What the HELL is The Misty Green Sky? (WORST Movie on Amazon Prime)

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Watching this video almost makes me miss Saberspark when he did reviews of anthropomorphic animal material. It was always fun to joke about him being a furry even though he isn't one, plus anthros are just so much more appealing to look at than these human characters in The Misty Green Sky.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Commander_PonyShep 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so a few weeks ago I was going through my email and stumbled across a recommendation for a movie called the misty green sky a cautionary sci-fi animation movie yeah more like caution not to watch it oh boy here we go Amazon Prime proving once more why they are the worst of the worst when it comes to streaming services you got Netflix you got Disney Plus and you got Amazon Prime legit I don't get it what is the qualification for uploading a movie or a show to prime know the guy who's the quality checker for Amazon Prime going is your movie in an mp4 format alright kid right this way right this way welcome to the Amazon Prime family what's that you got a show about some drunken Russian clowns say no more welcome to Amazon I was having second thoughts about the misty green sky though I thought to myself am I being cruel am i punching down cuz here's the thing folks this movie was essentially made by one person and I thought hey I don't want to be a bully I don't want to rag on somebody who said I want to make something and then me go hey look at you artist guy screw you beat them up guys make fun of them laugh at them poop on their profile know that I don't want to do that but here's the difference though if this was up on YouTube for free I would leave it alone but here's the thing it is only only available on Amazon and you can only watch it for free if you have a prime account if not you have to rent it for like a dollar ninety-nine or you have to buy it for $4.99 that is a crime against humanity I have seen much better stuff on YouTube for free saying that people's hard work has to be for free especially from independent creators but it blows my mind that I see things that are beautiful independent projects that look much more competent that are up on YouTube versus this garbage with a price tag on Amazon Prime come the hell on so I've decided that I will criticize this movie and for the justice of people who spent money on this film me I will bring my hammer of reviewing criticism down upon its brow and bring it to justice by the way I will do my best to make sure that I'm being fair if something is good in this movie I will give credit where credit is due but my god that is going to be tough [Music] okay so who's behind this movie like I said it was basically done by one guy Jack Foster really there's not much to say here on IMDB his filmography hasn't working on like rock and roll documentaries he is a director this was his writing debut with the misty green sky when I was looking more into this I discovered his portfolio which I don't want to seem like I'm picking on him but most of his animation stuff looks just god-awful like super awful low-tier stuff I don't even know what I'm looking at this this looks so trippy again there's nothing wrong with somebody who said I want to be an editor an artist an animator a writer okay that is fine you are allowed to make content that is something I will always support but at the same time nobody is above criticism and since Jack here is showing his work as a portfolio displaying it for the world to see well I think that makes it worthy of being critiqued especially if you are advertising your stuff as a professional that means you want to get paid and I don't want to pay you for that it's so crazy to me you got stuff like killer bean which was also done essentially by one person and then you've got the misty green sky this is a testament more to Jeff from killer bean and how well he knows his programming how he knows how to be an artist how to animate how to create how to use all of his talent and facilitate it all into a single film by the way looking forward to the sequel hell yeah but then you have someone like Jack Foster here who clearly has no idea of what he's doing with these visuals he doesn't know how to animate he doesn't know how to create characters on his own which is why I discovered he did not make his own assets he went to either poser or dads both programs that allow you to make human characters that are provided for you that's how Jack made this movie because at first I was like these characters look like they're from a porn game look at them come on like look at that they look like they're from their second life they look like they're from one of those ads you see on those irritable unchristian websites you know the ones I'm talking about that's what the visuals look like Jack here took those models he saw them and he said hey I can make a movie now and also I can go to IndieGoGo and raise money for it yeah he had an IndieGoGo for this he wanted $10,000 he got 200 like 84 I think so yeah Jack here you're really stretching bro and even more so because he said that this was going to be like a trilogy and that this was the first of three Oh God makes you wonder what the next two are gonna look like but overall this is an origin story about a guy who does not understand how to animate he doesn't know how to master programs cuz I've seen some amazing things from gas from hoser from blender from these programs that offer you characters to work with where you take the models and then you animate them and you can get an understanding of how to use that to your advantage god bless those programs they're amazing but here we have somebody who saw the program and said alright I've spent a week doing this now let's make a movie let's let's put a film on Amazon Prime and let's make it to where their boobs are very jiggly because this is definitely not a fantasy movie from Jack not at all to stop asking what are you talking about it's a film it's art and it's going to win the Oscar for Best Animated movie of 2020 even though it came out in 2016 this movie's gonna make me look crazy I'm going mad you can tell my voice for this video I'm actually going mad all right so what's the movie about I watched this film twice I watched it twice I watched it like a week ago and then I watched it last night and I still don't really know what happened I'm kind of sitting here dumbfounded where it's like what what did I just watch what was that what just happened on the screen okay I will try my best so the setting we are on an alien planet it is the future this planet is just this doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense you got like this compound you're introduced to a bunch of humans walking around hanging out with robots doing sky yoga jumping on boxes it's so weird but from what I've gathered and I'm pretty sure about this our main character is Gwen she's got red hair she's got a very interesting face especially when you see it contort and we follow her around the compound as we see her life as we see her go to school and by the way the school is just this guy named God teaching her about like life on this planet and what she needs to know and you can tell that this guy God yeah that is actually his name God is a very good teacher because look look look at the numbers they're floating in the air it's so high-tech I'm blown away another thing you'll discover is how the humans on this planet hook up now it's not that different from Earth but here I believe it is that there is a two to one ratio of girls to males so guys are like hooking up with multiple checks because you know that's definitely not part of some sexual fantasy of the Creator hey maybe it's not maybe it's a plot point or it's fetish fuel you know whatever floats your boat so once more we're following when she walks her in the compound she's inquisitive she looks into things that I think she's not supposed to look into we see other people hooking up around the compound she's not one of them we see a bunch of random stuff just just completely random things that make no sense some weird dog creature runs around okay there's a part where a hologram such playing and it's a guy on the piano with like I believe it was a gorilla floating below him it's such a WTF moment it's like what what does this have to do with anything it's like directed by David Lynch when can't stop asking questions she goes around the compound she discovers hens of the actual truth because there is a mystery going on here folks you won't even believe it what what big things are going on that you don't even know about your minds are about to be blown man it's all a conspiracy man that's what the movies getting at by the way this movie is all about what's what is going on in reality what are we being lied to about grinn calls out God she's like you're not God you're just a guy aren't you and he's like immediately disappears just flies away she sneaks on a spaceship takes off to a Space Station which it's like okay I guess there's a space station now and as she goes to the space station her clothes disappear I can't even show this on YouTube look at this fanservice she's going into space her clothes disappear okay and then she's floating around and the space station and her underwear come on bro what is who is sexual fantasy is this and of course being Gwen she has just the craziest faces along the way by the way here's a quick highlight reel of all of Gwen's faces throughout the movie they're just all over the place [Music] cick wins on the space station she finds some clothes the space station doesn't realize that she's from the planet they're like oh you're from Earth welcome to the station walk around then there's a bunch of exposition that we discover from scientists you know because you know this story needs exposition because it doesn't make sense as of right now and even with exposition it still doesn't make sense and by the way here's one of my biggest WTF moments from the entire movie so Guin is sneaking around listening to the space station scientist and then those floating heads like what he's saying so the truth is discovered and here it is what happened on this planet was that a bunch of humans came down to the world they didn't realize that there was like a virus there that is incredibly deadly so all the adults who landed they died of it because they were exposed to it but they had children and the children were born with like an immunity to the virus so the kids were left on the planet as a bunch of orphans and these scientists would observe them keep them there because you can't let them come back to Earth or everybody will die and Guin is walking on the space station not knowing that she has a virus and when the scientists discovered that there's a breach they're like well the only logical thing we can do here is blow up the space station look at this girl scientist she's like I don't want to blow up the station we'd have to do that time to run and scream at the top of my lungs and that's no exaggeration folks look at this Gwen folks back to the spaceship she sees the space station blow up in orbit she goes through a wormhole she arrives at Earth she's like you scientists and politicians need to listen to us why not just children I'm infected with the virus blow the ship up in orbit before I land on Earth and it's like okay so I get the theme here the theme of the movie being that we are being looked down upon as children we are our thoughts ignored our points ignored so then you've got the adults of society being the politicians who are like oh well we'll figure it out this movie is very much so where it's like ah yes the smart people of society the scientist they're ignored what politicians call all the shots they're the ones who think that they have all the answers and look at everybody else as children here's how the film ends the humans bring her down to earth she's like no no kill me I'm infected and the politicians like you're just a child what are you talking about welcome to earth and then she starts crying and that seemed to the movie eluding that that the virus landed on earth and everyone would eventually die and that's the movie that's for better or for worse what am I talking about it's definitely for worse that's the movie all right let's go over my five points god help me first the story so the main theme for this movie is essentially how there are people in society who are ignored and Gwen is like oh we aren't just children you should talk to us you should hear what we have to say another part of that is how like on the sign station you have a scientist who's like these politicians call all the shot and we scientist are ignored so in that regard I think that's a theme that could potentially work in a story where it's like okay where is the real power in society okay it's in the hands of businessmen lawyers politicians versus those who actually have a better idea of Society of a better tomorrow being like scientist and whatnot so that's what the movie is getting at that's what if they're trying to say they just do it in a very awful way and take a very long time to do so I swear like this film and I will address this again later on in the video because you're gonna hear the bunch this movie didn't have to be an hour and 20 minutes long it could have been at max 20 minutes long if even 10 minutes and that's it you don't have to make a movie out of this there is so much padding there's so much nothing that goes on of long stretches of just nothingness and not even in a creative way it's like okay here's naked when floating through a hallway for the next few minutes and that's just to eat up time and and I guess keep us busy until the next part of the film what actually moves along with the plot so a lot of nothingness there's a bunch of emptiness in this film as far as characters go Gwen is obviously the main character and outside of that I don't really know of any other characters in the film like they were all so forgettable they all look the same especially the people on the planet it's like who are you folks you're a bunch of background characters from Second Life as far as I can see the only of the characters I can really recall as of right now are God gorillas piano hologram and then the scientists on the space station and that's really it everybody else was like who are you or what what's the significance of you I don't even know I can't even recall who you were also it's important to address the conflict and this movie as far as like what drives the plot forward and the conflict being that okay here's the mystery what's going on with this planet and I like stories like that where they slowly reveal the plot where it's like oh oh that's what's going on here that's cool to work your way up to that point where the audience finds out the truth and this movie attempts to do that where the truth being a work Hollin II of infected humans and the space station and Earth are keeping us in the dark because we are carrying a deadly virus that could have worked I think that actually is a strongest point of the movie is just the concept but it was executed in a very awful way and took way too much time to get its point across so overall with a story from the characters to the themes to the plot and all that stuff it was just a bunch of nothing going on a very awful boring slow pace and if they were trying to attempt to have a slow burn of the mystery and that was its objective well guess what failure 20 minutes into the film you lost me I just didn't care it was so hard to watch and that's not even including other offenses on this list being like the voice acting the editing the visuals the story alone was just broken from the get-go such a small plot in the vastness of a way to long movie next there is the voice acting I mean if you want to call it that you must always always avoid the old village but of the hundred girls and 30 cows that live on earth none have ever been sick avoid the old village you must always always avoid the old village it's stale there's no emotion these are obviously amateurs and it's just ah I mean when you have that voice talking throughout the movie it's so grating it just makes you want to leave the film that much faster there wasn't a single good voice actor there was not a single good voice actor in this entire movie except for the floating head he was great he didn't know what he said but he was great next there is the dialogue just like the voice acting it was boring and stale it doesn't feel natural it feels like a bunch of robots talking back and forth to one another not a single conversation sounded like it would actually happen in real life like I've never seen human beings talk to each other like this I've never seen them carry on a conversation where it sounds like Skyrim or Elder Scrolls NPCs talking back and forth to one another Josh is taken Yuki is a wife but isn't Josh already with Dyna because it's a 30 minute 17 women ratio I love dogs doesn't everyone next there is the editing so I watched this film initially with a friend and we heard a sound effect here it is I'll point it out that that's the sound effect okay so I looked at my friend and I said oh oh my god they are going to be using the sound effect throughout the entire film let's do a drinking game out of it well he doesn't drink I do and yeah about like seven shots later I was like oh man thank God we made this game happen because I needed alcohol for this experience just to get me through it but yeah the sound effects bad they are sound effects you get from a library things that already exist nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with using gate dot wave but when it comes to like overusing it like good lord same thing with the royalty-free music where it's like yeah you did not make this music yourself you are using it from existing libraries and it doesn't really match up well with what's going on on the screen want to be fair you could literally have like John Williams or Howard Shore doing the music for this movie and it still wouldn't be enough to save this movie and finally we have the animation boy was this quite the ride as I said before this was most likely done with jazz or 'the poser and and if not those it was a program that had pre-existing assets for you to build your own characters and animate them so as far as like constructing 100% original stuff no this Jack guy did not do that he went to a program where they already provided what he needed to work with and then he took it in his own direction which was a very bad direction at that one of the biggest crimes in this movie that just bothered the hell out of me was how early on in the film Wynn's outfit and her hair change every other scene that is no exaggeration leading up to the part where she flies to space every scene that she would appear in she is like changing her outfit okay so she's looking into a mystery new outfit okay now she's walking on the compound new outfit new hairstyle it's so jarring there were parts where I'm like who's that that's that's the main character wait what why does she look so different there is no purpose for her to change the way that she did maybe when she went into space which let's be honest here that was a bit much - for every other scene on this compound like no bro this looks like it's you're playing with your sims character and changing their outfit every other moment oh here's another thing so I don't know if this was by design from Jack or if it was a mistake but the chest on these characters especially gwyn it looks like they're having a heart attack like they just ran a marathon and then the helped on-screen to perform look at their chances throughout the entire film it looks like they're hyperventilating it is ridiculous I don't know if that was an option that Jack turned on for his animation but it does not work it is incredibly distracting also what you would think is a shirt is just a skin over the chest it's like okay I can see her nipples I can see her breasts it's not even really a shirt it's just painted onto her body and then as far as Gwen's design and the later part of the film when she's on the space station her outfit looks like an off-brand Lilu from the Fifth Element so the character animation itself I wouldn't say it was like Oh disgusting the worst thing ever obviously I've seen worse troll land but as far as the character designs go as far as most of the movement goes it's like this is very much so from an amateur someone who does not understand the program like they know just enough to get it off the ground but not enough to actually like master it now enough to be competent this is a very incompetent movie it's like the guy said okay that's enough learning I spent two days on this let's make a film and make people pay for it the backgrounds are awful there are moments where the background like you see the buildings moving with the sky backdrop and it's so jarring to me it's like wait what what's moving here what's going on I think I'm gonna throw up from how dizzy I'm becoming from looking at the background move with the sky behind it yeah the textures are bad the particle effects are bad everything does everything in this film is bad it still just blows my mind to the enth degree that amazon looked at this and said you deserve a spot on our streaming services alright so how would I improve the film as I said it did not need to be an hour and 20 minutes long this could have been just 10 minutes done something super short and sweet and to the point and then you could have uploaded it to youtube and build yourself a name or reputation on there I've seen sfm videos from folks who do tf2 stuff that looks just leagues above this just so much higher quality and these folks do it for fun and upload it for free up on YouTube versus this guy who's asking for like what five bucks to buy this film on prime know that's a crime that is incredibly slimy if the story was better let's say that this guy Jack was an amazing writer and the story just blew my mind just wow you are the j.r.r tolkien of our time then maybe I would have been like okay you get a pass but that wasn't the case this was a bad story very stretched out just nothing really going on it could have been condensed down to a ten minute short where it's like Gwen wakes up on the planet she's in the mystery of it all where she's looking around and she's like something doesn't add up the teachers are lying to us why are we this way she starts to discover like remnants of the humanity that was once on the planet and then she sneaks onto the ship and heads up to the space station and then the truth is discovered there of life oh we are a species who are infected and we have to be left on a planet and then she's like no that's wrong the truth needs to be released it needs to be told and then like they have the scientists blow up the space station that was so utterly dumb like why put on spacesuits why aren't you guys wearing hazmat suits what's up with that they go down to the planet naked they're walking around the station naked naked but with no protection nothing like that it just doesn't make sense there's just so many flaws and logic and how this film progresses and how it takes the plot and it's like look how deep we are and it's I'm sitting on the couch drunk going nah this is stupid so overall folks this is a bad movie it's probably the worst thing I've ever seen on Amazon Prime and that's really saying something we're gonna have a wonderful time together there was a few titles that are worth a damn but the majority of its just like this massive diarrhea of all for low quality content and it's a nightmare but for someone like me I guess it's a silver lining because I like watching bad stuff they can make me laugh but in this regard with the misty green sky that wasn't the case not funny did not laugh Jack I do give you credit you tried you were way in over your head I think asking for money for it was a bit much that being said it's like yo dude keep tryin take some time to understand the program tighten your stories more often than not I will support and dependent creators I cheer for them they are the underdogs but in this particular case putting it up on Amazon for a price that's kind of dumb and then not taking the time to really tighten your story learning how to animate your characters to design them visually just getting a grasp on what you're doing I think you rush this out because you had a passion project and the final result is just straight-up diarrhea yep folks that's the movie if you want to watch something terrible and and wear a a mark of Honor for suffering the worst thing on prime then I recommend this movie if you don't want to have an aneurysm then I I would say stay away stay far away from this movie like get on a spaceship and then blow yourself up on it it's the only sure way to keep yourself safe from the misty green sky [Music] [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,006,749
Rating: 4.9513516 out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, what the hell is, what the hell saberspark, the misty green sky, what the hell is the misty green sky, review, amazon prime, worst movie, worst movie on amazon prime, prime, worst amazon prime movie, worst prime movie
Id: mTwAZGyGX0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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