What's the Most Blatant Act of Racism You've Witnessed?

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what's the most blatant act of racism you have witnessed in person back in the 80s when i was still in school someone in our class apparently gave up on education and decided to be an edgerlord instead in one maths class he got the ethnically indian teaches attention by standing up and shouting oh i you stupid [ __ ] i have no idea what the thought processes behind that decision were but he was kicked out of school some time later according to witnesses he was crying like a little bee when he got the news serves him right he doesn't want education and he gent it i was driving out of my gated community and a lady stepped off the curb and in front of my car yelling at the top of her lungs she comes to the driver's side and is like i see you driving through here do you live here her husband not far behind grabs her and proceeds to explain to her that i live literally around the corner from them she then proceeds to ask me for my driver's license as i laugh i invite them over for drinks later the husband thanks me as his wife continues to yell six hours later i walk to their house with a bottle of red wine and white wine not knowing which they like the husband answers the door shocked he invited me in only to have his wife say no embarrassed he says he'll stop by later fast forward he's one of my closest friends and she's still a raging bee how is such a nice person married to such a horrible person old guy in his 70s walked up to me while at mcdonald's and asked me is that your camel parked out front took a moment to register that he was being racist i told him that there wasn't a camel in the parking lot and that he should see a doctor about his senile dementia i'm not even arab or persian i'm puerto rican if you're going to be racist at least make the effort to get the race right the only thing worse than a racist is a lazy racist my landlord thought one of my closest friends was some sort of hardcore latino gangbanger who was selling me crack he's an asian i.t professional who doesn't even drink he was even coming over in his work close 99 of the time we have a lot of jokes about that one not even the correct kind of racist here i wm played in a band with an african-american guitarist we wrote songs together and became great friends one day we went to a convenience market and there was a help wanted sign on the door watch this he said and went in the store to inquire about the job two minutes later he walked out and said with a sly grin the owner said they are no longer hiring now you go in i went in the store and five minutes later came out with an application you see he said you have no idea what it's like to be black 30 years later i still think about that day when i hispanic was a landscaper my boss and i were hired to do lawn work in a really nice neighborhood i was approached by an angry elderly white man and he asked me what i was doing and told me i don't belong here my boss who was also white had to come and basically frick off and told him we were hired and allowed on the property we were on i'm part native and have long hair i live in minneapolis i was walking home one night and didn't have a hat so i'll let my hair down while i walked home i live on bde marcus carr a nice lake in the city a pair of cops pulled up on me shined a very bright light into my eyes and asked me why are you in this neighborhood i explained where i lived because you don't mess with the cops here they laughed as they drove away mpd has plenty of racists comma mpd has plenty of racists yeah we are seeing that come to nevada where our tribes are at least 1.5 class citizens i always knew my dad was racist but what really cemented the fact in my mind happened one night out at dinner in myrtle beach sc he just keeps looking over towards the bar with pure anger and hate on his face but wouldn't say what the issue was it wasn't until we got back in the car that he let us into what at him so mad you know who the stupidest person on the planet is a white woman with a n he must have seen an interracial couple at the bar or something he followed it up by telling my sister and i if you'll ever bring a black or mexican person home i will freaking disown you we rode in silence for about 10 minutes when he added but you can bring an oriental home that's okay i remember the first time i experienced racism i'm canadian but lived in england for a year when i was eight i had a buddy from india one time we wanted to play soccer at school over lunch with a group of guys a boy said you can play because you're from canada he can't play because he has brown skin i was so confused and didn't know why skin color made a difference my friend was way better than me so i thought they didn't want to play with someone so good i asked him if all people with brown skin are really good at soccer he just said no let's go play somewhere else it wasn't until later that i realized why they didn't want to play a kid marching down the hall with a confederate flag as a cape throwing up the hitler salute and shouting white power staff did nothing and the kid got his butt beat in the parking lot after school went to school in the south that's a good way to either get beat up or look like a dickers who thinks racism is dark and edgy humor i have more one in my class there are three vietnamese guys two of them i consider my friends and our history teacher gets angry if they write their vietnamese names instead of the czech ones they use on a test since she does not know them all the kids do remember and recognize them but she teaches too many kids and she read it horribly and said which changing is this two this gets done a lot by teachers especially a math one he just goes and screams at people usually he is in butthole and once he screamed at a girl do you think i am speaking chinese am i speaking chinese no i am not boys here would tell me if i was they are vietnamese one knows one word in chinese that is very racist in my book to just know someone is vietnamese but call them chinese still it might not be that racist but for frick's sake they are teachers shouldn't they try to not be so racist then there are many other openly racist teachers that i do not even want to think about they are racist in front of kids basically insulting them five times in one sentence and since two of them are my friends and like good people it freaking makes me furious just for them all the kids are accepting and just see nothing but another kid but the god dang teachers have to do this type of crap every day pre-covered when i was waiting on my train this elderly couple came up and the old man made a big deal about not wanting to sit next to an asian kid on the bench but the only place left to sit it was really busy it was so freaking ridiculous basically telling the kid to go somewhere else saying foreigners are thiefs and smell disgusting and whatnot luckily some bystanders immediately told the man to pee off so i didn't even have to intervene but man that made my blood boil the kid looked so sad when my oldest kid was a baby we were grocery shopping and this old man comes up to us and tells me how nice it is to see a white baby because there are too many mexicans in this town right in front of a latina clerk too i managed to respond that her dad is mexican and he hurried away same here husband is a third generation mexican me and our daughter are blonde hair eyed i get weird compliments from people like this when we are out so weird when i was in primary school me and my friends we were all from different backgrounds were hanging out at break and some young kids 4-5 when you came by one of them started hugging everyone but said to me i won't hug you because you're black now this doesn't make sense because one i'm brown and two she hugged my other friend who was also brown i don't think she understood what she was saying but she came back and hugged me after my friends told her off okay i don't know if this counts but here we go so there was one girl in my class that swore up and down she was so woke for example a white kid would say something about liking sushi and she would go off and tell them that it was cultural appropriation to eat sushi anyways my class was pretty much all friends so we were sitting in a circle asking questions about each other and one person asked what's your native language and what's the language you want to learn so everyone goes around and says a standard answer like my native language is english but i want to learn japanese so i'm the last person i answer and this is what it went like me i'm black by the way my native language is english but i'm learning korean right now girl but like what's your like native language girl but like what language do people speak where you came from me huh girl come on you know what i mean me no i don't girl you're black wouldn't your family speak african me what my family is from america i'm black i'm not african girl yeah okay so the rest of the class try to convince her that i'm from america and i don't speak african and not every black person is african and it's different but she just wouldn't believe us and got so mad to the point where she walked away comma for example a white kid would say something about liking sushi and she would go off and tell them that it was cultural appropriation to eat sushi i've ran into a few classmates like this it gets really frustrating dealing with ppl who try to be overly woke to the point of ridiculousness maybe it's a combination of being white with a shaved head or maybe it's just being white but sometimes folk feel very comfortable spouting off racist crap with me in the room a common one is whining about immigrants on several occasions i've let people go on about their various stupid issues with the immigrants until i point out i am one most of the time the whiner will awkwardly change the subject one time a guy said yeah but you speak english somehow i don't think language was his problem the most common trait i've seen among racist people is the assumption that most other people are as racist as them cops started harassing an older black guy for no obvious reason walked him down the block to the boundary with the next town told him not to come back cops left he walked back home sixth grade this was mid late 90s our teacher was telling us a story she said this black woman without shoes came up my driveway and approached me at first i was nervous because we don't have any black people in our neighborhood and i could tell she was homeless because she had a foul odor and she was black and the black girl in class interrupted her and said why does she have to be black for you to be nervous the teacher responded because she was and we don't have black people in our neighborhood and skin color matters kelly it shook me up it is a big commuter area close to some major cities and military bases so we had a diverse student body the next week our principal came in to explain the teacher was let go because of her racist remarks and we had a week where we learned about diversity and how discrimination plays a part in so many lives how it can affect populations and how you can be aware of it i'm glad your school did that when a realtor flagged me down and asked me after showing a neighboring house to a black couple if i would be okay with black neighbors this happened within the last five years in a neighborhood popular for young professionals with children it was infuriating but i didn't have enough information to find someone to complain to realtor green tea 1985 looks kind of racist i need to make sure my clients are safe living here does this count after the recent protests in ireland some people have been a bit wary of the irish and the rest of the uk understandably as long as it isn't taken too far however i was in a taxi and talking with the driver until he suddenly stopped and asked are you irish i replied yay i am why he pulled over racked up the bill and told me to get out in the middle of a busy road too i was confused until he said don't want no ira people in this cab get out of my cab and leave england we don't need your violent protests and bombs here in our beautiful country i decided not to start an argument the cab was holding up traffic taxi drivers are usually polite don't know what was up with that one yeah that counts it sucks being considered terrorists when i was 18 years old i had a friend we'll call her t for short who is an african-american woman while one thing led to another and she had nowhere to go for thanksgiving and no family remotely close to our school my immediate first thought was and i quote girl you're like my sister coming to my thanksgiving is going to see family she was excited to come and my parents and siblings were 100 000 on board well turns out my grandparents were hosting thanksgiving this year we hadn't actually seen them until we were late teens due to our mother having a major falling out with them so this was our first holiday spent with them we show up and everything seems okay until t arrives about five minutes after me she gets out the car greets my mother and sister and begins to head inside when literally from zero is greater than 100 my grandpa says so you brought an end to my house i will never forget the silence that fell he went on some rant about race and bettering ourselves and stuff and how if that's what i'm dating i'm not his grandson he then proceeds to say the only worse would be me being gay well my friend is stunned my sister is about to throw hands with our grandfather mom is followed close behind i'm just in shock when t started to cry i got angry and i proceeded to confront my grandparents my responses include how could you of all people be hateful to another minority because get this you are literally first generation from mexico next i proceeded to explain how we can't tolerate hate for who we are told mom and dad i was leaving and they said they were coming grandmother was in tears and grandpa was saying how damned i was to top it all off i decided to say frickit and also came out do the closet i'm not dating this perfect black woman because i'm dating a wonderful asian man tldr learned grandpa was beyond racist and homophobic he took it out on my friend who is an african-american woman despite being a latino person himself who gets treated poorly as a minority get told only worse than dating her would be being gay so i tell him i'm not dating my perfect friend because i am dating a man we've never spoke since and i couldn't be happier i'm currently married as of the 4th of january 2021 and she is engaged to a wonderful mutual friend living our best lives i know this wasn't in the above post i just wanted to say it because i'm still so happy for him at la mayo well that was dramatic and hectic but as long as it has turned out all right it's all good and i'm happy for you about 10 years ago driver got out of this car to threaten to beat my freaking [ __ ] but this was in san francisco on judah and 41st you could have said 10 hours ago and it wouldn't have surprised me the bay is out of pocket right now with the asian racism i'm a daycare teacher that works with two-year-olds the kids were sitting eating snack and the woman who teaches the one-year-old pops her head in she had all of my kids the previous year so she just wanted to say hi to them no big deal she starts marveling at how much the girls have grown and tells l white that her curls are so beautiful she tells h white that her pigtails are adorable she tells a white her hair is getting so long and pretty meanwhile m black is sitting there munching on her goldfish shaking her head and batting at her beads with her free hand her hair is braided with beaded ends the beads were pink pearl and silver sparkles top fashion for a two-year-old she's looking at the other teacher expectantly making as much noise as possible with her beads i say miss e m wants to show you her beads she grunts and walks away m's little face falls her little brow wiggles in a deep thought i tell him her hair is beautiful and her beads are super cool and m grins then carries on eating that b this is a two-year-old baby i routinely hear stories from the black teachers that miss he treats them like trash but this is a child she's not even three and you're teaching her she's less than because of the color of her skin how freaking awful can you be frickneys e those braids and cornrows with the beaded ends were the absolute crap when i was a kid i'm in my 20s and i'm still tempted to wear my hair like that sometimes because i still love it on multiple occasions people have yelled an er at me from a passing car i've also been called boy by a guy in a confederate flag shirt i'm middle age that hollering it from a car is so lame has happened to me three four times i spend more time being puzzled than upset when it happens taunts from someone who wouldn't say boo to a goose if they were in slapping distance back in middle school this girl thought that the reason why my family moved from nyc to oklahoma i moved back to ny a few years later shortly after the 9 11 attacks was because my family is from the middle east and muslim my family is from puerto rico and we're catholic and we moved due to a divorce she didn't believe me a friend of a friend called my husband who is jamaican the n-word over something trivial my husband beat his butt lol imagine being that blind that you confuse a family from puto rico as one that's from the middle east it's definitely not as bad as some of the replies in this thread but i was on a bus in london i don't live there we were on a coach trip to the harry potter thing there's a lot of takeaways and news agents in central london that are managed by poc from all backgrounds there was an old couple behind me on the coach and i heard the woman just blurt out loud god there's no english people here anymore it's all pe kiss like are you freaking kidding me everyone just fell silent and stared at her and her husband just stared at the floor in sheer embarrassment in boston air may a slang term for a liquor store is [ __ ] because they sold package alcohol as opposed to places license to serve drinks living in another place i said something about making a [ __ ] run and none of the americans knew what i was talking about the english guy figured out my intent but thought that i was going to get beer from a store run by people from pakistan a couple of years ago i had to go home after class to pick something up before i met up with my group for a group project as i was on my way back to the bus stop a random white guy stops me and starts listing off random addresses demanding to know if i lived at any of them i didn't but even if i did i wouldn't have given him that info since he was a completely random person he finished listing off the addresses and said oh well some chinese sucker was hacking my wifi i guess you're not all bad i'm sure that there was no hacking of his wifi at all he probably just had a faulty router but i guess blaming the chinese was better than figuring that out himself also i'm not sure what the correlation between the addresses were because half of them were houses on my street and white families lived in them another instance was in february of last year i decided to share a study room with a couple of students and for the most part they were pretty polite as they were packing up to leave we got to talking about the topic of covet which at the time was only really kicking the crap out of china and italy the guy who was there goes on to tell me that my people kind of deserved it and then he starts questioning me about the actions of the chinese government and pinning the blame on me as if i was personally responsible for their actions i've never even set foot in china earlier he had used the n-word with the hard r and his girlfriend or whoever the frick she was told him to stop dwell during the exchange with me she joined in saying yeah we're gonna beat you up for it i was extremely uncomfortable but they claimed it was a joke so i just had to play along i asked if he was even muslim since one of the things he blamed me for was the uyghur concentration camps and he said up my parents are and i basically told him to get pho in a joking manner i was pretty seriously wanting him to get the frick out of my face but i purposely said it in a tone that they would interpret as a joke so that they didn't try to seriously argue with me i was on discord with a friend and when i told her she got pretty upset on my behalf when i was in the army stationed in kentucky me and three other guys from my unit went out one friday night late 1990s me another white dude a hispanic guy and a black guy we got pretty lit and the hispanic dude was the dd for the night on our way back to post we had to drive through a notorious town it had been a sunset town until the 60s i heard this was at like 3 a.m on a saturday as we were driving through town we got pulled over by the local local town cop the driver was stone sober but the cop asked us three drunk bastards in the back to get out a cop says do something and you do it so we did he then proceeds to cuff our black body and place him under arrest we are all like wtf and the cop says he is arresting him for public drunkenness he ignores our excuses that me and the other white guy are just as lit but the cop tells us we are cool we decide this cop ain't arresting our buddy but not us so we stand in front of the doors on the cop car so he can't throw him in the car the cop calls for backup and when they arrive the new cops tell us if we don't get out of the way we will be arrested too and we say cool so we all three get cuffed and thrown into the cop cars and taken down to the station the dd they let go and he says he got this so the three of us one black guy and two white are in the station for about 30 45 minutes when we hear a commotion up front from where we are at in the drunk tank there is a lot of yelling and after about five minutes the original cop gets frog marched into the holding area by an mp and unlocks a cage door mp tells us to go up front at the front of the station is an mp officer arguing with the duty sgt from the local pd about our paperwork and documents they had confiscated from us he finally gets all that stuff and takes outside where there are five mp vehicles waiting they get us in the cars and drive us back to post where our dd is waiting for us the officer gives us a card and asks us to come by the mp station that following monday what had happened was our dd drove straight to our unit and got the ud to call the mps to come get us it turned into a pretty big stink locally but we were all shocked that that kind of bulls still happened even back then tl dr racist cop tried to only arrest the one black guy in our group but we wouldn't let him and cause the stink good on you for standing up for your buddy i was visiting my gf and she was working in the middle of nowhere georgia as it was the first law firm that offered her a job we went to this place called lane southern orchard and i bought some stuff to take back home with me there was this sweet older cashier lady who was super nice to me at the end of the interaction i said thank you mom as i was walking away this old caucasian lady said to me you know you don't have to be nice to them i told her that it doesn't hurt to be nice to retail people and she replied you know there are certain people that you don't have to be nice to it took a minute before i realized what she was getting at and before i could stop myself i blurted out with the crap eating grin on my face oh are you saying i don't have to be nice to minorities she stormed away muttering under her breath and my gf and i just laughed a close second is the u-haul rental place we went while we were in savannah there were 20 spots in the lot and they were all lettered aaa bbb ccc etc all so that they could write kkk on a spot in their driveway if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: OnTap Studios
Views: 58,251
Rating: 4.9323077 out of 5
Keywords: racism activity, racism activities, accidental racism, racist acts, rasism in america, racism, problems, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: iWiDHTK3cpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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