What the HELL is BEASTARS?

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[Music] be stars that's right I am finally talking about this show so you can stop with the comments now so many comments Oh God I first heard about B stars back in 2019 from some friends of mine they were like Oh Sabre you're gonna love this one to which I was like what does that mean you can be Ralph I can handle it Oh gotcha I guess I got a theme going on with this channel of mine and I only have myself to blame help me so yeah I finally got the chance to watch B stars on Netflix back in March and I loved it I really loved it so much so that I got I'm I'm not proud to admit it I read the manga seriously though I was hooked the characters are engaging the world-building is fantastic and the overall story is a commentary about human ideologies and culture but seeing through the lens of an anthropomorphic society to see them process different themes in their world such as racism sexism classism all the isms but B stars does this from the perspective of a society that is divided between herbivores and carnivores and that puts a spin on things I mean how can a civilization function where there's one group of sentient people who live in constant fear that they might be eaten in cold blood by the other what are the social ramifications of that setting how would it impact their culture their behavior their beliefs these are all questions that B stars once to analyze and explore and it's narrative now many folks who watch B stars are reminded of another anthropomorphic story that somewhat did the same thing Zootopia it too wanted to examine the world of sentient predator and pray who coexist in a modern society and explore the ups and the downs of it all that it's not perfect that there are social problems and discrimination is a very real thing bunnies are small and weak so they can't be good cops foxes are underhanded and can't be trusted predators are predisposed to going savage so you better keep your distance from them but where Zootopia lightly taps the pedal of discussing social problems these stars absolutely fluorescent so let's take a closer look at B stars cuz lord knows you all won't let me avoid this one so who is responsible for B stars well that would be Peru and a gawky who is a very interesting individual to say the least not much is known about her but she prefers it that way Peru very much so values her privacy so I'm gonna respect that and keep things short the main thing that is worth pointing out is that she's the daughter of Qashqai aragaki the artist who created grappler Bakke which is a very popular martial arts manga now Peru would go on to both write and illustrate B stars and it was first released via manga on September 8th 2016 and has been running ever since as of right now it is up to chapter 175 and has around 18 volumes in total eventually an anime adaptation was announced twelve episodes for its first season and it would be done by a studio called orange this was an interesting choice since the studio specialises in 3d CG animation something that's still a bit of a taboo subject when it comes to anime we'll talk more about the animation of B stars later in the video but in October of 2019 the B stars anime made its debut on Japanese television and was a big hit so much so that Netflix even hit them up for licensing rights and wanted to bring be stars to their streaming services this was cool since Netflix is one of the biggest streaming sites in the entire world which meant potentially a lot more people could see it and guess what a lot of them did I remember hearing about B stars leading up to the March release on Netflix and how excited folks were for it there was good buzz strong hype and a very catchy intro that basically sold me on the entire series it's in stop-motion how cool is that alright so before I get into the meat of the matter get it get it get it I'm gonna give a quick synopsis about B stars you know the show the characters all that good stuff and don't worry no spoilers well for now I'll give you all a heads up whenever we get to that part oh and for the record I am focusing on the Netflix dub for B stars yes I said the dub now don't get me wrong I love subs especially with mustard welcome to the world of B stars it's a lot like modern Japan except instead of humans you have anthropomorphic animals such as lions tigers bears oh now most of the characters resemble a human and shape but there are some differences their heads their skin some have tails some have claws and beaks and snouts so these animal characters take the physical shape of a human but that's about it the rest of the design of that character is focused on the animal that they are it's different compared to the topia where it's characters are more animal-like judy looks much more like a bunny compared to Haru who let's be real here looks like an alchemy experiment gone wrong or oh so terribly right no the main story takes place at Chariton Academy a prestigious school that teaches both carnivores and herbivores our main character is a gray wolf named Lugosi he's intimidating he's huge he's very shy and quite unsure of himself other students are scared of him and stay out of his way though you can tell that Lugosi is bothered by that and would prefer to be judged by the content of his character and not the way that he looks Lugosi is part of a drama club where we meet another important character Louie the Red Deer he's popular he's talented he walks with purpose and inspires everyone around him to do their best but deep down inside the guy is completely messed up and has a lot of inner demons he resents carnivores he's frustrated with being a herbivore he doesn't want to be powerless in a world where a carnivore could just eat him on the spot if they chose to go ahead like if she bite me you know what I should probably explain that the biggest element and be stars to me is that this is a world where carnivores instinctually have the urge to kill and eat herbivores that this desire is within every single carnivore and it's not unheard of for herbivores to be murdered by them it's not like Zootopia where the carnivores have full control over their senses whenever nois carnivores lost control it was due to a chemical reaction but here in be stars this is entirely on them and their instincts instincts that just don't go away and are incredibly difficult to control Hey oh man it's 70 thousand for that finger right if I pay for it that means it's my to eat and our final main character on the roster is Haru the white dwarf rabbit she is small she's fragile and she's not a fan of being looked down upon most folks only see her as a defenseless rabbit while others see her as a promiscuous girl regardless of both angles horrors not highly thought of amongst her peers and that bothers her [Music] this is ridiculous so yeah these three here are the main characters though I would say that Legault she is like the main character especially as the manga precedes forward there's also a bunch of interesting side characters such as bill the tiger Jack the Labrador and Juno the wolf now the show starts off with a mysterious murder of a herbivore student from the drama club and that really sets the tone for the rest of the show that this is a world where there's a tenuous relationship between herbivores and carnivores and it's a huge reason why there's so much division and discrimination in this society again I don't want to get carried away with the story because there's a lot of spoilers and again I am NOT going to mention any specific details from the manga all I will say is that both the anime and the manga do a good job at moving things along this is a story about the characters and how they interact and the world that they live in the UPS the downs how it bothers our characters and how it challenges them and how they act and what they believe in all in all a great show across the board and it makes me want to know more about this world all right so why exactly is B star so excellent to me why do I think that well I got a couple of reasons first and foremost the overall story and characters are incredibly well done to me when it comes to a movie a show a book just any story in general you need engaging characters and B stars is no exception to that in the first few episodes we learn about the societal norms of this setting what's expected of people and how they should think and behave but then we have characters Lugosi Haru lui who don't necessarily abide by those rules and if anything challenge them we see them grow in organic ways and how they question their surroundings why should Haru be seen only as a defenseless rabbit why should Lego she be ashamed of being a strong wolf and hide that why is Louise so resentful of being a herbivore yet holds such contempt when it comes to carnivores these are interesting questions and the characters progress with those questions as we make our way through the story there's never really a moment where I feel like I'm being cheated out of an answer B stars isn't afraid to take its characters and throw tough questions and situations at them to embrace its themes and toss characters right into the lion's den that wasn't intentional I swear that wasn't on purpose God puns so many puns and best of all the anime moves along at a very brisk pace I never felt bored with the momentum of the story and it made sure to keep introducing new elements to hold my attention we go from a sheltered school and then eventually into the world itself one that is not perfect and has plenty of social problems stuff that comes as a shock to our characters and makes us ask how are they going to cope with it will they fold up with their beliefs or will they hold their ground these are just some of the questions and they are so good because if we kissed right now it'll most likely trigger my natural instinct to devour you and that would be sad next there's the way that B stars utilizes allegories by using animals now many of my viewers know that I am a huge fan of animals being used to tell a story they're timeless they're universal and there's plenty of things a viewer can assume about an animal character solely based on the animal that they are and B stars is no exception to that it wants to have a discussion about real social issues but with an anthropomorphic twist how would a society of untrusting herbivores and carnivores even function is it all built on lies what exactly keeps this house of cards from tumbling down there are ethical questions being proposed here and the answers are pretty damned dark discrimination is a very real thing and B stars and it's a two-way Road herbivores are seen as weak and helpless and undeserving of any real power in this world but carnivores are also looked down upon be careful of these guys they're driven by their instincts and can break into bloodlust at any moment they should never be trusted and should hide their claws and their teeth he'll the mayor of B stars is a lion and he surgically removed his original canines I think that's the right word the pointy teeth while he had them removed just so he can be seen as less threatening to his herbivore constituents the discrimination is very real and be stars and that is what makes it interesting now I know I've brought up Zootopia before but I want to mention it one more time as you all know I am a huge fan of that movie and I see a lot of similarities between it and B stars though there are also quite a few major differences as well both settings take place in a modern society where herbivores and carnivores coexist but the biggest difference like I said before is how's utopia carnivores are in complete control of their decisions when they did go crazy it was because of a chemical reaction being applied to them that was outside of their control and B stars what Zootopia assume was happening to its carnivores instinctually going savage well that's the norm and B stars every carnivore has an instinctual desire to eat herbivore meat but their willpower is completely overwhelmed by their natural call to be a carnivore and kill and cold blood all it takes is one bite for this taste how could a society like this even exist wouldn't it just collapse under all that tension wouldn't every single herbivore have a knife or some kind of weapon at all times come on ambulance call an ambulance but not for me well the beasts ours universe has a very dark solution for this problem be warned we are now heading into spoiler territory three two one okay the answer the back alley meat market this place specifically sells herbivore meat it's a way to satiate the primal desire of carnivores so they don't go on murderous rampages unfortunately murders do happen which is a big part of the story but most carnivores are able to control themselves because they can satisfy their instincts they can go get some meat and get their rocks off and a manner of speaking but this is about to be a terrible dinner for you when B stars first introduced the black market I loved it I absolutely loved it it is such a delightfully gray area and presents an ethical dilemma is this right is this wrong is this just delaying the problem or is it the solution should a predator be ashamed of going to the market or should they embrace it the back-alley market is already a taboo part of beasts our society something that most herbivores know of and try to put it out of their mind but deep down inside they know what's happening they know that these carnivores really enjoy the taste of herbivores and guess what you're sitting right next to one in class who's to say that you're not next by the way for those who are wondering the majority of the meat on the market comes from hospitals and funeral homes so it's already herbivores who are dead though there are exceptions to that all in all though it becomes abundantly clear that society is hanging on by an uncomfortable thread and that this instinctual call of carnivores is the main catalyst of fear and discrimination in the world of B stars drama Clark was one of the only places where carnivores and herbivores got along you have to be really careful else there is a gray wolf in that Club of yours isn't that right another aspect of B stars when it comes to instincts versus willpower is the discussion of sexual desire another taboo topic I guess that's just the word of the day isn't it the show isn't afraid to explore sexual deviance if anything I think that's one of its greatest twists by the way again spoilers there's a scene with horrid where she first makes her advances on the go she and that completely shocks him threw me for a loop to leading up to that point we hear rumors around the school that Haru sleeps around and guess what it's true though she has a very deep reason for that she explains that she is seen as a woman when she has sex an equal someone who actually has a voice and who is taken into consideration versus what is usually the norm her being just a defenseless bunny honestly this doesn't happen often usually when a girl is promiscuous and entertainment she is a sexual deviant she is looked down upon it's not for good reasons it's just for chasing dick not here when Haru is being intimate with somebody it is so she can be seen as an actual person and their eyes that it's so rare for her to be on equal footing that she wants to be promiscuous she wants to have multiple partners just so she can see eye to eye with another person as a person that's great it's not shallow it's not just for physical gratification it is so she can be seen as horrid and that plot point is quite refreshing I discovered the one thing that I can do to feel like I'm equal with others I found that this is the only time people don't feel sorry for me it's an honest interaction with another individual where I'm not treated as the weak one Lugosi himself is also a whirlwind of sexual impulses and desire and often it gets mixed up with his instinctual drive to be a carnivore sometimes he can't decipher which emotion is pulling him does he want to bang the bunny or eat her maybe both you tell me Oh God it really is both my body is moving it's trying to it wants to go inside your mouth ultimately be stars excels at discussing cultural concepts and challenging societal norms but doing so in a way that's disarming by using anthro characters and building a world around that fact we are presented a fictional setting where we can analyze our own world through their eyes and to me that's what makes be stars truly shine oh and the animation Real Talk I had my reservations when I first saw the initial wave of screenshots and video clips of B stars 3d CG animation is still in a weird spot for anime and hasn't been fully embraced by most audiences and I can understand why folks got completely burned by that CG berserk adaptation what the actual hell but orange studio put its best foot forward and really own the animation they made for B stars there are moments where I can't even tell if I'm looking at a 2d drawing or a 3d model now I know that both exist in the series but more often than not when I am confused it's actually a 3d model they just look that good I think B stars should be recognized as one of the best examples of 3d CG so far and what it can accomplish moving forward with the medium and you combine the animation along with the excellent character's story world building well folks you get one hell of a show overall B stars is a deep show with multiple layers to it it definitely has something to say about the isms of society and how they translate over to a fictional world of sentient predators and prey personally I love the anthropomorphic approach it's disarming and also puts a spin on human culture how would animals deal with the challenges of their society what divisions would exist in their world how would their civilization even function to begin with when carnivores could snap at any moment be stars once to have a discussion about these points and I think both the anime and the manga do it very well that being said B stars isn't for everyone I had some folks hit me up sharing their thoughts about the show saying that it's quote too on-the-nose or that the anthro characters are unappealing and a turn-off that the sexual nature of b stars is uncomfortable and they don't like it hey you know what that's fine like with virtually everything not everyone is going to like it especially if you don't care for stories that examine societal norms and bunny boobies but for me I recommend it I like the world-building I think the characters are fleshed out and engaging there's a brisk pace to the show and how it moves things along and expands on the premise all in all one of my favorite things I've seen so far this year and I look forward to seeing what they do next which I kind of know because I've read the manga Oh No am i becoming a weeb I already have to deal with being called a furry I can't bear both get it bear cuz it's a bear and it's a furry and it's a panda and that you get it you get it you get it you get it shut up bastard screeching at me like you're some chihuahua I'll teach you oh and I guess being a is a thing yeah I'll check that one out too [Music] [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,980,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what the hell is, saberspark, saber, beastars, what the hell is beastars, beastars review, review, furry
Id: ZZuuzp5Gxx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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