Supercrooks Who Shocked Police

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police officers of reddit what criminal actually impressed you with their criminal skills we get a call reporting that the phone system of a major uk bank has been hacked and that the caller has had several thousand pounds stolen from their account as a result seems unlikely but officers went round to see what had happened obviously the bank system was fine but scammers had done something fairly clever turns out that there is a way in the uk of keeping a phone line open when only the recipient hangs up the scammers called the victim and pretended to be from the bank before asking for account details the victim was suspicious so hung up and called the bank back at their real telephone number however the scammers held the line open and played a dire tone down the line so the victim thought that she was making a new call then they played a ring ring sample before a new scammer answered the call and took the details pretending to be the bank i've heard of it a few times since in the press but the first time i came across it was on duty and no one had any idea what was going on a lot of times people don't listen before darling anymore especially if their phone is one where you put the number in before pressing green call button you can always hold the line open on landlines in uk this way which is why it is sensible to call verification numbers on your mobile while the company is still on the phone once had a guy who shoplifted on an industrial scale he stole hundreds and sometimes thousands of pounds worth of merchandise from a particular well-known high street clothing store every day he'd go to different branches all over the country uk obviously he spoke nicely and was smartly dressed he just used to fill up bags with high value products and walk out he had a warehouse type unit somewhere police never found it with his own till because he would generate till receipts for these items and go back to return them at a different branch and get cash refunds he was at it for years made enough to put his kids through private school when he got caught he was jailed for about a year our shoplifting sentencing guidelines are absurdly low when he came out he got back on it police still couldn't find his base he was being investigated and was on bail one occasion when he answered his bail at the police station the police had a six-man surveillance team ready to tail him and track down the warehouse he was using he lost them within two minutes of leaving the station when he came for trial based on the cctv evidence we had from the various shops the case got thrown out the footage wasn't good enough to make out his features exactly and the officer who purported to identify him hadn't followed procedures after he was thus acquitted he was due to be investigated for some other matters but he gave the police and security the slip from the court before he could be arrested even i was impressed and i was prosecuting him dad had the street smarts to get his kids the book smarts don't be like daddy kids get a good job and watch out for men like daddy i love you i am a police officer but the story is actually from my dad who was a lawyer he had a couple of guys who had scratch built an atm this would have been back in the 80s before the days of skimmers and cameras to clone cards so they built their own atm and installed it in a wall on a public street in order to collect card details to use later on i don't know if it actually dispensed money i'm guessing it just showed an error message he told me that very occasionally he had come across criminals who had worked so hard for their spoils that he felt they had kind of earned them these guys were his example he was also confused that two people smart enough to do this chose not to make an honest living i'm not a police officer but know some guys who are best one i heard was a guy who would drill a tiny hole beside a window to open the latch he would then enter at night and go straight to the front door and open it so he could make a quick exit if needed if he couldn't open a door he would leave again immediately he stole stuff then closed the window and locked the door behind him most people had no idea they had been robbed he took wallets off bedside desks while people slept beside them or sometimes just took some cash and cards but left the wallet when he got caught he was making a plea deal so it was in his interest to admit all crimes so he couldn't later be prosecuted again for them he took police round dozens of houses and each had a tiny drill hole and every house owner thought they had lost wallets and credit cards never knowing they had been burgled stupidest one a kid broke into his school at night and stole 10 laptops it was snowing that night police came when the alarm went off and there was one set of footprints in the snow that led them from the school the whole way to the kid's front door stupidest one a kid broke into his school at night and stole 10 laptops it was snowing that night police came when the alarm went off and there was one set of footprints in the snow that led them from the school the whole way to the kid's front door would love to see his expression when the police showed up at his door when i was a rookie i got a call at 3am one night about a hold up alarm going off at an atm i respond and don't really take the call that seriously at first because i'm thinking no way a hold up alarm is being triggered at three in the morning i get there and start checking the bank when i see a guy walking through the drive through stupid me strolls over and calmly says hey man come over here and talk to me for a minute he bolts and i take off after him only to realize i left my hand held in my car i run back and call it in and my partner shows up shortly after while we can't find the guy and start looking around the guy spray painted the atm camera and he drive through camera which set off the alarm about an hour later i see a vehicle with out-of-state tax driving slowly through the drive-through and after running the plate he has fictitious tags we search the vehicle and can find absolutely nothing but a very long tree branch in the back of the suv we write him for fictitious tags and send him on his way for my sergeant the next day my investigator gets a call from the fbi because they had this guy's name flagged and saw where we ran him he had been hit on atms in texas louisiana arkansas and tennessee we were the first department that actually came in contact with him he would spray paint the cameras or use a tree branch to turn high cameras away after the alarms go off he would wait nearby for police to leave he would then come back and saw the hinges off the atms and take the money he stole approximately 150 000 over a six-month period he was caught a few weeks later by a guy i went to the academy with patent garden heist is my favorite huge water-cooled drill 50 centimeters of concrete all dressed as builders safety deposit boxes totaling 14 million pounds were robbed and they rolled them out wearing overalls in wheelie a proper movie worthy heist they were pretty much all old boys as well they were using their own bus passes to get to the heist not a cop but a cop told me about this evidently there were these two twin brothers big tall muscular fellows their scam was ingenious both brothers would go into home depot separately and each begin shopping filling up his cart with high value stuff each filling up his cart with identical items the first brother would go to the cashier and legally pay for his purchases he'd show his receipt at the door and take his purchases out of the store the second brother would hang around the entrance far enough from the exit not to arouse suspicion the first brother would take his car to the entrance and give the receipt to the second brother first dude then takes his purchases to load up in their vehicle second brother then takes the cart full of items plus receipt back to the returns counter and says he changed his mind and wants his money back home depot would refund the purchases dude basically just sold home depot their own items evidently they pulled this trick off and on for years before someone caught on cop said they probably would have kept on getting away with it for years if they hadn't hit the same store so often i was an mp at fort carson the young man was in the service for two years before a dishonorable discharge sending him back home to pennsylvania when he got home he used his uniform to get discounts and praise one day he decided to hop on a plane to colorado he arrives in full uniform but with lieutenant rank on gets off the plane and uses the government transportation to get on base he doesn't have an id but crappy as an officer so they let him on then he stayed at the improcessing barracks without paperwork because heck he is an officer stays there for weeks he goes walking to the px and comes across a woman with a flat tyre he helps her change it out and she invites him over for dinner there he meets her husband and their kids then convinces them that he is waiting for housing and they let him live with them for a month he cleans the house and babysits the kids one time he went to this guy's unit and shoot a supply sergeant out to help the guy he was living with the only reason this came to light is because of one phone call he made to his mother from the in-processing barracks she became worried about him and called them his mother let the people know he was not in the military after that the search began i was an mpi and got to pick him up he gave me a straightforward statement and was genuinely nice i just remember sitting on the office couch with him watching tv waiting for him to get transferred from my custody i told him that i was genuinely impressed and that after whatever happens to him happens that he could get it together and do well he wasn't the brightest kid but dang he had balls i guess that is what it really takes i act like you belong this guy in high school we'll call him luis was a known drug dealer he didn't make it a secret everyone bought weed and harder stuff off of him the cops constantly pulled him over to search him and whenever a drug-related thing happened at school he was often the first kid they pulled into the principal's office but they would never catch him with any drugs the principal used to turn all of his possessions inside out on a weekly basis apparently schools can do that but cops can't they regularly cut locks off his gym locker and his regular locker in hopes of finding his stash but they never found it one time there was a rumor going around that his stash was stored in a locker not assigned to anyone which prompted the administration to search every single locker in the school i remember we had to stand in the hallway and unlock it so the principal could have a look inside they definitely caught people with drugs but not the luis turns out he started that rumor drug dogs were a regular occurrence once a month they brought them into the school and they were present at every sports game luis was one of the only if not the sole supplier for the whole school the administration had no idea what to do they would catch kids with weed and the kids would flat out say i bought this from louise louise would encourage them to say it they would then flip luis crap inside out cops would search his car and he consented to all of it and laughed when they found nothing if this was probably close to 15 years ago now the vice principal loves to tell the story about how they eventually caught him vp's younger son asked for these shoes for christmas that had a secret compartment in them light bulbs go off in his head the first day back after holiday break he calls the school's dare officer and pulls luis out of class they bring him into two office and flip all of his crap out on the table then the vp tells him to take his shoes off turns out his hunch was right he had hidden compartments in his shoes but there were no drugs in there i guess luis is laughing his butt off at this point this was pre everyone owned a cell phone era luis has the audacity to explain that he hasn't seen any of his classmates for three weeks he had not taken any orders yet had the vp waited a day he would have caught him sounds almost like lewis was actually acting as a distraction for the person who actually sold drugs to the school had a guy when i first started with twist locks the art of twisting a lock works mainly in businesses that secure their double front doors using a deadbolt style lock he would use a tool to twist this lock and in turn open the doors guy probably got away with 25 businesses before he was finally busted he later said his style of breaking and entering worked so well because the alarm systems have a set delay when opening a business say 30 seconds given the glass wasn't broke or large movements were observed by the system it would act as if the store we're opening and give the employee time to reset the alarm those 30s were plenty for him to get in get to the register and leave ex-cop australia three guys rolled up to construction site in the cbd and stole all the giant rolls of copper wire that drove up with high this ppe gear on and told the project manager he'd been delivered the wrong gauge i guess he workers helped them load it and they left it would be freaking hilarious if they got the pm to sign for it too a fire marshal once told me about his nemesis a fire bug naturally apparently the arsonist had a thing for burning old barns never a building that was a news always an old abandoned one anyway his modus operandi was to take a balloon filled with accelerant like gasoline or kerosene and suspend it by a string at 20 ft plus off the ground under the balloon he'd light a candle and start the balloon swinging on a long arc he'd have a good 20 plus minutes before the arc of the swing slowed enough that the candle would ignite the balloon the balloon ignites the accelerant is spread evenly across all surfaces in the balloon string and candle disappear in the fire it was like the entire interior of the structure caught fire at the same time with no trace as to how he said it was dang near the perfect crime until some cop happens to notice a car parked in a field a mile away and thinks to jot down the license plate number one of the guys i know escaped from a new prison by climbing the fence he was always great at climbing things he would get to the tops of pine trees no trouble when he was running from the police helicopter he had underneath a shed with hay bales inside it this gave off a heat signal so they couldn't pick up where he was he walked round the same loop this was to make the dog handlers think the dog had got onto a force positive he was found hiding in someone's cupboard eating their food about two weeks after escaping from prison i locked up a guy a few years ago and he had an unusual crime on his criminal history theft of an atm i asked him about it and he told me he was with four others and they all turned up at a local bank and overalls with a large truck they asked for the manager and told him we're here to repair the atm the manager helped them load the atm onto the truck full of cash and they drove away he got snapped when his girlfriend got mad and turned him in i would love to know how many crimes get committed because the people are dressed for the job and get off scot-free smartest criminal suspect would go door-to-door saying he was with publishers clearing house he would tell people they were one of several finalists he then explained he would need their name date of birth and social security number to verify who they were after that he would ask what hours they weren't home so they could ensure if the victim won the prize they would be home naturally he would break into their homes when they weren't home and steal all their valuables to top it off he would steal their identity and open a bunch of credit card payday loans and their names afterwards after over 50 cases i finally caught the guy made off with over a half million dollars in three months before he was caught dumbest criminal suspect was robbing a gas station late at night suspect pointed a gun at the cashier demanding money the cashier was surrounded by plexiglass all around cashier refused to give suspect the money and hit the panic alarm which locked the door suspect was angry and fired a shot at the cashier the bullet ricocheted off the plexiglass and struck him in the forehead the bullet knocked him unconscious but didn't penetrate the skull as i arrived the bullet was still protruding from his forehead and he was knocked out he got 99 years for his stupidity the best part was the cash register only had 60 dollars in it not a cop nor the criminal but in the blue mountains of nsw australia my now deceased uncle went on a string of armed robberies where he would run into a store with a gun then shove the attendant against the wall and superglue their hands to the wall before stealing the money in the cash register he had no intentions of using the gun and it was actually never loaded he just thought it would be funny to glue people to the wall and steal their crap thought it would be funny to glue people to the wall and steal their crap this is fantastically australian although no skill was really involved i arrested a kid for stealing a car he confessed and told me that he'd be straight up with me he was walking through a parking lot and saw a lady drop her car keys and keep walking he said that her fault for not paying attention grabbed the keys and took off in her car he lamented that he knew he'd get stopped eventually but didn't think we'd stop him so quickly when i asked if he had a driver's license he smiled and said he was planning to take the car he stole to the dmv so he could take his driving test we both had a good laugh at that he said i ruined his plans not a cop or a criminal heard this one from a guy who was trying to turn his life around at college after a drug addiction and being in and out of prison him and a friend of his would go into supermarkets or electronic stores and one of them would pocket something small then walk out the door to set the alarm off and get security to search him as he kicks up a huge fuss about it whilst the alarm is going off and first guy is being searched and causing a scene second guy would walk straight out with a trolley loaded with expensive stuff and nobody would bat an eyelid not police but i was watching back the cctv footage one day when i was bored at work in a retail store a guy walked in picked up a 42 inches tv and walked straight back out again with it and put it in his car he returned another four times each time to pick another tv off display without any of the sales staff on the shop floor noticing walked straight past them calm as anything wandering through the store with top of the range tvs worth a lot of money at the time i believe he got caught in another shop just down the road doing the same thing not a police officer but i think this counts had a call to the it help desk from a department of the company i was working at asking when are the new computers going to arrive this caused some consternation as we didn't know what they were talking about but it wasn't an order that had gone missing as much as the entire department's computers someone had in broad daylight rocked up in a transit van done a masterful piece of blogging and convinced everyone security included that this was part of it's rolling hardware update program so they loaded their old computers in the van and he said he'd be back soon with the new ones ricky and julian would be proud was not involved in this case but was something we learned about two employees of a soccer betting company colluded to rig odds and make big money one would be in the office rigging the odds of the purchase ticket and the other would be in person purchasing the ticket at the moment the odds were tweaked they would always buy both sides to pay out three one so that whatever the result they would win an estimated one portion which is in excess this was possible because of an option to allow no draws with the effect that the better will get back his capital therefore if a draw rose it would simply result in them getting their monies back to avoid detection they made sure that their potential winning was always below the statutory minimum which required winners identification to be recorded they also made sure to go to different outlets when making the purchases however their grand scheme was eventually foiled not by their own mistake but by a busybody before them in the queue the said customer had some issues with buying his ticket and eventually wrote in to make a complaint upon investigating the tapes from the outlet where the complaint came from the company realized that their employee was making a purchase in their own outlets which was clearly prohibited this then led the company on a chain of inquiry which eventually led to a hefty jail term and fine for both of the criminals involved no criminal skill per se but i thought i'd contribute this story as it was quite impressive used to work with law enforcement and during a friday night the guy on pcp managed to shut down a major roadway during a foot pursuit this guy ended up taking several shots from a nine millimeter and a shotgun shell and then wriggled out of the grasp of several officers trying to subdue him and get into a police car and drive off with it he only managed to get about 10 feet before crashing into a cement barrier and knocking himself unconscious the guy ended up living too pcp is a heck of a drug not a cop but while in school to be a firefighter we were studying how to identify points of origin where and how a fire starts off fires and earned about this fire investigator that wrote books on arson he was pretty well known for being able to find the points of origin he helped solve hundreds of fires but was unable to find the arsonist and many of the fires were started in crazy and bizarre ways after many many years of following these fires writing books making lots of money and always being so quick to find the methods used another investigator questioned how he was never able to catch the person starting them turns out he was the one starting them all once the coke machine at our school started spewing out extra cans i took about 10 of them and i was never caught take that scotland yard the real master criminal is the dentist dad worked in corrections and they used to give the cons nicotine patches to try and discourage smoking while some of the cons didn't care much for the patches so they mac jibbered their own cigarettes they extracted the nicotine from the patches absorbed it with i think dried orange peel broke it down so it resembled tobacco and rolled it so not only is this a super concentrated cigarette but it burned super fast orange oil so they got this intense rush of nicotine this happened a few years before i worked there but the home depot in my town was full on oceans 11 ed it was an inside job but no one was charged since they couldn't figure out who did it they hide in the store until after close then they started grabbing everything worth its weight they used a lift truck to pry open the receiving doors and parked a private semi in the bay and loaded it up they knew where the safe was next to the receiving area but it was locked down well and they knew that so they took the lift truck and crashed it through the wall that separated it from receiving and stole the safe they drove off with at least half a million in loot home depot is filled with silent alarms and the like not a single one went off put themselves in minimal sight of the security cameras they knew the store really well management opened the next morning in disbelief our local ikea was broken into some years back in broad daylight while the store was open a works vehicle pulled up next to the external wall of the safe room two guys and hard hats and high-vis jackets then proceeded to knock a hole in the wall there weren't any external cameras or sensors one guy reaches in and turns the security camera away from the hull the safe had a pipe feeding into it from the top as all the cash was carried there by a vacuum tube system they cut a section of pipe away to leave a hole in the top of the safe and then used a grabbing tool to get as many of the pods as he could approx 160 000 pounds was taken and they've never been caught now the safe has a thick metal collar around it a camera opposite and sensors in the walls ikea made sure everyone knew the changes had been made to put off anyone trying again not a police officer but a police dispatcher here we had a theft from a gas station recently the thieves arrived after closing time with a large tank on a trailer pulled by a large truck they proceeded to hack into the gas pump by an unknown method and change the price to zero dollars and one cent per gallon and steal one thousand gallons of gas i'm impressed if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: police, smartest criminals, smartest criminals in the world, smartest criminals reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: Vyg11V-edO4
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Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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