What Made You NOPE Right Out Of A Friendship? (r/AskReddit)

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people who note right out of a friendship what was your breaking point with that friend so we had this project together back in high school for our or class project as was on criminal law the project was worth 30 percent of our grade so I was heavily involved in musical theater so I told her give me all of the work you want me to do I'll do it for you by Thursday but after that I have commitments to theatre it's tech week so I can't do any work so she agreed she gave me three sections to complete she had three sections and so did our other friend Thursday came and I submitted all of my work and uploaded it to the PowerPoint I was done I get a text on Sunday the project is due Tuesday and she tells me that she needs me to do another part when I asked why she said the other girl just didn't want to do it so I had to I got mad and said I already told you I can't after Thursday and she says the stupidest thing when life throws you lemons you have to be wearing your protective gear so it doesn't knock you onto the ground I got even more mad and was like fine I'll have it done for tomorrow so I stayed up really late during tech week doing this other girls work I sent the lemon excuse girl my work and then uploaded it to the PowerPoint the day of the presentation comes and we get to the part with the work I did on Sunday I noticed everything was spelled wrong she edited my work and misspelled everything that I had so for example I put when the lawyer meets the judge she replaced it with when the lawyer meets the judge people started laughing at her spelling mistakes and it lowered our mark she also moved my work and gave it a different heading I did a pot on the Criminal Code of Canada and she changed the heading to how to become a judge I was so mad I confronted her about it and her excuse was well you had to get ready with that lemon gear and he weren't we weren't friends after that freak that'd be for real he asked my girlfriend for nudes she delivered sounds like you dodged two bullets at the end of the day she got angry at me and demanded an apology I didn't know what had done plus she had ragin crazy pregnancy hormones I asked what it was for and she told me I knew what I'd done and she wouldn't speak to me again until I apologized at the time I was crushed but as the days and weeks passed I began to see how toxic she was I found new hobbies life moved on in hindsight I'm glad she ended our friendship life is a lot better without her by the way I'm pretty sure she was angry because I didn't get excited enough over a $6,000 crib she was thinking about buying for the baby I just couldn't get excited about a $6,000 piece of furniture that would be used for two or three years at most constant negativity no matter what came home one one day looking drained and unhappy after spending the afternoon with her my mom said to me you always look this way after spending time with friend and I was like I always feel this way after spending time with her huge eye-opener cut the cord that day your mum saved you from an emotional vampire file ways asked my best friend to hang out and she always claimed to be busy easy enough to believe one day I asked him as usual she says no working 15 minutes later she texts saying I'm here confused I said oh did you take off work her reply Oh wrong person Hal how have her indeed this happened to me when I invited my best friend to my college graduation she forgot she told me she had to work then texted me she was so happy to have the day off I never told her and she never put two and two together she was always angry at someone often for something she did she didn't get along with people and she was proud of being difficult eventually I realized while I loved her when we were children I no longer cared for the person she had grown into when her boyfriend that we became friends with through their relationship posted in our friend group chat about struggling with depression and that he had to redo a year of college in response she wrote a long essay about what a lazy sack of crap he was that would never amount to anything because he didn't try hard enough this was one of many of the crazy might marish things she did like call him 70 plus times in an hour my other friend and I realized that we actually liked him a lot more in that she was an abusive crap heel and drops her he's now one of my longest lasting best friend so it was the right choice I realized that none of them considered me a friend and were just keeping me around because they thought it was funny and sad ditched all of them made some actual friends this happened to me this year too much happier now I had a grand mal seizure after having a huge meltdown level panic attack she videotaped both and laughed at me the entire time and encouraged others at the party to come watch well thankfully a non butthole came to my rescue and called 9-1-1 I would have died because I vomited and almost aspirated I also had a nulli concussion from hitting my head on a counter and the floor when I collapsed she posted the video to FB it got taken down she titled it something along the lines of the wail I am a chubby girl and he forced me to move from the town I was in and changed my name because of the massive fallout drama harassment legal stuff and BS afterwards I'm now best friends with the girl who saved me and we live together with my boyfriend and her kid oh the memory still messes with me and caused major trust issues I never thought she would be capable of such a sight she blamed it on being drunk yet right Frick you Lima while Frick Layla 2019 he had a drinking problem and it started to become me babysitting him whenever he got drunk because he'd just be a liability and eventually after trying to talk with him about it and him not accepting it I just kind of stopped hanging around him this could be written about me I'm sober now though but have ruined a lot of friendships he wrapped a rope around another friend's throat and then attempted to stab me I heard attempted murder is not okay one of my best friends since I was five and I used to always get into mischief together we ended up in the hospital together broke laws together everything halfway through high school I began thinking about my future and participating in extracurriculars since I also had a job at this point to him I was a dirtbag for ditching the group and he consistently talked trash about me I didn't take it too personal since I knew he had some personal family matters he was going through but when he sat my girlfriend down and told her that she was changing me in bad ways and not letting me live my life even though she came after the job and extracurriculars I realized he was dead weight holding me back and was done hey my exbest friend did the same thing to my now married wife he's been out of my life for almost four years now I've heard he's grown up since then but obviously not enough to reach out to me and apologize made plans months in advance with her and another friend to go see a movie and get dinner for my birthday she said she wasn't feeling well and couldn't come and then post it a ton of pics of her and her new gay bestie up pride the worst part was he was just an accessory and she was on to the next friend whose views and styles she'd emulate within a few months I sort of feel bad because she clearly has no personality of her own and is quickly bored off people when the shine wears off has to be lonely anyway the other girl I invited showed up and continues to do so I'm very fortunate that my ex friend brought me and my current best friend into each other's lives I've never had a friend who considers me their best friend and not just someone they fall back on when they have no one else lord it's so gross when girls use gay guys as accessories I know exactly what you mean didn't come with me to the hospital after breaking two bones in my foot playing trampoline basketball together he left me there alone to go smoke weed because his mum was out of town he was 25 and still living at home I had to drive myself find parking and walk to her and he alone with a broken foot what a dong we never did anything talked unless I instigated it I decided to stop and figured if they wanted to hang out they would be in touch that was about a year and a half ago it makes me sad I got a new phone and lost all my numbers although my number was the same haven't heard from her in four years she got insanely peed I didn't use her semi-retired parents as Realtors to buy my new house her parents live 70 miles from where we were looking to buy you should never use friends family for big financial transactions et Cie as soon as issues arise it's much better to argue with a stranger that you don't mind calling out or crushing in court you don't want to be out $10 K because you didn't wanna hurt your cousin she called my then bf and I over for her cultural holiday and then again for her husband's birthday I usually have people over for Christmas but my mum was on bed rest and I was running the house and taking care of my mum for three months but this so-called friend kept asking when I was having them over so despite it all that was going on with my mum I called then over Christmas week I couldn't cook that did order in during the evening she actually says this is a lovely evening but don't forget you still owe us one more dinner since you came over to house twice a month later I get her a jump out for her birthday she calls to say it's too big I say ok we'll return it for another size but we'll take time because of my mum she says she will go and return it I said well with no invoice wouldn't work she goes anyway with a bunch of other birthday presents she wanted to return then calls to say the store said the jumper I got her was showing a lower price the store was on sale by then and needed the invoice she kept calling me to check when I was going to collect the jumper and replace it and at one point sir she would keep it and that she would one day wear it when she put on weight I got too tired of the whole thing I went and got a gift card from a totally different store for the amount she had approximately spent on my birth to gift she clearly wouldn't rest till I'd spent as much as she had all she believed I'd spent that much I collected the jumper and gave her the gift card and basically guessed it her till she stopped calling when I realized I was just there to be the third wheel and make them look better we were walking to a classroom and I just stopped walking and let them go they didn't even stop high school was rough I had a friend who I was beginning to realize was a bit toxic she'd call me up and never really have anything to say so I'd do the talking which I found hard going when we were in company she publicly ridiculed me for the littlest of things I stayed friends with her I think because we'd been friends for so long rather than because I liked Tara that she even liked me it was a friendship of convenience one day she asked me to be her plus-one to a homewares show after she won a free entry to a competition I'd given up my day to go to this thing on the other side of town even though I didn't really want to go but my friend didn't want to be alone so I went for her we watched the show it was kind of boring and not my style but it was an interesting diversion every audience member had been given a lucky door ticket the prize was $1,000 voucher at a department store as we took our seats my friend turns to me and says you'd better give me your ticket if they call your number I thought she was joking and so I sniggered a little then I thought to myself this is a moot point because I never win anything at the end of the show they draw the ticket they called my number I go up and they ask for my details and say they'll be in touch once they've made the voucher up in my name I go back to my friend and she says I'd split it with you 5050 but I can't afford that so how about I give you 250 dollars I couldn't believe it but she was serious it was dumb luck that she wanted ticket to the show at all and then dumb luck that I won the door prize how could she say she couldn't afford it it cost her nothing it was all game anyway it took a week or two for the department store to contact me to say they had my voucher I quietly traveled back to the other side of town and kill did my prize and never spoke to my friend again toxic friendship over I have never missed her conversation during a history class in high school the dick bag said we broke into two houses this weekend and got some cool crap come with us next time dude met this girl through a mutual friend and she was awesome at first fast forward and I'm studying for the bar exam this summer and she calls me late at night my sleep is precious at this point and wants me to pick her up at a bar and mediate between her and the cops because she punched her boyfriend and he hit her back I go without thinking twice several months pass of her talking crap and saying she's done with him and she invites me to the bar and I show up and she's there with that same guy it just put me in a weird position and I'd never do that to someone else also she thinks the earth is flat freak that I've sworn off friendships with people who think the world is flat without question I shouldn't feel like your mother spending time together felt like a chore and stressed me out so I was done the friendship was replaceable to her and her actions screened it eventually I just got tired and told her good luck I had three run mates my freshman year of college me Emily Hannah and Danielle names change here Danielle and I automatically clicked and it was great and I got along really well with Hannah but there was quickly tension between Emily and I emily was super neat and clean I am a bit of a clutter bug regardless I respected the fact that we had shared space and I kept such spaces clean except every now and then there would be trash left out or dirty dishes small things at first that then became larger and more frequent Emily blamed me since I was the messy one she would flat-out yell at me about it I wasn't the one doing it but I didn't know who was I was really struggling with my anxiety disorder at the time and I would literally sit in my room and cry because I didn't know what to do the living situation became so toxic and full of anger Danielle would always comfort me and talk about how much overby Emily was I was very shy and never had many friends so I clung to Danielle my one confident in support system things escalated all year one day Emily's entire bottle of expensive shampoo was emptied out in the shower another day someone had deliberately swept handfuls of crumbs underneath her door it was frickin ridiculous she and I ended up having a screaming match at each other during finals week before we all moved out for the summer neither of us could come to terms with one another anyway it was like July and I was texting Danielle and she tells me she has something really funny to tell me and she tells me that IT was her the whole time she told me she hated Emily and she wanted to play a prank on her so she was the one causing all the issues she honestly thought it was funny even though she'd watched me have anxiety attacks all year over all of it she also said she wanted to make sure I was close friends with her and not our other roommates because she didn't want to lose me yet I basically dropped the friendship real quick after that I still think about the entire situation and how frickin crazy and childish it was I'm also a bit ashamed that it took me until that moment to really step back and see how horribly she treated people she still sometimes messages me and asks why we grew so far apart yah it's because you're insane Emily and I are pretty good friends now bTW she and I are going to be bridesmaids in Hannah's wedding Saturday whoa that's frickin nuts I'm glad that you and Emily got to be friends afterwards he refused to believe that if he didn't know something it still existed was a real condescending butthole about it too so one DND night I just snapped yelled at him and walked out when I realized I never enjoyed talking to them anymore and they were draining my energy every time they did the moment I realized he wasn't a cool guy that but bad moments but a horrible sociopath that seemed cool when it suited him but he had been great when he wanted me to resign the lease after months of being at each other's throats it really is a terrible experience when you have a true sociopath in your life I never really understood what a sociopath was until I befriended one left a huge scar in my heart and gave me trust issues destroyed a good chunk of 2017 for me talking to her automatically put me in a negative headspace I would feel mentally drained just seeing her name and a message pop up on my screen I told myself I wouldn't initiate any conversation over the holidays to keep myself positive and she never bothered to either I guess we guessed it each other she became an ice addict accused and abused the Frick out of me for apparently stealing her added ask jumper she left it at my place I left it on the front porch in a plastic bag for her to pick up it sat there for weeks she never came to get it still accused me of stealing it and basically ended our friendship of six years don't do em kids you have been visited by the holy fruit boy if you comment tiny turtle he will bless you with unlimited holy fruits if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 41,239
Rating: 4.8975611 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit friends, reddit friendship stories, reddit friend stories, walk out of friendship
Id: At5IDgfvkJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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