Teachers, What Was The Most Awful Parent You Had To Deal With? (r/AskReddit)

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teachers of Reddit what is the most awful parent you ever had to deal with at a parent-teacher conference the worst was a mother who threatened to pull her daughter out of the school system if she wasn't given the lead soprano role in the high school's Christmas concert her daughter had auditioned like everyone else but didn't have either the voice or skills required for the part the student understood this and agreed with the decision it was a mother that turned it into a confrontation believing her daughter to be an opera star in the making fifth grader with a ton of potential and an awesome personality he was one of my favorite students but chronically unprepared and always behind on homework mom comes in for conference and makes excuses for him blames me for giving confusing assignments not accurate and tells me how she can't help manage his HW because she has two other kids to worry about for example grandma picks up kids and drops them at brothers baseball practice my student leaves backpack in grandma's car mom picks up kids after practice her conclusion was why should brother miss out on baseball because he has siblings after about five minutes of this I stopped her and turned to the kid I asked him if he thought he could be doing more even if it's on his own and he said that he could I told him I thought so too and thank them for coming in next day at school I told him that I thought he was a great person who had a ton of potential and that he was going to have to make things happen for himself he totally understood what I meant it broke my heart I was an art teacher at a conservative Christian High School and once had a parents tell me I should act and dress less young because she suspected her son had her indecent thoughts about me being 21 and in my first year of full-time teaching after uni I was really taken aback by her critique and asked her if she could explain herself a bit better she then suggested I'd try cutting my hair in a more modest model and dyed darker I'm a natural blonde there was a pretty conservative dress code in place for teachers but according to her someone like me should exaggerate that a bit more to hide my shame she then looked me up and down inside to be honest I think they should hire females under 30 anyway it's just too much of a risk by the way her kid was 15 he probably had indecent thoughts about water kettles - as I understand it a boy that age can be turned on by a strong enough gust of wind there was a mom who insisted that I was being biased towards her kid she brought up a recent there say as an example and complained about the grade her kid received on it I had given the SASE and the mom was saying that it was obviously an A si I assured her that I was not biased and pointed out numerous issues with the si that prevented it from scoring higher it had content related issues as well as numerous basic grammatical errors the mom then revealed that she had written the essay not her kid she said so it looks like you've got some explaining to do and then sat back with a smug grin on her face yet it's me who's got the explaining to do we had a mom who threatened to do to our principal what you see on CSI automatic restraining order wasn't at a parent-teacher conference but I cheated the child off a very aggressive parent who was so sure that their child was going to get into the number one high school in the state and would not let anyone tell them otherwise the mother confronted me because I was taking about two lessons to go through past papers that was because he was getting everything wrong so I needed to explain almost every question his ability level wasn't nearly close and the poor child was under so much pressure from his overbearing parents I never heard from them again it's amazing how many parents think they can teach teachers how to teach my dad has this tendency to complain that my teachers were crap and he was gonna go complain to them personally my teachers were fine I just had dyslexia and my parents never gave a crap enough to get me diagnosed during high school good thing he never gave a crap enough to remember my teachers names the one who told me the reason I was a bad teacher was because I wasn't a mom no fertility issues but what if but had just gone through a terrible breakup of a relationship heading toward marriage and family not really what a 35 year old woman wants to hear from the mother of an emotionally disturbed child more like an emotionally disturbed mother not me but wife is a kindergarten teacher and suspected that one of her students may be autistic the kid couldn't communicate well at all had issues with using the bathroom and showed her the classic signs of autism my wife had a conference with the mother and explained that she would like him to be evaluated but the mother refused him said that if her son did have autism my wife was the one who caused it oh man I was working at a boarding school on their summer school course we had two boys 8 and 11 arrived with their uncle who they were staying with the boys were from the UAE he'd come to drop them off for five weeks but neglected to tell the children they thought they'd come for an ice castle - her uncle books it and leaves it to us to explain that they were staying for five weeks rather than having an awesome holiday they'd been doing some really cool things for the week prior to being dropped off during the kids stay the uncle would take the boys off campus to go to the mosque and bring them back on Saturday afternoon one week they came back with games consoles which they weren't allowed uncle tried to bribe me to let then keep them by offering me a white chihuahua puppy and when I declined he shouted at me for being common and poor during the boys last week several trunks full of clothes and belongings arrived because surprise the kids were going to be staying at the school until there were 18 best parents ever one of the parents in my daughter's class had their conference right before mine I was sitting in the hall and could hear em trying to repeat everything the teacher said then these chumps brought in the moms sister who is a teacher and she got in on it with her expert opinion their kid was in bar told by the way he stabbed my kid with a scissors and was known as the class bully not one kid in particular but every year there are one or two aggressive or disrespectful students 90% of the time the parents try to make excuses about how this is normal how all kids are like this at that age and how I should show them more compassion instead of owning up that there is a discipline problem those same 90% of parents are also usually disrespectful and verbally aggressive to teachers and everyone dreads talking to them that's saying about the Apple not falling far from the tree rings oh so true alternatively the parents who are the most apologetic and a delight to talk to other ones with fantastic children sorry if my kid was not focused is a line I get too often are you killing mom I would adopt this child if I could I had a preschool age student who would fixate on his female classmates he would single one out and follow her around then hug her and try to give her kisses these were three stroke four-year-olds and they would hate that so inevitably the girl would try to squirm away and he'd get angry and start hitting and scratching her face he'd get in trouble of course but the following week he'd have a new target his mum was horrified and would try to keep him corralled but he really didn't respect her at all - the only people he'd actually listened to whether dad's that attended the program with their kids they were pretty sympathetic since they could see the kid had issues and knew we were trying to get him into our agencies free counseling program well his attitude toward females became obvious once his dad came back from deployment when my supervisor and I met with him he was proud of what his boy was doing he said it showed that he knew what he wanted and his determination to get it and he's not taking any crap from the girls really ugly stuff he literally said that the girls should just let him give them a kiss since he'd get mad if he couldn't the mone just kept her head down right then I understood why she wanted counselling from us rather than using his military benefits he was by far the most misogynistic jerk I have ever met and his son was picking it up from him not a week later the kid tried to go after the daughter of another marine said marine was present said marine shouted at the dad for a while and said he'd be speaking to his company I ended up leaving the program a few days later but I've always hoped the mom and little boy got away from him and that the boy got some therapy otherwise I have no doubt I'll be seeing him on the news in a few years that is terrifying I had a parent come in a week before school ended and tell me their child had the worst year ever and demanded to know what I was going to do to change it I was actually told not to smooch apparently reporting issues to a student's parents counts of snitching that sounds like the kind of thing I'd say as a parent but only as a very awkward joke that makes everyone sit in uncomfortable silence for a few seconds then I'd apologize and ask you to continue I was teaching calculus for seniors in high school it was for AP credit and the kids that were in there were a year or two ahead of the average student a mother came in and told me her daughter was wasting her time in my class because she wasn't smart enough to go to college and would end up just running the family bookstore anyway in not doing anything with her life the girl was smart self-motivated and was already doing college-level work and getting A's I pulled her aside the next day and told her how to look into scholarships if her parents weren't planning on helping pay for college I'm proud to say she went I teach k12 music at a smaller rural school musicals are always hard with a small student body and rehearsals conflicting with sports students sign a contract in December with one condition that they attend the last three rehearsals before the show in its entirety even coaches agreed with us three missed practices is fine eighth-grade girl gets us to try out for varsity softball and tells us that week that she is not coming at the last three rehearsals but will be in the show we say sorry that is not acceptable this student we had worked with and accommodated for three months making she got to go to all her basketball practices and could full participate in both so yeah we were not very happy she was saying this we work out with the student that she will come for ninety five percent of the time only missing the last scene which she was just a body on set with no lines and then she can still make most of her practices but we will not allow her in seams she misses in the student agreed and said it was no big deal all seemed fine q angry mother demanded a phone call that day it was 3:00 p.m. when we got her email first sentence was well she didn't know when she signed she would be asked to try out so she shouldn't be held to her contract which obviously we said is not how contracts work then she turned to rage mode started screaming insults at us trashing my profession made numerous comments on how no one gives a crap about music so why don't we just freak off accused us off things that were not true from threatening students to showing favoritism to giving ultimatums and then she gave you as an ultimatum saying either we let her miss and be in every scene or she is pulling her out finally my coworker got a word in and cut the conversation off saying an admin will contact her tomorrow this was 6 p.m. after rehearsal the coach talked down the mom saying it was fine that she go to us first and she will still get to be on varsity but I never want to see that parent again after our very successful show she was all over Facebook saying how wonderful it was and how lucky the kids are to get to participate we just shook our heads at her I had a student 11th grade throw scissors at me because he heard someone call me mean his mom tried to tell me that he gets really upset when men disrespect women meanwhile he told me he could have really done damage if he wanted to the sad thing I had only asked him to complete his journal entry for the day the scissors were then locked up every day it still blows my mind and I actually laughed to this day about the incident a guy came to school livid about his kids performance he shouted insulted and blamed everyone except his kid himself the twisties his kid doesn't go to this school he actually did not know what school his kid went to know he is not divorced yes he lives with his family in the same household no he didn't get the school name location wrong he actually thought his kid went to this school in our area we see a lot of parents who don't give a crap but this guy was something else I'm white and I teach at a predominantly colored and Hispanic school in a lower-income area I had a colored student who would basically sprawl on his desk every day and refused to do work mum was shopping for excuses to get him special treatment because he was an athlete and if there were things and his plan before he got to high school it would make high school easier so mom accused me of being anti-semitic toward colored people and setting unreasonable standards I reached across my desk and showed her my wedding picture and my wife who is covered moms response well she looks pretty light to me I don't think she's really colored I teach at an after-school Academy in South Korea so I don't interact with the parents directly but there are so many kids with behavior problems whenever I have the head teacher called parents I always get the same response the parent knows about the behavior and they can't control them either my sister has someone who refused to speak with her because she was cross-dressing due to the fact that she was wearing pants and that was a sign she wasn't Christian enough not a teacher but my parents were pretty awful to my teachers throughout grade school I noticed that my parents always said disparaging things about teachers I liked and praised teachers I hated sue by junior high I would flip the rolls if I liked a teacher I always claimed I hated them and if I disliked a teacher I made up crap about how inspirational they were and how I loved them it was a situation in life when you were really right about something and you were disappointed instead of overjoyed that you were right yep it wasn't 100% foolproof there were some teachers that I liked in the beginning of the year that I ended up not liking at the end of the year and vice versa sometimes teachers would come up to me in annoyance and ask why my dad was so mean to them my dad is a sociopath and considers himself far more intelligent than anyone he is in front of and he makes them know it eventually social services got involved and that changed everything now the teachers had a note in my file that things at home were not good which pretty much disconnected my parents from being taken seriously after that happened I had a lot of teachers that were very valuable allies in getting through my life some taught me a lot of valuable lessons that I still use to this day I am extremely grateful for all of the teachers that I met that helped me along 2nd grader really bright funny and interesting kid also very Wiggly and a little overconfident he had a really hard time taking constructive feedback on anything he would get super offended and sometimes really upset if I gave him a suggestion to add to his writing etc he also didn't really follow directions and had to be the center of attention a lot of the time which was distracting with 26 other kids in the class because he couldn't take suggestions he wasn't making as much progress as he should have been Dammam came to the conference and talked for 15 plus minutes about how her son's are genius and she tells him that every day et Cie et Cie etc this is textbook fixed mindset stuff and explained perfectly why he can't handle feedback at all it was fascinating but really frustrating because she's so clearly holding him back but she doesn't respect teachers much so there's no way for someone to tell her that also her kid isn't a genius like I have had a handful of those and he is just not one of them but he is still awesome and important and special and wonderful it was just weird to see how much he insisted that he must be the smartest kid in the room I feel like calling kids geniuses is bad for them you can have all the natural intelligence in the world but if you don't understand the value of hard work you still won't go anywhere in life my district is actually about 90% full of decent parents parents who want their kids to do well but correctly but like parents ooh if the kid is failing ask what the kid can do to bring their own grade up make up missing homework extra credit they want to know how they can help the worst I get usually is wishy-washy parents and student must go to Ivy League parents when I call a wishy-washy parent and say yeah it's a third of the way through the quarter and your kid hasn't done any homework here's my website where the kid can download all the missing homeworks and turned them in for partial credit the parent says well I'll try to get him to do that at that point I wash my hands of this homework being done I've done my job covered my but with regards to contacting the parent I'll contact them again towards the end of the quarter saying yeah kid's gonna fail if the homework isn't done and wash my hands again I had one mom ask about grades her honors student was pulling a 96 in my class excellent she asked what he should be doing to get a higher grade I'm literally dumbfounded at this point I have to tell her nothing really this is English not math things are rarely 100% correct and there is always room for improvement in writing I tell her to have him work on cutting the fat out of his writing and I'd help him if he wanted the other 96 is excellent in my class especially in honors where I'm a tough tough grader yep the my student must go to Ivy League parents and similarly in high school those kinds of students are Pratt's I have had to deal with physically aggressive parents on more than one occasion the worst was a dad who almost out of control because we had confiscated a knife and called him and about it but I teach at a small high school in a village in England I am rather tall six feet five a couple of parents went to the principal to complain that I am unapproachable and intimidating despite the fact that I smile constantly and am very friendly ended with a meeting with myself the parents and the assistant principal to talk about how I could be less intimidating and more welcoming to parents I didn't return to that school the next year had a senior in drafting class didn't work refused to stay awake through class no effort whatsoever needed the class to graduate first nine weeks progress reports are sent home and I magnanimous gave him a 68th so that he would have a chance to pass for the semester q his screeching hag of a mother spending an hour verbally abusing me documentation check copies of correspondence check didn't matter it was my fault II wasn't allowed to take his driving test due to failing a class that she had spent a lot of money on his car and now he wouldn't get the chance to drive it this went on with the guidance counselor's blessing until I finally had enough I explained my reasoning for his grade and giving him a chance to get turned around and be able to pass for the semester I apologized for giving him a 68 and asked if she would rather have what he earned put on his report card she replied yes so I looked to the guidance counselor and told him I wish to change the grade to a 28 and showed my grade book to prove that he had indeed earned that grade she immediately started backpedaling and accusing me off picking on her son I stood up looked at her and said you have a choice the 28th he earned or the 68 I gave him have him let me know tomorrow I am late for class I walked out of the meeting they chose the 68 he was a model student after that if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
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Id: lfeLD3lJOqY
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Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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