Hotel Workers, What's Your Grossest Experience (r/AskReddit)

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hotel workers override it what's the strangest most disgusting thing you've ever seen happen obligatory not a hotel worker but just a keen traveler wanting to break up the fishiest stories it stayed in a resort where it was a series of clay huts that comprised the hotel this was in Namibia you booked a heart chill and go about your life when I arrived I found the door to my heart with scratches on the outside and several bulbs a sign saying do not open at night strange I didn't sleep that night as I could hear a child wailing outside in pain and scrambling at the door once I heard the door trying to be wrenched open next morning I spoke to the other guests who had had a similar experience turns out that it was monkeys that mimic human sounds to make people open the door and attack them but stranger than fiction that's creepy as frig three young girls shared a room were wasted next morning they were very quick to check out not even went for breakfast turns out they took dumps all over the room we blacklisted them and send their rides to other hotels telling off what happened so they could be aware if they showed up at least we could take the money for the stare of the credit card big gave I don't work for a hotel but for a hotel reservations website once got a call from a client who was staying in Thailand asking to be relocated when we asked why would he need that he told us the police was there because the property owner it was a villa not a hotel had murdered her husband and buried him under the villa when he called us they were there with her excavator and a coroner's crew on top of that the villa owner ran away with a client's Passport so they also required consular assistance I'm gonna need you to go a bit farther with this story worked in a crappy poblet offered crappy accommodation a guest rightfully lost their crap after they climbed into bed and found a soiled pair of men's underwear they fired the housekeeper after that I used to work as a quality supervisor for a five hotel basically my job was to make sure that both the staff and the guests have no ongoing issues one morning I was around the reception area guests were leaving in masses I asked a few of them about their stay two positive and negative feedback suddenly one of the receptionist girls waved me over a guest couple was checking out I think they were Irish aged around 24-26 completely normal couple the receptionist girl pulled me over and said that one of the cleaning crew notified them to send me up to the couple's room immediately a bit puzzled I go up to their room it was trashed like completely trashed like if there were some blood splatters around it could have seriously looked like a scene for a brutal murder case among a hundred other things broken chair broken TV pillows and sheets all over the place curtains torn down the bathtub was clogged with the bathrobes and the floor was completely drenched the table seems like some sort of makeup and other unknown things were used to paint all over it but pack of wet Asian noodles were slammed on the ceiling a tampon inside a lamp and so on completely in shock I went down to immediately talked to the couple I questioned them but they acted like they don't know what I'm talking about called in the higher-ups in the end they were forced to pay a considerable amount of money for the damage they caused the strangest thing was they were genuinely acting like they don't know what happened at all not just trying to lie or make up a ridiculous story after they paid still acting like they did nothing wrong and left I went on to investigate the issue a bit more I ran into some of the other guests from the floor they stayed in and asked them if they saw or heard anything strange as it turned out the couple acted like they were on drugs the night before the accident like heavy drugs they stood in the hallway for 30 minutes just staring at the wall for example they left claw marks on the inside of the door which I didn't even notice at first the staff did not get called because other people thought they were just moderately drunk tourists to this day I do not know what drug they took but that room left a permanent mental image in my head they might have been secret agents trying to fight off assassins that got in through the window when I was just out of high school I worked as a housekeeper at a decently upscale hotel and the main policy regarding cleaning rooms was unless it was a legal activity just clean around it okay fair I had seen marathan a Lea in hotel rooms and chosen to just ignore it guns laying around in there lock cases during a gun convention fair enough but I wasn't prepared for what I saw on a night room turndown basically you're likely freshen up the room make the bed prepared to be used for the night and drop a chocolate on the pillow when I move the sheet down to make the tucks return down there was freakin child pee pictures I immediately spoke to the night manager who contacted the police I was allowed to anonymously make a report because the man was already on probation he wasn't allowed to even be staying at the hotel he was from the area and utilized hotels to meet other pedis because it was probation they could be more flexible with warrants and such still bothers me now it may bother you now build imagine who it might have bothered had you never bothered to speak up simply by taking initiative you may now be the hero that some young kid s will never need to know saved them we were a small pet friend's hotel in a medium-sized NC town there was a guest in town for a few months that was covering for someone at one of the local plants this guy was traveling with his dog and generally seemed like a pretty old white guy even if he was a recluse this guy said we didn't need to go into his room for housekeeping since his dog wasn't the friendliest and he liked to do the cleaning himself this isn't really an abnormal request and we never had trouble with people doing that in the past so we were happy enough to save our girls a room on the housekeeping boards after two months the guy checks out and we go into the room for the first time in that span what we found was a smorgasbord of disgusting opening the door we were assailed by the overpowering stench of dog urine okay that happens sometimes taking the first step into the room I'll shoes are greeted with a squish and literal dog urine coming up over the top of our shoes this was obviously worse than we thought it would be exploring the room further we found that the mattress and shower completely soaked through with dog Duren and growing little mushrooms and mold the wood on the tables and dressers were split and peeling beyond any kind of salvage the bathroom had put stains on the floor and in the tub but the tub also had a temporary bed of blankets and pillows set up in it this dude was literally coming back to his room every day and sleeping in that mess the only thing he bothered to clean up was the dog's crap mostly this was for two months we had to completely strip the room and Rehab it because it was so bad this also prompted us to create a policy where we had to enter every room at least once a week no exceptions it amazes me that guy slept in there and supposedly went to work each day I don't know how he managed to hold down a job if he lived like that don't even want to think about how filthy his actual home must be I used to work in a restaurant attached to a hotel and would be responsible for room service calls if there was the one older guy who was staying alone visiting his wife in a hospital that she was dealing with a sudden and terminal cancer diagnosis but at first it was fine he would just order dinner and a bottle of wine every night then it became two bottles of wine then three spaced throughout the day his wife passed and then it became for the hotel staff was starting to get worried but he wasn't really breaking any rules he would just stay in his room all day eating and drinking until one time I went to deliver his daily dinner he didn't even call in orders anymore he got the same thing every day and he didn't answer the door I thought I heard a cry from inside like a pained groan or something so I put the food down and went to tell the front desk they said they'd handle it I later found out he tried to get out of bed and just collapsed after drinking himself into a stupor he had been there for hours and was laying in his own filth they kicked him out after that and ended his three-month stay I felt really bad for the man he was going through heartbreak and was struggling to cope we had a girl staying for a week in our place she would call my office phone a few times a safe for our janitor kid to get her snacks from the vending machines and take her cash to pay for her room her reason was that she had very bad leg pain and it was hard walk hospitality is our business sir no one complained when the kid went to the room she was always seated in a wheelchair with a blanket draped over her from the waist down at the end of the week she called me crying that she couldn't take the pain anymore would I call for an ambulance when the EMT arrived and pulled the blanket away they found out the awful truth this young girl was a nursing student and had used her stolen instruments to cut off a leg mid-thigh she did it in the tub and washed the blood down the drain she had gotten through the bone and had been working on the underside flesh it goes without saying she had some kind of mental issues she was admitted to the hospital where they worked to reattach her leg and then sent to the psych ward when her family was notified according to the nurses at the hospital friends of mine they did not come I often think of this girl and wonder what became of her some people feel like they are born with limbs they shouldn't have because doctors in general won't cut off a healthy limb they either deliberately gravely injured themselves or try to amputate on their own or with the help of others I've worked in a fair few of London's most famous hotels as a gardener and have some weird stories about people there but Barbra Streisand always made weird requests for example she demanded a fresh roll of turf every baby delivered to her room so her dog could pee crap on it I also found a huge log of crap inside an interior palm - it was literally tucked into the crown of the plant like a vigilant guard no idea why someone would feel the need to do that but hey people are weird I also found a huge log of crap inside an interior palm - please tell me this did not coincide with Me's Streisand's visit obligatory not me mother ex hotel manager some guy crap and then pulled some out the toilet and rubbed it on the wall known because the wet toilet paper used was all over the floor the cleaning staff weren't allowed to clean it had to get specialists in Cooper removal human feces specialists I guess idk yeah I specialized in crap and crap removal services I was a night Auditor 10 years ago in an airport hotel we had a pilot staying in our hotel his name was Trevor Trevor got drunk and locked himself out of the room just wearing a very tiny piece of underwear he used the phone of the corridor to call us open his room could happen right this repeated itself for three times so after the third time we told him that we would not run-up to open his room anymore so after half an hour he came downstairs saying he locked himself out of the room again and that he would spend the night in the lobby after he fell asleep in the lobby we decided to carry him to his room and we literally put him in bed this time he stayed there no idea why he would lock himself out all the time no idea why he didn't wear any more clothing I guess drunk but heck he was annoying humiliation King this happened last week saw a really drunk Korean guy inspecting a coconut tree apparently he decided he really wanted to climb a coconut tree at 1:00 a.m. I didn't see him fall just heard the thud nothing serious happened to him he got the wind knocked out of him and passed out the security guards tried to help but they got bitched out by his equally drunk girlfriend she sobbed over him for a while then I think she went to sleep on him saw them both at breakfast go just strange but whatever you wanna pay $200 to sleep outdoors be my guest be my guest guy that works in a hotel not from me but my sister works in the hotel des and a colleague of hers told her about a time when a man checked in and wouldn't let anyone go into the room for over a week they were all suspicious of what he must be doing as the corridor outside the room started to smell really bad one day he went out so the staff snuck in to see what was going on I bet they wish they hadn't he had dead fish hung up all around the room and they had condoms inside starting from the mouth going into the body of the fish so I think you can guess what he had been up to I'm not sure what happened but I've never heard anything like it what the frig not a hotel workup but checked into a hotel in Covent Garden London a few years ago when next in line and just about to walk up to the desk and this woman very passive aggressively tells the receptionist that there are two naked men in her room she got a new room I mean I feel like at that point being passive-aggressive is cooled for I was running room service up to a room one evening they'd placed the order half an hour before and knew the wait time so normally people were half ready for the knock at the door got to this woman's room and all I can hear is giggling and whispering eventually she opens the door a crack and I tell her that her foods arrived she shut the door again and more giggling then opens it slightly wider I tell her I need to come in to put the tray down and for her to sign for the food and same again giggling door closed she then opens it wearing a towel get in the room she signs and that's when I see it an naked man in a chair in the corner casually covering a very erect penis with a single page from a newspaper like this guy had over two minutes to change I'd cover up and instead just opted for the front page of The Times they were into it a couple checked in left the room destroyed henny bottles jack bottles Chung mattress was flipped and torn sheets had a crack blood mix on them took us forever to get the room in order I work front desk at a hotel I wasn't there for this but herded through a co-worker an older man about 40s or 50s apparently needed to use the bathrooms very badly and didn't have time to make it back to his room or even to the lobby bathroom so what does he do he finds the nearest housekeeping closet that's open then proceeds to squat in crap in a random bucket the worst part one of the housekeeper's was in the closet getting linens the thought of her just silently watching in horror is hilarious I used to work in room service and saw a lot of weird stuff I've been asked to pour ice buckets over naked prostitutes in a bathtub these were VIP returned guests somebody also asked me to deliver a banana olive oil and cream to their room once I was working New Year's Eve and a lady shut the door behind me when checking how many the fridge closed her eyes and started having premonitions about me meeting my husband in the next year it was super strange however I was too polite to leave met my husband exactly a year later on New Year's Eve at the hotel not a hotel worker but I did do a short stint as a room checker for my university during the summer break but basically it was going in to student halls rooms and checking for damages anything left behind and generally making a laundry list of how much of your deposit are we taking from you kind of stuff as well as setting up the rooms for new students coming in the worst by far was a dorm room that was very neat and tidy on the face of it but when you opened the door to the ensuite bathroom well it's tough to describe but the entire shower and walls around it were caked in wet hair and I mean Kate you literally couldn't see the walls in some places the whole place smelled like rancid wet dog and pretty much made me vomit instantly unfortunately the nearest toilet was right there in front of me so I kind of got stuck in a vomit loop before I eventually made it out of there we have no freakin clue what the heck happened in that room there had to be some sort of animal involved because there was no way that much hair came off one human being even the hairiest of us but even if he was washing a dog or whatever and there there was no way this could have happened accidentally or just being too lazy to clean it was just far too well everywhere even if we were to assume that he/she cleaned his hot dog in the shower every day for the year he spent there it still didn't seem like it would be enough to cause that much crap on the walls I learned later that this room in particular was deemed not fit to be used for the next wave of students since during our second round where we put all the new student crap into every room we were told to skip it I was very frickin pleased about that while I'm here though a weird thing we found was just what people were willing to leave behind after they left the halls we found laptops boxes designer watches jewelry whole cabinet soft clothes some people legitimately just didn't pack their stuff at all and just flicked off sometimes you couldn't even tell some rooms had been vacated at all by the way they looked and we actually had to get confirmed a few times that people had actually left it was put down to the richer foreign students who didn't care that they'd lose their deposit or could easily replace all the stuff they'd left when they got back home not massively crazy compared to the stuff that will eventually grace this thread but just thought it'd worth mentioning just finished working in student halls in the UK and some of the stuff left by the rich students is mind numbing they would buy all this top great house stuff for the one year they are here then throw it out I found a nearly new 2,000 pounds keyboard in our bins TVs game consults kitchen appliances it's insane had a guy wander into our employees only kitchen completely naked I sent him back to his room he gets on the elevator and I think that's the end of it until I have to use the elevator a minute or two later he's just standing there so at that point I call the police to help sort it out I worked at a hotel that had ice machines on each floor our ice machines were not the type way you push a button to release the ice instead you open up the bin and scoop the ice out every month or so maintenance would remove all the ice and throughly clean the bins one month we found they used a condom in the bin BRB never eating public ice again this guy brought a middle-aged eight with him couldn't do anything as she was included in the reservation and they were making a lot of noise at 2:00 a.m. and I received a noise complaint I went to talk to them both were outside the room only wearing a towel and both casually opened their towels to readjust them when I was talking to them guessing they were into being seen and forced it to happen by making a ton of noise and getting caught after high school I worked in a hotel on Miami Beach I was young fresh out one of high school I was a bellhop in the hotel down there own day we got a call to move a guest out of his room I went up to the room knocked on the door and when I opened it the guest has spray-painted the entire room gold he said it was 24 karat gold because he stayed in hotels in Saudi Arabia that were solid gold so he wanted to make his room look like that he spray-painted the bed sheets lightbulbs bathroom everything in that room was gold they moved him into a hotel down the beach and didn't tell them you've been spotted by the dojo of studying like this 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Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit hotel stories, reddit hotels, reddit hotel workers, reddit gross stories
Id: 24beYAX8C4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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