What Is Your "WHAT THE HECK" America Story? (r/AskReddit)

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people who have visited the u.s. what is your WTF America story Las Vegas like two minutes from the strip is the ghetto such a contrasting view of abject poverty and overindulgence just minutes away from one another everyone was so nice why are all the meal portions so big the bathroom stall gap is real everyone hates the stall gap move to the US with my family in the mid nineties and started high school my junior year back home in Norway I had played basketball for a few years enjoyed it and thought out trying out for the school team thinking it would be like home practice once or twice a week for an hour and a game against anther school once in a while yeah not so much quickly realized sports is a huge deal in the US I made JV there were a couple other J RS on the team so I didn't sweat it the first practice went on four to five hours and I was pretty nauseous after all the suicide running drills and numerous other exercises realizing I hadn't asked too many details beforehand I asked a teammate how often practice was and was promptly shocked to find out we had practice four times a week for two to five hours plus two games per week and that was JV suffice to say the coming months were quite exhausting and didn't leave much time for anything else we did place first in our state though and I got whipped into shape pretty good so yeah you Americans don't mess around when it comes to sports we may not like to exercise for health sake but we do not lose at anything I was in Florida and the amount of car wrecks in front yards was baffling as long as it has headlights seatbelts and a license plate you can drive it in Florida I saw the guy with a piece of rope instead of the driver's side door once so those weren't car wrecks they were that person's main method of transportation I went to downtown Philadelphia during a five-hour layover ate a cheesesteak then witnessed a terrible and completely random midday fight on the street for me it's always sunny has been proven the best depiction of Philly me and my girlfriend visited from England and we were walking down the street when a homeless guy passed us and said to me to brother if she ain't your sister then your doing al right wasn't a homeless guy that's just good ol a creepy Eddie going to an NHL game seemed like I was at an eating event also nine chicken McNuggets costing about four dollars and ten cents and twenty costing four dollars and fifty cents not sure about the exact costs but you get the idea keep up the good work on that English I'm from Scotland I worked costumer service in college this young cashier comes up and says she cannot understand this guy and he is getting mad speaking Russian was something behind her I hear damn it woman I am Welsh I got trapped in a McDonald's in Chicago on my first ever visit to the US because people were protesting the minimum wage they barricaded everyone in the store was stuck there for something like three hours my boss visited the US recently on a business trip he kept sending me photos and videos of how huge your trucks are and how many Ford Mustangs he kept seeing he was giddy like a little kid in all his videos an Australian went at us a few years ago in a store don't remember which and get to the cashier that's a weird accent I'm Australian oh no way do they really have that big boot like in the Simpsons disparaging the boot is a bootable offense I live in Michigan husband is from the UK his family and two best friends flew over for the wedding we had a combined stag night Bachelorette we all went out in partied pretty hard toward the end of the night we were at a small bar in my tiny town and the locals were treating our British companions like celebrities overheard a girl tell my husband mate who is black I didn't know they had your kind over there I'm going to fly to the u.s. in a couple of weeks for the first time already had a WTF moment I had to fill out some personal stuff to get into the country questions like are you planning a genocide in the USA yes or no are you planning a terroristic attack in the USA yes or no I mean if someone really is planning something like that and succeed what then he lied to us how could he he said he won't do a genocide and now look at that I get that they can charge you for lying on an official paper but what's the point he committed a genocide 300 years jail and 1 month for lying or death penalty for genocide and one whip on the bus of fur words for lying near the end of a vacation to the US I was feeling a bit guilty from eating so unhealthy I ordered a salad at a restaurant and it came with complimentary ice cream you cannot win against America I was in NYC for New Year's Eve 2006 stroke zero 7 a guy next to me overheard I was Australian and grabbed my hand and told me he was praying for me due to the loss of Steve Irwin someone near us overheard and also joined in so I an Australian atheist with little care for Steven Irwin found myself in the midst of the small they're very enthusiastic prayer circle one summer some friends and I rode trips from Pennsylvania to uterine back 10,000 km in two weeks good times we are from Canada so were pretty used to Americanisms however we found the stark contrast in billboards in the Bible Belt to be amusing every couple clicks it alternated between Jesus Saves confess your sins and xxx girls girls girls next exit seeing scripture on the back of transport trucks was pretty bizarre too and the aggressive preachers on the radio and the giant 50-foot crosses plural I mean it's called the Bible Belt for a reason but I didn't really appreciate the scope until I was there American are unreasonably nice roadtrip 15 years ago car breaks down on the freeway three cars stop one guy fixes my car one guy orders and subsequently pays for the part to fix the current third guy his brother-in-law delivers it all in about thirty minutes then we all go out for dinner and they buy me and my buddy dinner the guy who fixed our car emails his cousins in Colorado a week later we're having dinner and staying the night at their place I hear WTF stories about America but when I think of any of my WTF America stories I have had nothing but amazing experiences so being Indonesian world's largest Muslim country and male my dad always gets taken into a special room for interrogation every time we arrive in the US when I happen to be with him I got tired of waiting on my own so I went to one of the officers guarding the area and asked how long it would take for my dad to get out he went oh my god honey you're all alone and suddenly everyone was rushing to get my dad out as soon as possible kept asking me if there was anything I needed and kept telling me not to be scared obviously that made me actually nervous what a Frick is happening then I found out Americans just suck at telling Asian ages and apparently I looked eight 12 they thought they made my dad leave a child all alone in a foreign country I was 16 some with mine were WTF why is there so much land everywhere WTF why is everyone's house so big WTF why are the roads so big explains why the cars are so big WTF why is fuel gas so cheap WTF why are strangers talking to me WTF why is fruit so expensive WTF how can I get this much meat in a meal and it still cost less than 10 dollars WTF why am I getting ID'd card it everywhere WTF no to another person I'm not Australian I'm English dammit when I was living in California back in the late 90s - 2000 the news came on and announced that one of the stories would be NATO stuffs bombing Kosovo I turned the news up only to have to sit through the more important story first out of season rain in LA I was talking to a girl years ago about the u.s. it was around the 4th of July I'm British she's American she wished me a happy the 4th of July I told her we don t celebrate that in the UK she didn't know understand why just got back from Miami tailed a woman who was walking her cat that my girlfriend and I thought her cat was cute she then told us she is not a prostitute and nor was the cat the portion sizes and prices of soda less WTF America more WTF why don't they sell this in the UK State Fair of Texas they were serving fried butter a friend of mine lived in Virginia for some years for school and the locals it was an average sized town not some hillbilly craphole asked him if we had cars electricity internet or fridges in Luxembourg mine was on the flight home we just landed and I overheard the following exchange mom where are we Amsterdam it's in Germany well at one point in time she was had two wrong this one isn't really negative but still amazes me I'm from Sweden and visited New York a few summers ago with my family we had just gotten off the bus and my stepsister was feeling really nauseous from the bus ride she walks up to a garbage can in takes a few deep breaths trying to not vomit suddenly a guy in a suit with a briefcase walks up asks if she's alright tells her to wait there and comes back a few seconds later with a bottle of water for her just a complete stranger that's not something you'll see in Sweden I went to the us's summer to work for my uncle's company in LA for eight weeks I'm currently studying at University in the UK I decided to fly up to San Francisco to visit my cousin for the weekend and flew from LAX after my return flight I was about to exit the LAX American terminal when all the police around me got their guns out and started shouting about a shooter at the airport chaos erupted around me with people everywhere throwing their suitcases to the floor and screaming I had no idea what to do I had just bought a tea from Starbucks and I didn't really want to throw it on the floor and run about so I followed this stampede of people through the terminal I found a room to hide in with 20 other people we all lay on the floor being quiet trying to stay calm people all around me calling their loved one saying their goodbyes it was insane I didn't have any service on my AT&T phone so I just sat there drinking tea contemplating what I would do if a gunman appeared I realize now it was the most British thing to do at that moment we were in there for 25 minutes when we got told it was clear all of this happened the kossler police heard a loud noise and there was someone dressed as Zorro which raised suspicions WTF America they have bank drive-throughs they go to the bank like they go to McDonald's one summer when we visited some friends out in Tennessee and we're eating fresh deer he'd shot at afternoon off his BB Q drinking beer and sharing differences in culture at which point out of no way he pulls out a pellet gun and shoots a squirrel from the top of a phone line he then proceeded to cut watch clean and cook the squirrel tasted like chicken I have no doubt that if there was a global apocalypse it might take Tennessee a few years to notice and only because they stopped making mud Bud Light the food holy crap me and my sister would occasionally share meals because there was so much of it and rad still be loads left behind the flags man the flags I used to joke with my mom that if my career doesn't work out I'm just going to open a flagship in the US my dad lives in America and I visited him for the first time in 10 years last September first thing he did was take me to the local police gun range where I was told how to fire a fully automatic assault rifle a semi-automatic rifle and a variety of pistols they didn't even know my name they put a gun in my hands and told me to shoot at a target best freaking day ever visited Miami a few years ago with a friend we started a brief conversation with the hotel porter and told him we were from London he'd goes hey I know some British slang throughout our stay whenever he saw us we were greeted with hey what's up wankers and good morning you miserable see was hilarious back in the 90s I was in San Francisco in Australia I had never seen a beggar but there were heaps of them in San Francisco anyway I was walking around and this beggar comes up to me shaking his control of coins in my face he never said a word just shook his cane in my face so I said to him no thanks mate I've got enough coins of my own stayed at a hotel in New York and the TV had only one program commercials for medicine and the style of the TV spots was outrageous as if they were selling magic pills deep-fried butter really Iowa here is the conversation I had with a cashier in a Dunkin Donuts in Ohio her are you deaf you speak funny me hum I have an accent I'm french-canadian her what do you mean me well English isn't my first language per se you're not death because you speak really slowly and in a weird way me it's a French accent her okay I understand okay it's a Canadian accent weird I mean they weren't wrong it is a Canadian accent first city I came to in us was to LA and went to Malibu beach with a friend my first reaction was I was told there would be fat people everyone were fit as Frick I was ashamed to take off my shirt being 20 not being able to buy a beer WTF all the cars were huge when I came back to my hometown the cars seemed like toys in comparison I went to Walmart once we are so sorry I was in early 2002 went into a petrol station in Inglewood on my way to West Hollywood there was an old Korean guy behind the counter and one middle-aged white women shopping two minutes after I walked in a lowrider with five black guys rolled into the station now I'm black but I'm from London but these guys looked gangster as heck and were all black four of them walked into the shop while one was pumping petrol the moment they walked in they started swearing at the old Korean guy cussing him out this went on for half a minute me and the old white lady looked at each and both thought this place was going to get robbed the old Korean guy was standing behind the counter and had this con look on his face the whole time and as soon they were done swearing he just came out said in black so eating mothersuckers needs shut your big lips cuz I don't understand one word of what you just said everything went quiet and I started to crouch down thinking this where I'm going to die just as I started to hide all the black guys burst out laughing and were falling all over each other and the old Korean man was laughing as well turns out this how they greet each other everytime they come into the shop me the old white lady had the exact same look of relief on our faces it was like seen out of Russia have a few I lived in the Midwest as a kid but I am Australian I had a women who genuinely thought we took a bridge to get to America from Australia I had a teacher who would not let me into the classroom in the morning unless I said a dingo stole my baby I was in grade two and had no clue what it meant this same teacher would make me recite the Pledge of Allegiance my sister showed up on the first day of school to find the discipline corner was Australia with a badly drawn map that didn't include Tasmania because that was where the convicts go and lastly the men are people children and adults asking me if we rode kangaroos I nearly got run over in Daytona Beach why the Frick is anyone allowed to drive on a public beach walking into a supermarket and seeing the endless cereal lanes and the amount you can choose from blew my mind also when I was working in a camp over a summer I was devastated to see that the people who ran the place would actually choose to use throwaway dishes cups and cutleries instead of normal ones I don't know if that's typical but it sure hurt my eco protecting side to seal the waste just one day would generate had a good time though if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 112,000
Rating: 4.8875256 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, american stories, USA, american tourists, europeans, foreign
Id: V731DRSr5KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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