Teachers, What's the Most Unprofessional Thing You've Done?

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teachers of reddit what's the most immature or unprofessional thing you've done because you didn't like a student when i was teaching disruptive kid got his psp out during class one day i naturally confiscated it until the end of class then he did it again and again during this semester kid had several written reprimands and was on thin ice with his parents around the fifth sixth time he did it i told him i was forced to write him up for it but he begged me not to so i didn't and i took the psp home and played lego batman that night and the next night i kept it for a week i think he never took it out in class again you should have deleted his saved games moved up a fun and tasty lab three minutes after i booted my worst ever student he missed s more stoichiometry in chemistry tough luck jesse science b i once caught a student turning in essays i knew who her mother was writing and then her mother blatantly plagiarized an essay as an opportunity to make up the assignment for a 50 grade the student i.e mother had to write a 10-page essay with 15 academic sources the original was a three pg essay with three sources i knew the mother would slave away at the thing and she did i can't stand parents like her i don't know that he didn't like her but my teacher had a pretty funny reaction for one of my classmates in middle school she would not stop whining and it was starting to get really annoying the teacher casually went over to his desk said he had something for her and flung a tiny object right into her lap it was a baby's pacifier the whole class lost it unfortunately she took it pretty well the whining eased up for a while after that for some reason i was expecting a tiny violin but that's even funnier kid was as a sociopath would purposefully do things to hurt other kids emotionally lied constantly including to his mother in front of my face and when called out on it the mom laughed she always defends his shittiness kid even accused my amazingly patient super sweet friend of slamming him against a wall the year she had him anyway in 17 years of teaching he is the only child i have even remotely come close to hating after several months of his awfulness i started waiting for days he was absent to do extra special lessons and activities that were extremely fun just so he'd miss out on them then when he came in the next day i'd have the kids write in their journals what they learned about and what they enjoyed about the activity just so he would know he missed it you probably have loved your other students to connecting him to boring days this crap is impressive i didn't mind the student but his parent wouldn't return some forms i needed signed it was his iep which was made at their request so the fact that they wouldn't sign and return it so he could receive the services they were convinced he needed drove me mad now someone had donated some kazoos to be given as treasure box prizes which i had laughed at and put away however i decided this kid deserved to have a kazoo i put yet another reminder slip in his homework folder and sent him home with a kazoo with full permission to tell his parents exactly who he had gotten it from the iep was returned signed the next day oh dang that's right being so stressed i forgot about this form i like your new kazoo buddy had a kid steal my pen once kids at my grade level don't use pens yet and the pen was the exact same brand style and color that i always use i teach in a small school and no other teacher uses that exact pen a kid said that he found it in the hallway little crap knew that i couldn't prove that he stole it so i just ignored him and went on with the lesson fast forward 10-15 minutes and i hear a shout from him he had been chewing on the pen and it leaked all into his mouth he then tries to wipe it out using his brand new shirt shirt gets completely ruined i couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation his sister is a year younger than him and couldn't wait to tell me the next day that the boy got his rear end tore up for ruining his new shirt for the next month or so whenever he didn't have a pencil i would offer to let him use one of my pens he never took me up on the offer you may have inadvertently cured his oral fixation on the other hand i have been teaching is asia for a while now this was during my three years in south korea i had this class of three middle school boys it was one of my favorite classes but they could be little [ __ ] sometimes one day they wouldn't listen or work they kept speaking korean not allowed in my class and one kept throwing eraser bits at my face so with 15 minutes left i gave them the silent treatment i just opened my schedule and made random notes at first they just started drawing on the board and having fun but soon they were scared and tried to get my attention when the bell rang i grabbed my stuff and left the next time i taught them i walked into class and they had written sorry rabbywimps teacher on the whiteboard and were all going to me it was adorable and i miss that class my high school spanish teacher did something like that once except for leaving at the end of class because it was her classroom and there were more periods in the day the class felt super guilty after a few minutes i once told a group of high school kids that if they stopped coming to class i would pass them these kids about five of them did nothing all year and made teaching this class impossible they would play music and have conversations throughout the whole class period cause home referrals to the dean failing grades did nothing to change their behavior it was about two weeks before they took me up on my offer and they missed the last five weeks of class i still failed those suckers yay for happy ending mom was a history teacher get a new student mid-year from mexico named alberto tried giving him schoolwork assignments call on him he always replied no set which means i don't know in spanish frustrated by weeks of this my mom went to other teachers on her team about how the kid could possibly get a grade if he can't speak english and they are all stunned uh mrs xxx alberto speaks english he's been fooling you embarrassed she gives him an assignment the next day and he pulls the same stunt no so she takes a giant red marker and draws a huge f on his paper that takes up the whole page looks him in the eye and says do you comprehend now rest of the year he was an a student in there that's some peggy hill level spanish i remember my third grade teacher screaming at the top of her lungs i don't get paid enough for this because a student she was working one-on-one with wouldn't listen i mean she's not wrong wasn't because i didn't like him but was just annoyed in the moment i was doing the admittedly annoying thing of holding up the class to wait for the straggler s to get their crap together a kid at the front of the line said something along the lines of if you make me miss my bus i'm gonna whoop you instead of writing him up reprimanding or ignoring him i just turned to him a bit and said really you think you could take me he was very small for a fifth grader i was six feet zero inches 220 i just read through all the stories of people who killed people so i keep expecting the stories to end with a teacher killing a student so far so good in this thread me too when i was growing up in a shitty neighborhood we had this one teacher who was friendly when he wanted to be in the tank when he wanted to be my school had a lot of fights often but if he was around you didn't fight one kid though was a little crab constantly shooting spit balls constantly causing problems in class and thinking back to it if he wasn't in the class everyone could have gotten an a guaranteed because half the lessons were stopped to deal with this kid's problems send him to the office he'll just say no and cross his arm smiling thinking he was untouchable second year of high school he was in my math class with the brutal teacher he tried pulling the same crap there teacher flipped out opened the door and told him to get his scrawny butt to the office or he'll drag him there himself the kid just kind of froze up saying i'll tell my mom teacher just shouts in his face i'm freaking your mom the kid walked away turns out yeah the teacher was freaking his mom because they are now married also the kid is in jail for rape and running over his own kid with his car that was quite the twist end student was a class a dong okay maybe not a but b at least or b i was teaching assistant support staff he was being a scrawny crap and made some yo mama style joke i said she had died pregnant to tear up and walk out i spend the whole freaking day ignoring and not talking to the crap trying my hardest to look upset at every turn right at the end of the day his friends come and say he is sorry and scared i tell them i don't care i see him as i leave and he is clearly really upset and not happy and comes and says sorry about what he said and he didn't mean it recently i had a conversation between two boys your mom is gay a pile of ashes can't be gay my dad who was a history teacher was a pretty laid-back teacher popular with the students who usually did well in his class though because this was a school dealing with some of the more disadvantaged and problematic areas of the city he was experienced with pupils being dongs and calling him names it's an all-boys school he could take it in the classroom and of course would tell the pupils off in the right way he very rarely raised his voice one weekend my dad was entering his house when one of his pupils saw him and called out hello sir uw my father marched across the street grabbed the boy by the lapels slammed him against the wall and said you can't call me that in school you certainly can't freaking call me that in the street needless to say the boy never called him that again punch them in the neck hear me out not a traditional teacher but a self-defense instructor was running a class on defense versus knives one thing you have to accept if you are in a knife fight you almost 100 will be cut anyway the drill was this each student paired up with a partner and had to parry block the knife wielder for two minutes i jokingly said anyone who makes it two minutes gets to teach the next class i've got about 18 students the drill goes on and at the end i ask if anyone didn't get cut at all one guy younger maybe 18 19 who was a kind of problem student raises his hand this is a kid who always questions everything nice enough but kind of a jerk now his partner for the drill was an older guy slower and this kid was in good shape so i could see where he might have been fast enough okay i tell him taking a rubber knife let's see when he is ready i come at him and it takes all of three seconds before i slashed him across the midsection this is fine i hand him back the knife and say something like not bad but have your partner speed it up next time i turned around and heard him say i bet you can't do better i turned back and he rushed me several problems here one don't just randomly attack students two definitely do not attack your instructor it's pretty disrespectful he lunged at me full force rather or not these knives are pretty solid and can hurt i blocked and on pure instinct full force punched him in the neck he dropped coughing now since they weren't actively working my entire class saw this i felt terrible but most of my students started clapping i helped him up and whispered don't ever pull that crap again he nodded and at least seemed embarrassed never had another problem with him good kid just was out of line one of the better descriptions i heard for knife fight was imagine you are in an all-white suit head to toe now imagine that your job is to take a red sharpie with no cap away from a toddler who has just been given their first mountain dew what you're imagining that white suit looking like afterwards is about what you can expect your skin to look like after a knife fight i work in a pre-k class i've been told that students are normally fairly good but i don't know from experience as this is my first year teaching and we have multiple students with severe behavioral issues recently one of our students was throwing a big tantrum on the floor kicking screaming biting spitting you name it so after over an hour of it i finally said that's how you think we act in the classroom fine i get to act that way too before the student could respond i dropped to the floor and started kicking and screaming it stopped their tantrum and i didn't have any issues with them the rest of the day i'm big at rewarding the positive behavior and good grades in my class i for sure don't believe in rewarding the misbehaved students just because they were good for five minutes i use class dollars and a treasure box as get twenty dollars bees get ten dollars and seventy five seventy nine get five dollars after a test i'll hand out the money and one day a week i'll call kids to do treasure box treasure box is 20 i have one student that is such a pain but will magically be an angel once he sees something he wants from the treasure box kids know i only call the choir students who have been doing their work all day to go first i heard him talking about this one item he really wanted i purposely called him last so that item was taken felt good jon was a class clown and constantly disrupted lessons does stupid things like shouting how he can see a classmate's bra through her uniform out of the blue or stand up making monkey noises but it was a public secret john had a huge crush on the girl sitting in front of him constantly playing with her hair etc girl complained she couldn't see the board well one day i moved her to the front row and kept jon at the back f k you john i don't think that's unprofessional at all not me bid my husband who was helping to chaperone a field trip to the zoo with first graders since no parent signed up we were having a bathroom break and i was still with the girls and the boys were waiting at the tables outside with my husband one of the boys saw my husband's phone and demanded it from him this is how the conversation went boy give me your phone husband number repeat3x boy why can't i see your phone husband because it doesn't belong to you boy my dad says if someone doesn't give me something i should snatch it from them husband your dad is an idiot at first i was worried because i'm the teacher that part of me was like the boy was a brat to the max mean to other kids cry when they would react meanly back thought he was better than others and did not ever understand the consequences of his actions he thought everyone was being unfair to him he was older bigger and dressed cool so a few kids looked up to him and he was even mean to them of course it was he is not all his fault even if he did something blatantly in front of me facebook stalking his mother proved to be more than interesting this type of kid is the freaking worst like every time i see their parents i feel so bad they just look so tired and dead inside i was a volunteer assistant teacher for first graders like seven years ago when i was in high school i had one student who was one of the smartest in class but was also really mischievous and kinda mean my favorite kid by far sorry in advance that this doesn't exactly answer the question cause i didn't dislike the girl at all she was always doing stuff like trying to read out of the book i was holding while i was giving her a makeup test from that book not that she needed to cheat but just to be a little crap one day since my seat was the table behind her at the back of the room i just started taking her in used pencil and just hiding it behind me whenever she look away it went on for about an hour until she was digging through her pencil casing confusion and looking under her desk cause she knew she had to have been writing with something but her stuff was just magically disappearing it didn't take her long to realize it was me and she turned around and was absolutely livid so i just smiled and gave her back a bundle of like 10 pencils so close to a glitch in the matrix story 10 years from now i was the class clown tech decks were starting to be a thing 7th grade math teacher thought they were annoying and banned them i had about 12 of them and didn't care if he took one away here and there he found my stash and took all of them apart and kept the screws guy was a savage semi-unrelated but this reminded me of a story my mum told me once she used to teach science at high school in low-income area schools she had this one class at a school that was particularly bad lots of kids skipping school smoking drugs starting at the age of 12 behind the school at break times loads of terrible behavior and bullying you get the picture despite all of the crap she put up with and dealt with from students including one throwing an entire desk at her she had this one crap brain satan spawn little toe rag who made her whole life heck he would verbally abuse her daily consistently lie about beating up younger kids never did his homework drew dongs on her desk and left moldy food in the cupboards stole her phone twice and was just an angry angry young man she's had lots of experience in social work and in teaching and has more compassion than the rest of my family put together so she tried everything to try and understand and work with this boy but nothing worked eventually she resorted to calling in the boy's father something she had tried to do by issuing the boy with a slip of paper that unsurprisingly never reached home getting permission from the head asked her to directly contact the boy's family a beating was set up so the day of the meeting came my mum was rather apprehensive as an alarmingly large heavily scarred man walked in and sat down across from her dragging his son behind him my mother began to calmly explain all of the things the boy did regularly in class leaving out the worst of it apparently the father sat silently nodding his head as she spoke and never making eye contact with her or his son the entire time the boy was denying everything with what mum described as a slightly panicked voice at the end of the meeting the man got up thank mum and left the boy wasn't seen at school for four whole days and when he finally came back he was covered in bruises the boy never hassled mum again but i think she carries rather a lot of guilt from the whole situation tldr my mum called the boy's father to come in after a lot of struggle the boy came back to school a week after the meeting with many bruises he never bothered her again the father sat silently nodding his head as she spoke and never making eye contact with her or his son the entire time this is just a post but i could feel that tension dang i taught middle school for seven years and dealing with eighth graders can be a bit trying i had this one male student to whine about everything every assignment project lecture involved some level of whining from this particular kid he was a good-looking football jock who was just lazy when it came to academics at some point while he was being particularly annoying i looked at him and said settle down francis not his real name and if you've ever seen the movie stripes you'll recognize the line it was immediately obvious that the name bugged the crap out of him from that moment forward i started calling him francis on a daily basis just to irritate him and he hated the name i told my wife about it who was his math teacher at the time and she started calling him francis as well soon all of his peers at school started addressing by francis as well i got such joy hearing people walking down the hall yell out hey francis and seeing the irritated look on his face every time he heard the name i have a million other stories on how i subtly flicked with irritating students over the years but that is one of my favorites that's amazing i would love to hear some more of your stories not me but father semi verbatim he was subbing for a special ed class student was late to class policy is to give a tardy slip he argued refused to admit he was late continued to argue as he handed out that day's assignment to the point where he had to address the outbursts finally he had no choice but to write him up which made him angrier pushing him to lose my cool he said do you want me to write down on the referral so and so is being a jackass a kid to his credit came back instantly with i don't know can you spell jackass to dad's credit he immediately responded of course i can spell jackass i'm not the one in special ed tardy slipped a special ad hey you're now extra tardy i was a student i went to a weird art program that was in a block of buildings on the campus of a regular public high school for my first semester of ninth grade i had a drawing teacher that made my life a living heck class started at 6 30 a.m and every goddamn day was spent with him laying into me my friends who were also in the program as well as the life drawing teacher noticed that he was unusually hard on me but nothing was ever done he'd tell me my work was garbage any compliments about my work were backhanded he'd raise his voice he'd tell me that i should quit so i did it drove 13 year old me to give up art fast forward to the end of senior year and i'm a student at the regular role public high school the art program was at i get a message in my homeroom that i need to go to the art academy block by that drawing teacher he took me into his office sat me down and started crying i'm so sorry my wife and i we had a baby to save the marriage between the baby in the early morning class time i was so tired and angry and i took it out on you i don't know why it was you but it was etc etc etc i just kinda said what's done is done and went back to class but man that was by far the most unprofessional thing i'd ever encountered if i were vindictive i would have gone to the principal or something but i didn't instead i just gave up on art that's just so rough man no one wins in this scenario no matter what happens this is a prime example of why we should never contribute to bad energy for lack of a better word to people around as satisfying as it can be sometimes i had a student parent duo i couldn't stand last year the child was helpless because her mother babied her so much all year everything i said was wrong her daughter was perfectly fine i didn't know what i was doing because i was a new teacher the kid literally told me once when she was in trouble that she didn't care because her mom said it was okay to get in trouble in my class because the behaviors i deemed bad weren't actually bad so the last day of school there was an award ceremony and the mom was p her kid wasn't getting an award so she said she wasn't going to send her to school i told all the kids if they didn't come to school that day they wouldn't get the amazing gifts i was giving out and their memory books there was no amazing gift it was a bag of junk i just wanted to force her hand because the principle of the matter she showed up she's actually not returning to my school next year apparently the problems with her child are the fault of the school not her parenting if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 9,650
Rating: 4.9450173 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, unprofessional teacher, unprofessional behaviour of a teacher, students, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: jEOMjK096Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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