What's The Dumbest Rule At Your Work? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the dumbest rule at your job I'm not allowed to contact mall security or the police without district manager approval I could have been just robbed at gunpoint in my store my first call is supposed to be my DM to tell them I got robbed and can I pretty please call the police I'm a librarian if somebody asks me where anything is I have to redirect them to the front desk no matter what example of how this is done where's the bathroom I'm pretty sure the front desk can help you with that well today I got sent home for wearing the new uniform I was just issued and told to change back into the old one I guess they haven't officially started the new uniform yet the thing is I'm the only security guard at an empty building with no one at it to even see me all I did was trade a gray shirt for a white one all the markings are the same seems pointless to me you have to take empty box training to know how to handle boxes that are you know empty if two snacks fall from the vending machine we have to turn in the extra one or it's considered stealing company property had a manager follow me to the front desk to turn in some cookies last week I work for a very superstitious Korean man the rules are no red pens no shaking your legs and no whistling after the Sun Goes Down and these aren't official rules but he gets very serious about these things and doesn't allow joking about ghosts are supernatural we're not allowed to laugh out loud my boss thinks were secretly laughing at her as soon as you're done with work and outside the building just have a laugh in circle in the parking lot a long time ago I worked at a Navy shipyard there were two rules Ray first-aid kits at each worksite the OSHA type part of the organization had a rule that each worksite had to have a first-aid kit the org that ran the workman's comp stuff had a rule that first aid kits were prohibited at work sites any injury had to go to the industrial dispensary to establish a paper trail work site supervisors were screwed if they had a first aid kit they were screwed if they didn't have one the shipyard kamar a for striper called the heads of each organization into his conference room he told them when you to come to an agreement about first aid kits call my office I will have the marina at the door let you out I'm tired of hearing about frickin first aid kits we have to know where all the fire extinguishers are but we're not supposed to put out the fire if a microwave and printer run at the same time it trips a breaker that only property-management can reset with so whenever anyone microwaves something they have to yell microwave so nobody prints Gmail is blocked Facebook and Twitter are not I can wear any color jeans except blue we are not allowed to refer to the Xerox machine as Bob Marley anymore even though it still jams way more than at Xeroxes this is because apparently the CEO had twin daughter come one day and she got very upset when she thought the staff were keeping her from seeing Bob Marley in real life she did not know that Bob Marley is dead this made the CEO got stressed out and yell at us about the nickname no mini-fridges on even floor numbers that sounds absurd but the kitchenettes are on floors 1 & 3 in our small hospital department there's an oxygen line W a giant on/off valve that only affects our small department if there's a fire I can't turn the valve to close it I have to call the nursing supervisor who is off-site to come down to the fire and turn it off for me I am not familiar enough with the rules of my job to choose the dumbest one but at my old job if a customer purchased something then made it to the door with merchandise Co she didn't pay for the cashier that rang them up was held accountable for it we can expend Starbucks built not food from Starbucks because one guy was living off what Starbucks food for three months worst part was that he was an extremely well paid engineer but frugal as Frick there's always some guy in ruins at for everybody because of some new shoots we got working who don't understand the concept of not using a phone when there is work to be done everyone has to put their cellphone in a bucket at 6:00 p.m. or whenever the evening rush starts Frick you Carrigan we're not technically allowed to talk about our salaries with each other even though the amount we each individually make is a matter of public record that means that if you get a promotion you have to either file a public records request to find out what your peers are making and therefore pee off your new boss or you have to violate the directive it makes it pretty damn hard for an employee to negotiate I'm entrusted with the care of mentally handicapped clients including being trained in first aid CPR and the Heimlich maneuver but apparently changing a lightbulb or adjusting the thermostat in the group home where I work is too big a responsibility for me to be allowed to do we are not to discuss politics on our personal social media account this sounds illegal my last manager global company tried to tell us that if she saw us at each other's desks discussing non-work-related things we had to keep track of those minutes and take them as vacation she didn't last long women aren't allowed to lift anything literally anything I was going to dump a trash can full of shredded paper in the dumpster last weekend my boss caught me made me put the trash can down and go find someone to dump it for me I was literally lifting the thing with one hand as my job requires a lot of lifting and I hate asking for help constantly I have mastered the art of picking up 50 plus lb boxes and running with them so no one catches me do not throw any personal items in company dumpsters or waste receptacles all items to be discarded must be taken home you cannot leave 250 miles of the area without getting your request to leave said their er approved and you have to take lots of online and in-person classes on how to be safe not to beat your wife not to drink and drive and how to not be stress out and wear a reflective belt everywhere I work construction we're not allowed to tell the new guys how many newbies died in their first week young guys don't naturally think about safety they think they'll live forever yeah gravity doesn't give a crap what you think stay away from the ledges and open elevator shafts we weren't allowed to sit at my old job even though our job didn't require us to walk or stand for any reason we weren't allowed to sit because a worker in the past once pushed two chairs together and slept at the dikko where I used to work one eat the same food as the kids during mealtimes to promote healthy habits and model good table manners too do not serve yourself until all of the children are served and have had as many servings as they'd like three do not eat when the children are not eating four do not eat unless the children are finished five meal times require staff to be actively serving the children and regulating behavior they are not a staff lunch break so basically we have to eat their food they can't eat their food but can't pack a lunch because we aren't allowed to eat different food but we can't eat the prepared food and there was no fixed menu so we could fudge similar enough food from home to share and we have to eat when they eat but we can't be eating while they're eating because we have to do our job and we can't take it in shifts because we have the minimum staff to child ratio in rooms at all times to avoid waste 99% of us just hate whatever the Frick we wanted during nap time if all the kids were asleep or the awake one's got soothed in shifts so we could eat the other 1% didn't work over meals or just ate whatever supervisors aren't allowed to have any unnecessary contact with employees under them outside of work this wouldn't be that idiotic if it weren't for the fact that the supervisors are just other teenagers that got conned into taking on a bunch more work for a point 5-0 raise you can finish your work on time you can log in and log out on time no one cares the ones who get praised are people who work late and why do they work late because they can't finish the work on time but it's fine Bob is working late and taking up so much load for company no Frick you Bob working late because he can't fix a single line error for four frickin days Bob knows exactly where that line error is my dad is a flight nurse he has a flight suit that he carries anything he could possibly need while transporting a patient one day he came home all peed off I carry all kinds of needles and drugs that can paralyze someone but they won't allow me to have my muli tool on me because it has a knife blade over three inches long we couldn't back in two parking spaces at my old job our safty protocol states that if there is a fire and our wheelchair-bound students or employees on the second floor we are to leave them at the top of the stairs for the firefighters and emergency personnel to help once they arrive : so basically they get to burn to death I work in a small programming company we haven't set up any kind of version control yet so to avoid over writing other people's changes to packages and scripts we have an item associated with each file if you want to edit a file you need to go to the person with that item and ask if they're done editing the file if yes you take the item so the next person has to ask you thing is these items are just whatever we had in the office at the time chart package is associated with a foot-tall clay zombie gnome filter packages a pair of 3d glasses which some people insist on wearing when editing that file those are the strangest - we also have a few kinder egg toys and an empty bottle of Jack Daniels I worked somewhere that had a separate code for different parts of the building quite a few got locked in the stairwell without knowing can't go anywhere unless we have another person to accompany us bathroom store etc look busy i frickin hate looking busy snowballs are banned for everyone now because some kid customer on a chairlift hit a skier and the balls with one not my current job but at my old chain restaurant job we weren't allowed to give cups with bottles of soda they had to purchase soft drink cups to have cups for their two-liter and it was ridiculous here goes so I work in a warehouse school that doubles as a program that employs mentally challenged people it has a scared straight program for juvenile delinquents and we also take prisoners from a work-release program I am a support worker which means I am a normal adult worker whose job is to keeps production afloat for one we can't have knives in a warehouse where 90% of the jobs we do require a knife too many kids prisoners mentally ill people stabbing each other we can't change the station to oldies because the subject matter is too suggestive we can only talk about three subjects sports news and the weather if someone hugs you protocol is to stand still do not hug back do not push away and wait for a teacher to pull the kid off of you here's some things us support workers have done in weren't fired for doing H in the bathroom of doing H in a car doing H in someone else's car and then doing the owner of the car in broad daylight when the special kids are around getting fingered by a married coworker outside of the office window and moaning loud enough for everyone to hear pulling to no call no shows every week for a year me showing up s faced drunk sometimes me smoking a blunt in the front parking lot half the workers get stoned on lunch break and the supervisor is fine with it the assistant supervisor joins in giving a kid a cigarette me telling a kid to step back a few feet cause I can smell the done on your breath dating a high school kid the list goes on bonus story we had a 300 plus lb woman who wrote down escort is her only past work experience on her application she was hired but left in the middle of her first day to see a John sister is a cheerleader for a professional sports team they aren't allowed to talk to any other players at all if they have any interactions with them they are fired immediately sucks cause I really want my sister to have Kevin ron's babies I I think that's what they're trying to avoid no hoodies jeans and tennis shoes are okay but hoodies is where they draw the line just seems silly foreign office with almost no dress code to be adamant about their employees not wearing hoodies even of it's raining except on Friday Friday hoodies are okay when I was in the military you weren't allowed to put your hands in your pockets no microwave popcorn no post-it notes if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 149,841
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, work stories, work story, job stories, jobs, reddit work stories
Id: 7aOT2AgccOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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