Teachers, Can You Tell a Student's Crush? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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teachers of Reddit how easy is it to tell if a kid has a crush on somebody and what are some entertaining stories surrounding that used to be a count one teaching assistant this really smart kid kept coming up to the taste sessions because he very obviously had a crush on a girl who would also show up to after-hours they would both be the only two people in the sessions when they needed homework help I'd ask them to solve the problems together and come to me if they had any questions while I pretended to catch up on work but actually play GTA on my laptop sometimes I'd overhear them talking and getting to know each other it was cute he sure did make my life a heck of a lot easier sounds like a win-win to me my high school teacher would change the seating chart and make her seat next to a crush if you told her though her one condition was the she keep you seated next to your crush even if you guys broke up or stopped liking each other funny times I have this one teacher that will totally just say anything that's on her mind one she just flat-out said do you guys like each other or what to these two kids in my class within three days they were dating and still are if they get married she better be in the front frickin row I hold a lot of class discussions sometimes it's easy because you'll notice kids smile different when their crushes talking their entire body will suddenly cue into that person it's adorable can relate when I was an 8th grader my crush was not the only thing that stood up when she had to answer a question in class incredibly obvious it's also unfortunately obvious when they have a crush on you awkward as freak I've never purposefully helped my students get closer with their crushes it's already hard enough to make a seating chart without considering these things but I don't tease them about it like some do and might let a quick convo or note passing slip by a psych-out on to what's going on it's also unfortunately obvious when they have a crush on you awkward as Frick booth now I feel really bad for the teachers I had crushes on in high school I'm more than positive my teacher like shipped me and my now GF when we were in seventh grade but for some reason like three weeks into the school year he moved a few people around and put this girl in front of me and we started talking pretty fast never got mad if we were done with work and turned around to stop talking to each other never teased us either he even rearranged the entire formation of desks a few times and always sat me and her together we've stayed together through middle and high school ten years and Counting and are planning on getting married I hope you're inviting your teacher God if my 8th grade math teacher was on drag did she tell a story about how she had to tell you Flynn lives hey [ __ ] stop playing Sim City 2000 for a second and pay attention to the girl sitting next to you who is literally professing her love to you I was a dumb boss in your defense SimCity 2000 was no I can't even defend it I'm a new teacher here young end stuff 23 as someone who went through that about five years ago it's pretty obvious during the training program I was in we are assigned a teacher and observe and help teach the said class during classroom discussions when our let a teacher do his thing I will just sit and try and figure out who liked who I was bored I couldn't have my phone out this one nerdy kid sat next to this girl and he was just staring and staring funny thing is groups were getting assigned for like a silly project about evolution where they would make a poster board at home exchange phone numbers and stuff and I got the chooser groups my teacher mentor like to incorporate me into class discussions and assignments I purposefully put him in this girl in a group by themselves most groups were of three people little man I got you I think I would have died not a teacher but an former high school student my teacher was in the middle of a sign in new seats row by row one seat at a time the cute foreign exchange student got placed right next to me my current seat and then as she said my name a new seat I just yelled out no she asked me if I'd prefer to stay where I was and I nodded totally bro move Mays said thank you zedd is a hero to many student here one of the teachers I had would place people next to each other sometimes if the teacher thought that some people might have a thing for each other it was always the wrong people though and nothing really came it teacher it's usually easy to notice on students that are more reserved or a little troublemaker it's amazing how a little crush can turn Johnny never talks into a student who raises his hand to answer every question I currently have one who can be a handful and is not the best at personal hygiene one day he showed up with his hairbrush and six bottles of X body spray and that put off red flags sure enough at recess I see him with a girl on the swings working with sixth grade it's fun to watch this new stage and give them crap about crushes just don't light a match around him I'm not a teacher but when I was in high school we had this program where if you were a high-performing student you could help out in teaching grade 1 and grade 6 in the elementary school nearby anyways I was teaching grade 6 students in grammar on the board and I caught on earlier in the year that they loved picking out their names and the sentences I used there was this really quiet girl in that class that I'm pretty sure 90% of the bones in the grate were in love with Nami oh let's call her Allison pour a was seated with boys who lived to serve her but she was really oblivious to it one day I'm creating a paragraph on the board and asking input from this boy about what he wants it to say then I say okay let's put a girl in that sentence who's your girl I meant give me a random girl name except he states loud and clear without even a second of hesitation Allison the whole class goes quiet the teacher Snickers at her desk and I try not to double over laughing everyone turns around and looks at Allison who's blushing bright red and flipping papers loudly for no reason it was so cute poor Allison had so many subtle confessions one time a boy sitting in front of her brought 18 books for her to read because he knew she loved to read he would lug them around from home to school back and forth just so she can read them during quiet time she thought he was carrying two books at the most and was switching them out everyday that he didn't do things halfway not to mention another time an older boy held her hand down in the snow for too long she came to me holding back tears and asking me to please help with warming her hands she couldn't feel them the elder boy his younger brother who was in class kept hugging her holding her hand warming it so gently then when she was okay he ran out of the class and beat up his big brother I have a whole lot more stories she just stuck out to me so much because apparently she had been going through that since her second grade year Mayo she was a very smart and capable girl not really the helpless type so it'd be welded the teachers why the boys put her on such a pedestal not a teacher but looking back on myself in high school it had to be painfully obvious she would take my hand and draw on it to all class that was already a red flag but she also would place my hand all over and give me a feel of everything as a teenage boy I didn't mind but boy was it not subtle at all ended up going to two homecomings and prom with her so Kat was kind of out of the bag after that oh man the longing stares across the room the almost creepy wistful what-ifs you can just see in their eyes when I was in middle school that was me it's almost painful how relatable some of these stories are didn't realize I was so obvious and oblivious at the same time it is ridiculously easy to tell if a high school level they are not even remotely subtle I'm actually finding at the seventh eighth grade level it's a little bit more of a challenge because they act so ethically all the time that it's hard to tell what is because of a crush and what is just them being seventh and eighth graders it's easy to spot with some boys when they're female crush sits next to another boy they're loudly taunt them saying oh look who's sitting next to each other have you kissed you yet but to be honest a lot of crushes become obvious because friends come into class and yell at me X is now dating Y always embarrassing for the new couple most of the time my brain then goes hum didn't see that coming but it makes a lot of sense middle schoolers are adorable I have a story of my one teacher with my personal relationship at the time so a good friend of mine had a huge crush on me and so did I back now my one teacher was a complete sweetheart and she got on extremely well with her students she also liked getting involved with her students in a good way now a few months after the friend's first confession the one day he randomly handed me a note that read count to 30 and follow me and he left the class now I freaked out a little because I am a goody two-shoes and never left my class without good reason so 30 seconds became two very long minutes I could see the dude walking outside checking up on me and started to notice the class was staring at me I wasn't still kinda I'm extremely shy but I knew I couldn't just leave him there so I collected myself and asked the teacher if I can go to the ladies room and she quite suddenly yelled yes Sophie please do so I realized something was up and quickly hurried out the door the dude had coated the whole school hall in roses and when I followed him I found him with a cake that asked will you be my girlfriend this stuff sounds like it came out if a not chic flit but it actually happened which still shakes me to this day but yay apparently the whole class especially my teacher were in on it and set the whole thing up in fact my teacher was the one who helped set up the entire thing for the rest of my high school life that confession was like the standard for the rest of the guys in the year I said yes and we dated for a few years unfortunately due to personal issues for both of us the relationship didn't last but we didn't end on bad terms I still consider them a good friend oh my god yes we always know the most blatant one is when a student came to me talking about how one of the girls in class kept looking at him and he couldn't focus it's weird and she looks like a bug I pulled her aside to ask if she liked him and she nodded up and down really fast and excited I had to talk to her about not staring and she said she understood she stopped staring but started sitting in front of him and working in her seat or dropping things and bending over to get them in front of him they were in sixth grade we had multiple parent-teacher conferences about it I had a student leave me a note once stating that she liked the boy sitting next to her he used her for answers in class and ignored her the rest of the time she was such a sweet girl it was hard to watch I really hope she started to be interested in boys worth her time when she entered high school the following year : teenagers are so gossipy they just make obvious jokes and will just tell me the teacher who's their friends crushed just to make them feel uncomfortable it s pretty adorable especially because it's usually boys and they are so shy about it I teach k-8 and some of the older kids will tell me all their friends will tell me a lot of the 5th grade girls like the middle school boys and they just get all giggly and it's pretty adorable but there's a few of the slightly younger kids who I can tell might end up dating when they're older because of how they bicker just watching the dynamics that go on in the school is generally entertaining I'd imagine it's like watching a show of a hyperactive community of monkeys socializing if I worked in a fourth-grade room with two other teachers and we had a bit of a bet all year about which I loved the boys who had been stuck with the same class of girls since kindergarten would fall in love with the new girl we constantly point out signs to each other about our favorite contenders porn ooh girl was totally oblivious to all of it I won in the end we overheard the boy I was betting on ask her out on the last day she told him she wasn't ready to date yet poor boy it's always the quiet nerdy ones I had a huge crush on my history teacher in high school I'm pretty sure he could tell too because I was constantly drawing and painting pictures of him and had him pose for a portrait once wonder what he thought lol it's pretty obvious especially the boys liking the girls and the girls having a crush on the male teacher when I taught pay I showed the class how to do a headstand and my shirt slipped down up a couple of the girls faces we're redder than mine when I came back down and they tease each other about it at the high school level it's really simple actually for boys which is surprising because it never seemed that way when I was a teen you'll see them doing everything they can to get closer to the young lady and impress her chemistry hey Mia I don't know this can we be lab partners a LGI oh I know the answer let me reach over you and show you okay look how hard I can throw the dodgeball doesn't my strength impress you misc hey its track pre-season even though we run totally different events distances want to train together after school you've been spotted by the study dog game smartness and wisdom if you like this video in the next eight seconds if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Id: aABRmib1oJw
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Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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