What Were You Known for in High School?

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what were you known for in high school people always called me ralphie because people thought i looked like him from a christmas story a lot of people didn't know what my actual name was and just assumed it was ralphie because that's what everyone called me i got focus because of my red hair i hate christmas i was mostly known for being that girl who was insanely tall but had zero ounces of athleticism a nickname for all four years was big kate go figure i was the movie guy people would try to get into my group four group projects involving videos because they knew i'd willingly do almost all the work and turn out a good product i'm a film major now so it's stuck the backup smart guy need help with an assignment that the local genius is busy or is silently or actually mocking you for your inability to learn something i was probably your man oh i loved you in high school i didn't really need help but you were fun to hang out with i was the weird kid with the cool parents i was into heavy metal video games always changed my hairstyle and clothes but my parents were super cool about letting me have parties at the house so i was always very social this is basically me being the one with the cool parents is freaking rad there were only two out gay kids in my class one of them i'll call rick rick wasn't just gay rick was flaming gay rick was seven inches from the midday sun gay in high school i was known as the well at least he's not like rick gay guy in the class my brother had a friend in college like you and an acquaintance like rick and rick once asked the other guy if he was truly gay because he sure didn't act like it i was known as the choir kid people have said to me are you one of those really awkward kids who is eventually going to shoot everyone i would like to just say that i am not one of those people who would shoot anyone i'm a quiet kid wouldn't shoot i was the guy who people thought was going to start a big business and become the next bill gates i was also known for being funny i'm now a preschool teacher and everyone is supportive of me but no one expects it when i haven't talked to them and then tell them i was invisible in high school i was not known at all it was handy because even the bullies ignored me i would be amazed if anyone remembered me sad go up a few posts and you will see that i'm working on a cool time machine a few of us are going back in time to redo some high school and make it better come join us we have beers i experienced two senior years because i'm a dumbass i was dating this girl alison who was a grade beneath me so in my second senior year we were in the same grade all of my friends had graduated and i didn't know too many underclassmen all throughout high school i was known as albiziai my second senior year i didn't have a name i was just known as alison's boyfriend being a white guy that dated a lot of black women still not sure how i feel about that i am with your their brother in 10th grade i talked to one of the super hot girls and we texted and she told me to go to the boys restroom in the history wing i of course filled with rage and hormones that fueled my rock hard erection did so i then fingered her in that restroom whilst making out a teacher saw her coming out the boys restroom as i was just drinking some water from the water fountain my friends then found out because they saw her getting scolded for it i was then known as golden fingers and yes i did wash them eventually jk sniff i wasn't known for it but i lost my virginity in a low traffic bathroom during 4th period my 11th grade i'm super proud of that story i went to a party after my senior year of high school that had a bunch of underclassmen there and one of them came up to me and said you were the one who was tight with all the teachers right and he was right i always talked with teachers randomly went to their classrooms and sat down and just chatted during their down time between classes i liked talking politics and sports but nobody in school gave a crap about that stuff except teachers so i talked to them i liked doing this with teachers just because it was fun teachers were a lot cooler than people have them credit for i would have said the guy who skipped school every day i lacked confidence and only had a handful of people who i considered friends not popular not unpopular bad home life and cut school to go bowling a lot i assumed a few people would remember that i was pretty smart but i actually asked a bunch of people this last summer at my 30-year reunion i don't lack confidence anymore and i even sat down for a bit of the popular table yes it still exists at the reunion here's how they described me smart and funny always joking but never unkind evidently i helped a lot of people with a lot of homework and a lot of classes i never actually did any homework just remembered stuff they remembered me being much smarter than i ever displayed in high school heck i barely graduated my family moved before i graduated and i quit they just sent me a diploma i was remembered for completely different things than i ever imagined my high school was the first in the nation to give a laptop to every student i was known as the kid that crashed the school's network for a week it really wasn't intentional i swear i was forever known for being that kid who got expelled for finding a p doppelganger of his teacher and accidentally spreading it across three different high schools a total of 5 000 students it actually ended up making me a huge number of friends all over the city and i became a recognizable face almost everywhere i went the teacher ended up leaving the school the next year and actually moved to brazil the year after the mormon one hey ucbfw86 how many wives are you going to have done oh yet how many sisters do you have fight as a fellow mormon this will be my new reply for that question i was known for being at s i was actually a virgin but bb talking oh and another commenter reminded me for being busty i had the biggest boobs in my year and tried to tape them down a very uncomfortable time in my life i feel like girls with big boobs or asses are stereotyped as this especially by other women it isn't surprising really with those qualities being shown as the sexual preference i just like the faulty logic society says men like big boobs butts therefore anyone with these qualities must touch many dongs or more basically jealous be jealous well my entire group if you needed something we would get it done from illicit substances to kinda under the table deals i say it's really helped my networking skills i need to hear more i was known as the person who would eat anything gum off the bleachers food that fell on the ground crayons anything pretty sure this guy might be a goat i started smoking pot a couple years before everyone else for a couple years i was a stoner in a derogatory sense then when everyone else started smoking i was a stoner in a leicester three cents also i hooked up with about half of the girls i graduated with girls never gave me the time of day until about halfway through junior year so i took advantage while i could however due to my proclivities for marijuana and easy women i didn't graduate on time so i guess i was known for making poor life choices i was hands down the most unpopular kid in high school i had it all i had asperger's i was a goth i hated everybody and everything and i thought wearing loads of black makeup was a good idea the coming to school laden with chains was a bad idea too additionally people assumed i was on drugs because i was so spaced out all the time the freaking potheads who frequently passed bags of weed around in class assumed i was on hard drugs i had never touched a drug in my life besides caffeine at that point i just spent a lot of time daydreaming drawing not paying attention to people the people also assumed i was rich for some reason i have no idea why we were rather poor it was all good i eventually made friends once i wised up a bit and people grew older and we all stopped being well kids i kind of like how things went in high school sure i had no friends and everybody hated me but i learned a lot it helped me to adapt and become a little more relatable to people later on i want pictures regularly being on acid this was the early 90s it was super cheap and everywhere some joggers in kansas were supplying it all that's a fabled substance where i'm from it can't be found i was the diabetic pothead who looked and acted like hermione granger it didn't help that my boyfriend who was also a huge stoner was a ginger before we started dating i was that kid i got my lips pierced underneath the stairwell wore suspenders with pink lighting bolts on that that i hand stitched mind you literally sewed my jeans even tighter so that it was a struggle to put them on and had the god awful david bowie from labyrinth poof hair then i started taking drugs and became normal ish still got nominated for most unique in high school mainly because my hair changed color at least once a month and despite all my drug extracurriculars i still managed to be one of the top students in my class comma wore suspenders with pink lighting bolts on that that i hand stitched mind you this is cool this makes me feel better about being nominated for most unique in middle school everyone knew of me at least you couldn't miss the six feet three inches white boy decked out in leather and chains with a massively wicked mohawk amidst a sea of hispanics everyone thought i was also a white supremacist as well despite dating a mexican girl white supremacists can and do still date people of color they aren't very nice to them but it happens i jokingly began saying i was an underwear model and change my occupation on facebook to model at calvin klein that caught on pretty quick and before i knew it people actually thought i was an underwear model you can be an all-star soccer and football player have a 4.0 gpa be personable and polite to your teachers welcoming and inclusive to every one of your classmates no matter what social circle they come from but you freak one fat girl that's it that's you're my legacy i'm known as the guy who got yelled at a lot for wearing a speedo to school on sports day i'm on water polo and it said to wear your sports uniform so i did it my name was known for dating this really popular girl in school but i was invisible otherwise when i met people and told them my name they were always shocked when they realized i was the one dating the popular girl yeah i was dating out of my league d i was hooking up with a chick in a room quite a few of my other friends were in there i ate her out for about a good 15 minutes and when it came to actually having sex i couldn't get it up either it was the alcohol that there was a bunch of people in the room just watching after that weekend it seemed the whole school knew come monday videographer was my nickname the rest of the year that black girl from texas it was hard we moved here when i was 15 back in texas i would have been starting hs in 10th grade we just switched from junior highs but here i was already a sophomore everybody had already known each other for a year i also ended up switching schools after a month i had to decide within a few days to switch i'd finally started making friends and feeling comfortable but i switched cause it was a better school and had a better orchestra program people didn't really come around till senior year and by then i was so freaking over everything and everybody teenagers are fickle and i wasn't fun my depression was diagnosed soon after i switched schools to people who had great hs experiences i'm jealous but i'm happy for you still technically in school for another month i left school for six weeks to have surgery recovery tc and when i came back everybody was really shocked because they thought i had died an acquaintance told me everyone thought i went on a crack binge and got murdered by my drug dealer no i've never done crack and i don't know any drug dealers i laughed a lot at hearing this i figured i was the closest thing to being invisible in school nice to know i'm fooling everybody the girl that got into a car wreck and ran into a teacher's house and put a ford broncos sized hole in her house next to her christmas tree we even made the front page of the newspaper everyone about 300 stroke 900 people were in on the joke would say frick you gromps every time they saw me in the hallway it started by us playing a drinking game at one of my school's friday bars it's denmark the game was called frick you and basically you place cards and say frick you name and the person mentioned has to drink if he doesn't have a response the entire table then decided to very audibly focus me the rest of the school just heard a bunch of people yell freaky gromps for a few gromps for a few gromps good times d quite a few of the girls in my freshman class had huge crushes my brother i sold his senior class photo to several of them for ten dollars each i was known as a race for having an older boyfriend then later in my sophomore year the rumor went around that i was gay oh well high school was long ago once a ninth grade a local hollywood video was having a liquidation sale and for like two bucks i got several huge rolls of stickers that said now 9.99 i must have had over 5 000 stickers so i decided to put the stickers on everything i mean everything but i hid them well so that you wouldn't see them unless you were looking for them except for one on a sign near the entrance i even got a few on the buses eventually people started to notice then i got bold and put them in more obvious places until i got caught i almost got the stickers put in the ebooks but the teacher i got on board with it left and the new one didn't get it they confiscated my main role but i have five more maybe i need to redecorate my college campus they can take my role but they can never take my freedom i was the person that did everything especially band marching band jazz band orchestra check theater check swimming check ap accelerated courses check i was asked for help in classes all the time my school had a little convenience store inside and guess who acted as manager yep check that one off the list two oh i do have one incident that comes to mind at the time i was dating this guy who was really nice but kind of clueless when it came to others one day he was standing outside the cafeteria just happily waving at our little group of friends he was completely unaware of the group of thugs surrounding him looking like they're about to jump him and take his wallet and crap my school was a little ghetto so this was a very realistic possibility i saw this happening jumped up from the table broke through the group and grabbed his stupid butt before something bad happened one guy in particular tried to get in my face and i rolled my eyes and him and said oh frick you and just walked away i didn't and still don't think it was a huge deal but a bunch of people at the next table overwatched the whole thing unfold and started applauding as i sat back down i apparently got a reputation for not taking crap and nobody really tried to frick with me or my friends after that i didn't even consider myself popular but i still have people i don't remember from high school approach me all the time still in high school graduating in three months though but i'm known as the guy who can solve the rubik's cube in under 10 seconds and blindfolded in 30. that's never a good thing you know that one kid you pick on in school and after a while he goes freaking berserk yeah that was me also weird emo kid which would pee me off because i was the only kid in school into thrash metal which isn't freaking emo thank you man i swear to god people at my school confuse those all the time which is ironic because if anything i'm more into hard rock and heavy metal as opposed to all of those subgenres of metal and my school also has a decent sized metal community one would think they would know their crap i was the one guy who everyone in school knew but no one was really friends with i just lacked the fricks to give to actually get to know everyone there because i knew i was moving junior year and i'd never see them again the girl that finally punched that stupid girl in the face that everyone wanted to punch in the face also it was on the football field at the end of the only live broadcasted game of the season she seriously deserved it though the very strange one who disappeared without telling anyone for a year my sophomore year and came back for junior year 80 pounds lighter and never said a word about it and then graduated early and as the girl who got breast implants at 16 i was the guy who would pirate crap and sell it to the other kids even got requests from some of the teachers a couple of times i was one of the first kids to get non-dial-up internet in the school combining this with me being the only one who knew about bittorrent at the time everyone else was on casual mu r emul etc meant that i could obtain software music and movies much faster than anyone else i mentioned this in passing to a couple guys in one of my classes and they asked if i could get some songs for them and put them on a cd i initially said no but when they offered to pay for it a penniless me couldn't turn them down they later told others who then told others until i was getting requests from kids outside of my year group by my final year i was making a little over 70 pounds per week doing this it paid for my first gaming pc and made my first few months at university much easier i was weird like really weird and loud very loud i was one of those people that had to stick out no matter what you sound annoying smiling too much my nickname was smiley people always thought i was either lying or laughing at them but in reality my face loved to smile and sometimes i just couldn't control it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 5,572
Rating: 4.9381442 out of 5
Keywords: school stories, school, teachers, students, school memories, back in school, education, learning, known for, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: 4z8ELgvE3IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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