What's A Quirk Your Family Has? (r/AskReddit)

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what weird quirk does your family have the double clap butt slap warning for quite a while my large family found it highly entertaining to playfully slap each others butts it was somewhere between football players we swear this is manly and that actually kind of hurt a little well we decided that fair warning was in order so that we had a chance of evading this consisted of clapping twice sometimes a fast clap clapping tap in what felt like one smooth motion but probably looked spectacularly ridiculous sometimes a slow meaningful clap clap wait for it slap we started just randomly clapping twice without a clear shot hoping the other person would forget about it by the time we had a chance we had to set what amounted to a statute of limitations on the time from first clap to slap five minutes if I remember correctly by then we'd clap just to watch our siblings jump endless entertainment we still do it now and then the eldest is over 40 youngest mid-20s and the next generation seventeen down to in front has no idea what to think of it I could probably think of dozens more but this one came to mind first 17-year old I don't like being with my family my uncle slaps my butt and then everyone starts clapping we always get each other cards for holidays and birthdays but we make them the stupidest or most unrelated card possible like my mom gave me a card for my 18th birthday that was all about how she was proud of the strong black man that I had become I'm white my mom had gallbladder surgery and me and my brother got her a bunch of it's a girl balloons lots of confused nurses asking us if we were looking for the maternity ward we also try to get weird things written on cakes sorry about the test for results was one that we thought was hilarious it was only a mole was another a lot of people don't get it I have tried extending it beyond my family I got my friend a happy Bat Mitzvah card for her wedding she was really confused and told me that neither her or her husband were Jewish they also weren't turning 13 however in college I had an Australian roommate and he had to her his appendix removed I pulled the same stunt and got him a bunch of it's a boy balloons he said it was the funniest crap he had ever seen all those balloons and Confused doctors and nurses this is my favorite but I try to pull crap like this all the time so I may be a little biased my brother and I were born in Scotland but emigrated to Canada as a young age neither of us have accents like our parents but over time we have learned to imitate to perfection anytime we are joking with my parents mocking them or asking for something we use thick Scottish accents and slang also talk to our dogs strictly with an accent also talk to our dogs strictly with an accent this made me think of a tumblr post I saw where people found a lost dog with a tag that's a donkey but the dog would only respond if you said donkey like Shrek my granddad was a very forceful character and also a very bright man whenever anyone did anything smart he'd say he she got that from me he died ten years ago but we still reference that when something good happens but through osmosis it now has spread to non blood relatives and inanimate objects my cousin's kid as a good drawing yup got it from OPA Hermann my cousin's wife gets promoted clearly thanks to OPA Hermann my car goes through the mill no problem OPA Hermann I grew up thinking that crud Allen and bottle Glenn were common insults never gave them a second thought turns out my mom just really didn't like these two guys named Allen and Glen my father enjoys baiting d-list celebrities into arguments on Twitter and they often do engage my little brother used to watch a lot of TV but we didn't realize what an impact it was having on him until he sincerely called a grocery Carter trolley for some reason he'd been watching the BBC almost exclusively I'm so tired but for some reason these three popped out at me southeastern us here for reference didn't realize the impact peppa pig and Ben and Holly were having on my kids until I heard the terms ice lolly and zebra with a shorty whenever we drop someone off at their house at night we have them flicker on and off the front porch light to signal they are owed in case of an intruder my immediate family has something we call the freaky routine I think it started when I was 12 my mom was mad at me my dad told her to tell me Frick you and I love you we still do it my dad is having a lot of cognitive issues now that he is older recently I was visiting and we got into a big fight because he didn't want to do something that was really necessary for his health he says to me can I tell you something I knew exactly what he was going to say so I said sure tell me he said Frick you and I said Frick you two was actually comforting to know he remembered once my younger sister stopped believing in Santa around 15 years ago my parents starting making our Christmas presents from dogs that we knew our dog our cousin's dog our neighbor's dog I think on this particular Christmas Eve mum and dad were delirious and thought it would be funny and it has stuck my parents now have three chickens and they do all our Christmas shopping each year apparently I always get birth the cards presents from my dad's dog I'm 47 jeopardy every night we always set it to record because sometimes we don't have time to watch it when it airs now we don't give the answer in the form of a question or keep score it's not a tech stream but the person that gets final Jeopardy gets high fives when I'm away at school my mum texts me the final Jeopardy question so I still get to play a little when I'm away we play psychic jeopardy when the category for final jeopardy is announced you have to give your response during the commercial break before the answer question is revealed winning psychic jeopardy is amazing when more guests arrive than expected mom uses a secret code for me and dad that is FHB family held back this is done so that we eat less and the extra unexpected guests don't run out of food I need this for my husband who has the most annoying dip to chip ratio I lay out snacks for guests and he would take a chip along with half of the bowls dip in one bite sometimes I want to kill him about 25% of my family has hearing loss and can't hear certain frequencies so we are always yelling at each other whenever it's time to go pick out a Christmas tree from a lot my brother dad and I will walk in and grab one that is still wrapped up in twine not open started about six years ago when we went to week before Christmas to get one because we all had been too busy to meet up so pickings of a slim we decided to go with a wrapped one and love it regardless of its flaws that would be revealed when we got home but it was the ugliest bang tree you would ever see and we couldn't stop laughing pine tree roulette is fun and gives other tree's a chance at a loving home we've gotten to flawless ones in our yours it's fun to see what you'll get you have to say good night to everyone in the house before you go to bed if they're already asleep you have to say it outside off their door just in case they may still be awake to hear it I never thought anything of this until I spent the night at my ex's house and I wanted to say goodnight to his roommates I seriously thought everyone did this anytime it is someone's birthday we purposefully sing as badly as we can it is hilarious my mom usually ends up aggressively coughing because she thinks that is funnier than singing at Christmas we sniff the presents before opening them I don't know why and most of the time they just smell like wrapping paper it's been going on for over 20 years now until I was 23 I thought Tupperware was called MEC Tanners instead of containers my parents still have never justified why they have always only called them that to the point I still slip up and call them maintainers regularly this is just between my mother and myself but every time I get the hiccups she buys them from me I'll start hiccupping and she makes a big fuss and throws up her arms I suppose you want cash for those huh she'll give me whatever spare change she can find in increasing amounts until I stop hiccupping usually I'll make about $0.50 but one time I got six dollars because she only had bills she's the best on the hiccup theme when my sister was pregnant she started hiccuping often she googled to find out why it was happening one of the less reputable sources she found said something like you've been hiccupping all along and just now noticed now whenever either of us hiccups the other says you've been doing that all along and the only proper responses yet I've just now noticed was jut talking about this last night with my siblings we have Vietnamese names and all speak the language but for some reason everyone pronounces my sisters and my name in English we just forego the proper pronunciation and read it as it would if it were an English word my dad named me and he has never once called me by the correct pronunciation ah dad's my dad thought my name was going to be a similar but different name until it was on the birth certificate he one day told me that my mom changed it from the planned name but when I repeated that she just shouted you're named after my grandmother it was never going to be the other name my family flips I hate your guts into I love your guts also we regularly adopt stupid funny auto corrects typos into our lexicon mum tried to type okey-dokey once and it turned into polka dome so now we'll occasionally say polka dome as a sort of I understand yes all right when I was a kid I lived with my grandmother for a few years when I was really small like 2-5 and she started masti toasty as in she would say I love you the masti toasty and I would say I love you the masti toasty too then she would gasp really dramatically and say but don't you love mommy the masti toasty and I would panic and exclaim yes yes I do I love you both the masti toasty but my grandmother would then say oh no my name you can only love one person the masti toasty you have to pick a 90% of the time I would pick my mom and my grandmother would say that's okay you are supposed to love her the most e toasty I still love you the most e toasty though and I would say I love you too and if I picked my grandmother instead she would tell me she was gonna call my mom and tell her that I didn't love her the most e toasty anymore and I would go no no don't tell her that I do love her the most e toasty I do it with my kids now but only the eldest can really say it my son is just shy of two years old and somehow it became the contest the first one to say I love you the musty toasty wins and you can do it any time of day you can surprise attack with it and that's it you've won for the day my daughter's fond of nailing me with it right as she's walking out the door to the bus stop we've also changed that there can be only one rule to include others so we can love more than one person the masti toasty this is adorable we bring a sock monkey everywhere we go on vacation and take pictures of it in front of monuments signs etc my mom is really the one keeping the tradition alive though it should be kept alive that is super cute we have a distinct whistle to locate ourselves in places like stores or supermarkets mostly useful when we're traveling outside the country and have no phone service we have a family tradition where if you make eye contact with someone while you are eating corn on the cob you must finish eating that corn without looking away blinking or swallowing it usually ends in corn being spewed but it's plenty fun we always announce when we have to poke I'm terrified to bring a girl over for this reason this one made me genuinely low my family always jokes about it afterwards man lost some weight just now I had to take the Browns to the Super Bowl etc' not sure how weird it is but for as long as I can remember sunday was family day it didn't even mean we had a specific activity we all did together just no one had plans with other people we could all be in different rooms doing different things the whole day it's never a house arrest kind of thing either it's something everyone respects and actually looks forward to even now I'm away at college and when I come home I never make plans on Sunday on the strange occasion that there is some other event I still ask permission from my parents out of courtesy but of course they never tell me no I guess it began to make sure we were an actual family and not just had the title well it worked they're my favorite people half is Russian half is Finnish fistfights at Christmas are normal Hannah my sister dated a deputy and he was on court Christmas night a couple days later I saw him and he had a bruise on his cheek not quite a black eye apparently he was the first to a house where they needed 13 cops to break up a fight of like 24 Russians all family members in a brawl on Christmas Eve dinner while on the phone instead of saying bye we say bar or some variation gluer or whatever not sure why we always haven't people look at me weird when I'm on the phone with my mom and say all right love you bye drawn-out goodbyes leaving to go home that will be several love your house call us when you get homes at least two quick stories and a random gift hanging up the phone same thing tell all the family members hi one or three things I forgot to tell you and a couple of see you soon my husband eventually learned to start the process 10 minutes early due to the excessively taking you're almost in the car let me now list for you every item in the fridge and offer to pack it up so you can take some home we don't call them drinks we only refer to them as beverages didn't realize this was weird until multiple friends pointed it out after I offered them a beverage when I had my first breakup my mom wanted to continue her family tradition of hot chocolate and hogs problem was we didn't have hot chocolate so my mom came in with a glass of chocolate chips for me now every time I have a breakup or a rough day in general my mom does everything in her power to get me a glass of chocolate chips squeezing someone's hand three times means I love you the usual response is to squeeze back four times for I love you too upon introduction my granddad would toss China plates of prospective boyfriends of his daughters most of them would drop them and the whole family would make a disappointed who when it smashed then act as if it never happened one of the BFS deftly caught a plate and tossed if right back my granddad surprised fumbled the catch and smashed it himself that man is now my uncle if we are all at home together we sit down twice a day for an hour to drink tea at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. the retirees do this every day my father's side are all closeted atheists apparently they all come out to me because I'm the hippie of the family whenever a new one admits it to me I'll reassure them by saying you know is an atheist too and they just shake their heads disbelieving none of them believe me that their brothers sister mother father children are also atheists it's equally hysterical and frustrating you should sit them all down and have a group intervention where you reveal that they all share the same terrible secret we have the ability to hold five conversations at once at the dinner table and drop in and out of each one as we please it's like keeping your ear trained on what's being said around you while keeping up your own convo also my parents did a good job of giving us no shame so we get weird alert all that when we go outdoors for a hike or something in the woods we judge who had the most fun by who bled the most of the most interesting cause males from my dad's side myself included have a tooth gap between the front two teeth after years of training and practice we can spray water in a fine line upwards of 10 ish feet by simply pressing our tongue towards our teeth you can get on America's Got Talent well I guess it's more normal than most I see on here did my mother's side of the family never tells each other's past and I know next to nothing about any of my aunt and uncle's younger lives my mum has five brothers and four sisters I talked to about half of them my one uncle is the most open as we kind of took similar paths in life and we have a lot in common I go over and have some beers smoked like a chimney with him every few weeks and we naturally get to stories but it's never about his sisters his brothers anyone in the family only his own past even when I specifically asked him questions about family he will as they all do say it's not my place to judge or say anything I love em and their family unless they feel the need to tell you their stories won't cross my lips of course it makes me curious all heck want shenanigans they got up too but I respect the heck out of them all for being so dang stoic and respectful of one another even though some of the siblings haven't spoken in years or don't like one another it's a running joke with my friends no one knows anything about the S when us kids were smaller our idea of a fun family day was to go swimming and take our turn in Scrabble between jumps into the pool that sounds hella fun Opie here for the longest time I assumed all family members were allowed to have trigger points for example my younger sister her food very seriously I once nearly got stabbed for eating her cake parents told me that was my sister's trigger point and it was the one thing they wouldn't fault her for meanwhile my dad's trigger point asleep mom made it clear we were forbidden from disturbing dad whenever he was sleeping or he might hit us he mom's trigger pointers her Korean drama she made it clear that we were forbidden from disturbing her when she was watching her dramas they then allowed me to choose my trigger point I chose gaming and announced how I would react violently if anyone disturbed me when I was playing my computer games my family allowed it it wasn't until recently when I was talking to others about trigger points that they asked me WTF I was talking about and that it sure as heck wasn't normal to yell at someone for disturbing your game of dota almost all the men are colorblind so at family gatherings we would play guess at color hilarious family fun my grandfather would always turn on all the lights at their house whenever we would drive to visit I found myself doing the same making sure they know which house to stop at whenever you go to leave the driveway after a big event at our house you always give two quick little honks kind of a last goodbye to the people in the house over the years we all I'm the oldest five younger siblings kinda settled into our spot at the table at my parents house even as all office kids have grown and moved out when we visit we sit in the same spot we always did even if not everyone is there and we could sit closer together we always default to a spa my parents when they brush their tongue whilst brushing three teeth would gag really loudly I thought this was [ __ ] normal when I was a kid until I went out to play one day and could hear my dad gag from two houses over every kid in my street must have thought we were deep throat in each other law we only had one bathroom growing up my dad always gagged when he brushed his tongue and several times while I was standing beside him doing my makeup or brushing my teeth he would throw up into the sink he would laugh so hard as I ran away gagging good times we all pretend everything is dandy but never speak we have six cats and we pretend they have human lives and jobs and we pick favorites my dad's cat is a country singer and my cat is a lumberjack we have a cat of the month contest we only have one cat but he rarely wins BC at bad behavior it's a holdover from when I had two cats but one moved in with my ex so now it's just won the contest remains ongoing if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit family, reddit family stories, weird family, reddit weird family, reddit weird
Id: OY-9kVv1q6U
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Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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