What Was Your Scariest "We Can't Be Friends Anymore" Moment?

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hey roget what was your weirdest scariest holy crap i can't be friends with this person any more moment a roommate of mine paid a homeless kid who was starving 10 bucks for his guitar he said the kid cried and begged him to take something else so he said he'd give him an extra five dollars if he showed him his dong which he did he comes home and gives me this cheap but beautifully hand decorated guitar with this story like it's a prize i started looking for somewhere else to live the next day oh god my soul just fell out i hadn't seen the friend in about a year he had moved to take a new job when he gets back into town i invite him over to have a beer and hang out when i am not in the room he steals a few checks out of my checkbook and writes down my driver's license number from my wallet a few weeks later he fully steals my identity opens up a handful of credit accounts in my name and writes checks all over town it drains my bank account and causes all kinds of havoc luckily he was caught and i got most of my money back but it took me about a year and many headaches to get it all fixed up after his arrest he contacted me and had the balls to ask if i would drop the charges so he wouldn't have to go to jail as he put it friends forgive each other i laughed at him and told him i forgive him but he still needs to take responsibility for what he did which in this case meant going to jail my best friend her boyfriend and her eight-month-old baby were homeless me and my then boyfriend now husband picked them up and let them stay in our tiny one-bedroom apartment with our dog we spent a lot of money buying food buying gas to take them to different agencies that could help them help them pick up their belongings from some crappy neighborhood that they were living in it got her multiple job interviews bought diapers and some baby formula for them one day my friend sat me down and told me that my boyfriend stared at her and it made her uncomfortable i told her he was probably looking at the baby i stare at the baby too babies are cute we want one of our own one day she said he's not allowed to look at my baby i really don't think he's a very nice guy and i think you deserve someone better i was flawed at the time i had a crappy job so it was mostly his money we were spending on them she told me if i didn't break up with him she would leave i told her that she needed to leave turns out she stole a lot of my clothes and went into our room and stole most of the change we had in a jar not cool i am no longer friends with her and my husband now has trouble trusting my friends when they are over fat ugly friend is finally getting cute girlfriends much younger but still in their 20s then 19 then 18 then younger then younger come to find out he's been feeding them h you know it could be fricked up with just the h but what really does it is the fact that once he realized that it was working and he could get any girl he wants he drops to children comorbidity and action i'm in recovery for anorexia and weight gain is just part of it as i went from underweight to a normal weight they started telling me and other people when they thought i couldn't hear how fat i was getting in that i was letting myself go sorry i should have said that there were some close friends of mine at the time and that they knew about my anorexia good for you for taking the steps to get better i understand your pain i had to deal with people commenting on my weight gain and talk about how i was getting chubby it helped to remind myself how miserable i was when i was starving myself to meet there and my own ridiculous expectations healthy is happy keep it up and if you ever want to chat about it feel free to pm me i'd have to say when he tried to fight usically shame my now ex-girlfriend that was the end of that right quick only regret is that i didn't take some of his teeth first it's never too late for a sucker punch he won't expect it now when i let my best friend live with me for free she smoked all my cigarettes ate all my food found my stash of cash and stole it to buy beer and a cab ride to my boyfriend's david house they fricked when i was at work when i came home she said she wanted to go back home because she missed her family i get a call a month later from her saying she's pregnant i congratulate her assuming it was her fiances nope it's david i tell her i am disgusted that she could do something so low the w replied with why can't you be happy for me instead of being a jealous bee david equals gone w equals gone this is so fricked up i don't know if i even believe it friend of mine was insulting his mom right to her face he was telling me how stupid she is he was speaking in english we live in a spanish-speaking country and his mom doesn't speak english at one point when i looked at him like dude stop it he said in spanish don't worry she doesn't understand anything at that point she noticed that he was talking about her and i saw a look of pure sadness on her face i just couldn't be friends with him after that i'm not saying he should be a mama's boy or anything but dang it man respect your mother that seriously hurt to read i was staying in a hostel in london on a gap year after i left school and i had made friends with another guy from australia who seemed smart nice and funny no red flags and he was good company after about 10 days or so after i had arrived in london we were out at another backpacker hostel nearby in the bar they're playing pool with some girls this guy comes up to me and jokingly says that it's going to be hilarious tonight i asked why and he said that he had put some drugs ecstasy i think in the girls drinks he said that it would be funny to see what happened as i was only a new arrival and quite young i was completely spun out he was the only guy i had gotten to know and he turned out to be a complete dong after a minute or so of contemplating the options i decided to take the following steps one knock the drinks over accidentally to buy new ones which had the bonus of making myself look good three dragging the guy outside and telling him that if i ever saw or heard anything like that again then i would give him a beating in retrospect i probably should have called the cops on him then and there not ruining the night was important to me back then well done you are a decent bloke when he was arrested for watching pea naked masturbating through the window of his living room standing in his front lawn this got exponentially funnier after the first three ellipses when she excitedly passed on suicide tips like how to tie the knot to my other friend 15y who confided in her that he was considering killing himself he hanged himself i only got to know this recently but it was seven years ago yeah and like two weeks before he killed himself we were bonding over suicide options crazy right this is probably one of the most freaked out ones i have read so far i think she may be like that one guy who got his kicks watching people commit suicide when i passed out on his bed i woke up to him naked and trying to tie me to his bedpost luckily my best friend walked into the room because he was looking for me he just had to take one look at me and no none of it was consensual he then proceeded to beat mr naked butt my friend actively went after my boyfriend of plus 5.5 years she would wait for me to leave and drive over to his house all the while telling me how she would never see my boyfriend without me there and how my friendship was the most important thing to her also would spend hours i mind him super obscene stuff when she knew we were together she sent me a four-line txt crappy apology once i ratted them out thanks but no thanks yeah they are both ex ex-friend and ex-boyfriend she refused to take medication for schizophrenia spent thousand hours abusing every aspect of me whenever she got drunk and then claiming it didn't happen was my fault so i left we lived together this was a week ago it's awful you did so right to leave that is fricked up do not let her accusations reside in your head there is no truth in someone like that when she roofed me to frick we used to screw casually and when i found a girl i was serious about she did this to show you we can still have fun okay to answer some responses it was about eight years ago her name was monica and she always had a lot of drugs on hand i wasn't the responsible and respected member of society i am now mind you we were all having drinks at her place with a small group of friends she brought me my second or third beer and those presents said i was acting really strange at this point and they cut me off mind you i drank heavily when i partied so being smashed before beer 12 was really out of character since people knew we had fricked before on a semi-regular basis they didn't think it was unusual that she took me to her room that night i only can recall vague moments of the incident and when i woke up i was so disoriented i didn't even know where i was or the day and time it took me another six hours after waking up to sober up i felt terrible about what i did and she didn't tell me the truth of it until like three months later i didn't tell the police but i made sure everyone who knew her knew what she did and that she wasn't allowed near me i moved in with my best friend of six years we both needed a place to stay so it made sense he went on vacation to visit his mom and i found out he'd been recording my conversations with people and was secretly filming me and my other friends all over the house with secret cameras that i didn't find until one day when he was gone even cameras in the bathroom cops got involved and it was super fricked up turns out he was gay for my friend and was super insecure i guess got the heck out of that place turns out he was super insecure i guess the word you're looking for is paranoid insecure people just doubt themselves or don't like themselves very much insecure people don't place hidden cameras and recording devices all over the house that's the point where it tips over from legitimately insecure into borderline mental illness a while back my group of friends had a crazy friend let's say his name was jeff now jeff had been friends with some people in my group from high school so we just always put up with his shenanigans but one summer he went to texas on vacation and came back saying he met a girl named penny so of course we all wanted to see pictures and see her facebook and junk but he had an excuse for everything said she didn't believe in social media and that she kept forgetting to send him the pictures so we poked a little fun at him and said she wasn't real and forgot about it a few days later lo and behold we all get friend requests from penny she was a pretty girl and was all over jeff in post saying how she loved him and talking about all the fun they had over the summer but still no pictures she even starts talking to all his friends trying to get close to him some of us believe it and even really start becoming good friends with her she would even talk to me about boys and ask to see pictures of guys i was dating and give me dating advice all was good until one of my friends decided to become a detective and google image search that crap penny was really some 16 year old singer from youtube but by the time this happened penny had a whole online life and friends and was on facebook more than jeff was he even pretended to call her and pretended to get texts from her we never confronted him about having a whole separate online life as a scene chick in texas eventually penny went off to college in oregon and even studied abroad in japan i'm pretty sure jeff spent more time on her life than his own we all stopped talking to jeff when he joined the army and penny disappeared from our friends lists who knows maybe he still has his secret life he was penny for at least a year actively after all that went down i never felt comfortable around him sorry for the format i was on my phone i feel like he joined the army so he'd never have to come clean to any of you i woke up to one of my really good guy friends dry humping me when i was drunkly passed out on his couch yes i'm a girl and yes i was drunk no not drunk enough to initiate anything that i don't remember just too drunk to drive half an hour home my buddy was already a little sketchy doing occasional cook and telling me how he would consider joining a mexican cartel and thoughtlessly killing people then he told me how he stabbed a guy in the leg because the guy looked like he was following a girl home if i kept hanging out with him i was bound to get into trouble sounds more like a compulsive lie than an actual danger but probably better safe than sorry i might be on the other side of this but i think the situation was totally uncalled for told my best friend that i had depression and was really struggling at that moment i didn't think it was that a big deal but i guess he did he stopped wanting to hang out and never returned my calls we are in our late 20s and have been were friends since we were about 10 haven't seen him for months now some people are terrified of anything that might be negative for them sorry you had to go through that hope you have other friends and family around you as well as getting the help you need i had this friend when i was in high school who obviously had quite a crush on me he told people we were dating though we weren't and called me cutie an awful lot but we discussed it and i'd made it clear that i was not interested he said he'd get over it and we remained friends after we graduated i didn't see much of him but we continued to chat over i am every now and then and i moved on with my life and found myself or so one day i collected the mail and found a small box it had no stamp and obviously hadn't been sent through the posted system so i was a little concerned but when rattled it seemed innocuous enough it turned out to be a silver charm bracelet with a small heart on it there was no sender listed and no note which was creepy but i figured it might have come from a relative or something as i have a lot of aunts who are known to do such things a few days later i got an im from my old friend asking if i'd liked his gift i was pretty shocked and more than a little disturbed as i'd never given him my address and figuring it was best to just be straight with him i told him that i had a boyfriend and so sending me gifts was not okay he told me he already knew he'd seen us he then sent me pages and pages of what i can only describe a smutty fanfiction describing my boyfriend and i together how he'd touch me the sounds i'd make in dozens and dozens of scenarios needless to say we are no longer friends also for those wondering i do not still have his erotic friend fiction as one of you has dubbed it it was sent electronically and went down with my high school laptop i sort of wish i did still have it because people asked to see it whenever i tell this story that's some restraining order worthy crap right there i learned that my roommate had violated a friend of mine and that is why she had spent three months in an institution the summer before i still had eight months on the lease let's just say i was not home very much laura myepsome how p would you be if i ran over your dog a few minutes later she started lightly smacking him on the nose to try to get him to bite her this close to running her over with a car broke up with a gf when she kicked my dog it was coming anyway but that got me into the mood for the conversation friends couldn't have kids for over a decade and asked if i'd give them my eggs later i found out this is illegal in the country where we're expatriates uae but was too late i injected myself with two rounds of hormones then flew to lebanon a third world country that is home to hezbollah to undergo a surgery in a shady clinic in the back of a mall and suffered terrible side effects all out of goodness of my heart the whole time they acted as if they are doing me a huge favor they wanted me to fly out of a city an hour away because it was cheaper then insisted we share the same hotel room as i recovered from the surgery and the unforgettable moment came when the husband yelled at me for eating a kitkat bar from the hotel because it might have been overpriced mind you he makes over 150k a year so money wasn't really an issue afterwards they never even said thank you dragged paying my compensation never did in the end and when i asked them to watch my dogs for a week said that his pregnant wife doesn't want to smell crap this was the only thing i asked from them in return for giving them the gift of life i'm now disappointed in all of humanity anyone suggesting that i file for custody i appreciate the thought but no thank you my husband is the most wonderful human being on earth whereas the other guy i'm scared to think what's in his defective gene pool we also decided to not have children as for the payment sure it is unfair that they refused to compensate me but i didn't do it for the money our income is higher than theirs plus the legal fees and the headache not to mention the risks of filing a lawsuit in the uae as a woman are not worth it impartial bias i'm sorry it bugged you so i went ahead and fixed it for you um i think this one wins friend of mine married this calculating woman who invited four of her girlfriends to a girl's night out snacks and drinks at the end of the night the bill comes out and it's for 100 without dropping a beat my friend's wife says well looks like it'll be twenty dollars per person as she pulls out a 20 coupon out of her person says here's my contribution hahaha i will never dine out with this gal ever i was friends with my ex before we started dating we were together for over a year and having just graduated college was starting to make more long-term plans well she decided she needed to freak her best friend's boyfriend which naturally made those two break up being in love and stupid i was trying to see if we could work it out when i told her that she couldn't spend any time with him again she said aren't you being unreasonable you cheat on me and betray your best friend when i tell you that you can't spend more time with the guy you cheated on me with i'm being unreasonable clearly you have no concept of how awful what you did this and would like for everyone to just forgive you without you having to do anything you're better off without her dude cheating is one thing but being unable to see the error of your way is freaking dangerous okay here we go i had just turned 16 and it was the first week of summer vacation my friend and i were going to the mall for a little girl time we were in and out of a few different stores went to the food court etc just a normal day at the mall so she decides she wants to go into this one store and i follow i walked around looked at some things but didn't see anything i wanted to buy she went to the register to purchase a few small things and we left once out in the mall she began sorting through her bags of recently purchased items she says to me can you hold on to these things for me i don't have enough room in my bag trying to be a good friend i said sure no problem next thing i know we get approached by security saying that we were shoplifting i explained that she had purchased some items and neither one of us were stealing security made us empty our pockets and wouldn't you know there i stood with the items she had stolen from the store then she turned around and said to me wow i can't believe you would do something like that so i was arrested and grounded and no longer her friend freaking b what a c my best friend at the time said he wanted to decapitate me because i was friends with his girlfriend i had been friends with her before they had even started dating and i was the one who had given her number to him freaking butthole it's a group of friends instead of just one person but fecal matter when i was in high school i had a destructive and mischievous group of friends one night everyone was over at my house and they all ended up crashing there for the night fast forward to the morning i awake to my dad screaming up my stairs about crap on the walls apparently that night they thought it would be cool to smear crap all over a twilight poster in my little sister's room they gave the portrait of edward a large crap mustache but wait it gets way better about two weeks after that happened i was in my kitchen making a pb and amp j sandwich i go into the cabinet and grab the jar of peanut butter i pop the top and instantly the smell shotgunned into the air and i nearly vomited it sealed away in my peanut butter jar was the most putrid smelling turd perched against the side of the jar i confronted them about both incidents no one would ever admit to the peanut butter jar the twilight poster was disgusting and a little funny but afterward got out about the peanut butter jar i think whoever did it realized they went way over the top needless to say we weren't friends for very long tl dr crap on edward from twilight and crap in my peanut butter jar i took a college math class with a guy who claimed that when he was in high school he and some friends broke into a house whilst doing whatever around this house he took a jar of mayonnaise out of the fridge removed half of the mayo crap in the jar replace the mayo and put it back in the fridge one of the most horrifying things i've ever heard i rented out my furnished house to a friend of mine for a year since he was a friend i only charged him 900 a month and i paid for the pool service market was about 1 100 one year later he moves out and i go find the following he wiped boogers on the walls all throughout the house his kid climbed on the shelves in the pantry and broke a shelf busted up furniture blinds and fans throughout house the front doorbell was totally destroyed to the point one had to manually touch two metal contacts together to ring the doorbell multiple holes in the walls that he patched up with crap that didn't even match all the hardware in the house is gold he replaces the front door knob and lock set with a silver one water damage in the upstairs bathroom did i mention boo goes on the walls he claimed the house wasn't even in that great of a condition when i rented it to him i couldn't even talk to him about the freaking boogers on the wall that i had to clean up myself how do you confront a 40 year old man that wiping boogers on the wall is not what people do yeah we're not friends anymore the sucker had goal to ask me for help with his business yeah whatever dude i hope your business goes under if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 68,593
Rating: 4.8511372 out of 5
Keywords: weird, weirdest, scary, scariest, worst friends, worst friends ever, horrible friends, friends, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: NtlVRFnvis4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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