2 Hours Reddit Compilation of the Most Insane Confessions and Revealed Secrets

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serious what is the creepiest confession most disturbing that you have heard from an otherwise normal person i used to help out at a nursing home this old russian lady would relate the same tale over and over her husband drank and hit her it was sad for sure but one day she leaned over and whispered he was butthole drunk so i pushed him downstairs dead true soviet she is a friend had told me for years about the dark secrets in his past that he can't tell anybody eventually he felt comfortable enough to confess and he really was not exaggerating when he was young he raped his younger sister the family knew about it and they all got counseling and stuff at the time he and his sister are friends now but frick i had a friend confess that every time he stayed at my apartment which was frequently because we lived in different countries sometimes he would stay for a month plus at a time he watched me sleep i woke with him staring at me he was literally inches away from my face just staring and i freaked out he broke down and confessed my husband was asleep next to me that was the most creepy for sure it also ended our friendship nhs we were hanging out with this kid who was a great lower than us and he started talking about how he buried the cat up to its head and then ran it over with a lawnmower i didn't believe that he actually did that the cat would probably tear the crap out of you but it was disturbing to think that this was the information he decided to share to impress us i heard something similar when i was in middle school i think or i would hope this is an urban legend that my great uncle likes kids it suddenly made a whole lot more sense that none of his adult daughters were ever married had a serious ltr and are overweight with self-esteem issues every other aspect of his life is perfectly normal and i would have never expected that from him there was a court case before i was born that was dismissed my mother never even let me meet him until early this year because she didn't want to take the chance that he might act indecently towards me must be really hard on his daughters good on your mother though to have protected you like that on my way home from counseling an elderly lady talked to me about her experience as a nurse in a mental institution some of the things she said were horrifying and sad i think she was glad to get it off her chest this included patients with schizophrenia who were abandoned by families people admitted into the wards because of their homosexuality with some very upsetting consequences and more most involved patients taking their own lives i sat there and listened though i'm not sure how much of it actually sunken until i got home that sounds like a sad job she has you're a good person for listening to her a colleague confessed that she had sex with her brother throughout her childhood and early adolescence she also told me she despises her brother's wife because she is in love with her brother and is insanely jealous of his life and kids she has never had a relationship and fears she will never be married or have kids of her own she doesn't sound very normal there was this girl in my school who i think was a selective mute she only talked to a few people and i was one of them and then she told me that i'd never be on her hit list somebody once told me the last thing i want to do is hurt you but it's still on the list i started seeing a girl about a month ago she recently told me she was raped when she was five her parents were druggies and had her at a young age so she stayed with her grandma but my girl's grandma was a drunk so she would have her son my girl's uncle take care of her he was about 25 when this happened as the story goes he went to go score whatever drugs he was on at the time and left his five-year-old nissan attended in the car for who knows how long when he returned he found her covered in blood she had reconstructive surgery on her vagina from where the guy tore her open she confided all of this in me before i went down on her because she has confidence issues because one side looks stretched doesn't bother me one bit she says she still remembers his face and tries not to think about it the most freaked up thing is when the uncle brought her home they did nothing because he was buying drugs at his dealer's house when it happened they did nothing to save the [ __ ] uncle that brought the five-year-old around a bunch of junkers who knows what actually happened he could have allowed it to happen for drugs about six months after this happened he killed himself od my girl says she doesn't like talking about it so i don't ever bring it up but i know it has definitely affected her mentally i just wish there was something i could do to help her forget tl dr my girl got molested when she was five while her uncle scored drugs and nothing was done about it oh my god please help her seek counselling or something that's horrible had an absolutely charming incredibly smart looking close friend for a few years it took me about one five two years to find out everything about her life was a lie even the smarts she'd read some detailed article on her subjects and present ideas as if they were her own but never knew anything deeper pretended to speak many languages by secretly watching a foreign movie with subs on then translating some cool scenes to us but she made up a story about her father abusing her mom to make excuses for failing her uni exams lied to people about being a medical student to look smart and would give them very dangerous advice lied to her family about being a brilliant medical student don't know if they believed her and about many many other things but she was an incredibly fun person but an awful toxic friend still i was afraid she'd lose her mind completely if i revealed her secrets to everyone so i only quietly told the people she was abusing or potentially putting in danger so she couldn't do any damage anymore several times i tried to talk her into going into therapy but i stopped she was in complete denial about me knowing everything i was so afraid she'd kill herself if she found out what everyone thought of her one day she just packed her things said goodbye with a hug and a huge smile on her face and left for another country to pursue her medical studies i've kept evidence of all the craziness in case it comes back someday i'd say that if you genuinely pay attention to people around you you'll find out many creepy stories like this some people see friends come and go and actually never have any idea of what's going on in their lives my ex-boyfriend could not handle our breakup i broke it off with him because of significant issues drugs stealing etc i finally got out of it he didn't he would not give up on me at first he was desperate at trying to get back with me following me waiting in obscure locations for when i walk to my car and even threatening to kill himself if i didn't see him i blocked his numbers changed my email transferred colleges moved a state away and tried to move on with my life he was in and out of jail for drugs and stealing in addition to concealed weapons charges which was scary for me knowing all the times when he confronted me alone it was about four or so years later when i received the creepiest phone call it was him calling to tell me that he was looking for me all this time the tone of his voice the horrific laughter i freaked out i called my parents and informed them hey if i go missing this is who has me i called campus security and made sure they had his description he never showed up but my god the voice on the other end of the line still brings chills it scares me to this day that he is out there possibly looking for me luckily i've become more aware of precautions to take pepper spray learning self-defense etc if i was in another state where obtaining a gun was easier i would have done so unfortunately it's not so easy where i am now i do however have panic buttons and gps locators so if something were to happen i can be found i try not to let fear or paranoia run my life i try to take the best precautions but i will always have that fear that just around the corner he will be waiting for me you should post this to our let's not meet that is terrifying had a good friend of mine tell his crush at a party that he just wanted to cut her ears off and take them with him he's a great guy married and just had his first child with someone completely different that girl was gone clowns to the left of me jokers to the right here i am stuck in the middle with you most disturbing was when a friend confided in me that she had been sexually assaulted it was quite disturbing because i used to think of sexual violence as an abstract concept that wasn't pervasive enough to affect my world but it is disabused me of many inaccurate notions the nature of sexual violence makes it more likely to be unreported i've helped a few friends out with things like this and reporting it to the police was the last thing on their minds the desire to feel safe and unashamed was a much more pressing concern and the last thing they'd want to do was talk about it with strangers over and over i worked with a polish dude who barely speaks english he's a lovable 40-something dude who just drinks vodka and laughs infectiously all day long a textbook carefree scamp every couple of months everyone from work heads to a bar that hook us up with half-price drinks for that particular night it's pretty sweet so anyway this polish dude and i were at the end of a long 10-person bench laughing about nothing and drinking ice-cold cruiser after ice-cold cruiser it was great eventually we somehow got onto the topic of what he did before he came to england after a few bruises english became even more scattered but he did try bless him so he says he was in the army and so on and so forth after which he said i shoot seven men dead now that might not seem too heavy for you but it blew me away he was on the front lines during the kosovan war from what i could gather i couldn't and didn't want to get too much more out of him due to the language barrier also some gnarly illegal crap happened during that war which i don't think i could bear to know about keep smiling pete dang i know a 40-something kosovan dude who basically told me the same story but completely casually then he said he never wants to hold a weapon again in his life told me that he used to go on forums and boards dedicated to people struggle with depression and he'd pm the ones who were feeling suicidal with instructions on how to go about killing themselves and give encouragement to do so i've never lost so much respect for a person within the duration of a couple minutes this might be the most disturbing thing in this thread i gave four virgins chlamydia instantly thought less of this person what a freaking my friend who is this grade a student goes over to all these different girls houses not to have sex or anything just to steal their dirty underwear while they're in the bathroom or their elsewhere he has a full box which includes a pair of my sister's underwear which he admitted to stealing in his pant rye i'm surprised no one has noticed in his house but to this day i'm the only one who knows well now the whole of ridic knows half ricky scott you panty stealing frick when i was in fourth grade one of my friends broke down in tears and told me that he had murdered someone and that's why he moved away from ca as a very gullible nine year old i walked around with the burden of knowing a murderer for about a week a friend of mine confessed that he was molested as a child his parents are part of this cult that believes their leader can talk to god the cult is decent-sized there are about a few hundred members when i researched it my friend said that there was a man from the church who would offer to babysit him and his little brother the babysitter would offer them money to take off their clothes get their pictures taken and do sexual favors the church gathers a block from my house i thought this building was a temple or a mosque but in reality it's some sort of cult compound some of the members are actually part of the local police too if i wasn't always drunk i would probably be scared a really shy and timid friend told me her idea of a perfect date was freaking while watching the movie antichrist i told her i love that movie make sure she doesn't have access to scissors when if you freak her in fact make sure there's no objects at all she might be able to use to say knock you out hammer a ball and chain through your leg crush your balls and then chop her own [ __ ] off with i was having a few beers with another much older teacher he told me he used to sleep with 13 year olds when he was 30 and living in his hometown [Music] that would definitely be when my father drove 2 000 miles to my home to sit down and for the first time be brazenly open about how he was raped by his cousin when he was five or so 12 and how he has been a pedophile since but it's okay because he was raped as a child and hey turned out okay this comes out of the woodwork as he was preparing for trial because he volunteered his computer to the police and it had kdp on it his trial is in march i had an art teacher in about third grade who was really cool or at least i thought so at some point she came up to me and said i love your red hair i just want to chop it all off when you asleep and glue it to my head it's one of my sharpest childhood memories because i remember going afterward thanks and laughing really nervously all art teachers are weird in some way my friend said he was left alone with the body of his dead cousin during the funeral everyone got personal time to say goodbye or whatever and he had sex with it he cried when he told us i have no other information an 18 year old i had just met got crazy drunk on the verge of alcohol poisoning and said he was worried about a child p case he was caught up in i didn't want to know any more and made sure he didn't die then got the frick out back in my early 20s i'm 41 now i had a small group of close friends we'd get together after work and on weekends to smoke weed or drink sometimes someone would bring someone new one new guy i'll call scott started to hang out frequently on weekends seemed normal but mostly quiet one night scott gets stoned and tells the group how a neighbor abducted him and his younger brother at knife point from the woods behind their house and forced him to perform sex acts with his younger brother while the neighbor watched if they booked or refused the guy would cut them or poke them with the knife scott's telling this story like he's no longer aware we are even in the room he's looking through us he tells us that the guy lets them go after like eight hours when scott gets home his little brother runs and hides so he goes and tells his mom what happened but she doesn't believe him and claims he's making it up to excuse the two boys for being late the next day scott's little brother still wouldn't come out of his room so scott tells his dad then takes his dad and shows him his little brother's bleeding rectum but scott tells us everything goes to heck from there the cops are called the story is to be told over and over again scott's parent marriage explodes due to his mom not believing the story or even informing the father about it scott's mom tells everybody remotely close to the family the details which embarrasses and humiliates both the boys scott says he tried to block it out but his little brother is tormented by it despite tons of therapy parents divorce and scott's dad has custody scott continues telling us how his brother blames him for everything for years the little brother was sodomized by scott multiple times during the ordeal so a couple years go by and scott's little brother is guilting him the whole time the little brother decides the only way he can forgive scott and get past it is if he gets to do to scott what scott was forced to do to him gilts got into it through a lot of blame and then threats of suicide afterwards the younger brother tells the parents and immediate family what he did to scott then the brother decides he can't live with what he did with scott brother writes in his suicide note that he can't understand how scott could live with himself after what scott did to him because he can't live with what he did to scott the younger brother hanged himself scott tells this whole story to this then he curls up in fetal position and starts bawling his eyes out everybody is just stunned we did bong hits till scott cried himself out then the dude who first brought scott and takes him home we never see scott again oh man poor guy was sitting in a room full of people getting high when one of them starts describing a love affair he had on his uncle's farm tl doctor he fricked a horse i just cannot understand why on earth someone would even remotely want to do that i understand curiosity of course i mean i wonder what it be like to kill someone but the thoughts and action are far away i don't know what brings someone to put their dong inside an animal when i was in my mid-20s a serious girlfriend of mine drunkenly confessed that she was willingly gang-banged by two of her brothers and their friends when she was in her early teens and that it wasn't a big deal suddenly a lot of her past behavior in our relationship started to make sense and i broke up with her shortly after because i started worrying that she might actually be dangerous as in kill your spouse for the insurance money dangerous it's weird how people have a hard time recognizing someone's serious mental health issues when that person is very physically attractive my ex told me he killed a horse he wasn't drunk he wasn't dead or anything he just saw a horse and decided i should kill this horse he gutted it and everything and he liked it out of nowhere my ma tells me my dad drunkenly confessed daddy and his cousin whom my mom later dated and had a kid with picked up a hitchhiker out near the beach in the early 90s they were intoxicated and one thing led to another and they ended up killing the guy and burying him in a remote location in some sand dunes she assumed he was trying to scare her into staying with him since they were going through a breakup and she shrugged it off as machismo bulls so the story goes years later a story comes up on the news they are asking for information about remains found buried in a sand dune she's not really paying attention until they start describing this large belt buckle that may help identify the man she flips the frick out because my dad had bragged about taking the guy's belt off which had a huge texas style buckle and beating him with it making fun of the buckle and stuff the next day the cousin calls and tells her he or his buddies would not hesitate to kill us if she breathes the word anyways she always felt really guilty about not turning them in but after losing my sister she died very young she couldn't fathom losing me as well the rest is history they are free dudes a guy i was dating in high school told me that he had sex with his younger seventh grade maybe brother because he was just so addicted to master bashan and he could never be the parent to a son and daughter because his son would certainly rape the daughter it took years for me to completely realize the level of fricked up that was when i was 14 at a sleepover with my best friend she told me that she used to live next door to her pedophile he touched up and raped two stroke three of his kids one boy and one girl who then told the police who didn't believe them especially because the mum told them they were making it up for attention he then went to do charity work in africa and may have assaulted them we don't know then he came back to england and then assaulted one of his grandkids this little girl told her mum who was assaulted by him too the little girl her mum and her brother the three victims of this man two of them now adults then went to the police this time the police realized their past mistake and arrested the man but he died before he could be prosecuted i knew this previously but she told me you know you have those random snippets of childhood memories and you don't know whether they're real imagination or dream i nodded well i have one of these about going up and down the road on my scooter when i was about five and him sitting in his garage he called me into the garage and shut the door then about an hour later i left that's all i remember but a couple of years ago i was trying to put my first tampon in and there wasn't that skinned stuff that's supposed to be there do you know that barrier and i've never cycled rode a horse or done gymnastics she looked really distressed when she said this when i was three my uncle caught me taking poop out of the toilet with my hands and eating it this was is really only disturbing because of who was involved the person who told me this gem was my dental hygienist while she had her hands in my mouth if she was older than four when she told you you're probably fine teachers have read it have you had a student confess their love to you if so what is the story behind it when jay was doing my student teaching i had this one student nine years old who would refuse to talk to me i thought the little dude hated me for one reason one day i tried to start a conversation with him and he started to sob and cling to my leg shouting please marry me marry me please i worked for a summer camp and a four-year-old camper yelled i love you to me he was immediately scolded by another four-year-old who said you can't say that she's married i was 15 definitely not married didn't stop the entire camp from jumping on that one and clamoring to know more about my kids that i didn't have no but i had a weird student who went around saying i was pregnant with his child obviously i had not done anything with this kid other than teach him in class but i also wasn't pregnant anyway maybe he thought he'd received a different kind of physical education one of my students who was less than half my age told me she wanted to kiss me she said this in a very public place while i was chatting with her and her best friend after she said it i just kept jabbering away about whatever while my brain went weight what in high school there was a ta who all the boys had a crush on one day some girls cornered her and asked her if she realized how popular she was she replied i didn't even like high school boys when i was in high school i get this over the years i've had a few employees hit on me or worse my response is always i didn't want to deal with 21 year old problems when i was 21. no but i had a single mom give me a very obvious hint that she wanted to come by and help however she could during parent teacher conference i had a dad ask if he could give me a foot massage and touch my feet during parent teacher conference not a single dad i wasn't even saying my feet hurt or anything it was completely random and so awkward don't know if this counts but when i was a senior in undergrad i made extra money by leading recitation sections for the freshman physics class but one student clearly didn't have much experience with girls never happens in physics s and did the classic move of assuming that because i was paying attention to him and answering his questions it meant i was romantically interested in him this was of course announced with a ton of emails and fb messages in like two or three days which made it amply clear he didn't understand that me talking to him about physics and being nice was my job and i treated all students the same i basically told my physics prof supervisor what was happening and he was a little taken aback i can't say that happened to me before but he gave the kid a stern talking too turns out said kid had also been reported by a female classmate to the title nine office in that first semester so yeah he just really didn't get how to interact with women in a buddhist university where i was a teaching assistant to a buddhist theology class a monk in the making took a liking to me i didn't get the cues just thought his friendliness and little gifts mostly snacks were entirely platonic i was close to the monks at that school the mongolian monks gave me soda and offered me ramen when they thought the temple food was bad so it didn't strike me as unusual similarly kindred spirits type of connection other teachers assistants warned me but i genuinely thought nothing of it turns out he really did like me it was terribly awkward and it did not end well had a friend in high school who had an unhealthy crush and obsession with a female teacher when he found out she was married he threatened to kill himself on facebook if she didn't go out with him his mom and dad tried to play it off as boys being boys but he was forced to get medical help i'm friend with him on facebook and he seems to be doing well lives in a farm and enjoys his redneck lifestyle i'm friend with him on facebook and he seems to be doing well lives in a farm and enjoys his redneck lifestyle trying to better teach her to howdy the best kind of character development i had a girl in my grade 10 class who stalked me first day of class i kicked her out for being disruptive had a word with her in the hallway and she broke down in tears sent her to the counselors to deal with whatever she was dealing with after that she just sort of glommed onto me would come to my classroom at lunch joined the extracurricular activity i coached would wait for me in the parking lot after school and watch me drive away final straw for me was that she somehow found out my unlisted number this was 10 years ago when i still had a landline and left a really bizarre message i recorded it and emailed it to my ap when she got to school that day she brought me a gift bag full of stuff which i was afraid to open i brought it down to the office my ap the counselor the girl and i had a beating during my prep period where the girl herself said that maybe she should be taken out of my class as soon as i left the meeting to go to my next class i was told she flipped out and was screaming at the ap and the counselor about not wanting to be removed from my class i was required to park at a nearby park for the next little while and the school counselor drove me from there to the school and back to my car as they were scared she would do something to my car she was placed in a female titches class after that and soon after she sadly tried to take her own life i'm not sure what happened to her after she was placed at the children's hospital i hope she got the help she needed we did learn though that a similar thing happened between her and another teacher at a junior high school that's really sad for her and scary for you mental health illnesses especially in children suck poor kid not quite but when i taught 14 stroke 15 yo students i was 23 at a time on one of my last days at the school a group of three boys cornered me and demanded that i choose which one of them i wanted as my boyfriend lol 14 and 15 year olds are way way too old to be doing that crap had a couple of third and fourth graders teased and or routed by their classmates in front of me the one that stood out to me was this one fourth grade one time after class two terms in his friend suddenly went to the teacher's desk and asked me how i felt about him he was hanging around the sides and shyly looking over i said he was amazing and nice and i like him as a student the crush was pretty innocent at that age so i think he liked that on sahaja nothing else came up from that grader who was super nice in class my 4th graders are around 10 years old and are relatively short so they're all babies in my eyes i teach undergrad college students mainly freshmen i had to change my name on social media about a year into working this job because some e-boy freshman i taught literally once found me on facebook and tried to chat me up with the whoa this is so crazy now that i found you again we're going to have to go out and catch up i didn't even remember teaching him to his dismay i turned him down blocked him and changed my name on all social media i had another student in a class that i substituted for a few times that would constantly chat me up while i was trying to teach i had mentioned that i had a significant other boyfriend more than a few times but he clearly wasn't getting the point it came to a breaking point when he interrupted my lecture to tell me how much he liked my shirt from a crappy barbecue non-local joint i turned around said thanks it belongs to my husband a lie and went back to teaching i had a ring on that day by chance just because i like wearing jewelry his table mate was dying he had a front row seat to this kid's failed flirtation attempts but this one was the icing on the cake he didn't flirt with me again after that absolutely slaughtered him i had a failing student who wanted to go to med school proposition me she did get the d but not the one she wanted she was a minor model very attractive and in any other context i would have said yes definitely read this as a minor that you would accept under any other context glad i reread that male uni professor it's mostly just giggling chinese girls and people wanting selfies they're harmless i've been asked out a couple of times it's easy to turn down i'm absolutely positive that fantasy would be better than reality i'm actually a very private person i had a student confess her love for me yesterday even though i had just met her she is the cutest little five-year-old ever being male or female is really irrelevant here anyone who is offended by this clearly is in the wrong yes had a young man who i helped every day at lunch he was very far behind and needed tons of extra help after working with him from sixth grade to eighth grade he was really doing well i was proud of him and it showed so bear the end of middle school he says thanks for all your help you are the best mom in the world i love you i was a 32 year old male we both had a good laugh though i was a mid-20s male who taught speech therapy at an elementary school and had a female student who was always really quiet when answering questions seemed shy and would get all smiley whenever i talk to her i was talking to the speech and language pathologist about how i thought she knew the answers but she was too shy or acting weird or something and she goes oh it's because she has a crush on you but but she's nine i all made sense now but i had no idea kids got those kinds of feelings so young the next day i was walking by and saw her with her group of friends one of them turned to her and said there goes you her boyfriend her face turned red she hid it in her hands and ran away i think it's cute because kids that age don't know what those feelings are or how to handle them but man it blew my mind that crushes start so young weird dude i had a crush in kindergarten i find it hard to believe this thread is so full of honorable rejecters in uni virtually every second tutor and lecturer was banging a student those people are probably too cool to use reddit in the 10th grade i had a lit teacher who was sort of an archetypical attractive younger female teacher that sort of knew it and was a little risque with her interactions with the students nothing grossly explicit that she would just let conversations drift toward the edge of appropriate bounds of schoolroom discussion particularly given a room full of minors well one day the conversation was about how people fall in and out of love and it naturally drifted toward the topic of attraction at later age this one kid piped up and said ms lit teacher i would still do you when you are old the room got deathly quiet and the student knew immediately that he'd fricked up the teacher was in a bit of shock and had the student sent to the principal's office the principal showed up a few minutes later with the teacher's husband a science teacher at the same school and had the student tell him what he had just told the teacher as if this wasn't punishment enough he still got a week of suspension years later with the wisdom of age i wonder if the teacher was also ever reprimanded for even letting a discussion get to this point in class it's crazy that she's a lit teacher and married a guy with a last name lit teacher the world works in mysterious ways yes the girl wrote me a full on love note i took it immediately to my supervisor indicating my lack of knowledge of the student's interest or my interest in any way shape or form in reciprocation as a male in a high school i felt feel the target on me is incredibly large my super quite literally took the notes ready that said we would not speak of it again i was not settled by this i did have a talk with the student with my neighbor teacher in her room with both our doors open it was a one one conversation with the student letting her know this was not behavior i was willing to accept and would move forward in our interactions as we have in the past me the teacher her the student things ended up basically back to normal this scenario was one of many issues in education that led me to leave it i don't want some young fool to ruin my life due to accusations and supervisors to not assist me because they don't want to deal with it or are uncomfortable themselves have been on both sides of that as a student i liked my day in college i thought he was just being nice and friendly bill had a feeling it was just because i was an exchange student and not because he liked me because when does that actually happen we would often chat after class and he gave me lots of advice even on other classes i was taking so he basically became my mentor i did not think he might actually be interested in me and in fact i had been seeing other people because i would have ended up alone on campus for winter break the tay was nice enough to offer me to join him for his trip back home and i accepted at that point the semester was over and he wasn't my teacher anymore so he picked me up and we spent the break together turns out he was interested but kept it professional because he did not want to cause any trouble and mostly because he actually had no clue i liked him back until he asked and i had to explicitly tell him so he was also convinced i was just being nice and needed a mentor we are now happily married on the other side when i was teaching in undergrad i had a student that would stop by after class to chat a bit he'd just get the stuff back into his backpack really slowly or would take extra time to finish up some work so he would end up being the only person left with me he never flat out told me he liked me but he did ask me to sit down to lunch with him i politely told him i had other commitments and that was it i do remember about him fondly he really was a great guy tldr married my former college day and when i was at a one of my students had a crush on me and asked me to lunch because people generally ask my day was eight years older than me and i started teaching when i was really young so i was only one two years older than most of my students if not the same age wow i can't imagine having a teacher just two years older than me every teacher i have a like 30 plus years older while i was student teaching it happened to be teacher appreciation day and i had a female high school student tell me they love me talk to my supervising teacher about it and they wrote it off as being dismissive and gave me some tips about in case they were serious turns out they were the student would try to go out of their way to get help from me try to spend time alone with me i was asked to help with an after-school play thing and they grouped us together and made it even more awkward thankful no moves were made but it was really uncomfortable the whole time on my going away card she wrote a sad note like you didn't tell me you were going away i'll miss you i has a college professor who married a former student of his they were 20 25 years apart in age and if i recall correctly they didn't start dating until she'd been out of his class for 10 years same she was a student in his creative writing course and later got married when i was a kid five or six one of my dad's students came up to me and told me she wanted to be my new mommy and be married to my dad so that was weird how old was she i was teaching as a substitute teacher in a professional high school where most of the students were almost my age 21 22 because most of them were refugees or just in scholar failure the students however were really happy to learn english and participated a lot so i decided to give my email in case they had questions out of class my bad i shouldn't have done that after my contract ended boy from the class kept sending me messages asking for a friendship or more he literally spammed me for a few months until i blocked him it is such an awkward situation no it's about five years after i graduated high school my english teacher found me and admitted that he had been madly in love with me while i was in his class i had a slight crush on him during high school but no clue that he dreamed of me he had just divorced and thought it would be a fine time to test the waters i had a student write to love no to me on a phone ball i was teaching in china at the time and the note was in chinese when i gave the ball to one of the chinese staff to translate she the staff member nearly fell out of her chair laughing the student was 14 or so i was careful not to be alone with her it's treated very differently over there though her parents once dressed her all in red traditional chinese wedding color and asked me to take wedding pictures with her i didn't refuse men a picture over there so as not to be rude but i refuse those during residency i had student for various projects now i am generally average and never had women throwing themselves at me but never had them running away a student grad school was in my office more like a shared closet space a lot she was way out of my league when i was her age later in semester she got very close and started clueing my oblivious but that she was into me and wanted something i still played dumb like she was joking my office conveniently got turned back into storage and i was never alone with her again a more experienced professor later told me it was very normal that some students gravitate towards professors they admire and they really good looking ones have to be very careful and are constantly here seized and many actually leave acidemia i think he called me ugly it's a problem for some professors but you looks over at the professor squinting you should be all right my dad was my mom's professor in college a year or two after she left his class they started dating 14 years apart and they just had their 29 year anniversary on a more personal note i used to teach at a boarding school and i was having a nighttime extra help session at the end it was this one girl who was really struggling after everyone left she gave the whole mr x i'd do anything to pass this class i messaged another teacher who was downstairs to stick their head in and wrapped everything up asap sent an email to admin that night everything ended up fine and i don't even know if she meant anything sexual by it wasn't going to take the chance i'm probably out of scope and definitely flipped for what you were asking but during undergrad i asked out the tay for one of my physics labs as i turned in my final report for the semester just hey let's catch a show and a beer lab partner encouraged me he rejected saying he can't date students and i just ran with it in my shame one of my life regrets was not clarifying that i was graduating the next week of course i've dated since then but it would have been nice to have a smart one for once comma but it would have been nice to have a smart one for once oof i taught high school for a couple of years freshmen girls would smile and giggle and come up with silly questions to come up and ask me between classes while their friends stood there and giggled no big deal the senior girls were a different story i'm married happily wear a ring and was as a male extra careful to never be alone with female students and it happened to make sure the door to my class was wide open i had three straight up and with very clear and explicit words tell me they didn't care if i was married they just wanted to have sex i reported each incident i had one female student that would hug me constantly even though i had told her several times to stop i don't like other people touching me anyway but this was super creepy she would come up behind me and embrace me even managed to surprise me with a full frontal hug once i had reported this to administration each time but was not believed it's just a harmless schoolgirl crush i was told one day an assistant principal just happened to see her come up behind me and embrace me like my wife would and he immediately took her to his office she was removed from my class and instructed to never speak to me again it was so bad that the female teachers in the rooms close to me gave me their cell numbers to text them if i needed someone in the room when i started teaching college i have had girls flirt with me but that's it no i'll do anything to pass situations or i'm not in your class anymore things they would flirt and i would completely ignore it and it stopped if you want to know where the real steamy behavior is on a college campus it's the professors this is why the idea of being a male high school teacher terrifies me you could do everything right and still end up in he said she said situation looking back i feel horrible for the one attractive male teacher at my high school who all the girls talked about yes many many many times i also work in a preschool when they say i love you they mean it in the most platonic way possible i also have to say i love all if my kiddos back they are the heart and soul of my job my brother is going into the preschool industry and i imagine he's gonna have this a lot i used to teach at uni several months after the course had ended i got a long lulu text from my former student turns out she had a crush on me and then saw my profile on a lesbian website so she decided to ask me out it was very kind of her but i said no deontology doesn't end with the course haha plus i don't want a relationship with that kind of power dynamics she hasn't verbally said it but she's also seven and chinese i'm an expat teacher her english isn't good enough to verbally express it but it's pretty obvious though obviously harmless as well not me but a teacher at my high school left his wife and kid he was in his mid-30s for a girl who took a liking to him a grade under me after she graduated she was on the volleyball team he was the coach pretty much everyone knew she liked him and it flawed everyone when they announced their engagement and eloped rural ohio is scary stay away rural everywhere is scary take it from a rural floridian just move out there and do what you moved out there for to stay the heck away from everyone my first teaching practicum was in a grade 7 8 class of students who were learning english as an additional language there were two boys who never spoke to me and while they did have fairly limited english they somehow managed to speak to other teachers just fine on my last day one boy told me that i was a beautiful singer and that he'd been watching my videos on facebook i guess he somehow creeped my very private profile and found some old videos of my performances at an open mic for the next year he would continue to send me messages on facebook saying i miss you ms b and why don't you come visit i never responded it was both sweet and concerning lol i wish i had a chance to teach that kid about boundaries and that playing it cool is a better approach to getting girls to like him serious people who had to clean out rooms of someone who had died family friend or otherwise did you find anything you shouldn't have found and how did it make you feel my grandma's house had money everywhere every purse had at least 100 cash suitcases had a few hundred more every coffee can or other container in her kitchen had rolls of money there were even bags of frozen veggies in the freezer that had been split open and money hidden inside and her bank accounts thousands upon thousands of dollars no one had any idea she lived so simply and never spent a dime on anything unnecessary i'm sure her financial paranoia was due to growing up in the great depression it made for the best scavenger hunt ever though same when my dad's mother passed she didn't trust banks so going through her flat was like a lottery scavenger hunt a had even cut open the bottom of her mattress and we found about 3k in it after my grandfather died i found out that he worked for the army in fort monmouth whenever anyone asked what he did for a living he said he makes coffee turns out his actual job description was classified and nobody knew what it was not even my grandma i look just like him if i had to guess it had to do with cryptographic equipment fort monmouth is where all of our crypto equipment would be sent when it needed repairs when my mother was killed by her ex-husband i was one of the people tasked with packing our house he stalked her and would break into the house often my mother knew but no one else did as a result when we were taking things down like pictures and such we would find things hidden behind them items such as checkbooks to hidden bank accounts from him or even worse notebooks full of dates and accounts of events where he would engage her she had a restraining order on him usually these engagements according to the notebook were awful tires being slashed her being followed and him coming up to her on day-to-day events berating her the thing is though she kept it all secret from the family what makes it so hard is if she would have told everyone of these things she might still be here today i hope that was used as evidence against that bastard and that he's serving life without chance of parole when my great-grandma passed away we were cleaning out our house and we found all these liquor bottles that were full of water from 40 years ago when my dad and my uncles had drank all her booze and replaced it with water lol my grandmother passed after a blood clot incident she had several conditions that no doubt led up to this for example her medical team decided not to treat her breast cancer because they figured she would die before it would spread my father uncle and my sisters were left to clean out her things from her apartment she had a lot of old expired food like ketchup that had gone completely black we found things from when she was well and social like her quilting and handmade soaps which were beautiful she has a quilt that had the names of all of our family but the names were sewn in the individual's handwriting style however one day it was just my dad and me going through her bedside table we found her journal told the end all of the entries were about how lonely she was how she only got to see her grandchildren twice a year and how her own children never saw her unless they needed something she said she wanted to die my dad threw it away so his brother would never have to see it so um yeah go hug a grandparent had to clean up after my grandmother passed found a note from back when she was with her second husband who died in 1995 that she never gave him she poured her heart out to him and said she couldn't be with him she knew the timing was hard because he was sick but she was just done she must have had a change of heart but it was hard to read something that carried so much of her pain and know how unhappy she was in his last year sometimes people just need to write out their feelings sounds like it could have been part of her coping process giving a voice to that small part of you that just wants to give up my great aunt died at 100 years old and i got a fairly new samsung tv the tv turned out to be 3d but she only had one eye i couldn't shake the thought that some salesmen sold an old lady with one ir 3d tv oh that's fricked up i lived in my uncle's house for a while after he died and found pieces of his suicide note that no one knew about hidden everywhere in his books in his desk under his mattress and novel length diatribe of madness that sounds creepy as heck to just be finding those here did crime scene cleanups for a while usually cleaning up after a suicide was always very eerie we would usually find more suicide notes or drafted ones one of our rules apart from the actual cleanup was to throw out any of their toiletries and things the family wouldn't need or want like clothing etc always thought handling someone's toothbrushes pool of blood lay next to you was so weird i'm very desensitized to my work of course but just seeing photos handwriting or whatever object that reminded us of the deceased knowing they had just taken their own life right there next to you tended to bother me i'll always remember one guy who had slit his wrists in his bedroom and bled all over the dang place he had left over 10 pages of personalized notes in his bedside table addressed to every person he knew closely going through them and reading them was really intense after my grandmother died i helped my grandfather clean out some of her stuff and found a poem she wrote to the infant child that she lost some 50 years ago i don't think my grandfather knew about the poem or he forgot about it that's terribly sad the blood stains or crap stains everywhere after my dad died from alcohol abuse i don't know what it was exactly but i guess i'd expected they'd clean up a little bit when they took the body or want us to call people ahead of time they didn't prepare us i went in first to open doors and windows because i was prepared for the smell of death just not the signs of him slipping and falling as he tried to get to his cell phone eventually to be found face down two feet away from it on a lighter note my dad had a lot of boxes of photos of my sister and i and a lot of his childhood stuff my dad never was the type to have possessions other than a few outfits and coffee mugs finding those boxes of things i'd never seen or known he had copies of was heartwarming i'd have figured he'd tossed them long ago i know he loved us but he was never an outwardly sentimental man so it took me by surprise when my dad died of lung cancer we found this really cool puzzle box he had just died and my closest relatives and i were gathered around as i solved the puzzle box to open it we get it open and we found none other than a ton of pot was hilarious and awkward at the same time but even better than that i found my two siblings he hid from the family for years we're actually all currently sitting on the couch together so thanks you old hippie r.i.p after my uncle hung himself in his garage my brother and i found a book on not tying on top of a stack of books it was an extremely dark moment when my grandfather died we found three live grenades in his closet hundreds and hundreds of firearms and a crate of c4 in the garage although i don't think he was trying to hide any of that stuff after my grandmother passed away i was helping clear her flat she was apparently 87 when she died but we also had suspicions that she was older she had grown up in nazi germany and crossed the berlin wall as a russian spy and then gave herself in we had a lot of questions that she never answered then i found a cupboard full of notebooks they were detailed diaries and gave a lot of answers my mum was heartbroken though when she found the date of her birth it only said it was born today and then a week later said it has been named by my mother-in-law this one is actually kind of heartwarming my dad was a pretty reserved guy while i knew in my heart he would lay down and die for me without a moment's hesitation he never said i love you or i'm proud of you or anything like that it's just who he was after he died of cancer we went to his office to clear it out i'd never really been in his actual office since on the rare occasions i'd see him at work he'd usually meet me at reception well when we went in there it was practically a shrine to me and my sister every certificate photo newspaper clipping program etc was hung up on the walls of his office a number of people came by to pay their respects as we were clearing things out and again and again i heard he was so proud of you i've heard so many things about you it's nice to meet you in person you were so special to your father he spoke the world of you honestly you could have knocked me over with a feather definitely one of the more bittersweet moments in my life r.i.p dad miss you edit thank you so much for the upvotes and the reddit gold x2 and thank you even more for sharing all your kind words and your stories and for those of you blessed enough to still have them go hug your parents right now when my great-grandpa died we had to wear surgical masks to clean his house out because he chain-smoked big fat cigars for decades but the smell was ridiculous at one point my uncle came running out of the house with a box screaming i found his skin flicks and later on my cousin came out of the house with a light-up christmas reindeer under his arm and a very serious look on his face someone asked him what he was doing and without breaking stride or changing his expression he said i want this my best friend was killed in a car accident when he was 15. i was like another son to his parents and a few weeks after his death his mother asked me to come over to help go through his things mainly because we basically treated our clothes as one gigantic wardrobe and half the stuff in his closet was mine including the shirt he was wearing when he was killed when we first went into his room his mom said to me you have 10 minutes to remove anything you don't want me to see and she handed me a duffle bag i shut the door behind me pulled out his sock drawer and took out the dime bag i had stashed there then i lifted his mattress and grabbed the two penthouse magazines and the video my brother gave us i zipped up the bag and opened the door together we went through his stuff me grabbing my clothes and her giving me his clothes that she knew i wore all of the time after a few minutes i decided to play some music i turned on his stereo and hit play on the cassette player and journeys faithfully starts playing after a few seconds dubbed over the song is my friend's voice saying mushy things to this girl he's been crushing on since 8th grade i listened for a minute then i just bust out laughing that crap was so corny that i couldn't help it once i started laughing his mom starts laughing and crying at the same time it was the first time she had laughed since the accident and later in she said it was a turning point for her in her grieving process to me it was my best friend just being goofy over some girl i still think about him almost every day even though it's been 31 years was wondering how far back this was when you mentioned penthouse mags my husband and i cleaned out my grandma's house after she passed she was a big time hoarder but luckily of the pack rat variety so everything was neatly packed away in thousands of boxes and drawers it took us nearly three weeks to get everything out of the house and we found so many things that i had never knew my grandma had done she built a boat with her first fiance prior to marrying my grandpa she traveled the world making friends with some of the most interesting people like a legit member of african royalty whom she had a long-lived pimple friendship among the cool memories we found beautiful jewelry dresses that she had kept for us as gifts that we never received i also found out that my dad had been a baby model for sears through the newspaper clippings she kept it was an emotional wild ride for those three weeks her son sold most of the non-keepsake items in a garage sale and made nearly four thousand dollars all things priced under five dollars so you can imagine how much stuff she had accumulated throughout the years but she was the coolest spunkiest grandma and i miss her every day but i am glad i got to learn so much more about her through her collections or junk as my dad would call it my grandma died when i was 16 after getting cancer for the third time my granddad moved into a smaller apartment and my cousins and i helped to clean out their house a side note there are nine of us aged at the time from 12 26 in the house we found more than 20 wrapped presents and envelopes of money addressed to all of us they were for the big occasions that she knew she wouldn't live to see us have before she had died she had organized 21st birthday presents for those of us who weren't yet 21 engagement presents and wedding presents each with a card written by hand i remember being so overwhelmed with emotion she was an incredible woman who loved her family daily and wanted to celebrate her grandchildren even if she couldn't be there herself my grandma and grandpa did the same thing when they both got diagnosed with cancer in 2006. i had no idea when i graduated high school in 2010 i was going through my cards and found one with her handwriting and instantly lost it i still have it my great uncle was a loving man he and my great aunt owned a couple horses and every morning he would open the window and call to them in horse speak of course they would always answer back they lived in casper wyoming back in the 50s he had worked in the oil fields and came home filthy with it every day my great uncle loved people when the space station mirror was about to burn up and re-enter he had all the neighborhood over to his place to watch it one last time he had a small christmas tree in his living room year round upon which he hung pictures of friends he was currently praying for if you met the man you could not leave without him giving you a susan b anthony quarter and a bucket which was to remind you to be tough but always say your prayers this isn't one of those we tied an onion to our belts as with the style at the time things he meant it with all the love he had to give which was a lot i was about eight and pretty clueless but my great uncle gordon showed me and my sister something that kept both of our attention he liked to collect eclectic things one of which was authentic chinese furniture he explained to us that on every piece of authentic chinese furniture there are hidden compartments for either deeds money or other contraband the communist government wanted to destroy he had three pieces of real furniture and it was one of the greatest puzzles of my childhood trying to find the secret compartments being eight i didn't know until my dad told me decades later that uncle gordon was very sick the years of working in oil had him growing metastatic cancer all over his lungs he was not a smoker a day in his life and he was in constant agonizing pain he still loved people so much while probably wishing he could just die a couple years later he did we went up for the funeral and afterwards when we went to his house i ran into his bedroom because i had to find the last secret compartment and i did inside i found five thousand dollars cash in twenty dollars bills and a letter from my uncle on national hemlock society letterhead it was written to whoever found it that he was tired of hurting so much every day he explained that he went to mexico a couple years before with my great aunt and purchased enough nitroglycerine pills to stop his heart and he did it i don't think he told my great-aunt i didn't realize it then but my great-uncle shaped how i feel about physician-assisted suicide in that moment maybe suicide as a whole i believe in god and i do not believe that god would turn away my uncle gordon he was a man deserving of rest and comfort anyways i just hope someone sees this so many of these things just get buried and my great uncle deserves more than that thanks for reading in 2005 my sister died in a jet skiing accident out on the lake she was 11. i was nine and after the funeral my parents decided it was time to go through her stuff to pack up and donate i'm really nosy and i really needed something to do so i was allowed to help them i served mostly as a runner boy for the items as they went through it just sorting it in the living room while they went through everything in her room now understand that the last thing she said to me was i hate you we had gotten in a fight just before she got on the jet ski with my aunt and that's the last time we spoke anyways going through her stuff i found a picture she had drawn of me her and one of my other sisters and a little note admit how much she loved her brothers and sisters an art project for school of some sort if i'm not mistaken this really helped put my mind at ease about the whole thing i know she really loved me and that if she had known those would be the last words she said to me she would not have said it but being nine years old watching her be in the hospital for three days then waiting four more days for the funeral and what not to get to that picture it was the hardest thing i've ever had to deal with but that picture helped i never leave someone now when bad words have been exchanged not knowing if that's the last thing they hear me say i cannot in good conscious leave on a bad note my dad is a cop who worked a case where this man who committed suicide had only one relative alive his son the son had cut a full talk as soon as he turned 18 20 or more years ago the son called my dad when he got to the house asking for assistance he sounded pretty upset on the phone so my dad raced over as soon as he could the father was an alcoholic with little education and worked a factory job he got with no high school degree he was believed to be not so smart for lack of better term they stepped into the house to find hundreds of books towering stacks rooms full furniture covered with books all varying subjects from fiction to how to and at the front of each book was what the man had learned from it almost like a summary the sun was blown away he couldn't believe what his father had been doing with the last decades of his life the books are going to be donated the books the sun didn't pack up and ship to read himself another thing the sun is smart as a whip now he knows where he gets it from i found the will strange part was there were no living people mentioned in it including me the executor it all went to a church that's no longer functioning so the estate is tied up in probate my father died of a massive out of the blue heart attack just a week before my wedding which was the 28th of december so right at christmas too he didn't suffer it was clearly one of the dead before he hit the floor variety but in the mad scramble to go through his rented house and get everything cleaned out while still putting the finishing touches on the wedding planning i found a legal pad with some notes on it it looked something like this the 3rd of march 2013 2 a.m 7 stroke 10 the 15th of march 2013 3 30 a.m 4 stroke 10 the 21st of march 2013 5 p.m six stroke 10 the 2nd of april 2013 2 15 pm 9 stroke 10 it was a list of chest pains and ratings of how bad there was also a list of notes all from very late at night debating pros and cons of suicide it always looked like this reasons for tired everyone i know is dead but he doesn't work well blind he had lost vision in one eye nothing to do it's inevitable reasons against whistle ridge taken all together it was pretty clear he knew a giant heart attack was coming and committed suicide by not going to the doctor any other dozen common medicines would have reduced his risk factor hugely he just gave up i was literally the only reason he could find not to kill himself at the time what with the wedding and the holidays also by birthday is the 21st of december his was the 23rd of december and his funeral was the 24th i didn't have any time to think about the implications of that but now i love you dad i personally packed up my little brother's room after he died he was only eight years old when he passed so i didn't find anything risky i did find a lot of rocks in his toy box though another three years later i was helping clean out my grandma's house and found letters he had written her i like how universal the love of rocks is to some kids i'm 38 and have a small collection that me and my nephew bond over i helped him start his collection i'm sorry for your loss and your discovery warmed my heart i hope you found some peace what secret did you find out about someone that permanently changed the way you looked at them in my early days as a lawyer i represented a sweet old widower with parkinson's disease who was being sued by a local store for groceries his late wife had purchased on credit without ever paying for i felt awful for him and then shortly before trial i found out he'd done jail time for molesting children that roller coaster was intense there is an engineering professional at my workplace that likes to wear pricey articles of clothing he even sports a breedling wristwatch priced from 3 000 to over 17 000 as his work time pace turns out that he and his wife are buried beneath a mountain of credit card debt and while i do not look down my nose at him i definitely view his attire and accessories differently knowing that fact dang i felt like i was splurging when i bought my 150 watch my wife's bestie confided in us that while short of money was moonlighting as a professional dominatrix until then we had thought that she was super vanilla there was this one girl i'd known for a long time but wasn't massively close to who we all thought was being terribly controlled by her boyfriend she would tell us that he decided when you was allowed to drink when she was allowed to go out what she was allowed to do etc and that he hid things around the house and that he had started to impose bedtimes for her and shout at her over what seemed like extremely minor things we all thought he was awful and encouraged her to leave then she moved in with me and i realized she was extremely emotionally unstable and an alcoholic within months i found myself wanting to do or in some cases actually doing all the things she said her controlling boyfriend had done i remember one time after trying to remain patient with her for a while she said one thing that was relatively minor and it was the last straw i just snapped and screamed at her i then got phone calls from all our mutual friends to talk about my behavior and anger management presumably as a result of the story being told back to them in a somewhat biased way so in a way her secret changed my opinion of him a friend i grew up started dating a guy and quickly got pregnant and married at 25 or so one night hanging out with her and her husband he's like did she ever tell you how we met apparently she was an escort since right after she turned 18. he was one of her john's but they took a liking to one another they've since been divorced i had a seemingly innocent friend who normally kept to herself about her issues then one day she told us that she couldn't tell if she had a sore throat because she was sick or because she swallowed too much cm the other night that was the only thing i associated her name with afterwards when i got to uni at 18 i ran into a girl i was in school with when we were 11 stroke 12. we caught up regularly and one day she told me very nonchalantly about how the previous night she had engaged in sexual acts with a car full of guys in exchange for weed i was a bit stunned mainly because it's so easy to find weed in that town the local park homeless alcoholic was once a professor of ancient history and dead languages and could speak and write in languages many of us would never even see he used to teach at trinity college until he was convicted for his wife's death how she died or if he did it is a mystery to me but one person i've spoken to reckons it was an accident and another says they don't think he did it made me see the reality that no matter who you are you could end up in a personal heck it only slightly changed my perception but i was about 9 stroke 10 when my dad told me why he and my mum split up his exact words in a sad tone where she was seeing another man he wouldn't tell me who it was from now on every time an affair is mentioned i give a quick glance to my mum she still doesn't know i know had a work friend back in the day his wife was really mean to him she always would tell me his kids hate him even though they would run to the door excited when their daddy was home and when she was really mad at him she would flip out and say that he freaked his sister and fricked a pig he would just ignore her and not say anything back now i just ignored it because she would always try and make him look bad when she was mad at him well one night we were drinking and he was pretty drunk his wife got mad and did it again but this time the heated exchange went like this you fricked your sister and you freaked the pig once long pause you know what frick you that crap happened like three years ago you need to just drop it and move on i don't deserve to have it rubbed in my face all the time then i realized why she held such resentment towards him and i nope the frick out of there and never talk to them again i feel so bad for their kids it was a really dysfunctional situation for them luckily i heard they aren't together anymore ha that is not how i thought the story was going to end there was a guy i worked with that was kinda handsy but generally really nice all the time i learned he was gay but in the closet it was then i started noticing how he treated everyone else kinda douchey he isn't handsy with anyone else so all the positive attention was him trying to flirt i guess he was not very good at it i had a conversation with him when he asked me to lunch i had to awkwardly explain that i am married etc i feel like i may have accidentally laid him on i feel a little bad about it but i wore my ring every day and i have pictures of my family on my desk we are still on friendly terms and i introduced him to my circle of gabriel friends to help him acclimate to the culture we became decent enough friends but a lot of the flirt like behavior stopped very nice of you to do that you're a good mate found out my best friend tried to rape a girl once and bragged about it to everyone but me also found out he held a knife to one of his ex's throats there are many more things but finding this out after a 10 plus year friendship i ended it abruptly so sorry dude my grandma cheated on my grandpa when he was in the war one of her kids isn't his everyone knows but no one talks about it a family member's ex-wife of several years whom i was still close with asked me never to leave my daughter alone with my relative she said that the reason they never had kids was that he confided when incredibly drunk that he had uncontrollable desires towards young really young girls he was upset and told her he felt he was evil and deserved to die she asked him if he ever did anything and he said no and asked her to forgive him and asked god to make him better again he was like blackout intoxicated this was surprising information she didn't tell me in spite and actually still loves him very much i haven't heard or seen evidence of grooming or any extra attention paid to any of the female children in my family he could have just been really drunk and out of his mind but there is zero way i'm going to leave my daughter alone with him or let her out of my sight of family functions i don't have evidence that what she said was true so i can't really do anything with the information other than be diligent this is extremely disturbing it's absolutely the safest decision that they don't have kids imagine having kids and then learning this i just found out yesterday that my wife 29 a teacher started an affair with a student 18 of hers about two months ago we have been together for 10 years and married for four we have a four-month-old daughter and she threw it all away career marriage and family i had no idea anything was wrong until six days ago when i found her crying in bed and she told me she was depressed no longer in love with me and suicidal mostly because of my drinking habits i took soul responsibility swore off drinking and had us signed up for marriage counseling the same day plus got her in contact with a postpartum depression group six days later she is sent to a crisis center by her school and i find out everything after the psychiatrist there makes her tell me the truth when i show up to bring her home my life is so freaked right now that i can't even sleep and i'm holding a four-month-old baby trying not to cry while her cheating mother is five miles away in a hospital room safe to say i will never see my wife the same way again as a kid i used to spend a lot of time playing computer games with my neighbor one day i caught impressing the caps lock key each time he wanted to capitalize a letter told him the shift key did the same job which led him to a 15-minute tirade about how the caps lock button was better we've drifted apart since good you don't need that crap in your life anyways there was a woman whom i considered my friend for many many years she had cancer survived it but it was still there and created many problems she even appeared on tv shows as an advocate for cancer patients did a lot of political activism was very much a post-euthanasia published some books then one fine day through a series of coincidences it turned out that her cancer had never existed she had completely made it up a big fat whopping lie i would feel ashamed because i fell for it for so long except that a lot of other people fell for it too including professionals doctors nurses priests needless to say it ended that friendship and it made me think a lot about how easily fooled we all are oh by the way she has died by now of cancer i'm not kidding not the cancer she had made up of course karma can be such a bee had a friend who hung out with two friends who were girls and he was male all went well according to him but the girls told me he said it's getting hot and proceeded to take off his shirt and masturbate and finish into a cup got all sweaty then just left couldn't look this man in the eye ever again and cut off all contact my old man used to hang nooses in the garage when i was very small as a way to manipulate my mother into staying with him i'll kill myself if you leave this as far back as 1990 she finally left him seven years ago when i found out how crap he'd been to her all this time i could never look at him the same way he did not kill himself controlling cowardly narcissistic types who say that sort of crap very rarely do it to themselves sadly sorry your dad is that kind of person there was this guy in my high school who was the typical big meat head football player bully picking fights playing mean-spirited pranks super homophobic and misogynistic he was something straight out of a teen movie my senior year he ended up in my english class at the end of the year we had to do senior statements which basically are speeches where you talk about a very painful life-changing event you've been through he got up and began to tell a heart-wrenching story about how he and his brother have been abused by his father since they were children he hates football and wishes he could do drama like he wants but his father would never allow it he acknowledged what and butthole he is and was besides himself for not knowing how to treat others he quietly went back to his seat where he proceeded to cry quietly for the remainder of the class his story radically changed my opinion of him he was the first person who made me realize most people do deserve compassion he still lives in my hometown and occasionally i find him at the bar downtown he's a good guy much quieter now but hopefully pursuing something he loves because he deserves the happiness i had a conversation with a classmate the other day about these kind of situations come a friend you would think that being raised my narcissists or terrible parents would motivate someone to become the opposite when they grow up come on me it's not that easy it takes a strong person to overcome their own upbringing my point is kudos to that guy for changing when it's not that easy in high school i learned my best friend would contact most of the female friends i had generally after i had a falling out or just some confrontation with them and sexually harass them with among other things his overpowering foot fetish i learned this in senior year when i started reconnecting with some of these friends and all of them had the same story i haven't spoken to him since coming from a guy called comments on feet that shoots a little bit overboard my boyfriend years ago told me he was abused as a kid by his gay uncle his actual uncle's partner yet saw him as usual because he didn't want it to affect the family and i had to be nice a few months after he told me he got drunk and in an argument with his dad yells it so everyone could hear we broke up not long after last i heard his dad was looking for blood and the ex-uncle was in jail my gf was abused by some of her family members but she refuses to say anything about it as it will destroy the family i hate going to her family social events because i then meet the people who abused and i have to be nice to them even though i want to strangle the frick out of them i don't know how my gf does it as well my friend in high school went to jail shortly after graduation for raping beating and nearly strangling his on again off again girlfriend to death turns out it wasn't the first time or the first girl he did it too not necessarily a secret but i was eight years old it was christmas and our family was over at a friend's acreage for christmas eve i was sitting on my dad's lap and i placed my hand up against his to compare size and to my utter shock and horror i noticed that my dad was missing a finger his pinky finger my mom and dad were confused you never notice that he's been missing his finger your entire life no i hadn't ever noticed it and it was actually a bit too much to handle for an eight-year-old at the time i was absolutely devastated in actuality he lost his thumb while working on the oil rigs and they transplanted his pinky finger to where his thumb would be so that he still had some sort of grasping abilities pretty cool but freaked me out so badly as a kid had an ex he was one of those i am so gentle and kind you would i love pastel colors and flower crowns you will types who went on to date a friend of mine this friend goes on to tell me they broke up because he admitted to getting sexual with his dog on multiple occasions and asked if my friend wanted to watch him jack off that dog on skype call i was like crap dude i just broke up with him because he was freaking annoying we are quite open about stuff in our family so i've learned a lot of weird stuff about my father and my stepmother but i think maybe the highlight was when my stepmother casually joked about my father's thing for mtv's jeery jersey shore apparently my dad watches the show when he can't sleep all alone in the night while they are so boring they would send you to sleep someone i knew told me that he wants the age of consent lowered and how pedophiles are discriminated against in today's society complete game changer what the actual freak my step-brother stole my parents identity open up credit cards and max them out when my parents found out they didn't prosecute because he would end up going to jail they paid the credit cards off by making a settlement with the bank if he shows up at thanksgiving to my mom's house dad is deceased it's going to be dramatic i don't understand how people are okay with doing crap like this i feel bad if i look at someone the wrong way brother best friend and best man in my wedding all of a sudden moved to washington about a year and a half ago we have no ties there and neither does he and we just couldn't figure it out but whatever maybe he wants a new start then all of a sudden he moves back to the town my parents live in last thanksgiving the us marshals showed up to take him into custody and to send him back to washington he's facing trial next month on illegal touching of a minor amongst many other charges definitely has changed the way i look at him i have a guy friend who has always been quite popular with the ladies despite being quite an average looking guy but we lost touch for a few years be within 24 hours of reconnecting again he told me that he secretly meets guys on gay dating apps hires male trans escorts and absolutely loves cross dressing now the only time we ever really speak is when he wants my opinion on some lingerie or toys kinky on a serious note at least he's not afraid to share this side with you siblings set off cousins my third cousins two sisters and a brother the youngest sister she is 31 this year this happened in about 2009-ish was dating a mixed-race guy one parent black the other white i didn't realize how racist the family was they told her to leave him immediately and when they found out she not only hadn't left him but was also now having sex with him her siblings beat her up while their father watched and they forced her onto a plane to the eu the next day black eye and all had her personal document seized by her sister and was basically a prisoner to her i found out about a year later about this when our other cousin told me i can never look at anyone in that family again the same way and it's so sad because as a kid i was very fond of them the older sister had a coffee shop which my dad used to take us to a lot and i think that's where he met my stepmom i am not sure if this is a secret now since my mom knows and i didn't tell her though at the time my cousin asked me to keep it quiet because it was top secret and very sensitive information i don't know if any of the family know that i know about this as well if any of them ever read this you guys suck red it makes me very depressed knowing there's horrible people out there in the world yet it also makes me very thankful for my family and my upbringing some people have it really bad my brother-in-law's mother is very sweet kind and quite religious a few months ago my brother-in-law while drunk confided in me that his mother had slept with his sister's husband this had occurred years ago the husband and sister have long since divorced but it completely shocked me that she would ever do that i met a friend's new boyfriend who told me that he had spent time in jail for two duis he got a dui and then he got another one and the judge gave him jail time he drank a lot but when i met him he was at least very careful about not driving but to be honest i judged him for it pretty crappy to drive drunk and how do you get one dui and then not learn your lesson it was something that affected the way i saw him fast forward three years and now he is married to my friend one night i am out with my friend and she makes a comment about his sister i had heard that he had a sister who died but i never knew the details turns out she was a victim of a violent bloody murder by an ex-boyfriend and my friend's husband is the one who found her body walked into the house coming home from college for summer break and found her the duis were in that first six months after her death should he have been driving drunk no of course not but after i learned that i had so much compassion for him and the terrible pain he must have been going though people deal with such terrible things and they don't always deal with them well there is a very shy girl at work pretty but quiet and mousy and i stumbled across her on our kirby made me see her in a new light so you brows are curvy she posts there sounds like it is your time to shine my best friend's brother-in-law kept getting sore throats for months his normally soft-spoken mother fed up by this time screamed at him in front of a full house what do you expect if you keep eating that dirty pee later that day i found out that both he and his gf were dirt balls he showered about once a month and she would only wash her face hands and feet they are both very attractive educated athletic church-going people and all i can think of is her pee is so rotten it's contagious and this mother catches it with his mouth something backed up in my throat as a kid i found out my friend had lied to me in the whole school saying that he had trained real pokemons and that he flies on the nimbus cloud broke my heart as a kid not because he lied but because i really wanted to fly on the nimbus cloud rough childhood my good friend was the result of his mother being raped i'm one of very few people who know and i understand why he is so close to his mother yet is also so cynical towards society as a whole i work at a trucking company one day the other girl who works in the office with me and i were talking about which drivers were our favorites i mentioned this one kind of cantankerous old veteran who was cranky to 90 of the people but always a sweetheart to me and the other girl's face went pale she said you haven't googled his name then have you i googled it and found out he had been arrested for sodomy when he worked at a prison years ago and that he had flown nazi flags outside his house i mean i knew he was far right leaning politically but row i'm still nice to the guy but also low-key kinda terrified of him similar situation work at a trucking company cleaning up hr files and noticed one didn't have background checks attached ran one and oops found out the friendly and honestly kind of attractive driver is a rapist victim under 12 years can't stand the sight of him anymore and due to privacy issues can't warn anyone there's this really young sikh kid who clarks an all-night gas station nearby where i buy my coffee the other night when i went in nobody was at the counter and three people were waiting one guy eventually started knocking random doors and this kid came out looks like he's about 17 of the one-room bathroom in the place about a minute later as i'm being served this really really old security guy came out of the same bathroom glanced at me looking shifty and then scurried off into the night this town is gross sounds like the old security guard was down with the sickness someone i met while i was active duty he was a wounded warrior eventually lost both of his legs everyone liked him he got to do all sorts of cool things through the wounded warrior program and everyone called him a hero i somewhat recently learned that he was convicted of two counts of violent sexual assault of a child about 10 years ago no matter what he did with his life after that i can never see him as anything but a predator babysitters of reddit what seemingly normal parents had dark secrets somewhat wholesome story i used to babysit for the kids down the street when i was in high school one night i went into the parents bedroom to get something i think a puzzle and there was a book on the nightstand called how to comfort your kids when you're thinking of divorce or something like that but the next time i was over there was a book downstairs on the mom's desk that was the couple's therapist's guide to saving a failing relationship it made me sad because the parents seemed really happy together whenever i saw them i felt bad that they must have been going through a hard time behind the scenes my parents had a pretty unhappy marriage so i tried to be extra nice to the kids i hope they hadn't had to listen to their parents fighting anyway this went on for a few months with no further indications of trouble i felt like i knew this awful secret that the kids didn't know one night i came over to babysit the mom was in grad school and she had a class and the same books were sitting on the counter as the mom was leaving she was like oh i can't forget the textbooks and grabbed them off the counter i actually didn't know what she was studying so i asked what class she had turns out she was studying to be a couples and family therapist the books i saw were her school books in retrospect that made complete sense because the titles were kind of academic but i immediately assumed they were divorcing about a decade later they are still married and the wife is a very successful couples and family therapist go figure thanks for this story my daddy hits my mommy sometimes for that one i was still in high school i told my mom what she said and my mom went to the police station to report it i like it when you're here not the other lady she's mean and she makes me sit in the closet this little girl was referring to her dad's girlfriend i told the dad about it and never saw the girlfriend around again and for some comic relief my older brother and i play swords in the bathroom daddy taught us how asked him to show me with his action figures what he meant expecting the worst and he says look and goes in his dad's closet and pulls out these giant foam swords hugh thankfully not all in the same house coma my older brother and i play swords in the bathroom daddy taught us how although como asked him to show me with his action figures what he meant expecting the worst and he says look and goes in his dad's closet and pulls out these giant foam swords give this dad the best dad award i was babysitting for a local family who owned car dealerships i answered the phone hello as wonders and it was the father who didn't know his wife had hired a babysitter so she could go to an appointment he started in with the stupidest sexy voice until he realized it wasn't wife he hung up later he was caught cheating not gonna lie his loyalty had us in the first half i never really babysat for anyone besides family but i did dog sit for a woman and her husband for a while she gave me a tour of the house the first time i went over there and there was a room in the back of the house that was filled with dildos and other sex toys she sold them as a side hustle and wanted me to know they were there in case i was uncomfortable they paid me well and left a great review on the site i was using i wish they never moved lol i love their dogs that's nice that they had the forethought to show you the weird stuff they have so that you wouldn't feel uncomfortable if you found it by yourself i nanned for this very rich family with three kids from the west coast who would come to south florida for summer vacation every year the mother was in her 30s clearly had her kids when she was young and was very stereotypically hot blonde thin big boobs perfect teeth her husband was a little older salt and pepper sue wooper handsome very george clooney-esque their kids were all blond-haired blue-eyed cute as frick they absolutely adored their parents dad would help the kids and mom settle in at the house and then fly back to cali for work i babysat three five times a week 6 30 p.m to 2 a.m mum would get all dolled up leave her wedding ring on the kitchen counter and come home very late clearly drunk and sometimes brought men home with her that she introduced as her friends she would often overpay me which i never complained about but i worried for that for that i babysat a lot when i was 13 15. at the time i lived in a small town i was a very popular babysitter as i also worked at the daycare center often i would have kids from two or three different families at once i didn't care i got triple the pay for having three different groups of kids i was recently told why i always had groups of kids like that turns out the small town had a swingers club and i was the go to babysitter for their different groups sounds like my ex until she decided to join in hen sex one family i still don't know what was up with them it's like they were squatting in a model home or something it was a fully furnished house that looked to be straight out of better homes and gardens magazine but there was nothing in the drawers fridge or cabinets no toiletries in the bathroom except for toilet paper no food or silverware in the kitchen no clothes in the closets or in the kids drawers and no toys the lady just told me to order food for the kids and they watched tv it was weird it could have been a second home or well not very good parents i used to babysit for my next-door neighbor who had an eight-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy i was 13 when i started babysitting for them and i knew off the bat the kids were an interesting duo to say the least and i have too many stories to tell from when i was watching them we all went to school together so when we got off the bus we'd walk to their apartment and i'd watch them made sure we got homework done and make them the snack of the day one day we had a half day at school and i think the mom forgot because when we walked into the apartment i heard one of the doors shut at the time we thought it was an intruder so i grabbed the five years baseball bat told them to stay in the room and i do some investigating i opened the bathroom door and there was the mum half naked with a guy that wasn't her husband she gave me all the money in her wallet and her business card she was a photographer and told me to never speak of it again i caught her cheating and made out with 400 and a 650 photo shoot package took pictures for all the upcoming holidays so i could keep giving gifts to my family i babysat them for about three months after before they moved away snack of the day sounds fun i was babysitting once and the kids were wrestling in the living room all of a sudden the smell of dank filled the room i hear the kids stop and say what is that one of them had knocked over a big tin can on a shelf and the parents weed stash spilled everywhere i sent the kids away and cleaned it all up for them and put it back i babysat for the local policeman when i was teenager he always came home very drunk and in a weird mood and one time brought out a homemade ouija board and persuaded me to take part with his buddies always paid me really well local policemen are there any more or is it a very small town if it's a very small town with only one policeman who uses homemade algae boards that seems like the perfect set up to a horror movie a family member of mine was a babysitter in the 70s a couple who lived nearby asked her to babysit their baby a few times i didn't get the sense that she knew them well every time she'd go they said the baby was sleeping and not to disturb the baby by checking on it the baby never cried the parents would come home and relieve her she never saw or heard a baby at the time i don't think my family member thought much of it but has told me this story several times because it keeps nagging at her how could a baby be asleep for the entire time she was there every time no noises nothing today she thinks there must not have been a baby but has no idea why they'd hire her i used to babysit when i was around 13 14 ish my neighbors and three kids ages four seven and eleven the house was really nice always clean and tidy one time they asked me to babysit for a couple hours okay no big deal they paid me six dollars an hour when i got there they made the kids shake my hand and say thank you for babysitting us i thought it was weird but it was whatever the parents left and the kids wanted those dinosaur chicken nuggets so i made them some as they were eating the seven-year-old asked for a toy she said it was in her parents dresser i didn't want to snoop around but if she wanted the toy i get it for her i went into the parents room and found the dresser i opened the first one and all i see are stacks of cash okay weird but not my business i went back out to ask the girl what dresser drawer it was in she goes over and literally points at the second drawer and said oh don't open that one it has bags of sugar in it that's what i hear mommy say i was like oh okay then she grabs her toy from the fourth drawer and runs off i did take a peek in the drawer and sure enough under the socks were bags of sea i was shocked but i didn't say anything i put everything back where it was and left the room when the parents got back i took the cash and left never babysat there again tldr babysat some kids and found c in the parents drawer i babba sit three five times a week you'd be surprised at how many sex toys i see a lot of them are just out in the open like they forgot to hide them i overnighted once and the guest bed had bonded straps parents totally forgot about that that's not too surprising but some of their kinks are probably the darkest was this five-year-old girl i babysit she was the victim of sexual assault for a couple years by an aunt and uncle no charges pressed or anything mum and dad just cut all contact with that side of the family i live in a small town so i see the aunt pretty often it's sickening they understandably have a ton of cameras set up in their house now and aren't gone for more than a couple hours the child has a very weird bedtime routine which is how i found out not so much as dark but really sad i babysat for a typical upper-middle-class family dad worked mom would stay at home the mother was always a little overprotective like checking on their daughter the second they got home but i didn't think much of it one night they came home and we talked a little she mentioned how much she loved children and her daughter so i asked her if they ever thought about having another she completely broke down and explained that she had multiple miscarriages before and after her daughter so they stopped trying i felt really awful and really sad because it seems like she wanted another baby i have found that so many women tell me about their kids or working on having kids aha that even if it's a natural conversation point to ask about having kids i won't at the risk that the answer would be hard for them is too high if they want to talk about future kids feel tell me without being asked i was babysitting for my neighbors and they were super nice people two kids very pottery barn people they would always come home late with no cash to pay me that they'd come by my house literally the next day with the cash so i never minded but i was always a little confused as to how they spent all their cash at dinner and a movie and somehow didn't plan to pay the sitter and how they managed to stay out till 3 a.m just doing dinner and a movie and they were pretty wealthy so it wasn't like or once before they left when they were in the other room saying goodbye to the kids i went to move the wife's purse and saw a really big roll of singles i brushed it off but then another time their daughter had an allergic reaction and i texted them were sos but when i got a call back i picked up and heard club music it was a couple sittings after that when i left through the back door and saw the husband at the garage shaking glitter off their clothes that i realized they were probably going to a strip club when i went to college they switched to using my sister as a sitter and i sat down with her and explained where they went and not to ask or act suspicious they were good parents and it's not like a problem it was just super not the vibe they gave off and i kind of found it hilarious the internet has broken me when you mentioned going to college i expected the next line to be something about dancing for them at the club i'm not sure of this counts but this is my secret between myself and my nephew my sister was 23 stroke 24 and she was going through her divorce she and her three-year-old son came to live with us i was in high school at the time and devoted all of my after-school time to him he and i were close we were so close i would be on the couch with him in my lap at 3am watching in the night garden for the billionth time still in my school uniform but now smelling of regurgitated milk and doing math homework with my left arm meanwhile my sister would be out partying and whatnot one day it was just my nephew and i at the time he was i think around four i was in my school uniform getting ready to leave for school he was helping me get ready by putting his favorite toys in my bag as i was heading out i told him that i loved him like usual and he replied i love you too mummy i was stunned but i was already running late so i brushed it off and went to school after that when we were alone my nephew started calling me mummy he was genuine i asked him what about mummy and he tells me how she doesn't really love me you love me and nanny loves me i tried to encourage him to call me auntie again and he did when others were around but when we were alone he looked at me with his sweet little eyes and called me mummy he eventually says i wish you were my real mummy tantrums become more common for him he throws them when his mum is around and begins to avoid her hugs her hugs were only there to pose for selfies and to show off what a good parent she is he would start crying and screaming and get sent to his room for misbehaving my mum nanny and my sister would go out and leave me in charge i would then go to my nephew and give him a big ol bear hug i'm not the parent and he isn't my child but our secret was mutual i wished he were my child and he wished i was his mum we had to keep our wishes secret because if my sister knew that i was ruining her image by taking all of the mother-son love then heck would have broken loose she was all about self-image to the point she became a compulsive liar and she also has some other mental problems his teachers noticed how bond when he entered primary school and his after-school babysitters knew about his other mum my nephew is 10 now i don't know if he remembers any of this but the other day was my birthday and for the very first time he tried to earn money through chores to buy me a gift himself it was a squirtle amiibo tl dr my baby nephew and i developed a secret mother-son bond that only teachers and babysitters picked up on and it had to be secret because his real mum is crazy the world would be a lot better if we had more people like you around i used a nanny for a family at the interview they seemed totally normal even the first day wasn't too terrible i quickly realized that both parents were abusive mom had severe anger issues and was medicated for some condition related to it dad was a borderline sexual predator who constantly talked about how gross looking his wife was and how if she didn't stop being a bee he divorced her their kids were just as bad one of them was also medicated for behavioral issues i found out later that the reason they were hiring a nanny a posted day care was because their kids had been kicked out of the daycares in the area nope the frick out of that situation within a few months when i was 13 14ish i used to babysit two kids while their parents went to amway functions one night for whatever reason i looked behind the couch and saw a bunch of magazines i collected them thinking they'd been dropped behind there by accident by the kids i babysat it was a huge stash of penthouse and playboy magazines and i had to quickly re-hide them before the kids saw them i was curious naturally but i told the mom when she drove me home i don't recall if she said anything or not but i stopped babysitting her kids shortly after that because i moved away seemingly a happy family but the child had a lot of odd behaviors the most obvious one was she cry if you laughed in front of her her mom told me the four-year-old child would assume you were laughing at her one time i grouped babysat at a neighbor's house with this child and when the father came to pick the child up the neighbor's dog went ballistic and tried to bite him shortly after it came out that the dad was abusing the daughter always trust the dog i nanned it for a wealthy couple she was a surgeon he was an architect and the husband had a study in the house that the wife joked about never being allowed in now i'm a nosy sucker and i was curious about why you wouldn't let someone in a study s since it looked like a fairly normal room big desk walls covered in bookshelves books of architecture everywhere so one day i just roamed around in there i didn't really find anything and i was kinda disappointed but then i grabbed a book off one of the shelves the thing had money pressed between its pages about 500 if i had to guess picked up another book found the same thing i think i checked like 10 different books and every single one had money hidden in it still not sure if the dude was just paranoid about banks or if he was intentionally hiding money from his wife i was babysitting at my neighbor's house they were a young couple early thirties with two kids age five and eight i was 16 at the time and the first questions they asked me was if i had a boyfriend and if i was a virgin because they didn't want me seeing boys while babysitting i think part of the reason why they asked this is because they were pretty wild themselves and probably did crazy stuff when they were younger and babysitting when they found out i smoked they always left some cigarettes for me they always told me that they'd be home around 12 or 1 but most of the times i would fall asleep and they would stumble home completely drunk around three in the night they'd give me way too much money as an excuse which i obviously didn't mind after a while the dad started messaging me online first just asking innocent questions but after a while they became more sexual in nature i told him i didn't feel comfortable with that so he stopped they broke up a while later and the mom started throwing wild parties at their home i randomly walked by with a friend of mine once and she invited us and then gave us a beer me and my friend felt pretty cool here we were at a grown-up party having beers until the mom came up to us to offer us some sea we were shocked and declined and left the party quickly after that i told my parents a couple of years later about all this after the mom and kids moved and they were outraged apparently they always acted like they were very respectable can't believe you said no to free see though i worked at a daycare center to be clear these parents did not seem very normal mom had fake inflated kardashian-sized boobs and butts and was generally very conceited like almost a stereotype of a person with a body that augmented she stood out among the other parents who picked up their kids from the daycare after working 12-hour shifts scrubbing floors and doing other blue collar labor large immigrant community dad was more down to earth so it seemed younger brother age 7 told me he was anxious one day he tended to be a worrywart so i wasn't surprised but i asked him why he says that his dad yells at his mom a lot because she gets drunk goes out and parties with her friends and then he has to go and pick her up which leads to a lot of arguing i told him that that's really sad and that we would say a prayer for them it was a christian day our a week or so later he excitedly told me that the prayer worked and his parents weren't arguing anymore while mac does say that all things are possible through god so jot that down i was only tentatively optimistic about yb's revelation older brother eight was a completely different personality a bully to the kids and adults never had a positive thing to say the things he seemed to like were his younger brother fortnight and roblox like you do the most of the school year we had butted heads trying to get him to do homework but towards the end of the year his behavior changed he would say he was too stupid to do homework and would try to hold his breath to try and commit suicide in his own words this seems like a huge red flag and he eventually broke down and said that his dad was abusive towards him and that his mom says she doesn't like being around him while he was prone to lying he was crying something he never did and his behavior was like nothing me and my co-workers had never seen that was my first time calling cps and when the next school year started those kids didn't come back hopefully the kids are okay i wasn't a babysitter but my childhood best friend had a very odd family they would all get naked and hang out around the house which was adorned with fetishes and carved statues from aruba in jamaica work in an elementary school a lot of horrifying unexpected stuff tends to come up i handle any behavioral calls so tend to have a lot of contact with kids who are having trouble self-regulating in school sometimes these kids genuinely have a hard time but often they can't regulate because they're in hyper drive with what's going on at home i had a mom tell me in detail the sex life between her and her ex another parent was arrested for drug trafficking and went to jail for three years a week after he'd attended parent teacher conferences another parent got into a fight in the lobby and 9-1-1 had to be called i looked after the neighbor's kid when i was young they seemed normal enough when they moved in kids parents were always away at work but her grandmother lived with them and worked from home so she was always there the longer they lived there the clearer it became that i was the only one looking after this kid they weren't feeding her or paying any sort of attention to her and grandma didn't work from home so much as play computer solitaire all day their dogs pee and crap all over the carpets and they just left it they let the dogs wander outside unattended and eventually one got hit by a bus my mom took her to the vet and she recovered they let her wander again now mostly blind and crippled eventually she wandered off and didn't come back they never looked for her eventually they moved they tried to take the appliances with them ripped the stove cupboards toilets dishwasher etc out of the walls and tried to drag them out to their truck realtor caught them and there was a big fuss about it these things were there when they moved in it's been more than a decade and i still worry about that kid i babysat for this one family only a couple of times when i was 16 but on the first night they just casually talked about how i needed to call the police if the kids bio dad turned up at the house i was then told i would need to barricade us all in their master bathroom and i should call them and their lawyer custody battles suck i was a nanny for a young boy with additional needs let's call the parents john and lisa john worked for lisa's parents as they owned a painting company this company had the family surname as its name one day i noticed john was home from work early in the painting van but it had his surname as the company name on the van not lisa's parent surname i thought it was a funny coincidence that he and lisa had the same surname and so i pointed this out he froze up and looked a little awkward and said oh that's because lisa and i are first cousins they shared the same paternal grandparent and therefore the same surname they had been together since they were young teenagers i'm not actually sure if this is legal or not but it's certainly frowned up here depend on your state country in some it's legal in others no not a deep dark secret but as someone with 15 plus year in child care it's pretty common for a lot of wealthy parents to prioritize their jobs in themselves over their kids kids can sense this and usually develop some sort of unhealthy way to get more attention the response is usually to throw money at the problem instead of genuinely getting the kid help or examining their family structure it's always so deeply sad to me a few families i have worked for i genuinely wondered why they had kids i understand parents need a break and people have to work but man it was so sad i babysat for a family with three wonderful kids i genuinely did not like to babysit but these kids were different they were fun and nice and generally well behaved we had a standing babysitting night every saturday on a couple occasions i would call the night before if i was sick or couldn't come for whatever reason when i called the mom answered and said she understood she sounded loopy i didn't really know for sure what drunk sounded like but that's what i thought was happening the next night she would call to see why i was late and if i was still coming she told her kids and husband that i flaked that she confirmed my suspicions that she was blackout drunk after a couple times of this happening they stopped asking me to babysit i didn't want to confront her about it i missed her kids a lot and every time i passed by the house multiple times a day it hoped that the kids were well i found out later that the parents were a lot worse than i knew drinking partying leaving the kids alone a lot when i told my mom years later about the phone calls she wasn't remotely surprised i was giving the four-year-old abarth and he asked me why don't you touch me like dad does that was my first red flag eventually the dad would show up at home unannounced to just hang out with me when the kids were napping i was 18. one day he got a vasectomy and told me if i wanted he could send a couple blank shots at me a few days later he full on assaulted me i locked myself in the bedroom and called his wife she wouldn't believe me i called my brother and he rushed over with a baseball bat one family i babysat for was super big in the art world super successful had multiple homes mansions fancy cars but the kids were weird specifically the older girl who was about eight showed me a jar of baby mice that she had cut out of a pregnant mouse's stomach suspended in formaldehyde sitting on the windowsill in the kitchen something about that just did not sit right and that was the last time i babysat for them i was alive in nanny for a local pediatrician's family stayed with them for around six months the dad moved overseas before his family to make sure everything was settled when they came so basically i was the second parent in the home while he was gone during that time i grew incredibly close to the mum in a love-hate way she opened up about how she had has an emotional affair with a mutual friend of hers and her husbands she would show me the conversation countless you're all i wanted type of messages i remember her asking about how she can do this while loving her husband she replied i don't love him in hindsight i was going through my own relationship drama so it seemed like a toxic bonding moment my rose-colored glasses fell off when she admitted she flew across the country to go to her resort with him all while telling her husband she was on a work trip for reference she had two toddler twins and a boy entering junior high pretty certain her oldest kid knew what was going on i am a dude and have had dogs for a large portion of my life i live somewhere pretty close to a small park with a playground and i used to walk and play with my dog there frequently so i would meet this woman who had an adorable daughter quite often both she and her daughter liked my dog so it would often end up with my dog and her daughter playing for a bit while me and the mother were talking about stuff i am quite laid back and chill so after talking for some time she asked if i would like to care for her daughter sometime if she was gonna be busy as she trusted me as i liked her daughter i didn't mind we ended up just playing mario kart and chilling on the sofa while i told her stories until she had to go to bed the mother came home pretty drunk on a few occasions and we ended up sleeping together a few times what she hadn't told me about was that she had a husband that was working offshore the kind of work where he would be gone four weeks at a time with no cell reception something i kind of found out when i passed her house while walking my dog seeing a man working in the garage in the garden several days in a row i asked the woman the next time i met her if she had met someone new as i saw some guy at her home her face changed immediately and she poured it quietly all out to me she was miserable with her husband cause he was an alcoholic and was rarely at home cause of work where he always worked overtime she had fallen for me and thought that i was one of the sweetest men she had ever met and she would rather be with me than with him so her nice house expensive car and all sorts of gadgets were paid by her husband while i as a lowly middle range wage man was boning his wife and bonding with his daughter while he was gone i felt so bad about it so i told her that we should stay as friends but that i would keep her secret if she promised to care as well as she could for her daughter and if crap hits the fan i would look after her daughter it's been over one year now and we still occasionally talk but i still feel pretty bad about it all i just hope the daughter doesn't know if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: crazy confessions, confessions, reddit confessions, reddit secrets, secrets, darkest secrets, secrets revealed, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: xxn6qpFtP-I
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Length: 121min 15sec (7275 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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