What "Superstition" Do You Believe In?

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what superstition do you believe that is true when you work in food service and it's slow so you decide to make yourself something to eat as soon as you finish making it you will get a huge rush and won't be able to eat until your sandwich burrito whatever is cold it's a curse or if you say or think man we're slow tonight there will be a rush my mother will only call when it is the absolute most inconvenient time possible if you're splitting the atom with your right hand and curing cancer with your left while looking for your car keys because you're late for a meeting with the governor and the cell phone at the bottom of your purse that you can't find rings it's my mother for a while i believe that if i wore anything with my team's badge on it while they play they wouldn't win a series of coincidences reinforce disbelief which is of course nonsense but could you afford to take a chance when you're playing your rivals every time my partner went to a game my team would lose one sport she has been to a single game it was the only game my team lost that year this went on for three years she finally attended a win this year don't talk about money in front of the appliances they are listening and one will break down as soon as it hears the word bonus similarly never criticize your car or discuss buying a new car anywhere that your current car can hear you it will be sure to break in an expensive fashion working in healthcare the full moon brings the crazies and the babies also saying it's a quiet night will most definitely get you death stairs beginners luck is almost certainly a thing among gamblers the people who aren't lucky early on probably don't keep gambling thespian superstition says macbeth is a cursed play saying its name inside the theater will bring tragedy unless you immediately go outside spin around three times spit and shout a curse word hurting on the play is also a lightning rod for bad luck things are harder to find when you are looking for them for example i have a box of assorted cutlery and in that box there are teaspoons with short handles and teaspoons with long handles in about equal quantity when i want one i can only find the other pcs can be cursed my co-workers also believe this some pcs are just plain bad luck since coming from the manufacturer co-worker her office 2016 has broken what's her pc's name i point to her pc name on my screen co-worker size it had to be that one that might actually be true a cp you could have a manufacturing area small enough to pass qc but enough that it sometimes fails in undiagnosable ways every time you marvel at your good luck it will turn bad it just will worse is if you say this out loud you're done for knocking on wood i always always do this yup i think i'm doing okay in life then suddenly i go frick something up by making a bad decision so i guess all i have to do is stay miserable and maybe my life will stay mediocre but not completely freaked crap i'm half cuban half irish i'm a walking superstition machine babies wear a gold pin with a jet bead and a coral bead attached it's called an azerbash and it both protects bad spirits from attacking your baby as well as from the maldojo evil eye they wear it until they're one divination via a spirit board but not a ouija board for some reason pendulums dowsing rods etc is still used my abuelo taught me how to make and use dowsing rods when i was a little kid i don't exactly believe it but dang if i don't pay a little more attention to crap if you see a white horse you lick your thumb press it into the palm of your other hand and then punch it their bad luck if you're holding hands with someone while walking and you have to let go because there's a power pole or something you both have to say bread and butter to stop fate from separating you conversely if you make a couple let go of each other's hands to let you pass between them you will be cursed with ill luck in love for a whole year if you spill salt while cooking you have to take a pinch and toss it over your left shoulder because the devil is looking over your shoulder and you just punk that bee in the eye painting or putting a decorative door against a surface less fairies come through they do sell fairy doors as decoration based on this superstition putting a glass bottle in your flower garden will attract fairies to live there you leave a little cup of milk and a crust of bread on your windowsill overnight to feed the fairies it makes them nicer when your cat suddenly stares at some crap that isn't there and then goes aperture chasing it all over the house it's chasing a fairy to eat it if you don't want fairies you buy a cat you have to have beans with bacon and fresh grapes at new year's you eat the grapes through the afternoon starting by eating one at 1 pm and ending by eating 12 at midnight beans with bacon are eaten at dinner both are for good luck and prosperity in the coming year abe zumbrum traditional old style broom made of twigs i buy mine from trader joe's during the first week of december it smells like cinnamon and your whole house smells amazing is hung over the main door into the house on new year's day you sweep each doorway in the house ending with the main doorway using the broom then you huck it in the fireplace or use it in a bonfire and your whole house smells like cinnamon you can always make a beesome yourself and scent it with essential oils yourself if you like a trader joe's or cinnamon isn't your bag there are also websites that sell scented beesons i ring of mushrooms as a fairy ring don't freaking walk into it unless you want to have to deal with some mega balls that will drive you crazy a trail of mushrooms in a long line is a fairy path don't step on it unless you want to deal with some mega bulls two unusual ones that may just apply to me one the date the 16th of august is extremely unlucky for several years in a row a relative or a pet died on that date got in my only car accident a date on eight stroke 16 albeit a minor fender bender i try not to have anything important scheduled on that date edit this is also the death date for elvis presley the king of rock and roll and babe ruth the king of baseball two if i begin dating someone new i don't enter their number into my phone in the past every time i've felt it was safe to save her number she would unexpectedly break it off now i'm engaged and i still don't have her number saved the added bonus i had to memorize it and now if i lose my phone or it dies i'll still be able to call her i usually get pulled over on my birthday every year three years running and i refuse to drive that day now the death comes in three it seems to be the case in my life anyway if i've had two people in my life recently pass away i get anxious about who the third will be then i feel relieved if it's a distant relative or vague acquaintance instead of someone closer same earlier this year a girl i went to high school with died in a car accident a month later a guy i went to another school with died over age overdose a month after that a really close co-worker died of a heart attack he wasn't even 20 for me every time it happens the third is generally the one out of the three i'm closest to never close a knife that has been opened by someone else either give back open if it was given to you open or close it if you opened it usually because their knife has an unnecessarily complicated mechanism that will freaking slice you open when you're trying to figure out how to close it if you pack a bit more than you think you'll need for a trip you won't use half of it if you pack a bit less because you never use it all you will have a need for more than you packed with you there is a portal to another dimension that will open randomly and devour items the catch only happens to things the size of a pen and smaller i cannot tell you how many pens i have dropped on flat open floors only to have them poof out of existence there is a special one where all guitar picks go then they are transported to the most random place available when watching sports if my team scores or wins i try replicate everything my seating arrangement to some of things i did during the day this is usually only during the playoffs i once watched a game where my team scored every time i entered the room after a commercial break i thought it might have been a funny coincidence after the second time so i decided to try again and it somehow worked i always check the shower before pooping just in case someone is waiting there to murder me also my great-grandmother believed that if she ran up and down her hall before she slept she wouldn't die in her sleep she did it for the rest of her life i joke most of the time but i swear every time we have a full moon the children at our daycare preschool go bonkers i mean it's all confirmation bias but sometimes i can't help but wonder if it's true because i have one child that is so sweet and nice turn into this tantrum throwing hitter and biter every full moon um your knowing it's a full moon could change your behavior in a way that influences the kids you need a double-blind study maybe try a couple months of not knowing the moon cycle but writing down a little blurb each day on how the kids acted then go back and match up the moon cycle in retrospect usb plugs are in a state of superposition until you try to put it in a port without checking which way it is at which point it's the wrong way but then the other way is still the wrong way then you think you're going back to the first way and it works but it isn't really the first way it's a rotation along the fifth dimension the fairies in the wood anytime you say something predictive the fairies who live in wood will go out and find ways to make you wrong i was sitting at work restaurant one day twiddling my thumbs and i remarked to a co-worker that in the four years i'd been there we'd never been that dead two minutes later two full buses come around the corner and we had just short of 80 people being taken care of by one server one host one manager and one cook always knock on the wood it does as those freaking fairies nothing pink on my boat and if it is pink i use rubber worms for base fishing in that color then it must be referred to as bubble gum also no bananas these are old sailor superstitions but still they stay off my boat nothing goes right when somebody is watching x seeing something amazing or performing something and saying to someone come look at this and by the time they get there the thing is gone or you can no longer do it as a baseball player superstitions basically run the game of baseball any of your typical walking under a ladder or opening an umbrella inside our big no-nos however more specific for baseball players are not letting other people use your bat eating a certain flavor of seeds waking up at the same time each day the list goes on and on that when older women dream of fish someone in the family or close to the family is pregnant my grandmother hasn't been wrong yet i actually have a really screwed up one for this i can't name a child joe apparently there's a curse on the name joe in my family i asked my mom about it she's generally not a superstitious lady and she said yeah every joe on your father's side has died young and tragically so i asked around a bit and apparently there were four attempts at joe's and they either weren't carried to term suffered sids or died in a ranch accident needless to say i love the name but no way in heck am i going to name a future kid or even a future pet joe that bad crap happens after 3am i used to take long walks at night that lasted till morning except when this crap happened egg out walking down the street at 3am when i hear this soft taping coming up behind me i turn around to see a joey baby kangaroo jumping down the street and pass me without even looking at me or nothing i saw no other kangaroos around next i was chilling at a playground when all of a sudden i hear a cat screeching from a few houses away i hear the sound of the cat screeching move all the way up the street then suddenly stop but yeah went home that night or morning next i was chilling at the same spot now this spot is surrounded by four houses three of them have dogs so if you make a sudden loud sound it would alarm one dog then the barking would wake and alarm the second one and so on but on this night at 3 a.m all three dogs went ape crap at the exactly the same time for about 10 minutes straight then all stopped at once crap was cray i've also had sudden thunderstorms happen at exactly 3 am i'm not in no way a superstitious person but too many of these things happen at exactly 3 am for it to creep me out tl doctor weird crap happens at 3 am i am pretty convinced about the chupacabra i once went on a mission trip near the mexican border and there was a stray dog that we started calling chupacabra the mexican guys working with us got so freaked out they stopped working and the local church pastor had to come tell us to shut up it was pretty eerie seeing those grown men that freaked out yeah you don't crack jokes about crap like the chupacabra or la la rona in mexico it's like going on to an arizona resin talking real loud about skinwalkers and the wendigo that owls announced the death of one you know it happened to my grandmother she was dead in the next four hours one of the cool neighbors dead the next day just previous week the guy about four houses away dead in the same night i didn't believe it at first but now i am starting to get spooked every time i hear owl you realize you don't have to kill every time you hear an owl one superstition that most people seem to have is the idea that you can feel someone looking at you there is no scientific basis for that belief it's just superstition i work in i.t on call or not if you even think about a problem occurring it will happen and you will be called last week i took vacation and drove 10 hours to nc got there sat down in my friend's absently asked hey are you on call for work right now no i responded and that very second my boss texted me saying they needed me to work to resolve some issue frick it me oh look all the 18 wheelers are staying in the right lane might actually make it in good time 18 wheelers everywhere changes to left lane for the next 20 miles me if you stream pubg you always get mad loot if you don't you end up with a crowbar and seven different attachments for an ar you don't have this is a weird superstition that my family believes it but basically if you sleep with wet hair then you'll get bad eyesight to this day i always make sure my hair is dry before sleeping or taking a nap i once made up my own superstition i told a woman if you make a wish at the exact moment you give somebody else an orgasm the energy added to the universe makes that wish come true she went down on me and wished to win some money just as i nutted a few days later she actually did win a couple thousand at a casino that was the only time her wish came true but it took her a long time to figure out that it wasn't working anymore sex magic the reason it worked the first time is because there was no resistance from her the other times she was attaching too much focus and expectation on what she wanted so it didn't come to pass this is legit the easiest way to explain it when you can't find parking and finally reluctantly park two blocks away a parking spot much closer will appear as you walk to your destination whenever you absolutely need to read something important while driving you decide to do the responsible thing and only look while you're stopped at the next red light you will get nothing but green lights all the way to your destination i play dnd and i need to roll all my d20s until i get a 20 on all of them before i start playing if i don't roll them first then how do i know that they work properly working in a psychiatric clinic my co-worker will literally murder you if you dare to say the name of a patient that is usually irregular in here but not there at the moment an innocent question ayla hey it is cool that mr xy is not here anymore how is he doing works like a charm and it or to happen this exact patient will come to the clinic's door within the next few minutes probably handcuffed and worse than ever it's the same as my clinic i'll randomly think about a patient who hasn't been in for a while and one that is usually on the annoying needy side and boom they walk in or call to make an appointment i swear to god i experience rather severe about 120 beats per minute tachycardia for hours each time there is a solar flare and i am 22 year old guy i know that there's no causal mechanism to explain this and i am not an anxious guy so i don't experience it solely because i know there is a solar flare but i still do if you live in an area that gets a lot of snow and don't want a lot of snow one season just go out and buy a snowblower without fail every neighbor of mine who buys a snowblower never gets to use it for their first season having it i played baseball from first grade all through high school for various teams every game day morning the team would get together and say we're gonna lose we lost a collective six games nowadays if i have a job interview or something else i don't want to frick up i tell myself that i will in fact frick it up still pulling around a 95 success rate replace a part in a computer and put the case on before testing and you'll increase your chances of the fix not working test with the case still open and you'll have a higher chance of fixing the problem a black cat crossing your path is bad luck in my house it meant they'd literally get under your feet and attempt to trip you up until you fed them i have no proof but i'm pretty sure the universe or some omnipotent being hates me and wants to watch me crash and burn because every single time things start to go right for me something worse happens without fail it fricking sucks the better it gets for me the worse the thing is that fairies pixies exist my irish grandparents believed in them totally to a degree that makes me think there had to be something to it i know it sounds nuts but hey a hundred years ago atoms and molecules were fanciful notions potatoes are a heck of a drug if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 6,273
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: superstitions that bring good luck, superstitions that came true, superstitions that bring bad luck, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: z01dvwqkKKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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