What Was Your High School's Tragedy? (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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serious what was your high school's tragedy we had a secretary that everybody loved she knew almost everyone's name she got cancer she defeated it and fell pregnant when the cancer came back she had to decide whether she wanted to keep the child or abort and do the cancer treatment she chose to keep the baby and died three months after giving birth the school organized buses and excused students from lessons so everyone was able to go to her funeral there were so many people there we didn't fit into the building and there weren't enough candles to light she was such a nice and cheerful person and supported me through some really hard times I still cry when I think about her being gone there was a girl in the year above me she was great and murdered during school hours she finished her examined had one more before graduating and decided to take a walk in the forest as it was a hot day the guy spotted her and bludgeoned her to death years ago our high school had a French class they planned a trip to France the plane crashed in the ocean before they got there there's a memorial garden manned angel statue for the students faculty and chaperones guy held himself everyone was kind of shocked apparently he told everyone including school faculty that he was gonna do it in no one did sheets apparently his dad was beating him up at home that wasn't the big thing about it though but that his girlfriend made a whole scene when it happened even tough the school gave her a few weeks to stay at home and recover the very next day she was in class she was in my class so I got to see it all she came in with a t-shirt with a photo of him saying never forget would break down into tears randomly and loudly during class disrupting it the principal kept insisting her to go home and take a break but the next day she was back and would do this again calm then like one month later she's dating this other guy who was his best friend acted like she never knew the dead dude soon after found out she was pregnant and told everyone the baby was dead dudes and started the drama again her whole pregnancy was their attention-grabbing fest baby is born armed it's black she was white dead dude was white know who's black dead dudes best friend she dropped out to try to hide it but it's a tiny tiny town everyone found out turns out she was cheating on him with his best friend for months and it was one of the reasons to push him to the edge really it was crazy from beginning to start back in high school we knew this girl she wasn't vastly popular or anything but she was always around anyways she was diagnosed with blood cancer and the whole school found out about it we had a whole Facebook page with friendly letters and pictures and so on a few months pass and we all get the message that she has successfully beaten cancer the whole school was happy for her with word of mouth spreading her triumphant victory of beating cancer quicker by the day then literally two days past when she died from a heart attack due to a side effect from the medication she was taking the whole high school was just miserable a pregnant girl got attacked at lunch by another girl she was thrown to the ground of the girl stomped her stomach she lost the child two seniors died in three days of totally unrelated causes two months before graduation they were the best friends of a guy that rode the same bus as me and I was sitting right behind him when he got the call about the second one I've never heard someone scream like that before or since how they died one died in a car crash this was on a Monday unbeknownst to everyone number two had already smoked a blunt laced with some nasty synthetic sheet the previous night seized out and went into a coma everyone assumed that he didn't come in Tuesday or Wednesday because he was grieving until his family broke the news of his death Wednesday afternoon there was a guy who went to my school that was accused of grape in sophomore year but the charges didn't stick and after being gone for a while he came back everyone agreed that he didn't seem right in the head but when he was acquitted people really went off on his accuser and she switched schools we graduated and he walked with us a year later he was convicted for aping two girls and a guy on different occasions with the help of an accomplice he licked the back of my neck in class one time girl got decapitated on her birthday in a car crash we average to death a year when I was a sophomore one of the most popular girls in class died in a house fire over Christmas vacation she had almost got him out of the house but went back in for her cat when I was in high school the school was in danger of being shut down and turned into charter schools a lot of the teachers and students were protesting and going to officials it was going well during this time it was found out that a guy had great - girl in one of the stairwells it wasn't given press and I'm pretty sure my school settled it with the parents to not give the school more bad press three seniors got hit by a car one has a scar on her face for life and another was in a coma the other girl who was in my dance troupe died a boy had a birthday and his friend's dad was a pilot and offered to take him and his friends three kids total flying through the mountains they left and never came back it took search and rescue about three days to find them everyone hoped that they had just had to make an emergency landing and we're still alive the plane had crashed all three kids and the dead were dead engine had suffered some sort of catastrophic failure and he couldn't level the plane out in time our entire school was so tense waiting for news it came during my lunch period there were two lunch periods for different grades the kids were pretty popular and they had siblings at the school too the teachers got the news and then shared it with students I remember seeing kids bursting out of classrooms in tears no class did anything for the rest of the day and most of the rest of the week friend of mine drowned my old high school has a class specifically for special needs students some of them were mostly self-sufficient and just needed help dealing with complex situations others would be dependent on someone else their entire life from my understanding is that a guy was friends with one of the girls in that class and her parents trusted him enough to make sure she didn't get hurt during a sports event on the weekend at the building it wasn't the first time he's done this but apparently that night when he took her to use the bathroom he went in and graped her I was told afterwards is that he took her home and she wasn't able to understand what had happened to her her parents probably found something on her that indicated what happened and she was taken to the hospital that guy should be in prison but I personally don't know who either of them were or what happened afterwards I hope she doesn't remember what happened and her parents probably don't trust anyone to be around her now note I found this all out after the school made an announcement about what happened to her anonymously and they want us all to keep an out for each other to make sure it doesn't happen again a guy murdered a girl like one week before prom spurred on by his GF small school to mave 80 people in my year so everyone knew everyone well for the past 10 years or so there's been a really high incidence of students committing suicide by parking their car on the train tracks near the high school it's not consistent but ever few years one person will do it followed by a couple more coach started teaching math science and history making sure his athletes get good grades and depriving us of an education a boy committed suicide after intense bullying and the school didn't step in to help him his parents knew he was suicidal but thought he would feel the love the horrible part is even after he died the school still did nothing for people who were being bullied now the only thing I can imagine is how they say how it could have been prevented but decided not a really really nice kid committed suicide this kid was loved by everyone he met pretty much just an all-around warm-hearted guy he hung himself and rumor that I heard was the gang was trying to force him into joining but he didn't want to so to spare his family any potential harm he just held himself in the 90s we had a project prom a school organized event with the idea that students would go there instead of parties and it would keep them safe a girl died at 1:00 at hot tub filter caught onto her leg and the suction held her underwater at the time this is over 20 years ago there wasn't a law that the emergency shutoff had to be nearby it was fairly big news the New York Times did a story nytimes.com our principal who was the nicest man I have ever known passed away from lung cancer last Monday the sad thing is he made sure none of the students knew about it in my school we had a really sweet chaplain basically a school minister who was awesome and would give us candy and told us we mattered one day he just disappeared for a few days we didn't know what was happening I heard from the teachers that he had to leave temporarily for personal reasons we had an announcement eventually saying that his wife had just died and he was arranging her funeral he came to school every day with a smile on his face while the love of his life was suffering of cancer he was the same old guy when he came back obviously still sad the light behind his eyes was gone but we were so confused why he never told us I think I heard that he didn't want us to feel sorry for him and concentrate on our own lives and bettering ourselves or something like that the guy who sat next to me and my math class hung himself we had never talked to each other and I didn't even know his name but he seemed happy and had lots of friends in that class I heard that someone had healed themselves and couldn't put a face to the name until I walked into that class and saw the tears on faces in the empty seat next to mine a girl in the air above me had failed her exams that were important for what qualifications she would need to get into her desired course at University and hung herself we got assemblers and talks for weeks about it and the subject of failing exams and that there is always something you can do to make things better right my high school is infamous in my city for the yearly tragedies the biggest one was a kid we knew got in a fight with some other guy over a girl some random kid everyone knew was kind of odd and had nothing to do with the fight just jumped in and stabbed the kid in the line I was in class just below the incident and from what I heard from the people who actually saw what happened he bled to death gasping for oxygen and was dead when the paramedics showed up worst part is everybody blamed the girl in question and the dude who stabbed that kid ended up getting acquitted for the whole school it would have been when our friend Hilde himself no one expected it or saw it coming and it completely changed things for personal highschool tragedy it would have been when my mom's addiction hit its peak we started the year with 20 students one was forced by her parents to drop out to work one is in a mental hospital for severe depression one is in another hospital for anorexia and I'm afraid she won't survive the end of the school year my French teacher made a burnout I come half of the time because of anxiety and depression we are currently 16 and a half students I think this class is cursed or smth gee two girls were in a car accident each had very serious injuries but both survived one was in the hospital for awhile and had to learn how to walk again skiing accident every year the student council organizes a skiing trip very normal I Denmark this poor guy hits himself with his ski and suffers our open skull fracture Muir makes it down the mountain a few girls went missing from a neighboring school district wrestling coach murdered them and chopped up their bodies to attempt to conceal the crime hanged himself in the interrogation room we had quite a few deaths in my school one kid died on prom weekend that my sister knew not friends or anything she just knew of him my boyfriend's ex friend committed suicide rumors say it was an accident and a school was trying to say it was on purpose I was too sad to go to any of the meetings and her funeral as I was the reason my boyfriend and her broke it off but she and I were still okay before she died the worst I saw there was this girl who was an advocate for organ donations specifically for lungs of she herself needed a double lung transplant because of cancer when she was a baby she was a very sweet girl and when I met her she had an oxygen tank she carried around to help her breathe her family and our school held so many fundraisers to donate to her cause and the rest of the town got engaged with it to a year after she came to school she heard she was getting alive we all held fundraisers in the school out of the goodness of our hearts to pay for a hotel for her family to stay in we were in a town an hour or so away from Toronto and that's where the sick kids hospital is the transplant was a success we all shared but of course she still had rehab to go through we got videos of her learning to walk again thanking us asking for cookie recipes for Christmas I send one and then we got terrible news her cancer returned and she was not able to leave the hospital when it was announced we all said a prayer and the school was silent for a good two minutes because one knew what to say it was even worse when she died on New Year's Day the whole town and neighboring towns lit green lights and hung green ribbons which seemed a still around to this day five years later I've since moved and graduated so I don't know if they're still working with the family and her boyfriend for the course four other patients last I heard they were that they weren't as outward anymore since she died I only got to talk to her once but I think about her from time to time three kids playing basketball two of them start exchanging insults one takes it too far and shoots his counterpart the other kid gets away kid died other kid goes to jail with the hatred of his childhood friends and everyone he ever knew thirteen years old tried as a minor he was to be released in 2009 I didn't know any of them beyond their names from sitting in the same classrooms sometimes I moved eventually so idk whatever happened if the survivor got his revenge like he told everyone he would violence begets violence one of our best teachers died of cancer after he seemed to be getting better everyone knew him as his dad used to be the principal and the man had basically been coming there since he was born went to high school at our school did his internship there and began teaching there he helped with plenty of after-school activities and even after his diagnosis he kept showing up to help with events needless to say everyone was upset when we heard he passed I remember him telling us about his interests traveling all over the world to play big organs and building model trains that drove on tracks all around his house and yard and everyone being genuinely interested even outside class time rest in peace France you really was something special one of the guys I went to school with and used to perform with in drama and music was the youngest British soldier held in Afghanistan he was 18 at the time it happened he was such a great guy to heroine hit my school hard senior year one very popular artistic kid started using he went from Golden Boy to that kid everyone avoided within months he graduated but didn't attend the ceremony the next morning two kids riding bikes in a wooded area found him hanging from a tree cops determined his time of death to be around the time of the grad ceremony he'd left a note at his dad's house before headed out to commit suicide it made the local rounds as his brother had a copy of it made was one of the saddest things I've ever read and so eloquently stated he wrote that he already knew he was addicted to heroin beyond the point of return about how he went from the love to his peers and family to being viewed as a subhuman disappointment wrote about feeling as though hero Wynn was the only love he had in his life anymore and that he'd rather not live and be in love with needles and drew Gus the note was published in a book about addiction trying to find it to link here rest in peace that you were a good dude who just made one bad choice I still have the ceramic little version of prints that you made me in art class sophomore year it surprised possession and makes me think of you every time I see it a freshman student when I was a senior was held by his father he attempted a murder-suicide of his entire family but the youngest a girl less than two survived last time you this was 16 years ago she had been severely brain-damaged I don't know how long past the initial incident she survived this was in middle school one of my classmates died in their sleep we don't know how they died but it was likely due to asthma to suffer more girls burned the high school down they videotaped her doing impressions of the Heath Ledger Joker and posted it to MySpace one of my friends older brother committed suicide not long after he did - it was ducking rough I had graduated at that point and came home and saw friends I haven't seen since elementary I hugged one of my favorite teachers and cried in his arms later I found the beauty and reconnecting with old friends and teachers that I quite possibly will never see again and laugh through tears reminiscing memories and hearing new stories [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Everything Reddit
Views: 111,413
Rating: 4.9480295 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, toadfilms, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, r/ askreddit, funny askreddit, storytime, people, best posts, sir reddit, reddify, reddit and chill, tragedy, highschool, college, girls, makeup, gossip, rumour, boys
Id: hwLGKXnuPEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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