and extensively long periods we're talking 13 17 days i kept getting told that it's normal i'm exaggerating it can't be that bad i must have a low pain tolerance etc i tried every single form of birth control over those 16 years in 2008 i had exploratory surgery since my gin couldn't figure out what was wrong turns out that i had severe ovarian torsion which they repaired and they also found quite a bit of endometriosis and removed it i still had heavy long periods but the pain wasn't as bad then the pain started coming back in 2015 after several trips i finally get an appointment with a new gin i said i was tired of this crap and wanted a hysterectomy she said before doing something so drastic she suggested trying an iud so i did the my arena iud for a year and got such bad depression from it i wanted to kill myself on top of horrid pain anytime i had sex and with months of constant bleeding then this past june my gin agreed to do a hysterectomy i was full of endometriosis adhesions and sites i was having bladder incontinence problems because my bladder was completely surrounded by the endometriosis now i am three months post-op and so glad to be free from all the pain and bleeding plus the bonus of never having to worry about an unwanted pregnancy that's horrible i'm glad you're finally in a good place i was nine when i fell off of my bike on a family bike ride i was screaming like crazy say my leg was broke my parents thought i was crying wolf and told me to walk it off when i wouldn't shut up my dad carried me to the parking lot while my mom got the car i remember my dad telling me to put my leg in a position if i truly thought it was broken but he was still skeptical lo and behold when we went to the air to get an mri my leg had a spiral fracture not a doctor but i started having painful abdominal spasms and i was sure it was my appendix i have a very high pain tolerance so for two days i was still carrying my heavy toddler and working out i told my husband and family and they wouldn't believe me and told me it was just gas but i knew something was wrong anyways i decided to go to the hospital despite my husband's protests i was making a big deal the doctor didn't believe me they sent me for a vaginal ultrasound because she thought it was probably an ovarian cyst i was pee they weren't believing me so i'll let them give me the ultrasound anyways came back negative and they were about to send me home decided to make my husband drive me to another hospital everyone was pi was making them waste their time since my husband had to miss work and my mom had to watch our son anyways turns out i had appendicitis and my appendix was about to burst doctor said if i would have waited a few more hours it would have burst had surgery within an hour of showing up i was peered everyone that didn't believe me haha so i fell out of the top bunk on vacation and broke my leg on the lower metal frame a doctor said i couldn't possibly have broken it and i was just trying to score pain meds is proof i walked in for our car ride back home my regular doctor puts me in his own car to drive me to the hospital where the swelling on my leg is now too much to cast original a doctor paid all my medical bills and was reviewed by the state board where it was discovered he had been drinking on the job lesson one you can walk on a broken leg lesson two don't be a dong not a doctor i had gallbladder problems some years back and went to the doctor he said my blood work came back normal and that it was probably either indigestion or a strained muscle i told him i knew it wasn't he asked me what i thought it was so i told him i was certain it was my gallbladder and that it was full of stones he told me verbatim you're not middle-aged nor overweight so it can't be that at all i told him rather sternly to order the ultrasound because i was very certain he was wrong about what he thought it was half hour later i'm laying there getting the ultrasound done when the tech was all yay so i'm not supposed to tell you anything but i'm going to anyways that is a fat sack of stones i've never seen a gallbladder this bad before my gallbladder was full of large and small stones i cried and thanked him then cried more because i was so angry with the doctor and the nurse practitioner and the previous nurse practitioner i saw a few months before that appointment for the same pain who wrote it off as a strained muscle in my back after the doctor saw the ultrasound he came in with a nurse practitioner and three other nursing students to tell me i was right and to give them a lesson on listening to patients and to not just brush off their concerns and suggestions almost two weeks later i was in for surgery good grief this turned out longer than i expected good on that doctor for acknowledging his near [ __ ] up picked up a long-term patient at county hospital who was both epileptic and schizophrenic and she told me her history with incredible insights and understanding the reason she was there was because she was on dilantin and meds for her schizophrenia so she said this is what happens i'm taking all my meds but i begin to cut back a bit on the stellazine for schizophrenia then i get a bit more paranoid and figure i'm being poisoned with the dilantan so i cut back on that and have a seizure that cures my paranoia for a while and start taking my dilantin and stilazine again but then i get paranoid and stop taking as much of the one or the other then get more paranoid stop my dilantin get a seizure and end up in here she knew exactly what was going on incredible insight and her records showed she was right an incredible insight into what was happening big completely powerless to stop it either the seizures made her say in a while and things would balance out and finally a few times a year she'd end up in hospital because it would get out of control as a psychiatry resident i love act for this reason on my psychotic patients it's so neat and it works so well interesting to hear about schizophrenia patients with insight it's unfortunately not as common as i would like having a patient agree with my assessment that they're suffering from psychosis not a doctor but this happened to me when i was eight i was having severe headaches like it felt like someone was constantly stabbing me in the eye my mom who is in lna suspected it was nothing more than a sinus infection she took me to the doctor to get checked out and get put on antibiotics but they were adamant that it was not a sinus infection they claimed i was too young to get one of those for the next two weeks i was in the hospital every day where they were running all sorts of tests trying to figure out what was wrong with me they checked out my eyes checked my urine and blood but couldn't find anything the whole while still had severe headaches that were progressively getting worse finally they suspected that i potentially could have a brain tumor this scared the daylights out of me and my family as my grandfather died of a brain tumor before i was born they ran the cat's skin to check but they failed to find a tumor what they did find out however was that my sinuses were severely inflamed and i had a horrible case of sinusitis that needed antibiotics to treat once in antibiotics i felt better within five days after that we started going to a different doctor too young for a sinus infection at eight lol wow that's so insanely ridiculous they thought that wasn't a possibility i had my first sinus surgery at eight because i had chronic sinus infections and headaches for years i then had another at 10 and last year i had one more at 27. i'm glad yours wasn't something worse at least i'm no doctor but this is something that happened to me earlier this year i got sick seemed like the flu and felt absolutely horrible once i got healthy again i started getting bruises for no reason and would get really easily winded just from brief exercise i'm pretty in shape so this was odd to me and needless to say concerning of course i googled what i was feeling and webmd was telling me i have cancer or a blood problem of course i ended up seeing four different doctors who all told me that i'm paranoid and just need to relax but i couldn't shake that i felt something was wrong finally the fifth doctor i saw said she'd give me a blood test to calm my nerves and the next morning i get a phone call in my dorm room saying that there's a bunch of things wrong and that i need to go to the hospital when i asked what that could mean they told me i could have leukemia needless to say the scariest moment of my life as i'm only 20 a long story short months of doctor's visits and eventually a bone marrow bise revealed i don't have cancer with a rare blood disorder called aplastic anemia which causes your bone marrow to stop making cells i'm happy to say after extensive treatment i'm doing well now but it's very freaky to me that it took five different doctors visits to finally hear me out when i said i felt something is wrong i understand that these doctors probably deal with winnie people who exaggerate everything but you can't get complacent when people's lives are on the line something should have immediately started ringing bells if you mentioned that you were getting winded with little exercise and bruising easily jesus christ not a doctor every time my wife had a little discomfort in her belly she'd worry that it was ovarian cancer she'd tell me that her worst nightmare was dying of ovarian cancer and leaving me with two young kids and every time i tell her she was being silly and morbid to try to comfort her so we could both go to sleep years go by and she starts getting real pain turns out her gallbladder is swollen and they remove it so i tell her see it was your gallbladder all this time but the pain doesn't go away the doctors tell her it's from the surgery but it gets worse eventually she gets an mri and it's ovarian cancer three and a half years of struggle later and she dies at 50 of ovarian cancer i kick myself for not taking her fears seriously and doing what could have found the cancer years sooner and possibly saved her life she never worried about breast cancer or cervical cancer it was all way ovarian i think that maybe your body tells you things and it shows up in fears and dreams and who knows how else but maybe we should listen more carefully i'm so sorry that's awful hope you and your kids are doing okay not the doctor but the patient i went to the air with excruciating pain that i knew was kidney stones i was vomiting and unable to move without help because it was so immobilizing doctor wouldn't listen and kept trying to insist that it was just a pulled muscle in my back my mom a nurse of 30 years demanded an ultrasound as so far they had done no testing but palpating the area he was stubborn and absolutely did not want to waste time she threatened to report him for negligent patient care i was literally puking into a basin as they stood on either side of my bed arguing he finally came and reluctantly sent me to get the ultrasound done wouldn't you know it a stone was completely blocking my left ureter causing a fluid buildup in my kidney which in turn caused my kidney to swell up they were able to get the stone out and get the swelling under control but the adopt refused to look my mother in the eye or acknowledge her after she proved him wrong good on your mom for advocating for you she sounds like a great mom and a fantastic nurse that a doc sounds like one of those guys who's dismissive of nurses when they're the ones who are with the patient the most and can give the most accurate info for someone in their care wasn't my own diagnosis but i went in with my mom when i was 11 and my mom told them i had appendicitis they were super reluctant to even look at that possibility and assumed the cat scan was showing them built up gas my mom insisted they keep going so they sent the scan to another city for them to examine and the docs came back in to tell me that my appendix had erupted and that gas all over my abdomen was toxic pus if i had been sent home it would have been a death sentence since it was already approximately two days since it popped also not a doctor but it happened to me went to the doctor because i found a little hard spot on my testicle it felt like a little hard seed on the side of one testicle definitely something new and weird and it got me concerned i go to the urologist and tell him i have something weird on the side my testicle he's confident i'm just feeling my epididymis and i'm an idiot he just keeps giving me biology lessons on what's inside a testicle i tell him no i know what you're talking about this is not it it's hard to find it and feel it and having a doctor twiddling my testicles between his finger and his thumb was not really getting anywhere he suggests an ultrasound i go to get the ultrasound the technician asks what i've been feeling i explain she is also convinced i'm just feeling my epididymis here we go again i explain she scans my balls i go home doctor calls later that week they found a calcification outside my testicle and that's what i felt but also it was no big deal and only to worry if it grew yeah so it wasn't my freaking epididymis a lot of people got to see your balls if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 117,582
Rating: 4.9358859 out of 5
Keywords: doctors, nurses, hospital, doctor stories, medical stories, self-diagnosis, patients, emergency, treatment, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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