r/EntitledPeople - Karen Gets Mad When I Refused to Help BREAK INTO A HOUSE!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear outrageous stories of people who think they deserve more than others just by being themselves guys i hope you're having the best day ever today and in this episode you'll hear four super entitled stories so the first story is a nice and short encounter on an airplane the second story a rich snobby karen insults op in a store the third a couple try to break into op's house and we'll finish off with a karen trying to get somebody fired my friends i do hope you enjoy the stories today and if you're new here get ready to shake your heads because people be crazy oh and do hit that subscribe button for future stories a few years ago i was on a flight from la to singapore which takes about 16 plus hours now i'm a tall dude around six foot three so i don't fit very well in economy class seats on most planes my knees are often very close or right up against the seat in front of me this makes it almost impossible for the person in front of me to recline their seat which usually isn't a problem once the person in front of me sees how cramped i am in those tiny seats however for this particular flight the man in front of me was not having it he tried to recline his seat but he couldn't because my legs were there he turns around and sees what's happening and he asked me do you mind letting me put my seat back now i respond back with i wish i could but i physically can't i'll do my best to give you as much space as i can but it won't be much at this point he starts to get angry and just starts pushing as hard as he can back on the seat needless to say this was not particularly pleasant for me i asked him to please stop and he says i will stop when i can put my seat back now at this point i decide i'll just wait him out he'll eventually get tired after about 10 to 15 minutes of this he calls the flight attendant over and proceeds to demand a new seat the flight attendant tells him that there's no available seats and he'll have to deal with it and he demands to speak to the pilot so the flight attendant goes up to the cockpit keep in mind that throughout this he's still pressing with all of his might against my knees with only short breaks to yell at the flight attendant after a couple of minutes the co-pilot comes back and tries to explain to the man that he can't change seats because there's no other seats free in coach the man continues to demand a seat that's able to recline he says give me an upgrade this is unacceptable we're not even an hour into a 16 hour flight and you expect me to not be able to lean my seat back and at this point he's making a huge scene the co-pilot finally gives in and says while looking at the man sir would you like to sit up in business class the man stands up and mutters something similar to finally to which the co-pilot responds sir sit down i wasn't talking to you he then turns to me and repeats how would you like a seat in business class i have to this day never seen someone as furious as the man was as i walked past him to my new business class seat with free drinks 16 hours of not being able to recline your seat back would be pretty annoying so i kind of understand the man's frustration but doing something as childish as pushing your seat back to get someone who clearly can't move their legs to move their legs opie definitely deserved that upgrade backstory when i first met the man who became my husband we were not well off he moved across the country to come live with me and not had a penny to his name he proposed to me without a ring which i was perfectly okay with since it was incredibly romantic and he promised when he was better off financially that he would buy a ring that i wanted a while after our engagement the day came where he surprised me by taking me to a jewelry store he had saved up five thousand dollars plus a little extra if needed he told me to go nuts it was so fun and so romantic i tried on dozens of rings diamonds platinum bands lesser gemstones etc then i saw the steel and titanium rings they were originally designed for grooms not the brides now i had never been a big diamond fan and i preferred simple flat rings to mounted stones i ended up falling in love with a super simple black titanium ring with angled grooves it was gorgeous it was exactly what i wanted and best of all they were cheap about 200 bucks husband liked them too so much that we got him a matching band we decided to use them both as the engagement ring and the actual wedding ring i got a surprise when they arrived to find that my husband had requested engraving on the inside of mine it said my precious as i'm a huge lord of the rings fan so the story this took place seven years after i got married i worked at a chain sandwich shop where we assembled the sandwiches in front of the customer my store was next to a yoga studio crossfit training and a plastic surgeon's office so we got our fair share of karen's and the holier than thou rich people it wasn't uncommon for somebody to drive up in a hundred thousand dollar sports car toting a prada bag and sunglasses that cost more than my rent they almost always seem to come in and order the most picky and complicated subs then complained about the price now we were quite used to these kind of people but this lady took the cake enter the entitled karen and her bratty teenage daughter they proceeded to order the most unusual and complicated sub asking a ton of questions about the nutritional value of every item to assemble the food we wear clear plastic gloves because my ring is flush to my hand and won't rip the gloves i was allowed to wear it while at work so while assembling this woman's sandwich her teenage daughter notices my ring and says oh that's cute is that a promise ring i told her no actually that's my wedding ring karen scoffing loudly says are you serious i told her yeah it's both my engagement ring and my wedding ring it has been for many years karen looks at me dead in the eyes and says you have a cheap husband you deserve more than this now i bulked at her comments but tried to remain professional and said that may be your opinion ma'am but i happen to like this ring i picked it out myself karen then says then you have terrible taste in jewelry she then turns to her daughter and says if your father had given me a ring that ugly i would have left him on the spot make sure your future husband gets you a ring that at least has diamonds in it not some metal toy i was floored usually i get tons of compliments about my ring and i never expected somebody to insult it let alone straight to my face i was so flabbergasted and upset that i couldn't even continue working on her food i excused myself and then went to the back and told my co-worker to finish them up for me i couldn't even stand to be around them when i told my manager the whole story he almost did not believe me we had to watch the security footage to prove that it actually happened i never saw that woman again and i'm glad she didn't come back i still shake with rage every time i recount the story i still have that ring on my hand today and to me it's the most beautiful wonderful ring that i could ever hope for i love my husband very much he's the best thing that's ever happened to me and that matters far more than any jewelry my friends i agree with op 100 love should not be measured by the size of the diamond on your finger or how expensive your ring is op sounds much happier in her relationship than karen is you want to know why because people who are happy with themselves and are happy with their lives usually do not go out of their way to make others feel like crap and put them down misery truly truly loves company so my neighbors are airbnb out their home while they're in europe and it's been a pretty problem free experience until today yesterday i was studying at home i saw a car pull up in front of my neighbor's house a couple exited and immediately went up to the front door to knock as time passed and no one answered they started to explore the property presumably searching for someone unfortunately for them no one was home and this is where things start to get interesting the man growing increasingly agitated decided that the sensible thing to do in this situation was to climb over a fence into my neighbor's backyard as i watched perplexed by this decision making i saw him wandering around he was knocking on and then trying to forcibly open the back door it was a rather amusing sight that is until he gave up and decided that the next thing he'd like to do was to climb the fence from my neighbor's backyard into mine oh no so at the moment our landlord is building an extension to the house and immediately i'm worried that the man might accidentally injure himself on the construction site i rush out to speak to him and what i'm met with is an out of breath red-faced man and woman rapidly descending down my driveway towards me knowing a little about my neighbor's arrangement i initially tried to help saying hi are you guests at the neighbor's airbnb the check-in isn't until 3 p.m and i don't think you'll find anyone there at the moment the lady now upon me was unhappy after hearing this and she says you need to let us in the house now i'm taken aback and said i'm sorry i'm not your airbnb host i just live next door you should get in touch with the neighbor as they'll be able to help so ignoring the perfectly rational advice i've given him the lady starts turning a deep shade of red her partner silently glaring at me and his face beginning to contort with anger she said they told us that we could check in at 10 am i told him you should really contact your host as i've said i'm just the neighbor this only seemed to anger the couple more and the lady immediately starts shouting at me you need to let us in or i'm calling the police at this point i'm getting pretty annoyed i tried to explain the situation to her again but only god as far as i can't let you win before she cut me off and said let us in or give us our money back now in her increasing anger coherent sentences started to break down which in hindsight was pretty funny to watch it became a series of you told us at 10 am give me back my money and a couple of more threats to call the police who would apparently get them a refund now i've never seen someone get so belligerently mad in such a short amount of time and at this stage i'm done with being polite and sad lady i'm not your airbnb host you climbed over the fence into my backyard which is why i'm out here speaking to you you both need to leave and contact your host i know their check-in isn't until 3 pm being forceful at least interrupted her tirade but she still was mad as i watched her i could see her slowly starting to process the situation despite this she wouldn't apologize or admit she was wrong instead what she blurted out next was can we at least store our luggage with you then what she repeats herself this time much louder and apparently under the delusion that yelling is the only way to get what she wants let us keep our luggage in your house i told her no you're not leaving anything with me after a further brief exchange they left and i immediately let my neighbors know what happened now here's the justice boner to the story my neighbors were really annoyed really really annoyed they tried to contact their guests but they wouldn't answer their phone eventually they let airbnb know what happened and airbnb tried to reach out to them and again the guests were uncontactable during our exchange the man let me know his name let's call him bob as it turns out the booking was made under a completely different name both of my neighbors and the airbnb tried to verify who was staying but bob wasn't responding to their calls or their messages eventually airbnb decided to cancel bob's booking i wrote a note letting bob know that he needed to check his airbnb messages and that his booking had been cancelled due to the situation this morning at 3pm a car returned this time filled with four more people apparently bob was trying to sneak in a few extra unpaid guests i watched the quiet resignation on their faces as they read the note and it felt so good as an aside my neighbor managed to rebook the dates with a lovely chilean couple and airbnb honored the payout for the insane couple's cancelled booking my neighbors insisted on giving me a portion of the payout for my trouble but honestly knowing that these horrible people were inconvenienced was enough oh my friends this would have been the perfect chance for opie to get some malicious compliance oh you want to call the cops to sort this mess out after you trespassed on my property and tried to break into my neighbor's backdoor entrance i love how a lot of people think that calling the police will immediately allow them to get whatever they want what kind of thinking is that [Music] so quick background i live close enough with my mother that we do this crossfit class together every saturday it's fun and we bond the class is an hour long and at the beginning we grab mats and weights you have to be pretty early to this class because it's popular and me and my mom grab spots in the back the class fills up and all the regulars take their spots there isn't much room but there is space in the front for the first half hour everything's going well and then this lady comes in she walks to the center of the room and stares at us and then goes and grabs a mat i head over to a station on the trx if you don't know what a trx is it's basically a rope that you attach to the wall and do different exercises with and i begin my set when i come back i see this lady has pushed my mat into my weights and has made herself a spot my mom's livid but i wave her off now don't get me wrong i'm annoyed but it happens and i continue the class five minutes later our instructor gives us the next set of workouts i finish my workout on the mat and see that there's a free trx station as i'm pushing through a set someone taps my shoulder it's this lady she says you finished 10 i counted stop hogging now first of all i did not and secondly our instructor has us go through the sets twice in a round so i was planning to go through twice and thirdly there was a free one right next to me i point out the free one and she rolls her eyes and says something snarky about how i wasn't being mindful of customers she then demands that i show her how we're doing the workout i kind of show her my form and then mike the trainer comes by she smugly looks at me and says good someone's doing their job around here i just shrug it off and try to finish my set in peace i go back to my workouts and don't have anything with her until the end of class at the end our instructor hands out wipes for us to clean the mats before we return them my mom was returning the weights while i was wiping down our mats i'm on my hands and knees wiping my mat down when there's a mat thrown at me and lands right on top of me i look up and it's this woman again she's kind of smugly looking down at me she throws down her wipe and begins to walk away i get up with her mat and hand it back to her saying excuse me that's not where you put them she says what you're cleaning them you need to clean mine i told her oh well i'm just cleaning hers pointing to my mom and mine and this lady says what makes her special i said she's my mom the lady then says listen that doesn't matter it's your job to clean these now i was kind of floored confused almost as she said it was my job to clean these is she some rich entitled woman who believes that everybody should do her bidding i then pick up my mats and my mom's mad and said clean your own mat leave me alone she then begins screaming the instructor's name and he comes up with my mom right behind him he can tell from my face that i'm annoyed and he asked what's going on the lady says she is refusing to clean my mat and spent the whole lesson ignoring me mike who at this point understands my annoyance says i can clean your mats i should also tell you that we don't clean mats in the future at this point the lady huffs out and marches down the stairs i think that's the end of it until my mother and i go down and see this woman screaming at the front desk she sees me points at me and says this one get this one fired the front desk guy is a pretty innocent kid probably in high school and he says she doesn't work here at this point her face is as red as it gets she screams and then walks out and my mom made us wait a good while inside until she left the parking lot probably for the best i have no idea how opie managed to stay so calm and composed especially when the woman drops the workout mat on her while she was cleaning her mother's mat i also hate the fact that she referred to op as this one get this one fired yeah no that's some mad disrespect there ma'am guys we survived another one if you guys enjoyed the stories today do hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people a family repeatedly breaks into op's backyard to skinny dip and have backyard pool parties if you haven't heard the story click here to check it out because it's a super satisfying one and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 97,369
Rating: 4.9391341 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, best revenge stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, entitled customer stories, entitled neighbor stories, nightmare neighbor, nightmare neighbor stories
Id: gwC4it8_p4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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