What Was It Like Meeting Your Mail Order Bride?

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to anyone who has ordered a mail order bride what was it like and what happened my great-grandmother was a mail-order bride a man in central louisiana had been widowed and wanted someone to raise his kids and help out on the farm this was 1935-ish my great-grandmother saw the ad in kentucky and said she'd do it however she neglected to tell him she'd be bringing four kids with her i guess when she got here the guy was oh well that's cool and allowed her and the kids to stay my grandmother was the only one to stay down here though the other kids went back to kai indiana when they were old enough more hands for the farm work bonus a male order husband's a thing you know for a friend guys i'm 24. hopefully i have a few years left before i need to consider ordering my husband off the internet if you are a white woman i know some people with questionable english and willing to settle i think an old high school buddy of mine did this went off to college on the west coast came back with a thai wife who barely spoke any english he spoke a bit of tyre but not much they were together for about three years then she just up and disappeared one morning leaving their son behind not sure what happened to her he claimed she went back to see her family we joke that he killed her he may have killed her though i guess he mailed her back this weird creepy friend of a friend married one he was a desert storm vet with ptsd and maybe mild autism we used to go shooting with him sometimes because we were extremely bad at making life decisions once he showed up at my friend's house and no one was home so he let himself in and sat quietly in the living room with the lights off for several hours until we got back gave us a heck of a scare anyhow he met this stunning ukrainian woman on one of those mail order bride sites and sort of dropped off the map a couple years later i ran into him at a thrift store and he told me about how they're both bounty hunters now a couple years later i ran into him at a thrift store and he told me about how they're both bounty hunters now i'd watch that movie one of my mom's friends married a mail order bride from the philippines about 10 years ago i spent new years at their house two years ago and let me tell you it's even creepier in person than you ever dreamed it could be he's approaching 80 by now and she's mid 30s he just hangs off of her insisting on pda at every opportunity i think she's remarkably well adjusted given the circumstance over the years she's saved enough money to bring over several family members which i'm sure is some welcome solace plus he's 80 so hopefully she'll get something after he dies i had a friend of a friend who did it he was an unappealing neckbeard with a terrible personality he got a truly gorgeous vietnamese girl through some bride-to-order agency who was really sweet and seriously a catch the girl left him as soon as she legally could having gained citizenship honestly i think the deal worked out really well for both them i also think if the guy was worthy of her or even just you know a sweet guy she would have stayed [Music] my friend's dad got one and she flew back a week after she got to the states i always thought he was creepy but he must have been a maniac for her to voluntarily go back to thailand after a week a limerick for you and nbsp there once was a male order bride who bailed on her marriage and tried incredibly fat with a fetish for scat a husband she could not abide my uncle lives on a farm the neighbor in his 60s married some japanese 28 year old she's the ultimate true female order bride when she moved into his house it was a little rundown standard single male behavior if she took his truck into the town library every day to use the internet get this to learn home improvement from youtube she installed a huge deck and replaced all the roofing on his wool shed as it leaked pest control is common on australian farms we were out one night and shot a few kangaroos she gets out of the truck and walks over to the dead carcass drops to her knees like reciting a prayer then pulls out a knife and starts surgically cutting up the animal hurting what's edible for the dogs in one pile and what's not in another last time i was at my uncle's farm she was learning generator maintenance as the power goes off every few months that girl is metal i used to work retail with a filipino woman who was a mail-order bride she was a tiny little thing around 35 years old and her husband was a very large stocky white man around 50 55. i thought it was very weird when she first told me but when i met him and saw them together it actually seemed like a nice fit he was always coming into the store to bring her lunch or to buy her things and pick her up from work on his motor scooter it was pretty cute watching them ride it together it seemed like he really enjoyed spoiling her and when she talked about him she seemed very much in love with him it didn't appear that he was particularly wealthy or anything but he treated her very well and they seemed very happy just before i left that job she had just became pregnant with their first child ro that's a surprisingly happier story than expected i knew a guy who owned his own business that got one he got crushed by a skid steer and she now owns the business and has a new husband closer to her age one he was killed two ran over his lower abdomen three there was an investigation however he was alone and she had an alibi that was backed up by the guy that she is currently with 4. a skid steer is also commonly known as a skid loader or bobcat google is your friend well that was a roller coaster of emotion my brother up and went to russia a few years back to visit a girl he had met online only stayed about four days which made it an expensive and short visit but probably a good idea if you're not sure what's going to happen when you actually meet several months later she came to visit us in surprise they're engaged my mom was not expecting this i was you don't bring over a girl from another country and introduce her to your family because you're just friends they spent the next couple months getting the paperwork organized and then she moves to the us and then two months later they got married had their buddy officiate at a pretty little ceremony at the lake just immediate family she and my brother are around the same age and have similar interests and they seem really happy together sis in law is going to school and i now have a niece maybe it was mail order maybe they stumbled across each other and read it don't know don't really care they're happy and that's all that matters i doubt he's a redditer so here's my dad's friend's story as my dad tells it and as i've observed she's asian and he paid for her to go to school to become a pharmacist and they live in a newly built house and raise chickens she was very adamant about the chickens that was quite a story my landlord senior year had a mail order bride she spoke zero english but he just had her kind of follow him everywhere helped his rich guy vibe he also had cameras in our apartment he knew about every guy i'd had over and told my parents who told me they already knew from me so it was a power play by him threatened a lawsuit and got the heck out wow that was a wild ride landlord has mail order bride too landlord has freaking cameras in my apartment and calls my parents regarding my exploits in bed friend growing up suddenly got a russian older brother i found out when i was older that his stepmom was a mail-order bride something was really off about the dad but the step-mom and step-son were very kind found out the dad was beating the step-mom and got her legal help son ended up in jail for physically shaming and no idea what happened to the dad but i know there was a restraining order i saw that lifetime movie my sister's father has a male order bride from china she was a divorcee with a 17 year old son i only got to meet her once but she was really nice and cooked the most amazing food last year my sister's dad finally started taking chinese language classes as a surprise and found out that her cute nickname for him was fat american a patient at my uncle chiropractic clinic is 75 plus morbidly obese and uses a power scooter one day he scooted into the building with an extremely attractive filipino girl early twenties writing on his lap she was a mail-order bride the old guy was pretty wealthy so i've always imagined swooping in after he dies 75 plus morbidly obese and uses a power scooter she's earned that money as far as i'm concerned a friend married a russian mail order bride they're still together 10 years later with three kids so i guess that's going well enough my dad's co-worker got one from vietnam he went on a la vacation or whatever they call it they got married shortly thereafter and she moved to the u.s then after three months in the u.s she called the cops on him saying he was abusing her he got kicked out of his own house she divorced him and he lost a bunch of assets to her a couple years later i found out he married another one from a different country thinking he'd have better luck idk what happened with that one for sure but i know it didn't last either i remember reading on a message board about a honeymooning couple seeing this american guy on a romantic date with a local woman the next night it was a different woman there might have been a third woman he was basically auditioning two or three potential brides like the bachelor without the camera crew buckle up this one's weird grandfather had a mail order bride from the philippines they got married within a couple of weeks she made us popsicles made from guacamole we got them a dog named sasha she thought we said tasha and now its name is tasha married like two years she took the dog's husband and daughter pretty boy and pretty girl and fled the state after she got her driver's license idk how my grandfather got the dogs back the dog's husband what i used to work filling propane tanks i was filling one for this russian lady one day and she looks at me hum are you single no why too bad i have friend in russia perfect for you you're pretty sure she was going to try and hook me up with a mail order bride or someone trying to get their green card little did you know the friend in russia sold propane accessories my uncle is married to a wonderful filipina mail order bride he's a socially awkward aspy she's warm gregarious and funny they've been together probably 18 years and they have a great well-adjusted kid as a teen i thought it was such a weird relationship i imagined for her that it was very shallow and lacking and fulfillment now i can see that they both got a better life her financial situation improved as well as that of her family back home she has a beautiful child and she married into a pretty nice family for my uncle's part he has a wife and daughter who care about him and help him navigate the world i adore her mostly because she was so good to my grandmother uncle's mom she visited her all the time called her mum made sure her daughter she's my cousin even though she's younger than my own kids had a solid relationship with grandma all in all i think my uncle seriously lucked out by meeting such a great bride eta some have taken issue with my use of bride in quotes it was simply short for mail order bride which is literally what this entire thread is about i was not slighting my awesome aunt she's a 100 real wife i'm sorry the context for a handful of people was not obvious i'm the mail order bride well sort of more like mail order husband i met to korean women on tinder plus a year ago we started chatting and really hit it off after a month or so she offered to fly me to korea for a week in order to get to know me better i've been back to see her about seven times now we're totally in love and i'm planning to move there next year she's 12 years older than i am has two kids from her previous marriage and makes a lot more than i do she speaks english fluently but i'm learning korean i want to be a male or a husband now i started talking to a thai woman online a few years ago when i was 22. i didn't really have too much going on in my life at the time and because at that time i had the means to do so i decided to go over and see her just about a month after being in a pretty constant flow of communication over the internet as the time for me to leave the united states grew closer i started to notice that she seemed a little different almost nervous even through emails keep in mind i have never skyped this woman or anything like that so i fly over to finally meet who i've been talking to this whole time and i can't find her anywhere however who i did manage to find was a man one year younger than me this man was the woman i had been talking to for a month i'm pretty shocked as i'm sure you all can imagine but i end up taking him to go get some food with me almost out of sheer curiosity i start talking with him he speaks english surprisingly well and he tells me all about his situation i won't go into any details about it here but it's pretty gut-wrenching at this point the totally 100 straight time man had just asked for my hand in marriage i was surprised in myself that i didn't say no right away because this is hands down the most insane thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life i guess it makes a little bit of sense though because after spending the day with this guy and hearing his story i had grown a little attached to him all right let's do it this is hands down the most significant sentence i've ever said a little while later after jumping through numerous hoops similar to those already mentioned in other posts i took another plane to pick up my new husband so we basically just kind of became brass and divorced as soon as we thought it wasn't suspicious as crazy as it sounds he and i have been best friends ever since my parents thought it was incredibly strange at first but soon just accepted their new son-in-law into the family tldr i chuck and married an immigrant into the united states and now we're best friends you've got to be crapping me i used to play magic at a game store where the owner often went to thailand to star in lp he was very open about it and would tell you about it and show you the dvds if you asked anyway on one of his trips he decided to bring home a bride she was a very nice younger woman they lived in his store he converted the back room of his comic shop into a studio apartment and she basically stayed in that back room all the time he would occasionally yell at her to make him food and that was generally the only time we would see her she stayed with him just long enough to get her citizenship and then bailed on him i've read several of the comments and see that a number of these worked out well i knew two men that got mail-order bribes and in both cases it worked out badly for them in both cases that i know about the woman married the men came to the u.s got pregnant and then as soon as the baby was born they moved out and started living with a boyfriend and filed for divorce i'm not saying all male order brides do that i'm just saying these two did i'm glad these mentioned here worked out well my neighbor growing up had a mail order bride from either russia or ukraine they had a son he was in butthole we had a bonfire one night and he decided to surprise me and everyone else around by throwing batteries into a fire freaked up crap came home from a half day at school one day to see cop cars in front of the house turns out that the father was beating the wife and violating the sun that's why he was always kind of messed up row that got ugly quickly that sucks i met my wife through a website i was 40 she was 25 we chatted online and long distance for a couple of months then i took a trip to go meet visit her in her country she had a regular job working for usaid in zambia i remember seeing her in person for the first time at the airport in lusaka i was struck by how tall and beautiful she was we got married nine days later that was 12 years ago we're still together and we've got four kids sometimes these relationships don't work out but sometimes they do okay this gets a little crazy everybody knew my neighbor was gay it was a fact and never questioned let's call him terry terry was about 45 and lived alone in his inherited mother's house that was four doors down from us he kept himself to himself and seemed pleasant one day we were surprised to see a taiwanese woman about half his age had moved in let's call her june june didn't speak much english and loved gardening over the next few months our neighbor's house was slowly transformed into a mini botanical garden with a small fountain new fences in the start of a new driveway one day out of the blue i heard a loud bang at my mother's front door i was about 17 at the time visiting from college i opened the door to find june stood on the pavement throwing crap at my mother's windows yes actual crap i shouted at her what are you doing to which she ignored me and stormed back to her house now this was back in early 2003 so after telling my mother what had happened we took the good old british route of cleaning it up and not causing trouble the pull was hard and not an issue to remove from the window frames front lawn and fence we thought that was it and laughed it off big mistake the next time i visited my mother i noticed that there was more poo on my mother's front lawn and the lawn of our elderly next-door neighbor confused but incensed i stormed round to terry's house with my bags still in hand and banged loudly on the front door terry answered with a surprised look on his face shaking i shouted at him tell your wife to stop throwing crap at my mother's house you weirdo and marched back home a few days passed and my mum was pleased to report no issues my outburst had worked the next door neighbor sent me a box of chocolates as a thank you and we celebrated with a bbq it was during that barbecue that the neighbor mentioned her cat had gone missing my mother also had cass who often roamed for a few days but always came home for dinner we assured her he would be back and not to worry a few days passed and we realized one of my mother's cats was also absent then two and three along with the neighbors it suddenly dawned on all of us that the poojoon was throwing at the house was cat poo from her garden we have put up flyers etc but haven't seen the cat since meanwhile terry in june's new driveway looks lovely one of my best friends was a mail order bride well she was a czech girl on a website who you could write to and eventually visit and if everyone agreed she'd come back to the us and marry you which is what she did with the program a guy here i never met personally and nbsp she was dedicated to being positive and loving and was stunningly gorgeous with fantastic curves and honestly she's one of the smarter better people i've ever met we worked together in a real estate office for a couple years while i automated a bunch of their systems and built them a database and she was by far the most professional and hardworking person there probably including myself pretty much ran the place and did it while being nice and supportive and nbsp she tried to help as many of her good-looking friends back home hook up with programming geeks over here as she could even introduced me to one though i didn't get any spark at all from it and it went nowhere a good looking woman nice to chat with but no shared interests no spark oh well i still appreciated the thought equals and nbsp the sad part to the story was she helped bring over her best friend from home a really gorgeous blonde wife girl with enormous breasts she was ridiculously attractive if you like soft and fair skin types for a relationship here that ended up not lasting then her husband cheated on her with the new girl and got her the new girl pregnant such an idiot and nbsp anyway my friend moved on got herself a new guy great guy too heck of a photographer they had a couple of really amazing kids they recently moved away while they are happy and great into their new life i miss her a ton she's just a great person her new husband was pretty awesome two equals and her kids and mine got along really well and nbsp overall it left me with a really good impression of the whole possibilities there and i'm really glad i got to know her everybody here seems to know one who did but not themselves i actually married a mail order bride if you can call it so she wasn't actually a mail order bride but i went to moscow and stayed at a hotel where it is known that russian women who are looking for a foreign preferably american german husband hang out anyway i met her there we had a short romance and we got married and she moved with me to the us i can't say the marriage was a success because we divorced two years later the culture gap was just too much to overcome and obviously she understandably didn't have love on her mind but rather a way to improve her life and move to another country i still harbor no resentment and take responsibility a guy at work got his bride from korea back in the 80s they've been happily married since about 1985. i met her during the christmas party last year she's an incredibly talented woman who can speak four languages she speaks better english than her native born american husband before they retired she was an english teacher if i recall correctly from what i hear from him his relationship is the exception not the rule high school friend of mine met a man on vacation in the caribbean she's a pudgy insecure 30 year old girl and he was a handsome younger guy working at the resort where she stayed they were married within the year and he moved to our country it's now been about a year since their marriage and she just purged all his photos from facebook and changed back to her maiden name two weeks before the purge she was posting about how proud she was that he got his citizenship i guess he didn't wait long after that i feel awful for her poor girl she really was desperate to believe he actually loved her i'm pretty sure my father-in-law's has a mail-order bride she's from east asia and is a nice little petite hard-working lady he's a pound slob who she waits on him hand and foot i actually prefer her to be around most of the time instead of him former colleague of mine lovely guy met a chick in thailand she was a single mom with a couple of kids he took them on as his own brought her to the uk built a house for her the works they quickly had another kid then when that kid was about seven she just left him and the three children and went back to thailand he tried to track her down got terribly injured and almost died in a freak accident in cambodia in the process then went back to the uk he still lives with all three kids and hasn't heard from her since that's terrible if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 142,158
Rating: 4.9170256 out of 5
Keywords: mail order bridezilla, mail order, mail order bride real stories, real stories, how is it like, russian brides, ordered, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: Cd91-zysC8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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