The Worst Guest That Ever Stayed At Your Home (r/AskReddit)

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who was the worst guest that stayed at your house my wife's friends had stayed over after a party because they lived pretty far away I was in the kitchen making coffee in the morning and the friend's wife came up the basement stairs into the kitchen wearing nothing but her underwear she didn't say anything to me she just shuffled past and went back into the spare bedroom I was curious what she was doing down there so I went and I checked it turns out in her drunken state she couldn't find either one of the bathrooms upstairs on the main level so she went into the basement and crap beneath the stairs all over the floor when her husband came out of the bedroom I told him that he had a mess to clean up and directed him to the basement so he could find his wife's surprise that's when he decided to use our clean bath towels to smear her crap all over my basement floor then he just tossed the towels into the laundry tub I never spoke to either one of them again one good thing did come out of it though we now get to say crap the basement drunk as the top of the drunkenness meter a woman named misty my roommate met her at a party and invited her back she stayed the night yeah whatever but then didn't leave the next day she just hung out even asked if we were going to buy more soda she stayed the night again on the couch two days later we drove her to a family member just to get rid of her my partner at the time his brother spent the whole week trying to walk in on me changing in the shower my mom was my worst guest ever we moved her because she lost her job and was staying with random people she never offered to help with anything left my house a pigsty at all times when she would get her unemployment she'd buy herself the most random crap stayed up all hours of the night and got incredibly crappy in the morning if my young children would wake her up and would purposely get in awful fights with my husband because she hated him and didn't want me married to him I asked her if she would watch my children so I could go back to work to help support her and she freaked out that I wasn't planning on paying her to babis it after two years I really really tried to ignore it and continue helping we had to kick her out when I was 17 my older brother brought two of his college friends from school to stay for a week in the town he was raised they went to the Citadel in Charleston so they are cadet ish any a my mom caught one of them smelling my twelve-year-old sister's stockings and preteen girl underwear my mom kind of freaked and was in semi shock and came in and told my brother in front of me and the other friend what was even more awkward is the guide tried to play it off like he thought it was my room and he was looking for my weed he said he was sniffing because he could smell weed somewhere and wanted to smoke my mom wanted so hard to believe this that she actually accused me of having weed in my room which was upstairs my best mate was hooking up with the new barmaid at our local and she got horrendously rekt on booze and coke at a post pub party at my parents house for some reason she decided to grab a kitchen knife and slit her wrists in the ensuing struggle to wrestle the knife from her hand as she went to slash her other wrist she managed to place her arm against the wall leaving a nice blood smudge right there in the kitchen we then kicked her out and she gave me and my girlfriend at the time a load of crap on Facebook for being unreasonable believe it or not my mate ended up dating her for about two years and she continued to be an absolute train wreck when he finally got rid of her from his life it was a really joyous moment for me and the rest of our friendship cycle the last I heard of her she unexpectedly inherited a few million pounds from her father who she hadn't seen since she was about two years old and she's now living a few hundred miles away breeding horses so as for worst houseguest it's either her or the dude who peed in my kettle and then boiled it my sister-in-law a couple months before my wedding she was controlling everything from the food we eat to the way I should place things in my wallet I freaked my crap when she started making a list of my family members and who should be invited or not added detail her other sister a week before our wedding told me all men cheat without a doubt hands down the friend whose family came up to my lake house for a week her 10 year old had a bedwetting problem understandably no one wants to talk about that except when I tease time to change the sheets when the guests are gone oMG I had to throw out a brand new man tres my roommate's friend needed a place to crash while he found an apartment we had a spare room that he didn't want to rent it after three weeks it became obvious he was trying to stay with us for free when he brought all of his clothes and stuff but so we charged him rent for next month's if he planned to stay longer still our Xbox and disappeared but he left all his stuff which was worth a lot more we didn't bother calling the cops and just told him to bring back the Xbox or he can't get his stuff he never responded and we just made the 1k profit selling his crap my mum she helped pay the deposit for me then treated it like she owned the place whenever she needed somewhere to stay to the point that my GF at the time threatened to move out over the way she was treated whenever I raised the issue she would remind me that without her I wouldn't have a place to live etcetera I sold the place at auction eventually gave her back her deposit and cut her out of my life not purely over this you understand but it was a big part of it probably not as bad as other stories in this thread but my girlfriend and I went away for a week and a half and a friend of ours volunteered to house-sit and take care of our pets two cats and two lizards we made sure they knew what to do and robe to care sheets for each animal and what they needed to do to keep the animals healthy while we were away feed the cats clean their litter chop up veggies for the lizards and feed them bugs and give the lizard a quick bath if she poops because she'll definitely run around in it so after we ran our friend through our daily routine to care for our pets we said our good-byes and went away when we came back our apartment looked nice but there was a heavy cat pee cat crap smell all over the apartment and when I checked on my lizard she had crap all over her underside not cool bearded dragons have Salmonella in their faces and this meant she ran a risk of getting very sick as she ran over her food we ended up having to take her to the vet for a $300 vet bill for tail rotten to check for food poisoning the cat litter was literally solid when confronted he said he had just forgotten to clean it once before he left but it looked exactly like a week and a half worth of two cats P posed our one cat was so fed up with the amount of people's in the litter that we saw him peeing on the floor which is never once happened before or since this incident it was clear to us that he did next to nothing to care for our pets like he promised he would he just volunteered to stay in our apartment because it was an hour closer to his new job and completely used us we used to be great friends but I haven't seen them more than once in the two years since this incident hard to trust someone after they pull a stunt like that an ex friend I smelled something horrible when I was cleaning the guest bathroom after she left it was like a mix of fish and rotten eggs it was so strong it made me gag and then I found the source it was a used panties we moved into this new house apparently the people who lived there before us never told their friend they moved he let himself in and went into the bathroom unnoticed I went and there some time later and found this random guy passed out where the needle in his arm in my new freakin bathroom worst first night in a new house ever oh man this guy I was friends with in college invited himself to my parents place in the summer when I went to go house sit about two hours away a very braggadocious loud and annoying but I didn't think it would be that bad a short list of things he was able to do in three days talk about how much he hustles and how much money he has and how great over time were going to have proceeds to bring one stroke for over 26 ounce bottle of patron and a gram of Bud then leeches off everyone else for the remainder of the three days refusing to chip in because he already pitched accused my brother of stealing his hat my brother's head was nowhere near his size nor would he wear a flat bill came OJ's cap he went on about it for two days hit on every girl I had over aggressively to the point they asked me to keep him away he then invited over a 40 year old woman and banged her behind the group of trees in my backyard litter blunt he didn't roll or contribute to in the hallway of my parents house the morning of them coming back we had it ready for after cleaning and he just walked into the house sparked it and looked shocked when we screamed at him to put it out refused to help clean before my Aaron's got back he hid in the bathroom or backyard for the entire two hours we all spent cleaning when my parents did come home he became this super fake polite person my parents saw through his BS and knew right away this guy was a douche he came with us to my hockey game that night and my parents said all he did was brag about how much the girls of the arena all watching their boyfriends play wanted him and he's doing those guys a favor by not hitting on them because those girls would be mine when we were finally heading back we blew a tire on the highway rather than help he stood there and watched two of us do it no offers of help nothing when we finally got the car back on the road he complained that it took so long and wanted to stop for food I'm a very patient man at this point I just wanted to get him out of the car and go home we dropped him off at his house and he was delusional enough to think we all had a good time he said thanks for an awesome time when are we doing this again I said never and we drove away I've ignored him ever since my sister's boyfriend I have never actually hated anyone until I was forced to live with this guy for two weeks he was an ungrateful prick and extremely disrespectful to my parents and sister I'll refer to him them n was staying at my parents house because my sister inadvertently got him kicked out of his aunt's house she felt bad so she asked my parents to let him stay for some time until they could find other living arrangements he brought over all his stuff and made himself right at home quickly he set up his xbox in the living room and played destiny all day because he didn't have a job he's 27 he would constantly complain about the internet being laggy and would tell anyone who was listening that our internet is crappy he would constantly at least three four times take an entire loaf of pepperoni bread fill it with cheese bake it eats him and then throw it away he literally screamed at my mother that she was disrespecting him when she called his music scream oh and had a hissy fit he and my sister shared a room right next to mine and at night I could hear him singing to her not so bad except he proclaimed that he was incredibly talented and never missed a chance to mention it the best about his stay though was when he told me that aliens where on earth helped build the pyramids and altered our DNA so that we evolved faster he would also constantly tell my sister what to do and was very controlling my sister now lives with him in an apartment he recently crashed her car and fled the scene I hate him my sister was supposed to stay just the weekend to help after my hysterectomy I had to kick her out after three months because it became painfully obvious she relapsed drugs the last straw was when she became upset with me and knowing that I'm allergic to perfume she went through the entire house spraying her perfume I had to stay away from my own house for 24 hours my poor husband and children this was a few years back when I was around 15 or so my younger brother is autistic only mildly sir we don't deal with him all that much differently than any other kid but he can get a bit much with the questions feels like you're getting interrogated at times he has so much to ask but it's easy to cut him a little slack with it no big deal at the time he was around 6 and I had a friend over for a little while just playing some games on my xbox my younger brother politely knocks on my door so I tell him to come in and he proceeds to start questioning us on what we're playing about the game e.t.c e.t.c normal questions just lots of them eventually my friend has had enough and tells him he needs to shut up younger brother responds by saying he's only asking and asks me another question before anyone has a chance to do anything my friend decides to shout at him to shut up and proceeds to slap my a younger brother around the head got kicked out pretty quick and our friendship deteriorated pretty rapidly after that my best friend while growing up she came over sat on the couch and bitched the entire time about literally everything bitched about the food the temperature it was summer how she was bored I was trying my best to entertain her and the list goes on and on she was rude swore at everyone and whenever I was talking about something politics for example she would get angry and be like when did you ever care about that like it was something be ashamed off had to call her mum who lived four hours away to come pick her up I was so embarrassed she treated my roommates like crap had a roommate allow his xgf to stay a few weeks with us she was the stereotype of crazx and was only staying with us because her new xbf had been threatening to kill her or so she claimed she brought her cat with her and my roommate and I already have a cat each that got along well and her cat was a frickin B obviously she was freaked out from being in a new place but it would attack my cat who was a two month old kitten still as he was learning how to be social and play and crap on top of it all she didn't have a key so she would wait until everyone else left before she did I mean just leave the house and not lock the door or anything every day after my roommate left if she was still home she would use that time to call her ex and get into crazy arguing fights with him and you could tell she wasn't all there each fight ended with a Frick you hang up and then she would freak my roommate when he got home the worst part about it is she would let him to believe they were getting closer getting back together that she cared about him and loved him all while she just wanted for this crap to blow over which happens at least once every few months she just happened left one day and my roommate got really depressed and withdrawn for a long time my sister her 10 year old went through all our DVDs and stuffed about six under his coat as they left one fell out and we discovered the rest my sister's reaction boys will be boys are you kidding me this dude was a family friend who my mum let in my room to play xbox I wasn't home at the time so I didn't see it but I had forgotten my phone one day so as soon I get home I frantically look for it as I normally would my phone was nowhere in sight so I was like Frick it I'll look for it later and chill with this dude on xbox the dude seems nervous as Frick so stopped catching on to the Smith Africa I go through one of my drawers which had about hundred dollars in it and guess what it's gone I decide to freak with this dude so I said my phone has a tracker app on it and that I was going to reported stolen to the police which was complete BS good hey he bought my story and was getting nervous he goes over to his mum and speaks in his native language so I can't understand he didn't use phone and police in English and at that point I knew he took both of them I told my dad and he went a polite on this dude just full-on shouting at him until he started crying which was hilarious he returned my stuff afterwards and just waited outside his mother was crying profusely and kept apologizing and saying stuff like I never knew he had this side to him and there must be a reason why he stole your stuff but I knew she was in on it too I had no sympathy for either of those Slimer Theron occurs years ago I was a recruiter for one of the Armed Services and one of my recruits had a brother who wanted to enlist but needed to complete his get to be eligible and needed a place to stay while completing it the brother had become a pretty good friend and vouched for his brother so I'll let him stay with me at my home it became obvious pretty quickly that the brother had a drinking problem he would sneak drinks out of the bottle and pour water back into the bottle to hide what he had consumed worked okay with the vodka but my Scotch just getting clearer and clearer the get program I had him enrolled in was only a two-week program so we decided to just try to ride it out oops one night about halfway through his scheduled stay I got a 2 a.m. phone call from the local air force base saying they had recovered my stolen government car and I should come get it and fill out some paperwork I looked out my window and yup my car was gone crap I wasn't even supposed to have it home with me that night I got dressed and then realized that all the liquor bottles were gone and so was the brother the dumb boss got drunk and decided to pretend he was CIA and try to get onto base when the MPS at the gate wouldn't let him pass he tried to ram the gate and was taste and arrested needless to say he never completed the gate program and spent some time in the base jail you've been visited by the toothpaste man for good teeth and fresh breath comment afresh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, story time, top posts of all time, worst guest, guest, guest house, crazy guest
Id: MLpzBfr5qhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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