Surprising Experiences With "Mail-Order" Brides (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who married mail-order brides from Russia or the Philippines what surprised you the most when you started living with your spouse throw away because family my uncle did when he was 65 his bride was 37 for a start it was weird and he tells how she'd cook meals and stand behind him so she couldn't be seen that could attend to anything he wanted she would insist he finished before a massage and being tucked into bed she seemed under the impression that a man was to be kept like a king and she was there for food and sex she would only eat for herself after he was asleep he tells us he had to metaphorically beat the submissiveness out of her now 14 years later they have three kids she is [ __ ] insane in that fuel insane kind of way and more a part of the family than most of the extended family I grew up with cultures well and truly blended beautifully and when she visits I get substantially fatter I used to coach a handicapped bowling league it was one of the most fun things I've ever done there was a blind guy though in our group who bowled with help of a guiding rail to know where to aim the ball he was a funny guy who always joked about his blindness so I saw this really cool car this morning kind of humor if he played badly he blamed me because I was the one who set up the rail and made sure it pointed at the pins anyway he admitted that he'd had zero luck dating girls and married a Filipino girl he found in a paid marital service he was the first person I knew who'd done this he visited her three times in the Philippines before they got married then he married her in Manila and brought her back to Australia honestly she was the loveliest girl she was quite when they came out together but he said she was very loving and cared for him a lot I'd never seen him happier they have two kids and are still together this was 15 years ago I'm sure it sometimes may be often were that badly but bill and his wife are a great couple it made me appreciate how hard it can be for handicapped people to have relationships or find love and happiness another guy in the group was Ivan he was six feet five and a [ __ ] giant man he was mentally handicapped forty years old and strong as hell I always considered him like Lenny from Of Mice and Men he was a great guy just like a big kid when we volt he used a 16 pound ball and would rocket it at the pins he'd smashed the hell out of them he somehow broke two bowling balls house balls during my time the best part was when he hit the pins he would hoot and scream like mad even if he only hit one pin he looked like it was the best thing in the world he got a lot of strikes and it was deafening to hear him scream in sheer excitement I worked hard to try and slow him down but there was no stopping him he just launched balls at the pins I've never met anyone as strong as he was last story is a girl called Louise she was 13 and had some kind of brain tumor basically it was inoperable and affected her brain's ability to function properly she didn't go to school because of the tumor could apparently explode at any time and it would kill her instantly her parents treated her like a princess and she had the time of her life she even went to the Snee land with Australia's Make A Wish Foundation doctors said she'd never make it past ten she died when she was 15 I was always a very good bowler and offered to coach the disabled League on a whim I really didn't give it much thought I just said sure why not but it turned out to be one of the most amazing things I've ever done it was a [ __ ] fabulous experience and I got to meet some amazing people for an acquaintance of mine the biggest surprise was finding out that when his wife was sending money back home to her family it was to her husband not X and kids in the Philippines I work in the oil field and a common theme is divorce a cow Walker was divorced by his wife of 20 years and she took half of everything he later decided to get a mail-order bride from Brazil he was working offshore there at the time she was smoking hot but six years later developed terminal cancer before she died he ordered another bride from Thailand and she took over the regular house chores and took care of the Brazilian he told me this story when I was offshore talking about my girlfriend and confirmed it with photos and by other coworkers welcome to the oil field I lived in Ukraine as a teen and I used to get flowers handed to me on the street stating that I could live in America guaranteed if I joined a dating site it was one of the most fun things I've ever done we had an elderly man probably in his nineties come to us to request a visa for his 20 year old fiancee turns out it was his fourth 20 year old bride and he just kept getting them because he was lonely and felt like he was helping them I used to teach acelin tencel and taught many women who had married through agencies they were all supporting people back home the husbands were by and large nice enough guys who didn't have the most amazing social skills a few leaders were past 45 and looking for a new adventure in life they spoke about sex the same way they spoke about housework or any tasks to be completed they were also doing it to have kids in safer healthier places none of them we're in love with the men but they loved them the men all adored them just worship the very ground they walked on on average it seemed to work out as well as more traditional arranged marriage as we in the West think of as commonly happening in places like India not me but a guy I knew in the Navy he was a little socially awkward so he got a mail-order bride from the Philippines when she showed up she was gorgeous great body and a fantastic set of tips they got married as soon as he was able to route the paperwork he showed up the next day somewhat distressed and made the mistake of telling everyone in the division that she was a he we had to sit through two hours of command training so we'd stop making fun of him I worked with a guy that married a mail-order bride from Thailand guy was one of the creepiest most disgusting person I've met since he rarely took a shower or brushed his teeth I saw his then-wife a couple of times she was extremely attractive and I wondered how she managed to endure that guy anyways after several years of being married she got the Swiss citizenship and divorced him he had bought tons of houses and property in Thailand but were registered in her name since foreigners can't legally own property in Thailand as far as I know she basically did a long-term scam and got the best of him in the end now he lives in single bedroom apartment while his ex-wife is back in Thailand throw away because I'm ashamed in short it surprises me how fake it all seems there was no emotion in anything she would do I could always tell she was uncomfortable it seemed like she was just doing a job I somewhat pitied her in a way she would cook clean offer six whatever pretty much what you want from your wife but the passion emotion warmth everything that makes a marriage actually work was lacking looking back I should have expected as much I was naive to think it would be any different I thought it would fill a void but it didn't I regret that decision but I've moved on now you could liken it to a gold digger but it was much worse at least with a gold digger it isn't painfully obvious and you might actually convince yourself she liked some aspect of you in a way she does she likes your wealth a mail-order bride is just being paid outright a guy I went to college with did it he was a total neck boat but a nice guy no social skills sort of an Asperger's case she was from Ukraine or Belarus or something fairly hot anyway she walked all over him as soon as she could she brought over one family member after another so they were all living in his house on his dime and he was too much a [ __ ] to say no cousins uncles aunts grandparents like a gypsy camp eventually she brought over her boyfriend and last I heard he was sleeping on a cot in his own garage I didn't marry a mail-order bride but I used to work a job that required me to go into people's houses and one was obviously a mail-order bride she did not speak English and just sat in a chair staring at the wall looking very depressed they had a ridiculous amount of humidifiers in the home so that it could be more like where she came from he hung a huge picture of the two on the wedding day above his bed and while he was smiling she wasn't even looking at the camera and just looked so depressed reading through the comments I realized that my mom is slash was a mail-order bride I think I knew that I never really believed it so thanks reddit i just went through an entire cycle of acceptance regarding this throw away because my usual username is literally my name after my dad's divorce from his first wife he did a lot of mixes and singles parties he was freaking out that he was almost 50 and was the only one out of his siblings without a family my favorite part of this story is that he said the last straw before he turned to dating magazines was when he went to a dance for singles and had to escape out of a bathroom window from a very aggressive gay man so he sent letters to all the women he was interested in and then planned his trip to meet all of them in their respective countries the woman before he met my mom actually tried to trap him in a room when she found out there were other girls he was planning to see I'm glad he kept going after that because he went on to meet my mom in the Philippines they had a connection and began dating until he brought her back to the States and got married reviewing this story now I can't believe I didn't think it was a mail-order bride thing for years I would deny it by saying it was a dating magazine but I can see why my parents really love and work well together reading about how most men that get a mail-order bride are I can confirm that my dad has kind of essentially awkward guy he has the goofiest quirks and he dotes upon my mom my mom is definitely not subservient she is the one who calls the shots but there is give and take and I love them to death similar story to the top post my dad married a girl from the Philippines years ago after my parents divorced and at first I was concerned about the situation and also felt angry about the whole situation parents breaking up him starting a new life and family et Cie but they have been married for 10 or 12 years now have three awesome kids and she does a great job at picking out gifts for our son on birthdays and Christmas she's very nice and has done good at changing some of the bad things about my dad I'm very happy for them pretty sure my uncle did this with a Rumanian woman he owned a moving company and it was all under the disguise of he met her while moving her from the Rumania to the u.s. aha I was young at the time and didn't know what mail-order brides were at the time I still don't know if he ordered her or not no one in my family has ever mentioned it and I'm in my thirties now they divorced after the two-year mark where she was legal to be here in the States so my uncle awarded her was paid to bring her here under marriage agreement or they really met while he was moving her and the marriage fell apart coincidentally at the two-year mark she was hot I have been told by many a German woman and German men would really like me I don't know exactly what this says about me but if any German men aged 28 to 34 are looking to move to America and be my food and sex provider I'm able to pay some pittance that you're surely worth more than don't worry I'll wait for the applications to flow in first off I realize I did mail wrong cause I was clicking autocompletes on my phone but I'm too lazy to change it I'm the only thing I can think of is that she is very open about sexuality compared to most girls one of our first times out with my group of friends she was talking about how she sleeps naked and hates clothes my friends girlfriends did not seem happy about her bringing that up in front of their boyfriends law it is not uncommon for her to talk about our sex life in front of others it used to embarrass me but I just got used to it I'm 35 have mild moderate cerebral palsy not bad enough to need a walking apparatus anyways when I was about 27 I started looking it took me like a year and a half and about 22 K or so to do it I have a decent job and make about 60 K air she has lived in the US prior and her student visa got denied she was sent back home for four years so she spoke good English and was educated I told her that I was looking for a bestfriend type relationship when we started talking online and through Skype that I didn't want her to stay with me if that wasn't what she wanted we've been together five to six years now it is a couple's relationship she is very out of my league she does send money home to her mother and sisters in the proper troske SP but it is lonely income from the bank she works at it's not all her income either usually she is talking to her sister and sends a bit here and there I probably actually spent more money on my nieces for Christmas than she sends back home she is unable to have children because of cancer when she was in her teens which I was okay with she mentioned that in her profile probably a turn-off for many on those sides not sure most of our nights are spent sitting outside on the patio while drinking and talking plus I like that she is independent I wasn't looking for a yes woman or someone who would act as if they liked everything I did or agreed with me on everything I don't know what else to say maybe a lot of her customs were lost during her time here before she does cook some odd stuff when she does cook [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,791,810
Rating: 4.8357272 out of 5
Keywords: mail order brides, mail order, mail, order, bride, mail order brides stories, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, mail order bride, mail order bride scams
Id: siNoMriN5wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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