What Are Your Unforgettable Creepy Moments?

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I found a dead girl when I was 12 read it what are your unforgettably creepy moments I saw the aftermath of what happens when a 350 pound man jumps out a 20-story window it does not look like what they show on TV I'm not sure what they show on TV but was it better or worse even though that's relative when I was 12 years old my friends and I were riding our bikes through some woods down in old dirt road that wasn't much too used anymore I decided it would be cool for me to go off-road and rode off the road into the forest I got about 50 feet before I got disoriented and started going towards the creek which was in a Dell down a steep hill from there something else I didn't know so I crashed down the hill and hit this huge boulder collection before coming to arrest while I was sitting there off towards the road I could hear my friends calling to me so I knew which way to go I started over towards their voices and sore super old rusted-out car I was a huge license plate collector back then and finding rusted out cars in the woods was not that odd of an occurrence so I went to see if I could harvest the license plate when I got there I saw there were bones in the front seat and a pile of rags it was full-on Raiders of the Lost Ark with a skeleton on a pike kind of thing I screamed like a little girl and got the heck out of there I told my parents later who called the police and after some investigation determined that the man had disappeared during a blizzard in the late fifties and was never heard from again I met his widow and children and won an award from the town I'll never forget that feeling creepy as heck this occurred in 1981 he had been missing 20 plus years at that point I am now 43 years old I have no long-term effects from this event I remember it remember being scared at the time and then completely puzzled as to why finding something by accident and then telling my parents about it was such a big deal I went in the basement and looked into the box where I thought that certificate might have been but it wasn't there my mom might have had it I'll ask my sister if she's seen it no I didn't get the license plate my friends and I went back after all the dust had died down and they had pulled the car I've not been back there in decades comma my decided it would be cool for me to go off-road and rode off the road into the forest you have no idea how long it took my brain to comprehend that story more traumatic than creepy but saw the immediate aftermath of a kid run over by the school bus next to the one I was on it was a cold morning and there was steam coming off the body I remember that in the spilled lunch box this is why they have sweeper bars on the front of buses now to make sure kids walk far enough in front of the bus that the driver can't see them I have a young daughter now and these other things that keep me up at night when I was in primary school six or seven year old while lined up waiting for the bus to arrive one of my classmates who was tossing her ball up in the air and catching it missed the catch and ran after the ball and was struck by the bus that was coming to pick us up the front wheel crushed her skull this happened about ten feet from me I saw her brain literally pop out of her head god that must have ruined the bus drivers life to saw a dead guy pulled out of a creek on my parents property when I was 16 he flipped his truck while hi drunken trespassing he decided to leave when the cops were called on him he didn't make the turn onto the bridge and it flipped his truck into the creek he broke his neck upon impact a bunch of guys tried to get him out but the mud was suctioning him down when the EMTs and police showed up they got him out but he was bloated and white by that time they put him on the rescue sled to pull him up the bank his bloated white head was bobbing because of his broken neck that image is burned into my brain comet is bloated Whitehead was blobbing because of his broken neck my god that is absolutely horrifying the rest of the story is a standard as those kinds of situations get but that one sentence makes it so so so much worse I hope that seeing that had no adverse effects on you and I hope enough time has passed for you not to be mentally thrown back to that time in your everyday life I used to live in a funeral home literally in a funeral home my parents owned it but we didn't have enough income to really support a home for ourselves so we took part of the building and kind of converted it into an apartment due to some pretty bad planning on my parents part we had the living room like right next to the area where we kept the bodies which was right next to the embalming room basically every day I'd see a random naked dead guy out two sitting on a table right outside where I was playing sometimes my dad would be working in the embalming room you know what I mean by working and since there were pretty big windows on the door God knows why I would get to see almost everything from a guy getting stabbed and having his blood let out - the egregious stitching that would have to be done - guys coming from the morgue but as Kanaks was getting at all this stuff isn't really that bad I mean you don't really know any of the people that you see dead so there's no real psychological impact on you the only scary thing is when friends of the family gets sent to the funeral home that could put a man in the mental clinic I grew up near San Francisco and for my fifth birthday I wanted to walk the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time about halfway through a guy climbed over the guide rail and jumped I had no idea what it meant at that age but I still remember almost everything about that day where we had parks what I was wearing the weather everything my grandma ended up picking up his wallet he left for someone to find and turning it in to the police it was still warm from being in his pocket row you know the SFGate stopped reporting how many jumpers per year decades ago because people be trying to be the 500th one-thousandth etcetera I don't know if this would be too difficult for you to watch but there is a really well-done documentary about people who jump from Golden Gate called the bridge Lake Erie in Ohio my family and I was swimming in it as it was the closest thing to a beach we had I felt something touch my leg and I just assumed it was seaweed or a fish then my stepfather felt something touch his leg I was underwater briefly when he felt it touch him he looked at me when I came up and his eyes were wide and afraid he asked me if it was me and I assured him it wasn't at that moment he realized it was a body he was holding my three-year-old little brother his son we were maybe four feet deep at the time and was struggling to swim and was maybe still 8-10 feet away from him with his right arm he held my little brother and with his left arm Hyun submerged a seven-year-old boy from the darkness of the Great Lakes he had faced my little brother away so he wasn't subjected to the sight of the dead boy he carried them both about 30-40 feet sure before screaming for my mother to come and take my little brother it was horrific moments later the boy's family is running to waters and I will never forget the screams of the mother who had left responsibility with her 17 year old son to take care of his little brother but there was a nearby nurse who tried to perform CPR to no avail his brother lost sight of him only 15 minutes earlier his mother started beating the crap out of him while she was crying and screaming in Spanish it was in the newspaper and although it matters little the lifeguards on the beach were given full credit for recovering the boy my stepfather was not mentioned I was 13 on that day and will never forget the little boy or the sounds of his mother just writing this made my eyes swell additional information it was mentor-on-the-lake and it happened in the summer of 99 or 0-0 the last name was Latino I have been trying to find the article on Google but I can't I would really appreciate it if anybody could locate it my mother no longer has the newspaper article thanks for the consolation I wish the mother could receive these kind words I remember hearing about a lawsuit for the lack of sufficient lifeguards or something if that helps you locate it I will read some of your kind words to my stepfather this makes me sad especially for the boy who had the responsibility of watching him you know that'll hang over him for the rest of his life and that his parents will blame him to some extent just sad on another note I'm freakin terrified of swimming in lakes because I always imagined this sort of scenario happening I was present at an armed robbery when I was 10 and had to hide in the shed I saw everything it was horrible it was two doors down from my house I made my mum by all sorts of locks and security stuff after that right on appropriate reaction indirectly having to handle my mother's corpse until the ambulance arrived to pronounce her dead it was unpleasant obviously in and of itself seeing that rigor mortis had set in and the chest compressions were clearly a futile effort but that's not the thing that gets me what gets me is that every so often I rub my arms when they are cold and the skin feels just enough like her body that I'm taken back in an instant and no warning no consistency it gets unpleasant in winter oh man that's awful I empathize with you though when my dad passed we waited in the hospital room with his body for three hours until my sister could get there and break the news we sat there watching him turn blue purple and the awful death stench slowly creeping in chillin haunting something I sincerely hope no one ever has to experience again if a few months ago I came home from work and found my mom lying dead on the floor from an overdose I'll never get the image of those purple feet out of my head I'm sorry when I was learning to drive my father would accompany me there was a football game in town that the rest of my family was at but I was not going for some reason on my way home and into my neighborhood fairly large neighborhood we went past a plain white van that was off it turned on and followed us all the way to the road that my house is on it went to the cul-de-sac my father took the truck to the game leaving no vehicles in the parking area and myself alone at home that white van decided to pull into my driveway so I ran into my father's closet grabbed the 16 gauge shotgun two shells and walked out onto my front porch withdrawn at the van that van went into reverse and backed out of my driveway faster than it came in it was a very strange experience and I sat on my porch for a good thirty minutes before going back inside for the night TL DR plain white van followed me home there's some plumber out there that tells a story about the time he accidentally pulled into the wrong driveway and almost got shot by a teenager I was 15 and I was playing in a tennis tournament it was a typical hot summer another player who must have been in his 40s was serving he tossed the serve up in the air and then collapsed on the hard court I rushed over to help and started CPR with his friend we took turns until the ambulance came which was about 15 minutes that had seemed like hours the EMTs took over the CPR and tried to resuscitate him with injections and defibrillators to no avail they pronounced him dead on the tennis court I had to continue my match after they moved the body off of the courts my hands kept shaking so I forfeited the match and sat under a nearby tree just staring into space his friend came back to find me near the courts to thank me he told me about his friend about his life and his family strangely that made me feel better I learned from that day how precious life is and how it can all change in an instant she was gone that afternoon I'm sorry but this is bugging the heck out of me did you go back and she was gone does this mean her killer is possibly still at large since no authorities were involved I can't imagine that the police just taking the body and leaving no evidence of an investigation in less than a day my neighbor didn't pick up his kid from school one day so I had to break into his house I found him on the basement floor with no clothes on I could tell he was still alive but obviously there was brain damage as he couldn't form words or even move I later found out he had a brain aneurysm and he had no clothes on cause it happened while he was masturbating what an inconvenient time on a date at the beach body washes up on shore let's turn this date into a threesome I was working at am ice cream shop when I was in high school and it's night in the winter it would only be me and another manager it was in a pretty nice area and behind the store there was a giant park that got really creepy at night that night the manager was a girl like myself not too much older than me and when we are closing we have to do trash we were both pretty small but we could easily do it by ourselves I decided to take the trash out that night because she was counting money so I get all the bags out and I walk outside and in the parking lot next to the trash there is a man standing there he was wearing sweats and there was just this look of hatred on his face that I've never seen in anybody before I ran back in locked the doors to be safe and did some dishes thinking that I could do the trash later I walked into the main room of the store where there are all the windows and he was standing there in the window just looking in and I will never forget the smile that came on his face when he saw me again it was the worst mix of evil and complete joy I can't even describe how his eyes were they were filled with hate I hate that I've never seen on anybody before I ran into the back room with my manager and we hid there for what felt like two hours until the police came by then he was gone however he was arrested a few weeks later for brutally violating and killing a female girl my stature and hair color maybe it's just cause I'm a girl but you know this story is the creepiest one in this thread in the fourth grade a dude hung himself outside our school they made us draw pictures about the guy as an assignment that morning for some reason I remember the teachers saying something like if only that guy could see what we're doing for him now maybe he wouldn't have killed himself I don't think the guy even had any connection to the school or anyone in it just someone that wanted to die I didn't remember what I drew but I remember one kid's drawing he drew a before frame where the dude was happy then an after frame where he killed himself then awhile after frame where death was saying welcome to heck , if only that guy could see what we're doing for him now maybe he wouldn't have killed himself what I was flying to India and we had just stopped in Germany I was 14 and sitting next this old guy who I though was asleep the whole time I shocked him because we landed because he was kinda laying no me no response I was an unaccompanied minor so when the stewardess came to get me she looked at him checked his pulse and then everyone was ordered to stay where they were including me the paramedics came and declared him dead I never knew for how long I had never seen a dead guy up close before and was surprised at a time I thought he would smell off something rotten when he died or would make a noise or something beforehand to this day I always think if I had noticed earlier I could have helped him I also had a dead guy lay on my shoulders for eight hours and I fell asleep during that flight as well so there was a good chance I used his head as a pillow while I slept creepy but that's life if he died silently on a long flight I'm willing to put big money on him dying of a massive pulmonary embolism when a big one of those hits you died period even if it happened in the hospital in front of a team of doctors he'd still be dead by not noticing all you did was preserve his dignity and death when I was 18 and invincible I drove down to local place where teenagers and creepers hung out with a couple of my friends a few minutes into the ride one of my friends gets a call to pick some dude up to go as well but they were arguing about it not being safe for him he was also young and invincible so he persuaded her to let him come and I picked him up in the car they started arguing again and I found out that he got some skeevy gang leader dude sister pregnant and ran out on her and he had a hit on him I didn't take this seriously because we lived in a place with 70k people well when we got there we took a couple laps around the cruising and he was attracting attention so I went to park no sooner did he get out of the car than five cars surrounded mine a dozen or so people belted out and beat the everliving crap out of him with wooden and metal baseball bats he ran around screeching trying to hide on the various sides of my car while we were forced back inside to witness within probably two minutes it felt like days the cops came and the people with bats fled and we were just left sitting there in shock while he lay dented on my also dented cart bleeding against the white paint I have no idea if he live or died but they shut down cruising after that and I really dislike the sounds of maps hitting things can't watch mobster movies they always seem to want to whack people with bats see it was the day I realized that I'm not invincible and I needed a new set of friends I saw what happens to the human body when you are burned alive suicide bomber detonated his car on a crowded street killing several civilians including children the burned bodies of children curled in fetal positions is probably the worst of a large number of horrible things I've seen humans do to each other not creepy but I found my friend's dead body after he had pulled the trigger well actually ended well it really stuck with me this summer I was working as a nanny my charges and I went to Bethesda pool a few times a week one day the older girl 11 saw something at the bottom in the shallower end brought it to my attention and when I went over to check it out it was a little boy maybe six all curled up into the fetal position when I reached in to pull him out he was completely limp in my arms and he wasn't breathing I brought him to the side West's and life gods who didn't notice him even though there was no one anywhere near him obstructing the view of the bottom and didn't even noticed me yelling for them until I got to the side of the pool and lifted him up onto the concrete gave him CPR called the paramedics etc I put on a brave face for the girls but I thought he was dead for sure until later when the cops let me know he wasn't thankfully this is a pretty happy story but the image of his body curled up on the bottom of the pool and the feel of his body limp in my arms just stuck with me for some reason you saved a life once when I was like 10 years old my dad was unemployed and we were struggling for a few months financially and some kid in school called me a broke bastard over something I don't even remember and he told me to buy some decent clothes and that I looked like a hobo it wasn't that bad he was just saying crap to hurt me that really struck a nerve so after school I walk to him while he was sitting on his bike and I punched him so hard one the side of his head that blood starting coming out of his nose and his left eye turned red he screamed oh my god I can't see I just felt sick to my stomach and felt like a monster I just wanted to disappear that moment but he was final after a few minutes I bet he didn't call you a hobo after that you see things like this are why I am constantly afraid that I am going to stumble upon a dead body I work at an emergency vet clinic we see some flicked up things but you get desensitized after a while there are some things however that stick with you I was working front desk overnight one night it was about 3:00 a.m. and nothing was going on I see a car fly into the lot the driver almost drove through our front bay window an older lady gets out and comes running in screaming historically and holding something wrapped in a towel and dripping blood she came up to the counter set it down and unwrapped it it was a young kitten cut completely in half a very clean cut absolutely the most disturbing thing I've seen at work my doctor on staff and I calmed her down as best as we could and drove her home the next day we got in touch with her again turns out her drunk husband got pee at her and killed her kitten he was charged and did time for animal cruelty and assault on his wife he beat her the same night TLDR kitten cut in half yeah my job is hard this particular night was the worst but someone has to do it no I don't think she expected us to glue it back together I think she was so distraught that she had no idea what else to do we cremated the kitten for her free of charge I picked out a really pretty urn for her and delivered the ashes to her about a week later after her husband had been arrested and everything had cleared up a little bit she was very thankful this was about six months ago and she sends flowers baked goods to the clinic like every month now this upset me a lot not me but my uncle he told me this probably five years ago when he was very drunk and I haven heard anything about it before or after I guess when he was around seven or eight some kid who lived on his street had gotten his dad's shotgun and was playing with it in the street with another kid he pointed it at him and yelled freeze the kid put his hands up jokingly and turned to walk away but the kid pulled the trigger on him he said there was a red mist hanging in the air the kids had was literally gone no idea what happened after that though oh man my dad said that someone on his little league football team accidentally did this to one of his friends they were messing around with a hunting rifle and the kid got his head blown off just recently it happened again in my town it really sucks that this sort if stuff happens loaded guns inside are very unsafe I was driving to an out-of-state funeral in the early with my older sister early morning and late December in New England as my sister and I drove on the nearly empty road 95n we came around a corner which was a little slick with ice so we slowed down come to find around that corner was a huge wreck a jeep had rolled and smashed into the guardrail and only a few cops were there the young man who was 16 had been thrown from the car about 20 feet and a blood-soaked sheet covered some of the body you could see his bloody socks and jeans that we slowed down just because of the initial shock then we saw this guy who we later learned was this kid's dad on the news pulling his car over and the opposite side of the highway and sprinting with this look of terror and anger and fear towards the body we had stopped the car at this point so he could run past and the cop stopped him and he just broke down screaming we couldn't hear him because the windows were closed but it was even creepier seeing this go on silently so we continued to drive and then we see the kids shoes in the middle of the road brand-new green Nikes sitting in the road a few feet from each other we accidentally ran over one and the thud sound just broke my heart this kid was 16 still bothers me to this day when I was in grade one one of my friends was murdered just outside the school in the woods a week or so later my friends and I were walking through them like the dumb little shoots we were and found the knife still covered in blood one of the guys picked it up and took it back to the school luckily it was a simple case and the guy was already arrested or we could have messed up the evidence for the case but needless to say that was what put it in my mind that the murder actually happened and two more careful was playing football at a local park about six years back now I'm 17 now bTW when the ball went a wall and ended up in a pond a friend tried to go in and get the bull out got tangled up in the reeds and such drowned none of us could do a thing the bull continued to float there for about two weeks after he died and I had to walk past that same pond daily to go to school but seeing the ball floating there was and still is the creepiest thing ever my friends and I used to climb onto the roof of my high school late at night because well it was fun one night my best friend and I brought two girls whom we were crushing on onto the roof to show them what we thought was a harmless and exciting discovery after some time exploring as a group my friend and I thought it appropriate to go explore the rooftops alone with our respective crushes in the distance I saw what seemed like a fitting spot to have a seat well it turns out it wasn't so fitting because it was a skylight I only remember up to this point my friend describes what happened next as the most horrifying experience of his life after about a few minutes he came looking for me as it turned airily silent he approached a shattered skylight and did clicks we were down there he yelled and yelled until I finally muttered back a week help I can't move police and paramedics were called he never got a response from the girl I woke up two days later with a concussion a few broken bones and some minor internal bleeding my crush was diagnosed dead on impact I'm not sure if this is even appropriate and this thread but Frick it I guess I work in the glass industry and BC of incidents like this one of the pieces of glass has to be laminated so you can't bust through if you walk across one you still go through the top piece though which is frickin scary we call it the half inch Art Attack it happened when I got home from school one afternoon I had gotten home early and no one else was there my dog had just had puppies my mother breeds King Charles Spaniels and what I found was the most hardness thing I've seen to this day we had a parrot at the time who was a total sea basically super territorial and he decided to attack these puppies I'm not going to go into the gory details but there was blood and fur everywhere out of the five there were only two left and they had to be put down the smell though it was freakin awful and I'll never forget it the poor mother dog I lived through the war in Bosnia from 1992 to 1995 found a dead student in the middle of campus while I was walking to a morning class her body was still warm when I checked her pulse called the paramedics on a campus phone they tried for a long time to revive her but to no avail it was creepy in the sense that you are never really expecting to see a body on your way to class at 8:00 a.m. this is exactly how an episode of Law & Order SVU started spotted a dead man floating in a river when I was 30 called police from a parked phone booth a detective interviewed me she was gone that afternoon that's not cool a few weeks ago a woman was repeatedly stabbed outside my window I won't ever forget her screams and her rattled breathing when I went out to flag down the police I feel guilty for not doing more than calling 9-1-1 but I am also angry because I heard the police interviewing a girl asking if she heard anything and she had heard the screaming she said yes but didn't call the police how do you freaking not call the police how horrible are you to not bother to try to help I hope she feels guilty the poor woman deserved better and now she is dead and the guy hasn't been found yet so wait by she was gone that afternoon do you mean that someone found her and someone came and recovered the body or do you mean that the murderer came back and moved her somewhere else when I was seven years old my parents were going through a very tough time they decided to split up for a while because my mom was going through a crazy partying phase she got custody I was too young to understand what was going on but I hated my father we are best friends now and my parents have been back together for years my mom was just too young when they first got together and she had my sister one night when my mother went out drinking with friends she left me home with my 12 year old sister we lived in an extremely bad neighborhood apartment complex that was full of miscellaneous crime I was playing warlock on Sega Genesis when I start hearing yelling outside we had a double glass door facing the porch area that connected the apartments we got up to look out the window and saw a white police officer talking to a black man the black man pulls out a bag of something and eats it the cop instantly takes his baton and hits him across the face it knocked the guy to the ground in the cop gets down and starts bashing his skull into the concrete after a minute or so the cop stops and calls in for an ambulance he killed that man for swallowing a bag of an illicit substance my sister was on the local news the next day explaining what happened but no one believed us even though there was blood all over the concrete the officer claimed he choked to death after swallowing the bag it's one reason why I will never trust police officers that I don't know on a personal level when I was younger I used to have really intense visual hallucinations some normal stuff glowing orbs floating hands but the creepiest thing that I ever saw was my own dead body on the floor in front of me wearing the exact same clothes I was wearing at the time this might be the caliber of the other stories here but this freaked me out when I first saw it so like four years ago when I was in high school I used to exercise in the basement of my house which is connected to the garage because my house is built into the side of a hill anyway I'm exercising when I hear this loud clicking noise coming from the garage I had no idea what it was it was like 10 p.m. and everyone else was either asleep or in their bedroom on the other side of the house I opened the door to the garage and I can't even comprehend and what I was looking at a bat had gotten its wings stuck to some flight tape and the clicking was its teeth against its bone it was trying to bite off its arm the clicking was so loud I have live in Juarez City for all my life so I lived through what was probably the most hardest and harshest stage of Felipe calderón's war on crime for the time being I have witnessed two car jacks on one a man got shot in the jaw for resisting I have been inside off a store during a robbery and have had a gun put against my head that was really freaking scary I saw the guy get executed with what seemed hundreds of bullets fired from machine guns in the middle of a crowded street in the middle of the day and well besides getting mugged twice and the occasional bar fight that gets out of hand I have seen a lot and unfortunately I think pretty much anyone who's lived in Huaraz has to coming back from Spring Break in Key West Florida the group I was traveling with had to stop in North Miami at 2:00 a.m. for gas keep in mind that we are all blazed out of our skulls for the is story we got of the interstate and stopped of some sketchy gas station some of the guys went in the others went to the bathroom on the side of the building while inside I got this really weird uncomfortable feeling everyone in the store was making eye contact but not saying anything not a single word you could hear a pin drop I gave my friend ahead of me and lined some money to pay for my food I had to get out of that store too many creepy vibes the second I walk out the door a lady starts screaming bloody murder a huge black guy with no shirt on was beating her through her car window he was punching her right in the face as hard as Mike Tyson she eventually got her car in drive and started to take off the crazy guy hung on and was drugged down the street for about 50 yards he eventually pulled the door off its hinges and the lady drove off so we are all standing there watching this huge crazy guy walk back towards the gas station covered in blood carrying a car door on his shoulder we all jumped in the truck and took off about a mile down the road 15 cop cars flew past us no one said a word in the truck for the next hour also we were all trying to wrap our heads around what we had just seen so I was one of the first class at UC Merced basically they built a brand new campus of the middle of nowhere so the only roads to the school were to two-lane roads the kinds of roads that are straight and flat for miles but have no streetlights me and some friends were driving back to campus late one night after getting some fast food and saw another car probably about two miles away coming towards us with their bites on when the cars saw our lights they naturally turned their lights back to normal I wish they never did this our two cars are getting closer and closer together as the car coming towards us is about 10 feet away both cars are traveling a proximal spur our mind you I see the shadow of a figure directly in front of their car and in a split second we hear this thickening crunch it happens so fast that you are just in shock I pull over and we find out the other car full of college kids has just hit some guy who was walking down a pitch-black highway 50 mile-per-hour I was at work just over three years ago while it was a slow day we still have a few minor things we can do to stay busy on our slower days and this was most certainly slow until now I was walking around our parking lot to make sure nothing was suspicious I work at an airport it's really not uncommon for people to park like buttholes and to leave their car for an extended period of time while walking about the parking lot I noticed a PT Cruiser kind of parked funny and all a mess and when I looked inside through the window I saw what appeared to be hair under a blanket I initially thought it to be a dog but found out it was all a woman who had committed suicide she had been there for four months and only her hair nails and some skin remained intact the proper authorities were contacted but b/c of the company I work for I was chosen to remain on scene and watch her being pulled out scoop by scoop and spew onto the ground when I was less than ten my police officer father had picked me up from school and was dropping me off at my grandparents while he was on duty there was a call to a park near where we were every time we've talked about this he says he knew he shouldn't have taken me but also knew he didn't have a choice we pull up to this Park in his squad car next to another couple of cops with their guns drawn pointed towards a man sitting on a park bench under a tree facing away from us my dad gets out and tells me to stay in the car from my angle I had no idea why they here for this guy the negotiator showed up and tried talking to this guy for a few minutes but to know prevail he pulled the trigger on the double-barrel shotgun he had between his legs blew his head completely off I didn't scream didn't cry just kinda stared shocked the part that sticks in my mind was what fell from the tree the brains and blood my dad took the rest of the day off took me to my favorite place to eat and talked to me about what all his job entailed TL DR at ten I watched a guy blows his head off with a shotgun in a park this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you ten years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 76,041
Rating: 4.8777046 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepiest, creepy moments, creepiest moments, real life, true story, creepiest memories, creepy things witnessed, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: whKorNi9eDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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