Terrible Things Found On Background Checks (Work Stories r/AskReddit)

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employers of Reddit what is the most disturbing thing you've discovered performing a background check on candidates I interviewed a bunch of CSS college seniors to become software development interns at a company I was a software development manager at the plan was to hire interns for 20 years a week judge how good their skill was and hire some most all of them when they graduated in about 4-5 months I ended up hiring eight in terms of which five or six we ended up converting to full-time after graduation one guy I interviewed was elder than the rest about 26 when the rest were 21 23 he was super personable and did reasonably well on my development skills test he sold himself really well and I was very enthusiastic about the interview and planned to offer him one of the positions he pulled me aside after the interview and said he wanted to tell me something it turns out he had spent three years in jail for dealing drugs he further explained that he had been doing community service and court-mandated counseling for over two years and produced from his black pack a little mountain of paperwork proving it I told him I would consult HR HR actually said they were fine with it still not sure how this happened I brought the guy on and holy crap did he want to prove himself he kicked all kinds of ass every moment he was there while he wasn't the most skilled of the interns we brought on he was probably third in talent he spent every waking moment learning listening and getting better as a developer we converted him to employee the moment he graduated and for the next year until the office closed down project ended that dude probably averaged 80 hour weeks but he's now been working as a dev in a small start-up for about five years I still keep in touch great dude who just made a series of stupid mistakes when he was young I was working at a Family Fun Center as the accountant I did all the payroll and was listed at the contact person with the state for any employee questions I get a call that went something like this Ted hi my name is Ted and I'm calling to see if you employ Sally me yes she just started her last week t I'm Sally's parole officer I wanted to check and see if she will be dealing with any children at me yes this is a Family Fun Center that is full of kids is there a problem TA you need to send her home right now she is not allowed to work anywhere with kids did you do a background check on her we all checked with HR but we normally do run a background check T I will contact her but please send her home and do not let her return me okay thank you end of canto I do a quick Google search and pull up her police record turns out she and her boyfriend had a kid together but we're both addicted to drugs to get the baby to stop crying they would put a bag over the baby's head and make it pass out one night they left it over the baby's head too long and it stopped breathing she did a few years in jail and had just recently been paroled I lost it on our HR person because I found out he had stopped submitting background checks to the company we used even though we were still paying them the monthly fee we hired a baby color to work with kids at a Family Fun Center guy had a felony assault charge not disturbing in itself but found out later it was from beating his previous boss Faison after being confronted about coming in late to work repeatedly the boss survived but apparently had to have his face reconstructed so yeah hard pass on that one hope you told him no boba the phone I did the background check for one guy and I found out that he had lied about every single job that he had going one job back he claimed that he was a manager at a shoe store that went out of business I was unable to verify that because of the shoe store went out of business then he said that he was in the military for four years as a communication specialist I found that he was in the Army for three months but got an honorable discharge because he couldn't make it through boot camp he claimed before that he was the manager of the evening shift at a chicken plant turns out that he was a janitor for only a few months before he was fired for job performance he claimed he was a manager of a hotel before that and it turned out that his mother was actually the night manager and she was fired because she kept bringing her kid to work I tried to do the mouth and I realized that if everything in the background check was true that the applicant probably also lied about his and had to be a lot younger than he claimed to be he said he was in his late 20s but I bet he was no older than 20 or 21 guy applied for a driver position with one of our senior care affiliates take elderly people on errands into appointments deliver meals take clients to the center where they can hang out etc not one not two but ten counts of Elder Abuse with a side of attempted murder and theft rescinded that off a real Deng quick I called an applicant's reference and his former employer said I'm not allowed to comment on former employee performance I can only confirm their start and end dates but why don't you ask me about the weather I said okay how is the weather there he replied the clouds are moving lazily across the sky and they are really dumb I found out later that he stole this from a Dilbert cartoon but he really did say it man applying for a job as a construction estimator he owned a construction company and was convicted of defrauding various city and county governments pretty much the last person you'd want doing estimates I was part of a group interview for a director position the guy was cool definitely qualified and was breezing through the interview pretty funny too I thought for sure he was in we get to the end and HR is telling him about the process after if they were to offer him the position and once they mentioned the background check he quickly responds that he wouldn't pass it we all sit there in silence for a second and he calmly says that he was charged with three counts of felony armed robbery so likely wouldn't pass not as bad as some to these but I run a lot of background checks of my job it was a bit darkly humorous when we were filling a position at a rehab facility only to have like six finalist candidates in a row screen out with recent drug charges when were will hiring contractors I would google their names and phone numbers to see what I could find on them one of the guys that applied was recently in jail for a few years for endangering the welfare of a child the article stated that the police showed up at the home of him and his girlfriend to serve a warrant upon entering the home they saw that the entire place was swimming with raw sewage there were dirty needles scattered everywhere when they checked the back bedroom they found two naked toddlers on meldy mattress that were surrounded by raw sewage it made me physically ill to read needless to say we did not hire him I also found the dong pick he posted with his phone number saying text me for more pics used to work in banking every employee was background checked state and federal and had their credit bureau reports run as well we were never allowed to bring anyone on until all of their background checks had been approved and that always took a minimum of three business days sometimes as long as a week one of the branches I was responsible for at the time broke the rule and hired a new teller and allowed him to start right away they were extremely understaffed and had been for a while he'd been there for a couple days no problems it was just after closing on a Friday when I got a call from HR the new teller was that do not hire for felony crap out of curiosity I asked what he was convicted of multiple aah I called the branch manager the one who hired him and she got very quiet and whispered to me that she broke the rules let him start working already that he was there right now helping her close the branch in that they were the only two people there bear in mind the manager was a very attractive petite like maybe 110 pounds woman in her late 20s the teller I later learned was about the same agent built like a pro linebacker she was terrified so she stayed on the phone with me while I called corporate security on the other line they got there very quickly escorted her to her car and him out the door no idea what happened to him but I had to write her up and senior management was seriously mad I simply googled the candidates name in the search returned US Marshals Fugitive of the week it was the same guy my first job as a manager and I'm interviewing for a tech position had some good candidates then my boss says he has someone I should talk to the guy was in his mid to late fifties and his sole tech experience was a four-month tech class he was singularly uncool but two nice guy then my boss says we're hiring him and shuts down my questions with I'm the boss this is happening make it work which I do the guy was a quick study hard worker and didn't seem to mind working for a yuengling like me after a year or so he and I are pulling an all-nighter and bee sing about stuff and he tells me his story he had been a Mississippi riverboat pilot for decades but in a barroom brawl had killed a guy with his bare hands he'd served 15 years in prison sobered up and was looking for a job type job I never had a problem with him but it made our relationships feel exponentially more bizarre to me than it already was since I was essentially already mentoring a guy 30 years my senior who turned out to be a barehanded riverboat pilot inkelaar I was working at a pretty remote site up in northern Alberta and the RCMP showed up turns out one of the welders was one of the most wanted men in Canada and was hiding up there for some ridiculous amount of time he apparently murdered a gas station clerk in a botched robbery this is why you should do background checks we interviewed a young guy for a position and I did the basic chat with his former employers once they were shortlisted for the final interviews all came in fine except one where they asked to have a phone conversation about the candidate I got a call from them where him they explained that he'd actually been fired for repeatedly posting photos to the company instagram and twitter which contained hidden items that weren't meant to be in there i pushed and pushed to find out exactly what they meant and it turns out this person we were interviewing to manage our social media had been posting photos with his genitals hidden in the photos for months before his bosses had noticed it's like Where's Waldo only where's Willy we had a guy include a shirtless flexing portrait on his resume he was applying for an engineering position we still have no idea what that was for probably showing you his body at work we did a background check on a guy who it turns out at sued every former employer for an on-the-job injury usually writes after 90 days when most trial periods end I did not hire him but somebody else did and I warned them that the background check showed at the 90 day mark he would try and get injured on the job and sue them they took that to heart and on the 92nd day he showed up to work with a lawyer claiming that his office chair had hurt his back that the lights above his cubicle were giving him migraines and his monitor was making his eyes hurt the company responded prepared with their own lawyers gave him an ergonomic keyboard a monitor filter and a special little area where the lights were better and an ergonomic share and then they made it known that they would be contacting his former employers many of whom he had sued saying he was unable to work anymore he stopped complaining and was let go in the next round of layoffs years ago I was hiring for a large call center project we were using a background check vendor which provided instant results we did it on the spot when an offer was made so we could just go ahead and knock out a new hire paperwork the result came back that the guy sitting in front of me was supposed to be sitting in jail at that moment the punch line it turned out that the guy sitting in front of me was not the real perp his uncle had stolen his identity and had no it on him when he was arrested he was close enough in age to his nephew that he could pass just by giving the nephews name birth date and SSN neither had been in the system before this a fingerprint check eventually cleared things up keep in mind this was about 10 11 years ago it would be harder for this to happen today his profile picture on Facebook was an upside-down male genetalia I assume it was his using the dong as a nose he had cleverly balanced a pair of eyeglasses over the genitals and drawn pupils on the testicles to create the image of a gentleman elephant wearing a pair of glasses he got an interview got the job and developed into one of my best technical analysts my wife interviewed a candidate for a manufacturing job she proceeded with background check on the FBI showed up within 20 minutes of her search wanted her to pretend to hire him and have the dude comment so they could arrest him she said no no no I do background checks so we don't have a shootout in the parking lot FBI arrest guy that afternoon the address he put on his application FBI could not tell my wife what the guy did only that he was extremely dangerous and wanted under a closed eyes only file it was the first time I'd ever done all of the interview process myself where I worked one man came in said everything I wanted to hear mentioned enthusiastically how he had worked with my boss beforehand also so I phoned my boss to ask about him he had been fired only a few months previous for aggression in the workplace towards the public and must have thought my boss had just forgotten I used to work for a company that ran CV background credit checks for finance firms these are some of the more interesting happenings the phone number for a woman's previous employer was not for an office like she claimed but rather a mental hospital in her home country a man with an undisclosed directorship and business bankruptcy not good as he was applying for a very senior role a woman who was fired from more than one job for turning up drunk not a formal background check just a google search turns out the guy had dated the granddaughter of a book collector the collector died and a few days later his home was broken into and a cache of rare books was stolen within a short period of time the guy was trying to sell these rare books to other collectors the collectors quickly figured out what was going on and banded together to flood the internet with warnings not to buy from him and updates on their attempts to get law enforcement involved further digging by them revealed he was on wess offender list for child abuse and had recently served prison time for same the guy was very charismatic and I had been ready to offer him a job on his application he had said his last job which covered the years he was in prison was running a pizza parlor in Indonesia I worked at a gym where after a few months a personal trainer was let go after things weren't working out very well for her the gym supposedly did background checks before hiring employees but after she was let go another employee found a new segment from a local news station that had the previous year that mentioned this girl turns out she was arrested for following UPS trucks around Christmastime and stealing packages off people's front porches just months before she was hired this wasn't just like a quick mention either it was a full-blown news segment that flashed her picture across the screen and included video footage from someone's home security camera catching her running up to the front porch grabbing a package and running back to her car this obviously spread quickly around the gym staff and she was referred to as the Grinch in any conversations where she came up in order from least crazy to most one candidate is open about having prior arrests for minor thefts in years ago we get it people make mistakes we can overlook old stuff candidate arrives to interview and signs consent form for background check which we run during interviews right after the candidate leaves the results come back and we learned they were arrested two months prior for grand theft and have a theft related charge roughly twice per year for the last ten years didn't hire to candidate calls before scheduled time and says they will be late as they are having car troubles okay I have an open slot later in the day and I move them their interview time comes and goes without further contact so I assume they are not going to show as I go to leave that afternoon the receptionist stops me and asks hey was first name last name going to interview today yet why they were just arrested for stealing a car with a toddler in it apparently the candidate was going to steal a car to get to the interview three additional info we only run a statewide check initially and after 30 days we run the national level check so this candidate shows up great interview clean record in state etc we hire them they complete training and are doing a great job overall after 30 days we run the national background check and get three national hits all four active warrants for murder manslaughter frick we called the police employee never showed up again and we never heard anything else applicant drug test tested not of human origin some people get their dog to pee for them and positive for THC marijuana I had a candidate that was going for an IT related role in a hospital he knew a background check was required of course never mentioned he was arrested because his home exploded due to the result over in lab how he didn't think that would show up is beyond me mandatory not me but my mom she used to work for Corrections Canada going over the meal plans and also helping inmates learn cooking skills while in prison to help them potentially get a job when they are released she normally doesn't look at what the inmate had done to end up in prison but one guy's letter made her curious he was applying to get into some cooking classes and mentioned in his letter quite a few times about how he's a great in hard worker aside from his family problems so she got curious and googled him yep dude killed his wife and daughters family problems you have been visited by the sniper kit a good aim and also accuracy will come your way if you comment snipe well kit er thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 196,100
Rating: 4.877656 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, AskReddit Is Fun, work, Checks, Background, Background Checks, Terrible Things
Id: hFmakEMDSvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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