What the HELL is The Donkey King?

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this video is brought to you by underpants it's mack weldon [Music] so i went back to the old inbox on my email and i had a recommendation for a movie called [Music] i forgot the name of the movie donkey king [Music] never heard of this one something new something from pakistan so i looked it up on google and i thought hey this film looks kind of good i like the models the posters look competent and i've been on a binge of watching international content recently so i thought hey let's check it out also these amazon reviews are like raging about the movie you got some good stuff here it's like this movie taught my kid about politics this movie is so important for kids to learn about politics that's that's the theme it's the running theme i'm seeing in these amazon reviews needless to say the stakes are pretty high does it deliver oh oh absolutely not this movie has one of the most convoluted stories i've ever seen it is absurd it is off the rails insanity the movie was presented with a narrative where it's like oh it's thoughtful it's about politics and corruption and how the system is rigged against poor people but we're gonna tell our story through anthropomorphic animals please give us our woke points now thank you what if we were to turn our great nation into a democracy and let the animals choose the king themselves democracy what kind of nonsense is that so who's behind this movie well the movie was written by a guy named aziz jindandi oh my god i looked it up and i already forgot how to say his name i'm sorry aziz jindani well this guy is pakistani he worked on a show from pakistan called commander safeguard which is apparently a show that is about promoting hand washing to children i mean americans have captain planet so it's not too outlandish i guess but aziz here thought in 2016 hey let's do a movie i'm going to start my own animation studio called talisman studios and we're going to make the donkey king and he did he and his team finish this movie and it was released in 2018 and it was very successful in pakistan it was very successful in pakistan it broke records there it got great reviews from critics i mean when you read about the hype for this movie you're like wow this is better than disney it's better than pixar nothing can beat this movie once more i refer to the amazon reviews but then you watch the movie and you realize you've been bamboozled time for the king to be a donkey ding ding through daddy so i don't do this often uh a quick update while editing it kind of occurred to me that as an american there might be things in this movie that went over my head because i'm not from pakistan there might be things that are culturally relevant to the people who live there and on an international scene foreigners would not get again there's not much in the way of information about this film i just wanted to at least address that give it the benefit of the doubt but still to be unbiased to look at this film as somebody who is american somebody who's not from pakistan yeah this movie's not that good all right moving on wow this is pretty awkward don't you think so what's the movie about warning this is one of the most convoluted stories i've ever seen so keep that in mind okay here we go the movie starts off with a parody of who wants to be a millionaire with the donkey from shrek oh i'm sorry my mistake this is the movie's own original character donkey mongoo oh yeah yeah well homeboy here was dreaming and he snaps back to reality oops there goes reality there goes reality okay so he snaps back to it his uncle's yelling at him and we discover oh he's actually just a washer boy he's a poor donkey and a poor city and all he really has are his dreams and that's it oh and by the way mongoose father here is dead and he'll randomly appear and be like don't give up sun and i'm pretty sure he's voiced by dr robotnik so you know cool mangu my son listen a good donkey can do anything but you must first trust in yourself oh how to describe mongoo well he's stupid he's annoying he's very random he's very loud he's very blunt he likes to daydream he wants to be rich he wants to have a girlfriend that's really about it i can't think of one trait that redeems him he's pretty unlikable and folks you think that disney can write a good song a sit down let me show you the best song ever written it's called washing the clothes and it's got some pretty good lyrics listen bring on the music washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes washing their clothes washing their clothes so mangu manga so mangu here needs to get this fancy outfit to the prince before some important party we then go through the streets of animal city and we learn about the political drama how there's attention rising in the people for political justice open your eyes they'll never let you become rich the game is rigged against ordinary people it's time for a change corruption as we've seen cannot continue talking about the one percent corruption billionaires hey is that bernie sanders fursona bernie sanders also these guards can't chant to save their lives so mangu arrives at the palace and begs this royal research fox girl to allow him to deliver the clothes to the prince in person [Music] i wonder who the villain in this movie might be real talk though she looks like she's from dr seuss like am i wrong am i am i wrong we then meet the prince and he's an absolute baby he thinks he's hot stuff likes to do instagram and facebook they actually say facebook in this movie i know the prince is immature he's always on facebook putting up nonsense like selfies after that we meet the king who is voiced by dan green from yugioh it should have been me not him well the king here has arthritis and he needs to step down so he wants to put his son in charge because that's how monarchies work but for some reason this is a shock to the vizier uh and the vizier who whose name is fitna by the way fit in this dick in her snow sorry i'm not gonna put that in the video and the vizier whose name is fitna is like hey how about we do an election the humans do it pause the humans excuse me there are humans in this movie uh why where do they explain it is there a reason behind that just wait and see just wait and see it gets so much worse and it gets very confusing oh and by the way you can't mention humans without mentioning human politics and how we are corrupt and how the animals can't do the same because it is beneath them even though fitna here is like we can hold a fake election to make the prince look good and have a bad candidate right against him to give the illusion that there's a choice for the people of animal town animals will think they voted for a king but except everything's been already fixed as long as things go according to plan the prince wins it's the same way humans choose their own king all over the world you see no it should have been me not him we then meet fitna's assistant a chameleon named godzilla and both of them are in like cahoots with this fake news station ran by a bunch of chimpanzees called like monkey news and it's so on the nose these monkeys are like we're corrupt we're fake we just do it for money uh we're actually satanists to stab babies it's not that bad yet but again this movie wears its themes its message on its sleeves man this movie is woke these monkeys truly represent our three guiding principles speak evil hear evil and show evil then we jump forward to this festival where mongoo accidentally gets involved in a bull fight he actually gets chased by anthropomorphic bulls and then runs into a stadium and gets into a fight with a non-anthropomorphic bull this one has hooves this one has hands this one can't talk this one can talk do they ever explain that or why there's a difference because you know for world building's sake i'm curious of course they don't oh and by the way ferdinand called they want their model back [Music] okay so the ball is defeated and then right afterwards the king's like that was cool okay announcement time i'm stepping down and as you all know i am a king so my prince son is now going to be in charge and the audience loses it they're like that's not cool and then the king reacts to the audience where he's like i'm just joking there will be an election and we'll put on a audition for folks who want to be a candidate via american idol style i'm not joking this happens this is cut right to the audition it's maddening it's so confusing guys when we blow your mind boom we blow your mind you can't handle our beat but you need it so the auditions are stupid it's kind of reminds me of sing where you got all these different people who are like i'll do this i'll do this here's my talent here's what i can do except instead it's people who are doing that stupid like we can sing but we can also rule a country and that's when you get tada ronald crump that's the actual name of the character it's in the credits yeah you know it wouldn't be a political movie if it wasn't topical and cringy i'll be the best king of all time the greatest i will drain the swamp cause nobody will do it better than me so mongoo auditions and the fox is like yes this is our candidate he will be our puppet and we can control him and make him do what we want so we can get what we want also fitna does this really annoying thing where she'll break the fourth wall and talk to the audience and like it's so stupid her dialogue's like i will use this donkey to control what i want and get what i want okay we can watch on the screen we see what's happening you don't have to tell us it's like she explains the obvious stuff but then the confusing stuff is like you're on your own ugh what a fool this donkey is that he actually thinks he could rule this kingdom by himself so the campaigning begins turns out that both mongoo and the prince are both idiots and neither of them are fit to run for this election i guess it's a lot more like real life than i thought other nations like to send animals to the moon i'll send them to the sun because it's bigger so the fox and the monkeys are continuing to warp the media to make the prince look bad and make mongu look good and guess what guys it is time for a debate and let me tell you this debate is so much better than real life debate because you wanna know why it's a freaking sing-off and it's really confusing because the voices change multiple times throughout the song time for the king to be a donkey lions are the kings through history all right fast forward to election day and some folks are going out to vote not everyone but then like fitna makes this very bizarre decision where she's like we have to stop people from voting for mongu magnus we have to stop people and prevent them from voting for mongoo and i don't know why i literally do not know why i mean isn't that the point don't you want him to win so why would you use voter suppression to stop people from going to vote that doesn't make sense unless and and here's how things play out so maybe i'm wrong so the bear is being bullied it's voter suppression and the bear lets out this speech by the way he's got like this clap where he's like i beg you vote i don't care who you vote for or shahzad i'm just asking you to go and vote so he's like we should go vote and now the people are rallying and going to the polls are you telling me that this was part of fitness plan was her entire scheme to actually get people so pissed off that they would go vote in force because if so that is some 4d chess right there i i don't know it's so it's dumb it's so dumb it's hard to follow all right so guess what prince loses gay mangu ends and the animals go bolshevik revolution on the royal palace as the king and the prince escape from the scene my lord mangu has won the election i don't know how but he has won our life in the palace is over so now mongu is in charge and celebrates with a dance number as is tradition with any political victory whenever george washington beat the british he did a break dance on stage it was pretty cool so at this point you're probably thinking i guess fitna got her way she's technically pulling the strings here so i suppose that puts her in charge right well yeah that could make sense for a movie but this film is anything but normal are you ready for a plot twist so it turns out that fitna is working with this human circus ringmaster yeah a human there he is there's a human in this movie in a movie about anthropomorphic animals humans are canon and the only way this human communicates is through growls and evil laughter that is non-exaggeration he never talks he calls fitna on the phone and just that's the only dialogue it's ridiculous they have some plan they allude to and it's about weakening the government oh man sounds serious right well the plan goes through and they put like a turtle in charge of the police they put some giraffe in charge of like complaints you get it he's so tall he can't even hear complaints because there's a disconnect do you agree he's so crazy tall that none of the people's complaints will ever make it up to reach his ears that's the joke so animals start to disappear and the turtle police officer isn't doing anything about it it gets to the point where the animals show up to the palace again and are like this close to having another bolshevik revolution but mongoose like stop i'll fix this all right give me a magnifying glass i'll go find the culprit myself and what are the odds he goes out to the forest finds this random house and ta-da he finds the missing animals a la zootopia my style how you shouldn't be in there my lord i mean ex-lord because i'm king now wow this is pretty awkward don't you think get us out of this game mangu finds the king and the prince and he's like what's going on who's who's behind this and then the true villain reveals himself while fitna explains a nefarious stupid convoluted plot you think it's going to be something amazing like some big picture kind of thing no it's not fitna and this human guy set this entire election into motion not to take over the city but to capture animals and sell them to the circus you told me to let the elections happen and i did let the donkey wear the cap sorry sorry i mean crown and then i will deliver hundreds and hundreds of animals to your circus hundreds why fitnah doesn't even get anything out of this transaction unless she likes to hump boots or something which apparently might be the case on the contrary if i may say he's the king of the circus it's so stupid i keep saying that over and over but you don't understand how off the wall bizarre random convoluted this film is nothing makes sense the story is so unbelievably dumb all right so here's the end game mongoose dead father just like ghost yoda shows up and he tells him hey you gotta save your people because they voted you to be the king even though mongoo did not earn it and then mangu is like you're right dad i have to rise up and be who i need to be and he chases down these trucks that are transporting the animals to the circus they're on their way to the circus but i'm the one who's gonna stop them at this part you're thinking they might explain why there are humans in this story what's the relationship between humans to the anthropomorphic animals they don't they never cover it they never explain it it's just a thing moving on we got an action scene to watch you ready for this you ready for a big car chase with a donkey and and other random characters who we've never seen before in the movie let's go so there's this big chase scene a bunch of wonky action dumb dialogue fake stupid drama that i'm supposed to care about is who cares the stakes are so low because i don't feel invested i do not feel invested in any of these characters and at the end of it all fitna falls 10 feet into the water and dies and then mongoo falls 10 feet into the water and apparently dies just kidding he's fine it's only like a 10 foot drop you're good so fitness taken care of and you're like okay it's time for the ring master what happens to him nothing they they never bring him up again he's just out of the story and here we are the end of the movie mongoo here offers the crown to the lion king the dad and the dad's like i'm far too old to be the king you must be in charge now and here comes the dumbest part of the entire movie which is hard to do mongoose like you're right i'm the king now and i'm in charge which means i'm going to make this guy the cop this guy the chief of complaints which means i'm going to make you the commander-in-chief which the line accepts i hereby state that you will be our new commander-in-chief no one would dare defy my orders if they knew that you were around the palace i'm sorry i thought the entire point of the movie was that you needed to step down because you're old but then you accept a role that effectively makes you the leader of the country what what what what what it's like oh i'm the king well cool uh you're now the president oh thanks it's the same job it's the same god damn job whatever i haven't gotten this upset over a movie in quite some time so forgive me folks after watching christian vegetables for like two months and then watching this my brain's about to snap and then manga talks to bernie sanders the bear is like the story's about putting the right people in power in order to be the most effective rulers they can be that's the mall that's our story about politics if you put the wrong person in a position that's wrong for them then nothing's going to ever work oh i'll get it now and also the monkeys are like fake news bad we won't be fake news no more who and that's the movie monkey news shall speak no evil hear no evil and in the future we will show no evil uh sir the raiders i said forget the ratings all right so what were my thoughts about the movie let's talk about the story as i said before it's incredibly convoluted it's all over the place it's hard to follow and honest to god it's just there's no explanations for some of the world building there are humans okay uh why they don't explain it uh the prince can't become the king there needs to be an election okay why they don't really explain it why does the king accept the role of commander in chief when he's old and the entire point of what the plot was about was you stepping down was completely erased at the end what was the point of that why did you accept the role why didn't you make your son the commander-in-chief and then teach him ah so dumb just because you address a serious topic does not automatically make your movie good when you look at these reviews from pakistan they're all like wow you talked about politics just 10 out of 10. well done uh no it's not well done as a matter of fact it's very heavy-handed you have moments where the characters directly tell you the moral of the story it's like my little pony at the end or gi joe as far as themes go it's about fake news it's about corrupt politics it's about using power to get your way and hiding it from the people underhanded corruption stuff like that and for character arcs no i i don't like them it doesn't feel natural mongoo here starts off as this dumb donkey who's obsessed with money and wants a girlfriend and i guess he's a bit of a dreamer that's it then he's used as a means to an end and shoved into power and he's very incompetent he can't do the job wonder why because he's a bad leader they could have had a story here where he truly grows into it where he tries to hear the complaints of the people meets resistance and then he's like it's more than just girls it's more than just money it's about me being the best me i could be for this job and really surprising people being like wow he grew into his own trial by fire he did it but no they went in a completely different direction he's a circus master why not the only change of heart for mongoo was when his dad was like go do the thing the monkey's like i'll go do the thing and that's it that's it in life you've got to face your problems not facebook them so it's on a dime doesn't feel like it was earned doesn't feel natural it sucks could have been good but it wasn't and for the characters no i did not like a single one fitna was awful i think she was the worst mangu here was unbearable where he was annoying if they were trying to go for like endearing or kind of the lovable himbo idiot well they failed he was just an idiot and that was it like donkey funny enough from shrek is endearing where it's like he's kind of a dummy he's a bit much but he's got a heart he's sweet he means well he's just a bit extra at times and that's his entire schtick as a character but there's more to it than just being the comic relief when shrek needed a heart to heart to change his mind about saving fiona donkey was there to save him to convince him that was good but for mongu it just wasn't there it was a dummy a stupid annoying dummy annoying dumb dumb donkey dumb almost a donkey dick don't censor me youtube but yeah prince bernie sanders the king fitna godzilla fake news monkeys just all awful very poorly written characters none of them were good which makes it really hard to watch the film it's a bit of a slog now the voice acting that was a thing so i tried to find the pakistani i don't think it's pakistani the the urdu u-r-d-u i think that's the language they speak i tried finding the version that's the original dub aka the sub couldn't find it so i was stuck with the dub here in english for me uh for me and only me uh the english dub which i was like hold on a second i've heard these voices before you're dan green from yu-gi-oh you are eggman from sonic and it's kind of funny because i know that this guy voiced a russian bear and squirrel and hedgehog episode 1 that north korean propaganda cartoon he voiced in that one too and guess what animal he was tada a bear i can sing and dance the trot but also have the strength of two so as far as the voice acting goes it leaves a lot to be desired the dialogue is clunky it's awkward nothing feels natural the fourth wall breaking makes it so much worse i don't care about fitness monologuing it's so heavy-handed and dumb i'm going to stab this donkey in his stupid she says that in the movie guys it's crazy i thought this was for kids and the music see that was a massive disappointment because when i watched animated films from india like roadside romeo i was like hey the music here is really good the entire movie itself not so much but the music was solid and i thought we might get the same kind of performance from pakistani music sequences i was let down these songs are awful now to be fair that could be a dub problem and the original sub is much better god i hope that's the case but washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes washing the clothes that song's great it's the best ever written everybody else should just give up and go home and finally there's the animation so again when i first saw the posters for this movie i thought hey these character models look competent it built some faith in me where i'm like okay let's check this film out it might be surprisingly good heck i'm optimistic and then you watch the animation it was bad especially with the action scenes where you got like mongoo running from some bulls mango chasing after trucks among you running through grass ah man the physics just weren't there for me it felt empty like as far as the rewarding physics behind it all and how the character models should be interacting with the environment ugh i i didn't like it it wasn't good the lighting could have been better and then as far as like the set designs those were okay like the stadium the palace looked fine get some particle effects at the start so there are like competent animators who worked on this movie but there were parts where it's like dropped in quality other parts where it's like okay they kind of know what they're doing i don't know why couldn't they see eye to eye what was the disconnect here why did things drag here but were okay here go figure i don't even know what to say so overall this movie is a complete trip and if you like bad movies well then i highly recommend it it'll make you grab your hair and go what's happening so if you're a sucker for pain check it out i really hope that talisman studios can get their act together it was bold to tackle a topic like this right out the gate politics as your first movie okay i mean zootopia was able to commentate about racism sexism so it's not impossible to do but like again for you all to tackle this subject as your premier film woof that was ambitious and in my opinion a bit much try to do some things that are a bit more you a bit more story driven with like i don't know adventure fantasy a sci-fi hey i want to see if you guys got any pakistani lore let's do that i'm all about like the chinese companies right now who are doing like oh god oh god what's it called journey to the west that's cool like right now i see uh chinese animation studios korean indian where they're doing stories that are based on their own cultural lore that's cool i want to see more of that i'm not sure if these pakistani animators want to even talk about their lore it's their choice it's their studio and obviously they did something right because pakistan loved this movie so hey what do i know personally i think this studio has some kinks to hammer out not those kinds of kinks the other kind so it's finally happened sabra spock is promoting well you know real talk though a big shout out to mack weldon for sponsoring this video and for hooking me up with the most comfortable lounging clothes i've ever owned a few weeks ago i got a new pair of 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Channel: Saberspark
Views: 2,883,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, what the hell is, what the hell is the donkey king, the donkey king, donkey king, political kids movie, political, anthro, review, donkey king review, donald trump FURRY, what the hell
Id: -JhnWjOzXJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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