What Was The Worst Way Someone Messed Up And Interview? (Work Stories r/AskReddit)

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employers of Reddit what was the worst way a candidate messed up a job interview with your company had an interviewee show up ten minutes late to an interview tell us our clock was wrong and proceeded to take it off the wall and adjust it after he left tock course we adjusted it back to the actual time pretty sure that guy was trying to establish an alibi a colleague of mine called the sky in for an interview he didn't show and about two hours after he was doing he called and said he'd been hit by a car colleague decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and they arranged another day the day arrives and he didn't turn up again we got a call from him a while later saying he'd broken his tooth on an almond and couldn't come as he'd had to rush to a dentist my incredibly trusting colleague decided to try one more time another day the guy turned up drunk I mean at least his drunkenness explains how he got hit by the car and broke his tooth on an almond twenty-something chick with an impressive looking resume but then she showed up with her mom in tow and actually expected mom to come into the interview I guess mom wrote the resume so she felt she should do the talking resume included a startup he founded I asked about it tell me about your startup sorry what was it called again he forgot he forgot the freaking name of the startup he founded a year prior it went downhill from there okay maybe my memory isn't so bad proceeded to respond to the program managers question of what did he do would you do if you had a conflict with another co-worker with an extremely long anecdote about how he worked with this guy who got his girlfriend at the time pregnant and he had to see the sky every day at work and resist beating his butt the program manager was staring at him and went oh and then he felt the need to say I mean I got him outside of work but I never touched him at work I mean right there is a guy who prioritizes work over personal commitments would have been a good hire I was friends with the hiring supervisor at a job once who told me this one a guy dropped a bag of methamphetamine while taking something else out of his pocket at an interview he actually could have gotten away with this as the interviewer is something like 80% blind however he said oh sorry to which the interviewer replied for what his answer I dropped my M I worked as a supervisor at an ambulance company about five years ago we had crazy turnover so we were constantly hiring new EMTs to fill open spots on the schedule one of my many duties was to assist with the hiring process 2-3 days a week the hiring process was come to the main office HQ take a written test take a skills test simulation panel interview HR adopt supervisor note as an EMT on the ambulance you should know how to map yourself and get to an address without much issue especially when given an email with a little map to the location on it so this candidate will call her dingdong Diana or ddd calls our dispatch about 30 minutes before her set appointment time and was extremely flustered she has no idea where she was in the dispatch supervisor was trying to keep her cool while doing her best to navigate her based on very vague description of her location I'm by a fast food place and a gas station no street names or even a city full stop I get paged over to dispatch and the supervisor fills me in I've never met this candidate before so without introducing myself I take over the call me hi I was told your little turned around I'm going to try and DDD um excuse any I'm lost and I'm running late for my appointment I don't have time for this me don't worry I've alerted the interviewing team that you're running a bit behind and DDD I t's not my fault you guys didn't give any the right directions I'm not from here how am I supposed to know where I'm going me were you given an address dee dee dee you H yes 123 address st. me that's correct dee dee dee well this is bull because I don't know where I am me don't you think as an EMT you'd be expected to know how to map yourself into situations dee dee dee you no that's why we have GPS me not all of our ambulances of GPS DDD well then I'll use my phone me how's that working out for you click about 30 minutes later ddd comes stompin in looking sweaty and frustrated i greet her in the lobby me hi welcome to dumb bomb ambulance can I help you DDD I had an appointment an hour ago but your dispatchers are idiots they got me lost me actually that was me on the phone dee dee dee me here at dumb bum ambulance we hold customer service in high regard your attitude on the phone was inappropriate and you have been excused from the interview process dee dee dee o leaves goodness call an undertaker because she just put herself in that hole there I was the hiring manager at a major grocery retailer I called a guide to schedule an interview and sent him a confirmation email with the date time and our company's logo in the header and along with the address in the signature of the email dude shows up 20 minutes late and says sorry I'm late I went to direct competitor grocery store on the other side of town because I thought that's where the interview was I'm not sure how he figured it out finally and how he didn't figure it out before leaving the house that morning conducted an interview with a teenage boy which was his first interview for his first job ever he was just the legal minimum age to start working and was clearly so nervous to the point of being petrified we always look past that especially for kids completely fresh to the workforce anywho he's actually going a K for someone so nervous stammering a lot and tripping up words but he's doing well until he starts looking a bit green he asks if he could excuse himself for moments to go to the toilet which we let him my manager and I just give each other a WTF look when he leaves but again it's the poor guys first ever interview for his first job and despite all of it he was doing okay until he comes back with his mother he looks a lot better but he just smiles and sits down again without saying a word his mum speaks up Oh I'm sorry about boy he gets quite old when he's nervous I hope that doesn't put you off by this point things are getting odd but we insist it's fine and we understand thinking that all man had to say mid nope she sits right down and says oh good I hope then you don't mind if I take over the interview like I said he's quite sick and I think it's best if I answer for him that was the deal breaker we gave mum and the kid one last chance and told them it was quite all right and he was doing fine mum insisted she stayed the kid just sat there all smug and happy and Mommy Dearest answered every single question we would ask the question directly to the boy and his mum would lean across and answer for him needless to say he did not get the job how why I seriously don't understand how these parents think the candidate listed likes and dislikes on his resume under dislikes my company when I was a teenager I worked at a chain pizza restaurant a guy came in for interview and seemed like a nice guy he turned around to leave and he had a tattoo of a pot leaf with the word cannabis on his head that's right not cannabis cannabis no regrets you guys would be lucky to have me Google is trying to recruit me too I wished him the best of luck at his job with Google I was interviewing a woman for a customer service position her cover letter said multiple times that she was great with people before sitting down across from me and my office to conduct the interview she sticks her leg out in my direction and points to a scab on her leg it is clearly infected and has been picked at she then proceeds to ask me of my opinion about if it is indeed infected and if she should see a doctor that sounds like a tip she read in a Cosmo Style magazine if you're going to an interview make sure to include your interviewer on your ailments it will make them feel more connected to you and will probably hire you I've seen people put really inappropriate email addresses on their resumes it is unprofessional and a few have been offensive a girl talked about her breasts her ex-boyfriend stalking her how she packs heat at all times even though it's illegal in certain places in our state how she had a child at fifteen and regrets it and the child is taken care of by her mother who refuses to speak to her how her last job was cleaning up crap at a Burger King and she spoke in graphic detail about cleaning up crap with pennies in it and how she was fired from that job for some reason and how she wants to bang our manager for a part-time retail position I really wish I was making this up it was the most uncomfortable 10 minutes of my life even worse she seemed to seriously believe that we couldn't hire her because of not enough positions and kept showing up every day what a religion doesn't allow me to physically come in contact with dogs hire me um no I mean I get it it's a religious thing but maybe don't apply it a small animal veterinary hospital me why'd you move from Florida to Texas candidate there were too many Jews in Florida this was at the tail end of a very successful interview we were wrapping up the interview and I was definitely going to hire her before I heard her answer I shouldn't have laughed but dang that's a sucker punch or the line for the end of an interview just our unexpected Hitler right out of the blue I did an interview for a couple of temp call center jobs in my office providing phone support for our new website the jobs were usually really desirable because we frequently hired stand-ups for way better permanent positions and most candidates were really good but we had one girl who must have TL DR ed the job listing or something she spent easily three strokes for off her time making sure we knew how much she loved doing in-person customer service and just hated to be on the phone all day told us a bunch of stories about how miserable she was when her last job had her on phones really hammering that point home I honestly believe she had no idea what she even applied for me you mentioned on your application that you are a good leader could you give me an example of your leadership abilities Canada right absolutely at my last job we hated our chef and I organized the kitchen staff to walk out during the Friday night rush I mean that's amazing leadership he organized everyone to protest at the best possible time for maximum impact I became the hiring manager for a mom-and-pop restaurants at 18 I looked really young to most people put me at about 16 at the time at any rate I'd exchanged some emails with a woman wanting to become a server I was planning on hiring her she had lots of experience and seemed really nice so I scheduled her an in-person interview keep in mind that I had never actually seen her in person so the day of her interview comes and I just happened to be at the hostess station when she arrives when I greet her hi welcome - she cuts me off with what has become one of my favorite instances of self-sabotage I've ever witnessed all right listen I'm about to get hired her as a server so what that means is that you as a little hostess are going to sit me with all the big tables and give me all the good regulars or I won't tip you out for crap and I'll make your life a living heck got it good now run along and tell your hiring manager our FS fourteen thousand seven hundred and one that I'm here I smiled back sweetly and said actually I'm RFS 14700 and one I'm sorry to have you come up here fill no reason but I've already filled all of our open serving positions you have a nice day there's no way I'm going to hire someone with that much stupidity and that crappy of an attitude a guy once confessed that he was a convicted felon for drug trafficking and that he actually had no experience in the industry we were in guy turned out to be the best employee I've ever had out of around 200 people I've hired unbelievable I used to hire for McDonald's and typically felons took the job more seriously than others probably because of the stigma against them as we also had criminals that stole from the register they're not all perfect but if I ever get into a hiring position again I wouldn't even bat an hour about felons unless of course their charges are relevant to the position stealing for a retail job kind of a weird story with a twist a woman applied for an artist position at my workplace we did a lot of game research at the time during the interview I asked if we could review her portfolio she nonchalantly said of course I flipped through and it was all straight up gang up a manga tentacle P all women and various poses b/w two colored drawings I was taken aback and she seemed pretty and phased I cut the interview short and put her at the bottom of the pile later that night I got home and chatted with my wife about our day at work she asked how the interview process was going I brought up this woman's portfolio and told her it was unexpected and offensive stuff a pause filled the room and my wife genuinely asked were they drawn well puzzled I answered honestly that they were drawn very well despite the subject matter he replied well if she can draw well what does it matter what she draws in her spare time the following week we hired her several years ago I was the head of a department at a small company as such my boss and I were both present for any hiring interviews conducted for my department one particular interview stands out in my mind halfway through the interview my boss left for a few minutes to take a phone call while he was gone I asked the candidate if she had any questions for me she immediately tries to pull a bestie stick and asks things like do they block any websites on the computers here like Facebook Twitter YouTube etcetera , you can text and use messenger when he's my boss not around right and my personal favorite how much time do you actually have to spend working despite introducing myself I think she assumed I was an assistant at the time I looked quite young for my age when my boss came back we politely wrapped up the interview she did not get a callback this one was a real train wreck and one of my favorite stories so I work for a cabinet company awhile back we were looking for an Account Manager to work on a mix of design and pricing projects one of the applicants we got was a guy Canada now we aren't a big company so I thought it was really weird to get an out of country applicant we decide to call him for a phone interview out of curiosity and hand his info to HR as it turned out his film se was living in our city which is why he applied HR reports that he seems normal and we scheduled an in-person for the next time he is in town so we come to the day of the interview this bit I got from the front desk person so I didn't witness it personally apparently the guy came into the office with his film say and told her to wait in the lobby for him she had driven him I guess but she refused to make eye contact with the front desk girl will make conversation with her at all he gets shown to the interview room and the front desk person let us know he is there the interview is conducted by our HR person the department manager and me as the office trainer the three of us walk in with me last in line he jumps around the two women to shake my hand first and barely acknowledges the other two in the room so red flag one as the interview proceeds he begins to do a couple of things one he asks how long it will be before he takes the department managers job two he begins to bash our product for not being the same as what he is used to and three starts explaining all the things we will be required to do to sponsor his visa what is normally a 45-minute interview process took about 15 before we ended it he kept calling about once a week for two months asking when we were going to be starting his visa sponsorship man all of my positive generalizations and stereotypes of Canadians have been dashed I have had a few interviews with people that put down they have experience with doing something and then when I asked them about it they didn't know what I was talking about I am NOT talking about anything tough either the one that sticks out to me the most is someone applied or a job with us in IT they put down they have experience setting up a wired and wireless network I literally asked I see you put down on your resume that you have networking experience what kind of experience do you have - the guy said honestly I don't have any networking experience my co-workers asked a few more questions at the end he asked what he could have done to leave a better impression I told him honestly don't write something on your resume if you don't know anything about it he didn't even get to the interview I found an mp3 of him rapping about killing his boss here's an mp3 it functions as both my resume and my criminal record this definitely isn't the worst ever but I remember seeing a candidate come and foreign interview in a zoot suit it came out that he was really poor and that's the only suit he had available he borrowed it which was super sad he didn't get the job that I argued for him so strongly solely because I felt so bad for him for having to wear that suit I interviewed a man once who showed up in a 1920's style gangster suit kinda baggy pinstripes matching fedora he was overqualified seemed a little socially off and I hired him I ran into him outside of work a few times and he was always wearing some kind of crazy suit turns out that was his hobby vintage dress clothes nice guy retail manager job interview candidate at my last job I made all my employees count all display sunglasses each shift so that none went missing me what was your shrink rate last year candidate it was so bad that all employees were fired me but what about your daily counts candidate that was so the other employees didn't steal me so who did the stealing candidate I think a custom I had a key to the back room and must have come in after hours me sounds like you did the stealing awkward silence for three minutes while I stared at her until she got up and left she tried justifying how reasons if she was leaving if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 85,111
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, reddit jobs, reddit job interview, job interview, reddit work stories
Id: H2yRw1bKDzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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